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SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL- Creative Writing

Name: ________________________________ Date Submitted: ______________

Grade and Section: _____________________

A. Most Essential Learning Competency

● Identify the various elements and literary devices in various
modes of poetry

B. Objective
At the end of this learning activity learners will be able to:
1. Define Poetry;
2. Identify the essential elements of poetry; and
3. Use the elements of poetry in writing a poem

In poetry, the specific arrangement of its lines makes it different from

prose. Compared to prose where there is no such restriction and the content of
the piece flows according to the story, the language of poetry is more
compressed and more musical. It also has a structured method of writing and
literary elements that make it more substantial.
Literary elements are inherent in every genre of literary piece - be it
a short story, novel, poetry, and the like. These elements are extensively
employed by writers in creating their masterpieces to give substance to such
literary pieces. In poetry, some of the essential elements to be considered are
structure, mood, tone, theme, figures of speech and rhyme scheme.
Literary elements are inherent in every genre of literary piece - be it
a short story, novel, poetry, and the like. These elements are extensively
employed by writers in creating their masterpieces to give substance to such
literary pieces. In poetry, some of the essential elements to be considered are
structure, mood, tone, theme, poetic devices, and rhyme scheme.

RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 3

The structure of a poem refers to the way it is presented to the reader.
This may include technical things such as the line length and stanza format.
Poems are typically written in the form of stanza. Even though some modern
forms of poetry neglect the traditional poetic norms such as rhyme schemes
and meter, the stanza still plays an important role in the overall look of
printed poetry.

Stanzas are the poetic equivalent of a prose paragraph. These are a

series of lines that are grouped together and separated from other groups
of lines or stanzas by a skipped line. Stanzas come in a variety of lengths,
dependent either on the whim of the poet or the conventions of a particular
poetic form. There is a variety of technical vocabulary often used to refer to
stanzas of specific lengths.

Mood is crucial in creating an atmosphere and suspense in your
poem. Just think about how film-makers use music to create a sense of
unease and tension to their viewers. Likewise, in writing, instead of music,
you need to create a similar effect using words and images for your readers.
Every piece of description that you write needs to produce an emotional
response to your readers. The mood of the poem evokes certain feelings or
vibes in readers using words and descriptions as it creates an emotional
setting to the reader.

Tone refers to the quality of the person's voice that expresses the
speaker’s feelings or thoughts towards the person or thing addressed in the
poem. It also takes the dimension of any sound with reference to its quality,
pitch (how high or low the person's voice is.)
To determine the tone of a poem, find out the attitude of the writer
towards the reader. Even without hearing the pitch of the author’s voice, the
tone of the poem can be determined through the style and diction of the
poet. One of the useful techniques for determining the author’s tone is to
envision the sound of the author’s voice as if he/she were reading the
passage aloud. An author’s tone is often indicated by adjectives like:
sarcastic, depressed, angry, prayerful, ironic, sympathetic, cynical, intense,

solemn, positive, cheerful, hopeful, etc…

What makes mood and tone different from each other?

• TONE is the author’s attitude expressed through the word they use.
RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 3

• MOOD pertains to the feeling that the reader gets from reading.

A theme is a universal idea or concept that threads through an entire
story. Authors may have used characters or poetic persona who has
experiences as they go through the poem, and through these, readers come
to some conclusion about the human condition and perhaps how people
ought to live. It focuses on the deeper meaning or message that the reader
is 6 meant to consider. The theme often makes a statement about society,
human nature or human condition.
In identifying the theme of the poem, it is important to note that it is
not the same with the moral of the story. The theme is the UNIVERSAL
IDEA reflected in the poem. When we say “universal”, it means that it is not
only true to the poem or to its author, hence, it can be true to everyone.
Meaning, everybody can relate to it and same goes with everybody that may
have experienced it regardless of their age, sex, race, status, etc…

Poetic devices are employed by the writers to give meanings and a
logical framework to their work through language. When readers read such
works, they ultimately recognize and appreciate them. They do not only
beautify the piece of literature but, they also give deeper meanings to it,
testing the very understanding of the readers along with providing them
enjoyment of reading. Besides, they help motivate readers’ imagination to
visualize the characters and scenes more clearly.

A rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhymes at the end of each line of a
poem. It is usually referred to by using letters of the alphabet to indicate
which lines rhyme; lines designated with the same letter all rhyme with each


Practice Task 1
Directions: Recall the commonly used poetic devices in creating a poem. Then,
choose and underline your answer from the given choices inside the
RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 3

1. A poem is magical. (Metaphor, Simile)
2. It must kneel like a rose. (Metaphor, Simile)
3. It must have the wisdom of bows. (Hyperbole, Metaphor)
4. musical as a seagull (Simile, Metaphor)
5. The luminance of doves and deer. (Alliteration, Assonance)

Practice Task 2
Directions: Identify the rhyme scheme of the poem below by properly putting
the appropriate alpha-label on the group of words that rhymes. Write your
alpha-labels at the end of each line.
Poem 10 by Jose Garcia Villa
First, a poem must be magical,
Then musical as a seagull.
It must be a brightness moving,
And hold secret a bird’s flowering.
It must be slender as a bell,
And it must hold fire as well. I
t must have the wisdom of bows,
And it must kneel like a rose.
It must be able to hear,
The luminance of dove and deer.
It must be able to hide,
What it seeks like a bride.
And over all I would like to hover,

God’s smiling from the poem’s cover.

What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? ____________________________

Practice Task 3
Directions: Read each statement, and decide whether you agree or disagree
with it. Then, write, in the space provided, AYE if you agree with the statement
and NAY if you don’t.
1. The language of poetry is compressed, magical and musical. ____
2. Poem is the process of creating a literary piece that uses effective words and
language to evoke a writer’s feelings and thoughts. _____
3. A poem may or may not have a story but definitely, it has a structured
method of writing and literary elements that make it more substantial. ____
4. The theme and moral are just the same. ____

RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 3

5. Poems are typically written in the form of stanza. ____
6. The tone is crucial in creating an atmosphere and suspense in your
7. The mood evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers with words and
descriptions as it creates an emotional setting to the reader. ____
8. A rhyme scheme is usually referred to by using letters of the alphabet to
indicate which lines rhyme. _____
9. Every piece of description that you write needs to produce an emotional
response to your readers. ______
10. Jose Garcia Villa’s POEM 10 enumerated the characteristics of a good
poem. ______


Directions: Write a two-stanza poem to describe what you are feeling right now.
Apply the different elements of poetry to make your poem substantial. Make your
output more attractive by adding some creative background related to your poem.

As you write your creative poem, be guided by the given rubric:

Excellent Average Poor
(5) (3) (2)

Observance to the All rules were There were 2 to 3

Rules in writing the
Rules of the properly observed rules that were not
poem were not
Selected Elements in writing the met in writing the
of Poetry poem. poem.

The poem uses 3 The poem uses 1 The poem did not
or more elements or 2 elements of use any elements
of poetry in poetry in of poetry in
describing the describing the describing the
subject of the subject of the subject of the
poem. poem. poem.

The poem
Cohesiveness The poem goes somewhat goes The words in the
perfectly together. together but there poem does not go
RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 3

There is unity are words which together. The
between lines and are not appropriate poem lines and
stanzas which to the topic. stanzas are not
connects to the related to the
topic. topic.

The poem uses 3

The poem uses 1
or more poetic
or 2 poetic The poem did not
Use of Poetic element to
elements but they use any poetic
Elements enhance the poem
sometimes distract elements.
and the reader’s
the readers.

● Hamand , Maggie 2014. Themes. Creative Writing Exercises for

Dummies, p.272
● Hamand , Maggie 2014. Mood. Creative Writing Exercises for Dummies,
● Hamand , Maggie 2014. Tone. Creative Writing Exercises for Dummies,
● Maine Samson2013.Basic Elements of Retrieved
June 20, 2020 from >
● Larry Liffiton and John McAllister. Poetry Alive: Reflections. Retrieved
June 20, 2020 from><
● Parangue, Jaime 2015. Prezi. Poem10.Retrieved June 20, 2020 from
● Literacy Ideas for Teachers and Students. The Stanza. Retrieved June
20, 2020 ><

RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 3

Written and Condensed by:


Teacher III, Paulba National High School

Quality Assured by:


Education Program Supervisor

Layout Artist:


Teacher III, Catburawan Elementary School
SDO-Ligao City

Quality Assured by:


Camarines Norte National High School EPS I - English
Camarines Norte Division Camarines Norte Division

RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 3

Answer Key
Practice Task 1
1. Metaphor
2. Simile
3. Metaphor
4. Simile
5. Assonance

Practice Task 2
Poem 10 by Jose Garcia Villa
First, a poem must be magical, A
Then musical as a seagull. A
It must be a brightness moving, B
And hold secret a bird’s flowering.B
It must be slender as a bell, C
And it must hold fire as well. C
It must have the wisdom of bows,D
And it must kneel like a rose. D
It must be able to hear, E
The luminance of dove and deer. E
It must be able to hide, F
What it seeks like a bride. F
And over all I would like to hover, G
God’s smiling from the poem’s cover. G

What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF-GG

Practice Task 3 ASSESSMENT

1. AYE (Answers may vary)
2. AYE
3. AYE
4. NAY
5. AYE
6. AYE
7. AYE
8. AYE
9. AYE
10. AYE

RO_Senior HS_Creative Writing_Q1_LP 3

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