Book of Vile Darkness

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NOTTCE:Book ofVile 1Jarkness is intended for our adult audience. Parental discretion is advised.
PLAYTESTERS: Paul Bender, Eric Cagle, Michele Carter, Andy Collins, Sue Cook, Daniel Cooper, Bruce R. Cordell, Jesse Decker,
Martin Durham, George Fields,Je!TGnibb, Paula Horton, Robert Kcll_ey, Todd Meyer, Erik Mona, Brian Moseley, Christopher Perkins,
Athena Petticord,Jon Pickens, R.-i~ Sean K Reynolds, Mat Smith, Keith Strohm, Michael S. Webster, Penny Williams
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS* rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Moote Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.
This WIZARDS OP THE CoAJT' game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form
without written permission. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d'l.o™ System License, please visit • ,:
Poison crearion rules adapted from Song ,mdSilence by David Noon au and John D. RareJifT. Drug addiction rules adapted from Lords of
1Jnrkness by Scan Reynolds and Jason Carl.


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Introduct ion ........................ 4 Poison ...... ... ......... . ..... .... 44 Chapter 7: Lords of Evil ........... 123
Hide This Book! ..... .... .... ... .... 4 Material Components ... . . .... .... . 45 Archfiends and Clerics ............ 123
Evi l in the Game Session .... ........ 4 The Lower Planes. . . . . ...... .... t 24
What's Inside _...... ... ....... _.... . 4 Chapter 4: Feats . ................... 4 7 The Blood War .. _.... •. .. ..... ... 124
Author's Note . .. . ... ... ............. 4 The Demon lords .. . ..... . ... .. __ 125
Chapter 5: Prestige C lasses ......... 51
Demogorgon ...... .... .. .. ... . . 125
Chapter 1: The N ature of Evil ........ 5 Cancer Mage . . ............... ... .. 52
Graz'zt. ........... •. ........... 130
Evil in Your Game..... . ............. 5 Demonologist . . . . . . . . . __ .. 54
Juiblex ........... .. ........... 134
Defining EviJ .... ... ... .. ..... _..... 6 Diabolist ............... . .......... 56
Orcus ....... . ... .. . ....... ... . 136
Evil Acts . ... ..... • .. ..... 7 Disciple of Asmodeus .. . . ..... . .... 57
Yeenoghu .... . ... .. . ......... . . 140
Fetishes and Addictions .... . ....... to Disciple of Baalzebul . ... .. .... .. ... 58
Archdevils ..... . ... .. . ..... . ..... 143
Vile Gods .... ............ ......... 11 Disciple of Dispacer .... . .. ......... 60
Bel . . .............. • .......... 143
Karaan...... . ..... .. ......... . .. 11 Disci pie of Mammon .. . ...... .. .... 60
Dispater ..... . ... . . . ........... 145
Ral lasrer ................... . .... 11 Disciple of Mephistopheles .... . .... 62
Mammon ...... . ........ . ..... . 148
The Patient One ........ ........ . 12 lifedrinker .................. ...... 63
Belial/Fierna ... . . .. ...... ...... 151
Scahrossar ...................... 12 Morral Hunter..... . ... ........ _... 64
levistus ..... . .......... . . .. ... 154
The Xammux ..... ... ........... 12 Soul Eare r ... . ..... . . . ... ...... ... . 66
The Hag Countess ....... . ..... . 156
Yeathan ... . . . .... ............... 12 Thrall of Demogorgon .. . . . ..... .. .. 67
Baalzebul .... . . . ........ . ...... 158
Vile Races and Culrnres ............ 12 Thrall of Graz'zr....... .... .... .. ... 68
Mephistopheles ........ .. ...... 161
Vashar .... ... ............... . ... .l 2 T hrall ofJuiblex .... .... . .... . .. ... 70
Asmodeus ..... . ....... •. ... ... 165
Jerren .......................... 13 Thrall ofOrcus .... ..... ........... 71
Creating Vi llains . .................. t5 Ur-Priest .. ... ..... . .... ..... . ..... 72 Chapter 8 : Evil Monst ers .......... 169
Example Villains ... .... .. . . .... . ... t7 Vermin lord .. ..... .... ...... . ..... 73 Demon ........ ........ . .. . ... ... 169
The Dread Emperor. .... . ........ 17 Warrior of Darkness....... ......... 75 Mane........ . ......... .. .. .... 170
Siddal and Gauderis ........ .• ... 19 Rmrerkin .. .. . ......... . . . ..... 170
Chapter 6: Magic ........... ........ 77
Enesstrere, rhe Demon- Bar-lgura .... . ......... .. ...... 171
Evil Spells ......... ... .. .... . . ..... 77
Possessed Dragon ... .... ........ 20 Babau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 173
What's Evil? ..... . ... .....•. ..... 77
Ma.lign Sites .. . .................... 21 Shadow Demon ...... . . . . . ..... 173
Corrupt Magic .. ......... .... ... 77
The Azure Vale . ........... ...... 21. Chasme ... .... ..... ... . . .... .. 174
Spell lists ......................... 78
The Goblin Pits of Io-Rach ....... 22 Devi.I ...................... . ..... 175
Corrupt Spells ... ..... ..... . ..... 78
Kocrachon .. .. ....... .. ........ 175
Chapter 2: Variant Rules ............ 23 Assassi11 SpelJs ... ... ...... . ..... 78
Ghargarula . ... ....... .. . ....... 176
Possession ... .. ... ...... . .... . ..... 23 Bard Spells ...................... 79
Eye of Fear and Flame .. ... ....... . 177
Sacrifice ... ... . .............. . .... 26 Blackguard Spells... ....... . ... .. 79
Kython . . . . .......... . .... ... 178
Curses ........ . . . .... ... .......... 28 Cleric Spells ..... .... .... . ...... 79
Broodling .............. . ....... 179
Diseases..................... ...... 29 Cleric Domains... . ........ . ..... 80
Juvenile .................... .. . 179
Otber Aspects of Evil. ..... . ........ 32 Druid Spells..................... 81
Ad ult. ..... . ...... .... ......... 179
The Calling ............ . ........ 32 Sorcerer and Wizard Spells . . ..... 82
Impaler.............. .. ........ 180
Dark Cham . . . ........ • ..... _.. 32 Spell Descriptions ..... ............ 83
Slaymasrer ......... .. . ..... . ... 180
Dark Speech ... ... . .... . ........ 32 Evil Magic lrems . ................. tt 1
Slaughrerking . ... . .. .. . ........ 181
Souls as Power ......... . ........ 33 Armor Special Abilities ......... 111
Vaarh ............................ 182
Pain as Power .......... . ........ 33 Specific Armors . .. ............. 111
Vilewighr .......... . .... ......... 183
Hivemind .. . .......... . .... .. .. 34 Weapon Special Abilities ........ t 11
Bone Creature ...... . .... . ...... .. 184
Vile Damage ... ............. . ... 34 Specific Weapons ........... .... 112
Corpse Creature ......... • .. ...... 185
Evil Weather ... .... .. ........... 34 Rings ... .. . ... ................. 113
Corrupted Creature . .. ... . . . .. . ... 186
lingering Effects of Evil .. ..... . .... 35 Rods ....... . ... .. ... ..... . .. .. l13
Srnffs . ....... .................. 114 Appendix: Evil PCs .... ............ 187
Chapter 3: Evil Equipment ......... 37 Wondrous !rems ............... l14 A Sing le Evil PC ......... . ........ 187
Tom1re Devices . ................... 37 Artifacts ......................... 1 17 An Evil Parry . .......... . ..... . ... 187
Execmion Equipment .............. 39 Minor Artifacts......... . ....... I 17 The Evil Campaign ... .... ..... . ... 188
Armor/Equ ipmenrTraps........ . ... 40 Diabolic Engines and Conclusion ........ ..... ...... . ... 189
Alchemical and Quasi- Demonic Devices.............. 118
Magical Items . .................. 40 Major Artifacts ................. 120 Index . ............................ 190
Drugs ........ . · · .......... 41
only occasionally. I f you can make your players gasp in
Book of Vile Dnrlwess is a sourcebook of evil. [t contains a
horror at the foes they face, their victories over those oppo-
nents will be all the sweeter.
large amount of new game material- all of it vile, loath-
some, dark, and despicable. Although evil monsters, spells,
and magic items have appeared in previous products, this WHAT'S INSIDE
compendium is a collection of the most vile, hideous, and The eight chapters of this book break down the material
disgusting aspects of evil rhat might appear in a game. Its into easily digestible sections.
pages contain references to acts of horrible depravity and The Nature of Evil (Chapter 1): This chapter deals wirh
malevolent behavior unlike anything you have probably the basics of evil and evil acts. It provides advice on creating
encountered before in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game. villains and examples of how to incorporate rhe ideas in this
Let this be a warning: Book of Vile Dnrk11ess is intended for book into your campaign. Rules are given for various evil
mature audiences. The topics covered herein are not for the predilections that villains might have, such as cannibalism
immature, squeamish, or faint of hearr. This book deals and addiction. Here you'IJ find many examples of evil cul-
with fictional gore, extreme violence, human sacrifice, tures, characters, places, and gods that you can put to use in
addiction, corrupt magic, and deviant behavior. lts content your D&D games.
is nor a lighthearted rake on "badness"- it is about evil, Variant Rules (Chapter 2): ln this chapter, you'll find a
pure and simple. miscellany of new rules regarding vile topics. Vile damage,
Before you put this book down in disgust, however, con- curses, sacrifices, possession, and diseases are among the
sider this: The darker the shadow of evil, the brighter the ropics derailed here.
Light of good. The more horrible the villain, the greater the Equipment (Chapter 3): Torture implements, traps, poi-
hero. lf you are interested in adding the truly horrific to sons, and drugs are important parts of every evildoer's arse-
your game as something for the player characters (PCs) to nal. This chapter explains how rouse them in your game. Jr
vanquish, then this book is for you. also presents a wide variety of magic items- including arti-
facts- that are touched by evil.
Feats (Ch apter 4): This chapter offers new feats, includ-
HIDE THIS ROOK1 ing some that foll into a new category called vile feats. To
Book of Vile Darkness is for Dungeon Masters (DMs) only. Just acquire a vile feat, a character must be evil.
as you would keep the contents of a published adventure to Prestige Classes (Chapter 5): Some of the prestige
yourself, restrict your p layers' access to this book as well. classes in this chapter are specifically for monsters or
Don't let them know what's in store for their characters. fiends. Others are designed for characters who dedicate
themselves to the worship of demons and devils.
Magic (Chapter 6): For characters wishing ro delve into
EVIL IN THE GAME SESSION dark magic, this chapter introduces corrupt spells. These
spells are usable by any spellcasrer willing ro pay rhe roll
Every powerful force in the universe has an opposite and
equally powerful force. Evil and darkness pervade the that such magic exacts.
world of the D&D game, combating the forces of good (as Lords of Evil (Chapter 7): This chapter describes rhe
epitomized by the PCs). Each time a great malevolence is worst of the worst- the archdevils who rule the Nine Hells
vanquished, another springs up to take its place, like a and the demon lords who call rhe Abyss home. Veteran
hydra with an unlimited number of heads. Heroes confront D&D players are probably already familiar wirh some of
evil head-on. Other, less fa natic characters deal with it only these names: Demogorgon, Asmodeus, Orcus, and
when they need to. But smarr characters never dwell over- Baalzebul
long on corruption and darkness, lest it overtake them. Evil Monsters (Chapter 8): Demons and devils are
When a paladin returns home from a quest to enjoy time here, and new U11dead and other creatures are also derailed.
with loved ones and friends, she should pur away thoughts Also in this chapter are templares ro make evil crearures
of the horrors she has seen. even viler than their ordi11ary counterparts.
Try not to let the forces of evil portrayed in Book of Vile All of these chapters are rools meant to aid rhe DM in
Dark11ess overwhelm your game. The power of the arch- constructing malevolent foes. Ar the end of the book is an
fiends, rhe insidiousness of evil magic, and rhe corruption appendix rhar deals specifically with evil PCs, providing
of some of the fears and magic items in this book are some guidance for deali11g with siruarions d1ar can occur if
extreme. You may be tempted to unleash elements of this you allow evil characters into your campaign.
book on your characters rime and time again. But uJiless
you want to run the bleakest of campaigns-and your play-
ers do, too- resist rhar temptation and use this information AlJTHOR'S NOTE
sparingly. This book is not an excuse to turn your game imo I do not condone, endorse, or seek ro glorify anything in
a dreary slog through rhe bowels of urrer depravity For the this book as i1 mighr relare ro rhe real world. This is bad
deepest evil to have a proper impact, PCs musr encounter ir sruff, and I'm nor a bad person. Really.
ood rrnd evil are 110t philosophical concapts in the D&D versely, an objective definition of evil exists because
game. They are !he forces llrnl dcfi11e lhe rosmos. the delecl evil spell works. Want co know what's evil?
~D&D Player's Hllndbooli Don't study a philosophy book, ji,st watch who gets
hurt when the cleric casts holy mnte. Those creatures
"EviJ" is a word rbat is probably overused. In the con- are evil. The th.ings they do, generally speaking, are
text of the game, and certainly of this book, the word should evil acts. If your character ~till isn't certain, he can
be rese1ved for the dark force of destruction and death that summon a celestial cr£ature or cast a conrnwne spell
tempts souls to wrongdoing and perverts wholesomeness and and simply ask, "Is this evil?"The higher powers are
purity at every ntrn. Evil is vile, corrupt, and irredeemably righr there, ready to communicare.
dark. ll is not naughty or ill-tempered or misw1derstood. It is The Player's H1111dbook says," 'Evil' implies hurt-
black-hearted, selfish, cruel, bloodthirsty, and malevolent. ing, oppressing, and killing others. Some evil crea-
rures simply have no tompassion for others and
kiU withour qualm i[ doing so is convenient.
EVIL IN YOlJR GAME Orhers actively pursue evil, killing for sport or
out of dury to some evil deiry or master.''
There are two recommended ways to deal with the concept
of evil in your campaign: the objective approach and the This objective approach to evil works weU for
relative approach. This second option is a variant approach fantasy games. Evil is a rhing rhat a
and should be used with some caution. hero can point at and know he must fight. An
objective concept of evil allows players (and
THE OBJECTIVE APPROACH their characters) to avoid most ethical or moral
This is the straightforward approach taken in the D&D quandaries, particularly the kinds that can
game, and it is the one stressed in chis book as well. From derail a game session. If you run an advenrute
this frame of reference, evil can be judged objectively. The about fighring gnolls, you don't normally wam
evil narure of a creature, act, or item isn't relative to the the entire session consumed by a philosophical
person observing it; it just is evil or it isn't. This clear-cut debate about whether killing gnolls is a good
definition allows spells such as holy smile to work. Con- rhing or a bad thing.
THE RELATJVE APPROACH (VARIANT) A dictator might order the elimination of an entire race
A second approach considers evil to be a relative concept of good creatures because she believes them ro be evil. She
that is wholly dependent on the attitude of the observer. might seek to dominate the world and bring its people
This is not the approach of mosr D&D games; rather, it under her unyielding fist. But such a despot could also
resembles how many people see the real world. Using this believe that she is a good person and char the world will be
variant outlook changes a game dramatically- at least as far bener off wirh her guidance. This attitude makes her no less
as "evil" is concerned. In the relative approach, evil is not a villain.
something that your character can point a finger at; it's rela-
tive to each individual. While it's possible for a number of INTENT AND CONTEXT
creatures (an entire culture, for example) to have a similar So, does the objective definition of evil imply that intent
view on what is good and what is evil, another group might plays no part in determining wbar is good and whac isn't?
have a different or even opposite view. Of course, conflict- Only to a degree.
ing views can also occur if your D&D game uses the objec- Consider the paladi11 Zophas. When climbing to the top
tive approach, bur in that case, one group can simply prove of a hill of loose rocks to get away from some owlbears, he
that its views are right. triggers a rockslide char buries rhe owlbears a11d continues
In a world where evil is relative, a deity might put forth down rhe hill, crushing a hut full of commoners. Is Zophas
tenets describing what is right and wrong, or good and evil. an evil murderer who must suddenly lose his lawful good
But another god might have different, even comradicrory alignment? No, although Zopbas might still feel guilt and
dogma. A paladin of one deiry might ralk about the evil, god- responsibility. He might anempc to right the inadvertent
less heathens across the mow1tains and eventuaUy go to war wrong as best he can.
with them. If she does, she may find herself barding pal- But what if Zophas's friend Shurrin said, "Don't climb up
adins of a different god and a different culture who look there, Zophas! You might start a rocks Lide chat wiU crush rhe
upon the crusading paladin as an evil infidel. hurl" Zophas goes anyway. Now is it evil? Probably. Zopbas
Ifyou decide that this is rhe approach you wa11t, you have was either carelessly endangeru1g rhe commoners or so
some game-related decisions to make. For instance, u1 a overconfident of his climbing prowess that he acted our of
world where evil is relative, how does a detecl'evil spell work? hubris. At this point, Zophas isn't exactly a murderer, but he
When rwo paladins of opposing views meet on the field of should probably lose his paladin abilities until he receives
battle, can they use their smite abilities against each other? an ato,iement spell or otherwise makes amends.
The easiest and best option in this case is ro do away with If Zophas can clearly see the danger of the rocks Lide bur
spells such as detect evd because they have no real meaning. climbs up anyway because he wanes to get away from rhe
Take away the good and evil descriptors from spells (so rhar owl bears, chat's clearly evil. ln a world of black-and-white
any character can cast any of those speUs), and disregard any distinctions between good and evil, killing innocents to
holy or w1holy damage a weapon deals. Having to know or save yourself is an evil act. Sacrificing yourself for the
determine the outlook of a character casting detect evil. is good of others is a good act. lt's a high standard, bur chat's
cumbersome and unwieldy, and it leads to confusion and the way it is.
arguments over who should be affected by the paladin's holy The foregoing text defines three levels of intent: acciden-
sword or the cleric's holy smite. ral acts, reckless or negligent acts, and intentionally evil
misdeeds. Sometimes, however, those categories are insuffi-
cient to determine evil intent. You are free to judge an acr in
DEFINING EVIL the context of other actions.
Of course, even if you take an objective approach in your A maniac puts poison in a town's water supply, believmg
game, evil people might not always call themselves evil. (wrongly) that all of the people in the town are demons. Is
They would be wrong or simply lying to do so, but rhey that evil? Yes. A glabrezu convinces a good character that the
might still deny their evil nature. Even the most deranged townsfolk are all fiends that must be destroyed, so the char-
mass murderer might be able to justify his actions to himself acter pours poison into rhe town's water supply. Is that evil?
in the name of his beliefs, his deity, or some skewed vision Probably not-at least, nor in rhe context of the rest of the
of what is best for the world. character's actions and the circumstances involved. Still,
A killer might slay any children he deems weak or unfit to good characters shouldn't commit even remotely question-
reach adulthood. A11other might kill children he believes able acts on a large scale unless they're absolutely sure
will grow up and become evil themselves. Perhaps such a there's no other way to succeed. It's rarely a good idea co
killer once had a prophetic dream celling him that evil was destroy a town of eviJ people, because there might be at leasr
growing among the children of the town. a few good people in the rown as well.
On a larger scale, an evil priest might believe that to But let's make it even more complicated. A11other charac-
bener serve his dark god, he needs ro destroy an entire vil- ter wi.messes the good character about to put poison in the
lage and sacrifice all the residents. Is that evil? Yes. Does the town's drinking water. Is it evil for the witness to kiU the poi-
priest see it as evil? No, he sees it as a demonstration of his soning character u1 order to stop hinl? No. Again, the intent
unendu1g devotion and an aspect of his faith. Or perhaps he isn't evil, and the context makes such an act preferable to the
does see it as evil and doesn't care. alternative. Standing by while a mass murder occurs-the
other choice the witness has-is far more evil than prevent· manipulate officials so that evildoers are set free instead of
ing rhe poisoning. going to prison. They rig their enemies' equipment so that it
breaks or does not function properly. Cheaters may threaten
GRAY AREAS the lives of a couJ1cilman's family to make him vote for their
Even wirh rhe most black-and-white, objective approach plan. They may use spells and poison to ensure that a particu-
to good and evil, gray areas will always exist. Consider this lar gladiator dies in the arena so that they can earn a profit by
example: A rerrible disease has come to rhe village of wagering on the survivor.
Varro, and the cure lies in rhe heartwood of the sacred Cheating can rake many forms. for example, a cheater
trees of the Varrowood. The villagers go into rhe wood ro might crick two enemies into fighting each other, or fool
get the cure. The druids of rhe Varrowood beLeve that rhe an enemy's lover into betraying his or her loved one. A
trees are holy and should not be violated. They rry to stop cheater might challenge an opponent to a rigged contest or
the villagers. Is either side truly evil in this scenario? a fight that is rigged, or simply make an agreement that he
Probably nor. or she has no intention of upholding.
Nor all conflicts are based on good versus evil. Ir is possible
for rwo good nations to go to war. Ir is likely that rwo evil THEFT
nations will go to war. Is it evil for your character ro kill a good Any child can tell you that stealiJ1g is wrong. VillaiJ1S, how-
character if your character's kingdom is at war with his?Thar's ever, often see theft as the best way to acquire what they
certainly a gray area. Characrers who are extremely strict in wan1. Evil people pay only for things they cannot take.
their moral outlook should examine the reasons behind the An evil character needs a reason not ro steal. Fear of being
war very closely. In general, quarter should be given and caught is the most common deterrent, but sometimes a vil-
accepted. Such a character should cause no more damage and lain elects not to steal an item because he or she doesn't want
inflict no more hatm than is necessary. If possible, he or she to incur the wrath of its owner. For example, a drow cleric
should find a different way to resolve the conflict. might pay a rogue for a magic item. The cleric isn't averse to
stealing from the rogue, bur she pays for the item so that the
rogue will continue working for her.
Examining the actions of the malevolent nor only helps BETRAYAL
define what evil is, bur it also gives an insight into the A betrayal is often nothing more than an elaborate lie, but
schemes of a villain. What follows is more than a list that its implications are greater. Such an act involves earning
defines evil as opposed ro good. Read over the following sec- someone's trust and then using rhar trust against him or her.
tions to get ideas for villainous plots, schemes, motivations, Common acts of berrayaJ include learning and then reveal-
and personalities. ing secrets, or using trust to get close to one's enemies for an
attack or fheft.
LYING Betrayal does 1101 have to be intentional-or at least it
Misdirection, tricks, and manipulation are tools of the trade does not have to start intentionally. Sometimes a character
for most villains. With such tools, they can lead enemies can be tempted into betraying someone whose trust he or
into traps, both physical and otherwise. A well-told, well- she earned legitimately. Children can betray their parents, a
placed lie can redirect a whole army, change the opinion of lover can betray a lover, and a friend can betray a friend.
an entire city's populace, or simply make an adventurer However, it can also be more complex than that: A king can
open the wrong door in a dungeon. betray his people, a husband can betray his wife's family, and
Some liars are compulsive; rhat is, they have a psychologi- a human can betray his enrire race. Virtually any sort of link
cal need to lie. Others delight in fooling people. Lf a villain between two creatures can eventually become the founda-
can get a foe ro believe a lie, he has shown himself (at least in tion for beti:ayal.
his own mind) to be superior w that foe.
Intelligent villains often concentrate on gaining ranks in MURDER
Bluff to facilitate their lies. Ofcourse, being Liars themselves Killing is one of the most horrible acts that a crearure can
alerrs them to the fact that others probably lie just as much commit. Murder is the killing of an intelligent creature for a
as they do. Thus, they often have a high Sense Motive modi- nefarious purpose: theft, personal gain, perverse pleasure, or
fier as well. the like.
Lying is not necessarily an evil act, though it is a tool that The heroes who go into the green dragon's woodla11d lair
can easily be used for evil ends. Lying is so easy to use for ro slay it are not murderers. In a fantasy world based on an
evil purposes that most knightly codes and the creeds of objective definition of evil, killing an evil crearure to stop it
many good religions forbid it altogether. from doing further harm is not an evil acr. Even killing an
evil creature for personal gain is nor exactly evil (although
CHEATING it's not a good act), because it still stops the creature's preda-
Cheating is breaking the rules for personal gain. When evil tions on the innocent. Such a justification, however, works
villains cheat, it's not just at games. They create contracts with only for rhe slaying of creatures of consummate, irre-
clauses that they can manipulate to trick others. Villains deemable evil, such as chromatic dragons.
Evil beings delight in murder. It is the ultimate expres- statuary, standing alone in the wilderness. Other evil tem-
sion of rheir power and their willingness ro commit any sort ples may be surrounded by towns or cities populated by foul
of heinous act. It shows that rhey are either powerful creatures.
enough or detached enough to do anyrhing rhey wish.
To particularly evil creatures, especially rhose with very ANIMATING THE DEAD OR
alien outlooks, murder is itself a desirable goal. Some such CREATING UN0EA0
crearnres hare life and despise all that lives. They relish Un living corpses-corrupt mockeries of life and purity-
either death or undeath and thus seek to quench life wher- are inherently evil. Creating rhern is one of rhe mosr
ever possible. Such cream res are usually (b1.1t not always) heinous crimes against the world that a character can
undead rhemselves. commit. Even if they are commanded to do something
good, undead invariably bring negative energy inro the
ENGEANCE world, which makes it a darker and more evil place.
Revenge is a powerful force. An acr of vengeance does not Many commu1,ities keep rheir graveyards behi1,d high
have robe evil, bur rhe evil mindset usually redefines the walls or even post guards to keep grave robbers our. Grave•
concept as "revenge at any price." Vengeance without limits robbing is o&en a lucrative practice, since necromancers pay
can quickly lead to all sons of evil acrs. good coin for raw materials. Of course, battlefields are also
For example, suppose someone steals a magic ring from a popular places for grave-robbers-or for necromancers
kuo-toa wizard. The wizard breaks into a duergar fortress ro themselves- re seek corpses.
use a crystal ball ro locate the rhief. The kuo-toa releports to
the thief's locarion-a busy tavern-and begins hurling CASTING EVlL SPELLS
lighrning boles into the crowd. The rhief gers away and uses a Evil spells may create undead, inflict Ltndue suffering, harm
11ondetectio11 spell to keep such a close call from happening another's soul, or produce any of a slew of similar effects.
again. Undaunted, rhe wizard magically adopts an inconspic- Sometimes, a nonevil spellcaster can get away with cast-
uous form and begins ro track down rhe chief's family mem- ing a few evil spells, as long as he or she does nor do so for an
bers, torturing rhem for information regarding his where- evil purpose. Bur the path of evil magic leads quickly to cor·
abours. Such a scena1io depicts the evil side of revenge. ruption and destruction. Spells with corruption costs (see
Forgiveness and mercy are not traits thar most evil crea- Corrupt Magic in Chapter 6) are so evil that rhey rake a
tures possess. Vengeance for wrongs commirred against physical and spiritual roll on the caster.
them-or even for perceived wrongs- is rhe only appropri-
While harming one's enemies physically is nor inherently
WORSHIPING EVlL GOOS ANO DEMONS villainous, harming their souls is always evil. Only the
Priests who revere dark powers are as evil as the beings they foulest of villains could actually want to cause pain ro
serve. In rhe name of Vecna, Eryrhnul, or .Lolrh, rhese foul anorher crearure's eternal aspect. Creatures without corrupt
emissaries make living sacrifices, conduct malevolent rites, hearts simply dispatch their foes quickly, believing that send-
and pur schemes in morion ro aid their patrons. Sometimes, ing a villain off ro the justice of the afterlife is punishmenr
the activities of evil cultists are straightforward: kidnapping enough. Bur evil beings like to capture foes and tom1re them
victims for sacrifice, stealing money ro fund their temples, ro dearh, and some even prefer ro torture the souls of their
or simply following a dogma that requires murder, rape, or foes, never granting rhem rhe release of death. Worse still,
activities even more foul. Other times, their machinations some evil beings use their foul magic to destroy an oppo-
are far subtler than such overt crimes. nent's soul, ending his or her existence altogether.
For example, an archdevil such as Belia! might begin a
scheme by instructing his fo llowers in a rown (through CONSORTING WITH FIENDS
dreams, visions, and commune spells) to drive off families If characters can be judged by the company they keep, rhen
with healthy children of a particular age. In twenry years, those who deal with fiends-demons and devils-are
when such children would have been adults in their prime, surely evil beings themselves. Fiends are the ultimate ex-
Belia! inrends ro unleash a powerful cornugon to steal a pression of evil given animate form-literally evil incar-
valuable artifact from the local church. Wirh few able- nate. Destroying a fiend is always a good act. Allowing a
bodied adulrs available to stop the rheft, rhe cornugon is fiend to exist, let alone summoning one or helping one, is
more likely ro succeed. clearly evil.
Evil temples are sometimes secrer places hidden within Occasionally, a spellcasrer may summon a fiendish crea-
unsuspecting communities. Beneath an old barn, in a ware- ture to accomplish some cask. Such an acr is evil, bur not ter-
house, or simply in a back room of someone's home-an ribly so. However, some characters, particularly those who
evil temple can be anywhere. Larger, more permanent worship demons or devils or see them as valuable allies, may
shrines to malevolence are usuaUy situated farther away work wirh (or for) fiends ro further their own ends. Worse
from civilization-at least, far away from good-aligned com- still, some mortals sell rheir souls to fiends in order to gain
munities. Such an evil church may be a towering structure more power or support. Although dealing with fiends or
ofstone covered with macabre reliefs and filled witb terrible selling souls is risky at best, the lust for power is a rempta-
rion too strong for some ro resist. Bur fiends have great nature. The ren-year-old princess who forces bards rosing
power, infinite life spans, and a delight for double-crossing songs of her beaury or else face the wrath of her ryrannical
others, so ir's nor surprising thar mosr characters who ask for mother (the queen) is indeed a bully.
a fiend's aid end up on the wrong end of the deals rhey make.
CREATING EVIL CREATURES Evil creatures often enjoy spreading pain and misery to
Some villains are nor content with simply consorting with, others. Some do this because breaking the spirits of others
summoning, or controlling evil creatures. They feel rbe makes them feel superior; others sow despair for the sheer
need ro go one step further and acrually create such crea- joy it provides chem.
rures with foul experiments or evil magic. Sometimes encouraging misery runs counter to other evil
Evil warlords sometimes create legions of horrible mon- goals. For example, a blackguard interested in bringing
sters (or have their underlings do so) and lead them into despair might leave his enemies alive bur wounded,
battle against the forces of good. Demons, devils, and orher defeated, and broken (and maybe even cursed or magically
foul crearures guard their fortresses. The desire ro create is corrupted). However, refusing to finish off one's foes isn't
srrong, and so is the desire to have a large number of easily always rhe wisest course of action, because rhe blackguard's
controllable minions. Boch creation and control demon- enemies might heal themselves and oppose him again, with
strate power, and power-mad villains are all too common. a vengeance.
Another way co create evil crearures is co allow the mon- Similarly, a misery-loving fiend might tell a caprured foe
sters themselves to remake fallen foes in rheir own images. his plans before he kills her, just ro revel in his victim's
For example, a bodak's victims rise the next day as new despair. Such a creature wants its enemies to realize how
bodaks, and a werewolf can spread its evil by infecting utterly defeated rhey are.
others with lycanrhropy. Characters who foster such A villain with a love of misery may attempt to break his
processes are often interested in spreading evil for evil's foes, either instead of or before killing rhem. Straightfor-
sake. Such evildoers love the chaos, death, and suffering rhar ward techniques such as torture can break an enemy, and so
such monsters bring. can more elaborate schemes, such as destroying the good
aspects of an enemy's life, one by one. lf the villain's foe
USING OTHERS FOR PERSONAL GAIN delights in rhe beauty of an ancient forest, the evildoer
Whether it's sacrificing a victim on an evil god's altar to gain might command fire elementals to burn it down. If the foe
a boon, or simply stealing from a friend, using others for has a lover, the villain could caprure and torture rbe loved
one's own purposes is a hallmark of villainy. A villain rou- one-or turn him or her against the foe. The villain might
tinely puts others in harm's way ro save his or her own also frame the foe for others' crimes, spread lies about him,
neck- better that others die, surely. destroy his home, or infect him with a disease. A crafry,
The utrer selfishness of an evil character rarely leaves despair-loving villain makes it unusual for the foe's loved
room for empathy. He is so consumed with his own goals ones to speak his name except as a curse.
and desires thar he can think of no reason nor to succeed ar Despair-loving crearures delight in spells such as bestow
the expense of ochers. Ar best, other creatures are catde to be curse, contagion, and sorrow. Such villains love using any mag-
used, preyed upon, or led. Ar worst, they are gnats co be ical effect that does more than simply kill their foes because
ignored or obsracles co be bypassed. rhey consider death too pleasant an end.


