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As of today, Regarding what of the origin of humans.

The mysterious thing that we are

confused about until now. Based on Biblical explanation, we are all creations of God. Humans
are the most special creation of God. Because God gives humans the ability to think and talk. In
scientific explanation, we are from the chimpanzee. Because the DNA of humans and
chimpanzees is almost 98.8% the same.

Imagine who created the galaxy, the universe, and everything in this world that we were here
today. Are you satisfied with all explanations of scientists and the all written in the Bible about
the evolution and development of the world in the past billion years ago? For me is no. Because
we don't have actual and concrete evidence of our origin. Scientists said that we are from the
chimpanzee but the chimpanzee is one of the creations of God. So it means, God created the
chimpanzee to make humans? It is confusing our minds, the reasons why humans continuing
study the evolution of humans.

Yes, as a Roman Catholic, I believe in Jesus Christ that He is our savior and the creators of all
because this is the belief that we followed. I have not yet been able to decide what I believe
about the origin of man. This is all I can say for now.

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