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Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 174 (2019) 28–34

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Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces

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Antibiofilm efficacy of curcumin in combination with 2- T

aminobenzimidazole against single- and mixed-species biofilms of Candida
albicans and Staphylococcus aureus
⁎ ⁎
Yulong Tana, , Matthias Leonharda, Doris Moserb, Su Mac, , Berit Schneider-Sticklera
Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Biocatalysis and Biosensor Research Group, Division of Food Biotechnology, Department of Food Science and Technology, BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences, Vienna, Austria


Keywords: Mixed fungal and bacterial biofilm associated infections of implants have been a huge challenge in health care
2-aminobenzimidazole because of the increased resistance to antimicrobials and the critical biological differences between fungi and
Curcumin bacteria. In this study, we evaluated the 2-aminobenzimidazole (2ABI) and curcumin (CUR) alone to inhibit
Polymicrobial biofilm planktonic cell growth, adhesion as well as single and mixed species biofilms of Candida albicans and
Candida albicans
Staphylococcus aureus on silicone. The combined effects between 2ABI and CUR on mixed species biofilm for-
Staphylococcus aureus
mation and pre-formed biofilm were assessed. Our work showed that 2ABI or CUR alone was effective as a sole
agent, inhibiting planktonic growth, adhesion and the biofilm formation of bacteria and fungi on the silicone
surface. The combination of 2ABI and CUR exhibited the enhanced effect on mixed biofilm compared to mono-
drug therapy. The biofilm architecture was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the dis-
tinction of living/dead organisms within biofilm was examined by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM).
The combination activity was most potent on mixed biofilm. These results suggest the potential applicability of
2ABI and CUR to treatment of biofilm related device infections.

1. Introduction antimicrobials, enhanced surface colonization and the critical biolo-

gical differences between fungi and bacteria can be observed [9]. The
Microbial adhesion and biofilm formation on the surfaces of medical efficacy of directly applied antibacterial and antifungal drugs is often
devices significantly increase the risk of device-related infections with limited. Moreover, emergence of novel drug resistant strains and side
possible lethal complications. A biofilm can be defined as community of effects due to toxicity reduce the efficiency of these drugs. Therefore,
microbial cells embedded in a self-produced extracellular polymeric new antibioflm agents and strategies against mixed species biofilms of
matrix [1], which starts with the initial physical attraction of microbe Candida and bacteria are needed to be developed urgently.
to virtually all biomaterial surfaces, grows in size and reproduce, and Recently, 2-aminobenzimidazole (2ABI) and its derivatives have
then encourages persistence of infection [2,3]. The biofilms on implant been developed as antibiofilm agents. Several efforts have provided that
biomaterials are difficult to control with conventional antimicrobial 2ABI can inhibit and disperse Gram-positive and Gram-negative bac-
therapies and lead to dysfunction and finally replacement of the in- terial biofilms specifically without affecting free microbial cell growth
fested medical devices [4,5]. Although some infections are caused by a [10,11]. However, there are no studies on antibiofilm activity of 2ABI
single species pathogen, mixed fungal and bacterial biofilms have been on Candida biofilms. As an antibiofilm strategy, a non-microbicidal
identified more frequently [6,7]. Among the prevalent pathogens iso- molecule that disrupts biofilm growth could be used as an additional
lated from infections, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans are the compound. Because even if a molecule can inhibit biofilms effectively
major leading bacterial and fungal species. Furthermore, both of them without killing the microbial cells, the planktonic cells still could ad-
are often found to be involved in mixed species biofilm-related infec- here on other site and form biofilm. Therefore, it has been reported for
tions [7,8]. In mixed species biofilms, increased resistance to 2ABI derivatives and antibiotics against bacterial biofilms [12]. As

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Tan), (M. Leonhard), (D. Moser), (S. Ma), (B. Schneider-Stickler).
Received 16 April 2018; Received in revised form 28 September 2018; Accepted 31 October 2018
Available online 02 November 2018
0927-7765/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Y. Tan et al. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 174 (2019) 28–34

