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7. How does poor internet connection affect your focus in academics?

Poor internet connection gives stress and affects the focus of students.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
Poor internet connection causes misunderstandings between teacher and students.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
Poor internet connection affects students’ mental health.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
During class discussion, students’ attention diverts on other things if the internet connection is
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
Poor internet connection causes delays in passing school works.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Slow or fast man ang internet way man ko dyapon ga focus

Low grades
It gives impact on the mental health, because this factors limits me/us to give more
focus on academics, because of poor internet connection, it will take our will on
Poor internet has caused me not to focus in my academics because it causes me a lot of
stress and makes me loose motivation in studying.
I cannot access my lessons well.
Losing the will to reach my goal academically
Affected me a lot.
I can't focus in class
it distracts me because I need to restart my Wi-Fi router and that would be a waste of
study time
It might affect my grade
Sometimes I feel tired of waiting for the internet connection to work and instead of
focusing on academics I focus on other stuffs.
Mahirap mag catch up sa Discussion and sa quiz
Heavily and gravely. Once the internet starts to fall, most of my online resources and
as well as the platforms used will be barely accessible. Instead of being focused, I'd be
pissed off and be rid of the mood to study.
I can't understand my lessons well.
I can't do my modules and researching is difficult.
Really bad
Due to the poor internet connection, i cannot participate nor understand the lesson very
well resulting that it affects my academics really hard. I cannot focus because i
experience lagging and slow load of anything that i'm trying to search whenever i try
to study.
I can't understand what our teacher saying
In the future I will gain a low grades
It affects my focus in terms of misunderstanding and mental attention.
It affects my confidence, my recitation, my social interaction with my classmates and
students. Overall it affects how i cope up with the new normal. I must admit, i have
anger issues so from time to time it became worse.
i cant do my activities sometimes due to poor internet connection
I can't focus well because i don't have patience in waiting to load.
Waiting for restoration of internet connection diverts my attention on other things
unrelated to school.
Can't focus
by not passing in time and can't answer in the class recitation you can't get a well grade
for that.
it affects it GREATLY, because as a modern student I really need the internet
connection when I study
I can't focus
In this setting internet is an everything once this failed to do its duties I swear ,almost
80percent will be affected .
Can't focus at all and the unable to participate
It will lose you focus especially during online classes, if you are intellectual like me, if
there is a module or pdf in the Google Classroom, understanding the text will be a
It doesn't usually affect me in my academics because I just study hard and just do my
best, and I just think that I cannot do anything about it so I just have to cope up with it.
Not being able to study well
It will just affect during online discussions of how would I understand and looking for
other resourcesto learn from
Poor Internet connection makes me stay late at night just to complete my unfinished
school works because the connection is getting a lot faster.
It really affect my self, especially in my studies. From this kind of way of education, if
you really want to learn, to attend the class, you must need to have a good connection
because if you don't have a better connection you may not understand what's on the
module. Your grades will affect, your future.
Luckily it does not for me since I have my own ways on self teaching.
Instead of thinking about my answers, my focus is shifted to my internet connection
and time.
It distracts me on focusing and I struggles on learning.
It limits search of more details and information related to lessons.
It affects me since I'm timid in asking our teacher after discussion, I need to self-study
to follow the lesson.
It does not only affects my focus in studying but as well as my mental health.
It's affect a lot for me cause you can't listen well and it's hard to catch up the lesson.
Because I tend to do things at night, my sleeping schedule is greatly affected which
also affects my performance academically.
It really do affect my focus, kay ara balang ara ka na gd sa point nga du mabasa ka na
tapos makita mo ang sign nga "no internet connection" or "please check your internet
connection" , mahambal ka nalang nga "d na ko auh, badtrip".
I find it difficult to concentrate while learning.
It makes me stress which affects my performance in class.
It affects my learnings,understandings, it give me a hard time, pressures, more problem
to solve on how to focus my academics and etc.
It affects my entire being. Now that my top priority is to study hard and sincerely,
connection is really my enemy.
8. What are the effects of poor internet connection if you can't join the class discussion?
Poor connection has an impact on students’ academic performance.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
Poor internet connection limits students’ learning and development.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Poor internet connection gives anxiety and burden to students.

