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Research Action Plane for Doctoral Study

Adama Science and Technology University

School of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Departments of Electrical Power and Control Engineering

Research Title: Power system dynamics and stability, Wide Area
Monitoring and control of power systems, Energy management
system and distribution automation

Candidate: Getie Tesfaye (M.Sc in Power System Engineering)

July 21, 2021 G.C

Assosa, Ethiopia
1. Problem Statement
Traditionally the term power grid is used for an electricity system that may support all or some
of the following four operations: electricity generation, electricity transmission, electricity
distribution, and electricity control. The developments & progress in the information and
communications has revolutionized almost all branches of science & engineering. The
integration of power grid with communication has evolved the concept of Smart Grid. The
developments in the present grid are being visioned in the light of the concept of Smart Grid
(SG). The term “smart grid” defines a self - healing network equipped with dynamic
optimization techniques that use real - time measurements to minimize network losses, maintain
voltage levels, increase reliability, and improve asset management.
Load management allows utilities to reduce demand for electricity during peak usage times,
which can, in turn, reduce costs by eliminating the need for peaking power plants. In addition,
peaking power plants also often require hours to bring on-line, presenting challenges should a
plant go off-line unexpectedly.
Load management can also help reduce harmful emissions, since peaking plants or backup
generators are often dirtier and less efficient than base load power plants. New load-management
technologies are constantly under development both by private industry and public entities. One
of the main problems in electricity networks, which becomes even bigger in grids with large
renewable resources, is the load balancing. The imbalance between electricity production and
consumption leads to the necessity of power plants with fast response and storage systems (as
batteries), which are able to compensate random renewable generation. However, even with this
solution, there is still a need for the conventional power plants which should run during the
period of lower availability of renewable energy.
Other possibility is the actions on the demand side. The Demand Side Management (DSM) is
load profile variation in order to change the consumption with production. By this management,
it is possible to shift electricity consumption with respect to production or prices considerations,
or both. Thereby, it is possible to take advantage of a possible prices policy with different time-
variant tariff schemes. Various tariff schemes are discussed in detail in reference.
The demand-side management programs can be broadly divided into Time-Based (price-based)
programs and Incentive-Based programs. In DLC, the utility takes over the control and has an
authority to shut down or cycle consumer’s electrical appliances (depending on the contractual
terms). DLC pay the incentive money to the consumer for the time which they are asked to
reduce or shutdown the load on short notice during peak period. There are two types of loads:
Responsive & Non-responsive. The responsive loads respond to the signals of the utility while
non-responsive loads do not communicate with utility.
Thus, modeling of electrical power grid for smart grid is a part of the project throughout some of
conventional calculation. Power Management and power flow calculation aim to evaluate the
parameters of that particular performance such as voltages, currents, real and reactive power
flow in a system under a given load conditions. A DLC based scheme is proposed for demand
side management that includes an algorithm aimed at minimizing users’ energy cost as well as
maximizing their comfort level.
With the development of smart grid technologies such as smart meter and smart control
technologies, a lot of distributed generation and renewable energy sources (RES) are
conveniently connected with the distributed grid. It is possible to shift consumption to optimize
the load curve of the system managing “peaks” and “valleys”. Smart Grid can involve many
aspects of a utility’s interaction with customers’ load. This can range from automatic meter
reading to real-time communication of electricity usage/price to the customer.
Typically, it includes the ability of the utility to control the timing of appliance use to control
peak loads on the utility system. Smart Grid is a new, broad term that can encompass activities
ranging from power generation to transmission to distribution to end-use customers.
The work is primarily directed to the preparation of smart grid demonstration, mainly in terms of
structural development and the assessment of new intelligent performance analysis tool in smart
environment. The Base Case will be IEEE Standard Test Systems and Smart Case will be
designed with Renewable Integrations and control center. Both Cases will be modeled in
MATLAB/Simulink and further experimentations will be carried out on it.

2. Objective
The primary objective of this research is to investigate load Management problem in the context
of smart grid concept and to develop efficient load flow management through exploiting the
strengths of smart grid tools in MATLAB/Simulink.
3. Literature Review
3.1 Smart Grid
A smart grid is an electricity network that uses digital and other advanced technologies to
monitor and manage the transport of electricity from all generation sources to meet the varying
electricity demands of end-users.
Smart grids co-ordinate the needs and capabilities of all generators, grid operators, end-users and
electricity market stakeholders to operate all parts of the system as efficiently as possible,
minimizing costs and environmental impacts while maximizing system reliability, resilience and
Characteristics of Smart Grids are
 Enables informed participation by customers
 Accommodates all generation and storage options
 Enables new products, services and markets
 Provides the power quality for the range of needs
 Optimizes asset utilization and operating efficiency
 Provides resiliency to disturbances, attacks and natural disasters

3.2 Renewable Energy Systems

Renewable-energy resources can be used for power generation as standalone or isolated system.
But their benefits are significantly enhanced when they are integrated into bigger electric power
grids. Each resource is different from the grid’s perspective and some are easier to integrate than
others. With greater use of smart grid technologies, higher degrees and rates of penetration can
be accommodated.