Fig. 1. Inhibition of cell-surface initial

interaction by 2ABI or CUR. (A)
Inhibition activity of 2ABI on S. aureus
adhesion; (B) Inhibition activity of
2ABI on C. albicans adhesion; (C)
Inhibition activity of CUR on S. aureus
adhesion; (D) Inhibition activity of
CUR on C. albicans adhesion. Values
obtained are given as the percentage of
adhesion. Results are expressed as
mean ± SD (* p < 0.05).

discussed above, direct application of antifungal drugs is not acceptable 2.2. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assay
in clinic. Alternatively, naturally derived chemotherapeutic agents have
been attractive. Curcumin (CUR), isolated from spice Curcuma longa, 200 μl of overnight bacteria or fungi cultures diluted to 1 × 106
has been widely used in pharmaceutical and medical applications be- CFU/ml was added into a polystyrene 96-well microplate (Sarstedt AG
cause of its broad spectrum of biological actions and non-toxicity, in- & Co, Germany). 2ABI or CUR with different concentrations (final
cluding antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory ac- concentrations 200, 100, 50, 25 or 0 μg/ml) was then added to each
tivity [13,14]. The antibiofilm activities of CUR on bacteria or fungi well. The microplate was incubated at 37 °C for 24 h without shaking.
also have been reported [15–18]. However, no studies have been per- The MIC was defined as the lowest concentration at which no visible
formed to clarify the effect of CUR against mixed species biofilms. growth was detected.
Therefore, in this work, we firstly studied the ability of 2ABI or CUR
alone to inhibit planktonic cell growth, adhesion as well as single and 2.3. Adhesion assay
mixed species biofilms of S. aureus and C. albicans on medical grade
silicone. As a follow-up study, we investigated combined effects be- Microbial adhesion on silicone plates was performed according to
tween 2ABI and CUR on mixed species biofilm formation and pre- our previous method with minor modifications [19]. Bacteria and fungi
formed biofilm. Biofilm architecture was investigated by scanning were diluted to 1 × 106 CFU/ml with medium. 200 μl of the suspension
electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy was added to 96-well microplate which contains sterilized medical
(CLSM) was used to examine living/dead organisms within biofilm. grade silicone discs (1.5-mm-diameter; Websinger, Austria), and in-
cubated for 90 min at 37 °C. The silicone discs were rinsed with PBS.
The adhesion of microbial cells on the silicone was assessed by Cell
2. Materials and methods Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8, Dojindo Molecular Technologies, Gaithersburg,
MD, USA) according to manufacturer’s protocol, which is based on
2.1. Strains, media and reagents bioreduction of 2-(2- methoxy- 4- nitrophenyl)- 3- (4- nitrophenyl)- 5-
(2,4- disulfophenyl)- 2H-tetrazolium (WST-8) that produces a water-
S. aureus ATCC 6538 and C. albicans DAY185 were used in this study soluble formazan dye. The amount of the formazan dye is directly
for monomicrobial and polymicrobial biofilm formations. Yeast proportional to the number of living microorganisms.
Peptone Dextrose (YPD, Sigma-Aldrich, Austria) medium or Tryptic Soy
Broth (TSB, Sigma-Aldrich, Austria) medium was used for culturing C. 2.4. Growth of mixed biofilms on silicone
albicans and S. aureus, respectively. RPMI1640 medium (GlutaMAX™
Supplement, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) was chosen for supporting Single and mixed species biofilm formations on silicone discs were
biofilms growth. All other reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich performed as described previously [20]. Medical grade silicone discs
(Austria). were sterilized and placed into wells of a 96-well microplate. Bacterial
and fungal suspensions (1 × 106 CFU/ml) were added to the wells of a
96-well microplate. For mixed species assay, equal volumes of these cell

Y. Tan et al. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 174 (2019) 28–34

Fig. 2. Inhibition effect of 2ABI or CUR on single species biofilm formations. (A) Inhibition activity of 2ABI on S. aureus biofilm formation; (B) Inhibition activity of
2ABI on C. albicans biofilm formation; (C) Inhibition activity of CUR on S. aureus biofilm formation; (D) Inhibition activity of CUR on C. albicans biofilm formation.
Values obtained are given as the percentage of biofilm formation. Results are expressed as mean ± SD (* p < 0.05).

