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oO { KN gckutton 19 hoveogenanus | | Damiclune Of 4wo or more chericadh Lnen-reackng substances —ashose. compoathan carr le. | vaned uxthun cavlain Soruts + every scbubeon is anade up of a wolvent 4- ons oF more salutes LA aalry contain orby ors. gobul. dinsched 1 & selvent is called buna : _ the compon ts preount tn Lange arroumt Lotbey component © called solver 9 farsey amrowmt io _ Sn { _ Types 86 sof _ IL. —— _Type Sotube | Solvest examples [ _ Gas Gas Mecture OF Op Ne _ | Gaseous Liquid) Gas cua, wth Ne i ra Gas | heapid| On dnssotved ino Kegcid | equed| bequicd thank wa Hab stn | Bote |bequik | glucose aiscPred m KD Gas | sated sot of Hain Pd Ssted | benauell sob Na -Hg @mallegam SAr | gob | ose Ce dessoPved a AL acpressing. Lemterrbration OF tone = corrcemtration sein is the want Of the sotuli Discoled un a _kmown ammount of the solvent or satn. i There ane several ways by which, [Ane conc. OF the eth can be desenbal i i l | seta Sold Gas Camphor mm Na i l I Mass Cony Cafu) i Mass % of a component = mass of the womponent in selnce= {| Tete mass of selin ® | eg: tor. ghicoso. means og of ghucose vn 40g of walter Cor 100 g. cotn’) I thin mmelbod 13 earmmonly vsed un Lodualril ehemical, applications «For 9g: [ comnarsoracad bleachéng saln cernlains 3.62 195s’, Po socium hypochlorcte. tr ewober. . \ iD Vobiurne. pererstage. Ow) HO means 10 ml of ae Cor lcornt. of séln) ig used in ears -for_ aS the ungene - AF thin come: FP Of water “Seccere to tee Ww) Mass by vot 2 (v/v Mass by Volz of a cnmponent= Mass of the nen in “Total vot of tha satn {| Thin anethod 0 eormm™ vse wm mediccned pharmacuyp . W) Posts per mlleon. when a sufi “present in trace quamtitees cone wo weprensed om ppm - Paris per mullon is defnd as the mass of solute present to mt millon Ch) parts by mass of _ die sah + ” = mass sotule, ee A Live of seawoter contains about 6x16? g of ' dessctved onyen Sach a wemall nrc. is _sscfpressecl as 58g per 1089 (5:8 ppm) the pollaten ¢ of atm LD Mote Crachi 3 Lis abo reported tn pp Chek empracoser in towns | of vel rater than mass» te vol of harmful I (492802. bn oy? preertl vw (enn) OF Ihe airs y “Wate Tackon ot. = No of moles of the carry TeleP por of anoles of all the. ti | for °4 wo a benary mirtunre, of eatrnprenk: A+B _ tt A = Ra xX = _ Np 7 The sum of Lof a sof» alioays umily: so foro be eH sain. Cent ining two serponemie 142) | A+ Aa =") (or =1—~”_) Vi) _Motonity CH) —_ “4 Tt dafined as the no: of motes of scl. —issched ma dite Of satin. mM o= no. of moles of soit. Vet oF sah mm Lies = coke sali otal M= Wastule x 1000 for Ww g of ™ .2uby XV fq as mM soth of MaOH means 0-5 molas Sof Nadi bas been dissed to IL of woth. Re fracteons of adh. the esnstluerts Rotate prises Pa Ml eri oF soln wu) _Mtoladiby Cro? TD in dofind as tw. re of restes oF tw soluble per hilegrarn of the. sefvern! RO_Of modes of thu sotel _Thass Of sclvenl uo Ky shia g of sotuhi 6 dissed to “bg. of scwenh m= Ct of sotuk =. KI000 Thélar mass of sotue B Cost of SAE pm hussclved eo kg Of alin masse_,_ppro_, metefrackon + _ molality are. rdapendant of temp: ushereas rodarity is a Rumetion OF temp. ( pros vet: dapende | radeanily. mass does PAD [the mochardly zquaken ‘ss MV) = MNo. Car dilute feom I vol, to Ve) I Roy veackon bho 2 reactarits mv, Mave. usheve hy Ns 27% Ry fheiy stoechiornelric coefficents 19 tha balame eg Th Radost telvedeon of KnOnd, x Mori's call 2 mokcSKMnOn, Aeack 10 motes mohby's sol rosfarntty. 