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Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences. Vol.

2 (88), 2020
Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка.
Філософські науки. Вип. 2 (88), 2020

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal.

Philosophical Sciences. Vol. 2(88)
Вісник Житомирського державного
університету імені Івана Франка.
Філософські науки. Вип. 2(88)
ISSN: 2663-7650


UDC 101.1:62
DOI 10.35433/Philosophical Sciences.2(88).2020.71-79


K. M. Vergeles*, P. L. Kulish**, T. Yu. Shkolnikova***, T. M. Vergeles****
Issues related to the cardinal changes taking place in modern science and social practice and
their significant effects on research issues in the field of theoretical and social philosophy,
philosophy of science and philosophy of technology are highlighted. It is substantiated that the
radical transformation of science (its transformation into techno-science) and its role in society
inevitably leads not only to the destruction of demarcation lines between scientific and non-
scientific knowledge and the replacement of scientific theories with discourses created in non-
scientific practices, but also significantly affects all spheres of society. life - production, culture,
education, etc.
In modern conditions, the influence of constantly changing and improving technologies on the
physical, mental, intellectual and other meanings of society and man actualizes philosophical
research in this area. One of the reasons for this is the uniqueness of the modern stage of scientific
and technological development of society, which is often referred to as "techno-science". The current
situation in science, which has entered the era of post-classical science, requires an interdisciplinary,
even transdisciplinary approach and an integrating unity of natural, technical and socio-

*Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor

(National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya)
ORCID: 0000-0001-5695-7862
**Candidate of Philosopchical Sciences, Associate Professor

(National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya)
ORCID: 0000-0001-6286-6908
***Senior Lecturer

(National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya)
ORCID: 0000-0002-0025-2326

(National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya)
ORCID: 0000-0001-8895-5116
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences. Vol. 2 (88), 2020
Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка.
Філософські науки. Вип. 2 (88), 2020

humanitarian fields for the development of scientific knowledge. The basis of such unity should be
provided by philosophical knowledge, which is a much more complex type of unity than a simple
reduction to a single beginning. Since it is philosophy, while remaining the most free type of thinking.
Today there is a kind of return of metaphysics to science. The point is that scientists in their
reasoning quite often go to the so-called metaphysical section, or rather forced to come to such an
interpretation of certain concepts that is similar to the metaphysical. This is possible due to the
fact that, despite the independence of the spheres of philosophy and science, their boundaries
are not completely impenetrable. Which, by the way, is not surprising, since all sciences in one
way or another came out of philosophy, generated by it and cultivated by it. Another
interpretation of the connection between science and philosophy is possible. It consists in the fact
that both philosophy and science exist in a single space, in a single field of meanings. Therefore,
modern philosophy must not only respond quickly to the radical changes taking place in all
spheres of social life, but also to anticipate the main trends, prospects and especially the
humanitarian and ecosocial consequences of these changes.

Keywords: science, techno-science, engineering, technology, nanotechnology, philosophy,

philosophy of engineering, philosophy of education, transformation, society.