Greed is so simple a motivation that it hardly seems worth Temping good individuals to do wrong is an evil act. Plots
mentioning. Yet it drives villains perhaps more than any wirh this goal are largely the purview of demons and devils
other factor. Greed is tied into most of rhe types of evil rhat seek to corrupt mortals in order to rainr their souls. The
behavior mentioned here. Ambition taken roo far-particu- products of a tempter's work are larvae, the physical mani-
larly advancement at the expense of others-can manifest festations of evil souls on the Lower Planes (see Chapter 7).
itself as greed. Lusr for wealth, power, or prestige can lead to Larvae are valuable co fiends; in face, rhey are a form of cur-
jealousy, theft, murder, betrayal, and a host of ocher evils. rency in rheir own right. Some demons and devils, particu-
larly erinyes, succubi, and glabrezu, spend almost all their
BULLYING ANO COWING INNOCENTS rime corrupting mortals with offers of sex, power, magic, or
Bullying is simply a symptom of an obsession wirh power. A other pleasures.
villain who has power over another likes to brandish that When evil mortals tempt other mortals, often the tempta-
power to prove her own mighr, borh ro herself and ro others. tion comes in rhe form of a bribe to get others to do what che
Such brutes feel thar power has no worth if others do nor villain wants. For example, a wealthy man might convince a
know about it. woman ro kill her father in rerurn for a vast sum of money.
Although the archetypal bully is a strong and powerful Unlike a demon, the wealthy man doesn't care about corrupt-
thug, orher kinds of bullies exist as well. Sometimes a bully ing the woman's soul; be just wants the father dead. Still other
uses magical might rather than physical prowess to cow mortal evildoers might tempt someone to commit an evil act
those around her. Sometimes the power is political in for the sheer pleasure of spreadiJ1g temptation.
a masochist, a self-mutilator gains a +4 circumstance bonus
FETISHES AND ADDICTIONS on any saving throw against pain effects.
Many slaves co darkness are consumed by addictions and Finally, a self-mutilator can choose to reduce his or her
perverted tastes. Unsavory sexual behavior, drug addiction, hie point total by 10 poims permanently ro cover his or her
sadism, and masochism are just some of the horrible traits body in scabs and scars. This process roughens the flesh,
common to the evil and perverse. granting the character a +1 natural armor bonus.
Cannibalism : Cannibals are creanares char ear ochers of Sadism: Sadists love to inflict pain. Generally, they hate
their own kind. In the broader sense, cannibals may be suffering pain themselves, but a few are sadomasochists,
defined as creatures char ear other intelligent cream res for who enjoy both giving and receiving pain. Foes gain a +I
whatever perverted pleasure they gain from it. Many crea- circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks when they
tures do this-dragons ear humans and other intelligent rhreaten a sadist wirh physical harm, unless rhe sadist is
creatures all the time- but usually they gain no more pleas- also a masochist. (and defi.nirely less sustenance) from a human than they If a sadist inflicts damage equal to her character level in a
do from a cow. round, she gains a +1 circumstance bonus on arrack and
Cannibals gain pleasure, and in some cases power (see damage rolls, skill checks, and saving throws for rhe next
the absorb 1n111d and nbsorb slrer1gth spells in Chapter 6), round. A sadist laughs and licks the spray of blood across
from eating others. Ofren canni.bals consume foes rha c her face whenever she inflicts a grievous wound.
they have defeated in battle, but sometimes they simply Psych op athy :Technically, a psychopath is anyone wich a
murder their meals. severe mental disorder resulting in any egocentric and anti-
Diseases, many of which involve mental disorders, may social behavior. For rhe purpose of rbe D&D game, how-
be transmitted through cannibalism. Eating particularly ever, a psychopath is someone who derives pleasure
foul creatures, such as trolls or fiends, can be very danger- from-and in fact can become addicted to-killing. Such
ous (see the blue guts disease in Chapter 2). psychopaths slay for rhe sheer joy of ir and to experience
Masochis m : Masochists are rarely at full hit points rhe power-mad rush char accompanies the taking of
because they continually inflict wounds upon themselves. another's life. Psychopaths who enjoy watching their vic-
A masochist gers pleasure from feeling pain and sometimes tims beg for mercy are often sadists, and this type enjoys
can't rell rhe two sensations apart. Masochists wear jewelry inflicting pain before killing a victim. The type of psy-
and devices char dig into their flesh with hooks and clamps, chopath who simply enjoys the feeling of ending a life is
they flagellate themselves with whips and barbed wires, interested only in death, and cries of mercy or pain only
and they cut at their own bodies with knives and razors. annoy him.
When encountered, a masochist has typically lost 1d3x10% Yer another type of psychopath is worth mentioning:
of his total hit poims to self-inflicted wounds. the rapist. This deplorable villain uses forced intercourse
A masochist gains a +4 circumstance bonus on saving as a means ro attain power over ochers. Rapists can be
throws against pain effects (such as a symbol of porn). Fur- either gender, but almost all are male. A rapist is likely to
thermore, if he takes damage equal to his character level in take his foes captive, particularly those of rhe gender he
a round, he gains a +1 circumstance bonus on attack and is attracted co (although rhis is nor necessarily rhe case,
damage rolls, skill checks, and saving rhrows for the next because rape is about dominance and power, nor true
round. Masochists often grin with a sickening glee when sexual attraction).
struck in combat, and they make noises of ecsrasy even as Necrophilia: Among rhe foulest of fetishes, necrophilia
they suffer terrible wounds. is the enjoyment of sex with rhe dead (or in some cases the
Self-Mutilation : Like masochists, self-mutilators are fas- undead). Necrophiliacs are often members of a death cult,
cinated by harming themselves. But the pain isn't impor- servants of an undead deity such as Vecna, or followers of a
tant ro a self-mutilator; it's the alteration a11d destruction of demon lord such as Orcus. Necrophiliacs may have sex
his own flesh that fascinates him. Such characters rum the with corpses as part of a religious rite, as a sign of fealty to
destruction of their own bodies into a t\1\listed sort of arr, so a higher power, or simply for their own pleasure. Particu-
they are often covered in patterned scars. Sometimes this larly vile individuals violate the bodies of their defeated
ritual scarification is part of a religious ritual, bur it's just as and slain enemies co give themselves a feeling of power
often self-inflicted for no other reason rhan a character's and superiority.
own sick and twisted desires. Bestiality: An individual who has the terrible fetish of
Not all self-mutilators are motivated by masochism or arr. bestiality desires sex with creatures of a type, shape, or
Some insert useful mundane or magic items into their intellect vastly different from his or her own. Sometimes
flesh. Tiny objects such as keys can be hidden not only in besrialiry stems from a desire to have power over a crearure
body cavities, but also under the skin, thrust into self- of limited intelligence, but more often this perversion is
inflicted wounds. In some cases, a subdermal pouch forms caused by a deviance in attraction. Shapechangers are the
when such a wound heals around an objecr. Tattooing can mosr common culprits, although for some reason evil
further disguise the scars ofsuch insertions. dragons occasionally find themselves attracted ro various
A self-mutilator always has ld3-1X10% fewer hit points creatures other rl1an their own kind. Thus, dragons often
than his or her normal maximum when encouniered. Like learn spells or acquire magic irems that allow them to take
differenr shapes. Fiends are willing to seduce or rape virru- Insane God and the God of Madmen, but Rallaster's follow-
ally any creature-practices rhar result in all manner of ers find him completely sane and comprehensible.
horrid half-fiends. Rallaster is normally picnrred as a rail, glistening, ebony-
Alcoholis m/ Drug Addiction: An individual addicred skLnned humanoid without hair or wrinkles. Closer inspec-
ro rhe use of a particular substance is prone ro erratic, vio- tion reveals rbat his entire body is made of razors dripping
lent, and sometimes self-destructive behavior. Some with blood and oil co keep rhe blades sharp and rust-free.
addicted people reach a point ar which they need rhe sub- Rallaster's symbol is a toothy mouth clamped down on a
stance to function normally, so they sell off their material bloody, razor-thin blade, and bis favored weapon is rhe shore
possessions (and in some cases their family members) to sword. The domains that RaUascer is associated with are Evil,
get the drugs they crave. Destrucrion, and Pain. He is chaotic evil.
Drug addictions function much like diseases, as Rallascer's clerics are psychopaths and mass murderers who
described in the DUNGEON M ,\!>TCR's G111de. See Chapter 3 of lurk in the shadows or discreetly in plain sight. Many act per-
this book for specific drug and addiction rules. fecrly normal, maintaining a second identity as shop clerks or
artisans. Whether rbey camouflage themselves within society
or remain apart from it, Rallaster's minions delight in tomrr-
VILE GODS ing and killing their victims, usually in seclusion.
I.n comparison wich gods such as Erythnul and Vecna, rhe Rallaster has very few temples. His followers are usually
deities described in this secrion are fairly minor, with o nly loners, and as such they keep secret shrines just for them-
small congregations and cults in their name. Most people selves. Each shrine bas a small altar made entirely of razors.
speak these deities' names in fear, or nor ar all lest they
attracr a dread god's attention. Any or all of these deities can THE PATIENT ONE
be incorporated into an ongoing campaign. Waiting in the darkness, the Patient One-also known as
the Dark Watcher- is a strange and alien creature. Always
KARAAN whispering secrets to itself, the Patient One waits until irs
Known primarily as rhe Beast God, Karaan is a monstrous time comes, and then it strikes, destroying or consuming
emiry of savage lust and wanton destruction. Karaan is nor- everything in its path.
mally depicted as a hulking humanoid covered in fur, with Although never actually pictured in its entirery, this god
terrible claws and teeth. He resembles no specific animal is known ro have many eyes, many mouths, and many
buc bas a predatory appearance. clawed arms around its bulbous body. The Patient One's
Karaan represents rhe dark side of, and rhus he is symbol is a mouth surrounded by eyes, always done i.t1 dark
the enemy of Obad-Hai and Ehlonna. He is often revered in colors. The domains it is associated with are Evil, Darkness,
association with Erythnul, although his cults are much and Corruption, and its favored weapon is the flail. The
more obscure. A few believe him to be related in some way Patient One is neutral evil.
to Yeenoghu, though that demon prince is nor an actual god. Though some humanoids worship this strange being,
Karaan is the patron of lycanthropes and bestial creatures many more aberrations revere it. The Patient One's tem-
such as bugbears, gnolls, worgs, rnanticores, and some ples are rowers, often built on high hills in isolated areas.
sphinxes. His symbols are gnawed, broken bones and With beholders and mind flayers as clerics and wor-
bloody teeth. His favored weapon is the greatclub (though shipers, the Patient One's towers are also found under-
the bared claw and sharp tooth are just as favored ). The ground. At rhe apex of each tower is a stone altar, carved rb
domains he is associated with are Chaos, Destruction, and appear as a mouth surrounded by eyes, stained dark red
Bestial. He is chaotic evil. wirh blood.
Clerics of Karaan are as bes rial as the god rhey serve.
They despise civilization and love ro destroy things-par- SCAHROSSAR
ticularly objects fashioned through craftsmanship, for such Known by all as rhe Mistress of Exquisite Pain, Scahrossar is
skills are alien ro them. They wear furs, hides, or armor in usuaUy portrayed as a woman covered entirely in right, stud-
barrle, or rhey wear nothing at all. Their hair is usually wild ded black leather so that even her face is concealed. She usu-
and flowing, and rhey are given ro incoherent screams and ally bolds a whip and a hook. She is selfish, cruel, and domi-
grunts. They often undergo scarification as a part of their neering, and so are mosr of her followers. Scahrossar is
rituals and file their teeth into points if they are not naru- Olidammara's sister, bur rhe rwo deities have nothing ro do
raUy sharp. with each other-only the most obscure religi.ous texts
Karaan's temples are places of natural power: secluded even mention their relationship. Scahrossar is lawful evil
glens, rocky outcroppings, and deep pits in the wilderness. and is associated with the domains of Evil, Pain, and Death.
They are always full of rhe bones of their prey, sacrificial vic- Her favored weapon is the whip.
rims, and fallen enemies. Scahrossar's clerics dress as their mistress does, preferring
to hide their identities with learher or iron masks. They are
RALLASTER all sadists (and most are also masochists) who prefer to give
Rallasrer, rhe Razor God, is a deity of murder, torture, and pai11 rather than actually kill. Sacrificial victims dedicated to
psychotic behavior. Religious scholars refer to him as rhe Scahrossar often take days to die, for they are tortured to
deach-rhe more slowly the berrer. Scahrossar's followers Yeathan's temples are always submerged and unlighred,
delight in rhe sounds of screams and rearing flesh, and fi lled with sharks, ocropi, and srrange denizens usuall y
because rhey rry ro prolong a victim's agony, many are skilled found in only the deepest undersea trenches. His symbol is a
in the healing arrs. In rhei_r spare rime, the clerics devise new dark bluish-green spiral wirh a black center. Yearhan is asso-
tortures and new torture devices. ciated with the Evil, Destruction, and Water domains, and
Temples to the Mistress of Exquisite Pain are hidden his favored weapon is the trident. Yeathan is neutral evil.
behind false facades. The clerics often maintain front busi- Clerics ofYearhan are quiet, brooding individuals with
nesses, such as bakeries, dairies, and curiosity shops, with quick rempers. They wear dark green and black. If rhey are
rhe temples accessible through hidden doors. The temple's not native warer-brearhers, rhey are nevertheless accom-
rooms are soundproofed ro mufOe the cries of pain. plished swimmers.
Although most of Scahrossar's clerics are compulsive abour
keeping their temples clean, it is usually impossible ro keep
a dribble of blood or a loose tooth from dropping to the Ooor
ar any given rime. Alrars are usually baroque monstrosities
Sometimes, an entire culrure or race is evil. Examples of evil
of spikes, spines, clamps, and chains. races can be foUJ1d by examining rhe Monster Momuil entries
for drow, duergar, ores, and mind flayers. Following are
some examples of culrures (subdivisions of existing races)
Noc a single god, but an entity composed of ar least six sepa- that are thoroughly evil.
rate beings, the Xammux represents cold, analytical chink-
ing taken to its extreme. The Xammux serves as rhe patron VASHAR
of utter i11difference and of delving into forbidden knowl- There is a legend char few rell of a race known as rhe Vashar.
edge through exploration and experimentation. Jnrelligent beings do nor speak of the legend nor only
The symbol of rhe Xammux is a pair of glistening, razor- because of rhe darkness involved bur also because of rhe
sharp steel calipers. The Xammux is neutral evil. It is associ- shame.
ated with the Evil, Knowledge, and Darkness domains. Its When the gods set out ro create humanity, they formed
favored weapon is rhe shorr sword (which Xammux's clerics the firsr man and gave him life. According to the legend of
call a long knife). the Vashar, rhe firsr man immediately began hunriJ1g i.n the
Clerics of the XammLLX are cold, uncaring beings who wilderness while the gods watched their new creation with
are fascinated by knowledge. They think nothing of dis- curiosiry. The man found an animal and killed ir wirh his
secting living crearures simply to learn more abour their bare hands. The gods were surprised by rhe brutality, but
biology. They place creatures in torture chambers to see they conrinued to watch. The man are the animal's flesh and
how long they can withstand rerrible paiJ1 before their psy- tore away at its guts until he found some large bones. lt
ches crumble. lashed these bones together wirh tendons and siJ1ew, demon-
The remples of theXammux are stark stone edifices filled srrating a cleverness rhat further surprised the deities.
with traps and ingenious locks. White plaster often covers Then the man broke one of the bones so that it had a
the interior walls. A l rars dedicated to the Xammux are sharp, creating a weapon. He immediately turned
always made of polished steel. upon his crearors and attempted to kill rhem, snarling his
first words-curses and death-oaths. The deities were in no
YEATHAN danger, of course, bur rhey were disgusted by what they had
God of the evil depths, master of rhe lasr gaspil1g brearh, and wroughr. They desrroyed the man and left. They would
lord of rhe deep darkness, Yearhan is a god of rhe sea. Once a return in larer eons to creare humanity, learning from the
simple warer deity, Yea than gradually brooded on darker, mistakes made in their first attempr.
more mysterious matters unriJ he became a neutral evil god After rhey left, a demon garhered rhe remains of rhe first
of all things foul and malevolent abour the sea. Some sahua- man and spirired chem away to a hidden locarion-a n
gin, a few kuo-toas, and a fair number of aboleths and rheir impossibly high plateau accessible only through a series of
skum servants revere Yeathan, who is largely unknown underground catacombs filled wirh foul corruptions of
among land-dwellers. nature. There, the demon resurrected the man and creared a
woman. The demon bestowed upon them the ability to pro-
creare, then disappeared back to the Abyss with an evil grin.
OTHER EVIL GODS Many versions of the legend name rhe demon Graz'zr,
Creating new evil gods is not difficult. One way to create one is before he became a demon lord, as the one wbose dark hand
simply to take any existing deity's portfolio and combine it with fashioned rhese two. A few others call the fiend an ulrrolorh.
evil. You could create an evil earth deity, an evil fire god, an evil One version describes che demon as a succubus who actu-
war god, an evil (bad) luck deity, an evil travel deity, and so on. ally gives birth to the man's children, imbuing rhe race wirh
In a desert, it is easy to imagine an evil sun deity. You could demonic blood.
even develop an evil god of healing that gives succor-but at a This, it is said, is rhe origin of rhe Vasharan people.
terrible price. Vasharans are humans, bur they are to other humans as
drow are to elves. In a normal human society, evil individu-
als are mixed amid the neutral an d good people, but Vash a- Langu age: Vasha rans speak Common. They typically
rans are evil as a race. Vasharans rarely call themselves evil, learn other languages, including obscure ones. 1n addition,
but rhey do not object to others putting that label on them. they are particularly likely to pick up a few lesser words of
They claim to be beyond such terms. the Dark Speech (see Chapter 2).
All Vasharans are born our of rape, anger, and pain. They Nam es: As humans.
understand only hate, selfishness, ru1d greed. Yet as much as Adven turers: Vash arans favor arcane magic. Many rake
they love to kill and maim, one goal fue ls their souls even up the wizard class, and many others are born into sorcery.
more strongly: deicide. The Vasharans want ro kill the Vasharan spellcascers thrive on corrupt spells and evil
deities that created them. This burning hunger for god- magic, and they develop new spells all rhe rime. Despite
death keeps them bound togerher as a reluctant society. their distaste for divine magic, the Vasharans do have a few
While Vasharans sometimes kill orher Vasharans, iris a rare clerics of a sore, called ur-priesrs. Th ese individuals do nor
act despire their bloodth irsty, desrructive, and utterly cha1111el power from the gods- they steal it. The Vasharans
immoral narure. claim char the proper role of rhe cleric is not ro serve, but to
Personality: Vasharans do not understand concepts such take. Vasharan fighters, rogues, assassins, blackguards, shad-
as mercy, kindness, or love- not even toward each orher. owdancers, loremasters, warriors of darkness, cancer mages,
These concepts are so alien to rhem thar they rarely think to vermin lords, and diabolisrs are also common. A very few
use the emotions of others as leverage. For example, only a Vasharans are rangers or demonologisrs. Vasharans are
Vasharan with years of experience among other humanoids never druids, bards, barbarians, or any of the disciple or
would kidnap someone; most would not even consider that thrall prestige classes. (See Chapter 5 for descriptions of the
the victim's friends might actually value her life. Vasharans evil prestige classes mentioned above.)
also show no revulsion for creatures or acts that other
humans find repellent. They have no aversion ro gore or Vasharan Racial Traits
filth, they have no raboos against rape and incest, and rhey • Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, Vasharans have
have no distaste for creatures such as insects, serpents, and no special bonuses or penalries due co rheir size.
worms. If a Vasharan believes that eating maggots will • Vasharan base speed is 30 feet.
somehow help her, sbe won't hesitate to do so. • Because they are vile ro rhe core, Vasharans each receive 1
Physical Description: A typical Vasharan stands a litrle extra vile feat ar 1st level. See Chapter 4 for a description
more than 6 feet tall and weighs from L75 to 210 pounds. of vi le fears.
The males are noticeably taller and beavier than the • A Vasharan receives 4 extra skill points at 1st Level and 1
females. Vasharan skin shades range from fair to very pale, extra skill point at each add itional level. Like human s,
their hair is straight and black, and the men generally have they are versarile and capable. (The 4 skill points at first
facia l bair. like humans, Vasharans have short life spans, level are added on as a bonus, nor mul tiplied in.)
achieving adulthood at abour age :LS and rarely living • Automaric Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any
beyond a century. (other rhan secret languages such as Druidic). See other
Relations : Other races generally treat Vasharans as they racial lists for common languages or Table 4-6: Lan-
do ocher humans, because few know rhe difference. While guages in rhe Player's Handbook for a more comprehensive
abroad, Vasharans trear other races as humans do. list. See also rhe rules for Dark Speech in Chapter 2 of
Alignm ent: Any evil. rhis book.
Vasharan Lands: The plareau ofVashar is exrremely well • Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a mulridass
defended, with traps and enslaved guardian monsters filling Vasharan takes an experience poim penalry, his highest-level
the cavern entrances. The Vasharans leave ro capture slaves class does not count. (See Experience for Mulriclass Charac-
or to stea l items they need ( though they rarely need any- ters in Chapter 3 of rhe Player's Handbook.)
thing from the outside world). Captured Vasbarans may
speak of a terrible plan, in the works for centuries, that is JERREN
finally nearing fruition, bur rhey know no derails. Given Jerren are halflings, alrhough rhey despise that name.
Vasharan hisrory, the plan likely involves deicide. About two hundred years ago, the Jerren were typical
The people ofVashar have evolved into a fairly sophisti- nomadic halflings who inhabited a wide prairie. Every
cated and organized culture, despite their collective destruc-
tive demeanor. A council of elders elected through demo-
cratic means rnles Vashar- the Vasharans would never abide OTH ER VILE RACES AND CULTURES
a despo t ru1d would all die before submitting ro tyranny. The Any evil monster can easily be thought of as a member of an
council members are simply administrators, because Vash:i- evil race-lamia, sahuagin, driders, dark naga, or umber hulks
rans have few laws. They do what rhey want and rake whar could all develop their own evil societies. It is not hard to imag-
ine other evil cultures, either. Just take a look at the evil villains
they want, and each defends himself as well as he can. Some-
discussed below and extra polate. For example, a tyrannical
how, rhis system of government works- mostly because of
state could exist in which everyone conforms to the evil ruler's
rhe hatred rhat binds the Vasbarans together and their utter
will or faces death. The people there are eager to turn on their
incomprehension char life could be lived any ocher way.
fellows to get ahead in this cutthroat culture.
Religion: None.
spring, they were beset by goblins and bugbears from the these chaotic and evil halflings, and those who show even
nearby hills. These raids cost the Jerren dearly in lives and the slightest bit of weakness or mercy are quickly cut down
food, eventually threatening to wipe out the halflings and devoured by the others. Like other halflings, Jerren live
entirely. The leaders of the various Jerren clans gathered a nomadic lifestyle. They prey upon others for their food
one winter and made a harsh decision. They called upon all and most of their goods. The only things Jerren produce are
the spellcasters among the Jerren and gave them access to instruments of war and torture-and the poisons for which
corrupt magic secured from a secret source. They armed they are now infamous.
each warrior with terrible poisons and weapons designed Physical Description: A Jerren is physically indistin-
to spread disease and plague among the goblinoids. guishable from a lightfoot halflin g, but its evil is so palpa-
The next spring, the ensuing war between the Jerren b le that no one would ever mistake it for a normal
and their enemies threatened to wipe out both sides. halfling. In their rituals to dark deities such as Karaan,
Blood stained the prairie. Even with their new tactics, the Erythnul, Rallaster, and the unnamed power revered by
Jerren would have lost, except that their previous decision their ancestors, Jerren cover themselves with ritual scars
opened the door to fu rtber malevolence. Soon the and self-inflicted wounds. Jerren are always angry, bitter,
halflings were comm itting atrocities against their ene- and savage. They are always sadists and often masochists
mies that even the gobli ns and bugbears found repulsive. as well
When the latter retreated into the hills, the Jerren fol- Relations: Jerren prey upon any living creature that
lowed them. Soon all that remained of the gobl inoids crosses their path. They crave blood and sacrifices to feed
were heads upon spikes positioned throughout rhe hills the insatiable hunger of the deities to whom they have
and grisly scenes that suggested bloody sacrifices made to sworn allegiance. Jerren seek victims to experimenr upon
evil gods. with their newly concocted poisons, corrupt spells, and
Today, the plains are inhabited by terrible bands of specially fostered diseases.
vicious ha1£lings who seek to overcome, feed upon, and cor- Alignment: Any evil.
rupt all those they can hum down and catch. All travelers Jerren Lan ds: Jerren bands claim stretches of plains,
and prairie-dwellers fear Jerren hunters. prairie, and deserr, far from any bastion of civilization. They
Personality: Jerren are ruled by strength and blood lust. are nomadic, and the race is broken up into tribal bands
No l eader can manage to control more than a small band of that each claim large stretches of ten;tory. When different


The original book of vile darkness was a scroll penned by a most of them were incomplete or flawed in some way. The
Vasharan spellcaster millennia ago. It contained his wicked errors contained in these lesser copies usually caused the
thoughts and the terrible knowledge that he had gained reader to be drawn onto one of the Lower Planes, never to be
through experimentation and study. In just a few thousand seen again.
words, he recorded malevolent ideas and concepts so vile that Thieves stole the original during a great war, and the book
to this day they have never occurred to another, not even the passed through many hands after that. According to some
fou lest soul. Years later, the scroll was discovered by a cleric of records, the demon lord Baalzebul kept the book in his
Nerull. She added to it, tripling its length by recording her personal library for a time, adding a few pages of his own. Six
knowledge of dark gods, sacrifice, and evil divine magic. Many complete copies are known to exist, at least one of which
other evil priests learned from her scrolls (for the manuscript was made after Baalzebul's alteratio n. At least three times
soon became too long for just one scroll), adding bits of knowl- that number of flawed copies or outright fakes also exist.
edge from their own polluted minds and abominable experi- These books are often found in evil temples, dark libraries,
ments. Some writers even asked questions of summoned and the hands of wicked collectors. Vecna's original still
fiends and recorded their words directly. exists as well, and it is a prize coveted by almost every priest
Eventually the collected works fell into the hands of a geno- of a dark god.
cidal wizard and warlord named Vecna. He took the scrolls and The book is a fantastic reference work of evil deities, black
added some of his own d iscoveries to them. After he died and magic, sacrifice, and forbidden secrets. Its lore is so potent
rose as a lich, Vecna transcribed the scrolls into a bound book, and so dark that nonevil creatures that read its contents are
creating its cover from the flesh of a human face and the bones often corrupted to evil through defilement rather than tempta-
of a demon, magically transformed into a dull metal binding. It tion. Once a mind has absorbed the knowledge in this book,
is said that the strange symbols on the cover are understand- the attached soul is so polluted that there is no recourse other
able only by those who have read the book in its entirety, and than to turn to evil.
that the sudden realization of the utter wickedness that they Unli ke its good counterpart, the book of exalted deeds, the
represent-a darkness so deep that it shames hell itself-is book of vile darkness does not mysteriously disappear after it is
why the book is so highly prized. read. An evil character is likely to keep it around for reference,
Cultists loyal to Erythnul held the book in a d im vault for although not even the darkest-hearted villain peruses its pages
many years, using it as a final initiation into their innermost haphazardly. Powerful fiends watch over the book, because
circle. A few copies were made during this time, a lthough where it goes, evil power grows.
Jerren bands meet by chance, they may turn upon each THE BOORfSH THUG
other, their base nature overcoming their desire to honor Perhaps rhe simplest sort of villain is the crude, selfish oaf
their common heritage. who just takes what he wants. His desires rarely go beyond
Religion: Not particularly pious, Jerren may give lip simple wealth or privilege, although he might crave some-
service ro any evil power. However, they all secretly revere thing as significant as respect.
an unnamed power, the power their elders long ago bar- Driven by basic needs and desires, this villain does not
gained with ro secure their victory at the cost of the corrup- employ subtle or sophisticated methods. He is straightfor-
tion of rheir race. ward, and the only weapon he employs is brute force. Ifhe
Language: Jerren speak a guttural dialect of Haliling, has assistance or allies, they are likely to be just like him,
which uses rhe Common script (though Jerren rarely write since companions who are nor like him cannot long tolerate
ar all). Almost all also speak Common. his presence.
Names: A Jerren typically chooses a name char helps her Example: Trendan Resh (N.E male human Ftr2/Rog4) is a
make the impression she wants to make. If she wanrs to be criminal who has lived all his life in the big city. Since his
known for slaying the kin of her enemies, she chooses a youth, Trendan has run a small gang of other young roughs.
name such as Kinslayer. If she wants to be known as a None of them seek gainful employment-they would
terror to all she meets, she picks a name such as Blood- rather waylay visitors to the city or steal from the drunks in
spray. the alleyways behind Tavern Row. Trendan is cowardly, lazy,
Adventu rers: Jerren are drawn almost invariably and crude. He isn't even particularly skilled at fighting, bur
toward violent careers in which they can kill, degrade, and he knows how ro crack people on the back of the head with
enslave ochers. Thus, rogues, assassins, blackguards, and a club when rhey aren't looking.
many of rhe prestige classes in this book are ideal for
The classic power-mad villain craves domination over all
Jerren Racial Traits char he sees-lands, people, and magic. He can be a ruler, a
• +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength: Jerre n are quick, agile, and would-be ruler, or a loner who desires physical dominarion
skilled with ranged weapons, but rhey are Small and more cha11 polirical power.
therefore nor as strong as other humanoids. A tyrant villain might be a powerful cleric leading legions
• Small: As Small crearures, Jerren gain a +1 size bonus ro of fanaric soldiers or a scheming crime lord who runs all
Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size manner of illegal operations in the bean of a city. Other
bonus on Hide checks, bur rhey must use smalJer weapons tyrants include the perry megalomaniac ruler who wishes ro
rhan humans use, and their lifring and carrying limits are expand her holdings and isn't afraid ro tax her people ro
rhree-quarrers of those of Medium-size characters. death to do so, and the bookish wizard who studies alone,
• Jerren base speed is 20 feer. cloistered in a library for years, so that he can learn the spells
• +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Bluff, and Move Silently that will let him take over the world.
checks. Jerren are scary, untruthful, and sneaky. The tyrant generally uses minions to accomplish what he
• +1 racial bonus on all saving throws. Jerren are wanes. He believes that he is superior to others and thus
ingly capable of avoiding mishaps. should not have co sully himself with minor deeds. He
• +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear. (This orders paid mercenaries around and manipulates others
bonus stacks with Jerren's +1 bonus on saving throws in with magic. Some tyrants create their own minions, ranging
general.) from constructs to slaves to blackmail victims coerced into
• +1 racial bonus on anack rolls with a thrown weapon. working for him. A tyrant's schemes are usually fairly
Jerren delight in inflicting harm from afar. sophisticated, although not all ryranrs are smart. Sometimes
• +2 racial bonus on Listen checks. Jerren are quite skilled a tyrant is nothing more than a power-hungry simpleton,
in overhearing secrets. dangerous only because he was born into a position of favor.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Halfling. Bonus .Example: Ystan the Gray lord (CE male dwarf Wiz15)
Languages: Infernal, Abyssal, Goblin, and Ore. seeks to rake over the area around Mount Exalt through the
• Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass Jerren's rogue class use of his undead minions. However, he does not yet possess
does not count when determining whether she takes an the might to animate an army large enough to assault the
e,....-perience point penalty for multiclassing. Jerren delight walled city of Kachel alone, so he has spent years questing
in srealrh, sly tricks, and lies, and rhe vocation of rogue for a magic artifact chat can dominate rhe wills of others.
comes narurally ro tbem. With undead and mentally enslaved soldiers, Ysran can
launch his assault. Thus begins Ystan's dream of a vast and

