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STUDENT : Quynh Tran Ly

CLASS : BDAF-2005-1
SUPERVISOR : Quynh Tran Ly

DaNang, October 2020


Higher Grade Achievement (Where applicable)

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1: Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication

skills to a target audience

P1 Demonstrate, using M1 Design a D1 Evaluate

different communication
professional schedule the effectiveness
styles and formats, that you
can effectively design and to support the planning and application of
deliver a training event for a of an event, to include interpersonal skills
given target audience. contingencies and during the design
justifications of time and delivery of a
allocated. training event.

P2 Demonstrate that you

have used effective time
management skills in
planning an event.

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving


P3 Demonstrate the use of M2 Research D2 Critique the

process of applying
different problem-solving the use of different
critical reasoning to
techniques in the design and problem-solving a given task/activity
delivery of an event. techniques used in the or event.
design and delivery of
an event.

P4 Demonstrate that M3 Justify the

critical reasoning has been use and application of
applied to a given solution. a range of solution

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 1

Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 2


Higher Grade Achievement (Where applicable)

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1: Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a

target audience

P1 Demonstrate, using different M1 Design a professional D1 Evaluate the

communication styles and
schedule to support the effectiveness and
formats, that you can effectively
design and deliver a training planning of an event, to application of
event for a given target include contingencies and interpersonal skills
audience. justifications of time during the design and
allocated. delivery of a training

P2 Demonstrate that you have

used effective time management
skills in planning an event.

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios

P3 Demonstrate the use of M2 Research the D2 Critique the

process of applying
different problem-solving use of different problem-
critical reasoning to a
techniques in the design and solving techniques used in given task/activity or
delivery of an event. the design and delivery of event.
an event.

P4 Demonstrate that M3 Justify the use

critical reasoning has been and application of a range
applied to a given solution. of solution methodologies.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 3

Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 4


First of all, a special and big thank you goes to my family for giving encouragement,
enthusiasm and invaluable assistant to me. Without all this, I might not be able to complete
this assignment properly

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 5


I certify that this assignment is my own work, based on my personal study and that I
have acknowledged all material and sources used in its preparation, whether they be
books, articles, reports, lecture notes, and any other kind of document, electronic or
personal communication. I also certify that this assignment has not previously been
submitted for assessment in any other unit, except where specific permission has been
granted from all unit coordinators involved, or at any other time in this unit, and that I have
not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of other persons.

Learners declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research
sources are fully acknowledged.

Student signature: Date:

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 6


INSTRUCTOR/ SUPERVISOR/ ASSESSOR................................................................... 1

REVIEWERS.......................................................................................................................... 3

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS....................................................................................................... 5

ASSURANCE......................................................................................................................... 6

TABLE OF CONTENT.......................................................................................................... 7

LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES...................................................................................... 9

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 11

1.1 Definition and the importance of communication skill.........................................12

1.1.1 Definition of communication.............................................................................12

1.1.2 Importance of communication skill..................................................................12

1.1.3 Verbal communication...................................................................................... 16

1.1.4 Non-verbal communication.............................................................................. 18

1.1.5 Communication in my group............................................................................ 22

1.1.6 Evaluate the effectiveness and application of interpersonal skills during

the design and delivery of a training event..........................................................................24


MANAGEMENT SKILLS IN PLANNING AN EVENT (P2).................................................... 25

1.2.1 Definition and the importance of time management skill............................ 25

 importance of time management skill:...............................................................25

1.2.2 Planning a training event (group work).......................................................... 26


TECHNIQUES IN THE DESIGN AND DELIVERY OF AN EVENT (P3)............................ 31

1.3.1 Definition and the importance of problem solving........................................ 31

1.3.2 Some techniques and tools for the problem solving.................................... 31

1.3.3 Problems and solutions in the training event................................................ 39

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 7

ALLOCATED (M1).......................................................................................................................42

1.4.1 Definition............................................................................................................. 42

CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................... 44

REFERENCES.................................................................................................................... 45

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 8


Figure 1- 1 : communication...............................................................................................12

Figure 1- 2 : Listening skill .................................................................................................13

Figure 1- 3 : Observation skill............................................................................................ 13

Figure 1- 4 : Behavioral communication...........................................................................14

Figure 1- 5 : Persuasion and negotiation skill................................................................. 15

Figure 1- 6 : Teamwork skill............................................................................................... 15

Figure 1- 6 : Questioning communication........................................................................ 16

