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Learning Activity Sheet

Week 1
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


NAME OF LEARNER: _____________________________________________________ SCORE: _______________

LEARNING AREA GRADE-LEVEL AND SECTION: _____________________________ DATE: ________________

At the end of this learning activity, you should be able to

1. pose real-life problems that can be solved by Statistics (M7SP-IVa-2); and
2. formulate simple statistical instruments (M7SP-IVa-3)

One important goal in the study of mathematics is to apply it in problem-solving, in measuring, and in
making meaning to information and data that are available and ready to use.

Statistics is about data gathering, collection, tabulation, computation, graphical representation. It gives a
factual picture of a body of information free of biased and mere conjecture. We use statistics to manage our time
properly, to budget finances, to count on the number of days spent on the particular task and many more. Statistics is
a mathematical science that includes collecting, organizing and analyzing data in such a way that meaningful
conclusions can be drawn from them.

What is Statistics?

Statistics is a branch of Mathematics that deals with the collection,

organization, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data.
Collection refers to the gathering of information or data.
Organization or presentation involves summarizing data in graphical,
tabular or textual forms.
Analysis involves describing the data using statistical methods and
Interpretation refers to the process of making conclusions based on the
presented data.

Address: Purok 3, Rawis, Legazpi City

Telephone No.: (052) 482 -1138
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Importance of Statistics

The study of statistics is important because society frequently organizes and

expresses data numerically. We are exposed to statistics everyday from weather
prediction, newspaper ads, election results, survey, etc.

In Education, it is frequently used to describe test results.

In Science, the data resulting from experiments must be collected and analyzed.
Diseases are controlled through analysis designed to anticipate epidemics.

Manufacturers can provide better product at

reasonable costs through the use of statistical quality
control techniques.

In Government, many kinds of statistical data are

collected all the time.

The knowledge of statistics can help you become more

critical in your analysis of information hence you will
not be misled by the manufactured polls, graphs, and

2 Types of Statistics
Descriptive Statistics is used in collecting, presenting, and interpreting sample data.
Inferential Statistics is used in making decisions and conclusion.

Common Terms in Statistics

A population is a complete collection of all elements (scores, people…) to be studied.
A census is a collection of data from every element in a population.
A sample is a sub-collection of elements drawn from a population.

Types of sample
1. In random sample, each member of the population has an equally likely chance of being selected. The members of
the sample are chosen independently of each other.
2. A convenience sample is a type of sample that is chosen so that it will be easy for the researcher.
3. In a stratified random sample, the population is divided into subgroups, so that each population member is in only
one subgroup. In this type of sample, individuals are chosen randomly from each subgroup.
4. A cluster sample is a type of sample that consists of items in a group such as neighborhood or a household. The
group may be chosen at random.
5. A systematic random is obtained using an ordered list of population, thus selecting members systematically from
the list.

Address: Purok 3, Rawis, Legazpi City

Telephone No.: (052) 482 -1138
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Identify the population and sample for the given situation.

1. A scientist is investigating The population is all a
the effectiveness of a new drug dults who would try the drug in the future.
to relieve the symptoms of The sample is the 100 chosen adults.
Coronavirus. He administers
the drug to 100 adults.
2. A Mathematics teacher plans 1. The Math teacher could put the names of all the students in a box, mix the names
to choose four students from without looking. This is an example of random sample.
the Math Club to be in 2. The Math teacher could choose the four students who are seated in the fourth row.
publicity photo. How could This an example of convenience sample.
the teacher choose the four
students? 3. The Math teacher could mix the names of the boys and choose two from the group.
The teacher does the same for the girls. This is an example of a stratified random
4. The Math teacher could choose a group of four students in the corner of last row.
This is an example of cluster sample.

What is data?

Data are facts, or a set of information or observations under study. Data are gathered from a population or from a
sample. Data may be classified as quantitative or qualitative.

Qualitative data are data which can assume values that manifest the concept of attributes. These are categories which
differ according to the characteristics they possess. These data cannot be meaningfully added, subtracted, multiplied
or divided. Date of birth, code number, zip code, telephone numbers are examples of qualitative data.

Quantitative data are data which are numerical in nature. They indicate how much of a given characteristic an
individual, object, or event possesses. These data can be subjected to arithmetic operations. Data such as age, weekly
allowance, height, size of family are examples of quantitative data.

The different levels of measurement are classified into four categories: Nominal, Ordinal, Ratio and Interval.

NOMINAL The nominal level of measurement is characterized by data that consist of names, labels, or
categories only.
ORDINAL The ordinal level of measurement involves data that may be arranged in some order but
differences between data values either cannot be determined or are meaningless.
INTERVAL The interval level of measurement is like the ordinal level. But meaningful amounts of
differences between data can be determined. It has no inherent (natural) zero starting point
(where none of the quality is present).
RATIO The ratio level of measurement is the interval level modified to include the inherent zero
starting point (where zero indicates that none of the quality is present).

Address: Purok 3, Rawis, Legazpi City

Telephone No.: (052) 482 -1138
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Example 3
Determine which of the four levels of measurements is used.
a. Average annual temperature in Baguio.
a. Interval c. ordinal
b. Weights of garbage discarded by restaurants.
b. ratio d. nominal
c. A jury rates some presentations as “good.”
d. The political party to which each Barangay Captain belongs.

