English Linguistics Act 2

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Ana Pastor Escribano

Eva García Valero
Irene Martín Reques
José Manuel Jiménez Ávila

For this second task, we are going to design activities using the methodologies CLIL and TBL.
These methods are based on the acquisition of knowledge by students, being them an
essential part in the process because they acquire a main role.

CLIL (Content-Based Instruction and Content and Language Integrated Learning)

could be defined as the approach to a second language through the acquisition of other
subjects.The main benefit of this method is that students learn the language in a natural way
since they have a real context to work and acquire the language. While TBL (Task-Based
Learning) is the approach in which the second language is acquired through the completion
of a meaningful task related to real-life. In this case, the focus is on the use of language for
communication, but it doesn’t have linguistic purposes.

In this case, we will create 3 activities using a CLIL or a TBL approach in each for a class of
6th grade of Primary Education.


This activity will be based on TBL, being the more adequate method giving the characteristics
and objectives of the activity. We will propose a task to the students, in this case it will be to
write their own recipe, that they will have to complete making use of the English language.

For this activity we will arrange students in groups of four, and as we said before, the main
task of this activity will be to write a recipe.

Before the students start doing so, we will introduce some related vocabulary to them. For
that, we will use the following video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCAQbgAo3aU) in
which a child makes a brownie pointing out the ingredients and steps we need to cook it. We
will watch the video three times:
- The first time, the students must identify all the ingredients needed and list them.




- The second time, we will ask them to identify the unit of measure the child uses when
introducing the ingredients. In order to do that, we will provide the students with a list
of measurements and they will have to circle the ones they heard.
- And, the last time, they will have to identify verbs related to cook mentioned in the
video. This time the students must indicate if the sentences given are true or false.
After that, we will show to the students different types of recipes they can use as a model to
write their own. Then, they will decide which dish their recipe will be about. There will be
tablets/computers available for students to look for the information about their dish they might
need and to look for vocabulary. The teacher will provide guidance and help when students
ask for it.

Once every group has their recipes written, they will show and explain them in front of the


This second activity will be based on TBL, since we will give our students a task that will place
them in a situation similar to the real world. In this case, they will have to think about solutions
to problems that are present in different cities.

For that, the teacher will choose cities that will motivate children, engage their attention and
promote their language development as efficiently as possible.

The students will work in couples. Each couple will have to choose a city among those which
have been previously presented by the teacher and, then, they will have to look at the picture
and guess what is the main problem it represents. As it can be appreciated, they show different
problems that occur in our world every day. Therefore, the task we will entrust our students
will be to think about the problems and come up with solutions or alternatives to solve them.

The cities will be:

Sydney London
New York Dublín

Cape Town


New Delhi

Finally, all the ideas will be displayed in a powerpoint presentation, with just one or two slides,
and later on they will be presented to their mates in class.

Throughout this activity students will learn English but at the same time in a ludic and enjoyable
way they will learn different aspects of our society and become aware of daily life problems
which affect us directly and apply these solutions they have thought of.


This activity will be based in CLIL. With this activity we seek an educational approach that
consists of teaching a curricular subject such as science, history or ICT through a foreign
language, as English.

This last activity will be carried out in Physical Education class. The students, in pairs, will
have to write an article about a sportsman or sportswoman as part of a newspaper. The
teacher will propose different sports and athletes about what the article can be about. For

- Tennis: Rafael Nadal - Football: Leonel Messi

- Basketball: Lebron James - Running: Usain Bolt

- Rugby: Dan Carter

- Swimming: Mireia Belmonte

- Karting: Lewis Hamilton

- Cycling: Chris Froome

- Motorbikes: Valentino Rossi

- American Football: Tom Brady

- Golf: John Ram

- Weightlifting: Lydia Valentín

- Padel: Paquito Navarro

- Athletics: Ruth Beitia

- Badminton: Carolina Marin

Then, students will have to look for information about both the sport and the athlete and write
a brief description of the sport and a short biography of the athlete following these questions:

- What is the name of the sport?

- How many players are needed to play?
- What are the main rules?
- What clothes do the players of the sport wear?
- What other materials or equipment are needed to play?
- In which country is this sport famous?
- What is the name of the sportsman or sportswoman?
- How old is he or she?
- How long has been she or he playing?
- Has he or she won any awards?
- Has he or she participated in the Olympic games?
In addition, they can include pictures of the sport and the athlete and they will have to bear in
mind the layout of an article in a newspaper trying to recreate a proper one, including a catchy

As well, the teacher will provide similar articles they can take as a model when writing their
own, as the one below.
When the article is finished and the teacher has given their approval, it will be printed and
displayed in the classroom where the rest of their classmates will be able to read it.

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