2007, June 11 Pastor Cale

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Hughesville Borough

June 11, 2007 – 7 PM, Council Minutes

Council members and staff present – Frederick Newhart, H. Thomas Eddy, Jeffrey Berger, Robert Carichner, Cindy
Shaner, Mayor William Edner, J. Howard Langdon, Dale Cahn, Dolores Moyer, Rodney Smith and Diane Senseman.

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Fritz
Newhart, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guests and Visitors: Kurt Hetrick, Frank Welsh, Alissa Eaton

Pastor Dan Cale said he received a letter from Council regarding a limb from a large tree in front of his home that is
encroaching the right of way in the street. He requested that Council work with him on this because it would be a
hardship to him and also because if the limb was cut from the tree it would become an ugly deformed tree.

Approve Agenda: June 11, 2007. Cindy Shaner moved, seconded by Tom Eddy. Motion passed.

Approve Minutes – May 14, 2007. Cindy Shaner moved, seconded by Tom Eddy. Motion passed.

Solicitor’s Report – J. Howard Langdon. Langdon said he received an email resignation from Councilman Michael
Rhodes. Bob Carichner made a motion to accept, seconded by Jeff Berger. Roll call – Eddy – Y; Shaner – Y; Newhart
– Y; Berger – Y; Carichner – Y. Motion passed. Council president asked if there were any nominations to replace
Rhodes. Carichner moved to nominate Gordon Calhoun, seconded by Eddy. Roll call – Eddy – Y; Shaner – Y; Newhart
– Y; Berger – Y; Carichner – Y. Motion passed.

The solicitor said that he still hasn’t received anything from the Hughesville Fair Association for payment of police
coverage. Dee Moyer said we didn’t get a fireworks permit application either.

Hughesville Water Authority – Reports attached

Police Report – Rod Smith OIC, Report attached

Public Works Report – Dale Cahn

Water Report – Jeff Berger

Zoning Report – Report attached - Kurt Hausammann, Jr. would like to address council. Kurt proposed the County
Zoning Office be considered for his soon to be vacated position with the Borough. The fee structure with the county is
based on a per capita basis rather than a set fee amount. The county has regular business hours Monday through Friday,
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. He said that we could also set up a specific day and time for an officer to be in the Borough
Office. In addition Kurt said that he would available to answer questions because of the office proximity. Council will
make a decision shortly.

East Lycoming Recreation Authority – Attached minutes.

Treasurer’s Report – General Fund - Check# 5511 thru Check# 5538 $ 7,597.97
Payroll - Direct Deposit $45,907.96
Water Fund - Check# 354 thru Check# 372 $19,158.18
Liquid Fuels - Check#
Capital Fund - Check#
Tom Eddy moved to approve, seconded by Cindy Shaner. Motion passed.

Borough Sec-Mgr – Hughesville Zoning and LandPlan, Inc. are ready to advertise and hold public meetings regarding
zoning recommendations and changes. A date of August 20, 2007 was chosen, meeting to be held at the library.
Council has agreed to invite Steve from Gannon Associates to review Borough insurance renewal and any other
questions they might have.

Business – (Old)

 Open bids for demolition of old library. Note: Will announce low bidder but will not award until
July meeting. Bids opened as follows: Steinbacher Enterprises - $28,610; Schlegel Excavating -
$38,444; Porto Construction - $58,859. Carichner moved to except Steinbacher Enterprises as low
bidder, seconded by Eddy. Roll Call – Eddy –Y; Shaner – Y; Newhart – Y; Berger – Y; Carichner
– Y. Motion passed pending Environmental Review Report from Seda-Cog.

 Addendum to PennDot Kickoff meeting. Jeffrey Wenner stated that if Right-of-Way was donated
by the bank it would have to be donated directly to the Department and not the Borough.

 Temporary construction easement with the Armstrongs and the Shulers for library demolition.
Signature required by Council President and Borough Secretary.

 Jeff Berger said that at the April meeting Christopher Coakley said that a neighbor’s fence in Elm
Alley is encroaching the Right of Way. Jeff and Tom Eddy agree that the fence is over extended.
He will discuss this further at the next council meeting.

Jeff also stated that he and streets staff were going to start marking trees that need pruning or cut

 Seda-Cog environmental review and deadlines from William Lowthert, Senior Program Analyst.

 Accept West Branch Cog bid for alley resurfacing. Accept the bid of $53, 939.91 from Charles
Construction, bid through the COG. Carichner moved, seconded by Berger. Roll Call – Eddy – Y;
Shaner – Y; Newhart – Y; Berger – Y; Carichner – Y. Motion passed.
The following alleys will be paved in 2007: Oak Alley; Ward Line Alley, Main St to Spartan Alley,
Blueberry Alley; Maple Alley, Ward Line to Academy St, Cottage Alley, Spartan Alley.

 Annual Report for the Lycoming County Planning Commission. Dee has copy.

 EMA News and Views. FYI.

 WATS 20 year plan, hearings and application.

 Frank Welsh, EMC stated that a new NIMS manual must be put together by June 28, 2007 and a
resolution adopted by Council.

Committee Reports:

WATER – Carichner/Berger FINANCE – Shaner/Rhodes STREETS – Eddy/Berger

PUBLIC SAFETY – Carichner/Eddy PROPERTIES – Shaner/Rhodes PERSONNEL – Eddy/Carichner

Mayor’s Report – Authority needs to speak with several local banks about construction of # 3 Pump House. We need
to borrow approximately $300,000.00 to start construction. We will than need a Letter of No Prejudice to submit to
PennVest. Council President Newhart suggested that Edner, Shaner and Cahn meet with at least 3 banks to consider
alternative financing.

Council Closed Session – 9:10 PM Carichner moved, seconded by Shaner. Motion passed.

Adjournment – Session re-opened and than closed – 9:45 PM, Motion by Carichner, seconded by Eddy. Motion

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Moyer
Borough Secretary

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