Figure 1- 8 : Verbal communication.................................................................................. 17

Figure 1- 9 : Non-Verbal communication......................................................................... 18

Figure 1- 10 : Facial Expressions......................................................................................19

Figure 1- 11 :Body movements and posture................................................................... 20

Figure 1- 12 : Gestures....................................................................................................... 20

Figure 1- 13 : Touch............................................................................................................ 21

Figure 1- 14 : Eye contact.................................................................................................. 22

Figure 1- 15 : Gmail.............................................................................................................22

Figure 1- 16 : Communication in my group......................................................................24

Figure 1- 17 : place at Canh Duong beach in Hue......................................................... 27

Figure 1- 18 : Planning Team Building............................................................................. 28

Figure 1- 19 : Prepare......................................................................................................... 29

Figure 1- 20 : Test................................................................................................................29

Figure 1- 21 : implement event .........................................................................................29

Figure 1- 22 : Problem solving...........................................................................................31

Figure 1- 23 : 8 problem solving principles.....................................................................32

Figure 2- 2 : Pareto Chart...................................................................................................35

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 9

Figure 2- 3 : Fish bone Diagram........................................................................................35

Figure 2- 4 : Scatter Plot Diagram.....................................................................................36

Figure 2- 5 : Failure Mode and Effects Analysis............................................................. 37

Figure 2- 6 : 5 Whys............................................................................................................ 38

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 10

In the present era, teamwork and the use of IT tools are indispensable. But since the
emergence of viruss corona is contagious, educational activities will be directed towards
online teaching. However, some lecturers and students have not used these IT tools
proficiently. Our school, BTEC FPT International College organized a workshop to help
teachers better understand the easiest to use online teaching aids, and also have software
with tables. This manual and workshop course helps students learn more about teamwork

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 11


1.1 Definition and the importance of communication skill

1.1.1 Definition of communication

Communication skill is a set of rules, words, behaviors, interactions with others that
are drawn from experience in daily life communication. Communication skills include many
other skills such as listening skills, understanding, language skills, body shape, persuasion
skills, …

Figure 1- 1: communication

1.1.2 Importance of communication skill

types of communication skills:

 Listening skills in communication: Listening skill in communication is one of the

really important skills in every communication. To learn listening skills is very difficult,
we need to practice and gain experience in everyday life. Listen for empathy,
understanding, giving helpful advice and helping to increase the intimacy between

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 12

relationships. To learn how to listen we need to focus on listening, not interrupting the
other party and maintaining a conversation between the speaker and the listener.

Figure 1- 2: Listening skill

 Observation skills in communication: Observation skill Is one of the important soft

skills. Different from ordinary observing instincts, observation skills are not simply
stopped at looking, but also observe skills that help us to understand the other's
feelings and emotions through gestures. actions and facial expressions so you can
know if they are sad or happy, angry or upset, so you know how to adjust behavior and
words accordingly. To practice observation skills you need the ability to be patient, The
ability to focus and analyze and understand emotions is the most important key for you
to practice observation skills.

Figure 1- 3: Observation skill

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 13

 Behavioral communication skills: Behavioral communication is an essential skill for
each of us and is essential in all relationships. In order to be able to communicate and
behave well, you need to speak in a sincere manner, naturally avoid being
uncomfortable and forced, talk neatly, fully enough, only tell relevant details, do not
manipulate. regardless of whether the listener wants to hear it or not, when you talk,
keep a reasonable distance.

Figure 1- 4: Behavioral communication

 Negotiation skills: Persuasion and negotiation are defined as an interpersonal

discussion. In order to persuade someone, you must first clarify the topic of discussion,
your goals, and seek information about the other person's point of view or service. A
person who is good at persuasion is someone who is able to show a reasonable
reaction without losing his temper in all cases. In order to have good persuasion skills,
you need to practice a number of skills such as reasonable response, patience,
confidence, politeness and seriousness, using clear communication, listening, giving
things. reasonable case, …

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 14

Figure 1- 5: Persuasion and negotiation skill
 Teamwork skill: Teamwork skill is the ability to establish and maintain active
cooperative relationships with other members in order to successfully accomplish
common goals. Teamwork is one of the essential requirements of all jobs today.
Teamwork helps you be more disciplined, helps improve your communication skills
effectively and has the right decision.

