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What is free health care?

Free Healthcare means that all citizens should receive health care at minimum cost
Universal Healthcare means there is a health system that provides coverage to at
least 90% of citizens free medical aid.

Advantages of Free Healthcare

1. Lower Costs
In lower cost government provide you free health care, the government pays
for your medical bills and it make it eaiser and cheaper because private
companies do not charge for their services.

2. Help in Economy
Free healthcare helps the country’s economy because the less money spent
on Healthcare the more people working in other, profitable industries.

3. Lower Administrative Expenses

The free universal healthcare works between the healthcare provider and
patients. There are third parties involve in administration for payment and
healthcare member has not spend time on money collection therefore they
have much time for pateint.
4. Increase Health Literacy
Free Healthcare has also been shown to increase health literacy by as much
as 30% and people know about condition and treatment options available for

Disadvantages of Free Healthcare

Free healthcare can be problematic for some people, especially when with
non-chronic diseases.The drawbacks range from overmedication to a lack of
positive engagement from patients and doctors. The other disadvantages of
free healthcare benefits are also worth tending to.

1. Low Quality Care

In low quality care usually Patients are not being able to receive the
concentration of care they expect and they need most because there is a
limited number of doctors in one facility ,therefore the Universal healthcare
service is free for everyone, many patients also have to go through long
waiting hours.

2. Cost to society and the economy

Free healthcare is cost to society and the economy. Like with increased in
demand for government hospitals and there are many free services available,
the government has to work harder than before to provide those services

3. Free healthcare safety concerns

The disadvantages of free healthcare are safety concerns.Like usually

patients may not get the care needed when needed. Patient safety can be
compromised due to a lack of funding for hiring qualified nurses,
technicians, and doctors.

4. People grow irresponsible

One of the disadvantages of free healthcare is that it makes people

5. Longer Waiting Period

Usually people see that free Universal healthcare crowded with patients that
sometimes it is hard to find a place to sit.There is typically a longer waiting

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