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Class : XII 13 SOCIAL

Absent : 22

Faiq Bolkiah, The Richest Footballer From Brunei Join Leicester this day maybe you guys think that the richest
footballer in the world was Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo. But
that assumption maybe wrong. Predicate the richest footballer in the
world can be crowned to Leicester City u-23 player from Brunei
Darussalam, Faiq Bolkiah.
Faiq are descendants of king Brunei Darussalam Hassanal Bolkiah,
who has wealth around IDR 268 triliun. That amount of wealth
doesn’t make faiq relax and enjoy life but it makes faiq still training
his profession as footballer. The reason why faiq chose football is
because he wants to realize his childhood dream. Faiq said that he
had played football for 7 years old and he always enjoy the ball
between his foot also his family support him.
Faiq was former footballer from arsenal and Chelsea. He joins
arsenal in 2013-2014 and join Chelsea 2014-2015. Before join both
club faiq also joined Southampton in 2009-2013.

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