Identify the words or phrases that represent the population and sample. Underline the population once and the
sample twice.
1. The scientist is investigating the effectiveness of the new drug to relieve stress for all adults. He administers
the drug to 50 adults.
2. When Mrs. Millanes buys a cavan of rice for one-month consumption of her family, she examines only a handful of
rice from the cavan to find out if it is of good quality or not.
3. The pineapple juice vendor wants to know the taste of the juice he is preparing; he takes a glass filled with half full
of juice.
4. The entrepreneur purchases 50 brand new tablets for his store, he opened and testing 3 tablets to find out whether it
is of good quality and in condition or not.
5. When a chef wants to know the taste of the food he is preparing, he takes a spoonful of the food.

Read and analyze the statement then identify the levels of measurements used. If it is nominal, ordinal, interval or
ratio. Write the answer on the space before each number.
1. Ratings of excellent, above average, average, below average or poor for painting exhibits. 1. _______________
2. Zip codes 2. _______________
3. Annual income of teachers 3. _______________
4. Final grades (A, B, C, D, E) for Mathematics students 4. _______________
5. Social Security System Number 5. _______________

Classify each of the following data as quantitative or qualitative kind of data.

1. age of students 1. _______________
2. color of eye 2. _______________
3. number of computers in the school 3. _______________
4. school logo 4. _______________
5. score in the entrance tests 5. _______________

Address: Purok 3, Rawis, Legazpi City

Telephone No.: (052) 482 -1138
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Identify each of the following statements. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. A result from either a finite number of possible values or countable number of possible values. 1. ________
A. Qualitative data B. Quantitative Data C. Discrete D. Continuous
2. A level of measurement wherein variables are measured based on set of intervals on a certain scale. 2. _______
A. Interval B. Ratio C. Discrete D. Continuous
3. Data that consists of numbers representing counts or measurements. 3. _______
A. Qualitative data B. Quantitative data C. Discrete Data D. Continuous
4. A level of measurement which can have a value of zero or starts at an absolute value of zero. 4. _______
A. Interval B. Ratio C. Discrete D. Continuous
5. These are distinguished by some nonnumeric Characteristics. 5. _______
A. Ratio B. Nominal C. Qualitative D. Quantitative

II. Fill in the given table. State the population and the sample in the given statements below.

Statements Population Sample

1. The researcher surveyed 200 students out of 1,360 male students of San
Andres National High School about their favorite sports.
2. 500 high school students are being surveyed to find the point of view of
Grade 7 in answering the Self Learning Modules.
3. Out of 250 BARTODA members, 25 drivers are being asked to
determine their average income.
4. Out of 20,000 constituents, 1,000 residents took a survey from their
barangay chairman if they were in favor to take COVID-19 vaccines.
5. 10% of the 2,000 medical staffs were surveyed about the effects of the
vaccine on them.

III. Answer the following questions below.

In the 15,000 population of Barangay Sikat, 8% was used in the survey about the service that was most needed by the
community coming from the barangay officials.

a. What statistical instrument will be used? ___________________________________________

b. What is the total sample? ___________________________________________

c. What is the most type of sample that can be used? Explain your answer.


Address: Purok 3, Rawis, Legazpi City

Telephone No.: (052) 482 -1138
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

1. All adults – 50 adults
2. A cavan of rice – handful of rice
3. Juice – glass with half full of juice
4. 50 brand new tablets – 3 tablets
5. Food – spoonful of food

1. Ordinal
2. Nominal
3. Ratio
4. Ordinal
5. Nominal

1. Quantitative
2. Qualitative
3. Quantitative
4. Qualitative
5. Quantitative

I. 1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
II. Population Sample

1. 1,360 200
2. Grade 7 high school students 500
3. 250 25
4. 20,000 1,000
5. 2,000 10% or 200

III. a. questionnaire
b. 1,200
c. Stratified random sampling. Each purok or area can be represented so that
it will have positive responses

Address: Purok 3, Rawis, Legazpi City

Telephone No.: (052) 482 -1138
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Oronce, Orlando, and Marilyn Mendoza. E-MATH 7. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc., 2015.
Magtagñob, Irish Mae. Global Mathematics 7. Quezon City: The Library Publishing House, Inc., 2015Oronce, Orlando, and
Marilyn Mendoza. E-MATH 7. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc., 2015.
Crisostomo, Ricardo and Priscila de Sagun, Alicia Padua. Our World of Math 7. Quezon City: Vibal Publishing House,
Inc., 2013
Alen L. Tuliao, Russel M. Escasenas, and et. Al. Realistic Math 7 Scaling Greater Heights. Sibs Publishing House, Inc.
Phoenix Bldg., 927 Quezon Ave, 1104 Quezon City
Irish Mae G. Magtagňob. Global Mathematics 7. The Library Publishing House, Inc. Units T & U, 5/F Future Point Plaza 3
No. 111 Panay Ave., Quezon City

Writers: MARIA CRISTINA C. AUSTRIA Teacher III– Legazpi City Science High School
APRIL ALZUL Teacher I– Legazpi City Science High School
HENRY ARENA Teacher I– Taysan Resettlement Integrated School
Validators: PORTIA ENCISA EPS Mathematics
ANNAVI MARAVILLA Principal – Legazpi City Science High School
BENSON RIVERO Teacher III – Banquerohan National High School
EDGAR ARCIGA Teacher III – Homapon High School
JOVY BANANIA Teacher III – Arimbay High School

Address: Purok 3, Rawis, Legazpi City

Telephone No.: (052) 482 -1138

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