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Car parking is a major problem in urban areas in both developed and developing
countries. Parking problems in cities and urban areas are becoming increasingly important and
have been one of the most discussed topics by both the general public and professionals. The
imbalance between parking supply and parking demand has been considered as the main
problem. Due to the lacking of sufficient areas for parking, open areas such as public squares,
public fields, places of social gatherings are, over time and under the pressure of the problem,
converted to parking areas.
According to Smart Cities Dive in China, parking management systems have been unable
to keep up, leading to chaotic parking situations which cause congestion, increase air pollution
and decrease the economic efficiency of the city. With the number of private vehicles growing
from less than 10 million in 2002 to over 88 million in 2012, the number of drivers and demand
for good parking spaces continue to grow. Improving the parking management system is a
challenging task that Chinese cities.
Dino Ray V. Directo III a journalist in the Philippines stated on his study “The problem
with parking” that, whenever he drives to a destination, the first thing that he considered is
parking. The driving public is well aware of the hassles of finding a parking space in a business
district or a mall during weekends. It is a welcome gesture from a building owner to provide a
convenient and affordable parking.  Parking that is difficult to find, inadequate or expensive
tends to frustrate consumers and contribute to spill overs, which is a major problem now for our
government. This create problems because street-side parking eats up precious space, and
sidewalks are also compromised.

Conceptual Framework
An ordinance adopting revised traffic code have been implemented in Cabanatuan City
since 2019. On-street parking is seen as being favorable to local business, even though successful
business districts without on-street parking can be found around the Cabanatuan City.
In order to understand the effectiveness of implementation of this city ordinance, it is
essential to have more insight about how knowledgeable the car and motorcycle drivers who are
facing certain road conditions, how the enforcers implement the ordinance. The aim is to provide
a strong and empirical evidence regarding car and motorcycle drivers’ on-street parking
decisions so that parking policies can be framed in accordance with car and motorcycle drivers’
behavior, which can reduce number of cars and motorcycles cruising for parking.
To further discuss, the conceptual framework of the study, figure 1 present the paradigm,
the independent and dependent variables. The independent variables deal with the profile of the
respondents in terms of age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, and years of residency/
years in service, and the level of effectiveness of the city ordinance implemented in refer to
traffic management.

Independent Variable
 Profile of the respondents Dependent
 Level of effectiveness of Variable
implementation of Ordinance Effective
No. 001-2019

of the

Significance of the Study

The study entitled “Effectiveness of implementation of City Ordinance No. 001-2019” will be
beneficial to the following:
Community. This study will provide awareness for the community about the implementation of
city ordinance no. 001-2019. Through this, they will be aware about the no parking zones, both
sides parking zones and one-side parking zones.
Traffic enforcers. Through this study they will know if the city ordinance implemented by their
personnel in traffic management is effective or not.
Future Researchers. This study will serve as a good reference for those who would like to study
something related to traffic management.

Definition of Terms
On-Street Parking. On-street parking is a common form of parking, known for its
efficiency in terms of land use and convenience to motorists as it allows them to park their
vehicles nearer to their destinations.
One-side parking.  is a traffic law that dictates on which side of a street cars can be

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