К. М. Вергелес, П. Л. Куліш, Т. Ю. Школьнікова, Т. М. Вергелес
Висвітлюються питання пов'язані з кардинальними зрушеннями, що відбуваються в
сучасній науці і соціальній практиці та їх істотних впливах на проблематику досліджень
в царині теоретичної і соціальної філософії, філософії науки і філософії техніки.
Обґрунтовано, що радикальна трансформація науки (її перетворення в технонауку) та її
ролі в суспільстві неминуче призводить не лише до руйнації демаркаційних ліній між
науковим і позанауковим знанням та заміщенням наукових теорій дискурсами, що
створюються в ненаукових практиках, а й істотно впливає на всі сфери суспільного
життя – виробництво, культуру, освіту та ін.
У сучасних умовах вплив постійно змінних і вдосконалюваних технологій на фізичні, психічні,
інтелектуальні та інші значимості суспільства й людини актуалізує філософські дослідження
в цій сфері. Однією з причин цього є своєрідність сучасної стадії наукового і технологічного
розвитку суспільства, яку часто позначають терміном "технонаука". Нинішня ситуація в
науці, яка вступила в епоху постнекласичної науки, вимагає міждисциплінарного, навіть
трансдисциплінарного підходу й інтегруючої єдності природничих, технічних і
соціогуманітарних галузей для розвитку наукового знання. Основу такої єдності й повинне
забезпечити філософське знання, яке саме постає значно складнішим типом єдності, ніж
простим зведенням до єдиного початку. Позаяк саме філософія, залишаючись найбільш
свобідним типом мислення, завдяки рефлексії над універсаліями культури забезпечує
збереження та сталість культурної традиції й водночас виходить за межі цих універсалій,
руйнуючи тим самим традиції й створюючи нові значимості та смисли.
Сьогодні спостерігається своєрідне повернення метафізики в науку. Йдеться про те,
що вчені в своїх міркуваннях доволі часто виходять на так званий метафізичний зріз, чи
точніше змушені виходити на таке тлумачення тих чи інших понять, що подібне на
метафізичне. Це стає можливим завдяки тому, що, незважаючи на самостійність сфер
філософії і науки, їх межі не є абсолютно непроникними. Що, до речі, й не дивно, позаяк всі
науки так чи інакше вийшли з філософії, нею породжені і нею ж вирощені. Можливою є й
інша інтерпретація зв'язку науки і філософії. Вона полягає в тому, що і філософія, і
наука, існують в якомусь єдиному просторі, в єдиному полі смислів. Тому сучасна
філософія зобов'язана не лише швидко реагувати на кардинальні зміни, що відбуваються в
усіх сферах суспільного буття, а й передбачати основні тенденції, перспективи й
особливо гуманітарні та екосоціальні наслідки цих змін.

Ключові слова: наука, технонаука, техніка, технології, нанотехнології, філософія,

філософія техніки, філософія освіти, трансформація, соціум.
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences. Vol. 2 (88), 2020
Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка.
Філософські науки. Вип. 2 (88), 2020

Introduction of the issue. In much more complex type of unity than

modern conditions of globalization and a simple reduction to a single
technologization of society, the beginning. After all, the unity of
influence of constantly changing and philosophical knowledge itself is a kind
improving technologies on the physical, of "unity of the diverse" or "diversity of
mental, intellectual and other the one". Unlike specific sciences,
characteristics of man and society is philosophy does not strive for accuracy,
becoming a trend of modern and its most important feature is less
philosophical research. Most unambiguity and flexibility of the
researchers believe that one of the main concepts used. However, the inflexibility
reasons for this is the uniqueness of of philosophy is compensated by its
the current stage of scientific and ability, on the one hand, to most widely
technological development of society, embrace being, and on the other - to
which is often referred to as "techno- become a secondary, interpretive, level
science". It is the subject area of of this being. It is philosophy, while
philosophy of science and technology as remaining the free type of thinking,
a direction that accumulates both that, through reflection on the
socio-humanitarian and scientific and universals of culture, ensures the
technical component of knowledge, was preservation and stability of cultural
at the intersection of various problems tradition and at the same time goes
generated by techno-science. What is beyond these universals, thereby
and what characterizes the field of destroying traditions and creating new
modern research in the field of meanings. Many philosophers, as well
philosophy, methodology and sociology as some philosophical thinkers, note
of technology, starting with techno- that there is now a kind of return of
science and its cultural and historical metaphysics to science. The point is
dimensions, social evaluation of that under certain circumstances,
technology and innovation, NBICS scientists in their reasoning may go to
technologies (nano-, bio-, information, the so-called metaphysical plan, or
cognitive and social technologies) and rather forced to come to such an
socio-humanitarian approaches to interpretation of certain concepts,
solving emerging problems and ending which will be similar to the
with transformations in the field of metaphysical. This is probably made
engineering education and training in possible by the fact that, despite a fairly
terms of fundamentally new advances high degree of independence of the
in engineering and technology become spheres of philosophy and science,
central to the development of research their boundaries are not completely
in philosophy and science in the late impenetrable. Which, by the way, is not
twentieth – early twenty-first century. surprising, given that all the sciences
Modern science, which has entered the somehow came out of philosophy, it is
era of post-classical science, requires generated and grown by it. There is also
an interdisciplinary, even a slightly different interpretation of the
transdisciplinary, approach and connection between science and
complementary unity of natural, philosophy.
technical and socio-humanitarian The aim of the article is in analysis
disciplines for the development of of philosophy and science may exist in
scientific knowledge, which faces new a single space, field of meanings,
challenges of scientific and discourses, paradigms, and so on. In
technological development. The basis of addition, this space is imbued with
such transdisciplinary unity should be some end-to-end elements that bind it
philosophical knowledge, which is a together, making it something integral,