terrible empire.
Ystan carries a special item called the slw/1 of past splendor,
If you understand evil, you can create villains with appro- which has all the powers of a rod of splendor. Additionally, it
priate personalities and motives. The following examples confers the memories once contained in the skull to the
detail some villains whose activities reflect the aspects of owner, granting Ystan a +2 circumstance bonus on his
evil described above. Knowledge and Spellcraft checks.
THE SCHEMING LIAR Asn4) is rhe henchman of a powerful criminal overlord.
The slippery weasel, the cunning thief, the silver-tongued Most of the crime lord's other henchmen expect a bonus
rogue-these villains present different dangers rhan brutes when rhey eliminate one of rhe syndicate's enemies. After
and psychopaths do, but they are dangerous foes nonethe- all, killing is a dangerous and dirty business. Not so with
less. These enemies are far more likely ro slip a dagger in Reynod, who deligh ts in killing. ln fac r, the crime lord
someone's ribs while he sleeps than figh t him face to face. worries abour wh at might happen if he didn't give Reynod
Or better yet, thinks the schemer, she'll just frame someone someone ro kill every so ofren. Reynod loves rhe use of
for murder and let the authorities hang him in the public knives; he owns a collection of them rhar numbers more
square. Such diabolic malefactors spin a web of deceit wher- rhan rhree hundred. He is sneaky, subtle, and sly. Reynod's
ever they go. Schemers know just what ro say and who to victims rarely know whar is coming because he is so effi-
say it to in order to get what they want. cienr at shadowfog, rhen approaching his prey. Nor even
Scheming liars can be political manipulators who use Reynod's criminal employer knows rhar he is actually a
others ro accomplish their goals. They do not go against vampire.
the laws and rules; they make laws and rules work for Reynod wears an amulet he calls fa.lher's tooth. The fang-
them, bending and twisting the words as needed. They shaped rood, granrs Reynod an additional +4 mm resistance.
don't truly respect the law, but they want to avoid the
appearance of breaking it. Such villains are difficult to THE SOPHISTICATE
defeat, and it's even harder to prove that rhey are villains in A villain can be a horrible murderer or a lying cheat and yet
the first place. srill rerai_n a veneer ofsophistication. This rype of villain can
Example: Nanna Glitterhome (CE fema le gnome Wiz8) be a foppish rogue without a conscience or a dispassionate
serves as a butler to Lord Feddin Spritestar, a powerful and overlord who enjoys a sampling of fine elven wines while
influential gnome. What most people do nor realize is that watching rhe execution of prisoners.
Narma has rhe lord's ear and frequen tly gives him advice Sophi.sricared villains are sometimes the evildoers that no
about the rulers hip of his demesne. Bur Lord Sprites tar does one suspects. Only a rhorough investigation can prove their
not know that Nanna is manipulating him into a war agafosr terrible deeds. Urbane villains are able to convince most
the nearby kobold tribes of Bloodwa11. people rhar rhey are noble, civilized individuals. In other
Narma is a11 illusionist who frequenrly travels to Blood- cases, these villains are known for what rhey truly are, but
wall in the guise of a male kobold to manipulate rhe council rhey still believe themselves ro be cultured and sophisti·
of chieftains there. If war breaks our, Nanna is poised to cared, and they conducr rhemselves accordingly- even as
assume a third identity: rhe long-lost gnome queen Halli rhey commit atrocities.
Guttenstone, who will save the gnomes from rhe kobolds Example: Duchess Winsone D'Artreda (LE female human
and become ruler of rhe land. Ari1 3) rules over a vast, wooded realm. All ki1ow her as a beau·
Nam1a wears a ring precious to her, the m1g of mn11y fnces, tiful, well-mannered, and sophisticated woman. Unknown to
which grants her the use of polymorph self three rimes per day most, however, she is also a sadist and a cold-blooded killer.
a11d a +10 profane bonus on her Disguise checks. She has a secret set of chambers in rhe dungeons below her
castle where she keeps her victims. Winsone has a strange
THE PSYCHOPATH code of honor: She preys only upon rhe lower class or upon
Some vi.llafos focus on the act of evil itself, rather than on intelligent nonhumanoid creatures. Her secret hunrers make
the goals an evil act helps them reach. They revel i.n killing, raids upon outlying villages or scour the woods for pixies,
in.flicring pain, and spreading misery. The motives and dryads, and even the occasional centaur.
methods of psychopaths vary greatl y. Some creatu res are Winsone delights in the use of her cusrom-made wl11p of
born psychopathic- lamias, destrachans, ores, beholders, many thongs, which grants her a +2 circumstance bonus on
and black dragons, for example. These monsters are evil Intimidate checks when she uses ir in her midnight torture
through and through, and they delight in death and misery. sessions.
Their love of killing for its own sake makes rhem far more
dangerous than monsters rhar simply kill ro ear, such as rhe THE MISGUIDED FOOL
ankheg or the remorhaz. Some villains do not even know that they are villains.
Human, elf, dwarf, halfling, and gnome psychopaths are Deluded rhrough insanity, religious belief, or just stupid-
no less varied. Some are clean and efficienr at what they do. ity, they commit horrible acrs and never realize what it is
They sneak up on thei_r vi.ctin1s quietly and make sure rhar rhar they do. A foolish villain might suspect that his acrs
when they are finished, no evidence ties rhe murderer to rhe and thoughts are tainted, but he's too apathetic to try to
murder. Other psychopaths are far more blaranr and direct. uncover the truth. Blindly committing evil acrs because it
They do not care who knows of their activities, and rhey is jusr easier rhar way, rhe misguided fool can easily
relish their victims' fear of death almost as much as rhey become a truly sinister villain over time, continuing his
enjoy the pai11 and the killing i1self. Ofren, such psy· evil deeds while his own perceptions vee r ever farther
choparhs have positions of power rhar keep anyone from from reality.
easily putting a stop to their terrible activities. A young king introduced to eviJ by his malevolent vizier,
Example: Reynod (NE male human vampire Rog6/ the fanatic demon worshiper seeking sacrificial victims for
his god, and the radical racial purist are all examples of rhe
misguided fool.
Example: Nerence Unger (NE male human Exp5) is the
The following villains can be easily adapted for most D&D
leader of a school for young boys. Every few monrhs, rwo campaigns. They utilize many of rhe fears, prestige classes,
men come to Nerence's office and give him a large bag of spells, magic irems, and new rules found in rbis book.
gold. At the same rime, one of rhe boys-one whom Ner-
ence has recently pur on record as a troublemaker-disap- THE DREAD EMPEROR
pears. Nerence says nothing. He just counts his gold. He One of rhe most arresting figures anywhere is the Dread
tells himself rhat he did nor do anything wrong. Emperor. This srriking human male stands 61/2 feet rail. He
wears golden plate armor and a long red cloak, and he car-
THE MONSTER ries a mirrored shield, although be bears no weapons. What
The monster villain craves killing, Lives in filth, and seeks co is most shocking is that he walks about with four children
desrroy everything rhar he encounters. More depraved rhan in row, each wearing an iron collar chained ro his annor. The
psychoparhs or sadists, rhis crearure is beyond redemprion. children shuffle behind the Dread Emperor as if in a
This villain is practically a demon or a devil in his own right. srupor-they do nor appear ro be treated well.
He drinks the blood of bis enemies and allows it co run down No one knows rhis man's real name. The Dread Emperor
his chin and over his chest. No act is too distasteful for hi.m. clain1s to be the Emperor of the World. Although rbis claim
Example: Like many evil warlords, Agrananath (LE male isn't true, the Dread Emperor is extremely powerful. Anyone
hobgoblin Bbn9) kills his foes with impunity. But whar who rells him char he doesn't rule all he surveys is Likely ro
Agrananath really enjoys is killing the children of his dead be dead soon.
foes slowly and then feasting on their quivering hearts. Aside from the four children (and it's not always the same
When he goes into barrle, he leads troops into combat with four children) chained ro his armor, the Dread Emperor
whar appears ro be bravery bur is acrually blood lust. Even keeps ro himsel£ H is lonely (but well-warded) fortress is
Agrarranarh's own tribe is afraid of him, for it is clear rhar he locared on rhe Ethereal Plane, accessible via a hidden portal
would jusr as willingly kill them and devour their children's i11 a high mountain cave. Occasionally the Dread Emperor
hearts ifhe did not have enemies to hi!. comes to a city to sell a magic item he has created, bur he
Agrananarh wields a mace whose head is the petrified keeps ro rhe shadier parts of rown because only the most
head of an elflord named Yesse£ It is treated as a +3 mnce of depraved are willing to deal wirh him. Upstanding, moral
lifc-dr111l1111g (as rhe life-drin/1er greataxe described in Chapter people often atrempr to rescue the children, so the Dread
8 of the DuNcroN MAST£R's Guide). Emperor has ro kill rhe do-gooders and usually destroy a few
city blocks in the process.
THE UNEXPECTED VILLAIN The Dread Emperor sometimes bargains for some bit of
Sometimes, evil doesn't show up where your players expect information, a magic item, or a spell Those who study him
it. A trusted servant can abuse bis position to steal and claim chat bis sole motivation is to gather more personal
gather secrets for blackmail. A cleric of Pelor might acn,ally magical power for himself, at any cost. He has been particu-
be a werewol£ The drug-addicted farmer's wife wiU do any- larly interested in defensive items larely.
thing to feed her addiction-even kill. The respected healer The Dread Emperor is clearly insane, but his isn't the cack-
in mwn is in rhe pay of the local slavers' ring. The unex- ling, madcap sorr of insanity. He is delusional, paranoid, and
pected villain usually also belongs to one of rbe other vil- psychotic. He does nor delight in the suffering of others, but
lainous categories. be has nor an ounce of compassion or empathy. lf left alone,
Sometimes the villain is obviously evil, but there is more rhe Dread Emperor is content to keep to himself and remain
ro him than first appears. A mind flayer might be possessed unobtrusive. However, the children he keeps in row often
by a devil, for example, or an evil wizard could really be a tempt would-be heroes to arrack h im, so he sometimes finds
polymorphed dragon. himself in battle when he moves among other people. When
.Example: Once every six hundred years, an elf child is that happens, he does not hesitate to kill hundreds in the
born with supernatural talent and intelligence. Known as process ofslaying a single target. One of his favo1ire tactics is
the shadowchild, this being has the mind of a dispassionate ro cast haste on himself and follow thar with meteor swnnn, a
killer and many special powers. To all outward appearances, corrupted maximized fireball, and a corrupted quickened fire-
however, the shadowchild is a normal elf child. ball all in a single round. Another favor.ite racric is to use mass
In the elf village of Daerrhane, young Taerra Fearherfall charm ro get any and all bystanders on his side while some
(CE female elf half-fiend) seems Like all the orher children hero or constable attempts ro accost him. He sometimes
scampering about the village and the surrounding woods. charms his assailants as weU, alrhough they are usuaUy found
She is not. She is the shadowchild, and rhe disappearances dead later even if they were charmed into submission.
near Daerthane of late are because of her, nor the nearby
clurch of owlbears currently being tracked by rhe village's 4'The Dread Emperor: Male human Wiz 10/ 10;
rangers. Taetra is extremely careful when she abducts and CR 20; Medium-size humanoid; HD 10d4+40 plus t0d4+40;
sacrifices ocher children. She has no desire to expose herself hp 130; lnit +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 36, touch 16, flar-foored 35;
before she is old enough to reveal her true nature. Ark +11 melee rouch (by spell), or +12 ranged couch (by
spell); SQdiabolism, familiar benefits, imp familiar, vile dia- of stupor (24 charges), spiralb11rst bottle, o,l of the lamia (2
bolism; AL LE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +18; Srr 12, Dex 15, doses), 2 potions of lesser restoration, potion of cure serious wounds,
Con 19, Int 26, Wis 14, Cha 13. evil spell components (4 humanoid fingers, human heart,
Skills and Feats: Bluff +17, Concentration +18, Craft metallic dragon heart, all preserved).
(armorsmirhing) +17, Crafr ( +17, lntimi- Spells Prepared (4/6/10/6/6/5/5/5/5/4; save DC t8 + spell
dare +24, Knowledge (arcana) +25, Knowledge (the planes) level, or 20 + spell level for evil spells; 50% arcane spell fail-
+26, Listen +15, Scry +23, Speak Language (Abyssal, Aquan, ure chance): o-daze, detect magic, flare, mage hand; 1sc-
Auran, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gianr, Goblin, char111 person, magic missile (2), seethi11g eyebane, shield, silent
Halling, Ignan, Infernal, Sylvan, Undercommon), Spell- image; 2nd-bull's strength, cat's grace, darkness, darkvision,
craft +25, Spot +18; Alertness, Corrupt Spell, Craft Magic Lah m's finger darts, corrupted magic missile, Melf's acid arrow,
Arms and Armor, Crafr Wondrous I rem, Evil Brand, see i11visibilify, web (2); 3rd-absorb mi11d, dispel mngic,fly, haste,
Forge Ring, Iron Will, Malign Spell Focus, Maximize Spell, nondeteclion, touch of J11iblex; 4tb-absot·b stret1gth 1 chann mon-
Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Masrery (co11e of cold, ster, dime11sio11 door, corrupted fireball, improved invisibility, wall
eyebite, f1rebnll, hold mot1ste1; improved invisi- of ice; Sth-cloudliill, cone of cold, hold monster,
bility, teleport, teleport witl1out error). teleporl, wall of force; 6th-disi11tegrnte,
Diabolism (Ex): The Dread eyebile, maximized fireball, mass mg-
Emperor can grant one of gestion, true seeing; 7th-corrupted
his spells greater magical maximized fireball, quickened
power. Four rimes per fireball, limited wish, power
day, any spell he casts word sltm, rapture of rupture;
chat affects a target 8th-corrupted quick-
or area (one char does ened fireball, hornd wilt-
not include himself) ing, mass charm, pris-
gains rhe evil de- matic wall, protectio11
scriptor. This spell from spells; 9th-domi-
deals +3d6 points of nate monster, meteor
unholy damage to swarm, Morde11ka111en's
any good charac- disju net ion, potver ivord
rer affected by the kill.
spell. Spellbooli: o-
Fam_iliar Bene- arca11e mark, da11c111g
fits: The Dread Em- 1igh ts, daze, detect
peror gains Alert- m ag1c detect poison,

ness when his famil- disrupt 11ndcad,

iar is within 5 feet. flare, ghost sound,
H e has an empathic light., mage hn11d,
link with it ro a dis- mendi11g, ope11/
tance of I mile and close, prestidigita-
can share spells tion, ray of frost,
with i1. He can also read magic, resist-
use bis familiar to r1.11ce; Lst-charm
del iver touch spells. person, ide11 tify, mage
Imp Familiar (Ex ): armor, magrc missile,
The Dread Emperor's imp familiar is seething eyebane, sl11eld,
created as a normal imp (see rhe silent image, true strdw; 2nd-
Monster Man11al), except that ir has AC 23, 65 arcane lock, bli11dness/deaftiess, blu1; bull's
hp, Ark +15 melee (td4 plus poison, sting); SV Fort +6, Ref strength, cat's grace, co11ti1111al flame, darkness, dai·kvisio111 knock,
+9, Will +15; Listen +12, Spellcraft +17, Spot +15. He also Lah m's fmger dnrts, Melf's acid arrow, misdirection, sec 111v1sibility,
has improved evasion and an emparhic link with the spectral ha11d, web; 3rd-absorb mind, blink, dispel mag1c,fireball,
Dread Emperor. fly, haste, 11011detectio11, protection from elements, secret page,
Vile Diabolism (Ex): The Dread Emperor can convert tongues, toucl, of Juiblex; 4th-absorb strength, d1arm monster,
rhe extra unholy damage from diabolism into half as much dimwsion door, im11roved invis1b1lit.y, lesser geas, plw11tasmal
vile damage. killer, remove curse, wall of ice;5th-clo11dl.1II, cone ofcold, co11tact
Possessions: armor of tlie Dread Emperor (+ 1 plate armor), +S other plnne, hold monster, nightmare, R1try's telepntl1ic bond, tele-
reflecting large metal shield, ring of proteclio11 +5, am11lcr of natu- pot1, 111all of force; 6th-analyze dweomer, Brgby's forceful l1a11d,
ral cmnor +4, belt of tl,e Dread Emperor, rmg of the Dread Emperor, disi11tegrntc, eyebite, flesh to stone, mass suggeslw11, permanent
headband of intellect +4, cloak of w1za.rdry 11 (functions as rhe image, true scei11g; 7th-forcecage, greater scryrng, limited wish,
ring), necklace of demons, wand of e11durance (10 charges), ivand plam shift, power word sti1111 rapt11re of n1pture, summon monster
VII, teleport witltoul error; 8th-antipnt/1y, dem11.11d1 horrid wilt- Contagion (Sp): Three times per day, Siddal can produce
ing, mass charm, prismatic wall, protection from spells, Imp lhe an effect like that of a contagion spell (caster level 3rd; save
soul; 9th-dominnte mo,,ster, gnte, meteor swnnn, Mor- DC 15).
denkmnen's disjunction, power word hill, refuge, soul bind. Petrifying Gaze (Su): Siddal's gaze turns anyone withi.n 30
Ring of the Dread Emper or: If rhe Dread Emperor has feet who meets it to stone pe1manencly (Fort DC 16 negates).
killed a humanoid of ar least 10th level, the following Poison (Ex): Snakes, Fort DC J 5; initial damage 1d6
changes to his statistics are in effect for 24 hours afterward: Srrengrh, secondary damage 2d6 Strength.
Spd 30 ft.; AC 37, touch 17, flat-foored 35; 0% arcane spell Poison {Sp): Three times per day, Siddal can produce an
failure chance. effect like that of a poison spell (caster level 3rd; save DC 16).
Cancerous Companion: A rumor within Siddal has an
SIODAL AND GAUDERIS Intelligence score of 7 and its own personality. The rumor
Siddal, a medusa cancer mage, and Gauderis, a half-ore has 30-foot blindsight and can use one of Siddal's spell-like
vermin lord, have formed a strange alliance. They live in an abilities on its own as a standard action, requiring no action
isolated cave complex teeming with insects, worms, and all from Siddal.
manner of other vermin, as well as an otyugh. These two, Disease Host (Ex): Siddal suffers no ill effects of dis-
working together, are attempting ro develop new, more vir- eases, except for purely cosmetic ones, bur she is a carrier of
ulent strains of existing diseases, in rbe hope of spreading every disease she encounters.
them throughout civilization. Although originally they Favored En em y: Siddalgains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Listen,
sought to spread disease in order to drive back encroaching Sense Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore checks when
farm commm1ities1 their work is now for pure psychopathic using these skills against humans. She gains the same bonus
pleasure. A visitor musr make an appropriate saving throw on weapon damage rolls against humans. Siddal also gets
to avoid infection with a random disease for every round the damage bonus with ranged weapons, bur only against
spent in their caves. targets within 30 feet. The bonus doesn't apply to damage
Siddal felc the Calling (see the Calling section in Chap- against creatures rhat are immune to critical hits.
ter 2) and returned with a fleshenter rod, the knowledge she Tatterdemalion (Ex): Siddal has constructed rag a.r mor
needed to become a cancer mage, and a taste for maso- that provides a +4 armor bonus, maximum Dex bonus +5,
chism and self-mutilation. Driven away by her four sisters, armor check penalty -1, and 15% arcane spell failure. lt
who found her repulsive even by their standards, Siddal weighs 20 pounds.
eventually found a kindred soul in Gauderis. She keeps her Possessions: Flesheater rod, masterwork mighty composite
gaze attack from harming him or the vermin and rat ser- longbow (+1 Str bonus), 12 masterwork arrows, 3 doses of
vants in the caves by wearing a veil. Even so, Siddal does Large monstrous scorpion poison, 2 festering bombs, dagger.
nor hesitate ro put her allies at risk if it might save her from
some threat. ~ Gauderis: Male half-ore Drd 7/Vermin Lord 7; CR 14;
Gauderis is secretly in love with Siddal in all her diseased Medium-size humanoid; HD 7d8+7 plus 7d6+7; hp 69; !nit
glory. He believes that there is a secret ecstasy in being pet- +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16; Ark +14/+9
rified by her gaze, and he longs for it. For now, Gauderis tries melee (1d6+6, +1 strength sapping club); SA blood drain, spell-
to win her pleasure by continuing his experiments with like abilities, spew vermi11; SQ animal companions, chitin,
new diseases. If rhar doesn't gain Siddal's favor, Gauderis darkvision 60 fr., nature sense, resist nature's lure, swarm
plans ro drug her to bring her guard down, then to stand armor, trackless step, vermin servants, wild shape {Small or
exultantly in full view of her petrifying gaze. Medium-size animal, 3/day), wings of the vermin, woodland
stride; AL NE; SV Fort +8 1 Ref +8 1 Will +13; Str 20, Dex 15,
~ Siddal: Female Medusa Rgr 2/Cancer Mage 3; CR t 2; Con 12, Inr 13, Wis 17, Cha 15.
Medium-size monstrous humanoid; HD 6d8+12 plus Skills and Feats: Alchemy +5, Animal Empathy +81 Concen-
2d10+4 plus 3d6+6; hp 73; !nit +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21, touch tration +4, Hide +5, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (nature) +7,
14, flat-footed 17; Ark +12/+7 melee (1d4+2/ l9-20, dagger) Listen +13, Move Silently +10, Profession {apothecary) +9,
and +7 melee (1d4+1 p lus poison, snakes), or +16/+11 Scry +7, SpeUcraft +61 Spot +9, Use Rope +4; Alertness, Brew
ranged (td8+1/X3, masterwork mighty composite long- Potion, Deformity (face), Lightning Reflexes, Verminfriend,
bow [+1 Str bonus] with masterwork arrows); SA petrify- Willing Deformity.
ing gaze, poison, sneak attack +1d6, spell-like abilities; Blood Drain (Su): As a free action, Gauderis can grow
SQ cancerous companion, darkvisi.on 60 ft., disease host, insectlike mandibles that bite for 1 point of damage. If he
favored enemy (humans, +1), tatterdemalion; AL CE; hirs wirh the bite attack, he can attempt to start a grapple
SV Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +8; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int as a free action wirbour provoking an attack of opportu-
12, Wis 15, Cha 16. nity (grapple bonus +13). If the attack is successful, the
Skills and Feats: Bluff+12, Climb +4, Diplomacy +5, Disguise mandibles deal 2d6 points of damage per round as rhey
+14, Heal +5, Hide +11, Inrimidare +5, Knowledge (nature) suck the b lood from rhe victim. The blood drain ability
t 4, Listen +5, Move Silently +12, Spot +11, Wilderness Lore works only on living creatures.
, 3; Great Fortitude, Point Blank Shot, Poison Immunity Sp ell-Like Ab ilities: 1/ day-spider hand, spider legs.
(large monstrous scorpion poison), Touglmess, Track. Caster level 14th.
Spew Vermin (Sp): Once per day, Gauderis can spray a normal speed and without suffering damage or other
swarm of vermin from his mourh in a 30-foot cone. Anyone impairment. However, rhorns, briars, and overgrown areas
in rhis area rakes 7d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 14 half). rhat are e nchanted or magically manipulated ro impede
The vermin remain as if brought into being by the summon motion still affect him.
swarm spell (caster level 7th). Spells Prepared (6/6/5/ 5/3/2/ L; save DC 13 + spell level):
Animal Companions: Gauderis has seven dire rat O-wre mi11or wounds, detect magic, detect poison,flare, mending,
animal companions. resista11ce; 1st-cure light wounds, endure eleme,,1ts, magic fang,
Chitin (Ex): Gauderis has a +3 natural armor bonus to AC obscuring mist, pass without trnce, suspend disease; 2nd-charm
from his chitinous places (already included in rhe above perso11 or animal, chill metnl, circle of 11a11sea, hold animal, lesser
srarisrics). restora/1011; 3rd-co11tagion, wre moderate wo1mds, greater magic
Nature Sense: Gauderis can identify plants a11d animals fn11g, red fester, re111ove disease; 4th-claws of the savage, giant
(their species and special traits) with perfect accuracy. He venni11, scrying; 5th-cure critical wounds, ,meet plague; 6th-
can determine whether water is safe to drink or dangerous. greater dispelli11g.
Resist Nature's Lure: Gauderis gains a +4 bonus on Possessions: +1 stre11gth sapp111g cl11b, +1 large wooden shield,
saving rh rows against the spell-like abilities offey (such as clonk of arncl1111da, Vnsha1w1 offal bag, slime pol, potion of wre
dryads, nymphs, and sprites). moderate wounds, scroll of animal trance, 3 festering
Swarm Armor (Su): When he prepares spells each day, bombs.
Gauderis automatically summons a swarm of vermin that
covers his flesh. These insects absorb up to 10 poinrs of EN ESSTRERE,
damage from any single attack that deals hit point damage. THE DEMON-POSSESSED DRAGON
The swarm armor disappears when it has absorbed 35 points Enessrrere was a rypical blue dragon. He lived an ordu1ary
of damage. blue dragon life from beginning to e nd. He garhered a typi-
Trackless Step: Gauderis leaves no trail. in narural sur- cal hoard and found himself a nice desert lair in a dry, cool
roundings and cannot be cracked. cave. He mated, and evenrually his mate left. He approached
Vermin Servants: Gauderis has a Medium-size mon- the end of his life with digniry and power.
strous centipede and a giant praying mantis; they function Then Ykkandri came, and everything changed.
as described in the Monster Manual except that they are mag- Ykkandri is a demon. He was a glabrezu, but he shed bis
ical beasts with Int 9, 34 hp, improved evasion, and an physical form so that he could travel throughout the Mare-
empathic link with Gauderis. Gauderis can speak wirh rhem, rial Plane as a possessor demon. Eventually, Ykkandri found
share spells with them, and use them to deliver couch spells. Enessrrere, and after a titanic bartle of wills he rook control
The creatures can speak wirh others of rheir kind. The cen- of the dragon. The first thing Ykkandri did was force Enes-
tipede has Ark +7 melee (1d6- t plus poison, bite); SV Fort srrere ro ingest rhe drug luhix and succumb ro its addictive
+7, Ref +6, Will +10. The praying mantis has Ark +12 melee effects. From within Enessrrere's mind, Ykkandri cackled
(1d8+4, claws) and +7 melee (td6+2, bite), and SV Fort +9, with glee, overjoyed rhar a nasry trick he had learned while
Ref +3, Will +12; Listen +10. Borh are AC 20. dwelling among (and possessing) humans was so useful.
Wild Shape (Sp): Gauderis can assume animal forms as A quasit brings E nesstrere one dose of luhix each day. If
noted above, bur he may assume only one form per use of Enessrrere should ever manage to rid himself ofYkkandri,
the ability. He regains hit points as if he had rested for a day he would be stuck our rn rhe middle of the desert with no
and is never disoriented while u1 wild shape. He gai_ns all rhe way of getting rhe drug.
crearure's natural and exrraordinary abiliries when he adopts Ykkandri, so far, is biding his time. As an experiment to
its form. resr the dragon's abilities, Ykkandri flew to a nearby
Wings of the Vermin (Su): Once per day as a standard monastery and sacked it, killing all rhe monks inside. Since
action, buzzing u1sectoid wmgs grow from Gauderis's back rhen, the monastery has become a secrer base for a number
for up ro 1 hour. With these wings, Ga uderis has a fly speed of demons. Rumors of a demonic invasion are now circulat-
of 30 fr. (average). ing among rhe rribes of the desert. If they prove to be true, it
Woodland Stride: Gauderis may move through natural is likely that the demonic army will have an ancient blue
thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain ar his dragon as its spearhead.

~ Enesstrere: Male ancient blue dragon; CR 20; Garganrua11

dragon (earth); HD 33d12+264; hp 478; Init +6; Spd 40 ft., fly
OTHER EVIL CHARACTERS 200 fr. (clumsy), burrow 20 fr.; AC 40, touch 8, flar-footed 38;
All the prestige classes offered in Chapter 5 are ideal as poten- Ark +42 melee (4d6+13, hire) and +37 melee (2d8+6, 2 claws)
tial villains. Use the guidelines for aspects of evil and types of and +37 melee (2d6+6, 2 wi.ngs) and +37 melee (2d8+19, tail
villains to help Aesh them out as non player characters (NPCs). slap); SA brearh weapon, crush, create/destroy wnter, frigbrful
You'll also find more villains in Chapter 7: Lords of Evil. Many presence, sound imitation, spell-hke abilities, spells, tail sweep;
of the servants and cultists that revere those beings can be SQblindsighr 300 ft., DR 15/+2, unmunities, keen senses; SR
found in this chapter. Each is a villain waiting for an adventure. 27; Face/Reach 20 fr. by 40 ft./ 15 fr.; AL LE; SV Forr +26, Ref
+20, WW +23; Str 36, Dex 14, Con 27, lnt 22, Wis 20, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +36, Concentration +41, Diplomacy 30 feet, centered on his rear. Each SmaU or smaller character
+44, Escape Artist +35, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) within the swept area takes 2d6+19 points of damage (Reflex
+39, Knowledge (geography) +39, Knowledge (history) DC 34 half).
+39, Listen +40, Scry +39, Search +39, Sense Motive +38, Blindsight (Ex): Dragons can ascertain crearures by non-
SpeUcraft +39, Spot +40; Alertness, Cleave, Flyby Arrack, visual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by no ricing
Hover, Improved Jnitiative, Power vibrations and other environmental clues).
Attack, Snatch, Spell focus Immunities (Ex ): Immune ro sleep, electricity, and
(Evocation), Wingover. paralysis.
Breath Weapon (Su): Keen Senses (Ex}: Dragons can see four
Line of lightning, 120 ft. rimes as well hum ans in low-ligh r cond irions
long, every 1d4 rounds; and twice as well in
damage 20d8, Reflex DC normal ligh r. Enes-
34 hal£ strere has darkvision
Crush: When £lying with a range of 1,000
or jumping, Enesscrere feer.
can land on Medium- Feats: A creature that
size or smaller oppo- is flung by Enesstrere
nents as a standard ac- after being snatched
tion, using his whole travels 100 feet and
body co crush rhem. A takes 1od6 points of
crush attack affecrs as damage. If Enesstrere is
many creatures as can fit flying, the creature takes
under the dragon's body. this damage or the appro-
Each creature in the af- pria re falling damage,
fected area must succeed whichever is greater.
at a Reflex save (DC 34) or Spells Known (6/ 7/7/ 7/
be pinned. If Enessrrerc 6/ 6/ 4; save DC 13 +
chooses to maintain the spell level, or 15 +
pin, treat it as a normal spell level for Evoca-
grapple attack (grapple tion spells): O-daze,
bonus +58). The opponent detect 111agic, flare, mage
automatically rakes 4d6+19 hnnd, no light, prese,-ve
points of bludgeoning damage organ, prestidigitntion,
each round that it remains pinned. read mngic, 111111ervi11g
Create/Destroy Water (Sp): Three times per day, Enesstrere gnie; Lsr- extrncl drug,
can produce an effect thar functions like rhe crente wnter nrnge nrmor, magic
spell except that he can decide to destroy water instead of n11Ssile, shield, to11gue
creating it, which automatically spoils liquids containing twdrils; 2nd-bull's sfrength, cat's
water. Magic items (such as potions) and items in creature's grnce, end11rnnce, e11tice gift, web; 3rd- dis-
possessions must succeed ar a Will save (DC 29) or be placement, f,rebnll, gnseous form, renlity blind; 4th-chnr111
ruined. 11101·1ster, improved i11visibility, sto11eshi11, wall of fire; 5th-cone
Frightful Presence (Ex): Enesstrere can unsettle foes of cold, pn.mvnll, prying eyes; 6th- disi11tegrale, project image.
with his mere presence. This abiliry takes effect automati-
cally (300-foot radius) whenever the dragon attacks, charges,
or flies overhead. A potentially affected creature (one with MAI IGN SITES
less than 33 HD) that succeeds at a Will save (DC 29) Below are rwo examples of terrible places that you can use in
remains immune to Enesstrere's frightful presence for 24 your campaign.
hours. On a failure, a crearure with 4 or fewer HD becomes
panicked for 4d6 rounds, and one with more than 5 HD THE AZURE VALE
becomes shaken for 4d6 rounds. When rhe warlord-wizard Lahm the Obsessor sacked Faen-
Sound Imitation (Ex): This dragon can mimic any voice ish-Kul, he captured all rhe citizens of the ciry and gave one
or sound it has heard anytime it likes. Listeners must suc- to each of his ore and ogre servants. He commanded each
ceed at a Will save (DC 29) co detect the ruse. warrior to kill his prisoner on his signal. On that day, nine
Spell-Like Ab ilities: 3/ day- ventnloqu,sm; 1/ day- thousand people all died ar once, at the whim of one man.
lrnll11ci11ntory terrnin, veil. Caster level 13th; save DC 13 + Lahm cornmirred this vile acr simply because he could.
spell level. Lah m's armies moved on and eventuaUy met defeat, hut
Tail Sweep: Enesstrere can sweep with his taU as a stan- the area around faenish-Kul, known as the Azure Vale, has
dard action. The sweep affects a half circle with a diameter of never been the same. This place of lasting evil has since
been home to strange, extremely pale planrs, and the whole manded the tribe's three adepts to begin working on a magi-
area has an unnatural chill that lasrs even through rhe hor cal way to improve the puissance of the Io-Rach tribe. After
summer months. years of trial and error, they hit upon a plan.
Anyone who spends the nighr i.n rhe mist-shrouded After filling large pits with alchemical mixtures, the Io-
valley hears faint whispers and sometimes even moans. His Rach rribe lowers its warriors on ha messes into the brew for as
or her dreams are filled wirh nightmares of murder and long as the goblins can stand it. When a goblin is brought our
hare. But the visitors who come to the vale and encounter of the pit, he spends the next few days undergoing an agoniz-
only whispers and bad dreams are the lucky ones, for the ing change. One-quarter ofsuch warriors die a howling death.
Azure Vale is hatmred by rhe spirits of nine thousand ghosts. Each of the others grnws to Medium-size and gains a +4 inher-
Every person slain by the legions of Lahm remains here- ent bonus ro Strength and Constitution and a - 4 inherent
and they all want vengeance upon the living. penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. These war-
Those who make it out of the vale aUve have harrowing riors become misshapen, lumbering mutants with twisted
tales to tell, but despite the horrible stories, the Azure Vale limbs, bulbous eyes, and festering sores.
attracts adventurers. A powerful minor artifact, the nm11fet of After creating a large number of these twisted goblins, the
Lahm, is said to lie amid the pale trees, lost in the confusion adepts began experimenting on other Cajptured creatures.
of that fateful night. Among its other powers, the amuler None of rhe experiments have been as successful as the
grants its possessor rhe ability to regenerate like a rroll as goblin warriors, but the pits have spawned many strange
well as a +6 bonus to Strength. creatures-and the progeny of those that are capable of
reproduction are even stranger.
THE GOBLIN PITS OF IO-RACH In this way, the Io-Rach tribe has amassed great power. Its
Kezzerug is a goblin chief who rules rhe large tribe known underground lair has spread, and the pits are now innumer-
as the Io-Rach (which in Goblin means something very able. Terrible, rwisred things roam those caves, and goblin
close to "bloody eye lying on the ground"). When Kezzerng's marauders scour the countryside for the alchemical ingredi-
warriors mer defeat at the hands of a small band of elves, he ents needed for rhe procedures, includin g such items as
decided that something needed to be done. Kezzerug com- human brains and blood.
he following are new rules covering parricularly The caster level for the fiend's possession ability is ·
evil topics-possession, sacrifice, curses, and so equal to the fiend's Hit Dice. Fiends with the posses-
on. These rules may or may not be suitable for your sion ability generally have a Challenge Rating -2
campaign. Consider each carefully. higher rhan the standard fl.ends of their kind. For
example, a succubus wi·th the possession ability is
POSSESSION Once a fiend is on the Efhereal Plane, it generally
.floats tlu-ough the wbrld insubstanrteily,..seeking a
Some fiends with at least 4 Hit Dice and a Charisma sco,:e
of ar least 13 have the spell-like ability to shuck rheir phys- target to possess. Making a possession attempt is a
ical forms and rake on an ethereal form that allows them ro supernatural ability that a fiend can attempt at will
possess anorher creature or an object. as a standard action.
The creature's new form is ethereal and thus immune to
even the most potent physical attacks and most magical POSSESSED CREATURES
attacks (except, for example, force attacks) by nonecherea] If a fiend wishes to possess a creatuxe, the fiend's
creatures. When a fiend possesses a creature or object, even etberea1 form must be adjacent to its desired
force effects no longer affect the fiend. Only spells such as · rargel. A protection from evil spell (or similar effect)
dismmal can affect the possessing fiend when cast by makes a creature immune ro possession at-
nonethereal creatures. Any sort of attack, magical or other- tempts. An unprotected target of a possession
wise, directed against the fiend affects the possessed crea- arrernpr must succeed ar a WiU saving throw
ture or object, however. (DC 10 + 1/2 fiend's HD+ fiend's Cha bonus) to
While a fiend is in ethereal form, its corporeal body lies avoid possession. Evil rargets of a posse~sion
senseless, as if in a state of suspended animation. The body attempt take a -2 circumstance penalry 011 this
does nor require food or air, but damage or exposure co an saving throw, and target of a possession
extreme environmenr will kill it. A fiend can roam erhereally attempt who is in rhe middle of committing an
as long as ir wants, but an ethereal fiend dies if its body is evil act takes a further -2 circumstance penalry.
desrroyed, and it instantly re rums to its body ifdispel mngic (or Once a crearu·re succeeds at a save against
a similar effect) is successfully cast on the fiend's body. possession, that fiend canti0t'attempt ro pos-
sess rhat creature again for 24 hours. On a failed save, rhe Ally: If rhe possessed creature is aware of the possessing
vicrim is possessed. fiend and willing robe its host, rhe fiend can grant the pos-
A fiend in possession of a body becomes a parr of rhe sessed creature a +4 profane bonus to any single ability
victim, aware of what is going on around the crearure chat score. This bonus is generally granted at the conclusion of
they possess. Ir can see and hear as well as the victim can. A some bargaining between the fiend and the possessed crea·
possessing fiend can, at any rime, speak mentally to the crea- ture. The fiend is in conrrol of this bonus and can take it
rure thar it possesses in a language chat the creature can away as a free action if rhe possessed creature behaves con-
understand, alrhough if rhe victim isn't very intelligent, irs trary to rhe fiend's wishes. If the possessed crearure doesn't
uJ1derstanding may be Ii mired. do what rhe fiend wanrs, the fiend can go from ally to con·
A creature possessed by a fiend doesn't always know rhar ir troller or from ally to enemy as a free action. Because the
is possessed. Further, a fiend can arrempr ro hide its presence possessor and rhe possessed can communicate telepathi-
within rhe possessed creature, allowing ir to pass rhrough a cally, they often form an agreement: The bonus is a reward
mngic circle agnrnst evil, enter a forbidda11ce-warded church, and for the possessed creature if ir does as rhe fiend wishes.
escape dececrion by detect evil. To do so, rhe fiend musr make Controller: In the most feared aspect of possession, a
a special "mental" Hide check. This is a Hide check using rhe fiend can take a standard action co arrempt direct control
fiend's Intelligence modifier rather than its Dexterity modi- over the actions of the victim, who struggles ro maintain
fier, bur which otherwise uses rhe Hide skill. The Difficulty control over his or her own body The victim must succeed
Class (DC) for rhe Hide check is to+ level of the spell+ spell- at a Will saving throw every round (DC 10 + t /2 fiend's HD
caster's relevant ability modifier (just like the saving rhrow + fiend's Cha modifier, + 1 for each previous failed save
for a spell). The fiend gaim a +4 circumstance bonus on its against control thar day) to avoid losing control. lf the
Hide check if ir is nor currently controlling rhe victim. The victim's save succeeds, rhe victim has resisted the fiend, bur
fiend can also make this Hide check ro prevent the possessed the fiend can make another control arternpt in rhe nexr
creature from raking damage from alignment-based spells round. Victims struggling against control are considered
such as i,oly smite. The DC for the Hide check is the same as staggered and can rake only partial actions.
rhe saving throw DC for rhe damaging spell. If the fiend's If the possessed creature makes three consecutive suc-
Hide check fails, the spell affects rhe possessed crearure as if cessful saving throws, rhen the possessing fiend cannot
it had rhe same alignment as the fiend. make further arrempts to control the victim thar day. The
Possessing fiends have immediate access to all of rheir success or failure of the victim's saving throws against con-
victim's current thoughts, as the detect thoughts spell, trol does nor affect the overall possession, however, and rhe
except that they automatically read surface thoughts. If fiend is srill possessing the creature.
desired, a possessing fiend can probe the possessed crea- If the possessed crearure fails the Will save against con-
ture's memories as well, bur the victim is allowed a Will trol, rhe fiend has access to all of the creature's senses, abili-
save (DC 10 + t /2 fiend's HD + fiend's Cha bonus). If the ties, skills, feats, and spell knowledge. The fiend now acrs as
save is successful, rhe vicrin1 keeps the fiend our of his or though it is rhe creature iJ1 all respects, until control is lost
her rhoughts for 24 hours. Whether the save succeeds or or it relinquishes control. During this time, the possessed
fails, probing memories auromarically reveals the fiend's creature can still speak mentally to the fiend and is still
presence ro the victim. privy to all sensory input- unless rhe possessor takes a stan-
Physical harm ro rhe possessed crearure does nor harm dard action to block the possessed creature's access ro rhe
rhe fiend. Killing rhe possessed victim only forces rhe fiend senses. If rhe fiend wishes, the victim blacks our while the
back onto the Ethereal Plane, from where it can arrempt a fiend is in charge.
new possession; the fiend is unharmed. Not even ethereal The fiend uses its own Intelligence, Wisdom, and
creatures can harm a possessing fiend. Charisma scores, but it adopts all of the crearure's physical
A fiend possessing a crean,re can take one of four roles ability scores. Fiends of at least 9 HD and 15 Intelligence
with respect ro its victim: rider, ally, controller, or enemy. char maintain control of a victim for at least 10 rounds a day
The fiend can choose only one role at a time. If a fiend is for seven consecutive days can also draw upon tbe possessed
acting as a controller, it can't also grant its victim the creature's spell-like abilities (ar the same casrer level as the
bonuses it could if the fiend were an ally, for example. possessed creature). The fiend assumes the victim's rype and
Rid er: Much of the time, a fiend that possesses a creature is affected by spells and effects as if it were the possessed
simply rides along wirn rhe victim, who is usually unaware creature. Thus, a cornugon-possessed wolf is subject ro
of the fiend's presence. The fiend mighr combine riding spells affecting animals, even though it is far more intelli-
with hiding to get inro an area protected by fol'biddn11ce or gent than a normal wot£
sup pasr a mngic circle agaimt evil near a target that it could The fiend automatically maintains control for a number
not orherwise approach. As a free acrion, the possessing of rounds equal to t/2 the fiend's HD+ the fiend's Charisma
fiend can become the ally or controller of the possessed modifier + 1 for each time the fiend has controlled this spe-
crearure. Both of these actions, however, make the fiend's cific victim. When the fiend's control lapses, it can attempt
presence known to the victim (al.rhough victims wirh low to reassert control if it chooses.
Intelligence scores may nor tmderstand what is happening Fiends often choose weak-willed creatures to possess,
ro rnem). such as golems and other constructs. The construct can
make a Will save just as any other crearure can to avoid the wear the item. For each day the possessed item was worn,
possession, bur it is likely thar the possessing fiend can rake held, or carried by the rarger prior ro rhe possession anempr,
and retain control, because mosr constructs have poor Will rhe DC for the target's Will save increases by +1, up to a max-
saves. A fiend possessing a construct can also aid it as imum of+ LO.
described under the ally role, but it must relinquish direct A fiend possessing an object can take any of the following
control to do so, and the construct reverts to its prior pro- roles. Changing roles is a standard action.
gramming. Watch er: The fiend possesses an object, usually some-
Enemy: The opposite of an ally, this possessing fiend is a thing big and stationary. It can see and hear at twice its
hindrance to a crearure it possesses. A possessing fiend usu- normal range (120 feet) as long as the object remains sta-
ally takes rhis tactic when it has failed to control its victim or tionary.
when it is angry with a possessed creature that the fiend was Controller: If rhe possessed object has moving parts,
acting as an ally coward. The possessing fiend can grant rhe such as a wagon, clock, or crossbow, a possessing fiend can
victim a -4 profane penalty ro any single ability score. The control the movement. A wagon can be made to steer
fiend is in control of rhis penalty and can rake ir away as a toward a pedestrian on a street or roll our of a stable with no
free action, sometimes by working out an agreement with horse pulling it. A clock can slow or run backward. A cross-
rhe possessed creature after some telepathic negotiation. bow can cock and fire (but not aim or load itself). Possessed
objects with wheels or legs cannot move foster than the
POSSESSED OBJECTS fiend itself could move in its corporeal fonn.
A fiend can possess an object of ar least Tiny size and no More powerful fiends can exert greater control. A fiend
larger than Huge. An item held, worn, or carried by a char- wirh at least 10 HD and Charisma 17 ca11 force an object to
acter (including magic items) uses its owner's saving throw animate even i_f the object doesn't have any moving parts
to resist possession. Unattended magic items gain a saving (such as a cable or statue). The possessed objecr functions as
throw as if a spell was being cast upon rhe item. In each case, an animated object (see the Monster Manual ). However, no
rhe Will save DC is 10 + t /2 the fiend's HD + the fiend's fiend can control an animated object with a higher Chal-
Charisma modifier. A fiend with the possession ability auto- lenge Rating rhan rhe fiend's.
matically succeeds when attempting ro possess an unat- Corruptor: The possessed item radiates a cursed,
tended, nonmagical item. befouling presence. Anyone touching rhe possessed object
A fiend possessing an object becomes a part of the object. must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 fiend's HD+
A possessing fiend can see and hear up ro 60 feet away from fiend's Cha modifier) or fall under rhe effect of a bestow
rhe object, bur ir can't use darkvision or blindsighr while curse spell with a caster level equal to rhe fiend 's Hit Dice.
possessing an object, even if it ordinarily has these abilities. Unlike the bestow wrse spell, the subject does nor necessar-
The possessing fiend remains vulnerable to spells rhar affect ily know rhar the curse is in effect or that ir came from the
outsiders, exrraplanar creatures, or evil creatures (such as item. Nothing about the object's appearance suggests that
holy word and holy smile) and mind-affecting spells and it is possessed (although rhere might be residual evil
effects. Physical attacks and mosr spells (such as fireball) effects, as described in rhe Lingering Evil section below).
don't affect the fiend, but they might affect rhe object. The curse lasts until removed wirh break e11chn11tnrent, lim-
Harming the object does not harm the possessing fiend; if ited wish, miracle, remove curse, or, even if rhe fiend
rhe object is destroyed, the fiend rakes ethereal form and vacates the possessed object.
can choose a new hosr object (or creature). A parricularly crafty fiend might possess a small fountain
A fiend can attempt to hide its presence within a pos- as a corrupror, affecting anyone who touches or drinks rhe
sessed object, allowing ir to pass rhrough a magic circle, enrer warer. Similarly, a fiend could corrupt a patch of ground,
a forbiddance-warded church, and escape detection via spells affecting anyone who walks over it.
such as detect evil. Use rhe same rules as when a fiend hides Enhancer: A fiend can possess a Tiny or larger weapon or
in a creature. If che spell ordinarily detects or rargers only armor and enhance it as if ir were a magic item. The fiend
creatures, rhe fiend gains a +8 circumstance bonus on its can duplicate magic item powers worth up ro 2,000 gp per
Hide check because it is within an object. The fiend can also Hit Die. For example, a hezrou (9 HD) that enhances a long-
attempt rhis Hide check to avoid taking damage from align- sword could bestow up to 18,000 gp worth of powers on it. It
ment-based damaging spells, such as holy smite. If the fiend could duplicate the effect of a +3 longsword, a +1 unholy long-
fails its Hide check, the possessed object rakes damage as if sword, or another combination. A fiend rhar possesses magic
it were the fiend. armor or a magic weapon can increase irs power by the same
A fiend can also possess a substance that has no fixed amotmt. Table 8-3: Armors and Table 8-10: Weapons in the
shape (such as a pool of water or a dust cloud) or is parr of a DUNCCON MASTCR's Guide give prices for various enhance-
larger object (such as a section of a wall). When it does so, a menrs.
fiend cannot possess an area or a volume larger than 'LO feet The fiend is in conrrol of rhe powers it bestows upon the
on a side. i.rem. I t can rake them away as a free action at a moment's
Some fiends possess an item as a stepping scone for a pos- notice if the creature using rhe item does not act in a
session anempt on a character. The possessi11g fiend gets a marn1er that rhe fiend wishes. If the fiend leaves the items,
bonus on attempts to possess creatures that carry, hold, or it loses all powers bestowed by rhe possession.
Despite the fiend's duplication of magic item abilities, a
nonmagical possessed item doesn't become actually magical.
Detect magrc will not sense an aura; detect evil will, however.
Smart characters might notice rhar the possessed item
behaves strangely or has an unus ual appearance (a magic
weapon that is n't mas terwork quality, for example, is a tipoff
that something is awry). A character who succeeds at a
Search c heck ( DC 25) notes that rhere is "something
strange" about the item.

