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Before – reading questions ( text 1)

1.) Baduy mean for me as not good to see, or pleasant to see.

2.) I would describe a person by clothing labeled as baduy, through its color, size
and its generation code.
3.) Other term for baduy --- “ Losyang “

While reading questions (text 1)

1.) Author’s central thesis or overall idea or definition of baduy id, how we are
pinoy’s express ourselves through our clothings, it called us “baduy” because of
the color combination of the shirt. But we cannot deny the fact it has been our
culture before, even up to this day.

2.) A. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

3.) All points because I find it effective to distinguish the concept and give more clear
and concise meaning of the concept.

4.) Yes, because, it is clearly stated through with the examples, the compare and
contrast of ideas, and the applied culture in the context, which makes the context
clearly defined.

5.) Yes, because the overall definition is biased-free, everything was stated
accordingly and with the use of examples which are also in reality.

6.) Yes, if the old term was “baduy” in today’s generation, they called it as “chaka”,
“karaot” or “kamaot”

7.) The conclusion of the author was “if baduy means being out at western, foreign
made, then by all means let us stay ourselves, proud to be emphatically, pinoyly,
baduy and I am agree with that, in short let just be who we are.
After – Reading tasks (text 1)
 Yes, because the term baduy, reflect us how we filipinos clothing because it is
our culture and it is our image before
 Yes, because without the definition of Fernandez we cannot identify the true
meaning of it, the precise and clear meaning of it.

- Means a type or format of text that uses mixed small and capital letters as
well as numbers, and any symbols to make a wider context.
Ex: iKhAw LhAng sApHat naHh….,,,…>3
mHako_14<3 :o
Before – Reading tasks (text 2)
1. Positive, because of the different definitions and behavior it gives.


Term Meaning and Your Impression Source

Fan - an enthusiastic devotee, - Meriam Webster
- usually a spectator
For me it is admiring the most.

Fanatic - a person who is extremely enthusiastic , - Meriam Webster

About and devoted to some interest
Or activity (politics, religion)

Fandom - a group of fans that are extremely - Cambridge dict.


Fangirl - to exhibit fandom often to an excessive -Meriam Webster

Degree, to behave like an extremely
Devoted or overly excited.

3. Fandom Dance : KPOP

While – Reading (text 2)

Term Meaning

orality - the quality of being spoken

- favor to spoken rather than

Emblematic - relating to representative,


Delegitimized - withdraw legitimate status or authority

from - (someone or something).

polemical -of, relating to, or being a polemic : controversial

democratization - the process of making countries or

organizations use democratic ways
of making decisions:

marginalization - to treat someone or something as if

they are not important:

hegemonic - strong and powerful and therefore able

to control others, or relating to the idea
that a country is like this:

ideological - based on or relating to a particular set of

ideas or beliefs:

subjectivity - the influence of personal beliefs or

feelings, rather than facts:

subcultural - the way of life, customs, and ideas of a

particular group of people within
a society, which are different from the
rest of that society:

cultural - of or referring to the way of life of a

particular people, esp. as shown in their
ordinary behavior and habits, their attitudes
toward each other, and their moral and
religious beliefs:

appropriation - the act of taking something such as an

idea, custom, or style from a group or culture
that you are not a member of and using it yourself:
After Reading Questions (Text 2)
1. The similarities between fan practices and poaching is its purpose. We have to
maintain an active consumers of media products, give highlight to its individual
culture even subcultures and popular culture. Textual poaching is use to have a
more clearer understanding of a concepts likewise also with the fan practices one
goal of it is to have a more concise picture to understand each background and

2. The one who has an authority in a text are those three who made the traditional
model, the reading, writing and textual production. For they have enough
background and idea. They subvert their traditional model through considering
some aspects of culture, we have the education system, appropriation in the
society and most importantly the rising of technology.

3. Education is a force democratization for a cultural life, because through

education, through imparting knowledge, awareness and ideas will help the
society to address the different challenges. By this, there is a assurance that the
more we engage to be with others, the higher the possibility that there is a
learning process that suites to our academic aspect, this is due to our

4. Jenkin’s statement reflecting to the use of media today in terms of how people’s
behavior as fandom in society. He highlighted “ fans lack direct access to the
means of commercial cultural production and have only the most limited
resources with which to influence entertainment industry’s decisions” ---- It is
because people nowadays live with what is the most trend which only last for a
short period of time, when at the same time we tend to forget our commercial
culture production which is more important and need attention for our society.

5. Jenkins represents media fans as active producers and skilled manipulators of

program meanings, as nomadic poachers constructing their own culture from
borrowed materials, as an alternative social community defined through its
cultural preferences and consumption practices, with a strategies of cultural
appropriation. Textual Poachers guides readers through difficult questions about
popular consumption, genre, gender, sexuality, and interpretation, documenting
practices and processes which test and challenge basic assumptions of
contemporary media theory.
Before Reading Questions:
1. YES. For me it is how the girl/women shows act, her behavior and it is the
attitude that matters.

2. A gender stereotype is a generalized view or preconception about attributes or

characteristics, or the roles that are or ought to be possessed by, or performed
by women and men. A gender stereotype is harmful when it limits women’s and
men’s capacity to develop their personal abilities, pursue their professional
careers and make choices about their lives.

Harmful stereotypes can be both hostile/negative (e.g., women are irrational) or
seemingly benign (e.g., women are nurturing). For example, the fact that child
care responsibilities often fall exclusively on women is based on the latter

Wrongful gender stereotyping is a frequent cause of discrimination against

women and a contributing factor in violations of a vast array of rights such as the
right to health, adequate standard of living, education, marriage and family
relations, work, freedom of expression, freedom of movement, political
participation and representation, effective remedy, and freedom from gender-
based violence.

3. Patriarchy means:
- a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head
of the family and descent is traced through the male line.
- a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women
are largely excluded from it.

I think as of today the Philippine Society is not a patriarchal type of society,

though it is a practice before but due to the different women’s act, the
different policies and laws there is now a gender neutrality in all aspects in the
society, starting inside of the home.
After Reading Questions:

1. I think there is a good relationship of having gender roles, for there is an

exist of gender equality but then there are some aspects or manner that
each gender has its strength and weaknesses. In other words, there is a
limitation. That is why there is a divison of roles in house, society and
even in personality manner, that is also suited to our capabilities.

2. The equivalent of expression of male differ from equivalent of female

through its strength and gender stereotype. It is the masculinity and
behavior that posses by male. Male has a more capacity and opportunity
in the society because of their masculinity of which female cannot have,
though there are some but many cannot.

3. Yes, I believe that Maria Clara is still an ideal woman of Filipino. Yes,
there so many different ideals and values for women today due to the
different influence of environment and technology. Such as:

- Women prefer the hunt, men want a quick and effortless process.
- Women more likely engage to mobile phones.
- The evolution of clothing and more.

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