29> _betornes POV, Como) Vz cms) jo mV_ Cremno.> 2 mV. Cms > 10 sbi baby Selartre Os ui of a gubslants is con dusacved om dls mavemeann ayncunl tha a specefred amrounb of sefvemb al a apres free) temp: Factors Mffeching. Bolle Daly i ature of soluf nature of selon! demp prossevre. = The olebedaty of 2 sci in Ha Orgel al omy temp. te daferrl as the renin amewnt of the Sebel Cselubiy vo yes asa cam Udlisseve im toog of the Siquucl Caclvent) te fam 2 saturated sefn al thal te, ee actors Affecting Sctublity Of 4 Of A Sched Tn biguic Nature of sotuti 4 solvent E . very SoA dees not disstne aw gar Uowds Fike dissolves Vike? “Thi imma thet pay cmpeunds acre. wtb tn potar scents 4 ae very Ute sctuble or alroct insckuble wo mom pstay solvers. Semilaly vewversa + usher a Gil “wy added Lskvent some sot disselves ¢ds cmt. increases Lon Soin: Th prowss tn kmeown as dicsclaton «me [sku parkcles in soth collide ‘wih the Siid sole Tpavhcle 4 get cepeniiad out of scin- Ths 6 Fouwn | as crystallgsakion. A stage steached, eshen Fe “co processes occu @t the Game va $¢t known hae las tguildboium «At thy stage cnc. of sold 6 _soin _usll remain conslant under the giver Lewnditons (@ T4+PD Buch o satn in which no [mow sot car be cisscled at the sare T4+P I ts called satwratid Soin. | practically, reomnanny _ Shetek ee eharngyin effocl OF Tournp - TE in a marly gaksretsal seh, the oltiaseluctron prreess in emde\hermic the. Isotabehs \ype choad encreace. unt -rese in emp +t [eke estolbermic , the. aotubs Sly abeald. bac race i C based or te ChateDror's Pana) _ (Effect Of Preaserra _ Preasare _segnefrcant wffect on aku. boos solide + Uguide ave | pressure Shubélily OF A Gas In A Leo. The solubility of Bir Bae om a parkenlarn Liguict wo he vot of the gas in ce Comverkd to sit) that can Aussotve on umd vob Clee). of the Masid te form the saburclid sofh . af the jemp of the 2epeument 4 umcen a pressure of Latm > | Factors Affeckng Sdulbiiby | co Notare of the gas 4 the solvent Gases ‘Uke Wa Ny 0, ele [eissclve vo woke’ fo a errall anxtent whereas gens Ske cor Ho nits ae ane Fugbly schubl | Cgnedtin. cokubility “is ous to thety -recin eath whe), w effect OF Temp - Te sotublify of a gas ducreanes unth increase > temp. Th » amnpecked an on Jneating some gas 0 sane wnpeled ouk of the soins when she pilibaurr fam he weplalpedl op the oasis of be ehatelevs paencepl | my bas 4 advent akn i On wereontng temp. Z | recta ahi () we the direcWon "OR arerbotiearrde | process tere. fpackesarel crothy iy ard oVpearric + (Mane. aclubeDily olecreases [Ceacephon —s © aetubllily of corns. aprringly sdible ||_ gases wach as Hag epost gan inearoenes saghiby Lab 7 ok Aemp —sapecually oe ran aqysous Thea | ke Thyderocoerboh = Voeohas 4 acetone % | _ |_€ffeel OF Pressure factor ir ety of F gone, inerens © ch Te ain qs consdey _ wp Sigpad vo 5 dhe Lower par is the goth + uppes pent to gases _ at a pressuu P& tempT- Suppose system 2 vo Apramic equilbrum 2 wal of oH acter lor gas = vale of avaporalam of gas. Now F Pio iwereased the gas gets cernprssad fo a smaller vel. Hence po of gaseous parkcle [wet vat ©. As @ venalk no: of — gaseour pavcles