Most evil gods and fiends demand sacrifice. When they say
sacrifice, they mean rhe sacrifice of a living, intelligent crea-
rure. Commonly, rhe victim is a humanoid, but dark powers
might demand rhe sacrifice of anything from a medusa ro a
giant to a beholder. The main criteria are that the creature be
alive and have an intelligence score of3 or higher.
The sacrifice musr be made in a ritualized manner. It's
fine for a blackguard to say that he is dedicating every foe he
slays to Vecna. But in truth, Vecna appreciates and rewards
his followers for victims killed in a ceremony and at a place
dedicated to him. This means that the ritual takes time, and
it probably involves extra participants and unholy trappings
(for examples of sacrificial gear, see the executio ner tools
and other equipment in Chapter 3).
In a world suffused with magic, evil gods pay attention
when someone makes a living sacrifice ro rhem, and they
often reward their followers for doing so. In some abstract
sense, rhe sacrifice adds some small mo te to the god's over-
whelming power, and in rerurn the evil deity is sometimes
willing to grant a boon or a blessing in return.


The reward a servant of an evil god gets for making a living
sacrifice to the god depends on many factors. The primary
factor is the Knowledge (religion) check result of rhe char-
acter performing the sacrifice. Each of rhe other factors is
represented as a modifier to the check.
Each evil deity has his or her own predilections and pref-
erences for sacrifices, and different deities give differenr
rewards to their followers. The following system of sacrifices
and rewards is jusr a starting point; give each eviJ power in
your campaign its own unique sacrifices and rewards.

Sacrifice is the offering of the life of a sentient being to an evil
deity or powerful fiend. The victim is trussed, tied, or otherwise
immobilized so that a ceremony may be conducted that culmi-
nates with the murder. In many rituals, blood is a sacred
symbol of life. When that blood spills during the ritual murder
of an innocent creature, the blood (and sometimes even the
soul of the creature) is dedicated to a nether power of malev-
olence. Bloodless forms of killing, such as strangulation and
drowning, are possible during sacrifices, but usually those
that are despicable enough to practice this profane art prefer
bloodier deeds.
Knowledge Check
(Religion) Result Effect
Sacrifice Element Modifier 15 Aid upon the celebrant for 24 hours.
Conducted in a ceremony lasting at least an hour -tl 15 Bull's strength upon the celebrant for 24 hours.
Conducted on an altar -t2 15 Cat's grace upon the celebrant for 24 hours.
Conducted in a desecrated area -t l 15 Endurance upon the celebrant for 24 hours.
Conducted In a unhallowed area +2 20 Divine favor (cast at 20th level) upon the celebrant for 24
Conducted in the presence of a creature important hours.
to the deity (a demon servant, for example) +2 20 Protection from elements upon the celebrant for 24 hours.
Conducted publicly (in the street or on the steps 20 Bless upon those witnessing the ceremony (one individual
of a public institution) +1 per HD of the victim) for 24 hours.
Conducted before more than 10 followers +1 25 Magic vestment (cast at 20th level) upon the celebrant's garb
Conducted before more than 100 followers -tl for 24 hours.
Sacrifice is tortured for 1 day prior to death +l 25 Evil outsider appears and serves celebrant for 1 hour per HD
Sacrifice loses extremities to hungry demon prior to death +l of the victim, serving as described in the lesser planar ally
Sacrifice is good-aligned +l spell.
Sacrifice is pure or virginal (as determined by the OM) +1 25 Divine power upon the celebrant for 24 hours.
Sacrifice has 1-5 HD or levels +l 30 Greater magic weapon (cast at 20th level) on the celebrant's
Sacrifice has &---10 HD or levels +2 weapon for 24 hours.
Sacrifice has 11-15 HD or levels +3 30 Bull's strength upon those witnessing the ceremony (one
Sacrifice has 16-t HD or levels +4 individual per HD of the victim) for 24 hours.
Sacrifice is a cleric of another god +2 30 Cat's grace upon those witnessing the ceremony (one indi-
Sacrifice 1s a race or character type hated by the deity +1 vidual per HD of the victim) for 24 hours.
Sacrifice is willing, but duped or controlled +1 30 Endurance upon those witnessing the ceremony (one indi-
Sacrifice is genuinely willing +3 vidual per HD of the victim} for 24 hours.
30 Evil outsider appears and serves celebrant for 1 hour per HD
of the victim, serving as described in the planar ally spell.
If a follower performs mulriple sacrifices, rhe bonuses on
30 Spell resistance upon the celebrant for 24 hours (use cele-
the follower's Knowledge (religion) check do nor srack for brant's level to determine SR).
every sacrifice; a separate check is made for each victim. 35 Magic vestment (cast at 20th level) upon the garb of those
Mosr deities give only one reward per day per temple, no witnessing the ceremony (one individual per HD of the
matter how many victims are slain. The leader of rhe sacri- victim) for 24 hours.
fice, called the celebrant, can perform multiple sacrifices 35 Evil outsider appears and serves celebrant for 1 hour per HD
of the victim, serving as described in the greater planar ally
and consequently make multiple Knowledge ( religion )
checks, then use rhe best result ro determine whar reward 35 Divine power upon those witnessing the ceremony (one indi-
might be granted by the deity. vidual per HD of the victim) for 24 hours.
The actual reward earned by the performance of a living 40 Limited wish for the celebrant.
sacrifice varies from religion to religion. See Table 2-2, 40 Greater magic weapon (cast at 20th level) upon weapons
below, for some typical rewards that might be granted by an involved in the ceremony (one weapon per HD of the
evil deity and the DC of the Knowledge (religion) check ro victim) for 24 hours.
45 Control weather (cast at 20th level} as directed by the cele-
qualify for each one. Many deities will have rheir own spe-
brant for 24 hours.
cific rewards to offer. The celebrant can choose whar reward 50 Wish for the celebrant (this monumental display of power
is sought and prayed for, but rhe deity might grant anorher happens only once for any given individual).
reward, especially if the Knowledge (religion) check result Varies Dark craft experience points equal to DC x 3 (minimum DC
is significantly higher than the DC of rhe reward sought. 15). The celebrant determines the number of dark craft expe-
The celebrant can't take 10 or take 20 on this check, and no rience points (and thus the DC) sought prior to the check. A
one else can h elp with the check. failed check indicates no dark craft experience points gained.
Varies Dark craft gold pieces equal to DC x 5 (minimum DC 20).
The celebrant determines the number of dark craft gold
pieces (and thus the DC) sought prior to the check. A failed
SACRIFICE AS A REQUIREMENT check Indicates no dark craft gold pieces gained.
Sometimes a special s ituation may arise in wh ich rather than
granting a boon, a deity demands a sacrifice to avoid d ivine Dark C raft R e w ard s : Experience points and gold pieces
punishment. An evil god might demand a sacrifice from a can be granted as rewards after a sacrifice (see the last rwo
disobedient cleric (or one who has failed to perform a required
enrries in Tabl e 2-2, below) . These so-called dark craft
duty or quest) before granting him new spells. Periodic sacri-
rewards have no acrual physical manifesrarion, bur rhe cele-
fices might a lso be required to power a temple's defense
brant senses rheir presence like a shadow on the soul Dark
system, such as an antimagic field, prismatic walls, a unique
craft gold pieces and dark craft experience points can't be
forbiddance or unhallow effect, or something similar. Typically,
used ro buy goods or artain higher levels, bur they can be
the Knowledge (religion) check DC for such required sacrifices
used instead of actual gold pieces or experience points when
is 25, and no other reward is forthcoming for conducting the
evil ritual. making a magic item. Only a single application of dark craft
experience points and dark craft gold pieces can be al)plied
toward a magic item's creation process. The time spent creat- • A random friend or family member of the rarger contracts
ing the item does not change when rhe celebram uses dark a disease. If the disease is magically cured or runs irs
craft resources. course (regardless of rhe outcome), another loved one
When the celebrant completes a magic item created by contracts a new disease.
the use of any dark craft resources (as lirrle as 1 gp or 1 XP), • The target's mosr powerful and/ or chedshed irem falls
rhe item is rainred with evil. Others can sense this evil, as apart, becoming forever useless.
described for an object of lasting evil (see lingering Effects • Valuable metals (such as platinum, gold, silver, and
of Evil, later in this chapter). Dark crafr experience points copper) rum ro lead in rhe target's possession, even if rhey
and dark craft gold pieces can be combined with the are in a bag of holding or scored away from rhe rarger. The
destruction of souls to make a magic item even easier to target's couch transmutes valuable mecals (including
build (see Souls as Power, later in this chapter). coins) into lead as well.
• 1 d4+ I of che target's loved ones or allies are affected by a
curse chosen from rhe bestow curse lisc above.
• All of the ra.rger's loved ones and allies suddenly despise
Curses are an important rype of evil magic. Although good- him and are considered to have unfriendly arrirndes. See
or neutral-aligned characters sometimes use curses to strike NPC Arrirudes in Chapter 5 of the DUNGEON MASTER's
at their enemies, curses are usually the domain of spiteful Guide for acrions former allies might rake.
and malicious creanires. • The rarger cannot casr spells, use spell-like abilities, or
activate spell completion or spell trigger items.
When a spellcasrer uses bestow curse (see Chapter 11 of the THE DYING CURSE
Player's Handboof1 ), the following curses can be substituted When a parricularly vile creature dies, she often speaks a
for rhose given in the spell description. fina l curse upon those rhar wronged her (usually, rhe char-
Target is rendered sterile. acters who killed her). The effect of rhe dying curse depends
The next person introduced ro rhe target for the first time on the level or Hit Dice of the crearure bestowing rhe curse.
will hate him or her uncontrollably forever. Even if this
curse is removed, the person srill bares the victim of rhe TABLE 2- 3: DYING (URSE EFFECTS
curse, but the victim can improve the person's atrinide HD or
normally after rhe curse is gone. Level Effect
1-4 Nothing
Each time the target attempts ro help a friend or ally, there
S-8 As bestow curse
is a 50% chance the arrempr fails and causes the ally ro fail 9-12 As bestow greater curse, or up to four bestow curses
at the task. 13-16 As limited wish, or up to four bestow greater curses, or up to
Target is struck blind and deaf. ten bestow curses
Each round in combat, there is a 25% chance that the 17- 20 As wish, or up to ten bestow greater curses, or up to twenty-
ta.rget will arrack the nearest creature rather than choos- flve bestow curses an opponenr normally. 21 + OM's discretion

Every rime the victim makes a d20 roll, a roll of 20 counts

as a 1. Nor all evil creatures will deliver a dying curse, because a
• The victim effectively ages, moving him or her to the creature rhar speaks a dying curse cannot be raised or resur-
beginning of the next age category. See Chapter 6 of the recred rhereafrer. A true resurrection spell can bring the crea-
Player's Handbook for rhe effects of aging. ture back, bur rhe curse is immediately lifted if this happens.
• At some point within the nexr week (or whenever it is fea- The dying creature can target any011e with a dying curse;
sible), thieves are able ro steal all monetary wealth rhe the rarger need nor be present when rhe curse is delivered.
victim has.
• Animals refuse to be within 5 feet of rhe target and do nor Removing a Dying Curse
respond ro rhe ta rget's commands or requests. Lifting a dying curse requires more than a simple remove
• Each rime rhe target meets someone for rhe first rime, curse spell if the dying creature has more rhan 10 Hit Dice
there is a 50% chance char rhe new person will confuse rhe or levels. A miracle or wish spell removes the curse, but each
target with a hared enemy, a well-known criminal, or a dying curse also must have a single means of removing the
raving lunacic. curse wirh some deed rhat the DM designates. The deed
• All creatures of a specific kind (such as ores, owlbears, or must be something tbat the target can accomplish within
black dragons) are permanenrly invisible ro the sight of one year, assuming the task is undertaken immediately. For
the victim (i11visibility purge does not help, bur see i11vmbil- example, the deed might be "Slay tbe dragon under Castle
ity and true scei11g do). The spellcaster chooses rhe kind of Bluecraft," or "Climb tbe tallest mountain in the world."
creature. The target of the dying curse can have help accomplish-
ing the deed. In facr, someone else can accomplish the deed
The following effects can be substituted for those given in as long as removing the curse is the expressed purpose of
the bestow greater curse description (see Chapter 6). the deed. Thus, rh e king's champion can climb the tallest
mountain in the world ro remove the curse on the king, for items that bestow curses are often prized am ong fiends.
example. Bur if someone who doesn't know about rhe curse A curse chat causes a debilitating disfigurement gives
climbs the mountain, rhe curse remains. misery nor only to rhe target, bur to rhe victim's friends,
Dying curses are generally the province of evil creatures, loved ones, and even strangers of a kind heart who merely
bur this isn't always the case. A good creature that was terri- see him. Less kind passersby might mock or shun the target
bly wronged and tricked into its death may also bestow a of the curse. AJ1d so the fiend's work progresses: The curse
dying curse, at the DM's discretion. punishes crearures with kind hearts and darkens the souls
of those without them.
FAMILY CURSES Any kind of misery can grow from a curse. A d emon
Sometimes curses are passed through the generations of a might curse a child so that it has a taste for blood, not only
single family like a hereditary disease. A family curse can pass for rhe evil rhe child might spread but also for rhe sadness
from a parent ro all children, or rhe curse can simply pass to that rakes roor in those who become aware of such a child.
the oldest child, the youngest child, the oldest child of a par-
ticular gender, a child with a particular trait, and so on.
A family curse can be the result of a particularly powerful DISEASES
dying curse, a wis'1 spell, rhe use of an artifact, or the inter- Chapter 3 of the DUNGEON M AS1'£R's Guide presents some dis-
vention of a god. Ir can take the form of a regular curse, or it eases rhat characters may encounter. Provided here are even
can seem ro force a character toward a particular fate. more diseases. While all diseases are terrible, these are par-
Because curses of the latter sort lie i11 the realm of desriny ticularly malign and vile, spawned from the corruption and
and can be vague in their application, they are usually best influence of evil outsiders, gods, or evil emotions.
left in the hands of the DM, rather than obeyi11g a simple set Characters who come into contact with one of these dis-
of rules. eases (through proxin1ity to someone who acts as a carrier,
Family curses can be undone as described in Dying injury by a contami11ared attack, touch ing an item smeared
Curses, above. Some fate-based family curses can be forever wirh diseased matter, or consuming tainted food or drink)
broken if one member of the family can simply resist the must make an immediate Forti rude saving throw. On a suc-
doomed destiny. cess, the disease has no effect because rhe immw1e system
Some sample family curses are given below. fought off the infection. Characters who fail rhe save take
• Each oldest son is doomed to murder bis father. the damage given on Table 2-4 after the disease's incubation
• The youngest daughter in each generation is doomed to period. Once per day afterward, a diseased character musr
become an evil spellcaster. s ucceed at a Fortitude saving th row to avoid repeated
• The children of the fami ly born with red hair are all terri- damage. Two successful saving throws in a row indicate that
bly unlucky (as described in the bestow wrse spell). the character has fought off the disease and recovers, taking
• One male child of each generation is doomed to be eaten no more damage.
by a dragon. The characteristics of diseases, as expressed on Table 2-4,
• The sixth daughter of a sixth daughter will bring doom to are defined below.
her entire land. Disease: The name of the disease. All the diseases on Table
2-4 are supernatural. As such, none of them are available for
CURSES OF MISERY use with the cot1lag1011 spell.
Evil creatures that benefit from an overall increase in Infection: The disease's method of delivery-ingested,
misery, darkness, and evil sometimes spread curses just to inhaled, via an injury, or by contact. Some injury diseases may
further that end. Fiends, especially devils, are often the be transmitted by something as innocuous as a flea bite. Most
perpetrators of misery curses. Demons are more interested diseases that are inhaled can also be ingested (and vice versa).
in destruction than devils, many of whom take particular DC:The DC of the Forti rude saving throw ro resist or fight
pleasure in subtler forms of corruption. Thus, magic off the disease. The DM often rolls this Fortitude saving

USING CURSES world what happens to anyone who crosses her. But curses are
At times, curses may appear trivial. Why would a villain curse always a risky proposition: The cursed victim might get the
a foe rather than just using the same amount of magical power curse removed and seek revenge on the curse-giver.
to obliterate the enemy instead? Because curses are an ulti- Dying curses and greater curses can become wonderful
mate expression of true malice. springboards for D&D scenarios. If something cannot simply
It is often far more cruel to allow something to live in pain be undone with a spell, the action or remedy required to lift the
and disfigurement than to kill it and end the creature's misery. curse is something that great adventures are made of.
If a villain is particularly evil, such as a devil or a demon, great On the other hand, don't overuse curses. Don't have every
delight comes from causing harm rather than causing death. defeated villain speak a dying curse, and don't let the dying
Assuming that your villain is confident or powerful enough to curse become routine. Let a curse be a rare moment of true
risk a curse, it's hard to resist the temptation of showing the drama for your campaign.
throw for a character, so that the character's player doesn't Faceless Hate: When a victim of this disease takes
know whether the disease has taken hold. enough Strength or Constitution damage to red uce the
lnciiba.tion: The amount of time before damage begins. ability score to 0, the infection disappears. The character's
Damage: The da mage a victim rakes after rhe incubation ability scores are immediately restored to what they were
period ifit fails its saving throw; also the damage taken daily before the onset of the disease, but he becomes a monster
until the disease is cured. Ability score damage is temporary with no face. The character loses his ability to see (and
unless otherwise noted. scent, if he has that ability), but gains blindsight with a
range of 60 feet. He loses the ability to speak, but gains the
ABLE 2-4: DISEASES Si lent Spell feat if a spellcaster. T he victim's alignment
Disease Infection DC Incubation Damage changes to neutral evil, and he becomes intent on killing
Acid fever Injury 18 1d3 days ld6 Str 2 all those who were his friends and family. When rhe
Blue guts Special 14 ld3 days ld4 Str
victim has hunted down everyone dear to him, he turns
Death song Contact 25 l day 1d8 Str, 1d8 Dex.
ld8 Con
his ire against all other living things. These changes are
Faceless hate 1 Injury 20 ld4 days 1d6 Str, permanent, and remove disease has no effect. A wish or mir-
ld6 Con 3 acle spell restores the character, but nothing else will. If
Festering anger 1 Special 22 Varies Special the victim dies and a remove disease spell is then cast on rhe
Fire taint Inhaled 18 l day ld6 Wis 2 corpse, a resurrect,011 or lrne resurrection spell restores the
Frigid ravaging Injury 18 1 day ld6 Con 2 character to life and to his original form. Raise dead won't
Iron corruption Injury 24 ld3 days ld4 Con
Life blindness Inhaled 21 1 day Special
Lightning curse Contact 18 1 day ld6 lnt 2 Festering Anger: Brought upon by long-term, inrense
Melting fury Contact 16 ld6 days ld4 Str, 1d4 Dex, fury and hatred, rbis disease mmifests as dark boils across
1d4 Con the skin. The incubation period-in this case, the amount of
Misery's passage Injury 15 Varies ld6 Str 3 time during which a ch aracter must be angry-varies, but it
Possession Contact 17 1 day ld6 Wis, usually takes at least a year for festering anger to erupt. Each
infection 1 ld8 Cha day after the onset of this malady, the character rakes 1d3
Sound sickness Contact 18 1d3 days 1d6 Dex 2 4
points of Constitution damage, bur she gains a cumulative
Soul rot Special 23 ld8 days ld6 Wis,
ld6 Cha +2 enhancement bonus to Strength.
Vile rigidity Contact 19 1 day Special Each day, the victim must succeed at an additional Will
Warp touch 1 Contact 20 Immediate Special saving throw (DC 22) or attack whatever has made him so
1 Successful saves do not allow the character to recover. Only magical
angry. The victim is obsessed with caking acrion against the
healing can save the character. focus of his anger, bur isn't completely heedless of danger. if
When damaged, character must succeed at another saving throw or
the focus of the victim's anger isn't readi ly available, the
l point of temporary damage is permanent drain instead.
3 The victim must makes three successful Fortitude saving throws to victim will instead attack allies, minions, or symbols thar
recover. remind him of the reason for his hare. For example, a farmer
4 With each failed saving throw, a second saving throw must be made. suffering from festering anger directed ar the king won't
If at any time the second save fails, the victim becomes permanently necessarily march toward the palace after failing a Will save.
deafened. He might instead attack the royal guards in rhe markerplace,
pick a fight with the local tax collector, or vandalize the
DISEASE DESCRIPTIONS king's statue in the city square.
Acid Fever: When a character rakes more than 30 points Fire Taint: When a character takes more than 30 poims of
of acid damage and is at the same time exposed to great evil fire damage and is at the same time exposed to great evil (as
(such as the presence of an evil outsider or a desecrated with acid fever, above), she risks contracring fire rainr. Her
area), sh e risks contracting acid fever. Festering boils cover flesh reddens and her insides seem ro bum. The victim
the victim's flesh, a11d the skin blackens and withers. vomits bile during rhe worst of the disease.
Blue Guts: This disease comes from eating the flesh of Frigid Ravaging: When a character tak es more than 30
particularly disgusting creatures such as otyughs, gibbering points of cold damage and is at the same time exposed to
mouthers, and gray oozes. It results in a bluish complexion, great evil (as with acid fever, above), she risks contracting
particularly around the creature's intestines (hence the frigid ravaging.
name). Many (bur not all) predatory magical beasts, aberra- Iron Corruption: This disease comes from prolonged
tions, and other creanires are immune to this disease, but no exposure to iron worked in conditions of exrreme toil and
humanoids are. misery. Iron corruption often spreads from a stab wound or
Deathsong: One of the worst diseases known, this terri- an arrowhead lodged in one's flesh for too long. The victin1 is
ble plague has laid waste to entire communities in less than gripped with terrible chills. Her ski11 rums a dull metallic
a week. Victims of deathsong can do nothing but shriek and hue.
howl as their bodies wither and blacken. Once the incuba- Life Blindness: The infecred victim loses all ability to
tion pe1iod expires, the progress of the disease is so fasr thar perceive living crearures, even planes. All such beings are
a victim can hear his skin crackle and his bones grow brinle treared as invisible, silent, and odorless. The loneliness and
and break. alienation eventually drive the victim to be completely anti-
social, suffering effects similar to the emotion (despnir) and Melting Fury: Caught by characters who handle undead
ernotio,1 U111te) spells. flesh, this disease is as horrific to watch as it is to contract.
Lightning Curse: When a character takes more than 30 The victim's flesh slowly liquefies and "melts" off his body
points of electricity damage and is at rhe same time exposed w1ri! he is dead.
to great evil (as with acid fever, above), she risks contracting Misery's Passage: .Brought upon by long-term, intense
lightning curse. As her blood vessels burst, the victim is cov- emotions of sadness and despair, this disease
ered in blue and black bruises. Her muscles ache and she manifests as dark boils. The incubation period
cannot think straight. varies just as for festering anger. In addition


