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# 4 ISSUE #1

Danyelle Scroggins Ministry

They Won’t Be Young Always
I really had been plundering over my cover story for this
month and God showed me exactly what to write on yesterday. I
was at DJ’s junior ring ceremony and there was this little girl
who was probably two and her little brother who was no more
than one. The little brother was trying to get out of the aisle and
she grabbed his hand and said, “Now you come back here.”
It really tickled me because right then and there, I
remembered my babies who were a year apart, when they were
the same age. No one could have told me back then that they
would turn out to be the children they are. All I could see was
that I was a twenty two year old married girl with three children.
I tell the story of how I came home from Japan to get an Jesus is no longer on the Cross, but
abortion, but GOD! He sits at the right hand of His
So, I really want to take this opportunity to tell some young Father, and dwells in our hearts,
mother, “They won’t be young always.” I know it gets hard and
mind, and soul….but only if you let
the financial woos make you want to just run and hide, but
believe me when I say to you, “God will provide.” Not only that,  They Won’t Be Young Always
He will send people your way to help see you through. These  The Blessing of Your Testimony
children are my life and I am now finding myself at a place
 Good Gossip
where I’m asking God, “What’s next?” I’ve been caring for three
 Danyelle’s Book of The Month
little people more than myself since I was seventeen, and now
I’m watching those little people grow into young adults who if I
 Faith or Fear, Which Will You
may add, Love the Lord with all of their hearts, might, and soul. Choose
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t afford to take care of  Continuation: Faith or Fear
them, even the richest person can’t take care of all the needs of  Salvation Is Yours!
their children but there is one who can and will. Hold on and
know that God gave them to you and He will provide!

“Enjoy your babies because you will look around and they will be young adults!”
Danyelle Scroggins
DSM Newsletter PAGE #2

The Blessing of Your Testimony

I went to the hospital with Reynard and ended up in a
room with two God fearing, Jesus talking young
women. One of them was just on the verge of going to a
new job but get this, she’d put in thirty-six applications
before she got her new job. I couldn’t help but think,
what in heaven’s name will give a person enough
tenacity to apply for all those jobs and never lose hope
after the first ten……Only faith! She said that she
believed God….and now not only did she get a
wonderful job, but the pay is higher than any of the
previous jobs she got turned down from. Friends this is
DJ is officially getting ready to do his last
what Faith instead of fear will do for you. Thank you
dance… He had his Junior Ring Ceremony on
ladies for sharing with me…you know who you are and
Sunday. My baby boy is about to become a man! I love you dearly. And this story doesn’t end here…..
Dobrielle has 25 days until graduation! So, the Lord put my cousin in my spirit. I meddled on
Please pray that we go to the best college FB but that wasn’t enough. He told me to call her. I’d
for her. recently changed phones and lost a lot of my numbers
but as I strolled down the list, there she was. So, I
I really could have used that Holiday and called. We talked about her recently graduating and how
Dixie money that I was passing up daily! It she’d put in applications at a lot of places but no one
pays to open your eyes and look. called her back so she just put it down. You know God
had me to call her to give her my new found friends’
Easter is Sunday! I sure remember those testimony…and I did just that. Is that not something
lacey dresses and socks. My mother had else? God knows what we have need of and He knows
three girls and she and her sisters believed how to get a Word through to you. Don’t ever
in dressing their girls alike! Boy am I glad underestimate the power of God and His love for you.
that’s long over. Share your testimony people; you never know who the
message needs to get to. Be Blessed!


"Through The Eyes of God" by Sheila L. Jackson. I truly
consider Sheila as a personal friend and I am so elated to
feature her book this month. I began reading it about a week
ago, and I must say, it is absolutely GREAT! You know we
always can see something that we feel needs to be fixed, but
the reality is…We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Even
in our attempts to fix what God has created, we are making a
mess or our lives daily. Every teenaged girl and young adult
woman needs this book. Happy Reading!

"The best way to say, “I love you God”, is to live your life doing your best.”
Don Miguel Ruiz
DSM Newsletter Page 3

