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Khein: Good Morning ma’am and to our dear panelist. I am Khein Kervin Calapit, Matt Obando, Gerlaine
Generalao, Germaine Generalao, Gedd Aldreen Matias, Romeo Obsania and Nnael Sabido Under the
advisory of Mrs. Marina L. Giron. Today well’ be discussing the study that we did in regards to the Water
Conservation and Spillage Prevention in Household Using Water Level Controller. To Express our views in
a clearer manner, we created this visual presentation. That will help you understand what our study is
all about.

Matt: INTRO: According to Harrington et al., 2010. Water is considered as a universal solvent that plays
an important role in our everyday life because we use it in almost all of our activities. It is also one of the
most common substances that can be found in nature. There are different sources of water, some
includes the rain, river, lake and the sea. Among the mentioned sources, the rain is considered as the
most accessible source of water in most localities even in the earliest times, but in the last century pipe
– borne water was invented. This water is free from germs and contains some mineral salts; it is
generally accepted in most countries and is used as a source of drinking water. According to (Choe et al.,
1996). Nowadays, the whole world is experiencing water shortage, as an effect of the climate change
brought mainly by human activities. This situation implies that water source should be managed
properly and wisely so as to minimize wastage. For instance, in modernized societies, almost every
bathroom is equipped with water heater tanks and in most buildings, there are overhead water tanks. In
some homes, we will find out that the boreholes and wells have tanks for water storage before pumping
up to the overhead tank. People generally switch on their water pump when their tanks are short of
water i.e., when the taps stop running and switch off the water pump when the tanks start over flowing.
This results in unnecessary wastage and sometimes unavailability of water in cases of emergency.

To avoid wastage and any form of exposure to hazard that may result from overflow of water,
the need for an automatic water pump arose, hence this work design.

And according to Harrington, 1989 At the household level, people switch on the water pumps and set off
to work or even fall asleep, and sometimes they forget to switch off the mains when the tank or
reservoir is full. This results to wastage and often flood. In some situations, when the tank or reservoir is
placed on top of the building, over time the weight of the tank can affect the building structure. It can
also be a form of pollution to the environment and also a form of wastage especially in household where
a borehole cannot be afforded. Thus, the need for a constant and reliable water supply is important for
our needs.

Hence these are the everyday problem that force to motivate the researchers to come up with
an affordable, automatic water level control system which do not require any attention once it is
connected to your water system.

Gerlaine: This study aims to promote water conservation and spillage prevention in every household by
using water level controller.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of using water level controller/ballcock to the residents?
2. Is there any difference between the amount of water wasted among households who have water
level controller and those that do not have?

3. Is the use of ballcock effective in water conservation and prevention of water spillage?

Germaine: Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

The Community. This study may be useful to the residential areas that has unsupervised water storages.
The device will change the system of turning on and off of water faucets that fills up water storages on
residential storages. The areas that will integrate the device will be assured that there will be no water
waste or overflowing of water tanks.

The Students. The awareness and information it may can ignite interest of younger generations. They
will gain additional learning on water conservation and prevent spillage in every household by using
water level controller also known as the ballcock today and in the future.

The Future Researchers. This study may be used as a reference material for the future researchers to
create innovations in the use of water level controller also known as the ballcock.

Nnael: Scope and Delimitation

This research study aimed to investigate the water conservation and spillage prevention in household
using water level controller.

This study mainly sought to produce a water level controller with the use of ballcock and materials from
the researchers

This study was conducted on May 20, 2021 in Barangay 20, San Jose, Sarrat, Ilocos Norte following the
strict community health guidelines and safety protocols associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Khein: Chapter III: Methodology

This chapter presents the research design, materials, tools, and equipment, general procedure, data
gathering instrument, and statistical treatment of data in this study

Research design. This study uses the experimental research design to determine the effectiveness of the
Water Conservation and Spillage Prevention in Household using Water Level Controller in terms of its
content, relevance and mechanics. Based on the performance of the experimental and control groups
and on the evaluation of the expert validators.

And this are the Materials, tools, and equipment, Elbow ½ -inch (3 pieces), Teflon (1 roll) ,PVC pipe ½
inch (2 pieces),Solvent to tighten, Tee Valve, ½-inch ball valve,Float ball valve.

Now we are now discussing The General Procedure: The procedures in the installation of float valves
were divided into four parts:

Step 1: Connect the Ball

Ensure Float Valve Stem is connected tightly with Ball. Your pipe must be the correct size and length.
Failure to do so could impact the quality of your jointing.
Step 2: Measure and cut the PVC pipe

Do the measurement to your tank, when you're done immediately cut the PVC pipe according to the
measurement of the tank. Cut this PVC pipe stem into more than a half, so you can insert a PVC ball

This type has a double slip hole with a half-inch bore, which should fit perfectly to the ½-inch PVC pipe
stem. It has a lever designed to turn only a quarter of a circle: clockwise to close and counterclockwise
to open.

Step 3: Connect all the PVC

Connect the entire PVC using the elbow, ball valve, and tee valve. Add Solvent to tightly connect.

Step 4: Connect into the water tank

Cut the PVC pipe stem (your main water/potable water) to connect your water level controller. You
need to put some solvent on each the side of tea valve to tighten it.

GEDD: Data gathering instrument

The researcher used the observation in gathering the water conservation and spillage prevention in the
household using water level controller for the study. The data collection is laborious and time
consuming. However, observations schedules based on a set of expectations can make data collection It
was filled up by the researcher based on the water consumption before and after the installation of the
Water level controller. The awareness of the water saving options the benefits in terms of cost savings.
The data gathered and presented by using the ball cock as a product in the water conservation and
spillage prevention.