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
Poor internet connection lowers students’ self-confidence.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Basa module sa google classroom

Low scores in exams
It limits your learning and development
I will miss some of the important lessons that the teacher will discuss in class that are
not in the modules.
There is a possibility that the next meeting I could not answer the review questions.
Lack of ideas
I can't lively communicate to the teacher and I can't catch up the lessons being
i need to understand the lesson on my own
I wont be able to Listen to my Teacher
You might fail
Can't understand the lesson properly and sometimes I'll have low scores with the
Mahihirapan magcatch up sa Discussion
It could make students confused and delayed.
I can't learn what I should learn and if there are important announcements I would miss
I am late and will not updated about the latest discussion, and I must be there in order
for me to know the new lesson.
Less learnings
I cannot participate in the discussion.
I don't know
Difficulties in understanding the topics
I would be left behind in the lessons
I felt worried too, but i am informing my teacher as soon as possible whenever i had
problems and i know they would understand.
you wont know your lessons
I will be absent.
Get behind on discussions.
Can't join in time
you don't know what was the topic all about
You will not be able to listen and interact with people.
I put in more energy than I should've
Ofcourse my attendance will be affected and it can reflect to my academic
If I am using a cellular data, it is either I can't join the Google Meet or I can't message
the teacher that I have a poor connection due to our terrible telecom services.
stress, worrying of missing some important information and announcements, and
having a hard time understanding of lessons especially if the lesson is really hard that
you needed a teacher to explain or discuss it to you clearly so you can understand it.
Missed discussions which makes it hard for me to understand the lesson
I cannot understand the lesson being disscussed if I would not be able to attend.
Anxiety and burden.
I will not be able understand the module unlike the online class the teacher's there to
explain everything.
Maybe lack of additional info that was shared on class.
I’ll miss some lesson, which will result to self-study. It may lead student to
misunderstand the lesson.
I missed some of the lessons that the teacher discussing. Especially on the subjects that
I'm lack off learning.
Not being able to fully understand the lesson.
It affects me since I can't join the meeting then I need to make extra efforts to follow
the lesson.
Unaware of things like passing of performance tasks.
I can't catch up my lesson.
I'll just read the modules given and would try to watch the recorded discussion if
there's any.
Wala ko ka attend discussion ei, machatchat nlng dayun nga.. "ano gn storyahan
You will miss a one-class discussion on whether or not it is important.
I missed the lesson that's been discuss. A lot of task is given but I don't know how to
do it because I wasn't able to join the discussion regarding on what to do with that
specific task.
You can't learn anything and have a idea what the teachers would like to discuss their
I don't have any further ideas about the lesson. Sometimes I can't understand what's on
the modules so joining the discussion should be a great help.
I will not understand the lesson much, cause i didn't attend the class discussion due to
poor internet connection.

9. What do you feel when you can't watch the recording video of your class discussion?
Poor internet connection affects students’ mentally and emotionally.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
Lack of access in recording video affects students’ self-confidence during online class
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree
Poor internet connection causes delays to students in terms of time and work.
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ambot, waay man ko naga lantaw sang recording

I get frustrated and sad
I would be very confused in the next class discussion.
I could not understand the lessons.
I feel like I'm gonna give up.
I feel sad because I can't review or recall the lesson using recording video especially if
I can’t attend class
stressed because I wouldn't understand the lesson being presented
I feel bad
I feel stressed.
I feel sad and unsatisfied
As long as I have joined the related meet session, I'd be fine. However, if this
recording was the primary source of discussion I'd be pretty annoyed by the idea that
my time was delayed for something as such.
I feel nervous and left out as I can't answer the teacher's follow up questions based on
the video.
Pressured, because I can't rewatch it, especially when I need it to review for my
upcoming tets.
Just calm
I feel sad for i won't be able to access it and i cannot prepare for the exam regarding
the topic,
I don't know
Sad and afraid
It's okay for me because i can still read the module, ask my classmates or look for
references and sources, there are still many possible ways to handle it calmly.
i felt sad
I felt bad.
I can't learn anything if the recording is what I only have
Haven't done this
felt sad
Extremely annoyed and infuriated
It is disapointing and ofcourse frustrating because just the fact that I can't do stuffs that
others can in just the means of internet access .
I feel unbothered, I just ask my classmates of what the video is all about and they will
send me photos of the video recording.
I feel nervous and stress especially if there will be an upcoming quiz or PT.
I feel upset
Would feel scared of the incoming quiz because I do not understand fully the lesson.
I feel I am delayed and bothered.
I haven't experienced this but maybe I will feel hopeless?
It lowers my confidence for quizzes and assignments.
If I can't attend the class that's the only way for me to understand or not missed the
discussion but due to poor connection I feel irritated about it.
Not really necessary.
I feel frustrated since I can't comprehend the video lesson in the classroom because of
a poor connection.
Sad huhu
None. I'll read the modules instead.
I would always feel bad if I couldn't attend the class discussion.
I have friends though, so not a problem.
I feel sad because I don't know whats going on, like for example my classmates are
already doing things while I don't even know what to do.
I will angry,frustrated, stress,pressure and etc. Because you can't review what your
teachers tackle about their lessons.
I can't relate to the discussion. I don't know what part my teacher was discussing so I
had to watch the recording video instead so I can understand everything.
Sad cause it will delay the things that I need to finish.

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