2006, December 11

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 c c ccFrederick Newhart, H. Thomas Eddy, Robert Carichner, Michael Rhodes, Cindy
Shaner, Mayor William Edner, Dale Cahn, J. Howard Langdon, and Dolores Moyer, Diane Senseman

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Fred
Newhart, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

#cTroop 72 from Hughesville, Frank Welsh, Bill Senseman, Alissa Eaton (Sun-Gazette).
Frank Welsh said that if the NIMS Course is not completed Liquid Fuels monies may be denied in the future.
%cccNovember 13, 2006, Motion to approve made by Tom Eddy, seconded by Bob Carichner.
Motion passed.
ccJ. Howard Langdon ± approval of the Police Contract which goes into effect January 1, 2007. Bob
Carichner moved, seconded by Cindy Shaner. Roll Call: Eddy ± Y; Shaner ± Y; Newhart ± Y; Rhodes ± Y; Berger ± Y;
Carichner ± Y. Motion passed.
c( c)
*ccAttached Report. Application for PennVest was sent in. We should hear results by
February, 2007.

ccAttached Report. Cindy Shaner moved to approve report, seconded by Tom Eddy. Motion passed.
ccDale Cahn ± Attached Report. Lecce Electric quoted us $3,500.00 to install the new LED
lights that we received from a PennDot grant. Dale thinks the price is too high and would like to shop around. He also
suggested that council approve a resolution to raise the price of installing a water meter. We are currently losing money
because the prices are going up so fast.
ccAttached Reportc

.   %c'
ccGeneral Fund - Check# 5272 thru Check# 5313
Water Fund - Check# 263 thru Check# 275
Liquid Fuels - Check#
Capital Fund - Check# 118

Approve payment of bills: $34,072.28

A motion was made by Bob Carichner, seconded by Cindy Shaner. Motion passed. c

c&  *ccDee Moyer ± Indication of a year end deficit of $65 - $70,000.00. All of the salary accounts are
over Budget with the exception of snow wages. If council does not consider a tax increase they not be able to meet their
commitments for 2006 yet alone 2007. Bob Carichner volunteered to come to the Borough Office to review line by line
budgets before the final budget approval.
¢c 2007 General Fund Budget - $564,300.00 previously proposed Budget does not include the
anticipated 2006 deficit. Final budget meeting is scheduled for December 27, 2006 at 7:00 PM in
council chambers. A tentative approval was made to raise taxes 1mill. Budgets are available for
public inspection until than.

¢c First Priority Health Insurance Renewal ± rates decreased by 7%. A motion to accept the new rates
was made by Tom Eddy, seconded by Bob Carichner. Motion passed.

¢c Accept resignation of Elected Auditors ± Wendy Daugherty and Sandra Little. A motion to accept
was made by Cindy Shaner and seconded by Tom Eddy. Motion passed. A letter of acceptance and a
thank-you will be sent. A motion to abolish the elected auditors and replaced with an appointed auditor
was made by Tom Eddy, seconded by Cindy Shaner. A motion to approve an ordinance for an appointed
auditor was made by Cindy Shaner and seconded by Mike Rhodes. Motion approved. Ordinance will be
on a future agenda.

¢c Fill Hughesville Wolf Authority Board position January 2007, 5 year term. A motion to appoint
Bill Senseman was made by Tom Eddy and seconded by Bob Carichner. Motion passed.

¢c Observed holidays for Hughesville non-uniform employees¶ versus other municipal/bank offices.
No change at this time.

¢c 2007 River Valley Transit Budget. Hughesville will contribute their share of $500.00 which is the
same as 2006.

¢c Open new Accounts with Muncy Bank ± Liquid Fuels, Capital Fund. Bob Carichner moved and
Cindy Shaner seconded transferring the accounts. Motion passed.


().-'ccCarichner/Berger 012)2-c± Shaner/Rhodes &.'--.& ± Eddy/Berger

3 $1c&)0-.4c± Carichner/Eddy '5-'.1-&c± Shaner/Rhodes -'&522-$ ± Eddy/Carichner

ccMayor William Edner
 cc9:27 PM. Motion to adjourn made by Tom Eddy, seconded by Cindy Shaner.

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Moyer
Borough Secretaryc

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