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SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL_ Creative Writing

Name: ___________________________________ Date Submitted: ___________

Grade and Section: ________________________

A. Most Essential Learning Competency

● Use imagery, diction, figures of speech and specific experiences
to evoke meaningful responses from the readers

B. Objectives
At the end of this learning activity learners will be able to:
● define imagery and cite specific experiences to evoke
meaningful responses from the readers;
● identify specific examples of imageries; and
● use imagery in writing creative essays/compositions

In creative writing, you will be making a lot of descriptions. The

descriptive details are necessary to make your writing clear because they help
generate a specific mood or emotion. They are called images and sensory
impressions. We commonly know these as imagery. Imagery is a form of
figurative/implied language that uses objects, actions and ideas in such a way
that it appeals to the senses. It is usually associated with mental pictures or
images formed in our minds. The types of imagery are visual, auditory,
olfactory, gustatory, and tactile. It is important to use imagery to evoke
moods/emotions through imagination. This can be established with images and
sensory impressions.
There are five (5) basic types of imageries: Visual, Auditory, Olfactory,
Gustatory and Tactile. Other references include kinesthetic and thermal; this
module will target only the basic ones.

RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 1

• Visual Imagery appeals to the sense of sight. It is something that is concrete
and can be seen. Example: It was dark and dim in the forest.
• Auditory Imagery appeals to the sense of hearing. It is something that you
can hear through your mind’s ears. Example: The pattering of the rain is heard
against the window pane.
• Olfactory Imagery appeals to the sense of smell. It is something that you
can smell through your mind’s nose. Example: The stench of body odor in a
crowded LRT seeped through the fabric of my shirt.
• Gustatory Imagery appeals to the sense of taste. It is something that you
can taste through your mind’s tongue. Example: Mouth-watering ripe mangoes,
tender melons, and luscious cherries are served on a tray.
• Tactile Imagery appeals to the sense of touch. It is something that you can
touch through your mind’s skin. Example: The soft velvety feel of silk and satin
caressed my skin.


Practice Task 1
Directions: Unlock the imagery used in each sentence. Choices are provided
inside the parentheses.
1. The old man took the handful of dust, and sifted it through his skin and fingers
(Auditory, Tactile)
2. The sound of drums in the distance attracted him. (Visual, Auditory)
3. The beacons of moonlight bathed the room in ethereal light (Olfactory, Visual)
4. The wild gusts of wind pierced through his body. (Olfactory, Tactile)
5. The burger, aromatic with spices, made his mouth water in anticipation of the
first bite. (Gustatory, Auditory)

RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 1

Practice Task 2.
Directions: Recall some experiences using imagery by constructing simple
sentences based on the indicated imagery in each item.






RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 1

Practice Task 3
Directions: Using the poem below composed by the King, imagine its message
through your knowledge in imagery. Cite at least three (3) specific experiences
where you were able to relate in the poem.

Permit the words I write upon this

To remain truthful, hammered into
All walk the path of life
But only fools attempt to walk

But you and I need not accept this

For night’s dread purpose flees
Guide Questions
before true love.
1. What do you mean by ---“MyMy love for you
love will never
for you fade fade”? Cite an
will never
experience that shows/proves are my saving rain from up
Our paths may wind but may
never be apart
2. When can you say that someone really keeps one’s heart? Cite an
experience: Because you are the keeper of my
3. Interview your parent(s)/guardian(s) and ask them how they feel about the
poem? How do they define love? Is it the same with your own definition?


Directions: Write a creative essay entry (not more than 300 words) as a reply to
the poem written by the King. Use your knowledge about imagery to make your
essay more descriptive. You may imagine someone has written it for you. Use a
long-size bond paper and make your own creative title

RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 1

In writing your creative essay, please be guided of the following rubric:
Excellent Average Poor
(5) (3) (2)
The essay The words in the
The essay goes
somewhat goes essay does not go
perfectly together.
together but there together. The used
Cohesiveness There is unity
are words which words are not
which connects to
are not appropriate related to the
the topic.
to the topic. topic.
The essay uses 3
The essay uses 1
or more types of
or 2 types of The essay did not
imageries to
Use of Imageries imagery but they use any types of
enhance the essay
sometimes distract imagery.
and the reader’s
the readers.
All rules were There were 2 to 3
Observance to the Rules in writing the
properly observed rules that were not
Rules in writing essay were not
in writing the met in writing the
essays observed.
essay. essay.
The essay uses 3 The essay uses 1 The essay did not
or more types of or 2 types of use any types of
imagery in imagery in imagery in
describing the describing the describing the
subject of the subject of the subject of the
essay. essay. essay.

● Dobyns, Stephen. (1996). Best Words, Best Order: Essays on Poetry.

New York: St. Martin’s Press.
● Engle Paul. (2012). Poetry is Ordinary Language Raised to the Nth Power.
New York Times, 17. New York: New York Press.
● Galan,Ralph Semino. (2017). From Major Arcana. Manila: University of
the Philippines Press.
● Jackson, L. M. (2019). The psychology of Creative Writing: From attitudes
to social action (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.
● Watson, J. B., & Rayner, R. (2013). Conditioned emotional reactions: The
case of Little Albert (D. Webb, Ed.). CreateSpace Independent
● Publishing Platform. (Original work published 1920)

RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 1

● Carlies, P. (2007). Creative Writing on A-List. May the Force of Writing Be
with you, p149. Retrieved from
● Wooldridge, M.B., & Shapka, J. (2012). Creative Interplay of Words.
Journal of Applied Creative Interpretations. 33(5), 211-218.

Written by:
Teacher III, Ligao National High School

Condensed by:
Teacher III, Paulba National High School
Quality Assured by:


Education Program Supervisor

Layout Artist:
Teacher III, Catburawan Elementary School
SDO-Ligao City

Quality Assured by:


Vinzons Pilot High School EPS I - English
Camarines Norte Division Camarines Norte Division

RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 1

Answer Key

Practice Task 1
1. Tactile
2. Auditory
3. Visual
4. Tactile
5. Gustatory

Practice Task 2
1. I see green leaves and red flowers in the garden.
2. The dogs are barking loud at night.
3. I can smell the relaxing aroma of coffee beans in my favorite café.
4. The omelet I ate this morning tastes good with my fried rice.
5. The coldest breeze of winter touches my body at night.

Practice Task 3
(Answers may vary)
1. The love that he/she felt is genuinely warm.
2. When we truly love someone, we are able to sacrifice things even if it does not favor
our own happiness. Keeping one’s heart is like loving unconditionally with all purity
and sincerity.
3. According to my parents’ answers, for them love is when you find someone who
can dance to your worst beat. Someone who be your confidant. Love is not also
perfect. There are rough roads that may come ahead. But, when two people truly
love each other, rough roads may turn be paved smoothly to create a harmonious

Based on the definition given by my parents, yes, it is also the exact definition of
love which I thought of. I think of love as an unending music with lots of renditions.
It can be repeatedly played over and over again with the same partner or persona.
Thus, if you love someone, you will never feel alone.


(Answers may vary)

RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 1

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