3.3 Integration of Renewable Resources

Renewable-energy resources vary widely in type and scalability. They include biomass, waste,
geothermal, hydro, solar, and wind. Renewable-energy resources can be used for standalone or
islanded (system isolated) power generation, but their benefits are greatly enhanced when they
are integrated into broader electric power grids.
With greater use of smart grid technologies, higher degrees and rates of penetration can be
accommodated. Each resource is different from the grid’s perspective and some are easier to
integrate than others. Renewable generation has the benefit of enhancing sustainability (reducing
environmental impacts), reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reducing dependence on
local or imported fossil fuels, and increasing energy security through diversification of energy
Variable generation, provided by many renewable-energy sources, can be a challenge to electric
system operations, but when used in conjunction with smart grid approaches, responsive
distributed generation also can be a benefit to system operations if coordinated to relieve stress in
the system (e.g., line overloads, etc.). Smart grid approaches can reduce barriers and facilitate
integration of renewable resources.
The integration of a significant share of variable renewables into power grids requires a
substantial transformation of the existing networks in order to:
 Allow for a bi-directional flow of energy; that is top-down (from generators to users) and
bottom-up (with end-users contributing the electricity supply) aimed at ensuring grid
stability when installing distributed generation
 Establish an efficient electricity-demand and grid management mechanisms aimed at
reducing peak loads, improving grid flexibility, responsiveness and security of supply in
order to deal with increased systemic variability
 Improve the interconnection of grids at the regional, national and international level,
aimed at increasing grid balancing capabilities, reliability and stability
 Introduce technologies and procedures to ensure proper grid operation stability and
control (e.g. frequency, voltage, power balance) in the presence of a significant share of
variable renewables
 Introduce energy storage capacity to store electricity from variable renewable sources
when power supply exceeds demand and aimed at increasing system flexibility and
security of supply
3.4 Challenges in Integration of renewable with Smart grid
Variable generation, provided by many renewable-energy sources, is a challenge to electric
grid operations. But when used in integration with smart grid as responsive distributed
generation can be a profit to system operations if coordinated to relieve stress in the system
(e.g., peak load, line overloads, etc.). Smart grid approaches can reduce barriers and facilitate
integration of renewable resources.
The challenges can be categorized below as technical, financial, business and societal issues.
A-Technical Challenges
1. Advanced Control Strategies: Solar and wind power plants exhibit changing dynamics,
nonlinearities, and uncertainties .Hence smart grid require advanced control strategies to
solve effectively. The use of more efficient control techniques would not only increase
the performance of these systems, but would increase the number of operational hours of
solar and wind plants and thus reduce the cost per kilowatt-hour (KWh) produced.
2. Wind and solar energy are both intermittent resources. Wind behavior changes daily and
seasonally, and sunlight is only available during daylight hours. Both wind and solar
energy can be viewed as aggregate resources from the point of view of a power grid, with
levels that vary within a 10 minute to 1 hour time frame, so they do not represent the
same form of intermittency as an unplanned interruption in a large base-load generator.
3. Research in technology is still in progress. Hence existing generation and delivery
infrastructure (i.e. legacy) of RE systems must be adaptive to work with new
4. Being flexible to changing technologies require identifying the vital interface between
technology components.
5. Achieving association across service providers, end-users and technology suppliers is
difficult in particularly in growing international market place.