suspensions were mixed. After the adhesion phase (90 min), non-ad- 2.8. Live/Dead staining assay
herent cells were removed by rinsing with PBS. The plates were then
incubated at 37 °C for 48 h without shaking. Mixed biofilms treated with 2ABI alone, CUR alone or in combi-
nation of 2ABI and CUR together were washed with PBS and then
2.5. Effect on biofilm formation stained with a Live/Dead® BacLight™ Bacterial Viability and Counting
Kit (L34856, Invitrogen) for 30 min at 37 °C in the dark. Cell fluores-
Single and mixed species biofilms were grown as described above. cence was evaluated with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM).
200 μl of the cell suspension containing 2ABI alone, CUR alone or in
combination of 2ABI and CUR together were added to the wells. 2.9. Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Afterwards, biofilms were formed and detected by CCK-8 as described
above. Mixed biofilms were formed as described above on silicone.
Afterwards, the biofilm was fixed with 3% glutaraldehyde and dehy-
2.6. Effect on preformed biofilm drated in a dilution series of ethanol (70%, 80%, 96% and 100%).
Following chemical dehydration with Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS)
Single and mixed biofilms were carried out without agents as de- (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis US), the samples were sputter coated with
scribed above. Mature biofilms were treated with 2ABI alone, CUR gold and analyzed with SEM (JSM 6310, Jeol Ltd., Akishima, Tokyo,
alone or in combination of 2ABI and CUR together for 24 h. The silicone Japan).
discs were washed with PBS and determined by CCK-8.
2.10. Statistical analysis
2.7. Influence of metal ions on 2ABI antibiofilm activity
All the experiments were done in triplicate. Statistical analyses were
Candida biofilm was grown as described above. 200 μl of the cell performed using GraphPad Prism software program (GraphPad
suspension containing metal ions (1 mM), including Ca(II), Cu(II), Fe Software, CA, USA). For each experiment, means ± standard devia-
(II), Fe(III) and Zn(II), were added to the wells. Afterwards, biofilm was tions (SD) were calculated. Statistical significance was determined by t-
formed and detected by CCK-8. test analysis with p < 0.05 found to be significantly different.

Y. Tan et al. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 174 (2019) 28–34

Fig. 3. Effects of combined use of 2ABI and CUR on monomicrobial and poly-
microbial biofilm formations. (A) Inhibition activity of combined use of 2ABI
and CUR on S. aureus biofilm formation; (B) Inhibition activity of combined use Fig. 4. Effects of combined use of 2ABI and CUR on monomicrobial and poly-
of 2ABI and CUR on C. albicans biofilm formation; (C) Inhibition activity of microbial preformed biofilms. (A) Effect of combined use of 2ABI and CUR on S.
combined use of 2ABI and CUR on mixed species biofilm formation. Values aureus biofilm; (B) Effect of combined use of 2ABI and CUR on C. albicans
obtained are given as the percentage of biofilm formation. Results are expressed biofilm; (C) Effect of combined use of 2ABI and CUR on polymicrobial biofilm.
as mean ± SD (* p < 0.05). Values obtained are given as the percentage of biofilm. Results are expressed as
mean ± SD (* p < 0.05).
3. Results and discussion
2ABI showed no microbicidal effect, which is consistent with previous
3.1. Antibacterial and antifungal activity of curcumin studies [10]. The MIC was shown to be 200 μg/ml of CUR for both S.
aureus and C. albicans.
In order to determine biologically active working concentrations for As reported earlier, the MIC of CUR on S. aureus ranges from 20 to
the following analyses, the antibacterial and antifungal activities of 216 μg/mL [21,22]. while varies from 4.2 to 2000 μg/mL on Candida
CUR against S. aureus and C. albicans were examined by MIC assay. [15,23]. Comparable antibacterial and antifungal activity was found in

Y. Tan et al. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 174 (2019) 28–34

microorganisms start the formation of biofilms with secretion of poly-

meric matrix. In our work, both 2ABI and CUR can interfere with ad-
hesion and inhibit the further development of biofilms.