Faith or Fear, Which Will You Choose

I have really been dealing with fear and the power
Okay, I know someone is saying, Danyelle I try
that it has over the believer and I have come to a
hard not to walk in fear but every time I realize that
revelation and understanding that if we are not
I cannot pay my bills and do not have anyone that I
walking in FAITH, then we are walking in FEAR.
can call, I automatically get all nerved up and my
Yes, it is fear that controls us, prevents us, and blood pressure goes straight up. I try not to let my
even directs us, and this just should not be. What I lack affect me like this but I almost feel like I
am saying is anytime you do not believe God’s cannot control this feeling of fear. So, let’s deal
every word concerning the situations in your life, with this……..
you walk in the bondage of fear.
“The fear of the Lord leads to life, then one
“For as much then as the children are partakers of rest content untouched by troubles.”
Flesh and Blood, Jesus also himself likewise took Proverbs 19:23
part of the same; that through death he might The Fear of the Lord is
destroy him that had power of death, the Devil. “Respect, Reverence, & Obedience”
And deliver them who through fear of death were To God
all their lifetime subject to bondage.” Hebrews First of all let’s take it to the classroom; our
2:14-15. emotional experience is comprised of three
See, we should live like, “I can do all things 1) Physical- An expressed emotion; causes
through Christ who strengthens me and what’s the heart rate and breathing to increase, pupils
worst that can happen to me, will it kill me.” And dilate, and mouth becomes dry.
even that doesn’t matter because then I truly live, 2) Behavioral- Face expressions; body
because Christ took power of death and I’m no movements suggest it and your actions
longer subject to the bondage of my fear of death. indicates it.
But instead, we live like I can believe God for 3) Subjective- You label them; Labeling is a
everybody and everything as long as it doesn’t learned response influenced by your culture.
include me and my wants. We live like we are too
close to the case and any lawyer will tell you that There are 5 narrow subcategories whereby we label
you never solve cases that you are too close to. our emotions and they fall under two brackets like
Because we do not truly recognize the freedom we Positive Negative
have in Christ Jesus, the one who paid a price for Love, Joy Anger, Sadness, Fear
our freedom, we subject ourselves to living under
the bondage of fear. Now out of all five of these emotions, The
I would stop doing drugs, but I’m scared I would Common Sense Theory of Emotion says that a
really see myself as a failure. stimulus- which is an energy that produces a
I would stop sleeping with married men, but I’m response in our sense organ- leads to an emotion of
afraid if I do, my rent won’t get paid. fear, which leads to bodily arousal.
I know he shouldn’t beat me, but if I leave I’m In other words, it is common sense to be fearful,
afraid he might kill me. and when we are fearful we: run, swing, fight, kick,
Can you see the effect of being bond by fear? Fear or simply do nothing. Now, get this fear can
will strip you of everything you know is descent to paralyze you to the fact that you won’t do anything!
do. It will rob you of a happy and saved life!
APRIL 2011 VOL. # 4 ISSUE #1

Continuation: Faith or Fear, Which Will You Choose

How many people do you know are so scared until they won’t do anything good or bad? Well, what
psychologist call a stimulus, my Bible calls a spirit and specifically says to me in Timothy 1:7... “God hath not
given us the Spirit of Fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” So my people, if you allow fear to
become your common sense response, you will be powerless. Not only that unstable! How? When people fear
one while they want to go, the next they are making excuses to stay. My Bible tells me that a double minded
man is unstable in all his ways. And it also tells me “Here in is our love made perfect, that we may have
boldness in the day of judgment; because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect
love cast out fear; because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:17-18
So fear contradicts everything that the Holy Spirit gives us! Well I just know someone is asking…Danyelle,
how do I get rid of fear and completely operate through FAITH? You have to enhance your faith. Romans 10:17
says, “Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God.” This means if you hear God’s word, it gives you
faith! Now understand that nothing becomes a part of your long term memory unless you rehearse it. So in
order for the word to be based within you, you have to become repetitive in reading the Word and rehearsing it.
Don’t you understand that whenever you have more of something that is what overpowers you? If you get
God’s Word so embedded within you, you will begin to believe the Word of God before and over anything.
And as soon as the spirit of fear tries to peek its’ ugly head in your situation, you’ll go in the drawer that says,
“I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13, and trust me there are plenty more!

So which will you choose: FAITH or Fear?


I refuse to take for granted this year that everyone who is reading
this publication is saved. So today, I offer you Jesus Christ Our
Lord and Savior. John 10:10 say “The thief does not come except
to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have
life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Christ came to
give you a rewarding life filled with His love, grace, and mercy.
He is the good Sheppard that willingly gave His life for you and
me. If you desire to give your life to Him, repeat this: Lord Jesus, I
confess You with my mouth, and I believe in my heart that God has
raised You from the dead! With my heart, Lord, I believe unto
righteousness, and with my mouth, my confession is made unto
salvation. And according to Romans 10:9-10, I am saved, In Jesus
Name. Amen! Now Praise the Lord! And on Sunday Morning or
Wednesday Night, find you a local church to worship God in. You
don’t have to worry about having nothing to wear, wear what you
have on right now if you want…..just go. Don’t allow the enemy to
rob you of this opportunity to fellowship with those who have
experienced the same joys and hurts as you. You are your only
hold-up. And in the famous words of Danyelle Scroggins, Be

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