A Message-Oriented Middleware For Sensor Networks

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A Message-Oriented Middleware for Sensor Networks

Eduardo Souto, Germano Guimarães, Glauco Vasconcelos,

Mardoqueu Vieira, Nelson Rosa, Carlos Ferraz
Federal University of Pernambuco, Informatic Center
Av. Professor Luis Freire
Cidade Universitaria 50740-540 Recife PE
+55 81 2126-8430
{ejps, gfg, gpv, msv, nsr, cagf}@cin.ufpe.br

ABSTRACT are responsible for collecting environmental information and

The miniaturization of hardware components has lead to the sending it towards a sink node, which receives the information
development of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and gathered by the network and delivers it to the final user.
networked-applications over them. Meanwhile, middleware These networks have been developed for a wide range of
systems have also been proposed in order to both facilitating the applications, such as habitat monitoring, object tracking, precision
development of these applications and providing common agriculture, building monitoring and military systems [1], [2], [3].
application services. The development of middleware for sensor Common to these applications is the need of continuously
networks, however, places new challenges to middleware collecting and integrating data coming from a large number of
developers due to the low availability of resources and processing sensor nodes. Hence, a basic issue is how to satisfy applications’
capacity of the sensor nodes. In this context, this paper presents a requirements considering specific characteristics of sensor
middleware for WSN named Mires. Mires incorporates networks such as constrained sensor power and network
characteristics of message-oriented middleware by allowing bandwidth.
applications communicate in a publish/subscribe way. In order to
In this way, most research efforts in this area are directed to the
illustrate the proposed middleware, we implement an aggregation
development of new protocols that promote efficient resources
middleware service for an environment-monitoring application.
utilization, mainly with respect to the power consumption [4], [5],
[6], [7]. Although these protocols are effective in extending the
Categories and Subject Descriptors lifetime of sensor networks, the gap between the protocols and the
C.2.4 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Distributed application does not allow the protocols be effectively used by
Systems. application developers [8]. To make these protocols more useful,
application designers would benefit from a middleware layer that
hides details of communication protocols, whilst provides an API
General Terms (Application Programming Interface) that reduces the cost of
Design, Experimentation.
developing applications.
In this context, the design and implementation of an appropriate
Keywords middleware layer for fully realizing the capability of sensor
Wireless sensor networks, middleware, publish/subscribe. technologies and applications is now open. Traditional
middleware systems such as Java RMI (Remote Method
1. INTRODUCTION Invocation) [9], EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) [10] and CORBA
The continuous miniaturization of the hardware components and (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) [11] are normally
the evolution of wireless communication technologies have heavyweight in terms of memory and computation and therefore
stimulated the development and use of Wireless Sensor Networks not suitable for WSNs [12].
(WSN) in the monitoring of physical environments. Typically, a A middleware for WSN should facilitate development,
network is formed by hundreds to thousands of sensor nodes, low maintenance, deployment and execution of sensing-based
power devices equipped with one or more sensors. Sensor nodes applications. To accomplish this, it is necessary to enable the
development of complex and high-level sensing tasks. These tasks
must be capable to: communicate with other tasks in the WSN,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
coordinate sensors, be distributed amongst individual sensor
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that nodes, data merging of sensor readings in individual nodes into a
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy high-level result and report the result back to the task issuer.
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, Moreover, one should provide appropriate abstractions and
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. mechanisms for dealing with the heterogeneity of sensor nodes.
2nd International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-Hoc All mechanisms provided by a middleware system should respect
Computing, October 18th - 22nd, 2004, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-000-0/00/0004…$5.00.
the restrictions involved in WSN systems, which are mostly high-level API that facilitates the development of applications.
energy efficiency, robustness and scalability [13]. We also implement a data aggregation service necessary to
Several middleware systems have been designed to deal with the environment monitoring applications.
aforementioned issues. Maté [14] is an architecture for This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces some
