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UID- 21MBA2554

Q1. What is MIS?

Ans. MIS- Management information system.
It is an information system used in an organization and within the company for
the purpose of their decision making and it also controls, coordinates, analyse
and visualize the information for the company. It works as a backbone for the
organization. It is basically the study of people , technology , organization and
the relationship they share.


Ans. Management information system supplies decision makers with
the facts and enhances the overall decision making process. It also
enhances the job performance throughout the organization as data
and information availability and processing done on time, this helps
the board and management in taking strategic decisions.

 It helps in identifying trends.

Example- In sales for different products.
 It helps in identifying demographic information.
Example- Types of customers that buy certain products
Helps in creating targeted advertising campaign.

 Customer data report helps in planning better and effective marketing

strategies promotional activities.
 It helps in decision making.
 It helps in problem solving.
 It helps in the development of stratergies, planning, forecasting
and monitoring.
 It brings coordination in the company.
 It stores, process and evaluates the information.
 It helps in improving the performance and helps in planning and


ANS. 1. Dell Company- This directs business models eliminates retailers
that add unnecessary time and cost, or who can diminish Dell’s
understanding of customer expectations. They also use transaction
processing system.
2. HDFC- Can reach more people by more effective way. Employees can
easily connect with other branches, customer service gets improved,
employees record maintained very well.

3. WHO ( WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION)- Health management

information system uses an information system specially designed to
assist in the management and planning of health programmes, as
opposed to delivery care.

 Process Control
 Management reporting system
 Inventory control
 Sales and Marketing
 Human Resource
 Implementation of Management information system

 Implementation of Plan

 Organizing the MIS Department

 Selection and Procurement of Hardware

 Procurement of Software

 Creating the Database.

 Training of Users

 Creating Physical Infrastructure.

 Transition to the New System.

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