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Hughesville Borough

Council Minutes
July 12, 2010 – 7:00, PM
Council members and staff present – Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Jillian Perry, James Savage,
Richard Smith, Mayor Walter Reed, Randy Seese, Dale Cahn, and Dolores Moyer

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guests and Visitors: Steve Sumner (Gannon Associates), Dave McConnell, Angela Snyder (Code Inspections, Inc.),
Mike Palmeter, Bob Simmons, Shawna Turner (Sun-Gazette)

Approve Agenda: July 12, 2010 Smith moved, Perry seconded. Motion passed.

Approve Minutes: June 14, 2010 Mook moved, Savage seconded. Motion passed

Solicitor’s Report: Randy Seese

Police Report: Corporal Gill, establish fee for incident reports and fingerprinting (public) Resolution 3 of 2010. Fee
for reports will be $15.00 and fingerprinting will be $10.00. Mook moved; seconded by Savage. Motion passed.
Suggested that Council post limits on the side streets; noticed that some large trucks are taking short cuts.

Mayor’s Report: Walter Reed said that the Fire Department had some concerns about Gate 3 of the Fairgrounds;
thought both sides for the street should be “No Parking” just in case fire apparatus needed to go into that area. Smith
moved to approve that request, seconded by Michael. Motion passed.

Emergency Management Report: Need vacancy list from David Bressler

Public Works Report: Dale Cahn said PennDot inspection needs to be scheduled; will try to replace the blown out
bulbs in the Streetscape area with 50 watt bulbs to see if they are acceptable.

Water Report: Attached

Zoning Report: Code Inspections Inc. said the Russell family was given permission to move back into their home but
must continue the cleanup outside. Kepner has cleaned up and mowed property they need to check to see if the 55
gallon drums have been removed. The Nevels’ will be scheduled for a hearing with the Magistrate.

East Lycoming Recreation Authority: Request copy of minutes and audit

Hughesville-Wolf Authority: Request copy of minutes

Treasurer’s Report: General Fund - Check# 6759-678 $ 10,817.36

Payroll - Direct Deposit $ 22,567.97
ACH Debits/Transfers $ 28,736.37

Perry moved, seconded by Smith. Motion passed

Borough Secretary: Dee Moyer


 A Conditional Use Hearing was held at (6:15 PM) prior to the regular Council Meeting. Larry “Sonny”
Buck would like to build a 3 apartment complex on the old George VanDine lot (across from Buck Lumber
storage area) which Buck purchased about a year ago. Buck’s proposal meets the criteria of C-1 Zoning if
Council approves. Smith moved to approve, seconded by Savage. Motion passed.
Adjournment: 6:25 PM, Mook moved, seconded by Smith. Motion passed.
 Bid opening for police truck, the highest bidder did not include a check or bid bond with the bid although a
representative wanted to write a check the bids were rejected. Smith moved to reject, seconded by Mook.
Motion passed. Truck bid will be re-advertised and bids opened at a Special Council Meeting.
 Consider appointment to Hughesville Planning Commission; replacing Joshua Gavitt, tabled till the next
 Properties Committee update on Rotary Clock/Memorial Park Meeting. Smith gave a scenario of what the
committee has discussed up until this point and also a sketch of the proposed park. A tentative date was given
for October for the Chad Michaels Memorial.

Committee Reports:

WATER – Smith/Mook FINANCE – Michael/Perry STREETS –Mook/Smith

PUBLIC SAFETY – Michael/Savage PROPERTIES – Savage/Smith PERSONNEL – Perry/Mook

* First name on each Committee serves as Chairman

Closed session called at 9:07PM, Smith moved, seconded by Perry. Motion passed.
Re-opened at 10:47 PM
 Changes to the existing contract with the Police Department Bargaining Unit. Mook moved, seconded by
Perry. Motion passed.
 Appoint of Corporal Gill as Police Chief, Savage moved, seconded by Smith. Motion passed.
 Special Meeting scheduled for July 26, 2010 at 7:00 PM to open truck bids and general business.

Adjournment: 11:00 PM Mook moved, Perry Seconded. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Moyer
Borough Secretary

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