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Paper Mache is an arts and craft. It is a process made from paper

pulp or shreds of paper mixed with glue or paste, that is molded
into various shapes when wet and becomes hard and suitable for
painting and varnishing when dry.

Paper mache was invented in CHINA, second century AD, passed

on from country to country, especially with trade.

Paper mache is derived from the French words

Papier = paper
Mâché = to chew, mix or mash
Things that were created with paper mache throughout the world.
• Chinese: Warrior helmets and pots for war – hardened with
• Italians: floral and foliage decorations
• Japanese: desks, trunks, cups, dishes and more – lacquered
for strength
• French: imitated the texture of plaster and stucco
• Germans: paper mache doll heads

Building Techniques
Newspaper, Mould, Cardboard, Balloon, Chicken wire

Finishing Techniques
Decoupage – colored paper, Painting – tempera, acrylic,
Collage – magazine cut outs

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