Figure 1- 6: Teamwork skill

 Situation skills: In every aspect of your life, you will always encounter unexpected
situations. In such situations you need to be flexible in handling situations. All need a
very important skill that is: the skill of handling situations in communication. Situation
skills help you stay calm, have the opportunity to gain more experience, and help you
be proactive in all matters.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 15

 Questioning skill in communication: Questioning is a skill in the art of
communication. Questions and answers help communicate and lengthen the
conversation. Knowing how to ask a question and a right question will bring many
benefits such as creating a common view, building and strengthening good
relationships, defusing conflicts in debates …

Figure 1- 6: Questioning communication

Communication plays a very important role in our life:

 Communication helps us to create many human-to-human relationships that ensure

survival and promote social development.

 Communication is a factor that helps people develop mentally and personality of each

 Communication helps individuals easily integrate into the community

1.1.3 Verbal communication

Verbal communication is the use of words to share information with others. In verbal
communication, speech is manifested by linguistic systems and divided into text and verbal.
The most important requirements for verbal communication are pronunciation clarity,
content clarity, accessibility of thought presentation.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 16

Figure 1- 8: Verbal communication

Features of verbal communication:

 The main feature of verbal communication is that such communication is unique to

humans only. Verbal communication is an indispensable condition related to
language mastery. The formation of initial verbal communication necessarily relies
on non-verbal means of communication.

 Verbal interactions are considered to be the most common way to transmit thoughts.
Any message constructed using non-verbal symbologies can be decoded or
translated into human language.

 In verbal communication, a whole complex of verbal, ideological, religious, or

mythological systems characteristic of a particular society or culture are created
and formed.

 The spoken topic may form the idea of another participant in the interaction about
who such a topic really is. This is this is annce to be when people the interface
close to the role of the meeting has been setting non-verbal communication

 Speech not only conveys messages but also the interactions of the participants in
the communication process in a way that specifically affects each other, directs
and orientates each other.

Principles of verbal communication:

 must be clear and easy to understand.

 In behavioral communication skills, sarcasm and "cool talk" should be avoided.

 Avoid saying that you don't feel good about others.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 17
 Do not address topics that the listener does not understand, is disinterested in, or
sensitive topics.

 Do not use slang, speech, and local words, avoid misunderstanding for the opposite
person. Do not use specialized words, old words, or too fancy language.

1.1.4 Non-verbal communication Definition

Non-verbal communication is a way of sending and receiving messages from what

we expose in our communication. It includes all the manipulations of each part of the body
such as gestures, facial expressions, eyes, smile, tone, posture, distance. They can make
people feel free to build trust and draw others' attention on your part. They can also offend,
confuse, and distort what you are trying to convey. Even if you are silent, you are still
communicating non-verbally. The function of non-verbal communication is to help
messages be conveyed quickly and easily, helping participants to better understand the
other person's feelings in order to achieve the communication purpose.

Figure 1- 9: Non-Verbal communication

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 18 The importance of non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is of great importance, especially in business. It helps

each person become more refined, self-controlled, self-aware and control body language.
At the same time, non-verbal communication also helps us to understand the partner we
are approaching in order to give the right direction. The importance of verbal
communication is also reflected in situations when we first interact with another person. In
addition to noticing the gestures, gestures and content of the other person, you must also
learn to read and understand their meaning. From there, you will gain experience, help you
get to know the other person, recognize yourself and learn to control yourself in
communication better. Types of non-verbal communication

 Facial Expressions: Human faces are extremely expressive, able to convey a wealth
of emotions without saying anything. And unlike some other forms of nonverbal
communication, facial expressions are considered universal. The expressions of
happiness, sadness, anger, fear, etc. are the same across cultures.

Figure 1- 10: Facial Expressions

 Body movements and posture: The way you move also imparts information to others.
This non-verbal communication style includes the posture, stamina, and subtle
movements you perform.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 19

Figure 1- 11:Body movements and posture

 Gestures: Gestures are formed in everyday life. You can wave, point, wave or use
your hand when arguing or when speaking vividly. However, the meanings of some
gestures may vary between cultures.