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences. Vol. 2 (88), 2020
Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка.
Філософські науки. Вип. 2 (88), 2020

unified, meaningful, and universally techno-sciences research, the

acceptable. It is clear that both construction of an object is not only
philosophy and science interpret these inseparable, but also due to the material
elements differently, but the elements and technological infrastructure of the
remain the same. study. Moreover, since the determinants
Results and discussion. The are practical goals (interventions), the
creation of new meanings in the trajectory of the object and its essential
development of techno-science as a new characteristics are set and directed,
stage in the development of modern which involves the creation of
science and technology is possible only experimental objects, simulations and
through the close interaction of "epistemic things" – i.e. a kind of
technical, natural and social "machines", model systems for obtaining
components. Modern techno-scientific data and constant testing of their ability
reality has at least two beginnings - the to perceive certain parameters [5].
capitalization of science, which leads to Such a complex organization of the
a fundamentally different regime and field of techno-science requires a
modality of science and scientific transition to a new nonlinear way of
knowledge, and theorizing and thinking. The SAT is formed as a
autonomy of the techno-sphere, within modern complex scientific and
which the instrumentally of all levels of technical discipline, which is not
cognitive activity and knowledge focused on any one basic natural
production is of particular importance, science, scientific and technical or
construction of reality and the resulting socio-humanitarian theory, but on the
problem of the ontology of objects of whole complex of scientific (and non-
scientific research and social practice. scientific) knowledge and includes not
Among the variety of intensive only comprehensive research but and
developments in the philosophy of system design. In addition, within
science, technology and scientific and techno-science, design becomes an
technological development, two areas of independent method of acquiring
research are becoming dominant: the knowledge and in addition to the
dynamics of nonlinear interactions in practical result is no less important to
super-complex systems and the social be able to produce new knowledge with
assessment of technology (SAT). technology [6], which, gaining
"Technology assessment", which emerged independence for the next generation of
in the 1960s as part of expert policy engineers, designers, experimenters,
advice aimed at shaping knowledge as a begin to act in the role of objectified
basis for action and decision-making on reality, which mediates nature. Socio-
technology and its social application, technical design becomes an analytical
now covers not just interdisciplinary but tool that allows you to assess the
transdisciplinary research sphere, which potential opportunities and risks of the
is formed at the junction of the tripartite development of new technologies. The
connection "science - technology - technologies themselves, being a stage
business" as an applied format of techno- in the development of technology and
science. Jamison notes: "The boundaries interacting with large techno-social
between academia and the business projects, become an active aspect of
world are gradually blurring" [2]. technology, which, in turn, is: activities
Today, techno-science itself, as a to create artifacts; purposeful use of the
multifaceted scientific knowledge, deals effects of nature (first and second);
with a field that includes not only moreover, such use, which works for
objects, but also the coordinated man and society (by the way, and
activities of people and structures. In against, too), allowing them to realize

