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Hughesville Borough

Council Minutes
January 10, 2011 - 7:00, PM
Council members and staff present – Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Jillian Perry, James Savage,
Richard Smith, Mayor Walter Reed, Ryan Tira, Dolores Moyer and Chief Gill

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guests and Visitors: Bob Simmons, David Bressler, Savanna Jennings (Sun-Gazette)

Approve Agenda: January 10, 2011, Smith moved, Perry seconded. Motion passed.

Approve Minutes: December 6, 13, 20, 2010 Michael moved, Savage seconded. Motion passed.

Police Report: Chief Gill said that the new police reporting system is taking ½ the time to enter information into the
computer; FCC radio frequency is going to require narrow band. The Streets Department’s radios are obsolete and will
need to be changed in the next couple years; we may be able to purchase refurbished radios. He would like council to
consider buying a server for our computers because they are very slow and this would speed things up; if we have a
server the officers will be able to do reports in their cars. Council might consider moving back the no parking sign on
the corner of N. Main Street maybe a ½ car length to help truck traffic make turns onto Route 118; recently there have
been vehicles that couldn’t make the turn so traffic came to a virtual stand still.
Asked for Council approval of the sale of 2300 rounds of # 308 ammo to a private citizen. He would like to keep the
name private; the Solicitor said it was a matter of public record and has to be recorded in the minute. Mook moved to
table, seconded by Smith. The chief contacted the interested party and he gave permission to make his name known.
Savage moved to take off the table, seconded by Smith. Motion passed. Mook moved to sell Rodney Confer 2300
rounds of ammo at the price of $999, seconded by Smith. Motion passed.

Emergency Management Report: David Bressler provided information about NIMS-300 course being offered on
March 12, 2011.

Water Report: Richard Smith, approve minutes December 2, 2010 Michael moved, Savage seconded, Motion passed.

Zoning Report: Code Inspections Inc. Council would like to know if there is any activity on the Ream property; an
ordinance was passed for stump removal. Jenel Zeisloft will receive a letter of violation since she didn’t respond to a
letter sent by Council Streets Committee for a streetcut permit and off street parking.

East Lycoming Recreation Authority: Request copy of minutes; Thank-you for 2010 contribution

Hughesville-Wolf Authority: Request copy of minutes

Treasurer’s Report: General Fund - Check# 6930 – 6956 $21,242.32

Payroll - Direct Deposit 38,689.50
ACH Debits 22,735.50
Smith moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed.

Borough Secretary: Moyer said she and the Council President discussed moving insurance money to the Capital Fund
for a light pole damaged last year and not yet repaired. Council agreed to keep in Capital Fund. Asked where the lease
payments for the loader were coming from this year. Approximate amount $9375; Council said we will continue to take
out of Capital Fund for now. Moyer spoke with Muncy Borough about Stormwater Ordinance which must be approved
by April. Muncy Borough would be willing to meet with our Council for discussions on the ordinance. Moyer asked if
Council would like to meet with Rob Crowell of Point & Click Media for a demo on setting up a new website. Crowell
will be invited to the January 24th meeting.

 Determine employee contribution for medical insurance and discuss wage increases, no decisions
 Additional changes to budget line items, no changes were made.
 Tilburg proposal for Streetscape trees will review at a later date
Committee Reports:

PROPERTIES – Savage/Smith Savage said he hopes to have more information on replacing the boiler.

* First name on each Committee serves as Chairman

9:00 PM Request to go into close session to discuss personnel Perry moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed
9:35 PM Reopened meeting Michel moved, Savage seconded. Motion passed.

Adjournment: 9:45 PM Smith moved, Perry seconded. Motion passed

Respectfully submitted,

Dolores Moyer
Borough Secretary

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