Figure 1- 12: Gestures

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 20

 Touch: Think of the different messages given by a weak handshake, a warm hug, a
pat on the head. But some countries are culturally different, so be careful when using
these actions

Figure 1- 13: Touch

 Eye contact: Since visual sensations prevail for most people, eye contact is a
particularly important type of nonverbal communication. The way you look at someone
can explain interest, affection, hostility or attractiveness, ... Eye contact is also
important in maintaining the flow of conversation and for measuring. attention and
response of others.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 21

Figure 1- 14: Eye contact

1.1.5 Communication in my group

To organize team building events for new students, our group includes 4 members:
1.Nguyen Hoang Bao Long, 2. Le Thanh Hoa, 3. Trinh Thi Huyen, 4.Tran Van Minh Nhat,
5. Bui Van Dat, 6. Nhat Anh. We come from different provinces of Vietnam but all of us are
studying at BTEC DaNang International College. We have been working together since
February 2020 with offline meetings in the self-study rooms of the school, cafes to discuss
events and timing of the event. In addition, we also exchange information via email,
messenger to discuss more. so we can work and have some effective communication. To
know when and where to work offline, we have created a Gmail schedule to send to team
members to know which members can join and cannot.

Figure 1- 15: Gmail

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 22

Advantage and disadvantage work online and offline

Advantage disadvantage

offline Teamwork can help you teamwork can cause arguments,

develop communication skills reduce team cohesion, create low self-
such as listening skills, awareness, passive likes,
behavioral skills, handling skills,
better discipline, public

G-Mail Composing a new email Compose replies using a small

is feature rich in text,can create screen,messages and attachments that
an appointment based on you have deleted cannot be recovered

teamwork can cause arguments, reduce team cohesion, create low self-awareness,
passive likes,

Team work helps you increase listening skills. When you have friends in the group
giving out certain ideas, you must focus on listening to understand the problem and then
contribute to the idea. The behavioral skills when your friend asks you to give an opinion,
you must think and add skillfully that you need to add. Train you to be more disciplined
when others raise their opinions, you have to keep order, and you have to attend on time
as the group has decided. Confidence skills like you have to make presentations to the
group giving their opinions. However, teamwork still has shortcomings such as causing
arguments because of disagreement, defending our ideas, having high egos wants their
own views over others. Disputes lose the cohesion of everyone on the team, creating low
self-awareness and passivity

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 23

Figure 1- 16: Communication in my group

the role of team member:

Team leader: Nguyen Hoang Bao Long

Project manager:Trinh Thi Huyen, Nhat Anh

Tester: Le Thanh Hoa, Dat

Dipimast: Tran Van Minh Nhat.

Long is the team leader. The group members are very sociable and friendly. Although
there are some disagreements about some controversial opinions. The members all have
their own opinion and all defend that opinion, wanting other members to accept to follow
their opinion. But after a while arguing, the members will gather the opinions together.
After these arguments, our group became more understanding and united.

1.1.6 Evaluate the effectiveness and application of interpersonal skills during the
design and delivery of a training event

In teamwork, you must follow the rules of the group. Most important is the listening
skill you have to focus on listening not talking while others are talking, using a respectful
attitude to listen.While you are listening you should not think what you will say and do next.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 24

In addition, during group work, you can also learn skills such as critical skills,
problem solving skills, communication skills, time management skills, .. during teamwork.
helps my skills get better and better. Especially working in groups, you often communicate
with team members and present your design projects to help your communication skills
improve very well. You can convey your ideas in forms such as your own words and
gestures so that your team members can better understand your ideas. You find
communication very simple, but in order to communicate well it is difficult to gain
experience through interactions and interactions with others. If you are working in a
company and you have to present your own ideas about your upcoming plans, you have to
speak to your boss, someone who has a lot of experience in communication and
communication. colleagues in the company. If you do not convey a good and ineffective
idea, the listener will become bored easily. you should both use verbal form by asking
questions to get feedback from other members and using body language form combined
with slides and pictures to make the presentation sound and attract more listeners.



1.2.1 Definition and the importance of time management skill

 Definition: Time management is the process of planning and organizing time for each
specific activity, step by step until all goals are completed. If the completion time is
limited, the better time management you have, the more efficient your time budget will

 importance of time management skill:

 Help increase productivity: Knowing how to manage your time helps you
organize your daily plans and tasks based on importance and priority. for
example, when you are assigned a lot of tasks and have a limited deadline,
you should choose the task with the earliest completion date to complete first
and then do the rest. With a good background in time management skills, you
will prevent wasting time and energy, and less effort to get the job done
because everything is organized logically and scientifically. Not only that, it
also helps you to improve your creativity thanks to the free time saved from
arranging tasks properly.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 25

 Exercise your ability to make decisions, reduce pressure: If you lack time
management skills, you will be led to work with a lot of pressure, indirectly
making wrong decisions when you do not have enough time to consider. If you
control your time well, you not only avoid the pressure of "deadlines" but also
make smarter decisions at work due to more time to think and evaluate