d% Description/Effect 65-66 Arms become tentacles; character cannot hold objects, but
01- 10 Body turns to formless jelly; character dies. gains improved grab.
11-15 One arm becomes useless; 1d6 Str, Con, and Dex drain. 67- 68 Grow extra eye; +2 deformity bonus on Spot checks.
16-20 One leg becomes useless; 1d6 Str, Con, and Dex drain. 69-70 Legs grow more muscular; speed increases by+10 ft.
21-23 Eyes fall out; permanent blindness. 71-72 Head swells; +4 deformity bonus to Int.
24-28 Huge lump grows on head; ld6 In t and Wis drain. 73-74 Grow claws that deal 1d6 points of damage.
29-32 Fingers twist into tangles; ld8 Dex drain. 7S-76 Grow a very wide mouth; bite deals ld6 points of damage.
33- 36 Become very thin; 1d6 Strand Con drain. 77- 78 Grow snakelike arm; attacks of its own accord as Medium-
37-38 Mouth seals forever; cannot speak. size viper.
39---40 Legs become snake tails; speed reduced by half. 79-80 Grow horns; gore attack deals 2d4 points of damage.
41-42 Skin turns random color. 81- 82 Grow thick skin; +2 natural armor bonus.
43-44 Eyes turn random color. 83- 84 Grow scales; +3 natural armor bonus.
45-46 Hair turns random color. 8S- 86 Grow longer legs; +2 deformity bonus to Dex.
47-48 Tongue grows very long. 87-88 Arms grow freakishly muscular; +2 deformity bonus to Str.
49---50 Lose all hair. 89---90 Become freakishly stout; +2 deformity bonus to Con.
51- 52 Skin forms blotches of different colors. 91 Grow working wings; ny 30 ft. (clumsy).
53- 54 Body covered with tufts of hair. 92 Petrifying eyes; gain gaze attack as medusa.
55- 56 Grow vestigial wings. 93 Form oozing pustules; uncontrollable poison touch; Fort DC
S7-58 Grow extra, useless arm. 1S; initial damage l Int, secondary damage 1d6 Int.
59---60 Grow vestigial tail. 94 Form steaming pustules; uncontrollable stench in a S-foot
61- 62 Skin withers. radius centered on victim; make Fort save (DC 15) or t:ake - 2
63-64 Back curves, grows hump. morale penalty on attacks, saves, and checks for 10 rounds.
95- 100 Roll twice.
to the damage, the victim must succeed ar an additional Will bility are common). The creature is proficient with light,
saving throw (DC 15) every day or be treated as stunned for medium, and heavy armor as well as martial weapons.
that day. Even moving takes too great an effort. Creatures who return from the Calling often become
Possession Infection: This malady occurs only a.&er an leaders of their kind, ready to combat the forces of good
evil spirit, outsider, or other dominating force (including with their new weapons and abilities. This lends further cre-
the effect of dominate person cast by an evil caster) has pos- dence ro the idea that some evil force is preparing them for
sessed the victim. The victim slowly becomes despondent a larger conflict.
and lethargic, apparently mentally affected by the alien pres-
ence that was within her soul. DARK CHANT
Sotmd Sickness: When a character rakes more than 30 A few undead learn the secret of the dark chant from forbid-
points of sonic damage and is at the same time exposed to den scrolls and forgotten books. The dark chant is nor a
great evil (as with acid fever, above), he risks contracting spell, but a number of particularly foul necromantic words
sound sickness. Given ro fits of shouting, rhe victim of this and phrases strung together into a litany of evil power. If at
disease shows no visible illness, bur he staggers about, barely least two undead creatures intone the dark chant together,
able to keep ro h is feet. all undead within 100 feet (including tbe cha11ters) gain +1
Soul Rot : Crearures that eat the flesh of a11 evil outsider turn resistance for every 2 HD possessed by the chanters on
can contract this ho1Tible malady. Soul ror ears at rhe victim's average. For example, if a 7-HD vampire and an 11-HD lich
mind and soul until she dies a horrible, agonizing death full perfonn the dark chant together, the tum resistance bonus
of pain and misery. is +4 (7 HD and 11 HD averages out to 9 HD, which yields 4
Vile Rigid ity: This infection at first seems a boon. The after it's divided by 2 and rounded down).
victim's skin roughens, granting a +1 narural armor bonus ro Furrhermore, if incorporeal undead perform rhe dark
AC 24 hours after the infection starts. On rhe second day, chant together, the words and phrases take on exrradimen·
this becomes a +2 bonus. On the third day, the natural armor sional energy, adding +l turn resistance to the final result.
bonus improves to +3, but rhe victim rakes a -2 penalty to So if two 7-HD spectres intone the dark chan t, the turn
Dexterity. Each day thereafter, the victim's skin becomes resistance bonus is +4 (7 + 2 = 3; 3 + 1 = 4).
thicker and thicker, adding a cumulative +1 natura l armor Undead with no Intelligence scores cannot use the dark
bonus and a - 2 penalry co Dexterity. This lasts until the chanr. Intoning the dark chant is a supernatural ability.
victim's Dexterity reaches 0, indicating rhar his ever-thick- Some surmise th at the dark chant has power because it is
ening flesh has entrapped him. Ar this point, the victim dies actually uses some words from the Dark Speech (see below),
ofsuffocation. although the words and phrases may be bastardized, barely·
Warp Touch: One of the worst effects of raw chaos and understood, and mispronounced.
dissolution, the malady known as warp touch has a random
set of effects rhat manifest immediately. Once it takes hold, DARK SPEECH
no more saving throws are needed: The malady gets neither There exists a language so dire, so inherently full of spire,
better nor worse. A remove disease accomplishes nothing. malice, corruption, and hatred that it is simply called rhe
When a character falls victim ro this disease, roll on the pre- Dark Speech. This is the secret language of evil gods, so foul
vious table. and so potent that even demons and devils refrain from its
use, lest it consun1e them.
Nor surp1isingly, very few mortals know even a few words
OTHER ASPECTS OF EVU of the Dark Speech. But those who do a re wise ro never
underestimate the power of words. The safest way to use the
The following e lements of evil lore can be used as plor
hooks, new game mechanics to further depict evil, or some Dark Speech is through spells such as drend word (see Chap-
ofborh. ter 6). Most characters must take the Dark Speech fear to
begin to learn the Dark Speech language.
THE CALUNG The Dark Speech is extremely difficult co master. A
Once every few years, a creature of pure evil-a medusa, special fear is required ro speak even a su1gle word of ir
troll, lamia, or similar being-feels something loremasrers correctly, for mortal tongues were nor designed to litter
have named the Calling. When this occurs, the creature these words of pure evil. Some evil outsiders know smat-
leaves its lair, following a solitary magical compulsion. No terings (or more) of the Dark Speech and need no feat to
one knows exactly where the creature goes, bur a good guess master it.
is thar iris taken away by a powerful fiend or some minor To actually communicate by means of the Dark Speech-
evil god. It can be gone for as long as several months. that is, for a knowledgeable speaker to convey some infor-
When a creacure returns home after it has heard rhe Call- mation to a ki,owledgeable listener-the speaker must rake
ing, it has the ability to use spell completion magic irems great care, or both listener and speaker will be harmed.
even if iris nor a spellcaster, and iris armed with some terri- There are no words in the Dark Speech for good concepts
ble item of evil (a wnnd of unholy blight or a wand of darkbolt, such as kindness, mercy, ru1d purity. However, evil charac-
for example). The creature has had some spell cast upon it ters can speak of misery, anguish, hare, and betrayal with an
that was then made permanenr (demon wings and see inv,si• accuracy impossible in any other tongue.
The Dark Speech bas no written form. It cannot be Speech is not draining to the speaker. It cannot be used
rransliterated into another la11guage's written form without more than once on a single object.
losing aU of its meaning and power. Dark Unity: The words of the Dark Speech can create a
Besides communicating in the language of evil itself, hivemind. Up to one hundred vermin or animals (none of
there are four ways thar a speaker can use the Dark Speech. which can have more than 1 HD) form an evil hivemind, as
Dread: The words spoken cause fear, loathing, and dread described in the Hivemind section below. The united con-
in aU who hear chem. Speaking words ofdread is draining ro sciousness of the creatures will cake one command from rhe
the speaker, dealing td4 points of Charisma damage each Dark Speech speaker, as if from the rnggesNon spell. Pulling
round the Dark Speech is spoken. When dread words of the creatures under the sway of evil is draining to the speaker,
Dark Speech are uttered, all within 30 feet of the speaker dealing td4 points of Constitution damage each time words
must make a WiU saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 speaker's level of dark unity are uttered.
+ speaker's Cha modifier). Listeners who know the Dark
Speech by possessing the Dark Speech fear gain a +4 cir- SOU LS AS POWER
cumstance bonus on this saving throw. If a listener fails its Souls are the incarnate manifestation oflife energy. As such ,
saving thrnw, it suffers the following effects, depending on they contain a vast amount of power. Their power is so great,
its Hit Dice or level and alignment: in fact, that they serve as currency on the Lower Planes (see
Levels 1-4, Nonevtl: Characters are shaken by the inroned Chapter 7). Night h ags or fiends gather evil souls in the
Dark Speech, and they flee from the source of their fear as form of larvae, then sell or trade them for goods, services, or
quickly as they can, although they can choose the path of simply as tribute ro more powerful entities. Huge infernal
their flight. Other than that sripularion, once our of sight 1 machines and demonic devices are powered by souls in
and hearing of the source of their fear, characters can act as / those dark realms (see Diabolic Engi n es and Demonic
they wanr. Characters unable to flee can fight (though t/ hey2 Devices in Chaprer 6).
are still shaken for 1d10 rounds). .' Souls can be used as spell components (see Chapter
Levels 5-10, No11evrl: Characters are shaken, raking a 3), and they can also replace experience point expendi-
-2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks tures when creating magic items. Each soul is the
for 1d10 rounds. equivalenr of 10 experience points needed to create an
Levels 11+, No11evil: Characters are fil led with item. When the creator finishes making the magic
loathing for the speaker and must arrack him on their item, it is tainted with lasting evil as described in Lin-
next action. gering Effects of Evil, later in this chapter. Magic item
Levels 1-4, Evil: Characters cower and are frozen in creators can use souls in conjunction with dark craft
fear. They lose their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) and experience points and dark craft gold pieces.
can rake no actions for 1d10 rounds. Foes gain a +2 To use a soul in any way, it must be properly pre-
bonus to hit cowering characters. pared and stored. The best way to do this is in a
Levels 5- 10, Evil: Characters are mastered by the proper receptacle, such as the gem involved in a soul
Dark Speech, acting as if charmed (as described in the bi11d or tmp tl·1e soul spell, or the storage object used
drnrm perso11 spell) for td10 minutes. in an imprison soul spell. The dark altni' sto,w magic
Levels 11+, Evil: Characters are impressed, reacting to item is also useful in this regard. Subdued or cap-
the speaker with more respect and wariness. This adds a +2 rured larvae, or ocher extraplanar spirits of the dead (of1en
competence bonus on subsequent attempts to change rheir called petitioners), can serve as souls if properly prepared.
attitude (see NPC Attitudes in Chapter 5 of the DuNGt:ON Even incorporeal undead can be used in this way if they can
MASTCR's Guide). be imprisoned somehow.
Power: The words of the Dark Speech help energize evil Using a soul in any way other tha n simply transferring it
magic items and spells. Again, this is draining to rhe as barter consumes it completely, des troying it forever.
speaker, dealing 1d4 points of Charisma damage each rime Destroyi11g a soul is an evil act of the blackest sorr, even if
the words of power are utrered. lf used in conjunction with the soul was evil itself
an evil spell that has a verbal component, the Dark Speech
increases the spell's effective caster level by +1. If used PAIN AS POWER
when creating an evil magic irem, the Dark Speech Some spells and magic items (such as the liquid pain spell
increases the item's caster level by +1 without increasing and rhe pai11 extractor wondrous item) allow pai11 to be stored
the cost. in special receptacles. The distilled pain, ofren called agony,
Both caster level increases are considered profane is a thick liquid.
bonuses. Ir is likely that the Dark Speech is a requirement Evil spellcasrers can use liquid pain in magic item cre-
for many evil artifacts. ation. Each dose is the equivalent of 3 experience points
Corruption: The words of the Dark Speech, whispered needed co create the item. Liquid pain can be used in con-
softly, can weaken physical objects. As a full-round action, junction with dark craft experience points and souls used
the speaker can whisper vile words of corruption and for experience poinrs.
destruction at an inanimate object such as a door or wall, A dose of pain can also be used as a special evil spell com-
reducing irs hardness by half This minor use of the Dark ponent (see Chapter 3). Some infernal magic items are pow-
ered by pain (see Diabolic Engines and Demonic Devices in mind have no need for somatic or material componenrs, and
Chapter 6). their squeaks, screeches, or clicks serve as verbal compo-
It takes a full day to distill a dose of liquid pain with the nents.
liquid pain spell or a pain extractor. A victim cannot endure- When creacures in a hivemind attack, they all gain a +l
or produce, to pm it another way-more extractions of pain insighr bonus on their anack rolls and a +l insight bonus to
than it has points of Constirution. their Armor Class. Each creature knows the actions of every
ocher member of che hivernind. The entire hivemind is
aware of what every individual is experiencing.
As a side effect ofsome evil spiritual presence or dark bless- When running a hivernind encounter, play the hive-
ing, vermin and certain animals can take on a sort of evil mind as a single crearure as much as possible. It can be
consciousness shared among a large group, though each tedious ro fight numerous creatures, so assume that
individual membe r retains little or no intellect. When a weapon blows affect the bivemind as a whole. For example,
hivemind forms, each individual creature becomes just a if a fighter hits a swarm of bivemind rats for 9 points of
tiny part of a much larger, much greater intelligence. But damage, and each rat has 1 hp, assume that he killed nine
even rhe most craven sages do not understand how or why rats. If he was fighting a swarm of Small vipers with 4 hp
hiveminds develop. each, he killed two of them.
If at least 50 vermin or animals of the same species are A hivemind's Challenge Rating is grearer rhan the Chal-
arranged so thar no one individual is more than 10 feet lenge Rating of one of the individual creatures. If the CR of
from another individual, the hivemind may come into an individual creature is less than 1/2, the CR of the hive-
effect. All the creatures operate with an Intelligence of 5, mind is 1/ 2. If the creature has a CR of 1/2, the hivemind's
even if they previously bad no Intelligence score (as with CR is 1. lf rhe creature has a CR of l or higher, the hive-
vermin). The creatures' Intelligence score increases by +1 mind's CR is 1 greater than char of the creature.
for every additional 20 individuals (beyond the first 50) in
the hivemind, up to an Intelligence of 10 for a hivemind of VI LE DAMAGE
150 creatures. Beyond the 150-creature th reshold, Intelli- Vile damage, like regular damage, results in the loss of hir
gence increases by +1 for every 50 additional individuals. points or ability score points. Unlike regular damage, vile
Thus, a swarm of 500 rats would have a hivemind Intelli- damage can only be healed by magic casr within the area of
gence of 17. For every point of Intelligence bonus pos- a consecrate or halloiv spell. Vile damage represents such an
sessed by the hivemind, award each individual creature one evil violation to a ch aracter's body or soul that only in a holy
feat and 1 skill point per Hit Die. Intelligence-based skill place can heali11g magic repair the damage.
bonuses increase accordiJ1gly. So the 500 rats in the swarm
(Int 17, +3 bonus) would each have 3 exrra skill points and EVIL WEATHER
three feats. In this case, they gain a +3 bonus on Hide As a plague senr by an evil god or the byproduct of a greater
checks and the feats Alertness, Skill Focus (Move Silently), evil, various manifestations of evil weather can threaten the
and Weapon Focus (bite). weU-being of vast areas and huge numbers of people. Like
The increase to Intelligence gained for every creature in mundane weather, evil weather is unpredictable, and ir
the hivemind over 50 also applies to Charisma. So, a hive- rarely appears the same way twice.
mind of 500 rats (normal Charisma score 2) has a Charisma Violet Rain: Always accompanied by a terrible thunder-
score of 14. storm filled with lightning, violet rain brings portents of
If the hivemind attains a Charisma score of 18 or higher, great evil. Once violet rain begins to fall, all connection
it gains the ability to cast spells as a sorcerer. For every poiJ1t with divine agencies is severed for 24 hours. Divine speU-
ofCharisma over 17, the hive mind has one level of sorcerer. casters have no access to spells, divine spell effects are sup-
A hivemind of 1,000 rats has a Charisma of 22, so it would pressed, and divinely infused magic items cease to func-
cast spells as a 5th-level sorcerer, for exam- tion. When violet rain comes, leaders of temples often hire
p le. The hivemind bas six canrrips, eight extra help to safeguard rhe temple while they are bereft of
1st-level spells, and six 2nd-level spells magic. Because violet raiJ1 is so disruptive, religious leaders
each day. Any single crearure sometimes use divinations and prophecies to gain as much
can cast one of the bivemind's warning as they can.
spells, but those spell slots A typical violet rainstorm covers 1dtox200 square miles.
are then lost to other crea- Green Fog: Clouds of dark greenish mist roll across the
tures iJ1 the hivemind. countryside. The fog perverts any living thing it touches,
Creatures in a hive- rwisting and mutating flesh. Any creature touched by rhe
mist must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17) or
become polymorphed into a random creature
(use rhe reincarnate spell to determine which
crearure, or select a creature from a relevant
wilderness encounter list in Chapter 4 of rbe DuN-
GEON MASTER'S Guide). The fog usually encompasses an area of • A gruesome, bloodthirsty murder.
td3 square miles, lasts for 10d6 minutes, and moves at a • The proclamation of a foul edict, such as one char man-
speed of 30 feer. dates rhe murder of infants to keep a new king from being
Plague of Nettles: Tiny organic thorns fall from che sky. born.
Those caught in this brief rainfall rake td2 points of damage • A single sacrifice to an evil god or fiend.
each round, unless they can gee under some sort of shelter. • The animation of dozens of undead creatures.
The nettles char strike soil burrow into rhe ground and • Abuse, starvation, and mistrearmenr ofcaptives.
sprout thick, choking weeds char kiU whole crops in a few • CastiJ1g a permanent or long-lasting spell with the evil
minutes. A plague of nettles is violent enough to rear up and descriptor.
choke a forest in just a day. One week after rhe nenles fall,
the area is thick with animate, dangerous plants such as A bad feeling shows irs effects in rhe following ways.
assassin vines, renddculoses, and shambling mounds. This Creatures: People can have nightmares a&er e>.l)OSure co
malevolent rainfall spreads across 3d6 square miles and lases this degree of evil, bur 1-here are usually no lasting physical
for 3d6 rounds. effects. Certain rypes of undead can rise after even a single
Rain of Blood : This horrible event can occur as part of a act of wrongdoing. The spectre of a murder victim might
regular thunderstorm or all on its own. Blood pours down in linger where he was slaiJ1, for example.
thick drops for 2d10 minutes, coating everything in a dark Locations: Being the site of a grisly murder or sacrifice
red, sticky mess. Any living, nonevil creature in the area of a gives an area a feeling of slight wrongness. Sometimes,
rain of blood must succeed at a Will save (DC 20) or rake a undead or evil outsiders in such a place gain rhe effect of a
-1 morale penalty on attack and damage rolls, checks, and bless spell.
saves for 24 hours. Corporeal undead gain a +1 morale bonus Object s: This degree of evil usually has no effect on
on attack and damage rolls, checks, and saves for 24 hours if objects.
they are in rhe area of rhe rain. A rain of blood covers 5d6 Detect Evil: Usually, detect. ev,I. does nor register an aura of
square miles. evil associated with creatures, locations, or objects exposed
Rain of Frogs or Fish : This preternatural rain causes to this degree of evil, but people can some rimes sense a cold
1d3 points of damage per round to anyone nor under shel- chill in tainted locations.
ter. The thousands of animals rhar fall from rhe sky usualJy
die from the impact, bur 1 in 20 lives ro hop or flop about at A LASTING EVlL
least briefly, adding a further alien strangeness to the event. Evil events so great chat they last for a long rime are few and
The rain lases 2d6 rounds and covers an area of 2d6 square far between. This degree of evil requires rrue malice and
miles. intentionally committed foul deeds. Some events of lasting
evil include the following.
• Building an evil temple.
LINGERING EFFECTS OF EVU • Multiple sacrifices to an evil god or fiend.
Grear acts of evil and towering amounts of sin take a huge • Summoning multiple fiends.
roll on the people involved, and the evil ofren lingers in • Committing a mass murder or storing rhe grisly trophies
the location where it manifested. Worse, rhe echoes of of such a crime.
evil remain even when rhe evil itself is gone. Powerful • Multiple possessions of innocents.
evil can change a crearure's body and soul, and acts of foul • The long-term presence of a lich, nightshade, or ocher
malevolence can mar a location or an important object powerful undead.
forever. • The long-term presence of an evil outsider on che Mater-
The lingering effects of evil are based loosely on che level ial Plane.
of evil involved. Creatures, locations, and objects can be
marked with one offour degrees of evil: a bad feeling, a las r- A lasting evil shows its effects in the following ways.
ing evil, a grear and powerful malevolence, or darkness like Creatu r es: People exposed co chis degree of evil may
rhe world has never seen before. have nightmares, neuroses, or more serious psychological
A BAD FEELI NG Location s: Tbe site of a horrible evil event almost always
Even a short ace of violence or a minor act of evil can have has lasting effects. These effects might include the following.
lingering effects after the event has passed. This type of evil • An unnaniraJ chill rbroughout the area.
can mentally scar a person who experiences or watches a • The absence of plant life.
horrible event. It can leave a sinister mark in a location • The place is full of unnerving sounds: moans, whispers,
where some act of evil once occu1Ted. These events can also and the occasional disembodied scream.
cause undead to rise of rheir own volition: A ghost might • A cold wind blows all rhe time.
haunt the place of its murder, or a mohrg could linger in the Objects: An object exposed to this degree of evil might
spot where it was wronged. Acts that can cause this degree display one or more of the following changes.
of lingering evil include the following. • Object becomes darker or paler in color.
• Object becomes warped in shape. • Object carries an infection (cl1oose a disease at random).
• Object becomes u1maturally cold. Detect Evil: Detect evil always indicates an evil aura sur-
• Object becomes possessed by outsiders. rounding a location where an event of this degree of evil
Detect Evil: Detecl evil registers a faint evil aura surrounding occurred or an object was exposed to it. Creatures involved
a location or object involved in the event. Creatures might have a slight evil aura clinging ro them for 1d1ox10
involved do not gain an evil aura, but they may have had one hours afterward.
Only a few events involving this degree of evil exist in an Generally unique in all the world, such an event scars the
entire world, unless your campaign world is a particularly nature of reality. Such a scar will probably never heal. The
evil place. These are events of true and terrible evil, which worst of all fell events might include the following.
include the followi11g. • An ace of genocide.
• Building a portal ro the Lower Planes. • The birch of an evil god.
• Bringing powerful fiends roan evil temple on the Mater- • The murder of a god, demigod, or legendary hero of Light.
ial Plane.
• Committing daily multiple sacrifices over hundreds of Darkness like the world has never seen before shows irs
years at an evil temple or altar. effects in the foJlowing ways.
• The presence of an evil god walking the Material Plane. Cre atures: Severe psychological trauma and physical
changes are likely in rhe wake of such powerful evil. Pos-
A great and powerful malevolence shows its effects in the sible changes include the following.
followi11g ways. • Creature has a faint greenish glow.
Creatures: .Besides suffering • Creature is sickened.
psychological trauma, creatures • Creature rakes a - 2 inherent penalty to one ability score.
ex-posed to this degree of evil • Creature's touch causes minor pain, dealing 1 point of
can be changed physically. Depend- damage.
ing on the circumstances, a crearure • Animals avoid the presence of the creature if possible.
may gain the fiendish or half-fiend • Creature gains Evil Brand as a bonus fear, whether desired
template. Other physica l or not.
changes don't involve • Creature is horribly mutated physically, gaining Willing
templates, but are Deformity as a bonus fear.
srill dramatic. • Creature's blood becomes acidic; iris immune to damage
They include from its own blood.
the fo llowing. • Creature's body breaks out in boils chat ooze poison.
• Creature gains the corrupted remplate (see Chapter 8).
• Crearure's hair rums white. Location s : The site of an evil this horrific is forever
• Crearure's 0esh turns pale. marred. Such a vortex ofevil might demonstrate some of rhe
• Crearure's Elesh becomes unnatu rally cold. following properties.
• Crearure's eyes turn black or red. • An ur1hnllow spell spreads throughout the area. Dis-
• Creature takes on a foul odor. pelling the unhallow effect only suppresses it for td4
• Neutral creatures become evil. roLU1ds.
• Crearures are possessed. • A befoul o, despoil spell spreads throughout the area.
Location s: An evil event of rhis magnirude always leaves • The landscape changes significantly, often forming a
a mark on the landscape, which might manifest in one or huge rife or crater or draining a large body of water.
more of the following ways. • Weather patterns change forever; ovei-casr skies, cold
• Evil weather develops. winds, and rain dominate.
• Natural healing becomes impossible in the area. Object s: An object exposed to such evil may have one of
• Good-aligned area spells such as ha/low, consecmte, and the following taints.
magic crrde against evil are impossible to cast in rhe location. • Touching the object causes pain, dealing 1 point of
Objects: An object exposed ro such evil might experience damage.
the following changes. • Object becomes an evil artifact.
• Object takes on a faint greenish glow. Detect Evil: Detect evil always indicates a strong evil aura
• Object has a foul odor. surrounding a place where a dread event happened or an
• Object has strange images burned into or somehow object was exposed to ir. Creatures involved have a slight
appearing on its surface: leering demons, ghosdy faces, or evil aura clinging to them for 1d10x10 days afterward.
other symbols of evil.
• Object's structure weakens, with hardJ1ess and hir points
reduced by 1.

he equipment described in this chapter. is usually restrained in a stationary torture device. A vi.ctim in·
found in the possession of evil characters. The Dun- such a device can attempt to make an Escape Artist
geon Master may want to limit how much of it, if any, is check every round against the DC associated with
available on the open market. Item6 purchased on the the device (see Table 3-l: Torture Devices, on the
black market may have inflated prices, twi.ce or even following page). A pinned creature can attempi to
three times the prices given here. Those inflated black break a grapple. However, the torturer is generally
marker prices reflect the scarcity of the items; this equip- watching while the victim is being restrained in a
rriem i~ too evil co be found in common markets. stationary cortllre device or being.gpt,ppled lby a
third party. If the victim attempts an Escape Artist
check or a grapple check in the knowing presence
TORTURE DEVICES of the torturer, whether or not the check suc-
All manner of devices exist for inflicting pain. Each of the ceeds the torturer ca·n hit the creature with a
rorrure devices described in rhjs section provides a circum- coup de grace.
stance bonus char is added to the Intimidate check made by Once the victim is secure, the torrurer can
a torcurer against a victim-the more effective the device, attempt one use of a torture device against a
the greater the modifier. secured victim (such as thumbscrews on a maid
A torturer seeks to learn something from the victim tied to a chair) in a certain time frame (0)1Ce per
through the application of pain, though sometimes rom1r- round unless od1erwise noted). Each device has
ers inflict pain for pain's own sake. The sick thrill felt by a an associated circumstance bonus that is
totrurer as she clips the end off one of her victim's fingers, applied co the torturer's Intimidate check when
and rhe visceral charge the torturer feels as she pushes a the torturer attempts to pry desired informa-
red-hot brand all the way through her dienr's cheek, are tion from the victim. The Intimidate check DC
intangible drugs favored by the depraved. is 10 + the victim's level or HD.
Of course, a victim can choose to reveal the
RULES OF TORTURE information before torture is applied. Merely
The torturer's victim muse first be secured, either by rhrearening to use a torture device against a
being tied in place, pinned in a grapple, or successfully victim can' be effective: It the torturer sue-
ceeds on a Bluff check opposed by rhe victim's Sense Motive DEVICE DESCRl PTlONS
check, the torturer can use half of rhe device's circumstance Additional sinister devices and other forms of torture exist
bonus on her subsequent Intimidate check. beyond those presented here. Use the devices described
When using a torture device, a torturer can attempt mul- below as a guide ro determine the game effects of other
tiple Intimidate checks ro attempt to gain the same infor- forms of torture.
mation, unlike rhe standard use of the Intimidate skill. A Branding Iron/ Poker : Heated in hot coals, rhis iron rod
successful Intimidate check indicates the victim yields up is used to create painful but nonfatal burns. T he burn deals
the requisite information. 1d3 points of damage and allows one Intimidate check.
A victim can attempt to mislead a torturer, pretending Dagger: Any weapon could be used as a device of rorrn re,
ro give up rhe real information in hopes the rorrurer will though traditional weapons do their jobs roo well- the risk
end the pain. The victim's Bluff check is opposed by the of killing rhe victim too quickly becomes a concern. If a
torturer's Sense Motive check if rhe victim lies or mis- dagger is used as a torture device, each use deals 2d4 points
leads the torturer during the interrogation. Because the of damage and allows one Intimidate check
torturer is convinced of her methods-char pain reveals .Ho t Lead: The rornirer melts lead, then pours it on the
truth, and that torture can't be wirhstood-the torturer is victim's skin. Often the palm, the arm, or the belly is the
more likely to believe even the most outlandish lie. The target, but sometimes torturers drip lead on the eyelids or
torturer takes a - 3 circumstance penalty on Sense Morive other delicate tissues. Each use deals 1d3 points of damage
checks to see through the bluffs of chose she torrures. and allows one Intimidate check.
Even vict ims who don't really know the information Iron Maiden: This coffin-shaped iron box is laden with
sought by the torturer can be compelled to lie to make the spikes on the interior surfaces. Anyone placed inside is
hurt go away. pierced dozens of rimes, and any movement causes more
The tendency of victims to say anything to srop the pafo pain. The iron maiden has several settings that determine
makes torture impractical in some cases. But even when a how tightly rhe two sides come together when the device is
torturer feels as if she's e>..'tracted the truth, she may con- closed. At the low setting, anyone inside takes 1 point of
tinue the torture anyway. damage per round. The moderate setting deals 5 points of
If a victim is brought to Ohit points or lower through the damage, the severe setting deals 10 points of damage, and
use of torture equipment, then later healed, the subse- rhe tem1inal setting deals 50 points of damage each round.
quent use of a torture device against th at victim doubles Once rhe iron maiden is closed to any setting, the torrnrer
the device's circumstance bonus on the torturer's Intimi- can make an Intimidate check every round.
date checks. This doubling only occurs in the second and Jaw Breaker: This wood an d metal device is Like a reverse
subsequent torture sessions. thumbscrew. The torturer inserts rhe jaw breaker into the
Torture Devices 11s Wenpo11s: Nonsta tionary items such as victim's mouth, then t urns a small wheel. As the wheel
pokers and scalpels make poor melee weapons. In melee, turns, two opposing plates force the victim's mouth wider
rorrure devices deal half the damage given in Table 3- 1, if and wider, breaking teeth and eventually rhe jawbone. The
the device can be used in melee at all. For example, a jaw breaker can also be used on the victim in other places.
Medium-size torturer couldn't pick up and use an iron Each use deals 2d4 points of damage and allows one Intimi-
maiden as a weapon. date check. The jaw breaker must generally be removed for
Masterwork Devices: Masterwork torture devices can be the victim co speak coherently.
made, but do nor provide higher circumstance bonuses. They Needl e: Large needles or nails can be inserted into rhe
simply exhibit finer craftsmanship and cost twice as much. flesh of the victim in p laces that maximize pain and mini-


Circumstance Escape
Device Bonus DC Damage Cost Weight
Branding iron/poker +3 1d3 2 gp 4 lb.
Dagger +4 2d4 2 gp 1 lb.
Hot lead +3 1d3 1 sp 1 lb.
Iron maiden 27 200 gp 250 lb.
Low setting +6
Moderate setting +8 5
Severe setting +10 10
Terminal setting +12 50
Jaw breaker +4 2d4 lOgp l lb.
Needle +2 1 1 sp
Pillory +2 20 l d6 50 gp 50 lb.
Rack +5 22 1 150 gp 200 lb.
Scalpel/flenser +4 1d6 4 gp
Thumbscrew +3 1d2 1 gp 1 lb.
Tied down +O * 1 sp 1 lb.
*The Use Rope check of the torturer sets 1he DC for the victim's Escape Artist check.
mize real damage. Each needle deals 1 point ofdamage. Usu- ary execution device. If restrained in an execution device,
ally, three or four of rhese are used on a vicrim per Intimi- the condemned can arrempt to make a Escape Artist check
date check. every round against the DC nored in Table 3~2, unless mag-
Pillory: This wooden device, consisting of a frame with ically held or otherwise helpless. If grappled, the con-
holes for rhe victim's head and hands, is not a rorrure device demned can attempt ro break the grapple normalJy.
in and of itself. A pillory is designed to confine and restrain Once rhe victim is secure, the executioner can arre.mpt
a victim. When the pillory is located in a public place, rhe rhe chosen method of execution. The executioner makes a
the torturer, her minions, and even passing strangers can Profession (executioner) check against the DC given for the
taunt, assault, and further hwniliate the victim. Those who device on Table 3-2. If the check is successful, the con-
linger near rhe pillory commit acts ranging from simple demned is slain according to the namre of the device. If the
degradation of the victim ro ourright physical harm. Each 8 executioner fails, the execution is botched, and rhe execu-
hours of confinement typically deals td6 points of damage tioner can make another check the following round.
and allows one Intimidate check. Botched attempts deal rhe damage noted for the device, so
Rack: A long, table-shaped device, the rack is equipped the condemned may be ki lied even if the executioner
with chains and winches hooked up to manacles. As a crank botches the attempt. Pridefu l executioners-which
is turned, rhe rack stretches the victim's arms and legs. Each includes most of them- rake it as a personal point of dis-
30 minutes spent on the rack deals 1 point of damage and honor if they kill the condemned on a botched execution.
allows one Inrimidare check. Execut,on Devices as Weapons: Some execution devices, such
Scalpel/Flenser: A finely crafred knife with a short, as headsman's axes, make adequate rnelee weapons. In
sharp blade, the scalpel is used by surgeons to cut away dis- melee, such an item deals normal damage for an item of i.ts
eased flesh. When used by a torturer, the scalpel pares kind (such as a greataxe) and cannot kill instantly. Most
lengths of skin away, then removes a digit or an earlobe. other devices of execution cannot be used in melee.
Each use of a scalpel deals id6 points of damage and allows Masterwor/1 Devices: Masterwork execution devices pro-
one Intimidate check. Flensers are similar knives used to vide a +1 circumstance bonus on the executioner's Profes-
remove the skin from a body. sion (executioner) check. They cost rwice as much as the
Thumb Screws: This small wood and metal device slowly versions given in Table 3-2.
crushes the thumb or finger of a victim. It causes a lot of
pain, bur deals only 1d2 points of damage per use. Each time EXECUTION DEVICES
rhe thumbscrews righten, the torrnrer can make another Hundreds, if not thousands, of execution methods are pos-
Inrimidate check. sible beyond those described here. Table 3-2 iden tifies
Tied Down: Anything used to tie down a victim is not a common techniques from which more exotic forms of exe-
torture device. But if the victim sees many anciJlary and/or cution can be extrapolated.
stationary torture devices nearby (as in a typical torture
chamber), the torturer can make an immediate Intimidate TAB LE 3- 2: E XECUTI O N D EV ICES
check using half of the circumstance bonus for the item in Execution Escape Botched
question. Device DC DC Damage Cost Weight
Crucifixion cross 15 28 1 gp 50 lb.
Draw and quarter 18 25 5d6 3 sp l lb.
1 lb.
Headsman's axe
3 sp
20 gp 20 lb.
Execution of prisoners, far from light and hope of rescue, is de grace
something all creatures fear when venturing into realms *Crucified characters lose 10% of their total hit points each hour.
where vengeance or brute malice holds sway. Despicable ....,.The Use Rope check of the executioner sets the Difficulty Class.
overlords and despotic states alike enjoy particularly cruel
forms of execution, deriding even rhe idea of lesser penal- Crucifixion Cross: This device consists of two lengths
ties. And even an otherwise enlightened society may find of wood or mher strong material, plus several naiJs. The exe-
char vengeance is more important to ir than reformation of cutioner affixes the condemned to the structure by driving
the convicted. And so the executioner's profession never nails through the wrists and the arch of each foot. When
lacks for work. affixed, the condemned is considered crucified. On a suc-
The executioner seeks death for the condemned with a cessful Profession (executioner) check, excrnciating pain
swift stroke. Sometimes, death by torture is the command slowly kills the condemned over the next several hours: She
given to the executioner, but in such a case he will often loses a number of hit points equal to LO% of her full normal
remand the client to a torturer to carry our rhe sentence. roral hit points each hour. .If the executioner botches the
However, many execution devices are also extraordinarily crucifixion, the condemned is not securely fashioned to the
painful for those destined to feel their cruel, final embrace. cross and gains a +10 bonus on Escape Artist checks. She
still loses 10% of her total hit points each hour she remains
RULES Of EXECUTION on the cross.
The condemned musr first be secured by being tied in place, Draw and Quarter: First, the executioner forcefully
pinned in a grapple, or successfully restrained in a station- affixes a specially prepared cord to some vital incemal
organs of the client, usually the intestines; this procedure of this rype trap into any weapon, tool, or similar object. CR
deals 3d4 points of damage. Once the cord is affixed, the exe- 2; t point of damage plus Medium-size scorpion poison; Fort
cutioner either draws the cord himself, or arraches the other save (DC LS); Search (DC 30); Disable Device (DC 20).
end ro a horse that subsequently gallops away. The cord M11rl1el Price: 225 gp, including one dose of poison.
draws taut, pulling rhe intestines from the torso of the con- •/'Plate Armor Locking Trap : If the user doesn't undo par-
demned. On a successful Profession (executioner) check, ticular larches and derach some inconspicuous wires, this
the condemned dies instantly. On a botched anempt, the suit of armor becomes very difficult to move in; rhe various
cord comes loose prior to disembowelment, bur rhe con- pieces lock together at one or more of the joints. This trap
demned still takes 5d6 points of additional damage. works with plate armor, half-plate, banded mail, or scale
Hanging Rop e: A rope used for this purpose bas usually mail. CR I; no damage, wearer rakes - 12 armor check
been boiled and stretched beforehand to ehminate further penalty on appropriate checks; Search (DC 30); Disable
stretching and coiling. The knot is lubricated with wax to Device (DC 20). Mnrket Prier: 100 gp.
ensure a smooth slide as it tightens around the neck of the •/'Detach ing Axe Blad e: Unless two special larches are
condemned. The noose is placed so that the knot is behind secured, the head of this battleaxe £lies off during the first
the left ear of the condemned; then a trapdoor opens below arrack made with ir. This trap could be placed on virtually
or a stool is knocked away and the condemned plummets. any weapon. CR I ; no damage, weapon unusable; Search
On a successful Profession (executioner) check, the con- (DC 30); Disable Device (DC 20). Market Pnce: 40 gp.
demned dies instantly. If the execution is botched, the con- -("Poison Gas Sp r ay in Coin Purse: If opened without
demned is not killed by rhe fall but instead slowly strangles, rurning a knob hidden in the larch, poison gas sprays out in
raking 1d3 points of damage per round. a cloud around the purse, affecting only the opener. A simi-
Headsm an's Axe: When specially sharpened and held lar trap would work with any sorr of bag or pouch, or even
with the proper technique, a grearaxe (or a greatsword) can within armor or a weapon hilt. CR 3; ishentav poison; Fon
serve the executioner as the instrument of execution. The save ( DC 15); Search (DC 30); Disable Device (DC 20).
condemned is restrained, with rhe neck vulnerable to the Markel Price: 625 gp, including one dose of poison.
strike readied by rhe executioner. On a successful Profes- -/~Alch emist's Fire Sp ray in Breastplate: Unless the user
sion (executioner) check, the condemned dies insranrly. 1f dons rhis breastplate very carefully, a special glass container
the executioner fails the attempt, the headsman's axe deliv- shatters, spraying alchemist's fire on the character. Once the
ers a coup de grace against the condemned (automatic criti- wearer srraps on the armor, however, a pressure-sensitive
cal hie, and rhe condemned must succeed on a Fortitude lever secures the glass vial in a padded sheath char renders
save or die). The coup de grace simply completes the execu- the vial unbreakable, until the armor is taken off. Plate
tioner's rask more messily. armor and half-plate could accept a similar mechanism. CR
L; 2d6 points of damage; Reflex save (DC 20) half; Search
(DC 30); Disable Device (DC 20). Market Price: 110 gp.
ARMOR/EOl HPMENT TRAPS -("Fire Trap on Potio n Vial: Opening the vial's stopper
Vindictive or paranoid creatures sometimes trap their sprays fire at irs possessor tmless specifically attuned to it
equipment so char a trap activates if someone else attempts (see the fire tmJ> spell in the Player's Handbook) when rhe stop-
to use rheir gear. Perhaps the most common trap of this type per was made. Neither the vial nor the potion takes damage
is a contact poison spread across the surface of the item-a from the fire. Similar traps could be placed on any gear rhar
poison to which the owner is immune. opens and closes. CR 2; 5-ft.-radius burst of fire (1d4+3
Even more devious are tiny, spring-loaded needles and points of damage); Reflex save (DC 13) half; Search (DC 27);
pop-up clamps, again coated with poison. Such a trap deals Disable Device (DC 27). Market Price: 60 gp.
1 poim of damage and delivers whatever poison the owner •/'Glyph of Warding on Backpack: Unless the user speaks
wishes to use. These traps usually have a Search DC of 30 the proper phrase before opening this backpack, the pack
bur a Disable Device DC of only 20: they are made to be dif- explodes with a burst of acid, dealing damage ro rhe unau-
ficulr to find bur simple enough to deactivate or remove. thorized opener and probably desrroying the contents of the
Larger irems may have many such traps. A blackguard, for pack. Almost any piece of equipment could have a similar
example, might have eight or ten traps on his place armor. trap. CR 2; 5-ft.-radius burst of acid (2d8 points of damage);
More complicated still are traps that render equipment Reflex save (DC 15) half; Search (DC 28); Disable Device
useless to unauthorized users. An armor trap could cause the (DC 28). Market Price: 150 gp.
armor's joints to seize. A weapon's blade might come loose in
the middle of com bar, and a rope can be rigged so that
unless special precautions are taken, it breaks when used.