constructing application specific virtual machines that executes on basic concepts of sensor networks. Section 3 provides a detailed
top TinyOS [15]. Using this architecture, developers can easily description of the proposed publish/subscribe middleware.
change instruction sets, execution events, and VM subsystems. Section 4 presents an environmental monitoring application used
Maté provides a simple programming interface to sensor nodes. to validate our middleware. Finally, section 5 presents some
For example, a sense-and-send program can be written with six conclusions and directions for future works.
Another middleware, Impala [16] designed for use in the 2. BASIC CONCEPTS
ZebraNet project, considers the application itself exploiting A wireless sensor network consists of a large number of small
mobile code techniques to change the functionality of the devices with computational power, wireless communication and
middleware executing at a remote sensor. The key to energy sensing capability [1]. Sensor nodes are usually scattered in an
efficiency for Impala is for the sensor node applications to be as observation region. Each sensor node in the observation region is
modular as possible, enabling small updates that require little responsible for extracting data of the environment (such as
power during transmission. temperature, humidity, pressure and luminosity), processing and
sending them through one or more sink nodes, which are
Unlike Impala and Maté, MiLAN (Middleware Linking
responsible for transmitting these data to the final user.
Applications and Networks) [8] has an architecture that reaches
the network protocol. MiLAN is intended to sit on top of multiple The project of sensor networks applications is highly influenced
physical networks. It acts as a layer that allows network-specific by resource scarcity (e.g., battery, memory and processor),
plug-in to convert MiLAN commands to protocol-specific ones communication models and application requirements. In the
that are passed through the usual network protocol stack. wireless transmission, the power of a signal decreases
Therefore, MiLAN can continuously to adapt to the specific proportionally with the square of the distance. Thus, if the
features of whichever network is being used in the communication between sensor nodes and the sink will be carried
communication. Finally, Cougar [17] adopts a database approach through in a single hop, it will be necessary to adjust signal
where sensor readings are considered “virtual” relational database strength to become possible the message exchange in the network.
tables. An SQL-like query language is used to issue tasks to the This procedure will cause a power consumption increase and,
WSN. consequently, a reduction of network lifetime.
However, most of the projects are in an early stage focusing on One solution would be to adopt a multi-hop communication,
developing algorithms and components for WSN, which might where some intermediate nodes act as bridges between the
later serve as a foundation for middleware. First concrete message source and its destination. However, in a dense WSN,
experiments show that even very simple protocols and algorithms various nodes often detect common phenomena leading to
can exhibit surprising complexity at large scale [13]. After all, unnecessary redundancy of data and transmissions. This fact
there is still a long way to go for successful WSN middleware, makes more critical the power consumption. One technique that
both in terms of design concepts and of system implementations. helps to save energy is data aggregation [4], [5]. The idea is to
combine the data coming from different sources eliminating the
In addition, the communication of applications in WSNs is
redundancy of the transmitted data, minimizing the number of
essentially based on events (event-driven communication model),
transmissions and thus saving energy [18].
which suggests that the traditional request/response approach
(synchronous) is not adequate. In most applications, data Application-specific requirements also affect the network’s
transmission is triggered when either an event occurs or the sink resources in different ways. For example, the consumption of
node generates a query. This kind of data dissemination is well energy for sending messages to the network tends to be higher in
supported by the publish/subscribe paradigm where a publisher monitoring applications than in surveillance systems since
turns information available to subscribers in an asynchronous environment violation is a rare event (report by exception). When
way. a violation happens, the application must guarantee the delivery
of the event notification in an adequate time. In a tracking
Taking into accounting that network nodes have well-defined
application, only the sensors closer to the observed object need to
attributes (e.g., temperature, humidity, pressure), a
send information to the network.
publish/subscribe scheme can be used to query and extract data
from the network. In such a scheme, each node announces a set of The application-specific requirements combined with the resource
attributes that describe monitored data types. The user application restrictions make the application development for sensor networks
