2010, August 9

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Hughesville Borough

Council Minutes
August 9, 2010 - 7:00, PM
Council members and staff present – Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Jillian Perry, James Savage,
Richard Smith, Mayor Walter Reed, Ryan Tira, and Dolores Moyer

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guests and Visitors: Bob Simmons, Shawna Turner (Sun-Gazette)

Approve Agenda: August 9, 2010 Smith moved, seconded by Perry. Motion passed.

Approve Minutes: July 26, 2010 Mook moved but made 1 correction to Cruiser# 146 the word engine was changed to
transmission, seconded by Savage. Motion passed.

Solicitor’s Report: Ryan Tira gave copies of proposed Personnel Manual; reserved discussion for close session legal

Police Report: Attached Report

Mayor’s Report: Walter Reed said that there’s a problem with the Charger’s wheel but he believe it’s under warranty.
Reed would like to have a petty cash fund set up in the police department for $200.00. Mook moved, seconded by
Michael. Motion passed.

Public Works Report: Getting quotes for handicap access to curbing.

Water Report: Richard Smith said he didn’t attend the last meeting but heard that there are potential new customers.
The soft start (variable drive) was hit by lightning at Station# 1; other 2 stations are ok.

Zoning Report: Code Inspections Inc. - attached report. Codes did meet with the homeowner on 2 nd Street.
Council is requesting a letter to be sent to 2 families on E. Water Street for weeds and garbage

East Lycoming Recreation Authority: attached minutes August 5, 2010

Hughesville-Wolf Authority: Attached minutes June 9, 2010

Treasurer’s Report: General Fund - Check# 6789 – 6802 $ 23,010.26

Payroll - Direct Deposit $ 38,305.47
ACH Debits $ 30,526.38

Perry moved, seconded by Smith. Motion passed.

The Mayor said he can’t make the payroll reports come out correctly. Moyer said that the payroll reports don’t reflect
multiple rates. If a department has several rates it only shows 1 rate in the rate column not all of the rates being paid.
The only way to prove the numbers are correct is to generate a spreadsheet with all the employees’ paychecks. The
report would reflect the rates and the hours; including special rates. Everything about that payroll would be itemized.

The mayor questioned budget versus actual reports. The reports currently have activity from January 1 to the current
month end with proposed budgets for that time period. If council wants actual annual budget we will need to use a
12/31 date for the budget with an agreed cut off expense date to use.

Borough Secretary: Dee Moyer said that Christine Dixon from PSAB will be stopping to discuss or answer any
questions the Borough may have. The family of Corey Swank would like to display a banner welcoming him home
from the service in the proposed Rotary Clock Park. Discussion about whether the bank stills owns the property or the
Borough. Approve an application for a firework permit for the Rotary Ballonfest (Hughesville Fairgrounds) in
September. Smith moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed.
 Additional insurance information regarding response coverage to employees’ vehicles.
 United Concordia Dental Rates effective 10/01/10. – 5% increase. Smith moved, seconded by Michael.
Motion passed.
 Will contact our local First Priority Life Insurance representative for 2011 rates if available as well as
Meixell – Diehl Insurance (representatives of Borough employee life & disability insurance) for rates.
 Robert Fountain from IDM Consultants proposed negotiating with our current carrier for better rates. Tabled

 Borough auditor Rick Lowe has opened new practice. – FYI

 General Code Supplement# 29 - Codified Ordinances as of 12/31/2009
 Quarterly Pension investment reports – request to view
 Park equipment – replacement estimate $1,150 for the child’s backhoe and swing brackets. Savage moved,
seconded by Smith. Motion passed.
There was a citizen’s group suggestion to have a fundraiser to replace the park equipment.
 Mill Street possible 1 way out from Spruce Street to Main Street

Committee Reports:

WATER – Smith/Mook FINANCE – Michael/Perry STREETS –Mook/Smith

PUBLIC SAFETY – Michael/Savage PROPERTIES – Savage/Smith PERSONNEL – Perry/Mook

* First name on each Committee serves as Chairman

Close session 8:50 PM, Mook moved, seconded by Perry.


Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Moyer
Borough Secretary

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