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………… :My name is ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Class

:Q1: Read the following conversation, then answer the questions below

Adel: What are you doing on the weekend?

Faisal: My plans are still up in the air. Sometimes there’s nothing interesting to do, but this
weekend I have three good choices. I don’t know which one to do.
Adel: What are the three things? I might be able to help you make up your mind.
Faisal: OK. First, Fahd has just graduated from college, and he’s invited me to dinner. If I
don’t go to Fahd’s graduation, he’s going to be very hurt. I’m one of his closest friends, you
know. Second, Khalid invited me to spend the weekend at his family’s house at the beach.
Third, the Dubai Airshow is taking place, and Tariq asked me to go with him this weekend.
Adel: What’s your preference?
Faisal: I’d much rather go to the airshow. If I don’t go this weekend, I may not get another
chance to see it.
Adel: It seems to me, you should do what you feel like doing. If you go to the airshow,
explain to Fahd and Khalid why you’re going. I’m sure they’ll understand.

a. What are Faisal’s plans for the weekend?______________________________________

b. What are his choices?____________________________________________________

c. What will happen if he doesn’t go to Fahd’s graduation?___________________________

__________________________________________?d. What do you think Faisal should do

Q2: Complete sentences about facts. Use the simple present or will in the second clause.

a. If you ________ (heat) water to 100 degrees Celsius, it ________ (boil).

b. If they ________ (climb) up to 4,000 meters, they ________ (need) oxygen.

Q3: Say what will/might happen in the following situations.

a. If we take the scenic route, _____________________________________________.

b. If we spend the day in the country, _______________________________________.


Q4: What would you rather do?

a. get a job / go to college 5. travel by train / travel by plane


b. lie in the sun / sit in the shade 6. go to the beach / go to the mountains

………… :My name is ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Class

Good Luck

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