stotking te wunface Of the sofn + hene entesng to cl alco ete new zquiibsiom 4 re established - Thus [lon TP of gan above the sath | the scbubeletyt. ~ Quarttetively the effect of P on sciublily of a gas Liquid was stuclizd b Heorg + Is calle Henry’s laus + 1 stab, las follow © “The mass of a “gas dissdlved ina | gen _vot_oF tne guel af it temp 0 divecliy —p proportional do the paessuve of the gao peo eqpsidtprium arth “the Dequud . Dalion dustrg he same pened Bad concluded independently thet the sobubelity | Of a yas m a Denys) acini ofmelon Lparkal presure of te ga df reodefrachtn OF Le gas othe sth as a roeagure of de aches Saky ten Hemey's Laue roay ano te alofad a5 «dhe parkab press Of the gas vo vopour ts paoportonal to ths amdafracken of te go _ 36h: prase@ ert Bane - _ K, vada at the same emp kt @K,, » Sumchin OF the nedwe of thegas | cn r lope = slope = KK. i ok = ° or010 0.020 KS ° Gredtin tre volus of Ky ewer is the suboldy of the gos at a + The value of Pp. 1 _ of Ky tT arth T of dem . traplying that the solubility decreases arth increase of temp: at the Gomer. It & for the reason thal aguakta specter feal more comrfoatable. i cst ewxiden. Cin which ©, dissolved % mor) tran ve eer waky [Lemitalions ; Aemys Law 5 applicable only undus | the foll. condiftens —> » Low ma _ + Gas shouldnt umdesgo - ~ * “tampon ad Fformh, en gehiigh oe potted dissorche m the solvent J er q Applications OF Hemey's aus | DO Tn jhe peodiacon A carbonahed beverages i E 4 the — aotube if OF ¢% bn | Soft datnks the ses ann Bealed under Digh P | tuber the bolle % opened to cua the pethod. pre: Lot ca, above tw. sly cocseases, AS a creoult _| | 1 | | Golubebty decreawe 4- tyne co, bubbles cub. | 0) Tn. the deep seo duving —_ | ba A) ee Conkier seuba divers Oseck_ _| [40 cary diving a parodus cts Ongpgun mined [woul No, Corda do cope wth Argh see oF Rissolved gases while breathing o cunderwaler = TP sce lihy ases un __blooc+ oly b. fl Ley dedebolers but i hee greater sotubedly | NL will vernon Hoe! Rivets wme towards the suac tha Pp Lg deerreases * “Thi neliases Hue _Lisso}ved _| gases_+ teads to tre -rmeakon ‘of bubbles Of No wm “the blood. Thin blocks the capillaries +creok a medicinal cmdrten known as bends, ahids arr painful 4 dangerous to UR. Toe avoid bende aswell as toute effecls of high wne of Nz the blood the -tamk= used by scuba divers lane mnoumdarys Ried adh ain Adabd adh He 7% He se2v A, 432- \4 &) as He Dron _ dow skubitdy . _ Ww) Zn. hu Rod of Jussrgs | wher cin eters the Lungs the partal pees. of O2 © Sigh. “ths 0 combine culty hatmeglobin _to-ferm Oruyhaemeglobin . Partial press: of © w téssue tb ow: Hen O » jis released (aor orgs hasmnoglehen ushich pulsed for fumcliona of the calle. - iw) M Suigher alletucles ‘parlead. “press. of 0, i ts feas than Mat ab the gered Savvel wh, I toads to few conc: Of a blood +-4¢ssur of i peopte Jiveng ot Dugh altttuds e1 clernbers. | pBreos of Wits they eens. wrokt onobls to [himk clearly , symptorns of a eandition Lkmown as @now Shucions 0 of f Solids In Sobiols meapall Jf some twonstitumts TE in the Dottie of a [Caferns tons or ractectalea) sobicl Chocf), the atoms of lak Lattice scles ave Sore other solid ,smallin replaced by -consttluenls | ame. , Cecupy, the intercttiol of amothey similar sbi + adi “or vowls the sclils | having