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences. Vol. 2 (88), 2020
Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка.
Філософські науки. Вип. 2 (88), 2020

their plans; and finally, technology, as all stakeholders. Although the SAT is
Heidegger pointed, is the existence of still interpreted as a scientific process,
man – not only the tools, machines and it is also a communicative process
environment that he creates, but also aimed at creating the conditions and
an inalienable aspect of his life. providing the necessary means to
Modern technology affects all areas overcome deadlocks in social debates,
and branches of knowledge, as a result i.e. not only assessing risks but also
of which humanitarian technologies are bringing together perspectives and
in high demand in modern society. conflicting values. In addition, the SAT
Therefore, the philosophy of technology is an interactive process, as it considers
can be called today the philosophy of the interaction between disciplines and
equipment and technologies. A holistic experts as a primary element of its
and multifaceted understanding of method. Ultimately, the SAT is a social
technology allows us to conceptualize it initiative because it focuses on those
as a "social body" that requires the aspects of technology that are relevant
development of SAT methodology as a to society, both in terms of ethics and
new type of scientific knowledge the environment or the economy. As
designed to comprehend the fact can be seen from the evolution of the
missed by traditional interpretations of SAT, it has learned to respond quickly
technology that it is a significant factor and adapt to ever-changing situations
in social interactions and their results. in the fields of science, technology,
The institutionalization of the SAT engineering and social practice.
reflects the response to the challenges The socio-technological discourse of
posed by scientific and technological modern techno-science, due to inter-
progress to modern civilization, and disciplinarily, also combine both
globalization poses new challenges due theoretical research and socio-
to the widespread use and influence of humanitarian technologies. This
technologies used in a variety of "adjustment" of people and things, in
scientific and socio-cultural contexts. the terminology of Bruno Latour [4],
Problems such as environmental characterizes a new type of relationship
pollution, climate change, global in modern science and is reflected in
warming, covid-19 and others go information, cognitive and
beyond nation states. This causes a biotechnology. Due to the addition of
growing need to evaluate science and nano- bio-, information and cognitive
technology at the global level. Thus, technologies, modern social
along with the development of national, technologies are expanding a single set
a common (common) foundation is laid of NBICS technologies that open new
for the creation of a global SAT. This is technological perspectives for the
facilitated by the emergence of a more development of philosophy of science
or less common definition of the SAT as and technology. NBICS convergence has
a scientific, interactive process, the become one of the most important for
purpose of which is to promote the the philosophical understanding of
formation of public and political opinion technological innovation. In modern
on the social aspects of the concepts of techno-science is a
development of science and technology. synthesis of "knowledge that" and
This definition contains a number of "knowledge as", and in the classical
essential principles of the modern SAT. triad of tasks of science "description -
It is about forming an opinion, not explanation - understanding" is built
informing about an opinion, because into the design and forecasting [6].
the main tasks are the analysis of Most concepts of techno-science,
values and the widest representation of fixing the turn of science to practice,

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences. Vol. 2 (88), 2020
Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка.
Філософські науки. Вип. 2 (88), 2020

