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Hughesville Borough

Council Minutes
May 10, 2010 – 7:00, PM
Council members and staff present – Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Jillian Perry, James Savage (left
at 9:00 PM), Richard Smith, Mayor Walter Reed, Ryan Tira, Dale Cahn, and Dolores Moyer

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guests and Visitors: Angela Snyder & Jim Fennstamacher Code Inspections, Inc. – discussed the Nevel, Russell,
Cendoma and Reed properties.
David McConnell, Shawna Turner (Sun-Gazette), Mike Palmeter

Approve Agenda: May 10, 2010, Michael moved, seconded by Smith. Motion passed.

Approve Minutes: April 12, 2010, Mook moved, seconded by Perry. Motion passed.

Solicitor’s Report: Ryan Tira stated that concerns Council may have with over crowding in a home would be
protected by the International Property Maintenance Code if the Borough felt that it was a health or sanitary concern.
The Borough’s zoning officer can address our concerns as needed.

Police Report: Corporal Gill said that the County Sheriff’s Department expressed an interest of involvement with our
local department during the 10 days of the Hughesville Fair. At this time it appears that the only expense to the
Borough would be providing meals (there will be a limit) while department staff was there; temporarily got the
VASCAR unit to work; may be able to purchase a used unit.

Mayor’s Report: Walter Reed said he has a Letter of Intent to do a study on regionalizing a police department. The
study is provided by DCED Funds. Mook moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. Surrounding areas are also
participating in the study. There might be grant money available for a tree planting in the Rotary Clock location; it
would involve school students.

Emergency Management Report: Appointments need to be made for a number of vacancies. Council members need
to take some NIMS courses; update medical needs and senior list if there is an emergency and need to evacuate.

Public Works Report: Smith said that a large amount of branches were picked up during “Clean-up Days”; he also
stated that there are a number of trees and shrubs that are in violation of the right-of-way.
Smith spoke about the SEDA-COG Walkable Communities project; the group will meet in Hughesville on Thursday,
May 20 at 4:00 PM

Water Report: Richard Smith said the exact location has not been determined for placement of the solar panel to be
used by the school district; it will be close to the pump station.

Zoning Report: Code Inspections Inc. Report attached.

East Lycoming Recreation Authority: Request copy of minutes

Hughesville-Wolf Authority: Request copy of minutes

Treasurer’s Report: General Fund - Check# 6692-6727 $ 12,202.69

Payroll - Direct Deposit 23,289.23
ACH Debits 53,891.18
Capital Fund 3,124.89
Smith moved to approve, seconded by Michael. Motion passed

Borough Secretary: Dee Moyer, GASB Reports submitted to the Auditor General’s Depart for Uniform and Non-
uniform Pension Funds; codify ordinances with the possibility of having current on line access, will update next
meeting; haven’t been able to find a municipality with an ordinance dealing specifically with Streetscape improvements
or corrections. USDA has stimulus money for rural communities, the purpose to help finance or replace equipment and
vehicles. Our median income qualifies the Borough for a 55% grant and our matching portion would be 45%. Will
check to see if video systems for cruisers is eligible.

• Sign agreement with the Hughesville Volunteer Fire Co. – Perry moved, seconded by Savage. Motion
• Lycoming/Sullivan Boroughs Meeting

Committee Reports:

WATER – Smith/Mook FINANCE – Michael/Perry

STREETS –/Mook/Smith-asked if a study was ever done at the intersection of Main St and Route 220. PennDot had a
meeting last year and it was decided that a light was not necessary at this time. There a number of trees in violation of
obstruction. Some letters have been written and permits were recorded.

PUBLIC SAFETY – Michael/Savage PROPERTIES – Savage/Smith PERSONNEL – Perry/Mook

Closed session: 8:26 PM for personnel matters. Michael moved, seconded by Smith

No additional business discussed.

Adjournment: 10:05 PM, Perry moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Moyer
Borough Secretary

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