sémilar sizes Obtained axe callect lave called -Substettesioal | solid safn « @q: Brass beonze ete Sa Owe -tumesten carbide ‘ Here was fee arrange — ment 4-C occupy Ob voile _ @_ Steel the solids thus obtained 1 interstitial sctid sty aah. i Sif and Po gae_comtant at a _| —_____-paabttullar tempexakuve, i 1b -dear frown _ —Teiation ©) ak ae 2 tol-al. fhe fire | ah 6 Luneow funclon oh action When “Pir poll BE frie us Scanned with CamScanner ‘Te. coropal iow. o ke te phrase a he th et age athe ti et i fm gel fi | aod Aiport te metaacdions gl — 4a ra | amd 2, recone = - “Vappee of wing altonS Luo Gal the earn and [Ba yp F ‘total |- — Keaudts favo ae special. st Ah Hens up 2 oe lpi clafosnt 4. ae ox, Pi a fresue, 7 tie | the volatile. component Comaponent to tie mele a fatto if hee _coraponent wn the sobikion. a al edie Jolt Qnd Ligvud 4 we ___ the fe: then _acemaong 6 Henry's Lad, bs k, aa ox _foati Ke _0, ae eae Los) di -ue fejaloal 2 is il pal of tak men nate “Thus Raoul ad tease te Pas Acorns identical Scanned with CamScanner ® Arak. Har proportto, constant _ . ea aij pot ME focal 1) fp CHenag content) fox — ae Gok stots eee presue d.a ay poll He _solubini sk _profertional 4 _ _ fi naa a clio. wat amet ba a SUA abet i eee Scanned with CamScanner © — — Eo: - the deteoy vb fsa ; a ee oe ne — tig oe Bini As that produced = dexig_| ides omoto} mca bo He Aarne. “att goatee hae Hein Actos = _ ae met = iam propelioel 1e mole ection —_ —— RR binary Sluliors 5 Ha Selvené “un — ol. Aeluta by 2 _ When Ae _ febuli 13 -oronvelaliti , Pray dd solvent i= anes 040 bastante vin Sapo, phase ard pa on bs np i - bette Vopour pressure ol the solvent, — =. Big mebpaclionfy be tie open - ee a then according A Pot betwen Napour: rersure_ Gh Be slvont = — aig ke a ac “a be Linton - nd ee a ead azn _fon-ideol sans, - . tuo prendre Aart “of concenralioy i A f e774 | lod Ait sebultén “Keo avd The Volo, | omixi Oo - oH AA = 0° ayy D or -— me. = Le, No hack hk altoxbed “oY exohed nea), ane} Scanned with CamScanner © Hire ah_o0_velueme change wor onnizing dhe __ —ornponint The ideal bhoviowr | Selubions ~ tar be_exflained ak mokcubas levd play Se ae A and 8°, —*. an coal Ake valachon see; _comnbonenti_{ A ~A and Bo 13) shodd — be Similan ts the ce Lope) Sad ____ when_the_Ipo oe patel Fane axe mired OM eee a BO Beas ). Practical “rnb Sebudtima_—_ trees lta Lom show ee a (1 Bern ood. ts biese Cy ‘bromuide_and E| Bild neh Reed laa ts called mem-ideal Sulton + for Sib Aotution, AV 0, At 0 Do Such Astabtonal he ak jpn ee bet iweem the x nk AOrbonenlS 3 cli mn the _ — Nicene “mah rm _____.tom ai a The _are_kwo fp pes - iden ‘dulions — Nao eal, seluettora oe eae poidine diviohion vind pu "siete Bhavseng pee Bkiston tat) Now ideol sbbulens eg i postin or negate devialion. fi Beaching [pant culaa® Lomprilion boul off wvitho 4 = ony pe ee bn kOrnporilton. fe, | —___-Bht._tornpesi Aqui aa Vapoc |—_.pRase. aoa Sore This type Bt, _ | mmbxtune, Ravin a difucrte -pepeiigs. ang bedng. ies eee Ligtud 4s “Scanned with CamScanner davai [tas cl pati steel — - fica prad— these Showsrig masgaliae ___] HDiblesens blutin alli downy joule | et —————_ = | Solutions shou 4 Anti Hw. es awaat nd e ag oe |) The vidncchon | Di the valisactions bebvseen. | the connpornt ase boxe — then _tn_tha_puust. component] =B vnlwaclfons are weaker _| wt A-A and B-B valtsaction’) | bebwwien fhe component i pa : = tvonge Ran AA and bei bsachoni) . = tve [|_= -+ve - = = Kk 4 tH a DG ay | 3) f> Xp Pp D eza by Beef | 4) | Foveas tinier. being |.) 