EXAMPLE TRAPS Some items have the taint of eviJ magic about them, though
-/'Spring Nee dle Trap in Sword Hilt: Unless the user they aren't magic items in the strict sense of the word. And
activates a special larch, a needle pricks anyone who in sinister laboratories, evil necromancers work on ocher
arrempts to use this longsword. Trapmakers can build a trap surprises for those who would defend good and light.
Feather powder
70 gp
Alchemy DC
Drugs function like poisons, allowing the imbiber an initial
Festering bomb SO gp 22
and a secondary saving throws to resist rheir effects. Delay
Karras stone knife 250 gp
Violated horn 3,000 gp poison, ne11frnlize poiso11, and similar effects negate or end a
Weeping stone 100 gp 25 drug's effects, bur they do nor restore hit points, ability
scores, or other damage caused by rhe subsrance.
Feather Po wder: Originally designed as a weapon A creature that willingly rakes a drug automarically fails
againsr devas and lammasus, rhis dark red alchemical both saving throws. It is nor possible to intentionally fail the
powder comes in a small glass vial thrown as a grenadelike inirial save but artempt to save against the secondary
weapon. Anyone struck or splashed by rhe powder must damage, or vice versa. DCs are provided for situations in
succeed at a Fortitude saving rhrow (DC 15) or rake a -1 cir- which a character is drugged against his will.
cu msrance penalry on arrack and damage rolls, saving Drugs in Your Campaig n : Depending on your cam-
rhrows, skill checks, and ability checks for t minure due to paign, drugs may be difficult or easy to obtain-the deci-
irritation and itching. Creatures with feathers are particu- sion is a maner of rasre. However, whether drugs are illegal
larly susceptible, raking a - 2 circumstance penalty on rhe (as might be the case in a restrictive but good-aligned civi-
Forti rude save against feather powder and suffering double lization) or commonplace, pushers wilJ exist.
the effect (-2 penalty) if rhey fail che save. Pushers are those who directly or indirectly want ro see a
Festering Bomb: This small ceramic sphere is packed drug dispersed into a population. Usually profit motivates
with alchemical explosives, rorting meat, and offal infected them. A pusher's typical tactic is to offer the drug ar only
with filth fever. When thrown as a grenadelike weapon, it t / 10 of its normal price (or even free) to potential new cus-
spreads disease in its wake. The explosion on impact is nor tomers, in hopes of addicting the customer to the drug.
enough to cause physical harm, bur it does spray the rorren Once rhe customer seeks our the pusher for the drug (usu-
conrenrs and infection in a 20-fooc burst. All wirhin the ally, once he or she is addicted), then the pusher charges full
burst must make saving throws as if exposed ro filth fever price for the drug, or even a premium.
(Fon DC 12; see the Disease section in Chapter 3 of che D UN· Adding drugs into your campaign is probably most easily
CEON MASTER's Guide). Unlike normal exposure to filrh fever, accomplished through a nonplayer character (NPC) pusher.
rhe victim need not be injured. Player characters ( PCs) can expect to run into pushers illic-
Karras Ston e Knife: A quasi-magical irem, chis simple itly in a civilization where drugs are outlawed, or in bazaars
knife must be carved from a very rare stone procured from in a society where drugs are common. In a society where
• the gallbladder of an intelligent creature slain during a spe- magic potions are commonplace, drugs migh t be legal, too.
cial harvesting rin1al. Karras stone is made only into knives Drug addiction functions much like diseases as described
because it has only one special use-otherwise, it is normal in rhe D UNGEON MAsiu's Guide. Upon initial exposure (any-
stone. When a karras stone knife is used to sacrifice a living time a character imbibes or applies a drug with an addiction
creature, rhe character using the knife gains a +1 profane rating), the character must succeed at a Fortitude save or
bonus on the Knowledge (religion) check for the sacrifice become addicted, as shown below. Addiction proceeds like a
(see Sacrifices in Chapter 2). disease-while addicted, the character rakes abiliry score
Violated Horn: Also a quasi-magical item, rhe violated damage each day unless be succeeds ar a fortitude save
horn is a unicorn's horn that has been removed from a still- against the given DC.
living unicorn, leaving the crearnre crippled and in con-
stant, terrible pain. For a violated horn to have special TABLE 3-4: ADDICTIONS
power, it must physically violare a victim during a perverse Addiction Fort
religious ritual conducted atop an altar dedicated to an evil Rating DC Satiation Damage
Negligible 4 1 day 1d3- 2 Dex (can be OJ
god. The character performing the rimal must succeed at a
Low 6 10 days ld3 Dex
Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 20) ro perform rhe ritual Medium 10 5 days 1d4 Dex, 1d4 Wis
properly, and no second tries are possible wirh that particu- High 14 2 days 1d6 Dex, 1d6 Wis, 1d2 Con
lar horn if the first check fails. Once a violated horn is pow- Extreme 25 1 day ld6 Dex, ld6 Wis, ld6 Con
ered, its possessor can break the horn at any rime thereafter Vicious 36 1 day ld8 Dex. 1d8 Wis, 1d6 Con,
and be immediately transported to rhe site of the ritual as if ld6 Str
a 1vord of recnll spell had been casr. Add1ctio11 Rnling: Drugs are rared according to their addic-
Weeping Ston e: Created rhrough alchemical processes tive potential. For example, many popular stimulant drinks
that inflict terrible- and sometimes lerhal- pain on a have a negligible addicrion raring, but have addictive quali-
living being, a weeping stone causes anyone touching it to ties all the same. Sometimes, an individual's long-term
his or her face to begin to weep and feel grear sorrow. Such a addiction increases a drug's addiction raring for rhar indi-
character is considered shaken for 1d6 rounds. vidual. Drngs with a negligible rating are nor subjecr ro this
change. Stronger drugs increase their rating by one step for
every two full months a character remains addicted to rhe
drug. A character who recovers from an addiction and later
becomes addicted agai_n does so at the addiction rating the Secondary Effect: 1d4+1 enhancement bonus to Charisma
drug had just prior to his recovery. for ld10+50 minutes.
Satiation: Each rime a user rakes a drug to which he is Side Effects: Feelings of intense pleasure last for ld4 hours.
addicted, he is satiated and staves off withdrawal symptoms Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 24-hour
for the given period of time. After the satiation period wears period, the user immediately falls unconscious for td4
off, the DC of the Fortitude save to resist the effects of addic- hours (Fon DC 18 negates).
tion increases by +5. The dose in which a character becomes
addicted counts for satiation. For example, a character unfor- Baccaran: This pasty substance is dried and kept as a
tunate enough to become addicted to devilweed (low addic- powder or sometimes lefr as a paste. The ingredients are
tion) on his first use of the drug must succeed at a Fortitude numerous and difficult to obtain.
save every day or rake 1d2 points of Wisdom damage. As long l1111inl Effect: 1d4 points of Strength damage.
as he continues to smoke devilweed every LO days, his saving Secondary Effect: 1d4+ l enhancement bonus to Wisdom for
throw DC is only 6. Ifhe stops smoking devilweed for more 1d10+15 minutes.
than 10 days, the DC of the addiction saving throw i_ncreases Side Effects: Those under the effect of baccaran take a -4
ro 11. Ifhe starts using it again, the DC drops back to 6. circumstance penalry on saving throws involving illusions
Damage: Addiction deals the listed damage each day for 2d4 hours after using this mild hallucinogen.
unless the character succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 24-hour
or is satiated. Ability score damage is temporary, and char- period, rhe user immediately takes 2d6 points of damage
acters naturally heal 1 point in each ability score per day. and the side effect is doubled.
Recovery: If a character makes two successful saving
throws in a row, he has fought off his addiction and recovers, Devilweed: Leaves from rhe wyssin plant are dried and
taking no more damage. Of course, he can always become rolled into a tobaccoLike substance and smoked.
addicted again later by raking another dose of the drug and Initial Effect: 1 poinr of Wisdom damage.
failing his Fortitude save to resist addiction. Sccondnry Effect: The smoker gains a +2 alchemical bonus
A lesser restoration or rcstomtio11 spell may negate some or to Strength for td3 hours.
all of rhe ability score damage caused by an addiction, bur on Side Effects: A creature under the effect of devilweed is
the next day the victim may accrue more ability score easily confused and acts skittish (treat as shaken).
damage ifhe continues to fail his Fortitude saves. Remove dis- Overdose: None.
ease immediately causes the user ro recover from the addic-
tion, but it does not restore losr ability score points. Greater Luhix: Powdered stalks of plants that grow only in the
restoration or heal causes recovery and restores all ability Abyss, luhix is normally sprinkled onto a bleeding, self-
score damage from the addiction. inflicted wound. Then the wound is sealed either with mag-
ical healing or tightly wound bandages.
DRUG CHARACTERISTICS Initinl Effect: 1 point of abiLiry score damage to all abiliry
Some characteristics of drugs are summarized on Table 3-5: scores.
Drugs. Secondary Effect: The imbiber gains a +2 alchemical bonus
Other characteristics are spelled out in a texr enrry for to all ability scores for td2 hours.
each drug. Afrer a general description of the drug, rhe fol- Side Effects: For the first minute of application, the user
lowing characterisrics are provided. feels intense pain. During the time that rhe secondary effect
Initial Effect : The effect of the drug if the initial saving is in effect, the user is immune to pain (including the effects
throw is failed. If multiple effects are given, rhe resulr of one of spells such as symbol of pain). The character takes damage
saving throw indicates whether all or none of these effects as normal, bur may not react normally to that damage.
occur. Overdose: Those who take this drug more than once in 24
Secon dary E ffect: The effect of the drug if rhc secondary hours must make a separare save (Fort DC 25 negates) or die
saving throw is failed . If multiple effects are given, the resulc in terrible pain.
of one saving throw indicates whether all or none of these
effects occur. Mordayn Vapor ("Dreammist"): Made of roughly ground
Side Effects : Side effects, if any. These occur immedi- leaves of a rare herb found in deep forests, mordayn is so
ately upon raking the drug. potent rhat it is raken by steeping a small amount in hot water,
Overdose: What constitutes an overdose and rhe effects and rhen inhaling the vapors of the resultant tea. Raw mor-
of the same. dayn powder and mordayn-tainted water are deadly poison;
taking the powder directly or drinking tbe water produces an
Agony (Liquid Pain): This thick, reddish liquid is the dis- immediate overdose. Drearnmist is renowned for the beautiful
tilled essence of pain, captured using special spells or items visions ir induces and the deadly peril of its sinister embrace.
(see the Pain as Power section of Chapter 2). 11 is highly Intlial Effect: Exotic visions of incredible beauty enthrall
sought after by outsiders. the user for the next d20+:t0 minutes. During this time rhe
Initia.l Effect: User is stunned for ld4+1 rounds and can user has a 50% chance to lose any action he attempts, as
take only partial actions for 1d6 minutes after that. described in the bestow curse spell.
Secondary Effect: 1d4 points of Constitution damage and Secondary Effect: As a move-equivalent action, the user may
1d4 points of Wisdom damage. focus his attention upon a particular creature. If he follows
Side Effects: The visions of a dreammist user are incredibly thar action with an arrack agai.nsr the creature, he gains a +4
beautiful and poignant. His normal li.fe seems drab and comperence bonus on the attack roll. This ability lasts 10
futile in comparison, and he aches to experience the tran- minutes.
scendent beauty of his drug-induced dreams again. When Side Effects: None.
the dose wears off, the user must succeed at a Will save (DC Overdose: Taking a second dose before the first has worn
17) or fall under a compulsion to do whatever is necessary to off causes the user to be nauseated for 1d4 x 10 minutes.
repeat the dreammist dose (treat this as a compulsion simi-
lar to that of a suggestion spell). This compulsion lasts for 1d4 Sann ish : A bluish liquid distilled from wolves' milk and
hours before fading. a powdered desert plant, this concoction is very popular.
Overdose: If two doses are taken within the space of an Addicts are easily found by the permanen t blue stains on
hour, or if raw mordayn powder or mordayn tea are their lips.
ingested, the drug is a deadly poison (ingested DC 17, 1d10 I11 itial Effect: l point of Wisdom damage.
Con/ td1 o Con). Mordayn vapor addicts often throw out the Secondary Effect: The user becomes numbed to pain for 1d4
tea as soon as they inhale and make sure that only one dose hours, immune to pain-induced penalties (such as from a
is available at a time in order to make sure they cannot over- symbol of pain).
dose on the deadly drug. Side Effects: Sannisb causes euphoria. While the drug is
in effect, the user rakes a - 2 penalty on all initiative
Mushroom Powder: Taken from a rare blue mushroom, checks.
this powder must be inhaled. It is popular among arcane Overdose: A second dose taken while the first dose is still
spellcasters. in effect causes a numbing stupor for 2d4 hours. The user
Initial Effect: +2 alchemical bonus to Intelligence and can only rake partial actions until the stupor wears off.
Charisma for 1 hour.
Secondary Effect: 1 point of Strength damage. Ter r an Brandy: A potem alcohol, this magical drink is
Side Effects:This is a mild hallucinogen. The user rakes a - 2 favored by heartless spellcasters of all types. This green
alchemical penalty ro Wisdom for 1d4 hours and a - 2 liquid is distilled from the essence of dying fey.
alchemical penalty to Strength and Constitution for 2d4 foitial Effect: +2 alchemical bonus to effective caster level
hours. for td20+20 minutes.
Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 12-hour Seco11dary Effect: 2 points of Constitution damage.
period, the user rakes 2d6 points of damage. Using it more Side Effects: None.
than three times in any 24-hour period deals 4d6 poims of Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 8-hour
damage and paralyzes the user for 2d4 hours. period, the user in1mediately rakes 1 point of Constitution
Red.flower Leaves:These crushed leaves of a tiny red bog
flower are known for their ability to improve hand-to-eye Vodare: An extremely bitter brown powder, vodare is
coordination. usually mixed with honeyed water or sweet wine to dilute
l11itial Effect: None. the taste. lt is made from the crushed petals of a flower that

Name Type Price Alchemy DC Addiction
Agony ("liquid pain") Ingested DC 18 200 gp 25 Extreme
Bacca ran Ingested DC 14 10 gp 20 Low
Devilweed Inhaled DC 15 6 gp 20 Low
Luhix Injury DC 25 2,000 gp 30 Vicious
Mordayn vapor Inhaled DC 17 200 gp 20 High
Mushroom powder Inhaled DC 15 100 gp 25 Medium
Redflower leaves Ingested DC 10 300 gp 27 Low
Sannish Ingested DC 9 15 gp 20 Medium
Terran brandy 1 Ingested DC 19 500 gp 30 Low
Vodare Ingested DC 13 40 gp 15 High
Name: The name of the drug (and its common nickname, If any).
Type: This column gives the method by which the drug is introduced into a creature's system- either ingested, inhaled, or via an injury-and the
DC of the Fortitude save necessary to avoid the effects of the drug. Injury also includes methods such as pouring the drug into a wound or applying
it as a poultice.
Price: The price of a single dose, assuming the drug is publicly avai lable. If a drug is banned, the price is generally two to five times higher.
Alchemy DC: The DC for the Alchemy check required to make the drug. The check can only be made in a properly outfitted alchemical laboratory.
Addiction: The addiction rating of the drug (see the Add iction section above).
This drug is magical. Its positive effects do not take hold in an a11timagic field, but the negative aspects of the drug's secondary effects and addic-
tion remain.
grows only on the graves of those who dedicated their lives CREATI NG POISONS
to the worship ofRallaster. The first rule fo r refi ni ng n arural poison s, such as an
Initinl Effect: +2 alchemical bonus on Intimidate checks animal's venom, into a generally useful poison is that simply
and saving throws against fear effects for 1.d4 hours. killing rhe crearure and wiping your character's blade on its
Secondnry Effect: - 4 alchemical penalty on Diplomacy and poison gland doesn't work. Most creature's poisons are a del-
Bluff checks for 2d4 hours. icate mixn1re of vario us toxins, and rbat delicate mix is often
Side Effects: Mild euphoria and fierce confidence wh ile rhe disrupted when the creature dies or the poison is exposed to
drug is in effect. the afr. Getting the poison to persist on a blade and remain
Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 4-hour effective is a trickier task still.
period, the user becomes catatonic (Fort DC 15 nega res). Refining raw materials, such as creature venom, into an
effective poison requires time, determination, and an appli-
cation of craft. Craft (poisonmaking), a subcategory of rhe
Craft skill, provides the necessary expertise. Table 3-6 pro-
When a character takes damage from a poisoned weapon, vides Craft (poison making) DCs for usable poisons made
touches an item smeared with contact poison, or consumes from centipede, scorpion, and spider venom.
poisoned food or drink, he must make a fortitude saving poisons with the Craft (poL'iOnmaking) skill fo l-
throw. A character who fai ls the saving throw rakes t he lows the rules in Chapter 4 of rhe Plnyel"s Hnndbook for
poison's initial damage, which is usually abi lity score making irems wirh rhe Craft skill, with the followi_ng two
damage. Even a character who succeeds at rhe initial saving exceptions.
throw faces secondary damage 1 minure later, which ca11 be Cost : The cost of raw materials for a poison varies widely
avoided by making a separate Forrirude save. depending on whether the character has access to the active
ingredient-that is, the venom or plant tha t actually pro-


Initial Secondary DC to
Poison Type Damage Damage Price Create
Tiny centipede poison Injury DC 11 1 Dex 1 Dex 40 gp 15
Small centipede poison Injury DC 11 l d2 Dex ld2 Dex 90 gp 15
Medium-size centipede poison Injury DC 13 l d3 Dex ld3 Dex 110 gp 15
Large centipede poison Injury DC 16 l d4 Dex ld4 Dex 150 gp 18
Huge centipede poison Injury DC 18 l d6 Dex ld6 Dex 210 gp 20
Garga ntuan centipede poison Injury DC 26 l d8 Dex ld8 Dex 950 gp 20
Colossal centipede poison Injury DC 36 2d6 Dex 2d6 Dex 2,900 gp 30
Tiny scorpion poison Injury DC 11 l d2 Str 1d2 Str 90 gp 15
Small scorpion poison Injury DC 11 l d3 Str 1d3 Str 100 gp 15
Medium-size scorpion poison Injury DC 15 l d4 Str ld4 Str 175 gp 18
Large scorpion poison Injury DC 18 1d6 Str 1d6 Str 200 gp 20
Huge scorpion poison Injury DC 26 1d8 Str 1d8 Str 1,200 gp 25
Gargantuan scorpion poison Injury DC 36 2d6 Str 2d6 Str 3,000 gp 32
Colossal scorpion poison Injury DC 54 2d8 Str 2d8 Str 9,000 gp 35
Tiny spider venom Injury DC 11 l d2 Str ld2 Str 90 gp 15
Small spider venom Injury DC 11 l d3 Str ld3 Str 100 gp 15
Medium-size spider venom Injury DC 13 ld4 Str 1d4 Str 150 gp 18
Large spider venom Injury DC 16 ld6 Str ld6 Str 175 gp 18
Huge spider venom Injury DC 22 ld8 Str ld8 Str 1,000 gp 20
Ga rgantuan spider venom Injury DC 31 2d6 Str 2d6 Str 2,500 gp 26
Colossal spider venom Injury DC 35 2d8 Sir 2d8 Str 3,000 gp 28
Bebilith venom Injury DC 20 ld6 Con 2d6 Con 900 gp 20
Devilseye Injury DC 21 1 1 point of SR 1 1d3 points of SR 3 1,000 gp 22
Lifebane Injury DC 20 2 ld6 Con ld6 Con 2,000 gp 25
Eyeblast Injury DC 22 Blindness Blindness 500 gp 23
Balor bile Contact DC 25 ld6 Str 1d6 Str 1,000 gp 25
Vilestar Contact DC 24 2 2d6 Str 2d6 Str 6,000 gp 34
Sasson juice Contact DC 18 ld4 Dex ld4 Dex 500 gp 22
Sufferfume Inhaled DC 20 1 all scores 1 all scores 1,200 gp 21
Urthanyk Inhaled DC 19 ld6 Str ld6 Str 2,000 gp 26
Mist of Nourn Inhaled DC 25 ld8 Con ld8 Con 7,000 gp 35
lshentav Inhaled DC 13 1d6 Str 1d6 Str 500 gp 25
Burning angel wing fumes Inhaled DC 18 ld6 Cha 2d6 Cha 2,800 gp 27
Basilisk breath Inhaled DC 17 1 ld6 Con ld6 Con 2,500 gp 26
Affects outsiders otherwise immune to poison.
Damage is vile damage.
3 Damage to SR returns at the same rate as ability score damage.
vides the poison. If a supply is readily available, the raw TABLE 3-7: PSYCHIC P O ISO NS
materials cost 1/6 of the market price, not 1/ 3. Otherwise, Initial Secondary Minimum
the raw materials costar least 3/ 4 of rhe market price- Poison Target Damage Damage Level
Darin-tasith Creature ld6 Int l d6 Int 7th
assuming that the substance in question is for sale ar all.
Karadrach Creature ld6Wis 1d6Wis 7th
Time: To figure out how much poison can be made in a Estadrach Creature 1d8 Wis 2d8 Wis 9th
week, the character makes a Craft (poisonmaking) check at Stradda Creature 1d6 Cha ld6 Cha 8th
the end of the week. If the check is successful, mulriply the or object
check resulr by the DC for the check. Thar resu lt is how Nishita Object 1d6 Int ld6 Int 7th
many gold pieces' worth of poison are created that week. Vashita Object 1d6 Wis 1d6 Wis 7th
When the total gold pieces' worth created equals or exceeds Lanshita Object 2d6 Cha 2d6 Cha 11th
Blue un lyn Area 1d6 Int 1d6 Int 8th
the market price of one dose of the poison, that poison-
Red unlyn Area 1d6 Wis 1d6 Wis 8th
maker has completed thar dose. For a skilled poisonmaker, Amber unlyn Area 1d6 Cha 1d6 Cha 8th
multiple doses in a week may be possible. If rhe poison- Violet unlyn Area 1d6 Int 2d6 Int 10th
maker fails the check, no progress is made char week. Lf the Black unlyn Area 1d6 Int, ld6 Int, 13th
poisonmaker fails the check by 5 or more, the raw materials 1d6 Wis, 1d6Wis,
are ruined and must be reobrained. 1d6 Cha 1d6 Cha
Using the Alchemy Skill: Characters with rhe Alchemy
skill can substitute it for Craft (poisonmaking), but doing so
imposes a -4 circumstance penalty on checks related to poi- MATERIAL COMPONENTS
sonmaking. Cerra in special components are required for the casting of
Harvesting Venom: Because of rhe refinement process, evil spells (see Chapter 6). lf a particular component is not
raw venom from creatures doesn't command anywhere near mentioned on Table 3- 8, its price is negligible and the com-
the price of a dose of real poison. There is no open market ponent is a part of rbe caster's component pouch.
for poison raw materials, because rhe use of poison is often fol" an extra 10 gp, any material component can be magi-
illegal, or at least rarely admitted co. Characters who hunt cally preserved, retarding normal decay and decomposition
creatures for their venom will have a difficult rime finding for 24 hours.
buyers for corpses of poisonous crearures. If rhey can find a
buyer, characters will typically get t / 6 of the cost of one T ABL E 3-8: EVIL SPELL C O MPO N ENTS
dose of the refined version of the poison. Component Price Component Price
Agony (liquid pain) 200gp Humanoid eye 2 cp
NEW POlSO NS Beast brain fluid 3 sp Humanoid finger 1 cp
Bit of lycanthrope 7 sp Humanoid hand 3 cp
The poisons on Table 3- 6 augment those described in Chap- fur or skin Humanoid heart 1 sp
ter 3 of the D UNGEO N MASTE Rs G1nde. Some are obviously Bit of ochre jelly 5 sp Metallic dragon heart 7 gp
derived from poisonous monsters in the Monster Mnnunl, or gray ooze Soul in larval form 250 gp
while others are the creation of evil poisonmakers. Chromatic dragon heart 6 gp Sou I in receptacle 200 gp
Demon flesh 5 gp Tongue of creature 3 cp
PSYCH[C POISONS Demon heart 18 gp capable of speech
Devil's heart 20 gp Via l of humanoid blood 3 cp
Psychic poisons are a particular sorr of intentional curse
Feather of an 20 gp Vrock feather (only one 1 gp
bestowed upon a crearure, object, or area, almost always the intelligent creature usable per fiend)
result of the psychic po1so11 spell. Psychic poisons are used as Humanoid bone 1 cp Yugoloth's brain 5 gp
traps in the same way that a contact poison might be used on Humanoid brain 4 cp
a chest full of valuables. A psychic poison is a magical toxin
tbat affects those who cast certain types ofspells on the crea- OPTIONAL COMPONENTS
ture, object, or area. Some evil spell components are optional (and not men-
lfa spellcaster casts a mind-affecting or divination spell at tioned along with the other components in the spell's
an object or area affected by psychic poison, or at a crearure descriptive text). These components sometimes increase the
within a poisoned area, the caster must make an immediate potency of an evil spell ; the component is consumed
Will saving throw (DC determined by the psychic poison whether it helps or nor. A spellcasrer can use only one
spell). Casters who fail their saves are affected by the psychic optional component in the casting of an evil spell, so using
poison, taking the initial damage given on Table 3- 7. rwo humanoid hearts, or a humanoid heart and a brain,
Whether the saving throw was successful or not, the caster won't improve the speUcasrer's chances.
musr succeed at another saving throw 1 minuce later ro As wirh any spell componen t, the caster must be touching
avoid secondary damage (mucb like a mundane poison). an optional evil speU component and have it displayed
Each psychic poison has a minimum level associated with prominently for it to function. These optional compon ents
it. A caster or item creator must be at least rhar level ro uci- can only be applied ro spells with the evil descriptor.
lize chat particular psychic poison when making an item or Descriptions of the optional components on Table 3- 8 are
casting rhe psychic poison spell. provided below.
Agony {Liquid Pain): Pain in distilled liquid form (see
Pain as Power in Chapter 2), as extracted by certain speUs or
items, automatically increases rhe effective caster level of a
single spell by +2. This increase doesn't stack with previous
applications of liquid pain or any other such bonuses ro
effective caster level.
Ch romatic Dragon H eart: If a spell this component is
applied to deals damage, there is a 30% chance that the spell
deals an additional +2d6 points of damage to a good-aligned
target. The heart must be from a dragon of at least 15 HD,
and it must be dried and hardened into a gemlike object.
D emon's Heart: A spell that this component is applied co
has a 25% chance to have any damage the spell deals
increased by +10%. The bearr must be from a demon of at
least 6 HD, and it must be dried and hardened into a rock-
like object.
D evil's Heart: A spell that this component is applied ro
has a 10% chance to remain prepared even after being cast.
Casters who do nor prepare spells gain no advantage from
this component. The hean must be from a devil of at least 6
HD, and it must be dried and hardened inro a rocklike
Humanoid Heart: A spell that this component is applied
ro has a 25% chance ro have its effective cast er leve l
increased by +2. The heart must be intact and well preserved
(still bloody).
Humanoid Brain: A spell that this component is applied
to has a 50% chance ro have its range doubled. The brain
must be intact and fresh (or preserved).
Humanoid Child's Eye: A spell char this component is
applied ro has a 20% chance to have its duration doubled.
The eye must be intact and fresh or (or preserved).
Humanoid Finger: If a spell tha t this component is
applied ro requires a touch arrack (rnelee or ranged), there is
a 40% chance to receive a +1 profane bonus on the attack
roll. The finger must be intact and well preserved (still
Metallic Dragon Heart: A spell that this component is
applied to has a 30% chance to have its saving throw DC
increased by +1. The heart must be from a dragon of at least
15 HD, and it must be dried and hardened into a gemlike
Soul in Larval For m : A spell that this component is
applied to has its saving throw DC increased by +2. Souls in
larval form are usually found naturally only on one of the
Lower Planes (see Chapter 7).
Soul in Rec eptacle: A spell that this component is
applied to gains a +10 profane bonus on caster level checks
to overcome spell resistance. Souls in receptacles normally
result from the use ofspells such as soul bit1d and tmp the s011!.
Yu goloth's Br ain: A spell that this component is applied
to has a 10% chance to allow no saving throw against its
effect. There is also a 10% chance char the spell affects the
caster as well as the target or area, with no saving throw
allowed. Make the two checks independently of one
another. The brain must be from a yugoloth (or some other
nemral evil fiend) of at least 10 H D, and it muse be dried and
his book introduces a new type of feat: the vile feat. BOOST SPELL RESTSTANCE [GENERAL].
Only intelligent chai:acters of an evil alignment ca11 By making a deal with an evil power, rhe character
use vile feats. Vile feats are granred to characters at the makes himself even more resistant to magic.
behesr of a powerful evil agency-a god, a demon, or Prerequisite: Any evil alignment.
something similar. As such, vile fe~ts are supernatural :Senefit: lf the character already has innate spell
abilities rather than extraordinary abilities. Some DMs resistance, he gains a +2 profane bonus to his exist-
may also want ro require a character who seeks a vile feat ing spell resistance score.
to perform a special ritual or make an actual bargain with
a powerful creature of evil. The patron creature may even CORRUPT SPELL [METAM.A:GIE]
(at rhe DM's discretion) have the ability to revoke the feat The character can transform one of her spells
should the character displease it. in to a thing of evil due to a deal she makes with
an evil power.
BOOST SPELL-LIKE ABILITY [GENERAL] Prerequisite: Any evil alignment.
One of the crearure's spell-like abilities is harder to resist Ben efit: This feat adds the evil descriptor to a
than it otherwise would be. spell. Furthermore, if the spell deals damage,
Benefit: The saving throw Difficulty Class (DC) of a boosted . half of the damage is unholy damage. For exam-
spell-like ability is increased by+2. Each of a creature's spell-like ple, a corrupted fireball cast by a 6th-level wizard
abilities can be boosted three times per day, though the feat deals 6d6 points of damage: 3d6 points of
does not allow the crearure to exceed its no.cmal usage limit for damage and 3d6 points of unholy damage.
any ability. Thus, if a succubus chooses to boost its suggestion Thus, creah1res immune to fire still potentially
ability, it can use a boosted suggestion up ro three times that day. take 3d6 points of damage. The com1pced spell
Thereafter, it could use its suggestion ability again normally uses up a spell slot one level higher thafl the
(since it can use suggestion ar will), or it could boost another of its spell's actual level.
spell-like abilities, such as charm monster. Special: A character may rake chis feat multiple
Special: This fear can be taken multiple times. Each times, choosing a different stell each time.
time it is taken, rhe creature can apply it ro each of its spell-
like abiuries three additional tin1es per day.
T ABLE 4-1: FEATS Benefit: The character can use the Dark Speech to bring
General Feats Prerequisite and fear to ochers, co help cast evil spells and create
Boost Spell-Like Ability evil magic items, and ro weaken physical objects (see Dark
Boost Spell Resistance Any evil alignment
Speech in Chapter 2).
Corrupt Spell-Like Ability Any evil alignment
Normal: Attempting co utter a word of the Dark Speech
Empower Spell-Like Ability
Malign Spell Focus Any evil alignment always ends in immediate death for a speaker who is not
Mortal bane trained in its dark power. Fortunately, it is impossible to
Poison Immunity make someone use rhe Dark Speech if he or she is unwill-
Quicken Spell-Like Ability ing, because the language's pronunciation is so exacting.
Violate Spell-Like Ability Special: The character gains a +4 circumstance bonus on
saving throws made when someone uses the Dark Speech
Metamagic Feats Prerequisite
Corrupt Spell Any evil alignment against him or her.
Violate Spell Any evil alignment
Vile Feats Prerequisite Because of intentional self-mutilation, rhe character has
Dark Speech Base Will save +5, Int l 5, Cha 15 deformed arms and hands ending in sharp claws.
Disciple of Darkness Prerequisite: Willing Deformity.
Evil Brand
Benefit: The character has the ability to deal 1d6 points of
Lichloved Evil Brand
Sacrificial Mastery Wis 15 damage as an una rmed claw attack. The character is consid-
Thrall to Demon ered armed even when unarmed.
Verminfriend Cha 15 Sp ecial: The character does not draw attacks of opporru-
Vile Ki Strike Cha 15, Improved Unarmed Strike niry when artacking u11a rmed, and he threatens areas even
Vile Martial Strike Cha l 5, Weapon Focus when unarmed.
Vile Natural Attack Base attack bonus +5, natural attack
that deals at least l d8 damage
Willing Deformity
Deformity (clawed hands) Willing Deformity The character has either drilled a hole in her forehead trying
Deformity (eyes) Willing Deformity to add a third eye, or she has supernaturally scarred one of
Deformity (face) Willing Deformity her regular eyes.
Deformity (gaunt) Willing Deformity Prerequisite: Willing Deformity.
Deformity (obese) Willing Deformity Benefit: As a supernatural ability, rhe character can use
see invisibilily for 1 minute per day.
CORRUPT SPELL-LIKE ABILITY [GENERAL] Sp ecial: The character takes a - 2 deformity penalty on
One of th e creature's spell-like abilities is powered by evil. A Spot and Search checks.
dark pact provides the crearure with unholy energy.
Prerequisite: Any eviJ alignment. DEFORMITI (FACE) [VILE]
Benefit: Th is feat adds the evil descriptor to a spell-like abil- Because of intentional self-mutilation, the character has a
iry. Furthennore, if the spell-like ability deals damage, half of hideous face.
that damage (rounded down) is unholy damage. For example, Prerequisite: Willing Defo1mity.
if a corrupted firebnll from a pit fiend deals a rotal of 35 points Benefit: The ch aracter gains a +2 circumstance bonus on
of damage, half of that amount (18 points) is fire damage and Intimidate checks and a +2 defonnity bonus on Diplomacy
rhe orher half (17 points) is unholy damage. Nonevil creatures checks dealing with evil creatures of a different type.
immune ro fire sriJJ cake the L7 points of unholy damage.
Each of a creature's spell-like abilities can be corrupted DEFORMITY (GAUNT) [VILE]
three times per day, rhough the feat does nor allow the crea· Through inte ntional starvation and macabre operations, the
ture ro exceed its normal usage limit for any abiJiry. Thus, if character is grossly underweight. He has a skeletal appearance,
a pit fiend chooses to corrupt its fireball abiliry, it can use a and his weight is now half normal for creatures of his kind.
corrupted firebal.l up to three times that day. Thereafter, it Prerequisite: Willing Deformiry.
could use its fireball ability again normally (since it can use Be n efit: The character gains a +2 deformity bonus to
fireball at will), or it could corrupt another of its spell-like Dexterity and a - 2 deformity penalty to Constitution. Fur-
abilities, such as meteor swaYl'lr. thermore, be gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Escape
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time Artist checks and Intimidate checks.
it is taken, the creature can apply it to each of its spell-like Sp ecial: A character with this feat may not rake the
abilities rhree additional rimes per day. Deformity (obese) fear.


