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University of Shimane Summer Program 2010

Photojournalism Project

Instructors: Tony Kazanjian

Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00am - 10:30am
Room: K10

Course Description:

In this course you will prepare a photo journal to show your experiences here in
Monterey to people back in Japan. You will be able to share your time in
Monterey through pictures, short summaries, and captions. We will collect your
favorite photos to make a slide show. We will watch the slideshow at graduation.

Course Objectives:

• Create a visual representation of your experiences in and around

• To practice labeling photos using short phrases and descriptive language.
• To help you learn about the people, the environment, and the culture of
• To share your view of US culture using the art of photography.

Attendance and Class Participation 20%
Written work (captions, summaries, intro and conclusion) 30%
Organization of Photo journal 20%
Completeness of Photo journal 30%
Photojournalism Project
Class Schedule

Tuesday, August 3 Thursday, August 5

• Introductions • Share HW photos and captions
• Overview of Course- things you • Caption matching game
need, assignments • What is a photojournal?
• What is photojournalism? ppt • View Sample – identify topic
• Storybuilding exercise (Missouri site)
• What are captions? (look in • Brainstorm topics related to time
newspaper) in Monterey
Homework: Homework:
Find and cut out two photos with Take 5 photos related to your
captions from an English newspaper or topic
magazine and bring them to class.
Tuesday, August 10 Thursday, August 12
• Rule of thirds (bad vs. good • COMPUTER ROOM
photography) • Introduce photojournal project
• Photo tips, camera use, etc. in detail (Handout)
• Photo Scavenger Hunt • Type 1st draft of Introduction
(use Missouri site for examples)
Homework: • Type completed captions
Make captions for scavenger hunt • 1st Draft of Conclusion
photos for homework
Take photos related to topic Homework: Work on captions and
conclusion. Take more photos.
Print ALL your photos and
bring to class on Tuesday!

Tuesday, August 17 Thursday, August 19

• COMPUTER ROOM The following must be completed:
• Type and print COMPLETED • Final Draft of all summaries
captions • Final draft of all captions
• Draft of ALL captions due • Final draft of Conclusion
• Submit 2nd Conclusion draft • Design Cover page

Tuesday, August 24 Thursday, August 26

• type and print all captions and • Trade Fair
conclusion • Bring flash-drive with 2 favorite
• finish topic pages and paste all photos for slideshow
photos on pages. • Bring snacks to share and
• Finish Decorating have fun!

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