B-Business and Financial Challenges

1. Understanding and communicating the value proposition of a smart grid deployment for
each stakeholder in the electricity supply chain is scary.
2. The financial environment risk and reward can challenge business plan for smart grid
investments as well as in Renewable energy system.
3. Regulatory understanding and sensitivity to providing an appropriate environment for smart
grid investment takes place. Regulatory decisions (or lack of decisions) can create new
4. Developing an appropriate incentive structure that aligns economic and regulatory policies
with energy-efficiency and environmental goal needs to be tailored to each member
C-Societal Challenges
1. Strategies need to account for a variety of policy objectives (affordability, sustainability,
growth and cultural values).
2. Assigning value to externalities, such as environmental impacts, is difficult, but necessary,
in balanced decision- making.
3. Understanding and accounting for the beneficial aspects of smart grid investments as a
mechanism for job creation and advancing a technically skilled workforce needs
4. Greater awareness about capabilities of smart grid and there benefits for improving energy-
efficiency and renewable resource integration policies.
5. Research and development activities: the speed with which new ideas and deployment
tactics are being generated
3.5 Potential Benefits of Smart Integration of Renewable Resources
Leading characteristics of renewable resources that impact their integration into power grids are
their size (generation capacity as compared to other sources of power generation on a system),
their location (both geographically and with respect to network topology), and their variability
(minute-by-minute, daily, seasonally, and intermittently).
 Renewable integration - reducing our nation’s dependence on foreign coal by enabling
the seamless integration of cleaner, greener energy technologies into our power network.
Normally Renewable resources are connected at the distribution level and as larger
resources (wind farms, solar farms) are connected at the transmission level.
 Future energy sustainability: Renewable energies are making a significant contribution to
climate protection, diversify resources, ease dependence on fossil resources, not produce
any type of contamination, domestic energy carriers and therefore contribute to regional
value creation and help to secure employment. Hence renewables as future energy
provides sustainability.
 Empowering grid in peak hours :Integration of more renewables and storage support the
smart grid with real time information and substituting renewable energy sources
whenever possible. Increasing proportion of Renewables in generation mix not only
improves operational efficiency but reduces peak demands.
 Energy management: Smart metering helps to adopt energy management techniques such
as Demand side management at consumer level, demand response usage leads to
optimum utilization and results into saving of energy.
 Independent systems: RE systems works as isolated system during grid failure and
reduces impact on customer. Industrial and commercial consumers adopt grid connected
RE systems which helps to reduce power demand. Sometimes isolated system in
residential areas conserves the energy.
 Upgrading Electrical market: Power exchange provides an electronic platform to
facilitate trading of electricity at national level. Initiated Renewable energy trade since
 When an intermittent resource cannot produce energy for a long period of time,
replacement energy is needed. Replacement energy typically comes from large-scale
power plants that can ramp up or down to follow the load and provide grid balance.
These “regulating” power plants can generate energy from both conventional fossil fuels,
such as natural gas or coal, or renewable resources, such as biomass and hydro-electric.
 Renewable resource facilities range in size from smaller, distributed energy resources to
larger, transmission interconnected facilities. Smart grid technologies can help integrate
both small and large facilities. Large facilities can help manage peak load capacity and
provide grid balance. Small facilities can alter the distribution network’s characteristics
by changing it from a passive, radial infrastructure, in which power traditionally flows
toward the end users, to a bi-directional network, in which the flow direction is not pre-
determined and is time-dependent.
 If a renewable resource can provide replacement energy instead of fossil fuel power
plants, the potential for carbon reduction is substantial. Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory estimated the indirect impacts of reduced needed reserve capacity to support a
wind energy penetration rate of 25%.
 Distributed generation can also reduce the need for investments in grid reinforcement
infrastructure, particularly if installed in conjunction with active distribution system
management that provides controls and operational metrics. Smart grid technologies,
such as transmission and distribution automation and active distributed energy resources,
allow a diverse and changing mix of renewable-energy resources to be accommodated on
the grid.
3.6 Load Management
It is also known as demand side management (DSM), is the process of balancing the supply of
electricity on the network with the electrical load by adjusting or controlling the load rather than
the power station output.
This can be achieved by direct intervention of the utility in real time, by the use of frequency
sensitive relays triggering the circuit breakers (ripple control), by time clocks, or by using special
tariffs to influence consumer behavior.
Load management allows utilities to reduce demand for electricity during peak usage times,
which can, in turn, reduce costs by eliminating the need for peaking power plants. In addition,
peaking power plants also often require hours to bring on-line, presenting challenges should a
plant go off-line unexpectedly.
Load management can also help reduce harmful emissions, since peaking plants or backup
generators are often dirtier and less efficient than base load power plants. New load-management
technologies are constantly under development — both by private industry and public entities
3.6.1 Load Management under Smart Environment
The significance of optimized energy consumption in households, the industry, and the public