subscribes to a subset of the attributes offered by the sensor a challenging task. The project of middleware for WSNs must
nodes. A subscribe message is broadcasted through the network consider these issues in order to hide the complexity for the
until it reaches all the sensor nodes. From this moment, the sensor application developers. However, due to the mission of supporting
nodes start to monitor, collect, process and transmit the desired and optimising for a broad class of applications, tradeoffs need to
information. be explored between the degree of application-specific and
generality of the middleware [12].
Based on this context, this paper presents a publish/subscribe
middleware, named Mires, which encapsulates the network-level
protocols (routing and topology control protocols) and provides a
3. THE MIDDLEWARE MIRES The main component in Mires architecture is the
As discussed in the previous sections, WSN applications need to publish/subscribe service. This service intermediates the
continuously collect and integrate data generated from a large and communication between middleware services. It is also
physically dispersed contingent of sensor nodes. In this scenario, responsible for advertising the topics provided by the local
there are a large number of devices exchanging data, whilst some application, maintaining the list of topics subscribed by the node
information sources and sinks may not be present in the network application and publishing messages containing data related to the
at the same time. Therefore, the request/response communication advertised topics. Only messages referring to the subscribed
is not adequate to satisfy this requirement. For example, a client topics are transmitted, thus saving precious power supplies.
that requests instantaneous updates of information would need to In order to transmit either locally generated or forwarded
continuously poll the information providers leading to network messages received from the network towards the sink node, the
overload and congestion. Moreover, as energy is a scarce publish/subscribe service uses a multi-hop routing algorithm.
resource, unnecessary information requests should be avoided. Since the OS does not specify a standard routing algorithm, we
The publish/subscribe communication is adequate for the required have opted to incorporate this feature into the middleware. The
information dissemination model of sensor network applications algorithm must be implemented as an independent component,
[19], [20]. In this kind of communication, an information supplier allowing the utilization of any multi-hop routing algorithm since
publishes messages that are forwarded to one or more subscribers it implements the required interface by Mires.
(one-to-many communication). An extension to this basic model
allows messages being associated to topics. In this particular case,
Node Application
the subscribers only receive messages associated with the exact
topic(s) to which they have subscribed.
The key elements in the publish/subscribe communication are the
notification service and the buffer where the messages are queued Routing Service Service
Routing Service11 ServiceNN
before they are passed to subscribers. The notification service
takes responsibility to inform the subscribers when a new
message arrives. In this way, it allows the asynchronous
communication as producers and consumers are fully decoupled. Publish/subscribe service
This loose coupling is the prime advantage of this kind of
communication in the context of ad-hoc and pervasive Operating S ystem
environments such as wireless sensor networks [21].
Sensors CP U Ra dio
As aforementioned, the Mires middleware addresses the
Figure 1. Mires' architecture
implementation of publish/subscribe communication for wireless
sensor network applications. The communication between nodes
consists of three phases. Initially, the nodes in the network As mentioned before, additional services can be easily
advertise their available topics (e.g., temperature and humidity) incorporated to Mires through interfaces that define notification
collected from local sensors. Next, the advertised messages are events. Thus, the publish/subscribe service notifies the services
routed to the sink node using a multi-hop routing algorithm. A (those interested in the message) about message arriving from the
user application (e.g., a graphical user interface) connected to the network or submitted by the local application. If a service is
sink node is able to select (i.e., subscribe) the desired advertised interested in being notified of a certain event, it needs only to
topics to be monitored. Finally, subscribe messages are implement a specific handle to that event.
broadcasted down to the network nodes. After receiving the
subscribed topics, nodes are able to publish their collected data to There are three types of notification events: topicArrival,
the network. Further details are presented in following sections. stateArrival and topicSetupArrival. The topicArrival event signals
that the node application has submitted data collected from
3.1 MIRES Architecture sensors. When this event occurs, the notified service firstly
Figure 1 shows the proposed middleware architecture. From the decides if the data is locally processed (e.g., aggregated) or
