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Chapter10 Europe

A. Multiple choice questions

c. Black Sea and d. Mediterranean Sea
a. Mt Elbruz
c. Netherland
c. Vatican City

QB. Define the following

1. Fjords-The narrow deep inlets with steeply rising sides are fjords.
These fjords are responsible for the highly indented coastline.

2.Land-locked countries-Countries having no coastline and

surrounded by other countries.

3.Balkan states-The countries in the Balkan Peninsula - Greece,

Albania, Macedonia, Romania and Bulgaria.

4.Eurasia-The division between Europe and Asia as two different

continents is a historical and cultural construct, with no clear physical
separation between them. The continuous land mass it forms is called

5.Benelux countries-The low countries: Belgium, Netherlands,

Luxemburg which have low altitudes.

QC. Name the following

A1. The Scandinavian countries are also called the Nordic countries
which include Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and sometimes

A2. The west-flowing rivers are Guadalquivir, Tagus, Douro, Ebro,

Garonne, Rhone, Po, Loire, Seine, Rhine, Weser, Elbe Oder, Vistula.

A3. The Alpine Mountain system includes the Cantabrian mountains of

Northern Spain, the Sierra Nevada in Spain and France, the Apennines
extending southwards in Italy. On the eastern side, there are two
branches-Che Carpathian in Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine and Romania and
the Balkans. The Dinaric Alps runs southwards into the Balkan Peninsula
and the Pindus Mountain in Greece.

A4. The North-western Highlands which consist of the highland systems

running from Finland through Norway to Scotland. These are among the
oldest mountain systems of Europe made up of old and hard rocks.
These mountains were covered by thick sheets of ice during the Great
Ice Age, which were responsible for the general lowering in height and
the formation of rounded hills due to ice erosion.

A5. Austria, Czech Republic and Hungary are located away from the
coast and are surrounded by land on all sides, hence are called land-
locked countries.

QD. Give reasons for the following.

1. These mountains were covered by thick sheets of ice during the

Great Ice Age, which were responsible for the general lowering in
height and the formation of rounded hills due to ice erosion.

2. The highly rugged coastal areas of the North-West have deep glacial
valleys which have been drowned and then filled by sea water.

3. Belgium and the Netherland are called the low countries because of
their low altitudes.

4. During the Ice Age, glaciers and ice sheets had covered half of
Europe and as they retreated, they eroded the land to form long
hollows, which later got filled with water to form lakes.
QE. Answer the following questions
l. The Alpine Mountain systems are the young fold mountains running
east-west as a series of parallel ranges lying south of the Central
Highlands between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caspian Sea. They
have steep slopes, narrow deep valleys and high jagged peaks. The
mountain system also includes the Cantabrian mountains of Northern
Spain, the Sierra Nevada in Spain, the Pyrenees between Spain and
France, the Apennines extending southwards in Italy. On the eastern
side there are two branches—the Carpathian in Slovakia, Poland,
Ukraine and Romania and the Balkans (in Bulgaria form another
branch). The Dinaric Alps runs southwards into the Balkan Peninsula
and the Pindus mountains in Greece.

2. Europe is made of a few more peninsulas lying along the coastline—

the Scandinavian peninsula, the Iberian Peninsula and the peninsulas
of Italy and Greece with their many islands. Therefore, Europe is
known as "peninsula peninsulas".

3. The Alpine Mountain Systems are young fold mountains running east-
west a series of parallel ranges lying south of the Central Highlands
between Atlantic Ocean and the Caspian Sea. They have steep
slopes, narrow deep valleys and high jagged peaks. The North-
western Highlands consist of high system running from Finland
through Norway to Scotland. These are the o mountain systems of
Europe made up of old and hard rocks. These mountains were
covered by thick ice sheets during the Great Ice Age, which were
responsible for the great lowering in height and the formation of
rounded hills due to ice erosion.

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