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One Hundred Deity

Blessed by His Holiness
Karma Kuchen Rinpoche

Available at Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center

121 Bowery, NYC 212.219.9832.
Photo of HH by © Mannie Garcia

Namo Guruye!
There are many elaborately detailed records on Torma, expessing its purposes, definitions, and representa-
tions. Different kinds of Torma are found in various texts and Dharma practice manuals. Doing an elabo-
rate practice requires a separate characteristic Torma for each and every Deity of the three roots or Dharma
Protectors. The simplified method that is more commonly practised by the followers of Palyul Namgyal
Jangchup Choeling Monastery, as well as a majority of the Nyingmapa and Kagyudpa traditions, uses a
Torma known as the LHAGYA TORCHIK (a Torma that represents 100 different Deities within a singe
A concise instruction according to Khendrup Karma Chagmed says, “[This Torma] is shaped like a blazing
precious gem, surrounded by lotus petals. The three sides [of the gem]symbolize the Guru, Meditational
Deities, and Dakini. [Looking from the front], the two ridges on the right and the left symbolize the two
kinds of Magon (the protector), and the ridge on the back symbolizes all the rest of the protectors. The
lower round part of the Torma symbolizes all the wealth deities. The surrounding lotus petals symbolize the
worldly deities according to the outer Tantra. Thus it is called LHAGYA TORCHIK.” The lower part of
the Torma has a stacked base like mount Meru. It supports real and visualized offerings of the fulfilment sub-
stances and their representations. The benefit and purpose of the Torma is to be used as an essential support
to fulfill the accomplishment of both enlightened wisdom and worldly deities.
Guru Rinpoche has said, “Torma has both temporary and ultimate benefit. It accomplishes longevity without sick-
ness, increases wealth and prosperity and all the good qualities possessed by you and your descendents. The
temporary benefit is the fulfillment of all your wishes without any obstacles. The ultimate benefit is purifying
obscuring defilements, accumulating perfect merit, and arriving at the unsurpassable stage of Enlightenment.”
He also says, “All spiritual attainments can be accomplished through Torma. Both meritorious deeds and wis-
dom are intensified through Torma.” To higher beings, he emphasizes that “by making Torma offerings, you
can perfect your wisdom mind.” And to lower beings, he advises, “you can increase your merit.”
In short, there are so many purposes of Torma, which not only bring benefit in this life but cause attainment
of the enlightened wisdom mind. Having heard this, you can act accordingly, with full devotional faith and
confidence and motivate yourself to appropriate meritorious actions.

by Paltrul Thubten Palzangpo

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