bottom to the top, the first block corresponds to the sensor node’s transmitted, and then communicates its decision to the
hardware components. It generally includes a microcontroller publish/subscribe service. The stateArrival event is very similar to
unit, one or more sensors and a radio transceiver. These the previous one except for the fact that the data comes from the
components are directly interfaced and controlled by the network. The network data represents the results from the
operating system (OS). The low-level services provided by the processing in a node positioned in a lower level of the routing
OS can be accessed through standard interfaces. hierarchy. Finally, the topicSetupArrival event is the subscribe
message broadcasted from the user application. It contains both a
Mires is placed on top of the Operating System, encapsulating its
list of subscribed topics and configuration information for the
interfaces and providing higher-level services to the Node
services, e.g., the policy that establishes stop criterion (time limit,
Application. Mires internal structure is composed by the
number of samples).
publish/subscribe service, a routing component and additional
services. The additional services (e.g., data aggregation service) As soon as the stop criterion for a subscribed topic is satisfied, the
may be easily integrated to the publish/subscribe service if they service can publish the local processing results to the network.
implement the appropriate interfaces. The publish/subscribe service then interacts with the routing
component to send a message containing the local results to the
node in the next hierarchy level. This process repeats until a routing hierarchy towards the sink node. The Bcast component is
publish message reaches the sink node, which is responsible for responsible to broadcast setup information (e.g., subscribed topics
transmitting the data collected by the sensor network to the user by the user application) across the network.
application. The following sequence diagrams show the interactions between
the Publish/subscribe component and the other Mires’
3.2 Publish/Subscribe Service components. In Figure 3, the node application advertises to the
Before presenting details of the proposed publish/subscribe PublishSubscribe service its capability of sensing data related to a
service, it is worth presenting some relevant aspects of the certain topic (advertise phase). The PublishSubscribe service
implementation environment where the service was built, namely encapsulates this information in an advertiseMsg and sends it to
TinyOS. This environment has a component-based programming the network via the MultiHopRouter component.
model provided by the nesC [22] language, a high-level language The interaction in the bottom of Figure 3 refers to the occurrence
for building structured component-based applications. TinyOS of an advertiseMsg message arrival in the node. All messages are
programs can be seen as a component graph, where each addressed to the sink node, but in the intermediate nodes the
component provides and uses external interfaces, which are MultiHopRouter component signals an intercept event whenever
composed by commands and events. Commands are procedures it receives an advertiseMsg message. Next, the PublishSubscribe
that are implemented in the interface provider. When an interface service extracts the advertised topic information from the
provider signals an event, this causes the execution of a procedure message, updates its internal control structure and returns an
(event handler) implemented in the interface user. The indication to the MultiHopRouter that the message should be
communication among network nodes is based on the Active forwarded to the upper nodes in the network hierarchy.
Messages [23] paradigm. According to it, each message contains
the ID of a handle to be invoked on the target node and a data
payload to pass in as arguments. This event-based and message-
oriented communication paradigm makes TinyOS a good
foundation in order to build up a publish/subscribe-based
communication infrastructure.
Figure 2 illustrates the connections between the Publish/subscribe
service component and the other elements of Mires. The
PublishSubscribe component provides both the Advertise and
Publish interfaces to the node application. It also provides the
PublishState and the Notifier interfaces to ServiceX (e.g.,
aggregation service). These two interfaces allow the addition of
services to Mires.
The PublishState interface defines the command used by ServiceX
to publish their processing results. The Notifier interface defines
three events to which new services must provide handler Figure 3- Topic advertisement sequence diagram
implementations and then to be notified by the publish/subscribe
service of occurrences like local or remote data arrival.
Figure 4 illustrates the topic subscription interaction that is
initiated after the advertise phase. The user application invokes
the sink node’s send command in order to broadcast the
subscribed topics to the network. In each node that receives the
subscribeMsg, the Bcast component signals a receive event. Then,
the PublishSubscribe component extracts the setup information
from the message and signals the topicSetupArrival event to
notify the ServiceX components attached to it.