Romeo: Statistical treatment

In determining efficiency of the water level controller in terms of water consumption of a household
water tank before and after the installation of the water level controller we used the possible error to
make a useful and effective water conservation and spillage prevention. To come up an idea the possible
error would be the valve is on or off dependent on a single water level. The tank is always full. This
arrangement means that as soon as you use any water the pump will start and as long as water is being
used the pump will be running which effectively means you are not able to make use of the tank's
storage capacity. But there is a solution: a ball valve, a shut-off valve that controls the flow of water via a
rotatable ball with a bore. The medium can flow through or is blocked by turning the ball a quarter turn
(90 degrees) around its axis.


Research Question #1: What are the effects of using water level controller/ballcock to the residents?

Water consumption is reduced and maintained thus water scarcity throughout the residents and
community is avoidable. The frustrations involved with monitoring something like a water tank is
minimized, and the water levels will be where they should be. In short, this device will make our life
easier in many aspects of our lives.
Germaine: Research Question #2: Is there any difference between the amount of water wasted among
households who have water level controller and those that do not have?

Installing an automatic water level controller not only helps with saving water but has a host of other
benefits too.

Automate it, automatic water level controllers can function in a completely autonomous manner. They
eliminate the frustrations associated with manual monitoring of the tanks, by using an automatic timer
switch. There is no need to keep a check and wait for the municipal water supply, as the pump will be
switched on/off on its own. Due to the water level controllers’ automatic operations, the water levels
are maintained at the appropriate level at all times.

Power saver, water level controllers are ideal at saving power. In normal circumstances regulating water
levels can consume electricity and waste the water. But with automatic controllers, electricity usage is
controlled, and less water is needed to regulate supply.

Saves Money, since water wastage is low and you are able to save on electricity as well, the water level
controllers help save money and do your bit for the environment as well. They accurately help regulate
how much energy is used to protect against any unnecessary water or electricity usage. This leads to
substantial savings in monetary form over the course of time.

Water Conservation, one of the most important benefits of automatic water level controllers is keeping
water wastage at bay. Water can be conserved better as we are conscious of water levels in the tank.
We can relax and stay stress-free that no water will get wasted as the pump will be switched off
automatically once the tank gets filled.

Gerlaine: Without water level controller

Without level controller, we connecting temporary flexible hose to the tank, and sometimes it overflows
if you really dont give effort in watching it. Connecting flexible hose also need a ladder everytime u set it
up so with this level controller it makes your life eassier. This kind machine doesnt need baterry or
motor drive to operate. Having this water level controller will not only make your life easier but also
help u conserve water.

Nnael: Research Question #3: Is the use of ballcock effective in water conservation and prevention of
water spillage?

Based on our observation, yes, the valve closes when the water level rises, by filter discharge
pressure acting with the tension spring on the top of the diaphragm in the valve cover chamber, thus
raising the float to its closed position. If the water level drops the float falls a little and opens a valve
allowing more water to flow into the tank. The water pipe to the tank is pressurized directly by a water
pump and as soon as the valve opens the pump senses the drop in pressure and switches on so filling
the tank until the ball rises again to shut off the valve. These valves are simple and usually very reliable.

Matt: Chapter V: Summary of findings, conclusion, and recommendation

Summary of Findings

Water is considered as a universal solvent that plays an important role in our everyday life because we
use it in almost all of our activities. It is also one of the most common substances that can be found in
nature. There are different sources of water, some includes the rain, river, lake and the sea. Nowadays,
the whole world is experiencing water shortage, as an effect of the climate change brought mainly by
human activities. This situation implies that water source should be managed properly and wisely so as
to minimize wastage. Conducting this study will be beneficial to the following: The community, the
students, and the future researchers. This study aims to promote water conservation and spillage
prevention in every household by using water level controller.

Romeo: Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: What are the effects of using
ballcock/float valves to the residents, is there any difference between the amount of water wasted
among households who have water level controller and those that do not have? And is the use of
ballcock effective in water conservation and prevention of water spillage? This study uses the
experimental research design to determine the effectiveness of the Water Conservation and Spillage
Prevention in Household using Water Level Controller in terms of its content, relevance and mechanics.
Based on the performance of the experimental and control groups and on the evaluation of the expert
validators. Through proper and thorough observations, the researchers obtained significant findings that
helped them answer the said questions.

Gedd: Conclusion and Recommendation

This study showed significant and remarkable data in terms of effectiveness. The installation of water
level controller has a lot of benefits as observed by the researchers. The benefits of having a water level
controller includes; power-saving, money-saver, water conserving. These benefits shows that a water
level controller is effective in water conservation and in other aspect of our daily lives. The researchers
also observed the behavior of the water level controller in terms of prevention of water spillage. The
valve automatically closes as the water level reached the designated amount or level. Water level
controller is also efficient in prevention of water spillage. These outcomes are crucial to save water and
contribute to the prevention of wastage among residential areas.

Good! Afternoon! Panelist!!
I’m! Aejay! Alexia! Nicole! D.!
Barcelon….! Under! the!
advisory! of!
Today! we’ll! be! discussing!
the! study! that! we! did! in!
regards! to! the! Assessment!
of! Green!
Technology! Application! on!
Mid-Rise! Commercial!
Buildings! using! the!
Philippine! Green!
To! express! our! views! in! a!
clearer! manner,! we! created!
this! visual! presentation.! That!

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