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………… :My name is ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Class

Q1: Read the conversation, then answer questions below:
Lars: I realize it’s part of your job, but it’s a real treat for me to be invited to these charity
events. Do you know many of the celebrities here?
Ken: Of course. Quite a few. The tall man who was standing at the door when we came in is
Colin Parker.
Lars: Isn’t he the one who started his own airline?
Ken: That’s right. And that’s Tony Kramer, the editor of Success. I worked with him on the
magazine while I was in London.
Lars: Is that a reporter with him?
Ken: No, no. That’s Patrick Logan, the football player.
Lars: Really? I mean, he looks different in a suit. I didn’t recognize him. And who’s that guy
over there? The one with the turtleneck sweater.
Ken: That’s B.W. Actually…

Answer true or false.

a. Colin Parker is the man who has his own airline company. ( )
b. Tony was the director of a British TV station. ( )
c. Ken worked with Tony while he was in London. ( )
d. Tony is talking to a reporter. ( )
e. B.W. is the man who is wearing a turtleneck sweater. ( )

Q2: Complete the sentences:

a. We were waiting for the bus when .__________________________________________

____________________________________________ . b. I was crossing the street when

Q3: Complete with who, that, which:
a. People ________ live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

b. She prefers to watch movies ______ make her cry.

c. He bought all the books ________ are required for the course.

d. The answers, ________ you can find in the back of the book, are sometimes incorrect.


= Q4: Complete with when or while:

a. _____________ he was talking on the phone, I was watching TV.

b. He was cancelling his flight ______ we called him.

Good Luck

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