recognize the inseparability of knowledge technology. From the peripheral

from the material conditions of its component of modern philosophy, the
production, pay attention to the philosophy of technology is transformed
heterogeneity of modern technical into an independent philosophical
knowledge. In the era of development of discipline, precisely due to the issue of
NBICS technologies and the complexity convergent technologies, which
of the field of science, the rigid distinction according to G. Hottois are both
between the humanities and natural "natural environment and engine of
sciences, exact and inaccurate sciences, development" [1: 61].
and at the same time, on the theoretical, Indeed, the problems of convergent
methodological, technological levels, their technologies have, on the one hand,
integration takes place. Multidisciplinary actualized and, on the other,
as a distinctive feature of modern post- exacerbated many philosophical and
classical techno-science is reflected in social problems related to the ethical,
the formation and development of a new legal, value, and personal aspects of
scientific and technical discipline, which human existence in modern
combines both interdisciplinary and technological society. The problem of
disciplinary fields – nanotechnology. The personal identity is becoming one of the
epistemological basis of nanotechnology most important problems in the era of
was, on the one hand, the principle of technocracy, because human nature
unity of the world on a nanoscale, which changes in accordance with the
is understood as a potential opportunity changes that occur with the
to construct macro-objects with given surrounding technologies. For example,
properties from nanostructures, and on modern information and biomedical
the other - an activist approach to technologies not only form new ways of
improving natural objects up to human human-technical interaction, but also
physiological and mental states, and the significantly transform the mentality,
principles of reductionism and psyche and human behavior. Therefore,
constructivism. a comprehensive analysis of techniques
A distinctive feature of modern and technologies, taking into account
biotechnology is the epistemological the many influences on man and the
attitude to the understanding of life as formation of personality, requires due
a text and life as a transformation, and attention not only from philosophers
their humanistic component is aimed at and scientists, but also institutions in
"improving man". According to the general, especially educational. It
Kourany, "in the 21st century, the goals should be understood that modern
of improvement go far beyond all that research in this area concerns the
has been in the past. They are aimed at training not only of medical,
a total redesign of man, his body and pedagogical, engineering, etc.
mind, in order to overcome all its personnel, but also the concept of
inherent limitations. This plan includes building a modern model of education
everything that we consider important: in general. "Basic education" replaces
our cognitive abilities and talents, "fundamental education".
emotions, the structure and boundaries Fundamental education, as opposed
of our bodies, our relationships with to the base - is education, which
each other and with the world around combines humanities, natural sciences
us, our personalities" [3: 983]. and technical knowledge by studying a
Convergent processes occurring in the wide range of issues "education too deep"
field of NBICS technologies directly and "wide education," which has both
affect the formation of the problem field basic and applied value. Fundamental
of both philosophy and philosophy of education today changes and

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences. Vol. 2 (88), 2020
Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка.
Філософські науки. Вип. 2 (88), 2020

complements the meaning of the concept confrontation is played by research

of "competence". The latter is now centers and laboratories, production
understood as the formed integrated experimental sites and technical and
ability to solve specific problems. This technological universities. And behind
ability implies not only the availability of all this are the figures of a scientist,
a significant amount of knowledge, but engineer, experimenter. The modern
also the ability to dynamically update engineer becomes a central figure of
them in accordance with constantly scientific and technological progress. Its
changing conditions. The main intention activity is nothing but a creative
of the competency-based approach in application of scientific principles to the
education is a sharp increase in its planning, creation, management,
practical orientation and social operation, management or operation of
significance. In this sense, philosophical technical systems. That is why it is
and sociological studies of science and important to build a new model of
technology STS (Science and Technology training of the engineer of the future - a
Studies) together with the ACT project specialist who can constantly self-learn,
(American College Testing) should play quickly find the necessary information,
one of the key roles in solving the integrate the latest ideas from various
problems of modern education, which fields of science and technology, and
should be aimed at developing the have a developed mechanism for
personality of each person, studies in the technical decisions at the inventive
technogenic world. level, to see, but also to be aware of the
In the range of constant changes of social context of their activity and its
equipment and technologies the problem consequences, etc. Responding to the
of transformation of professional challenges of the future, modern
education in general, engineering, technical and technological universities
medical, and pedagogical in particular in training new engineers must take
arises. As the subject of research in post- into account that the new technological
classical science becomes more and more system dramatically changes the
anthropo-dependent and human- requirements for human capital and,
dimensional, the urgent need of the latter consequently, approaches to education,
is its humanization and which forms such "capital" (and not
humanitarianization. Changing and just capital, and "start-up capital"). The
complicating the subject of research in growing pace of new knowledge and the
post-nonclassical science requires the corresponding professional
addition to technical means of solving competencies must be accompanied by
problems of socio-humanitarian adequate dynamism of the education
component and thus takes it beyond system, which, due to objective and
techno-science in the field of culture and subjective factors, always lags behind.
society, and its (post-nonclassical Structural changes in technology
science) epistemological principles form change not only man, but also the
the need for medical, technical, reality in which he lives and interacts
engineering etc. sociologists. with. That is why the most important
The modern technological way of life component of the problems of modern
creates new conditions and therefore philosophy and methodology of science
places new requirements on and technology is the movement and
professional and engineering education. transformation of not only the techno-
After all, the modern world is a highly sphere but also the cultural
competitive world for mastery and environment. Already familiar in
domination in the field of high scientific circles, the triad "technology –
technology. And the key role in this information – intelligence" reflects the

