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Clinical practice

Reposition patients effectively to

prevent pressure ulcers

espite the widely available guidelines[1,2], less disturbance. If it is difficult to see if the skin
there still remains considerable confusion does or does not blanch, a plastic disc or square
in practice about how and when to can be used that allows the skin to be seen more
reposition patients. The mantra of 2-hourly turns clearly [Figure 1].
still remains a common theme, although there is Recently, several devices have been brought
little evidence to support this frequency. One trial to market to assist in decision making around
Author: compared the cost of 2-hourly turns with 4-hourly repositioning. These include a mat that is placed
Jacqui Fletcher
turns and concluded that, despite a small clinical under the patient that shows the interface
benefit of turning the patient every 2 hours, the pressure beneath the patient, using colours
cost was significantly more and this outweighed on a digital display at the bed end. While this
the benefit[3]. demonstrates high points of pressure allowing
For most patients, 2-hourly turns are too shifts in patient position to redistribute weight
“Most guidelines frequent, while others need to be repositioned more evenly, it does not show the patient’s
recommend that at shorter intervals. The turning schedule should response to the load and, therefore, the skin
be individually prescribed for each patient based should still be checked. A further innovation is
the patient should
on his/her main risk factors and his/her ability a device that measures subepidermal moisture
not be sat upright as and/or willingness to reposition themselves. The levels in the skin via the use of a handheld
this places too much patient becoming aware of why they are being scanner. This device has been shown to identify
weight on the coccyx repositioned may mean they move themselves early signs of pressure damage up to 3 days
more frequently. Ensuring the patient’s pain is well prior to visible signs becoming obvious on the
and makes the patient
controlled can positively influence the frequency surface of the skin. However, neither of these
far more likely to with which they reposition themselves[4]. devices are widely available due to the perceived
slide down the bed, There is sometimes a need for a different cost and the need for additional training, so
increasing the amount turning frequency at night compared with skin observation remains the best way to judge
daytime; healthy people reposition themselves repositioning frequency.
of friction and shear.”
less frequently overnight, however, this It is important to remember that patients are
recommendation can not be applied to all repositioned for reasons other than pressure ulcer
patients. Patients taking sedatives can become prevention. Generally speaking, the 30-degree
particularly still and the need to reposition them tilt position is recommended. This avoids putting
remains the same. the patient directly on their back or their hip
For patients who are considered at the end as this would be placing the weight onto large
of their life, additional consideration should be bony prominences and, therefore, considerably
given to the benefit of the repositioning when increasing their risk. The 30-degree tilt can be
balanced against the possible effects on pain and simply achieved using pillows or wedges and
dignity. This does not mean that repositioning allows the body weight to be supported on large
should be abandonded simply that a more careful muscles, such as in the buttocks. To check the
consideration given to the decision and perhaps patient is correctly positioned, a hand should
be greater discussion with the patient and be slid between the patient and the mattress,
their family and/or carers about the positive or and it should be possible to feel that the coccyx
negative effects of repositioning. and sacrum are not on the bed. It should also
While the NICE guidelines[2] suggest be possible to see both hips. The patient’s legs
basing the frequency of turn on the type of should be carefully supported to ensure the
mattress a patient is on, the most objective patient is comfortable and does not feel twisted
way of determining repositioning frequency and unsupported.
is by checking the skin when the patient is For patients who are able to tolerate lying on
repositioned. If the skin is red and the redness their front, the prone position is a good way of
does not resolve within a short period (non- completely removing pressure from the back of
blanching erythema), the turns are too infrequent; the patient, although generally, most patients are
if the skin returns to its normal colour quickly only able to tolerate this for short periods of time.
Jacqui Fletcher is Independant (blanching erythema), the turn frequency may be However, more patients may be able to tolerate
Nurse Consultant, UK extended to allow the patient greater comfort and the recovery position and inclusion of these

Wounds International 2017 | Vol 8 Issue 1 | ©Wounds International 2017 | 7

Clinical practice

Figure 1. Image shows blanching erythema through the plastic.

