19fmuchh010231 Soft Skills Ncp-1

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1. Identify and list Sushma’s time management problems.

Ans) In the given case Sushma’s time management problems are:
a) Sushma failed to keep a To-Do list. She couldn’t plan her
work what to do when.
b) Sushma failed to manage her distractions. She agreed to
meet her friends even after she knows her assignment is
due on the coming Wednesday.
c) Sushma failed to prioritize her work. Sushma couldn’t
decide what was more import going to temple, being with
her friends or completing her assignment.
d) Sushma kept procrastinating her work. She discovered she
lent her to notes her friend, rather than calling her friend
and ask her notes back she planned to take it on Monday.
e) Sushma failed to start her day early. She woke up late on
Saturday and she forget to set er alarm on Monday and
woke up late.

2. List five strategies and explain how Sushma could use these to overcome
her time management problems.

Ans) The five strategies Sushma could use these to overcome her time
management problems are:
a) Be intentional: keep a to-do list: Drawing up a to-do list
might not seem like a ground breaking technique, but it’s
one of the most powerful ways to become more productive.
The best to-do lists include a variety of tasks: quick and
urgent jobs that might be completed in 10 minutes and
bigger, operational tasks that are a work in progress.

b) Be prioritized rank your tasks: When ranking your tasks, you

should always prioritize what’s most important to you.
Figure out which tasks and activities are high-value, which
will have the most positive effect on you, your work, and
your team.
c) Be focused: manage distractions: Despite our best
intentions, we all get distracted. From social notifications to
talkative colleagues – and the very human problem of
procrastination – actually sitting down and getting things
done is almost always harder than it should be.

d) Limit multi-tasking: Many of us multi-task and believe

we’re effective when we do so, but evidence suggests
that we can’t effectively focus on more than one thing
at a time.

e) Minimize Interruptions: The more uninterrupted time you

get during the day to work on important tasks, the more
effective you’ll be. Identify the activities that tend to
disrupt your work, and find a solution.

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