Deped Tandag Visits Last Mile School: The Brigada Eskwela Edition September 9, 2021

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DepEd Tandag visits last mile school

Tandag City Personnel visited
Pag-asa Tribal Community Ele-
mentary School, one of the last
mile schools in Tandag City Di-
vision, Tandag City, Surigao
del Sur.
As the Philippines pre-
pares for the opening of clas-
ses on September 13, the De-
partment of Education (DepEd)
Tandag geared up for the mon-
itoring of schools as to its read-
iness for the School Year 2021-
Benny T. Abala– Educa- Tandag. talaga ang Last Mile Program
tion Program Supervisor/IPEd Just this year, LGU para marating natin, maabot
Focal Person, Dr. Ponciano G. Tandag allocated budget natin ang lahat ng kabataan
Alngog-Education Program Su- through the Special Education dito sa Pilipinas."
pervisor , Ronald L. Arnego- Fund for the construction of two To date, approximately
Planning Officer, and Ginalyn makeshift classrooms that will 7,144 schools across the coun-
B. Patrimonio-Division Nurse be used for the Office of the try have been identified as re-
braved the rocky and rugged School Head and Kinder quiring immediate assistance,
terrain traversing Barangay Garten, which are now ready in which Pag-asa Tribal Com-
Mabuhay, Sitio Himat-e , Sitio for occupancy. munity Elementary School is
Hagimitan, and Sitio Pag-asa. Meanwhile, Oliver O Sua- included.
Pag-asa Tribal Communi- rez-School Head along with his Right now, the school still
ty Elementary School can only teachers were thankful for the has a lot of needs. All govern-
be reached by “Habal-habal,” support extended by the City ment agencies, stakeholders,
an improvised motorized vehi- Government through Honora- non-governmental organiza-
cle used by the locals, or by ble Mayor Roxanne C. Pimen- tions (NGOs), and the commu-
hiking for approximately 10 kil- tel. nity are encouraged to collabo-
ometers or four hours. The implementation of the rate on the development and
During its one-year imple- DepEd's Last Mile Schools Pro- implementation of programs,
mentation, the school used four gram, which aims to address projects, and activities to im-
makeshift classrooms for their resource and facility gaps in prove service delivery in last-
combo-classes of Grades 1 schools located in geograph- mile schools.
and 2, Grades 3 and 4, and ically isolated, disadvantaged, The Last Mile Schools
Grades 5 and 6, as well as the and conflict-affected areas, program is admirable because
Faculty Office. The first struc- provided a ray of hope for in- it gives hope to students in re-
ture was built by the Mabuhay digenous peoples of Pag-asa. mote communities.(Ponciano
Barangay Council through Hon. In her address to the na- G. Alngog)
Jodie Isiang, with the communi- tion, Secretary Leonor Magtolis
ty stakeholders, and the DepEd Briones stated, "Priority namin

Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, Philippines


he smell of the mud In some parts of the ar- cross broken bridges to get to
constantly beaten by chipelago, school can be a school on time. The solution
the wheels, the scents hard-won luxury. Every day, appears to be straightforward:
of the rotten leaves many children must embark build roads and run buses.
feasted on by the on the most dangerous and However, for children living in
worms, the fresh gentle perilous journeys in order to rural or impoverished areas,
breeze kissing the morning obtain an education. Pag-asa there is no quick fix, and it is
dew , the rugged and perilous Tribal Elementary School is no often easier to drop out of
terrains , and the narrow path excuse to these experiences. school.
–all these indicate that you are Some walk along perilous cliff
on your way to the last mile edges, others walk barefoot This difficulty is felt not
school of Tandag City. through the mountains or only by the students, but also
by the teachers who bravely
undertake the challenges of
reaching out to the most dis-
advantaged members of soci-
ety. Life's adventure, accord-
ing to Oliver O. Suarez,
PaTCES' School Head, is what
makes you whole. Every day is
an adventure, and it's always a
pleasure to be a part of the
indigenous peoples' success.

The crossroads of educa-

tion are best appreciated if we
all have to go through what
these mountain heroes went

Let us lend our ears to

the echoes of the mountain,
to the pleads of the lumads,
and the agony of the farmers.
Let us open our eyes to the
situation. Farm to market
roads should be given a priori-
ty to reach the marginalized
sector of the society. This way
they can feel that the govern-
ment is not forsaking them .