Figure 2. Publish/subscribe class diagram

The PublishSubscribe service uses three interfaces (Send, Receive
and Intercept) that are implemented by the Bcast and
MultiHopRouter communication components. The Figure 4. Topic subscription sequence diagram
MultiHopRouter component is responsible for establishing the
Room 1 Room 2
Figure 5 shows how the monitored data is both published and
processed by the network. The NodeApplication periodically
collects readings from the node’s sensors and invokes the publish
command of the PublishSubscribe component. If other services
are attached to it, the Publish/subscribe component notifies them
through the topicArrival event. Room 3 Room 4

In the next interaction, the service invokes the publishState

command to the PublishSubscribe component passing its
processing results. Then, the PublishSubscribe service
encapsulates the local state inside a publishMsg and sends it to the
network by using the MultiHopRouter component.
Finally, the third interaction occurs when a publishMsg arrives at sink
a node. The MultiHopRouter signals an intercept event containing user application
the publishMsg. The Publish/subscribe component extracts the
remote state from the message and notifies the other services by
Figure 6. Sensor nodes distributed in rooms
signaling the stateArrival event. Thus, a notified service is
supposed to merge the remote state to its local one.
The sensors are grouped in rooms forming clusters. Each room
has a node responsible for the communication with the sink node,
called cluster head. Each node inside a cluster integrates the
information of nodes under it in the routing hierarchy by means of
some aggregation technique and reports the results up in the
hierarchy until the cluster head. A sink node receives the sensing
tasks from the external application and spreads them to the
network. Thus, the flow of tasks goes from the sink node to the
sensor nodes, while the data flow goes in the opposite direction.
The external application will collect these data and deal with them
in the desired form.

4.2 Aggregation Service

The environment-monitoring applications usually require that
collected data from sensor nodes be aggregated in order to reduce
the number of transmissions in the network. Data aggregation is
the combination of data from different sources by using functions
Figure 5. Data publishing sequence diagram such as suppression, min, max and average [24]. A naive
implementation of sensor network aggregation would be to use a
centralized, server-based approach where all sensor readings are
In the next section, we discuss how Mires can be used to easily sent to a base station, which computes the aggregates [25]. In our
develop an environment monitoring application, which is a very case study, however, the aggregation has been performed in each
common application of wireless sensor networks. We also sensor node, by allowing sensor to conduct in-network data
exemplify how a service can be attached to the Mires framework reduction. This technique has been used to reduce the number of
in a straightforward manner. message transmissions, latency and power consumption [5], [26].
To accomplish this requirement, we have implemented an
4. CASE STUDY: AN ENVIRONMENT- aggregation service, which can be configured during the subscribe
process. The user can set how data will be aggregated
MONITORING APPLICATION (aggregation function) and the stop criteria (aggregation policy).
This section presents an environment monitoring application built
When the stop criterion is satisfied in a node, it publishes its local
to validate the implementation of our publish/subscribe
result to the next node according to the routing algorithm. The
middleware. To this end, an aggregation service was implemented
aggregation service implements three basic actions:
and connected to Mires.

