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Attempt all questions from this part
Question 1
a. An adult citizen holding an office of profit under the State Government wishes to
contest for election to the Lok Sabha. Is he eligible? Give a reason to justify your
answer. (1)
b. Name the organs of the Indian Government. (1)
c. Which is the law making body at central level? (1)
d. What are the Constituents of the Parliament? (1)
e. What is the maximum gap allowed between two Parliamentary sessions? (1)
f. Name the two houses of Parliament. (1)
g. Who can dissolve the Lok Sabha before its tenure? (1)
h. State the minimum number of times the Lok Sabha must meet in a year. (1)
i. Whom does the President nominate in the Lok Sabha? (1)
j. Mention any one situation when both the houses of Parliament meet for a joint
session. (1)

Question 2

a. Who was known as India’s unofficial ambassador in England? Why? (2)

b. When and where was the Muslim League founded? (2)
c. Why is Tilak known as the forerunner of Gandhi? (2)
d. Who were the leaders of the Khilafat Movement? (2)
e. Mention any two events which led to the Civil Disobedience movement. (2)
f. State any two objectives of the Muslim League. (2)
g. Mention any two contribution of Bipin Chandra Pal. (2)
h. When was the Indian Congress established? Who presided its first session? (2)
i. What was the immediate cause of the war of 1857? (2)
j. Explain the term ‘Nationalism’. (2)


Attempt any two questions from this section.
Question 3

With reference to the Lok Sabha, answer the following questions:

a. What are the qualifications needed to contest for a Lok Sabha seat? (4)
b. State the composition of the Lok Sabha. (3)
c. Which house is more powerful? Give reasons to justify your answer. (3)

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Question 4

With reference to the Parliamentary procedures, explain the following:

a. Sessions. (4)
b. Quorum. (3)
c. Question Hour. (3)

Question 5

With reference to the Rajya Sabha, answer the following:

a. What are the qualifications required to be a member of the Rajya Sabha? (4)
b. What is the tenure of the Rajya Sabha? (3)
c. Explain the composition of the Rajya Sabha. (3)


Attempt any three questions from this section.

Question 6

With reference to the Growth of Nationalism, explain the following:

a. Socio-Religious reform movement. (4)

b. The Press. (3)
c. Aims of the Indian National Congress. (3)

Question 7

The period from 1885 to 1905 was dominated by the Early Nationalists. In this context,
answer the following questions:

a. Who created an ‘All-India Political organization’? Mention his contribution to the

National Movement. (4)
b. Name any three leaders of the Congress who are known as ‘Early Nationalist’. (3)
c. What were the methods adopted by the Early Nationalists in the freedom struggle? (3)

Question 8

The first war of Independence was the culmination of people’s dissatisfaction against the
British rule. In this context, enumerate the following causes:

a) Political causes (4)

b) Economic causes (3)
c) Military causes (3)

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Question 9

Mahatma Gandhi started the Non-Cooperation movement to bring the British administration
to a standstill. In this context, explain the following:

a) Programmer of the movement. (4)

b) Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy. (3)
c) The Khilafat movement. (3)

Question 10

a. Identify the person in the picture given above. (1)

b. When and by whom was Bengal partioned? (2)
c. How did he justify the Partition of Bengal? What were the real reasons? (3)
d. Briefly state how people reacted to the Partition of Bengal. (4)

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