3.3. Effect on biofilm formation

At first, we tested the inhibition activities of 2ABI or CUR alone on

single species biofilm formation. As shown in Fig. 2, both 2ABI and CUR
significantly reduced biofilm formations of bacteria and fungi. With the
increase of 2ABI or CUR concentration, a progressive inhibition of
biofilms was observed. C. albicans is more sensitive than S. aureus with
treatment of 2ABI or CUR. At the concentration of 200 μg/ml, 2ABI
inhibited 88.1% and 97.5% biofilm formation of S. aureus and C. albi-
cans, respectively (Fig. 2A and B). With the concentration of CUR in-
creased to 200 μg/ml, almost no biofilm formations of bacteria and
fungi could be observed (Fig. 2C and D).
Then the inhibition activities of combination of 2ABI and CUR on
single and mixed species biofilm formation were evaluated. Based on
Fig. 5. Influence of metal ions on 2ABI antibiofilm activity on Candida biofilm. the results above, here we used the concentration of 100 μg/ml for both
Values obtained are given as the percentage of biofilm. Results are expressed as
2ABI and CUR (0.5 × MIC) to assess the combination effect. 2ABI and
mean ± SD (* p < 0.05).
CUR alone could reduce mixed species as well as single species biofilm
formation (Fig. 3). When 2ABI and CUR were added together, the
our work. Several studies have described the antimicrobial potential of biofilm formations of S. aureus, C. albicans and mixed species were in-
CUR on bacteria or Candida. The potential mechanisms underlying the hibited by 92.3% (Fig. 3A), 96.5% (Fig. 3B) and 97.6% (Fig. 3D), re-
antimicrobial effect of CUR could be disruption of cell membrane or spectively.
wall, leading to cells lysis [15,17,21,24]. The results showed that the use of CUR in combination with 2ABI
enhanced the inhibition effect on both single and mixed species biofilm
3.2. Adhesion assay formations. The possible mechanism of enhancement can be bi-func-
tion: killing microorganism and preventing the adhesion and biofilm
The effects of 2ABI and CUR on initial adhesion of the single species formation simultaneously. On one hand, CUR kills the planktonic cell
of bacteria and fungi to medical grade silicone were shown in Fig. 1. directly in the medium. On the other hand, 2ABI prevents the biofilm
After 90 min incubation, 2ABI and CUR significantly inhibited the ad- formation through inhibiting the interaction between microbe and
hesion of bacteria and Candida. At the concentration of 200 μg/ml, both material surface, resulting in the microbe in the mixture as planktonic
2ABI and CUR inhibited the adhesion of single species completely. forms. Thus, CUR can act on the single cell continuously.
In a normal conjunction, the formation of biofilm includes initial
adhesion, cell-cell interactions and maturation phases [25]. The surface 3.4. Effect on preformed biofilm
colonization or adhesion is the initial stage, which provides the bene-
ficial contact between the medical devices surface and planktonic mi- To quantify the effect of 2ABI or CUR alone and the combined ef-
crobial cells. After adherence of microbe to the surface, the fects between 2ABI and CUR toward established biofilm, we used the

Fig. 6. CLSM images of biofilm on medical grade silicone surface treated (A) without 2ABI or CUR, (B) with 2ABI alone, (C) with CUR alone or (D) with combination
of 2ABI and CUR. Biofilms were stained with the Live/Dead® BacLight™ Bacterial Viability and Counting Kit.

Y. Tan et al. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 174 (2019) 28–34

Fig. 7. CLSM images of biofilm on medical grade silicone surface treated (A) without 2ABI or CUR, (B) with 2ABI alone, (C) with CUR alone or (D) with combination
of 2ABI and CUR.