4.1 Scenario Aggregate data originated from the local sensor(s) with data
Imagine a cubical environment-monitoring scenario with the coming from the network
following characteristics: each environment is formed by a group Control the association between the topics and its
of sensor nodes that can monitor variables such as temperature, aggregation functions. That is necessary because nodes can
humidity, sound and luminosity. Figure 6 represents this receive data of several topics and each topic can be
scenario. associated to a different aggregation function.
Verify the satisfaction of the aggregation policy’s criterion Once the announced topics arrive at the sink node, they are passed
and request publication of the associated state1 with a topic. to the user application. In this case study, a graphical interface
For example, the time criterion defines an interval where the was built to allow the user to select one or more topics of interest,
aggregation function is applied on values obtained locally or specifying desired policies and aggregation functions. A
generated from its sub-nodes. When the time is over, the screenshot of this application is shown in Figure 8, which
local state is transmitted and restarted. demonstrates a configuration where the user is interested in
receiving data about temperature every four minutes and
luminosity every six minutes. The user application sends a
An aggregation function defines how the data are combined. subscribe message to the sink node, and then Mires is responsible
Figure 7 shows the structure of the proposed aggregation service. by the dissemination the configurations of the user to the other
The AggregationM module contains the implementation of the nodes in the network. This procedure corresponds to the
aggregation service, handling the notifications sent by the subscription phase.
publication service. The aggregation functions are implemented in
separate modules such as AVG and SUM. The AggregateUse After the subscription phase, the application starts to publish the
module carries out an activity of de-multiplexing, passing data referring to the Mires’ responsibility to notify the
requests for the correct aggregation module in accordance to its aggregation service of the arrival topics of interest subscribed by
identifier. This way, flexibility to add new aggregation functions the user application. It is of local and remote data. In the
is guaranteed, just requiring the creation of a module for the new aggregation service, the data are combined in accordance with the
function and the association between the function and an function and policies established by the user application in the
identifier to a configuration file. subscription phase. Mires is responsible for transmitting the data
processed by the aggregation service to other nodes.

SUM In summary, the user application needs only inform Mires which
topics (temperature, luminosity or humidity) interest it. The
middleware receives this configuration message (topics, function
AggregateM AggregateUse
AggregateUse AVG
AVG and aggregation policies) and sends the requested data back to the
user application. This way, Mires makes the control and

... communication of the sensors’ readings, thus reducing the

semantic gap of the application development.

Figure 7. Aggregation service structure

This aggregation service implemented in a distributed manner Wireless Sensor Networks applications places new challenges to
decreases the communication required to compute an aggregate middleware developers due to the low availability of resources
versus a centralized aggregation approach. and processing capacity of the sensor nodes. This work’s main
contribution is to demonstrate that the publish/subscribed
4.3 Application Example paradigm can be successfully applied in WSNs, providing an
In order to illustrate the applicability of the proposed architecture, asynchronous communication model that is better suited than
we present an application example in which the user subscribes its traditional request/response model to cope with the event-driven
topics of interest and visualizes through a graphical interface the nature of the sensor networks applications. Mires has been
incoming data. Figure 8 shows a user application and its designed in order to facilitate the development of applications
interaction with the middleware architecture. The MIRES over WSNs. This middleware is implemented on top of TinyOS,
execution can be divided in the following phases: network an event-based operating system explicitly designed for network
establishment, announcement, subscription and publication. sensors.
After the deployment of sensor nodes, configuration messages In Mires, each node advertises topics available in its sensor
start to be exchanged with the objective to establish routes hardware. A user application receives these topics and selects the
towards the sink node. This process is controlled by the routing desired topics to be monitored. After this, nodes are able to
component of Mires, which signals the conclusion of the network publish the collected data of interest. The Mires’ core component
establishment to the sensor node application. In this case study, is the publish/subscribe service. This service acts as an
the routing component implements a multi-hop algorithm. intermediate between the application running locally and the
communication components of the operating system. It is
When the establishment of the routing tree is finished, the
responsible for advertising the topics provided by the local
announcement phase is initiated. In this phase, the sensor node
application, maintaining a list of the topics subscribed by the user
application informs the middleware that it will publish data of a
application and publishing messages containing data related to the
specific topic (e.g., temperature). It is Mires’ responsibility to
advertised topics. Only messages referring to the subscribed
inform the other sensor nodes in the routing tree. Thus, the
topics are transmitted, thus saving precious energy supplies.
application does not need to worry about the procedure of topic
diffusion in the network.

A state is the data structure that represents the local result for
the aggregation of a certain topic.
R oom

Sensor messages
N ode readings
M ires TinyO S
application Inco ming

user application

Figure 8. Application example

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