Afterall, indigenous peo-

ples education is not only my
concern but yours too. (Benny
T. Abala)

Oliver O. Suarez, the School Head of Pag-asa Tribal Elementary School, trekking
the most difficult path to the school. (Photo courtesy of Yen Espinoza)

Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, Philippines


Beyond borders
chooling during the Some isolated scenarios, on would help students grow
COVID-19 pandemic the other hand, demonstrat- and develop a wide range of
had a variety of ef- ed decline, particularly for competencies and skills both
fects on parents and learners who are unable to inside and outside of the
students from all socioeco- receive assistance from their classroom.
nomic backgrounds around elders at home. Indeed, education must
the world. The pandemic has While it has been a year continue regardless of the
hampered education and filled with tragedy and emo- landscape; it is always life
forced school closures. On tional pain, education innova- skills that matter in any situa-
the contrary, the tion and under any
COVID-19 pan- circumstances. It
demic has re- would always
sulted in at least acknowledge and
one positive adapt to the learn-
outcome: a ing that occurs
much greater outside of its walls,
appreciation for regularly as-
the value of sessing students'
public schools. skills and tailoring
As parents learning opportuni-
struggle to work ties to meet stu-
with their chil- dents where they
dren at home are at in their skill
due to school level.
closures, a As education
growing clamor considers another
among them is year with COVID-
noticeable and DepEd Tandag City personnel riding a "habal-habal," an improvised hinterland mo- 19, we must be
acknowledges tor, to Pag-asa Tribal Community Elementaty School in the rugged and perilous careful not to re-
the importance terrain. (Photo courtesy of Ronald L. Arnego) vert to pre-COVID-
of schools and 19 practices. We
teachers in the care of their tions and new approaches can leapfrog toward a more
children. Parents' apprecia- have emerged as a result of equitable and relevant learn-
tion for teachers, their skills, the turmoil and are present- ing ecosystem for all young
and their invaluable role in ing real opportunities to people in 2021 and beyond if
student well-being has grown transform education globally. we work together.
as their children struggle to Another challenges are
learn at home. up for the school year 2021- Let us raise the bar
The school year 2020- 2022. This time, the schools higher, always thinking be-
2021 has survived the adop- emerged powered-up be- yond borders and recogniz-
tion of Modular Distance cause of the strong support ing the importance of both
Learning. Positive impacts of the community and have theories and life skills for our
were notable based on the leveraged the most effective students. (Ronald L.
results of the students’ out- partnerships among stake- Arnego)
puts and performances. holders. Partnerships that

Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, Philippines


Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, Philippines


Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, Philippines


Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, Philippines


December 26, 2011

DO 103, s. 2011

1. The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act of 1997 also known as

the Republic Act (RA) No. 8371 mandates all government
agencies to recognize and promote the rights of Indige-
nous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs)
within the framework of national unity and develop-
2. Using this RA as the legal basis, the Department of Edu-
cation (DepEd) issued the DepEd Order No. 62, s. 2011
entitled National Indigenous Peoples Education Policy
Framework, to serve as an instrument for promoting
shared accountability, continuous dialogue, engagement
and partnership among government, IPs communities,
civil society and other education stakeholders in uphold-
ing the IPs Learners’ education rights.
3. To operationalize the said Indigenous Peoples frame-
work, the DepEd felt the need to establish a mechanism
for the mobilization, implementation and coordination of
all programs and projects of this Department pertaining
to IPs Education. Accordingly, the Creation of the IPs
Education Office (IPsEO) is important to ensure contin-
ued delivery of quality education to the IPs Learners.
4. The IPsEO shall perform the following specific functions:
a) Act as the focal point for DepEd in planning, imple-
menting, coordinating and monitoring of activities
related to IPs Education;
b) Develop and recommend policy standards and ac-
tions to DepEd management to enhance DepEd’s
implementation of education initiatives for the IPs
c) Initiate and coordinate cooperation and collaborative
activities with the national government agencies
(NGAs), non-government organizations (NGOs) and
civil society groups (CSGs), Indigenous People’s Or-
ganizations, Private Business Organizations (PBOs)/
Corporate Foundations, Academic Institutions and
other inter-agency and cluster groupings concerned
with IPs Education; and
d) Serve as clearinghouse for all IPs Education related
transactions including production and issuance of
modules, indigenized curriculum, and other related
5. The IPsEO shall be under the functional direction of the
Undersecretary for Programs and Projects. The DepEd
shall engage the services of the Project Development
Officers (PDOs) on a contractual basis to serve as tech-
nical personnel/assistants in the IPsEO.
6. This DepEd Order shall take effect immediately.
7. Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this
Order is directed.
Reference: DepEd Order: (No. 62, s. 2011)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following


Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, Philippines

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