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Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan
Telefax No.: (044) 762-1427

Name of Student: Mara Riziel V. Talusan

Course: Master of Education
Major: Educational Management
Date of Application: September 8, 2021





One of the biggest challenges brought by the Corona Virus Pandemic

in the Philippines is the change in education set-up. From the old normal

set-up where the pupils go to school to learn, they are now confined in their

houses and learning from home having blended distance learning


Through DepEd Order No. 12 s. 2020 which is entitled as The Basic

Education Learning Continuity Plan, the department strives to address the

challenges in basic education for school year 2020-2021. This BE-LCP is in

line with Section 1, Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution for the state to

protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels,

and to take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.

The BE-LCP aims to ensure the safety of health and well-being of the

learners, the teachers and other school personnel in this time of COVID19

pandemic while finding ways for education to continue despite the health
crisis. This is why the continuity plan was designed to adapt the new normal


This shift from the old normal to this so called “New Normal” brought

challenges on the part of the educators. Although teachers nowadays should

possess the 21st century skills which includes adaptability to change and

being digital natives, they still needed to adjust in this kind of transition

knowing that teachers have different levels of adapting technology skills.

The technology has a great role in this transition. Thus, the

technological skills of the teachers are also highly in demand in this

situation. Everything goes digital, from conferences, in-service trainings and

even collaboration with the learners because of the limited face to face


Although more trainings were done by the department to prepare the

teachers in facing this new set-up, with that short time of preparation,

teachers still need time to master everything, to refine and enhance their

teaching competencies for the blended distance learning.

It is in this light that the researcher thought of determining the level

of technological competence of the teachers in San Ildefonso North District

and its correlation with the teachers’ performance in the New Normal.

Encouraging educators to be more engaged in technology will surely help

them in embracing this new normal set-up and facing the challenges of

distance learning.
Paradigm of the Study

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Demographic Profile of the

Teacher Respondents

Level of Technological Teaching

Competence in:

* Technology Operations and

Concepts Teaching Performance in the
New Normal
*Ethics and Safety

*Teaching and Learning with


*Utilizing Technology in the New


Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is to determine the level of

technological teaching competency of the teachers in San Ildefonso North

District and its correlation with the teachers’ teaching performance in the

new normal.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. How may the profiles of teachers of San Ildefonso North District

be described in terms of:

1.1 gender

1.2 age

1.3 years in service

1.4 teaching position

1.5 educational attainment

2. How may the teachers’ utilization of technology be described in

terms of using:

2.1 laptop/computer

2.2 printer

2.3 photocopier machine

2.4 scanner

2.5 smartphones

3. How may the teachers’ technological competencies be described

in terms of:

3.1 Technology Operation and Concepts

3.2 Ethics and Safety

3.3 Teaching and Learning with Technology

3.4 Utilizing Technology in the New Normal

4. How may the teaching performance of teachers based on the

Individual Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) be

described in terms of:

4.1 Quality

4.2 Efficiency

4.3 Timeliness
5. Does the level of technological teaching competency significantly

affect the teaching performance of teachers?

6. What are the teachers’ perceived barriers in performing and

teaching with technology in this time of new normal?

Statistical Tool:

This research will make use of descriptive statistics such as

weighted mean, standard deviation and multiple regression.


This Technology Self-Assessment for Teachers (TSAT) has beed designed to
determine the teachers’ level of technology proficiency and to identify
personal technology development needs. It also aims to assess their
professional development needs to plan professional development activities
that will help teachers become proficient in technology as one of the steps in
preparing to embrace the New Normal in Education.
Part I. Respondents’ Profile
Direction: Please fill out the items below.
Name(optional):_____________________________________ Age: _________________
Sex: ____ Male ____ Female Highest Educational Attainment: ____________
Years in Service ________________ Position: _______________________
Please check all the available technology which you can use and utilize.
_________ laptop/computer
_________ printer
_________ photocopier machine
_________ scanner
_________ smartphone
Please rate your own technology skills according to the scale.
Weight Qualitative Interpretation
5 Advanced- (I could train others to do this)
4 Proficient- (I can perform this task without any assisstance)
3 Basic- (I have done this before, but need some help)
2 Learner- (I am not sure how to do this task)
1 Beginner- (I do not know how to do at all)
Statement 5 4 3 2 1
Standard 1- Technology Operation and Concepts
1. Identify components of computer system and its
operating system.
2. Connect the cables and cords correctly so that a
computer is functional.
4. Demonstrate basic skills for using hardware and
applications (e.g., start up and shut down, open and
close a file, start an application)
5. Select a printer and print a document with
appropriate resolution and orientation (portrait or
6. Use basic editing and formatting features of a word
processing program.
7. Use correct terminology in speaking about internet
communications (browser, search engine, website, URL,
domain, links).
8.Access the web and identify and use navigation
features of an internet.
9. Create and send message using email. Retrieve and
read email. Reply to sender and forward an email and
attach a file.
10.Connect computer to peripheral equipment (scanner,
printer, projector).
11. Identify and use variety storage media (CD/DVD,
flash drives, network servers and online storage spaces).
12.Resolve basic technical difficulties (reboot computer,
clear paper jam, replace ink, cartridge replacement).
13. I do not stand and talk for nonsense inside the
14.I do not utter harsh/negative words against others
inside the classroom .
15. Describe the function and structure of spreadsheet.
16.Create an original spreadsheet, entering simple
17.Create and manipulate graphics using drawing or a
painting program.
18. Create multimedia presentation.
19. Share link among users via variety of technologides
(email, instant messaging, social networks).
20. Explain and demonstrate effective strategies for
backing up and restoring personal computer data.
Standard 2- Ethics and Safety
1. Explain potential problems viruses and other malware
created and practical methods of prevention.
2. Follow appropriate licensing for all software and
content used.
3. Identify key intellectual property issues that apply to
technology use in education.
4. Ensure equitable access to technology resources for
all students in the class.
5. Explain the safe, responsible use of email, instant
messaging, chat rooms and other electronic
Standard 3- Teaching and Learning with Technology
1. Use technology to gather curriculum-specific
information from online and/or local digital resources.
2. Integrate technology into the curriculum of one’s
subject and/or grade level with assistance of a coach
mentor or other staff member.
3. Use digital and online tools to communicate with
teachers, parents, and other stakeholders and to
create/distribute classroom materials.
4. Design and develop lessons and activities that
integrate technology in variety of instructional settings
for all students.
5. Use the internet to network with other teachers and
learn about effective use of technology in your teaching.
Standard 4- Utilizing Technology in the New Normal
1. Use basic and advanced function of Microsoft Word.
2. Use basic and advanced function of Powerpoint
3. Use basic and advanced function of spreadsheet/
Microsft Excel.
4. Use basic and advanced function of Publisher.
5. Use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to create good
quality graphics and images.
6. Can download application/software and install in
cellphones and computer.
7. Can use online communication platforms such as
Google meet, Messenger, Zoom etc.
8. Can host a meeting/ conference using online
platforms with control to the participants.
9. Can use the available technology in producing
learning materials and other supplementary.
10. Manage data/records online through online drives
such as Google Drive.
Adapted and modified from Technology Self-Assesment For Teachers (TSAT)


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