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We are just a speck of dust that round out the cosmos that rotates external world.

In life, even a particle

of dust has its own oddities and surprises. There are several questions that remain unanswered in my
mind, but will I ever find out the answers to any of them? Is it feasible for me to live in our solar system
just by thinking about it, seeing it, and visualizing it? Yes, I can. Let's get started. Consider myself to be a
speck of cosmic dust that floats about the cosmos. I am the dust that acts as a supporting character for
hydrogen in the midst of the flowing gas that creates planets and stars. The sun and moon represent my
parents they are the ones that are always present in my life's darkest and brightest times and Family is a
vital component of our daily lives. It aids in the development of our personalities. It also aids in the
formation of our lives. It teaches us the importance of love, affection, caring, truthfulness, and self-
confidence, and it gives us with the skills and recommendations we need to succeed in life. My friends
and the people around me serve as the water and soil of my existence. People that have always been
there to guide and support me in maturing regardless all of my breakdowns and failures. A Friend is
similar to a gift that one offers to oneself. Without a question, friendship allows one to experience life to
the fullest. I may be a speck of cosmic dust, but I believe I matter, and this speck of cosmic dust was
given the opportunity to study and maximize all of his skills in order to become a successful version of

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