 Limit bad habits, create motivation for action: Time management will help
you get rid of bad habits, and at the same time motivate you to embark on big
projects with a well-defined plan with clear goals and a precise schedule.For
example, when you are assigned a job but you do not know how to schedule
and you keep delaying the task and delay the team's progress. Conversely,
when you know how to schedule and set clear goals, you will be motivated to
complete the work and the goals set out earlier

1.2.2 Planning a training event (group work) Name of the Training program

The event title is Workshop: "Connection Journey". Our team organizes this event
to train the new students to better understand how to use online learning tools. Goals of the Training program

Our program includes the opening ceremony, followed by playing the team games
we created then camping and campfire, group activities, finally finishing team building

Our program kicks off the opening ceremony, then begins to introduce tools for
online learning and how to use them. Finally organized team building for entertainment
after the course. Participants

Including 100 new students and a number of faculty members. Time

The show starts on December 10 and ends on December 13, 2020. Place

The program took place at Canh Duong beach in Hue

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 26

Figure 1- 17: place at Canh Duong beach in Hue Agenda

Day Morning Afternoon Night

21/11/2020  7:30 AM: 13:00 PM: Get in the 19:00 pm: Organize
opening ceremony of the car and move to Hue cultural exchanges.
event. Province. Catword exam

8:00-10:00am: 15:00 pm: Organized between student

for everyone to swim classes.
Workshop using google and have fun. 22:00 pm: Rest at
meeting and google class
room. 17:30 pm: Let the tent.
everyone eat and rest
10:00 am:
Minigame organization
Eat food and rest.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 27

22/12/2020 7:30 am: 14:00-15:30pm: 19:30 pm: Play folk
Organized for everyone to Organize Team games, bingo.
exercise. Building games for 22:00 pm: Camp
students. bonfire, playing,
8:00 am: breakfast.
18:00 pm: eat and rest. dancing.
9:00 am: Experience Sup
boating to see the sea. 11:30 pm: Gather up
to rest at the tent.
11:00 am: have lunch and

23/12/2020 7:30 am: breakfast.

8:30 am: Student group for
volunteer activities to
scavenge to clean up the
marine environment.
10:00 am: Gather roll-in to
the bus back to the city.
Danang. GANTT chart

 Planning Team Building:

Figure 1- 18: Planning Team Building

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 28

 Prepare:

Figure 1- 19: Prepare

 Test:

Figure 1- 20: Test

 implement event :

Figure 1- 21: implement event

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 29 Estimated Budget

Rental service Price

Team Building game 15.000.000 VND

Tents 6.000.000 VND

Filming, photography 7.000.000 VND

Sound, light 4.000.000 VND

Food 10.000.000 VND

Firewood campfire 500.000 VND PowerPoint slide

Our team is in charge of team building events. The event will take place on the morning of
November 21, 2020 and the name of the event is "Ready To Be". This event is to welcome
new students of BTEC FPT International College and bring new students together.

To do this we have planned and prepared the event. Regarding the plan, we
focused on discussing and discussing about the event, the members of the group split up
to find the venue, design team games and inform the students in the school. As for the
preparation of the event, we divided up and each of us did a task such as preparing food,
drinking water, preparing the tent and firewood, designing the stage and preparing the
sound and lighting. Because sometimes the listener has no expertise in this area. And in
order to convey the plan and prepare for the event above to the audience to understand
easily we made a Slide. Through the images of the slide will help listeners easier to
understand and will not be bored when listening Speak notes

In addition to the team building event, we also invited some lecturers from BTEC
FPT International College Da Nang and Ngo Gia Phuc trading company. We invite 2 more
organizations above to orient careers for new students to create a memorable event for
you students. There are two situations here, when the key speaker doesn't want to speak,

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 30

we say thank you to avoid making the situation difficult. When the key speaker agrees, the
relevant schedule will be sent, presenting ideas and wishes of the group when inviting the
key speaker to speak.



1.3.1 Definition and the importance of problem solving

 Definition: Problem solving skills are the ability to handle unexpected situations during
interactions with business partners. This skill is related to factors such as active
listening, analytical ability, creativity, research, communication, and the ability to work
in a teamwork.