sector keeps rising. At the same time, additional consumers such as electric vehicles and the
ever-growing share of renewable energy are creating completely new challenges.
Up to now, reliable and comprehensive energy management consisted of static control
mechanisms for loads and tariffs with conventional ripple control systems. Consumption was
metered and charged to the end user in a separate process.
That approach is no longer sufficient in this day and age. Alternative electricity producers like
wind farms or solar energy plants do not supply a constant flow of energy and their energy
production may vary depending on weather and wind conditions. This calls for new, dynamic
energy management solutions to accommodate these fluctuations. These solutions are a
combination of metering and control systems. Today’s intelligent networks utilize fast,
deterministic load management systems to respond to peak demand and generation bottlenecks
and to charge energy storage systems.
3.6.2 Incentive Based Direct Load Control
Load Management programs are divided into two major categories: incentive based and dynamic
pricing based schemes. The most prominent incentive based pricing scheme is DLC which is
discussed in this section.
In DLC, the utility takes over the control and has an authority to shut down or cycle consumer’s
electrical appliances (depending on the contractual terms). Incentive based LM programs like
DLC pay the incentive money to the consumer for the time which they are asked to reduce or
shutdown the load on short notice during peak period . The amount of electricity consumed by
residential users is huge worldwide. For instance, in USA, one third electricity is used by
residential consumers and the important loads that contribute to the higher peaks are
thermostatically driven, i.e., air conditioners (ACs), space, water heaters etc.
There are two types of loads: responsive and non-responsive. The responsive loads respond to
the signals of the utility while non-responsive loads do not communicate with utility . Usually
the air conditioners load is reduced by increasing the set point in a predefined manner or by
limiting the cycle run time. It has been observed that DLC of residential ACs reduce a significant
peak of the load.
However, a major problem with the DLC is the comfort level of the consumer. It is difficult to
implement DLC without causing inconvenience to the consumer. Although consumers are paid
an inconvenience cost, curtailment of a facility at the exact moment when it is required the most
(ACs in a sunny day), causes great discomfort to the consumers . Furthermore, after the peak
time, another spike in the demand is observed during such days as all the ACs that are turned off
during the event are turned on simultaneously to improve the temperature of the rooms. This
phenomenon is called rebound effect . Direct control of electric water heaters also has some
difficulties. Consumption pattern of water heaters sometimes does not coincide with system’s
peak. Furthermore, diversified hot water demand among users, frequency of the hot water use,
different sizes of the heating element, conduction and convection heat losses, storage tank size
and insulation are variable parameters which add difficulty in water heater modeling for DLC.
Also users are not aware of the load shedding time or cycling under DLC, hence it causes more
inconvenience to them . Ripple control is a DLC technique and it has been applied in many
countries like New Zealand, Czech Republic, Germany, United Kingdom etc. In this method a
high frequency (Usually 0.1 KHz to 1.5 KHz) signal is imposed on the standard 50 or 60 Hz
electricity signal. Receiver devices attached to the target loads shut down the loads upon
receiving high frequency signal. The load is kept shut until the signal is disabled. Ripple control
technique was first implemented in France in 1928. It was implemented as power line
communication and then evolved to radio ripple control.
Incentive based DLC schemes improve LM and enhance the grid reliability. However, there are
certain disadvantages of these schemes such as privacy and security threats . Also DLC has less
significance regarding small multiple residential loads because of large number of devices to be
controlled and low economic benefit achieved by heavy investment on controlling mechanisms.
Nevertheless, the technique could be relatively more effective for heavy industrial loads. In order
to enhance the load management efficiency, need of the hour is to adopt an autonomous and self-
healing system which keeps check on utility and consumer concerns simultaneously through
online monitoring and dynamic response. One such mechanism, dynamic pricing based
scheduling with HEMS, is elaborated in the subsequent section.

4. Proposed Methodology
This PhD research starts its work from by referencing different literature sources to grasp basic
new and ordinary knowledge’s throughout work plan time. Meanwhile, basic components of
renewable energy resources and other electrical elements that will include in system modeling is
in the research work will be identified. After system elements known and then modeling of these
will be done by applying different mathematical and electrical techniques. By using modeled
system, dynamics operation of first validation steps of the system will be simulate via various
software’s. The simulation results of the system will be verified through experimental
demonstration. Then finally, the research work will finish its task by comparing and contrast the
simulation results and experimental measurements as shewn in Figure 1.

Identification of system


Analyzing the Modelled

System by Using Software

Result and Discussion

Based on Results Giving

Conclusion and Recommendation

Figure 1 Methodology of the Research work

5. Work plane
According to the calendars of the doctoral scholarship, class will start in October 2021. So that
the thesis work will begin its activity similar time as class starts, the after four years length it will
be finalized in September 2025 as tabulated in Table 1

Table 1 Time frame for work

N Activities July August Septe Oec. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April
o m.

1 Proposal

2 Literature

3 Preliminar

5 Collecting

6 Organizing

7 Sample


8 Analyzing,

9 Final
n and
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