highest concentration of 2ABI or CUR in this work (200 μg/ml). The dependent mechanism [32]. Here, we screened a wide range of metals
combination of 2ABI and CUR reduced the mature biofilms of S. aureus, and found no mitigating effects on the antibiofilm activity of 2ABI in
C. albicans and mixed species by 47.7% (Fig. 4A), 90.6% (Fig. 4B) and Candida. It suggested that the mechanism of 2ABI antibiofilm activity
73.3% (Fig. 4C), which are more effective than that of 2ABI or CUR on Candida biofilm is not owing to metal sequestration. Therefore, it
alone. might be due to a QS-dependent mechanism, which requires further
It is known that microbial cells embedded in biofilm can increase investigation.
resistance to antimicrobials compared to planktonic forms. Recently,
the enhanced antibiofilm effect with drug combination has attracted 3.6. Live/Dead assay
more attention [26,27]. Studies have reported that the combination of
biofilm dispersal agent and cell-killing agent could enhance the anti- CLSM images revealed the cell viability of mixed biofilm treated
biofilm activity, based on different antibiofilm mechanisms [28,29]. In with 2ABI alone, CUR alone and combination of both. In the control
this work, the combination of 2ABI and CUR enhanced the antibiofilm group (Fig. 6A) we can observe the multiple layers of green color,
effect against established biofilm, although both single and mixed which indicates the mature biofilm with a large number of live cells.
species biofilm exhibited more resistance to 2ABI and CUR alone even 2ABI treatment (Fig. 6B) resulted in less biofilm thickness, but most of
at the highest concentration of 200 μg/ml. This finding can be attrib- the cells are alive (green). However, the use of CUR (Fig. 6C) didn’t
uted to the presumptive mechanism of two different actions. On one cause less biomass, but also more red color (dead cells). The treatment
hand, 2ABI restores the sensitivity of microbial cells to CUR through with combination of 2ABI and CUR (Fig. 6D) led to almost complete red
disruption of biofilm, which results in more microbial cell being killed color and full destruction of the biofilm architecture, which means the
by CUR. On the other hand, CUR can interfere with the planktonic synergy of 2ABI and CUR in killing disrupting the biofilm structure and
microbial cells, which were released from biofilm by 2ABI, and further killing the cells.
inhibit biofilm reformation. Therefore, the enhanced antibiofilm effect
was observed with the combination of 2ABI and CUR. Moreover, 2ABI 3.7. SEM
dosen’t only show antibiofilm activity on bacterial biofilm, but also
exhibits the biofilm dispersal effects on the Candida biofilm and mixed The mixed biofilm structures on silicone disc with treatment of 2ABI
species biofilms, which expands the application fields of 2ABI. alone, CUR alone and combination of both were observed using SEM
(Fig. 7). The mixed biofilm grown in control group formed typical
3.5. Influence of metal ions on 2ABI antibiofilm activity biofilm structures (Fig. 7A). Images showed extensive interactions be-
tween bacteria and fungi. S. aureus clearly adhered to yeast and hyphal
In this set of experiments, a wide range of metals were selected in forms of C. albicans. However, treated with 2ABI or CUR alone, biofilm
order to examine the influence of metal ions on 2ABI antibiofilm ac- showed reduction of microbial colonization (Fig. 7B and C). The SEM
tivity, including Ca(II), Cu(II), Fe(II), Fe(III) and Zn(II). As shown in image of biofilm treated with combination of 2ABI and CUR displayed
Fig. 5, only Cu(II) exhibited some inhibition response (without 2ABI), much less cells adhesion and almost no biofilm structure (Fig. 7D).
which has been reported in other studies [30,31]. Moreover, the results
revealed that all of the tested metals didn’t change the inhibitory ac- 4. Conclusion
tivity of 2ABI on Candida biofilm.
Although it has identified 2ABI and derivatives as potent antibiofilm Our work showed the inhibition and dispersion activity of 2ABI and
agents, the antibiofilm mechanisms are different between Gram-posi- CUR on the single and mixed biofilm of bacteria and fungi on the sili-
tive and Gram-negative bacteria. Melander and co-workers have shown cone surface. The combination of 2ABI and CUR exhibited the enhanced
that 2ABI derivatives effected on Gram-positive bacterial biofilms effect on mixed biofilm. SEM and CLSM images confirmed these results.
through a zinc-dependent mechanism [10,12]. But the antibiofilm ac- Although further evaluation of 2ABI and CUR in vivo is still needed, our
tivity on Gram-negative bacteria works through a quorum sensing (QS)- studies indicate the potential applicability of 2ABI and CUR to

Y. Tan et al. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 174 (2019) 28–34

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