Figure 1- 22: Problem solving

 importance of problem solving: In life, we are always faced with countless problems
that suddenly occur in life, no matter how small or large, it affects each person's work
and spirit. Therefore, problem solving skill is one of the important skills to help you
train a successful person's thinking. People who know how to solve problems well will
make the right decisions that create more chances of working successfully than others.
In addition, people with problem solving skills will receive the trust and appreciation of
those around and above.

1.3.2 Some techniques and tools for the problem solving Techniques for the problem solving:

The following are the measures we have taken to solve the problems:

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 31

 Deep training techniques: In organizations and communities, complex problems are
inevitable. Organizations should take the time to identify these complex issues and
plan their resolution as soon as possible. Deepening is a popular approach to problem
solving in complex organizations. Problem digging simplifies complex problems into
smaller ones.

 Four Framework Model: Is one of the most common and deepest management tools
used to maximize an organization's potential. The model dividing an organization into
"four frameworks" - structure, personnel, politics and symbolism aims to better
understand the organization.

 8 problem solving principles: This requires a practical plan to be created at the start
of the eight-step process. Here are 8 steps to solve the problem:

Figure 1- 23: 8 problem solving principles

 Plan: Before you start setting up a team to solve the problem, you need to have an
outreach plan. This means thinking about who will be on your team, your time
frame, and the resources it will take to solve the problem.

 Team building: Try to set up a team that has the necessary skills to solve the
problem, and has time and energy to commit to the problem solving process.
Establish team rules, outline team goals and define roles for each person. Then,
do what you can to build trust and get everyone involved in the process.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 32

 Describe the problem: Once the group is established, describe the problem in
detail. Specify who, what, when, why, how and how and using techniques like
CATWOE, the problem identification process ensures you are focusing on the right

If the problem is with a process, use the Flow Diagram, the Pool Lane Diagram,
and the Storyboard - The Content Storyboard helps team members understand how
the process works, and then, think about how best to fix it.

Identify the root of the problem in the process, then resolve it. the goal is to look
at what went wrong, and make sure the team understands the whole problem.

 Make a temporary fix: When your team understands the problem, come up with a
temporary fix. This is especially important if the problem is affecting the customer,
reducing product quality, or slowing down work.

Tap into the knowledge of everyone on the team. Make sure everyone's ideas are
heard, considering using techniques such as Brainstorming, Brainstorming, Crawford's
Method of Feedback with the problem solving team.

Once the team has identified a temporary solution, address issues such as cost,
implementation time, and relevance. Short-term solutions should be quick, easy to
implement, and guaranteed to be worth the effort.

 Identify and eliminate the root cause: Conduct cause and impact analysis to
determine possible causes of the problem. Apply problem root analysis to find the root
cause of the problem identified. Once you've identified the root of the problem, develop
some lasting solutions to it. If team members have trouble coming up with viable
solutions, use the Straw Man Concept to create prototype solutions that you can then
discuss, split, and rebuild into solutions. France is stronger.

 Verify solution: Once your team agrees on a long-term solution, be sure to double-
check before proceeding, in the next steps.

 Conduct FMEA analysis to find potential problems.

 Use impact analysis to ensure there are no undesirable consequences in the


 Use 6 corrective thinking thinking hats from many different perspectives on


Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 33

Finally, carry out a blind spot analysis to confirm you, and your team, did not
overlook any important factors, or make incorrect assumptions about this solution.

 Make a permanent solution: When the team reaches a consensus on a solution,

do it. Closely monitor this new solution with an appropriate time period to make
sure it is working correctly and ensure there are no undesirable side effects.

 Prevent the problem from recurring: When you are sure that the long-term
solution has solved the problem, get the group together again to determine how to
prevent future problems.

You need to update standards, policies, procedures, or training to reflect new

fixes or need to train others to new processes or standards. Ultimately, you will need
to consider changing your management practices or procedures to prevent relapses.

 Cynefin framework: The core of the Cynefin framework is to break the issue down
into one of five contexts. You put the issue in one of the specific contexts and it will
help you decide how best to approach it. This problem-solving technique is on a
“higher level” level than other tools, because it requires you to think about the problem
in the first place. This framework is often used in conjunction with other problem-
solving tools to find a solution. tools for the problem solving

 Pareto Chart: Pareto chart is a form of bar graph that reflects collected quality data,
arranged in order from high to low, indicating problems that need to be resolved
first.The Pareto chart has many meanings:

 A look at the chart clearly shows the most common types of defects, the order
in which they are to be corrected and the results of quality improvement
activities. Thereby limiting the dispersion, wasting resources and time while
improving the efficiency of quality improvement.

