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Social marketing is an approach used to develop activities aimed at changing or maintaining

people’s behaviour for the benefit of individuals and society as a whole. Combining ideas from
commercial marketing and the social sciences, social marketing is a proven tool for influencing
behaviour in a sustainable and cost-effective way.

So in social marketing developing a product strategy, with an emphasis on exploring

opportunities for goods and services that will support desired behaviors.for the following isssues
the product primer of social marketing includes

Control of diarrheal diseases

Product type:

It is a social programme which aims to reduce mortality and malnutrition due to diarrheal by

making available oral rehydration salts and training in the treatment and prevention of diarrheal
diseases. So as a product type it’s an event.

Product line:

Control of diarrheal disease program offers some related products of their service such as:

1. Access to safe drinking-water

2. Sanitizers

3. Hand washing soap;

4. Good personal and food hygiene knowledge

5. Health education about how infections spread; and.

6. rotavirus vaccination
Product mix:


Control of diarrheal disease is a social service program so its product may be those which change
their behavior about diarrheal disease such as a therapeutic drug, soap, sanitizers and vaccine
.The consumer must know about the product and find it easy to use. The product should be tried


The service or materials should be located where the users are most likely to find them. If the
potential users are the elderly, then the optimum location for giving information would be the
supermarket, social centers, clinic or pharmacy for the elderly.


Economic reasons can be put forward to help explain why people invest in health. In life-
threatening situations, the cost of health is not at the forefront and the price or person's income
has minimal effect on the demand.; an increase in the perception of the value of the product may
also be required. Social marketing of health has additional costs to take into account: these
include convenience costs if the individual has to take time off work or lose pay to visit a clinic;
and response costs if there is likely to be embarrassment or fear of exposure of a particular
problem, or if the individual fears failure in carrying out the behavior. These costs are more
difficult to assess.


Visibilities and timing Visibility reminds the user of the product's existence. Timing is
presenting the reminder when the user is most likely to take the required action, since people
vary in their readiness to receive information. The message should be promoted when receipt is
most desired and in a form that is most readily understood, from a source where the user would
most expect to find information of this kind. The communication channel must therefore be
selected with care and should not distort the information. The chosen channel should be
accessible to the health planner and credible to the user. Information channels include television,
radio, magazines, newspapers, social and professional organizations, schools, town meetings,
drug and medical equipment companies, word of mouth, opinion leaders and so on. The product
must be planned thoroughly before the promotion takes place

Most cases of diarrheal resolve without treatment, and a doctor will often be able to diagnose the
problem without the use of tests. However, in more severe cases, a stool test may be necessary
— especially if the symptoms persist for longer than a week. 3 to 4 days is needed to get the

Product platform

Core product: What is the problem that needs to be solved? _So in this issue the core product is
to control the diarrheal disease and make people aware of this.

Actual product: Any tangible goods and services your campaign will focus on promoting that
your audience acquire. _So in this issue the actual product is soap, sanitizer, drug and vaccine.

Augmented product: Additional goods and services your campaign will promote to support the
desired behavior change. _So in this issue the augmented product is vaccine reminder app.

Product quality:

The vaccine is over 85% effective at protecting against severe rotavirus infection in the first two
years of life. Some babies who are vaccinated will still get rotavirus infection, but the disease is
usually milder.

Product development:

WHO staff were involved in reviewing key messages, the product insert, the package, and
pamphlets. Discussions with key stakeholders and those involved in best practices were vital for
product development. With partner collaboration, a detailed low-literacy insert was developed
containing illustrated instructions for product use, educational messages regarding diarrheal
home management and courtesy of PSI prevention, and referral advice if danger signs appear.
quality control procedures and requirements are established by PSI using CDC guidelines prior
to the start of production in each country, and each production company, an independent
laboratory, and, in some cases, PSI undertake regular product testing. The production/quality
requirements should be included in the contractual agreement between program management and
the manufacturer.

Childhood immunizations

Product type:

Childhood immunizations assess community awareness of childhood immunizations and intent

to immunize children and aimed at increasing timely immunizations in children from birth

Product Line:

 chickenpox (Varicella)

 Diphtheria.

 Flu (Influenza)

 Hepatitis A.

 Hepatitis B.

 Hib.

 HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

 Measles

Product mix:


What is the benefit of that vaccination (HPV Vaccination Flu vaccination etc)


What is the perceived “value” of vaccination (Psychological, Emotional, Cultural, Social,

behavioral, Financial)

Where is vaccination available? How easy is vaccination to access?( School, Doctor’s office,
Pharmacy, Primary Health Clinic, Community events, Homes)


What messages work? Who are trusted sources? Where do people get information about
vaccination? (Communication, Advertising, Direct mail, Doctor, Teacher, ICT)

Product feature

Many of the vaccines we received as children to create immunities to infectious diseases last a
lifetime, but not all of them. For example, tetanus and diphtheria vaccines need to be updated
with a new vaccine and then with booster shots every 10 years to maintain immunity.
Product platform
(Core product) assess community awareness of childhood immunizations and increase timely
immunizations in children from birth and change people behavior about it.
(Actual product) statewide immunization database for healthcare providers
(Augmented product) vaccine reminder app
Product quality
Immunization gives protection against some infectious could save lives, prevent
premature death and disability, improve ability of children to learn, reduce health sector costs for
hospital care or economic loss to society from absenteeism, or any combination of these and
other possible objectives.
Product development
Assessment of critical public health needs development .Priorities should be established and the
desired vaccine characteristics should be defined. HCPs, schools, media, parents, the public, and
policy makers all work together to make it success.

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