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences. Vol. 2 (88), 2020
Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка.
Філософські науки. Вип. 2 (88), 2020

key components of modern culture, in existence, including the most routine

which, along with technological and intimate spheres, in which techno-
transformation is erasing the objects with their own, often conflicting
boundaries not only of disciplinary and protocols of functioning are increasingly
interdisciplinary differences, but also squeezed. Techno-objects, and hence
fundamental dichotomies: inhuman, techno-science, overcoming the
individual – collective, etc. Network boundaries between external and
electronic and information culture of internal, are already everywhere –
everyday life, the technologies of which around us and in ourselves, and often
are part of the life of the individual and replacing us.
society, are a new type of culture and In fact, the principles of algorithms
socio-technical and technological and tools offered by modern technology
reality. Man always, interacting with become a new reality, a new ontology
innovative technologies, becomes and guarantee objectivity, i.e.
actually dependent on them. And this compliance with the object. This, in
indicates that the noosystemic reality is turn, leads to the fact that it is not the
a dynamic unity of social and technical. choice of problems that dictates the
In other words, modern man exists in a choice of method, but, on the contrary,
constantly changing (and therefore the choice of method determines the
constantly new) reality. formulation of problems, tasks, their
Techno-science today is not just a embodiments, and so on. Therefore, the
mode of knowledge production, which problem with techno-science is not to
involves huge technological and conduct another round of conceptual
organizational resources; it is not just explications, to make new theoretical
the instrumentalization of knowledge, distinctions or to blur old technological
the replacement of representation by connections, but to turn specific
intervention, the priority of the implementations of techno-science into
engineering component over high empirical objects of study, the
theory, and so on. It is a mode of description and explanation of which
science that is imperatively required to were not reduced would be the most
produce knowledge that must be legitimate forms of their self-
transformed into market-value goods presentation. Perhaps one of the most
and services, as well as the important questions about techno-
infrastructure that ensures their science is how modern techno-science
creation, circulation and consumption. research practices should be built and
Techno-science today is a re-assembly organized, which, if not structurally,
of science, mainly of the economic would at least similarly correspond to
order, a regime in which science must the heterogeneous complexity of its
ensure the expanded reproduction of object.
the economy by creating more and Conclusions and research
more new technical objects – perspectives. What can we expect from
reproduction, which is supported today this new reality and how long-term and
by social, technological, ideological, global will its consequences be? Is
economic, legal, moral and other techno-science only a modern stage in
mechanisms of liberal capitalism. the development of the so-called Great
Techno-science in the modern world Science; but is there anything new that
is the accelerated colonization of our has its own epistemological and
social and natural worlds by techno- sociocultural values, which replace
objects. In this sense, the description of traditional academic science and are
techno-science means at the same time designed to replace it and become a
the description of the modes of our new project of "knowledge-power" and

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Philosophical Sciences. Vol. 2 (88), 2020
Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка.
Філософські науки. Вип. 2 (88), 2020

the basis of a new techno-social Engineering Education // Engineering,

system? Can traditional academic Development and Philosophy. Springer,
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particular be completely transformed, 3. Kourany J. Human Enhancement:
and, in the end, be supplanted by Making the Debate More Productive//
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Receive: September 15, 2020

Accepted: October 17, 2020

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