extra positions, even if only for short periods, Repositioning heels

allows skin on other areas of the body to recover Heels are perhaps one of the most difficult
from applied pressure more effectively. It is areas to reposition, being largely comprised
always worth asking the patient how they sleep of bones with very little cushioning from fat.
at home as they should vary their position. Where possible, the heels should be floated
In addition to considering the movement i.e. lifted clear of the surface, ensuring that
from side to side, care should be taken with the however this is achieved, increased pressure
angle of the head of the bed. Most guidelines is not put on the Achilles tendon or the calf.
recommend that the patient should not be sat The most common way of offloading heels
upright as this places too much weight on the is to use pillows, however, once the patient
coccyx and makes the patient far more likely has been positioned on them they should
to slide down the bed, increasing the amount be rechecked after 20 minutes to ensure the
of friction and shear. The maximum elevation weight of the leg has not collapsed the pillow,
should be 30 degrees. resulting in the heel now being back on the
mattress. There are many different offloading
Repositioning when on very high boots available and when choosing between
risk surfaces them, consideration should be given to several
Even when a patient is on the most sophisticated things, such as:
surface, consideration should be given to ■■ How mobile is the patient? Some boots
repositioning them. However, care should be significantly reduce mobility and levels
taken to not block the beneficial effects of the of independence
mattress by placing unnecessary equipment ■■ What material is the boot made of? Some
between the patient’s skin and the surface. materials can be hot and uncomfortable
■■ How is the boot secured? Tight fastenings
Repositioning in the chair can cause skin damage, particularly if the
If a patient requires repositioning in bed then it patient has lower-limb oedema
is also likely that they will require repositioning ■■ Is the boot available in a range of
in the chair. It is possible to use the 30-degree sizes? Patients’ feet and legs can range
tilt in a chair, however, space for pillows can be considerably in size
very limited and there may be safety concerns ■■ Is it possible to check the skin condition
around the height of the sides of the chair. without removing the boot? Although
Where possible, patients should not be left in this is not a crucial factor if the patient is
their chairs for long periods of time. When they in pain, it may help to not have to keep
are seated, functional movements should be removing the boot.
encouraged, for example, leaning forward to
reach for a book or a drink (obviously ensuring Not all patients find boots comfortable.
the patient is safe from falling) or simple moving Some prefer to have their heels elevated using
from side to side, transferring the weight from wedges to allow the heel to be floated. This
one buttock to another. is more common in patients who have some

8 Wounds International 2017 | Vol 8 Issue 1 | ©Wounds International 2017 |

Clinical practice

independent movement as they can find boots a turning appears to still be common practice, it is not
little restricting. always in the patient’s best interests and it should
A simple way to check that the heels are fully be considered as only one element of their care in
offloaded is to put a sheet of paper underneath preventing pressure ulcers. Repositioning should be
them — if it can be pulled out without ripping it is a 24-hour consideration, not simply something that
unlikely that the heels are resting on the surface. happens when the patient is in bed. WINT

Moving and handling References

When repositioning a patient, care must be taken to 1. National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, European
ensure that the patient is not caused pain, therefore, Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific
Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment
appropriate analgesia should be given if required.
of Pressure Ulcers: Quick Reference Guide, 2014
Moving and handling aids should be used even if Available at: (accessed
only making small movements to reduce both pain 17.02.2017)
and superficial skin damage from dragging. The 2. NICE. Pressure Ulcers: Prevention and Management
heels are frequently forgotten when repositioning of Pressure Ulcers NICE Clinical Guideline 179, 2014
Available at:
patients and even if simply elevating the head of cg179/chapter/1-recommendations (accessed
an electronic bed frame, a slide sheet should be put 17.02.2017)
underneath them as they can move up to 15 cm 3. Marsden G, Jones K, Neilson J et al. A cost-
along the surface during the movement[5]. effectiveness analysis of two different repositioning
strategies for the prevention of pressure ulcers.
J Adv Nurs 2015; 71(12): 2879–85
4. Källman U, Bergstrand S, Ek AC et al. Nursing staff
Repositioning for patients should be an induced repositionings and immobile patients’
individualised plan as many different factors need spontaneous movements in nursing care. Int Wound
to be considered. The condition of the skin and J 2015; doi: 10.1111/iwj.12435. [Epub ahead of print]
patient comfort are particularly important, as is 5. Fletcher J. Articulated bed frames and heel ulcer
the broader objective of their care. While 2-hourly prevalence. Wound Essentials 2015; 10(1): 8–13

Writing for Wounds International

Wounds International welcomes a range of articles relating to the clinical, professional, and
educational aspects of wound care. If you have written an article for publication or if you are
interested in writing for us and would like to discuss an idea for an article, please contact:

Adam Bushby on 0207 960 9673 or email

10 Wounds International 2017 | Vol 8 Issue 1 | ©Wounds International 2017 |

Lateral Turning System

A revolution in moving and handling

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