 The overcoming of defects cannot be done at the same time, but need to have
priority order, focus on solving important problems first. Using a Pareto chart
helps you to do this.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 34

Figure 2- 2: Pareto Chart
 Fish bone Diagram: The herringbone chart is a type of chart designed to identify
cause and effect relationships or an Ishikawa diagram. The shape of the herringbone
diagram resembles a herringbone diagram. The central bone is the spine, followed by
the large, medium and small bones that are drawn to connect cause and effect.
Therefore, it is necessary to arrange the relevant factors in a systematic way to draw a
graph of cause and effect.

Figure 2- 3: Fish bone Diagram

The herringbone chart is often used in the following cases:

 When there is a need to learn a problem to determine the root cause.

 When it comes to finding out all the possible reasons why a problem-
solving process has problems or fail.

 When there is a need to identify the fields to collect information.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 35

 When you want to find out why a process does not produce the desired

 Scatter Plot Diagram: Scatter plots use dots to represent the values of two different
variables. The positions of each dot on the vertical and horizontal axes correspond to
one aspect of an individual data point. Scatter charts are often used to observe
correlations between two different factors.

Figure 2- 4: Scatter Plot Diagram

Use scatter plots to observe and represent relationships between two variables. The
dots in a scatter chart not only show the value of a data point, but also show the trend
when we look at the entire data set. Determination of correlation relationships is often
represented by this chart form.

 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA): is a method used in product design or in
the process of reviewing components, assemblies, and subsystems as possible to
identify potential failure modes in the system and their causes and consequences.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 36

Figure 2- 5: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMEA is mostly used by top managers or stakeholders, they can use this Effect
Analysis and error mode to:

 Understand the purpose of the stakeholders in testing the application.

 Business understanding.

 Design high-level scenarios based on profession and management's concern.

 Designing effective test cases can provide better coverage of risky areas.

 Prioritize test cases.

 Decide what to test and what to postpone during any phase.

 5 Whys: 5 Whys is a problem solving analysis technique that seeks to find the root
cause of a problem quickly. When an obvious problem arises, the question of why it
happened is raised. When a why question is answered, another why question is posed
to address the previous answer. 5 Whys usually provides a complete overview of
what's going on and indicates a solution.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 37

Figure 2- 6: 5 Whys
The way of asking 5 stars allows to query the deep and true cause of each problem
and find the real and root causes. The "5 Whys" method is a very effective and easy-to-
use tool to find the root of the problem. Because it is so basic it is easy to apply to almost
any problem.

How to use the 5 Why method:

 Set up a problem-solving team: This group includes key members who are sure of the
details of the problem being encountered.

 Problem Definition: Name the problem you are facing for the whole group to analyze.

 Ask the question "Why" first.

 Continue asking the 4 “Why” questions until you find the root problem.

 Address the root cause.

Rule when solving problems with 5-star techniques:

 Use paper or a board to practice note-taking instead of a computer and make sure
everyone understands it.

 Ensure the logic of the cause and effect relationship.

 Reverse the problem once you find the root cause.

 Give a short, concise, clear, and accurate answer.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 38

 Not in a hurry to conclude but find each cause.

 Evaluate the process of the problem.

 Honestly acknowledge the error.

 Respect and trust others in the team.

Note when using the 5 Why method:

 Do not preset the cause and the solution, but have to analyze each detail and logically
deeply to find the root cause.

 5 why is the measure to prevent 1 or sequence of actions from occurring, leading to

the problem of recurring problems. It is not a timely, short-term response.

 To answer for 5 why need the factual and accurate bases to deepen the chain into a
process of reasoning and convincing.

1.3.3 Problems and solutions in the training event Definition and the importance of critical reasoning

 Definition: Currently there are many definitions of critical thinking. however, most
explanatory definitions of critical thinking emphasize the importance of clarity and the
ability to reason and think about thinking. It includes the ability to apply independent
thinking and reflective thinking.

Independent thinking skills are on top. Independent thinking is not stereotyped in

the way, is the ability to self-study, learn to learn and summarize as an experience.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 39

Independent thinking skills teach learners based on personal experience and observations,
and make important informed decisions in a similar way.

Reflective thinking does not just mean recording what you did or plan to do. It
means considering why what you did or plan to do is important; it means writing to help
you better understand something; it means exploring emotions, feelings, reactions and

Characteristics of critical thinking:

 Understand logical cohesion between opinions.