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Temp]? Tp Fe 4 pave Solweah PP a) eetibton sahen noa-vablle SaluL—| | is. 2) wea) J job. ip = Tp 2 Dep. telele oKey Alp am Ap = ym 2 Lreeping Pain: Bi es Seon a Coastal tela aaa eanslisak Ly > papergrid teat bat Subshdabing the valus of —orolaliby =p *u xipon eam Hox et an Ww, 1220 i fe Nees ie HH Kp ocut ~1OoQ ___ __=",__| A Tp» W, : The value of Kp 4 iy, cobich clepend upon the nalane of the Solweak con Le ascertained from the following eolahian ship: _| Ke = Ra My (LiddiL J } ( (tt i ba a { N, bg bladelew ‘| cer Seed ee Jess of aide Prom | Ta ai (ttt el <=) papergrid app died en_the colton This Dhis p vescite that \_.skaps the ow a4 —.So\veal- is cabled as | esmohie pee scutte othe _Sodulion a 08 a Pua ee —fOsmohi—prcssuee of a seluliso is re excess! | me SS mush be sein tna Sadalioal | tz peak Smaps - Osmeli® peeccyre is geld ie, prmperty | For dilule solutions it has een found | “e eai_eealably thak oSmehic- presse ic as pepatced fo he roodaniy, ies seinen a fo tear Te pol : {= meer ~ iS esmalin presse s DR = has 4 lanciaal tS 5 | papergrid Date 1 Nadi soln — Ha faking a Lo af all cee panes ene ses en, Eftem soil jako the phaak_| Sesion i ea \ Buaabicoly amobeculace Ws (a I o Abnormal Moka mower (ena 2 Sduliors) Sane ee ( ‘ lotun He molecular mors a substance dabrenrned sbudyeng © of te cobbigabivte tw ob col bs be diffrent Huon the expectid Vadus, tre Mbskance a goid & abnor nov wets ot) « Abnormal onal culor rages MOY be due © Ee flo wurg ALAMO» ~ polation 4 enon cdeal , Alubion A pdution . 4o cobtulae the ettink 4| apotiakion % djotialax, vant Hol} sa bruduced & factor Called Sant Holl factor) vant Well fee of, we este pofsty Theowléol vole i ov iserved, vali 0] the coligetne fehl Normal value. ‘oh the same popeey As the olligatine properly Ab vover! pofostronad He ie blot errs 4| the oe can abso fe cadeubaled clzd ) Molecular max 4c Normal (Fue Abnormal (obser Molaeulay Mus - Scanned with CamScanner 4 +f zon Spy Selulis undugomnig Usoczalint /oLns on ‘dupe iabco be aie finten @ ie No! of mols after segs fades Ne! ol meh before ausocivibton, [disso ciabior. Yor — Sobules undargocrig (diisowakron) i>| apocealton) Lél Trtluding the van’ Hol factor , tin Vaaeous & . 4os Wigalive profertics axe anoddi fed On Jollows . » Rdaline Lowecung of vapou cposun EB = Ue + Elevabiom boiting pount , Als 2 ikyn . Deprosion co porng fount » AR ikp™ s pemote ponece TET Caeubalr of De ee ox Associabion- Coboulaliion ; dagiet me Duguee duxoualion a Be packer of te taka subsben ar A No‘o| mmekes dunsoctalid re, Seger 9 duysocialion()* Ne kee mole, bake at eq uclibrum Janvole. ©| colle u baker» 7 d q me will be I-« emnoles >| undusoce prolate + thus Total ourenbex of mols emols fla dysoccalo ee p% Scanned with CamScanner «ys dia value ford, ® Subst laeliong ! ale: 4-1 yl ve EXT onolecsbae TO ore ult ved M Observe on: Scanned with CamScanner ‘0 "es as —M (* “l) molecular Me- Cobeubel® 1, (Mormal)™ iol (dissocialioe) van't Aye] factor Pass séodton) . La! Scanned with CamScanner

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