 Identify, develop and evaluate arguments.

 Find common inconsistencies and errors in reasoning.

 Systematic problem solving.

 Identify the relevance and importance of ideas.

 Consider reasoning and the correctness of other people's opinions and beliefs.

 The Importance Of Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is considered important in all

areas of science because it enables people to analyze, evaluate, interpret, and
reconstruct one's thinking, thereby reducing risk. manipulate, or act, or think with a
false belief.The importance of critical thinking:

 identify biased thoughts. Critical thinking helps to identify both biased thinking
in the problems it observes and the biases that you bring.

 Critical thinking is directed to the problem, event or situation you are dealing

 Critical thinking considers both the simplicity and complexity of its object.

 Critical thinking gives you an almost accurate view of reality.

 Critical Thinking Improving presentation skills and language Promote creativity. Apply to a given solution

 Solving problem occurred when preparing training event phase:

During the group event preparation they encountered some minor problems. Some
group members did not agree, leading to controversy. We had a few problems with
choosing the venue. Then, Thanh Hoa gave his opinion on My Khe beach, Da Nang city,

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 40

while Minh Nhat said another place is Canh Duong beach in Phu Loc district, Thua Thien
Hue province.

 Solution:

Thanh Hòa Idea Narrow terrain is difficult to organize events

My Khe Beach is not for team building organization

Cannot camp overnight and campfire

Minh Nhật idea Nice, cool place

Can camp overnight and not worry about everyone around

After a period of arguing and comparing your opinions, we have reached an agreement.
Because the location you choose does not meet some of the characteristics of the group.
We decided to agree with your opinion Minh Nhat. The place chosen by Japanese is very
suitable for organizing events and activities of team building games.

 Solving problem occurred when training event happening phase:

During the event, there are some small problems such as some new students who do not
know each other, leading to difficulty integrating and keeping up with other students, so it
feels abandoned. Accompanied by some small glitches problems with sound, lighting,
stage. To overcome that, Hoang Long is the leader of the team, giving opinion that the
team members always observe and cover all areas of the event, to encourage and help
the students integrate with the team. and his team, the speaker system should be rested
so that the water seeps into the speaker. Instead, different games will be created to create
opportunities for new students to easily integrate and have a spirit of solidarity. Another
friend in the group, Hoa, gave another opinion that was in agreement on a problem of
concern to students like Long, but not roughly speaking. Hoa offers another idea that is to
hire another speaker system.Solution

Long ideas Make students feel that they are not isolated.
The speaker system is rested after overloaded operation.
Increase your excitement when mixing circle activity games.
Hoa ideas Regarding the sound, Hoa's opinion took time.
Additional costs incurred.
Causes boredom while waiting for new speakers to install.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 41

After listening to the opinions of Long and Hoa, the group decided to support Long's
opinion because most of the students could not integrate, so your way of Long can help
you get acquainted and closer together.

 Solving problem occurred after training event happening phase:

After the event took place, my group gathered together to list the problems that the
group had encountered during the event preparation and going on. Then calculate the total
cost of the event and the group holds a small party to celebrate the great success of the
group. After the event, the group's expenses are residual with a small amount. At that time,
Long and I had the idea to use this extra money to raise and donate to the fund to help the
pupils who were flooded during the last storm and flood. But the Hoa, Dat and Nhat
disagreed and suggested that this amount should be left for the group to eat.

Hoa, Nhat, Dat Ideas Opinions are that the members only think of the
immediate benefits and do not pay much attention to the
difficult problems that students face.
Long, Huyen Ideas This is a good practice, and should be encouraged and
motivated. Maybe many of the students in the school are
having trouble.

After the group argued for a long time and finally the group chose Long and I's
opinion because although the remaining amount of the group is not large, it will be big for
the students in the flooded area. A small group act but makes a big sense. After this
argument, the whole group understood each other better and the group's solidarity also



1.4.1 Definition

Professional schedule is defined as arranging someone's work schedule in a

reasonable way, meeting the needs of members and the responsibility of the position in
the best way. At the same time bring a balance of working time of individuals and
organizations to work more effectively.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 42

In organizing this event, PROFESSIONAL SCHEDULE is used in the creation of a
plan B, which ensures the contingencies and justifications of time allocated.

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 43


After completing this report, I have gained…..

Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 44


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Perfomed Student: Trinh Thi Huyen 45

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