The character learns a smattering of the language of truly Through intentional gorging and general gluttony, the char-
dark power. acter is obese. Grossly overweight, she is now ar least triple
Prerequisite: Base Will save bonus +5, Int 15, Cha 15. the normal weight for creatures of her
Prerequisite: Willing Deformity. UCHLOVEO [VILE]
Benefit : The character gains a +2 deformity bonus ro By repeatedly committing perverted sex acts with the
Consrirution and a -2 deformity penalty to Dexterity. Fur- undead, the character gains dread powers.
thermore, she gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Lnrimidate Prerequisite: Evil Bra11d.
checks and saving throws against poison. Ben efit: Mindless undead see the character as an undead
Spe cial : A character with this feat may not rake the creature. Becoming more and more like an actual undead
Deformity (gaunt) fear. creature, he gains a +1 circumstance bonus on saving throws
against mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stun-
DISCIPLE OF DARKNESS [VILE] ning, and disease.
The character formally supplicates himself to an archdevil.
In return for this obedience, he gains a small measure of M ALIGN SPELL FOCUS [GENERAL]
power. The character's spells that have the evil descriptor are more
Ben efit: Once per day, while performing an evil act, the potent than normal due to a deal she makes with an evil power.
c haracter may call upon his diabolic patron to add a +1 luck Prerequisite: Any evil alignment.
bonus on any one die roll. Ben efit : Add +2 ro the DC for all saving rhrows against
Special: Once a character takes tbis feat, he may not rake any of the character's spells that have the evil descriptor.
it again; he may nor be rhe disciple of more than one devil.
Nor may he take the Thrall to Demon feat. MORTALBANE [GENERAL]
The creature can make a spell-like ability particularly deadly
The creature can use a speU-like ability with greater effect. Benefit: A morralbane ability is a damaging spell-like abil-
Ben efit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered ity that deals 2d6 points of additional damage when used
spell-like ability are increased by one-half. An empowered against living nonoutsiders, but only half damage (rounded
spell-like ability deals half again as much damage as normal, down) against oursiders, undead, and constructs. For example,
cures half again as many hit points, affects half again as ifa mortalbane co1·1e ofcold from a gelugon would normally deal
many targets, and so on as appropriate. For example, a night 45 points of damage, it actually deals 45 + 2d6 points of damage
hag's empowered magic missile deals one and one-half rimes to a humanoid, but only 22 points of damage to a night hag.
normal damage (roll ld4+1 and multiply the result by 1.5 for Creatures immune to cold-regardless of rheir type-still
each missile). Saving throws and opposed rolls (such as the cake no damage from a morralbane cone of cold.
one made when a character casts dispel magic) are not Morralbane can be applied to each of a creature's spell-like
affected. Spell-like abilities without random variables are abilities five times per day, though the fear does not allow
not affected. the crearnre to exceed its normal usage limit for any ability.
Each of a creature's spell-like abilities can be empowered Thus, if a gelugon chooses to apply Morralbane to its cone of
twice per day, though tl1e feat does not allow the creanire to cold ability, it can use a mortal bane cone of cold up ro five
exceed its nonnal usage limit for any ability. Thus, if a night rimes that day. Thereafter, it could use its co11e of cold a bility
hag chooses to empower its magic missile ability, it can use an again normally (since it can use cone of cold at will).
empowered magic mm,!e up to two times that day. There- Sp ecial : This feat can be taken multiple times. Each rime
afrer, it could use irs magic nrnsile ability again normally it is taken, the creature can apply ir to each of its spell-like
(since it can use magic missile at will), or it could corrupt abilities five additional times per day.
another of irs spell-like abiliries, such as sleep.
Sp ecial: This feat can be take n multiple times. Each rime POISON IMMUN!n' [GENERAL]
ir is taken, the creature can apply it to each of its spell-like After prolonged exposure co a poison or toxin, the character
abiliries rwo additional times per day. has rendered himself immune ro it.
Ben The character is immune to one specific poison
EVIL BRANO [VILE] (chosen by the DM or the character's player), whether avail-
The character is physically marked forever as a servant of an able as a blade poison, rhe venom of a specific creamre, or
evil power greater than herself or as a villain who does nor one orher roxin. The character also gains a +1 circumstance
care who knows thar she seeks only death, desrruction, and bonus on saving rhrows against other poisons.
misery for others. The symbol is unquestionable in its per- Special: A character may cake this fear multiple rimes,
versity, depicting a depravity so unthinkable rhat all who see choosing a different poison each time. T he +1 bonus against
ir know beyond a doubt that the bearer is forever in the sway other poisons doesn't stack with itself, because the circum-
of rhe blackest powers. stances of each poison immunity are essenriaUy rhe same.
Be n e fit : Evil creatures automatically recognize the
symbol now emblazoned upon rhe character as a sign of her QUICKEN SPELL- LIKE A BILin' [ GENERAL]
utter depravity or discipleship ro a powerful patron, The creanire can use a spell-like ability with a moment's thought.
although the specific identity of the patron is not revealed. Benefit: Using a quickened spell-like ability is a free
She gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and action that does not provoke an arrack of opportunity. The
Intimidate checks made against evil creatures. crearnre can perform another action-including the use of
another spell-like ability-in the same round that it uses a Prerequisite: Cha 15, Weapon Focus with the specified
quicket1ed spell-like ability. The creature may use only one weapon.
quickened spell-like ability per round. A spell-like ability Benefit: Each rime the character deals damage with a spe-
chat duplicates a spell with a casting time greater than 1 foll cillc kind of weapon, she deals 1 additional poinr ofvile damage.
round cat1nor be quickened. Sp ecial : A character may rake this feat more than once,
Each of a creature's spell-like abilities can be quickened selecting a different weapon each time.
only once per day, and the feat does not allow the creature to
exceed its normal usage limit for any abil ity. Thus, if a VILE NATURAL ATTACK [VILE]
demon chooses to quicken its dai·kness ability, it cannot use The charactec can focus evil power into bis natural attacks.
quickened darkness again the same day, though it could use Prerequisite: Natural attack that deals at least ld8 points
its darkness ability again normally (since it can use darkness at of damage, base arrack bonus +5.
will), or it could quicken a110rher of its spell-like abilities, Benefit: Each the character deals damage with his
such as desecrate. natural arrack, he deals 1 additional poinr of vile damage.
Normal: Noimally the use ofa spell-like abiliry requires a
standard action and provokes an attack of opportunity VIOLATE SPELL [METAMAG1C]
ut1less noted otherwise. The character can transform one of his spells into an evil
Sp ecial: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each tin1e spell, and the woui1ds the spell i11£l.icrs are tainted with the
it is taken, the creature can apply it to each of its spelJ-like foulest evil
abilities one additional time per day. Prerequisite: Any evil alignment.
Benefit: This feat adds rhe evil descriptor co a spell. Fur-
SACRTFICIAL MASTERY [VILE] thermore, if the spell deals damage, half of the damage dealt
The character is skilled at offering living sacrifices to evil is vile damage. For example, a violated 1rg'1himg bolt cast by
gods or fiends. an 8th-level wizard deals 8d6 points ofdamage: 4d6 points of
Prerequisite: Wis 15. electricity damage and 4d6 points of vile electricity damage
Benefit: The character gains a +4 profane bonus on (but creatures immune to electricity cake no damage). A vio-
Knowledge (religion) checks made when performing a sac- lated spell uses up a spel1 slot one level higher than the
rifice. spell's actual level.
Normal: Without this feat, a character who performs a Sp ecial : A character may ta_ke this feat multiple times,
sacrifice makes a normal Knowledge (religion) check modi- choosing a different spell each time.
fied as described in Chapter 2.
THRALL TO DEMON [VILE] The creamre's spell-like abiUties are particularly tainted with
The character formally supplicates himself to a demon evil.
prince. In return for his obedience, the character gains a Benefit : This feat adds the evil descriptor to a spell-like
small measure of power. ability. Furrhermore, if rhe spell-like abiliry deals damage,
Benefit: Once per day, while performing an evil act, che half of rhat damage (rounded down) is vile damage. For
character may call upon his demonic patron lO add a +.I luck example, if a violated lightning boll from a cornugon deals a
bonus on any one roll. coca! of 35 points of damage, half of that amount (18 points)
Special: Once a character cakes this feat, he may not cake is electricity damage and che other halI ( t7 points) is vile
it again; he may not be the thrall of more than one demon. damage. Crearures immune to electricity cake no damage
Nor may he take the Disciple of Darkness feat. from a violated lightnrng bolt.
Each of a creamre's spell-like abilities can be violated twice
VERMINFRrEND [VILE] per day, though the feat does not allow the creamre to exceed
Vermin regard the character better than they would its normal usage limit for any ability. Thus, if a cornugon
normally. chooses ro violare its lightning bolt ability, it can use a violated
Prerequisite: Cha 15. l1glit11ing bolt up to rwo rimes char day. Thereafter, it could use
Benefit: If a vermin is about to attack the character, she its lightning bolt abiliry again normally once (since it can use
may make a Charisma check (DC 20). If the check succeeds, l1glit11111g bolt three times per day), or it could violate another of
chat vermin refuses to arcack her for 24 hours. its spell-like abilities, such as fireball.
Special : This fea r can be caken mulriple rimes. Each time
VILE Kl STRIKE [VILE] it is taken, the cream re can apply it to each of its spell-Uke
The character can focus evil power into his unarmed strike. abilities two additional rimes per day.
Prerequisite: Cha 15, Improved Unarmed Srrike.
Ben efit: Each time rhe character deals damage with his WILLING DEFORMITY [VILE]
unarmed srrike, he deals 1 additional poinr of vile damage. Through scarification, self-mutilation, and supplication to
dark powers, the character inrenrionally mars her own body.
VILE MARTIAL STRIKE [VILE] Ben efit : The character gains a +2 deformity bonus on
The character can focus evil power into her weapon blows. Intimidate checks.
hough they're called prestige classes, many of tbe archdevils as villains: a middle ground between .
classes that follow appeal to characters who seek raw minion and mastermind. Low-level characters will
power, not prestige. Ifyou're a thrall ofJuiblex, for exam- battle rank-and-file cultists and other pawns in the
ple, you're probably not basking in the accolades of soci- archfiends' plans. High-level characters might sur-
ety-you're performing dark rituals in the sewers under vive a battle wirh an archfiend itself. At middle
the palace. In most places, demon and devil cults are repug- levels, the characters can contend with mid- to high-
nant ro most people if nor forbidden outrighr by law. level thralls and disciples, who are capable and well
Accordingly, the rhralls and disciples described here do connected enough to.act as lieurenanls for the arch-
much of their work incognito. They'll ofren adopt tbe trap- fiends they serve. ·
pings of another class co hide their true nature. A thrall of Other prestige classes in this chapter aren't tied
Orcus might wear a holy symbol from another god, while a to demon princes and archdevils. Demonologists
disciple of Mephistopheles might carry a staff a□d adopt a and diabolists study ahd bargain (with demons
pet rat he calls "my familiar." and devils respectively) more generally, rather
1n evil societies, things are turned on their head. [f the than binding themselves ro a particular patron
devotees of a demon prince or arcbdevil have a position of demon prince or archdevil. Cancer ruages use
power and influence i11 a particular place, then the vatious , filth, disease, and decay as sources of power, and
rhralls and disciples in this chapter are free to act openly. vermin lords curry favor wirh insects and ocher
Evil societies are sought-afrer havens for evil characters, pests. Lifedrinkers are vampires adept at turn-
because they don't have co pur up with the 1igmarole of pre- ing srolen blood Lo dark purposes, while soul
tending to be who they're not. lf the cult of Asmodeus eaters do the same wirh stolen life energy.
rules a city, disciples of Asmodeus are the city's day-to-day Morral hunters are demons rhat wear the skin
rulers, or ar the very least they have great influence over of their victims. Warriors of darkness use black
those who rule the city. magic ro improve their combat prowess.
High-level thralls and disciples fill an imponant niche Finally, ur-priescs siphon spells from the gods
in campaigns that feature one or more demon princes and themselves.
Attack Fort Ref Will
Scurrying about in sewers, back alleys, and abandoned
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
buildings, rhe cancer mage feeds upon rhe corpse of society.
1st +O +2 +2 +O Sneak attack +1d6, disease
The cancer rnage hides in the darkness where no one wanrs
to look, digging rhrough 1-rash long forgotten. Cancer mages 2nd +1 +3 +3 +O Contagion, cancerous
are some of rhe most disgusting individuals a character is companion
ever likely co meer, for they revel in filrh, disease, and decay. 3rd +2 +3 +3 +l Tatterdemalion, poison
They usually have rheir own foul goals, sometimes venerat- 4th +3 +4 +4 +l Children of the night
ing deities of disease or corruption and other times spread- 5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Sneak attack +2d6, viral
ing disease for its own sake.
6th +4 +S +5 +2 Infected wound
Cancer mages use their power ro equip themselves with a 7th +5 +S +S +2 Insect plague, insect armor
deadly array of weapons, bur these are not rhe weapons of a 8th +6 +6 +6 +2 Viral ally
warrior. The cancer 1nage strikes from darkness. He makes 9th +6 +6 +6 +3 Sneak attack +3d6
quick, poisonous attacks and then retreats, allowing his con- 10th +7 +7 +7 +3 Disease form
raminared wounds to fester and hopefully kill his victims
Rogues, rangers, druids, and clerics are most likely to The cancer mage's class skills (and the key ability for each
become cancer rnages. Rats, insects, worms, and diseases are skill) are Alchemy (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb
the cancer mage's allies. Cancer mages sometimes work in (Srr), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha),
horrible, hidden societies of the disease-ridden underclass, Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis),
such as beggars and thieves. Sometimes they enjoy rhe com- Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump
pany of assassins or vermin lords. They hare good-aligned (Str), Knowledge (nature) (Inr), Listen (Wis), Move Silenrly
clerics and paladin s- particularly paladins-wirh a burn- (Dex), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex),
ing passion. Occasionally, an intelligenr monster such as a Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Srr),
troglodyte or a medusa will become a cancer mage, bur rhese Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex). See Chapter 4 of the
creatures are ostracized even by their own kind. One might Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.
imagine, however, that an otyugh or vermin such as giant
maggors and cockroaches would not mind the company of a Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
cancer mage. The most obvious allies of the cancer mage are
undead creatures. CLASS FEATURES
Hit Die: d6. All the followiJ1g are class features of the cancer mage pres-
rige class.
REQUIREMENTS Weapon and Armo r Proficiency: Cancer mages are pro-
To qualify to become a cancer mage, a character must fulfill ficient with all simple and martial weapons, wirh all types of
all the following criteria. armor, and with shields.
Alignment: Any evil. Sn eak Attack (Ex): If a cancer mage can catch an oppo-
Base Save Bonus: Fort +5. nent when she is unable ro defend herself effectively from
Skills: Heal 3 ranks, Hide 6 ranks, Knowledge (natme) 2 his attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Basi-
ranks, Move Silently 6 ranks. cally, any time the cancer mage's rarger would be denied her
Fe ats : Great Forrirude, Poison Immunity, Toughness. Dexterity bonus to AC (whether she actually has a Dexterity
Special: The cancer mage must have fallen victim to bonus or not), the cancer mage's attack deals +1d6 poinrs of
the ravages of a disease and must have taken damage from damage. This extra damage increases by +td6 points every
a poison. four levels (+2d6 at 5th level and +3d6 ar 9rh level). Should

Mage Companion
Level Int Ability
2nd 6 Blindsight 30 feet.
3rd 7 Can use a spell or spell-like ability of the cancer mage on its own as a standard action once per day, requiring no action on
the part of the cancer mage.
4th 8 Can warn the cancer mage of danger, granting him the evasion ability.
5th 9 Can warn the cancer mage of danger, granting him the uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC) ability.
6th 10 Mind-affecting spells and effects have a 500/4 chance of affecting the companion rather than the cancer mage.
7th 11 Can use a spell or spell-like abi lity of the cancer mage on its own as a standard action three times per day, requiring no
action on the part of the cancer mage.
8th 12 Can warn the cancer mage of danger, granting him the uncanny dodge (can't be flanked) ability.
9th 13 Can form a 1-ft. tendril of flesh capable of making touch attacks, including the cancer mage's contagion and poison spell-
like abilities.
10th 14 Bllndsight 60 feet.
rhe cancer mage score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this Tatterdemalion (Ex): Gathering scraps of clothing and
extra damage is nor multiplied. old, discarded rags, a 3rd-level cancer m age is able to make
Ir takes precision and penetration to hit a vital spot, so such articles into lighr armor wirh a rhe following stars:
ranged a tracks can only count as sneak attacks if the target is armor bonus +4, maximum Dex bonus +5, armor check
30 feer away or less. penalry -1, arcane spell failure 15%, speed 30 ft./20 ft.,
Wirh a sap or an unarmed strike, a cancer mage can make weight 20 lb. Only a 3rd-level or higher cancer mage can
a sneak arrack that deals subdiial damage instead of normal wear this armor and gain these benefits; other wearers treat
damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals normal damage it as padded armor. This armor is considered masterwork
co deal subdual damage in a sneak attack, not even with the quality and can be fashioned into magic armor.
usual - 4 penalty, because he must make optimal use of his Poison (Sp): Once per day per class level beginning at 3rd
weapon in order co execute the sneak attack. level, the touch of a cancer mage carries a poison spell. The
A cancer mage can only sneak attack a living creature wirh DC for rhe target's saving throw is 14 + rhe cancer mage's
a discernible anatomy-undead, constructs, oozes, p lanrs, Wisdom modifier.
and incorporeal creatures lack viral areas ro attack. Addition- Ch ildren of the Night (Su): A 4th-level cancer mage
ally, any creanire immune to critical hits is similarly immune commands the lesser crea tu res of rhe world and can call
to sneak arracks. Also, the ca11eer mage must be able to see forth a swarm of 2d6 Small monstrous spiders or a pack of
the target well enough to pick out a viral spor and must be 4d8 dire rats or a swarm of 1od t O bars, once per day, as a stan-
able to reach a viral spot. A cancer mage cannot sneak arrack dard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rou nds and serve
while srriking ar a creature with concealment or by striking the cancer mage (undersranding his mental commands) for
the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach. up to 10 minures per class level.
rf a cancer mage gets a sneak arrack bonus from another Viral Agent (Su): At 5th level, a cancer mage befriends a
source (such as rogue levels), the bonuses to damage srack. disease or virus that infests his body. He supernaturally
Disease Host (Ex): At 1st level, a cancer mage suffers no enhances a disease, making it sm arter by giving ir a point of
ill effects of diseases, except for purely cosmetic ones such his own lnceUigence. He establishes a telepathic link wirh
as boils, pockmarks, watery eyes, blackened skin, hair loss, rbe disease char fu nctions ar a range of one mile per class
foul smell, and so on. The cancer mage becomes a carrier of level of the cancer mage.
every disease he encounters, though be remains immune to The cancer mage can then attempt to infect a targer wirh
most of their effects. his viral agent, using his conlag,011 ability. If successf:ul, the
However, rhe cancer mage takes 1d6 points of damage viral agent can rell the cancer mage releparhically what its
per casrer level if someone casts a cure disease spell or effect host experiences. ln all other respects, rhe viral agent is a
on him (he can make a Fortitude save to try to resist the normal disease; if the vicrim fights ir off or a crll'e disease spell
effect). Furthermore, if the cancer mage has a cancerous is used, rhe disease and rhe viral agent die. The cancer mage
companion (see below), be loses all abilities gained from regains his Inteliigence point 24 hours after the viral agent
rhe companion for 1d10 days after being rhe subjecr of a dies. The cancer mage can create as many viral age nts as he
cure disease spell. is wi lling to devote Inrelligence points toward.
Con.tagion (Sp): Beginning at 2nd level, rhe touch of a Infected Wound (Ex): Once per day per class level
cancer mage carries a contag,011 spell once per day per class beginning at 6th level, a cancer mage can infect his foe with
level. The DC for rhe rarget's saving th row is 13 + rhe cancer an infectious cainr after maki ng a successful melee attack.
mage's Wisdom modifier. The foe rakes 1 point of Constitution damage and must
Cancerous Companion (Ex): Ar 2nd level, a cancer make a Forrirude save (DC 10 + cancer mage's class level +
grows within the cancer mage, forming a large rumor. This cancer mage's Wis modifier} 1 hour larer or rake a further
cancerous growth gains intelligence and a personality dis- 1d6 points of Constitution damage.
rincr from the cancer mage. The companion and rhe cancer Insect Plague (Sp): Ar 7th level, a cancer mage invokes
mage can communica te telepathically. When needed, the imecl plague once per day as a cleric of his class level.
cancerous compan ion uses the cancer mage's scores fo r Insect Armor (Su): By allowing insects and worn1S to
saves, ability scores oth er than Intelligence, and so forrh. crawl over his body, a 7th-level cancer mage gai11s a +4 natu-
The cancerous companion gains abilities as the cancer mage ral armor bonus. The cancer mage canner wear armor heav-
gains levels. ier than lighr armor and keep this benefit, however.

USING PRESTIGE CLASSES The warriors of darkness, for example, might be an evil
Each of the prestige classes presented in this chapter is a martial organization in your campaign led by a fallen paladin
nonplayer character waiting to plague player characters. Each who seeks the destruction of his old church. Maybe the
is a villain itching to be given a scheme, a plot, or a sinister disciple of Graz'zt in your campaign is a cultist who plans on
goal. Although Chapter 1 has much to say about creating using charm spells and the Disguise s kill to kidnap six chil-
villains and offers a number of examples, you can treat each of dren-one for each of his dark lord's fingers. At the next new
these prestige classes as a villainous plot generator. moon, the children will all be sacrificed.
Viral Ally (Su): In a fashion similar to the virnl agent abil- The cancer mage can leave h is host at any rime, allowing
ity, a cancer mage of 8th level or higher can create a viral ally the victim to recover normally. The victim can also attempt
by devoting 3 poinrs of Intelligence to a disease or virus in to force the cancer mage our by making Fortitude saves as if
his system. The cancer mage can then bestow his viral ally the cancer mage were a normal disease. Heal checks help
upon a humanoid victim using his cor1togio11 ability, and lhe the victim as rbey would normally. A cure disense spell kills
viral ally can communicate telepathically with the cancer rhe cancer mage if he fails a Fortitude save (calculating the
mage. The viral ally (and thus the cancer mage) controls its save DC as for spells of the same level). Even if the cancer
host as surely as with a dominnte perso11 spell, although rhe mage succeeds at the saving throw, he is forced to reassume
host gets no separate saving throw ro avoid the dommnt.e h is material form adjacent ro the victim.
pe1·so,1 effect. The viral ally is a nom1al disease, however, and A cancer mage can remain in disease form as long as he
the victim can fight it off with successful Fortitude saves or desires, or he can return to his namral form and be done
a cure diseose spell, either of which kills rhe viral ally. The with the disease form for rhat day. While in disease form, the
cancer mage regains his missing Intelligence points 24 cancer mage does nor need to eat, sleep, or drink, and he
hours later. A cancer mage can create as many viral allies as does nor age. A cancer mage could remain dormant in a
he is willing to devote lnrelligence points toward. room for a hundred years, then rake his material form or
Disease Form (Su): Ar 10th level, a cancer mage gains infect a new victim.
the ability to tranform into a disease once per day. (This abil-
iry also affects up to 100 pounds of gear the cancer mage is
carrying, plus tatterdemalion armor, insect armor, and a can-
cerous companion.) As a disease, the cancer mage is intangi-
A demonologist is a mortal who has devoted his life to rhe
ble and invisible ro standard methods of observation, even study of demons. He is practiced in dealing with rhem,
blindsighr. Creatures with the scent ability note a foulness fighting them, and using them for his own gain. He even
in the air. The cancer mage cannot move, except with the gains some demon abilities due ro his smdies and devotion
wil1d (if any), or within a host. to rhe fiends of the Abyss. Demonologists are always evil,
The cancer mage may adopt his disease fonn as a srandard although they might nor think of themselves as such. No
acrion, attempting ro infect a Living creature within 100 feet. ch aracter can get so close ro rh e mind of utter corruprion
A potential victim must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 20) and come away unchanged.
to avoid being infected with the cancer mage. Any creature Most de monologists were once wizard s or sorcerers,
that comes within 10 feet of a cancer mage in disease form is although bards who delve into evil lore also frequently meet
subject to the saving throw to resist infection as well. Once the requirements of the class.
inside an infected host, the cancer mage deals 1d3 points of Demonologisrs see themselves as researchers and keepers
Con stitution damage per day after a 24-hour incubation of lore that m ost people cannot handle. Thus, they often
period. The victim has no way of knowing that the cancer sequester themselves away in libraries of dark knowledge.
mage is anything orher rhan a normal illness. They attempt to deal with demons on an equal footi ng- an
The cancer mage travels wirh the victim, aware of what- extremely dangerous undertaking-and rarely interact
ever the victi m is aware of. A number of times per day equal with mortals. When demonologists see rhe need, they
to the cancer mage's Charisma bonus, the cancer mage can emerge from their studies and use their dark powers ro take
at tempt to force rhe victim to take one round's worth of or do what they wane; then they return ro their books and
actions of the cancer mage's choosing; a successful Will summoning circles. PCs might come into conflict with a
save ( DC t 8 + cancer mage's Wis modifier) allows the demonologist who is after some rare bir of lore or a magic
victim to resist this. While controlling his victim, rhe i tem that they possess. Or the characters might need rhe
cancer mage has access to all skills, feats, speUs, and special help of a demonologist if they are planning to fight demons
abilities of t he host, plus any of his own that he can use il1 and need aid or information.
his disembodied state. Hit Die: d4.


Class Base Fort Ref Will Spells per Day
level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st +O +O +O +2 Charm demon 1
2nd +l +O +O +3 Quasi! familiar
3rd +l +l +l +3 Summoning mastery +2 2
4th +2 +1 +l +4 Resistances 2 2
5th +2 +1 +l +4 Poison immunity 3 2 2
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Summoning mastery +3 3 3 2 2
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Hald demon 3 3 3 2
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Telepathy 4 3 3 3
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Summoning mastery +4 4 4 3 3
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Dominate demon 4 4 4 3
REQUIREMENTS quasit as a familiar, whether he wan rs it or not. If the demon-
To qualify to become a demonologist, a character must fulfiU ologist ali·eady has a familiar, the quasit devours it and takes
all the foUowing criteria. its place, but the character suffers no experience point loss.
Alignment: Chaotic evil. The quasit is treared as a normal familiar, using the class
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, Knowledge (the level of the demonologisr as the master's level (see the
planes) 8 ranks. Familiars section in Chapter 3 of the Playel''s Handbook for
Feats: Evil Brand, Sacrificial Mastery, Malign Spell familiar abilities).
focus. Summoning Mastery (Su): When a demonologist
Special : Must be able to casr ac least six of 3rd level or higher casts a summo11 monster spell, iris
arcane spells of the Conjura- treated as the equivalent
tion school, one of which spell of two levels higher
must be at least 3rd level. for purposes of summon-
ing chaotic evil creatures.
CLASS SKILLS For example, a demonolo-
The demonologist's class skills gisr refers to the summon
(and the key ability for each monster JV list for chaotic
skill) are Alchemy (Int), Bluff evil outsiders when casting
(Cha), Concentra tion (Con), mmmon monster 11. Ar 6th level, rhe
Decipher Script (Int), Forgery demonologist refers to the sum-
(Jnt), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge moning list three l evels

(arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the higher than rhe one for the
planes) (Inc), Knowledge (religion) summo11 monster spell he is
(Int), Ride (Dex), Scry (Int), casting. At 9th level, the
Sense Motive (Wis), and demonologist refers to the list
Spellcra.& (Int). See Chapter four levels higher.
4 of the Player's H1111dbook for Resi stances (Su ): A de-
skill desctiptions. monologist who reaches 4th
level gains acid resistance 10,
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + lnt cold resistance 10, fire resist-
modifier. ance 10, and electricity resist-
ance 20.
CLASS FEATURES Poison Immunity (Ex): A 5th-
All che following are class features of level demonologist is immune to
the demonologist prestige class. poison.
Weapon and Armor Proficien cy: Hold Demon (Sp ): A 7th-level
Demonologists are proficient with no demonologist can arcempt co bold a
weapons, armor, or shields. chaotic evil outsider, as described in
the hold perso11 spell, once per day.The

Sp e lls : Beginning at 1st level, a
demonologist gains the ability to cast demon does not get to use its spell
a small number of arcane spells. To cast resistance, though ir can make a
a spell, the demonologist must have a saving th row as normal (DC 12 +
Charisma score of at least 10 + the spell's demonologist's Cha modifier).
level, so a demonologist with a Charisma Telep athy (Su ): An 8th-level
of 10 or lower cannot cast these spells. demonologist can communicate rele-
Demonologist bonus spells are based parh ically wi th any creature within
on Charisma, and saving throws 100 feet that has a language, just as a
against these spells have a DC of 10 + ranar'ri can.
spell level+ Charisma modifier. The demon- Dominate Demon (Sp): A 10th-level demonologist
ologist's spell list appears below; a demonologist has access can attempt to dominate a chaotic evil outsider, as described
co any spell on the list and need not prepare those spells in the do111i11ale perso11 spell, once per day. The demon does
ahead of time, just like a sorcerer. A de monologist casts not gee its spell resista1,ce, but it can make a saving throw as
spells just as a sorceier does. normal (DC 15 + demonologist's Cha modifier).
Chann Demon (Sp): A 1st-level demonologist can arcempt
to charm a chaotic evil outsider, as described in the charn1 Demonologist Spell List
person spell, once peI day. The demon does not get to use its Demonologists choose their spells from rhe following list.
spell resistance, rhough it can make a saving throw as 1st Level : ba11e, demo,-,fles/1, doom, protection from evil, pro-
normal (DC 11 + demonologist's Cha modifier). tection from good, spores of /l1e vrock, summon monster I, 11nnerv-
Qu asit Familiar (Ex): A 2nd-level demonologist gains a i11g gaze.
2nd Level: bestow curse, dance of ruin. demo,·1cnll, magic circle power. When rhe diabolisr d ies ( perman e n tly), her soul
agnimt evil, magic circle agaiml good, protection from elements, becomes the possession of a powerful deviJ. T he devil uses
slunning screech, mmmon morister TI. rhe soul as it sees fit.
3rd Level: abyssnl might, en/I dretch horde, corrupt wmmons,
demon wings, drend word, dimensional nnchor, lesser pln11nr bind- CLASS SKILLS
ing, sun11no11 momln lII. The diabolist's class skills (and rhe key ability for each skill)
4th Level: bestow grenter curse, call nightmnre, cloud of the are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha),
nchaiemi, dismissal., impotenl possesso1·, imprison possessor, plnnar Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge
binding, summo,·1monster IV. (the planes) (lnr), Scry (Inr), Spellcrafr (Inr), and Spot (Wis).
See Chapter 4 of rhe Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

The diabolist is one who has th rown in her lot wirh the
forces of hell. Unlike rhe disciples of Asmodeus or other CLASS FEATURES
archdevils, rhe diabolisr is not a servant of a specific power- All the following are class features of rhe diabolist prestige
ful fiend, bur instead is usually a mortal being who has seen class.
the dark path as a means to gaining grear power. She does Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Diabolists are profi-
not serve devils-she wants to be one. cient wirh no weapons, armor, or shields.
Diabolists are usually wizards, bur sorcerers, clerics, and Spells: When a diabolisr attains 1st level , and ar every
sometimes bards seek such devilry. Diabolists usually level after rhar, the character gains new spells per day as if
develop a particular hatred for paladins and contempt she had also gained a level in whatever spellcasring class she
for nonspellcasters. belonged ro before sbe added rhe prestige class. She does not,
D iabolists are often loners, bur they occasionally work in however, gain any other benefit a character of that class
sinister cabals. They usually seek political power as well as woul d h ave gained (improved chance of contro lling or
magical power. Diabolisrs often use their dire power to rebuking undead, meramagic or item creation fears , hit
intimidate and destroy their enemies. Because of their dia- points beyond those received from the prestige class, and so
bolism power, they are particularly skilled at dealing with on), except for an increased effective level of spellcasrin g.
good foes, and rhey focus their power on good-aligned char• This essentially means rhat she adds rhe new level of dia-
acters w hen possible. Ir is common for a diabolist to have bolisr to the level of w h atever other spellcasting class the
devils working wirh her, but it is jusr as likely ro find her character has, rhen determines spells per day, spells known,
with legions of undead, well-paid mercenaries, or fanatical and caster level accordingly. For example, if Lady Mandrake,
cultists. a 9th-level sorcerer, gai ns a level in diabolist, she gains new
Hit Die: d4. spells as ifshe had risen to 10th level in sorcerer, bur uses rhe
other diabolist aspects of level progression such as base
REQUTREMENTS arrack bonus and save bonuses. If she next gains a level ofsor-
To qualiJy to become a dia bolist, a character musr fulfill all cerer, making her a 10th-level sorcerer/ 1st-level diabolist,
the following criteria. she gains spells as if she had risen ro 11th level as a sorcerer.
Alignment: Lawful evil. If a c haracter had more than one spellcasting class before
Base Save Bonus : Will +5. she became a diabolist, she must decide ro which class she
Skills: Bluff3 ranks, Intimidate 3 ranks, Knowledge (the adds rhe level of diabolist.
planes) 8 ranks. Diabolism (Ex): A d iabolist can choose ro gram one of
Feats: Evil Brand, Corrupt Spell. her spells greater magical power once per day plus one
Sp ecial: Must be able ro cast shrivel,,,g. additional time for every three class levels. Any spell the
Sp ecial: The character must offer her soul- bur not nec- diabolisr casts that affects a target or area (one tha t does nor
essariJy her loyalty- to rhe forces of hell in exchange for include herself) gains the evil descriptor and deals +1d6


Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day/Spells Known
l st +O +O +O +2 Diabolism +l d6 +l level of existing class
2nd +l +O +0 +3 Imp familiar +l level of existing class
3rd +l +1 +l +3 +1 level of existing class
4th +2 +1 +l +4 +1 level of existing class
5th +2 +l +l +4 Diabolism +2d6 +1 level of existing class
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 +l level of existing class
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 +l level of existing class
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Vile diabolism +1 level of existing class
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 +1 level of existing class
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Diabolism +3d6 +l level of existing class
points of unholy damage to any good character affected by Spellcasters (arcane or divine) often the best dis-
the spell. For example, a fireball case by a 6th-level ciples of Asmodeus.
wizard/ t sr-level diabolist deals 7d6 points of fire damage Disciples of Asmodeus are a part of a large bur secretive
and 1d6 points of unholy damage. A hold perso11 spell casr organization rhar crisscrosses most of civilized society. Their
by che same diabolisr holds a humanoid rarger morionless hierarchy is rigid, with power-hungry members continually
and deals td6 points of unholy damage if the targer is good. moving up and down the ranks. The disciples of Asmodeus
Ar 5th level, the unholy damage increases to +2d6 poinrs. seek nothing less than world domination. As such, their
Ar 10th level, rhe unholy damage increases to +3d6 poinrs. dread master ofren rewards them with the service of some
Imp Familiar (Ex): A 2nd-level diabolisr gains an imp as a minor devils or undead.
familiar, wherher she wanrs ir or nor. If the diabolisr already Hi t Die: d6.
has a familiar, the imp devours it and rakes its place. The imp
is n-eated as a nom1al familiar, using the class level of the dia- REQUIREMENTS
bolist as the wizard's level (see the Familiars secrion i.n Chap- To qualify co become a disciple of Asmodeus, a character
ter 3 of the Player's Ha11dbool1 for familiar abilities). m usr fulfill all the following criteria.
Vile Diabolism (Ex): An Srh-level dia- Alignment: Lawful evil or neu-
bolist can use her diabolism power to deal tral evil.
ha lf the normal amount of extra unholy Skills: Bluff 4 ranks, Diplomacy
damage as vile damage (see Chapter 2 for an 5 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks.
explanation of vile damage). For example, a Feats : Disciple of Darkness,
fireball cast by n 6th-level wizard/srh-level Evil Brand, Leadership.
diabolist deals 10d6 points of fire damage Sp ecial: The seer of Asmodeus
and 2d6 points of unholy damage. If the dia- initiates its disciples i.n a horrific
bolist then rolls a 7 for rhe 2d6 points of unholy rire that involves the sacrifice of an
damage, she can (if she chooses) convert rhe intelligent being. The sacrifice
Lmholy damage into 3 points of vile damage musr be of someone with royal
instead. blood or of similar political s

The d isciple of Asmodeus's class
"Merciless lord of the Ninth Hell, keeper of all skills (and the key ability for each
tl1111gs forbidden mid 1mlmow11, master of all skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concenrra-
you encounter, Asmodem, 1 cnll 011 your dread rion (Con), Decipher Script (Im),
name." Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Informa-
-Gilliard DeRosan tion (Cha), Hide (Dex), Innuendo
(Wis), lnrimidare (Cha), Knowl-
The disciple of Asmodeus is a lordly, edge (any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Scry
domi.neering sort who craves unlim- (Inr), Search (lnr), Sense
ited power. He is ruthless in his pur- Morive (Wis), Spellcrafr (Int),
suits and uncaring of a11y who might and Spot (Wis). See Chapter
get in his way. He uses his power and 4 of rh e Player's Handbook for
influence co learn secrets, which in mrn gai.n skill descriptions.
him more power, manipulare and
command others, and enhance his Skill Points at Each Level: 4 +
own physical aspect. Int modifier.


Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day/Spells Known
l st +O +O +O +2 Charm, learn secret +l level of existing class
2nd +l +O +O +3 Command
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Learn secret 2/week +l level of existing class
4th +3 +l +l +4 Summon hel/cot
5th +3 +l +l +4 Learn secret 3/week +l level of existing class
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Evil authority
7th +5 +2 +2 +5 Learn secret 4/week + l level of existing class
8th +6 +2 +2 +6 Summon major devil
9th +6 +3 +3 +6 Crea1er command, learn secret l /day + l level of existing class
10th +7 +3 +3 +7 Dread might +l level of existing class
CLASS FEATURES Summon Major Devil (Sp): Once per week, a 8th-level dis-
All the following are class fearures of the disciple of Asmo- ciple of Asmodeus can produce an effect identical ro that of
deus prestige class. a greater planar ally spell to call a devil and work out a bargain
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Disciples of Asmo- for aid.
deus are proficient with no weapons, armor, or shields. Greater Command (Sp}: Once per day, a 9th-level disciple
Spells: When a disciple of Asmodeus attains 1st level, and of Asmodeus can produce an effect identical to that of a
ar every other level afrer rhar, rhe character gains new spells greater command spell cast by a spellcaster of his effective
per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever spellcast- caster level.
ing class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. Dread Might (Ex): some of Asmodeus's power
He does not, however, gai.n any other benefit a character of into himself, the disciple gains a permanent +2 divine bonus
that class would have gained (improved chance of control- to Armor Class and on saving rhrows and attack rolls.
ling or rebuking undead, meramagic or item creation fears,
hit points beyond rhose received from the prestige class, and
so on), except for an increased effective level ofspellcasting. DISCIPI E OF BAALZEBtJl
This essentially means rhar he adds rhe new level of disciple "Lord of the Flies! Lord of the Lies! Baalzebul, with your sly skill,
of Asmodeus to the level of wharever other spellcasting class your dark power- you are the master of my sotil!"
the character has, rhen derermines spells per day, spells - lsrakahn the Liar
known, and casrer level accordingly. For example, if
Ulrhanc, an 8th-level wizard, gaim a level in disciple of The disciple ofBaalzebul is a liar, a cheat, and a thief She is
Asmodeus, be gains new spells as if he had risen to 9th level more likely to kill a paladin while he sleeps than face him in
in wizard, but uses the other disciple of Asmodeus aspects of direct combat. She uses deceit and trickery to get wh at she
level progression such as base arrack bonus and save bonus. wants, betraying even her family or closest friends to
If he next gains a level of wizard, making him a 9th-level achieve her goals. Her abilities make her an astute prevari-
wizard/ 1st-level disciple of Asmodeus, he gains spells as if cator and a sneaky backstabber, bur she can wield her lord's
he had 1isen to 10rh level as a wizard. powerful influence with everything from devils to flies if
If a character had more tl1an one spellcasting class before she needs to.
he became a disciple of Asmodeus, be must decide to which Rogues, assassins, bards, and sometimes rangers become
class he adds rhe level of disciple of Asmodeus. disciples of Baalzebul. Clerics of evil also adopt the class
Charm (Sp): Once per day, a disciple of Asmodeus can occasionally, if they are particularly taken with Baalzebul.
produce an effect identical to that of a clinrm person spell cast Disciples of Baalzebul rarely have allies. They use and
by a spellcaster of bis effective caster level. manipulate others but eventually betray them.
Learn Secret (Ex): Through trickery, deceit, and some- Hit Die: d6.
times even intimidation, a disciple of Asmodeus can learn
secrets otherwise unanainable. At 1st level, the disciple can REQUTREMENTS
make a Garber Information check once per week with a +10 To qualify to become a disciple of Baalzebul, a character
competency bonus. For every two levels beyond 1st level, must fulfill all the following criteria.
the disciple of Asmodeus can use rhis ability one more time Alignment: Any evil
per week (twice ar 3rd level, rhree rimes at 5th level, and so Skills: Bluff 10 ranks, Diplomacy 4 ranks, Gather infor-
on) unril 9th level, when rhe disciple of Asmodeus can use mation 4 ranks.
the ability once per day. Feats: Disciple of Darkness.
Command (Sp }: Once per day, a 2nd-level disciple of Special: The sect ofBaalzebul initiates new disciples in a
Asmodeus can produce an effect identical to that of a com- terrible ritual that involves the sacrifice of an intelligent
mand spell cast by a spellcaster of his effective caster level. being. The ritual must take place in the home of the sacrifi-
Summon Hellcat (Sp}: A 4th-level disciple of Asmodeus cial victim.
can summon 1 hellcat once per day. This functions as a
summon monster spell cast by a spellcaster of his effective CLASS SKJLLS
caster level. A 9th-level disciple of Asmodeus gains the abil- The disciple ofBaalzebu l's class skills (and the key ability
ity to summon 1d4 hellcats once per day. for each skill) are Appraise (Wis), Balance (Dex), Climb
Evil Authority (Sp): Once per day, at the command of a dis- (Str), Decipher Script (Jnt), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable
ciple of Asmodeus of 6th level or higher, all evil-aligned Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather
creatures within 50 feet that have fewer H it Dice than the Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Innu-
disciple must succeed at a WilJ saving throw (DC IO + dis- endo (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge ( rel igion) (Int),
ciple's class level + disciple's Cha bonus) or recognize the dis- Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open lock (Dex), Pick
ciple as their superior. Affected creatures do not attack the Pocket (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Inr),
disciple of Asmodeus and do as he commands as though Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device
affected by a mass suggestion spell. This mind-affecting ability (Int). See Chapter 4 of the Player's Ha for skill
lasts for 24 hours. descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + lnt modifier. With a sap or an tmarmed strike, a disciple of Baalzebu1
can make a sneak arrack that deals subdual damage instead
CLASS FEATURES of normal damage. Sh e cannot use a weapon that deals
All the following are class features of ihe disciple ofBaalze- normal damage ro deal subd ual damage in a sneak attack,
bul prestige class. nor even wirh the usual -4 penalry, because she must make
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Disciples of Baalzebu l optimal use of her weapon i.n order to execute rhe
are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, al) sneak attack.
light armors, but no shields. A disc;iple ofBaalzebul can only sneak arrack
Tongue of the Devil (Ex): A disciple of a Ii.Jing creatures wirh a discernible
Baalzebul can speak wirh eloquence and anaromy-undead, consr-ructs,
believability, even when telling bold- o.ozes, plants, and incorporeal
faced lies, by using her cunning as · , · crearures lack viral areas to
well as her charm. When making . .... - attack. Additionally, any
Bluff checks, a disciple of Baalzebul creature immune to criti-
adds her Intelligence modifier as ' ca l hits is similarly im-
well as her Charisma modi(ier to mune to sneak attacks.
determine her check result. Also, the disciple of
Sneak Attack: If a disciple of Baalzebul must be able
Baalzebul of 2nd level or higher .•. to see the target well
can catch an opponent wh"en enough to pick our a vital
he is unable to defend him- spot and must be able to
self effect ively from her_ • · reach a viral spot. The dis-
attack, she can strike. a ciple can nor sneak attack
vital spot for extra while strik ing at a crea-
damage. Basically, any· ture with concealment
time che disciple's or by striking rhe Limbs
target would be denied _ of a creanire whose vitals
his Dexterity bonus ro • are beyond reach.
AC (whether he acrually • If a disciple of Baalzebul
has a Dexterity bonus or gets a sneak attack bonus
nor), the disciple's attack · • frpm another source (su ch as
deals +1d6 poi.nts of rogue levels), the bonuses to
damage. T h is extra damage stack.
damage increases by Suggestion (Sp): Once
+l d6 points every per day, a 3rd-level dis-
third level afterward ciple of Baalzebul can
(+2d6 at 5th level, produce an effect iden-
+3d6 ac 8th level). tical to that of a sugges-
Should the disciple score a critical hit with a sn eak attack, tion spell. The DC ro resist the disciple's entreaties is 10 + dis-
this extra damage is not multiplied. ciple's class level + disciple's Cha bonus.
Ir rakes precision and penetration to hit a vital spot, so Summon Osyluth (Sp): A 4th-level disciple of Baalzebul
ranged attacks can only count as sneak attacks if the target is can summon 1 osyluth once per day. This functions as a
30 feet away or less. summon monster spell cast by a 15th-level caster.
Insect Plague (Sp ): Once per day, a 6th-level disciple of
TABLE 5- 5: THE DISCIPLE OF BAALZEBU L Baalzebul can produce an effect identical to chat of a insect
Base plague spell cast by a 15th-level spellcaster. The insects sum-
Class Attack Fort Ref Will moned are always biting flies.
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
Beguiling Nature (Sp): Every other day, a 7th-level disciple
+0 +O +2 +2 Tongue of the devil
2nd +1 +O +3 +3 Sneak attack +1d6 of Baalzebul can produce an effect identical to the mass
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Suggestion charm spell, with a Will save DC of 10 + disciple's class level
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Summon osyluth + disciple's Cha bonus.
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Sneak attack +2d6 Summon Cornugon (Sp): A 9th-level disciple of Baalzebul
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Insect plague can summon J cornugon once per day. This functions as a
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Beguiling nature s11mmo11 momter spell cast by a 15th-level caster.
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 Sneak attack +3d6
King of Lies (Ex): A L0rh- level disciple of Baalzebul
+7 +3 +6 +6 Summon cornugon
10th +8 +3 +7 +7 King of lies gai.ns a +4 i_nherent bonus ro Charisma.
DJSCJPLE OF DISPAJER AJl the following are class features of rbe disciple of Dispater
''Locked fr1 1111 iron fortress within 1111 iron city in the festeri11g iro11 prestige class.
pit of Dis, Lord Dispnter 1s mnster of all he surveys!" Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Disciples of Dispater
-Usryhrin-ja are proficient with all sin1ple and martial weapons, with all
rypes of armor, and with shields.
The disciple of Dispater is a warlike general of evil. He is D evice Lore (Ex): A disciple of Dispater can find traps
defensive-minded and eager to have others figh r for him. made mostly of metal just as a rogue can. Furthermore, he
When he musi fight, he does so on his terms and on his gains a +2 competency bonus on Disable Device checks
chosen battleground. Disciples of Dispater verge on para- againsr devices made mostly of metal.
noia and are thus distrustfuJ of everyone. They have mysti- Iron Hews (Su): Once per day per point of Constitution
cal power over iron thar allows them to grant themselves bonus, a 2nd-level disciple of Dispater may add a +3 divine
even greater abilities in batrle. bonus on damage from artacks made thar round.
Fighters, rangers, and rogues become disciples of Dispa- Rusting Grasp (Sp): Once per day, a 3rd-level disciple of
ter, and clerics affiliated with rhe archdevil also adopt the Disparer can produce an effect identical to that of the rusli11g
class. They are mighty soldiers, dealing terrible damage with gmsp speJl cast by a 15th-level caster.
their iron swords or axes. Iron Power (Ex): When using an iron or steel weapon, a
Disciples ofDispater have few rrue allies, alrhough they fre- 4th-level disciple of Dispater gains a +1 insight bonus on
quently employ mercenaries and other underlings. AJI dis- attack and damage rolls. Furthermore, his threar range is
ciples of Dispater have some sort of headquarters that they doubled as ifhe were using a keen weapon. Ar 8th level, rhe
make as defensible as they can. High-level disciples of rhe insight bonus improves ro +2, and rhe rhrear range triples.
archdevil command great fortresses and their own armies. This ability does not stack with the keen weapon quality, bur
Hit Die: dlO. it does stack with cbe Improved Critical feat.
Summon Erinyes (Sp): A 5th -level disciple of Dispater can
REQU IREM ENTS summon l erinyes once per day. This funcltions as a mmmon
To qualify to become a disciple of Dispater, a character must mor1ster spell cast by a 15m-level caster. A 9th-level disciple
ful£ill aJl tl1e foJlowing criteria. of Disparer can summon 1d4 erinyes once per day.
Alignment: Any eviJ. Greater Iron Hews (Su ): Once per day per point of
Base Attack Bonus: +6. Constirurion bonus, a 6th-level disciple of Dispater may add
Feats: Disciple of Darkness, Expertise, Power Arrack. a +6 divine bonus on damage from attacks made rhat round.
Special: Dispater's sect initiates new disciples in a terrible While this bonus does not stack with the iron hews abil-
ritual chat involves me sacrifice of an intelligent being atop ity, rhe abilities are separate: A disciple of Dispater with a
an altar made of iron. The ritual must take place in the pres- Consrirurion bonus of +3 can use each ability rhree rimes
ence of an erinyes, who reports back ro Dispater afterward. per day.
Ironskin (Sp): Once per day, a 7th-level disciple of Dispa-
CLASS SKILLS rer can produce an effect identical to that of the stonesl1in
The disciple ofDispater's class skills (and the key ability for spell cast by a 15th-level caster upon himself only.
each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Srr), Disable Device Iron Body (Sp): Once per day, a 10th-level disciple of Dis-
(lnt), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Innu- parer can produce an effect identical to that of an 1ro11 body
endo (Wis), lnrimidare (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (reli- speU cast by an 18th-level caster.
gion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession
(Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), and Spot (Wis). See Chapter
4 of the Pl11yer's Hnndbool1 for skill descriptions. DISCIPLE OF MAMMON
"Al1111gi1ty M11111mon, lord of lust n11d hi11g of covetousness, l cnll
Skill Points at Each Levd: 4 + lnt modifier. upo11 your great m,ght lo get whnt r w1111I. l prostrate myself before
you n11d your rdc11tless power. Br111g me my heorl's desire."
TABLE 5- 6: THE D ISCIPLE OF DISPATER -Zbavra rhe Wirch-Queen
Class Attack Fort Ref Will The disciple of Mammon takes what she wanrs any way she
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
can. She is quick to betray her friends and allies to get ahead,
1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Device lore
2nd +3 Iron hews
and she will put herself in an embarrassing or awkward posi-
+2 +3 +3
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Rusting grasp tion ifit ultimately leads to what she wants. The disciple of
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Iron power+1 Mammon has no honor, n o shame, and no scruples. Her
5th +S +4 +4 +4 Summon erinyes abilities help her nor only ro lie, cheat, and steal, bur also to
6th +6 +5 +5 +S Greater iron hews avoid danger ar rhe expense of ochers.
7th +7 +5 +5 +5 lronskin Evil rogues and bards sometimes become disciples of
8th +8 +6 +6 +6 Iron power +2
Mammon, particularly rhose who are more inreresred in
9th +9 +6 +6 +6
10th +10 +7 +7 +7 Iron body stealing than killing.
Disciples of Mammon generally operate alone. Although CLASS FEATURES
they might joiJ1 a guild or operate with allies, disciples of All the following are class features of rhe disciple of
Mammon betray their companions so quickly rhat rhey Mammon prestige class.
soon develop a poor reputation. For this reason, among Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Disciples of Mammon
orhers, Mammon's disciples are often on rhe move, one srep are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, bur no
ahead of rhose they have betrayed, cheated, and robbed. type of armor or shields.
Goblinoid creatures are sometimes drawn to rhe service of Lie (Su): A disciple of Mammon gains a +4 competence
Mammon-as is the occasional evil dragon (usually one bonus on Bluff checks and spell resistance of 11 + disciple
rhar deals wirh rhe outside world, not a remain-in-its-lair level against spells rhar reveal falsehood, such as zone of tmth
sorr of dragon). and discern l,es, even when spell resistance is normally nor
Hit Die: d6. allowed (such as with discern lies).
Cheat (Sp): Once per day per class levd, a disciple of
REQUIREMENTS Mammon can produce an effect identical ro char of a c~tca!
To qualify to become a disciple of Mammon, a character spell cast by a 15th-level caster.
must fulfill all the following critetia. Thief (Ex): A 3rd-level disciple of Mammon gains a +4
Alignment: Any evil. competence bonus on Pick Pocket and Open Lock checks.
Base Attack Bonus: +4. Steal (Sp ): A 3rd-level disciple of Mammon can call a
Skills: Appraise 6 ranks, Open Lock 4 ranks, Pick Pocket single unattended object weighing no more than 5 pounds
4 ranks. ro her as if using telekinesis.This functions as rhe spell cast by
Feats: Disciple of Darkness. a 15th-level caster.
Special: The character musr go through a disgusting and Divert Attack (Ex): Three rimes per day, a 4th-level dis-
humiliating sexual ritual and betray her closest friend to an ciple of Mammon can maneuver events so rhar an oppo•
evil end before she can properly serve her new master. nenr's melee arrack meant for her is actually directed at
another character within the a tracker's reach . The new
TABLE 5- 7: THE D I SCIPLE OF MAMMON rarger must also be a foe of the attacker. If rhere is no such
Base foe withi11 reach, the maneuver fails.
Class Attack Fort Ref Will Summon Osyluth (Sp): A 5th-level disciple of Mammon
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
can summon 1 osylurh once per day. This functions as a
1SI +l +O +2 +2 Lie
2nd +2 +O +3 +3 Cheat rnmmon mo11ster spell cast by a 15th-level caster.
3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Thief, steal Take Object (Ex): A 6th-level disciple of Mammon gains
4th +3 +l +4 +4 Divert attack a +4 competence bonus on attempts ro disarm a foe, and she
5th +4 +1 +4 +4 Summon osyluth draws no attacks of opportunity for making an arrempr
6th +5 +2 +5 +5 Take object unarmed.
7th +6 +2 +5 +5 Enhance value Enhance Value (Ex): By careful, sligh t modifications, a
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 Divert spell
9th +7 +3
7th-level disciple of Mammon can increase rhe value of a
+6 +6 Nondetection
10th +8 +3 +7 +7 Summon gelugon nonmagical item of value, such as a gem, an arr object, or a
piece of equipment. The disciple spends L hour performing
these modifications and then makes an Appraise check,
CLASS SKILLS increasing the value of the object by 1% per point of the
The disciple of Mammon's class skills (and the key ability for check result. A disciple of Mammon caru1or enhance some-
each skill) are Appraise (Int), Ba lance (Dex), Disable Device thing with a readily obvious value, such as a coin, and she
(lnr), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), cannot enhance the same object twice.
Hide (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Divert Spell (Ex): Once per day, an 8th-level disciple of
Knowledge (any) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Mammon can maneuver events so char an opponent's spell
Silenrly (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), targeted on her is actually targeted ar another instead. The
Pick Packer (Dex), Profession (any) new target must be within range and must also be a foe of
(Wis), Search (lnt), and Spot (Wis). See the a tracker. If there is no such foe within reach, the maneu-
Chapter 4 of the Player's I-Tand- ver fa ils.
boo/? for skill descriptions. Nondetection (Sp): A 9th-level disciple of Mammon can
consranrly produce an effect identical ro a nondelection spell
cast by an 18th-level caster. This abiliry cannot be dispelled,
bur it can be suppressed.
Summon Gelugon (Sp): A 10th-level disciple of Mammon
can summon I gelugon once per day. This functions as a
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + int modifier. summon mousier spell casr by an 18th-level caster.
Feats: Disciple of Darkness, .Evil Brand.
Special: The seer of Mephistopheles welcomes new dis-
ciples with a terrible ritual that involves the sacrifice of an
"Mephistopheles, Lord of Hellfi,·e n11d Dulie of Brimsto1·1e, I en/I intelligent being in magical fire.
upon you in your fiery elegnnce. I pledge myself to you, rightful
King of Hell. One day yorir dnrk power will reig11 rnpreme."
- Nhagruul, hellfrre master CLASS SKILLS
The disciple of Mephistopheles's class skills (and the key
The disciple of Mephistopheles wields ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Disable
hellfire as his weapon, striking down Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), .Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex),
all who oppose him. He focuses on all Inrimidate (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Jump (Srr), Knowledge
things fire-related, as is firring with (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession
the preoccupation of the arch- (any) (Wis), Ride (Dex), Scry (Int), Search (Int), and Spot
devil he serves. (Wis). See Chapter 4 of the Player's Hn11d-
Clerics, wizards, and sor- book for skill descriptions.
cerers are rhe most fre-
quenr converts to Mephis- Skill Points at Each
topheles, although virtu- Level: 4 + Int modifier.
ally any class can learn ro
wield the deadly power
of hellfire.
Disciples of Mephis-
topheles are equally com-
fortable alone or in gather-
ings: covens ofevil schemers All the following are class fearures of the disciple of Meph-
and destrucrive megaloma- istopheles prestige class.
niacs. Although the com- Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Disciples
pany of devils is pleasant, of Mephistopheles are proficient with all simple and martial
disciples of Mephistophe- weapons, wim all types of armor, and with shields,
les just as frequenrly find Hellfire Grasp (Su ): A disciple of Mephistopheles can
themselves among hell deal 1d6 points of fire damage as a couch arrack at will.
how1ds, salamanders, and This damage is added co damage dealr by other unarmed
other evil fire crearures. attacks.
Fire giants often attempt Fire Adept (Su): A disciple of Mephistopheles who can
to become disciples of cast spells gains a +1 bonus to caster level when casting a
Mephistopheles. spell with the fire desctiptor.
Hit Die: ds. Fire Resistance (Su ): Ar 2nd level, a disciple of Meph-
m istopheles gains fire resistance 1 O. At 6th level, this becomes
REQUIREMENTS fire resistance 20.
To qualify to become a Hellfire Blast (Su ): A 3rd-level disciple of Mephis-
disciple of Mephistopheles, a character must fulfill all rhe topheles can release a gout of hellfire from his hand ar will,
following criteria. dealing 4d6 points of fire damage as a ranged touch arrack.
Alignment: Any evil. The range for this attack is 30 feet.
Base Attack Bonus: +6. Flare (Sp): Once per day per class level, a disciple of
Mephistopheles can produce an effect idenrical to that of a
TABLE 5-8: THE DISCIPLE OF MEPH ISTOPHELES ~nre spell cast by a 15m-level caster.
Base S11mmon Hamntula (Sp): A 5th-level disciple of Mephis-
Class Attack Fort Ref Will topheles can summon 1 hamarula once per day. This
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
fu nctions as a rnmmon momler spell cast by a 15th-level
1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Hellfire grasp. fire adept
caster. A 9th-level disciple can summo11 1d4 hamatulas
2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Fire resistance l 0
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Hellfire blast once per day.
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Flare Hellfire (Sp): Three rimes per day, a 6th-level disciple of
5th +S +4 +4 +4 Summon hamatula Mephistopheles can produce an effect identical to rhar of a
6th +6 +5 +S +S Hellfire, fire resistance 20 hellfire spell cast by a 15th-level caster.
7th +7 +5 +S +5 Fire shield Fire Shield (Sp ): Twice per day, a 7th-level disciple of
8th +8 +6 +6 +6 Hellfire storm
Mephistopheles can produce an effect identical co rl1ar of a
9th +9 +6 +6 +6
10th +10 +7 +7 +7 Body ofAame fire shield spell cast by a 15th-level casrer.
Hellfire Storm (Sp): Twice per day, an 8th-level disciple of T ABLE 5- 9: THE llFEDRI N KER
Mephistopheles can produce an effect identical ro rhat of Base
the hellfire storm spell cast by a 15th-level caster. Class Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
Body of Flame (Su): A 10th-level disciple of Mephis-
1st +O +2 +2 +2 Lifewell, invigorate
topheles can rra11Sform his body into flame for up ro IO min- 2nd +l +3 +3 +3 Spell boost (empower)
utes once per day. He gains fire immunity and damage 3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 Spell boost (heighten),
reduction 30/ +1 , and anyone he touches must succeed at a special attack boost
Reflex save (DC 15) or catch fire. The flame burns for td4 (empower)
rounds (see Catching on Fire in Chapter 3 of the D UNC£ON 4th +3 +4 +4 +4 Specia I attack boost
MASTER'S Gwde). A burning creature can take a move-equiva- (heighten)
5th +3 +4 +4 +4 Blood servant, boost
lent action to put out the Oame.
Creatures hining a disciple of Mephistopheles with natu- 6th +4 +5 +S +S Spell boost (maximize)
ral weapons or unarmed attacks take 2d6 points of fire 7th +S +5 +S +S Greater blood drain,
damage a11d also catch fire unless they succeed at a Reflex special attack boost
save (DC 15). (maximize)
8th +6 +6 +6 +6 Spell boost (quicken)
9th +6 +6 +6 +6 Greater invigorate
I IFEORINKER 10th +7 +7 +7 +7 Blood revel

Amid the ranks of the undead, the vampires are some of the
most feared creatures that stalk the night. Yer even those Lifewell (Ex): A lifedrinker stores the life energy tthat it
cursed with vampirism have those that they respect and steals in a reservoir within itself called a lifewell. From this
fear. One such secretive group has many names, but most lifewell, the Lifedrinker draws the power needed to use
often they are called Lifedrinkers. their its abilities. A lifedrinker gains lifewell points by
Lifedrinkers are vampires who have been undead for a bestowing negative levels and by dealing Constirution
very long rime, honing their evil abilities to the fullest. They drain. Each negative level bestowed by the vampire's
focus on their inherenr ability to feed upon the Living. Vam- energy drain ability grants 2 Lifewell points. Each point of
pire wizards, sorcerers, and clerics make the best Consrirurion drained grants 1 Lifewell point. The Lifewell of
lifedrinkers, for the prinrnry ability of the lifedrinker is to a lifedrinker can hold a maximum of 3 points per
tum life energy and blood stolen from another into magical Lifedrinker level. Lifewell points gained when rhe lifewell
power. is already fu LI are was red.
Like most vampires, lifedrinkers are likely ro have a host A lifedrinker with o lifewell points must succeed at a Will
of charmed guardians, vampire spawn, and other servants. saving throw (DC 20) or go temporarily insane, arracking
They ofren keep a small number of living beings to feed any Living creature within sight until rhe lifewell has at least
upon, referring to rhe caprives as their "canle." 1 point per lifedrinker level. A successful saving throw
Hit Die: d12. means chat rhe lifedrinker need not make a saving throw
against this remporary insanity unril one week has passed-
REQUIREMENTS and even then only if rhe lifewell has remained at o points
To qualify ro become a lifedrinker, a character must fulfill all throughout rhe week.
the following crireria. Invigorate (.Ex): A lifedrinker can spe11d I lifewell poinr to
Alignment: Any evil. gain 1d6 temporary hit points. These hit points last 24 hours,
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 6 ranks, Spellcraft 6 ranks. and while they do nor stack with chose granted by other
Special: Muse be a vampire. sources of cemporary hit points, chey do srack with more hit
points gained from rhe invigorate abiliry, so a Lifedtinker may
CLASS SKILLS spend multiple Lifewell points ro gain more temporary hit
The lifedrinker's class skills (and rhe key ability for each points. No more lifewell points may be spent on this abiliry in
skill) are Bluff (Cha), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (arcana) (lnr), any given day than the lifedrinker bas levels.
Listen (Wis), Move Silenrly (Dex), Profession (any) (Wis), Spell Boost (Empower) (.Ex): If a Lifedrinker of 2nd level
Search (lnt), Sense Morive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Spor or higher casts spells, it may spend 4 lifewell points ro
(Wis). See Chapter 4 of rhe Player's Handbook for skill empower a spell as if using the Empower Spell feat. The
descriprions. spell slot and level of the spell do not change.
Spell Boost (Heighten) (Ex): If a Lifedrinker of 3rd level
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Inr modifier. or higher casts spells, it may spend a variable number of
lifewell points to heighten a spell as if using the Heighten
CLASS FEATURES Spell feat. For every 2 lifewell points devoted co the spell
All of rhe following are class fearures of the lifedrinker pres- boost, rhe spell's effective level is treated as one higher for
rige class. purposes of save DC and other effects. For example, if a
Weapon and Armor Proficien cy: A lifedrinker is profi- lifedrinker spends 4 lifewell poinrs to boost a fireball spell,
cient with no weapons, atmor, or shields. the spell is treated as a 5th-level spell when calculating rhe
Reflex save DC, and the boosted fireball can penetrate a a blood revel as a free action at the beginning of its next cum
minor globe of invul.nembility, which a 3rd-level fireball cannot. and remain in that stare for 10 rounds. In rhis srare, the
The spell slor and level of the spell do not change. lifedrinker gai.ns a +4 profane bonus ro Srrengrh, its damage
Special Attack Boost (Empower) (Ex): A 4th-level reduction increases to 25/ +3, its fast healing increases ro 10
lifedrinker can spend 4 li.feweU points ro empower a special points per roLmd, and ir may ignore its weakness roward
attack, increasing its variable, numeric effects by a factor of garlic, mirrors, holy symbols, and running warer, as well as
1.5. The special arrack is empowered for one use only. For its vulnerability co sunJighr.
example, a lifedrinker empowering its blood drain ability However, during the blood revel, the lifedrinker cannot
would drain 1d3 of Con stitution, multiplied by L.5. A flee from a living foe, and musr attack physically every
lifedrinker could also use this ability co summon more crea- round. A hasted lifedrinker in a blood revel could use its
tures using rhe children of the night ability it gains as a vam- extra partial action to cast a spell as long as it also made a Some lifedrinkers might have other special abilities melee attack that round. A blood revel ends when the
rhat chey can use with this ability; a sea hag vampire lifedrinker chooses ir to end, when 10 rounds are over, or
lifedrinker, for example, could use chis to empower her hor- when no living foes can be reached by a full arrack, a move
rific appearance. and an attack, or a charge. When the blood revel ends, che
Blood Servant (Ex): By spending 10 lifewell poincs, a lifedrinker must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be
5th-level lifedrinker can call forth a lesser planar ally (evil utterly dest royed, as if it were reduced to O hit points. It
only), as per che spell of the same name. The ally automati- must remain i.n its coffin for as long as it was in irs revel, plus
cally serves the lifedrinker for 24 hours. the amount of rime it rook ro reach irs coffin.
Boost Defenses (Ex): At 5th level, a lifedrinker can
spend 8 lifewell points to add +2 to its natural armor bonus
and rum resistance, add +10 to its cold resistance a11d elec- MORTAi HUNTER
tricity resistance, and increase its damage reduction to Although fiends prize the souls of monals tempted to evU,
20/+2. The effects last for 24 hours. sometimes a mortal muse simply be slain. Such a mortal,
Spell Boost (Maximize) (Ex): If a lifedrinker of 6th level often an obstacle to a powerful fiend's evil schemes, finds
or higher casts spells, it can spend 6 lifewell points to maxi- herself the target of a mortal hunter.
mize a spell as if using the Maximize Spell feat. The spell slot Mortal hunters are fiends rhat specialize in killing mor-
and level of the spell do not change. tals. For purposes of this prestige class, "mortal" is a term
Greater Blood Drain (Ex): At 7th level, a lifedrinker's meaning any creature not of rhe oursider, undead, con-
blood drain abiliry now deals ld6 points of Constitution struct, or fey rypes. To practice rheir hunting skills, fiends
drain. capture mortals and drag rhem to rheir infernal rea lm s
Special Attack Boost (Maximize) (Ex): A lifedrinker of where they are freed, then tracked and killed. A mortal
7th level or higher can spend 6 lifewell points to maximize hunters is nor only good at n·acking and kiUing mortals, but
all variable, numeric effects of a special arrack. The special ir learns to use mortal skins ro form disguises so that it can
attack is maximized for one use only. A lifedrinker using this infiltrate mortal societies and crick individuals, drawing
ability co maximize its greater blood drain ability, for exam- rhem into rraps.
ple, would deal 6 points of Constin1tion drain. A lifedri.nker lf a mortal hunter has a character class, it is often ranger
could also use rhis ability to summon the maximum number or fighter. Mortal hunters usually work alone, bur some-
ofcrearures using the children of the night ability it gains as times have lesser fiends ro use as shock troops or to help
a vampire. Some lifedxinkers might have other special abUi- spring ambushes and craps. They occasionally use hounds-
cies chat they can boost in a similar fashion. howlers, displacer beasts, h e ll hounds, or similar crea-
Spell Boost (Quicken) (Ex): lf a lifedrinker of 8th level tu res-in their hunts.
or higher casts spells, it can spend 8 lifewell co Hit Die: d10.
quicken one of irs spells, as if using the Quicken Spell feat.
The spell slot and level of the spell do not change. REQUIREMENTS
Greater Invigorate (Ex): Whenever a 9th-level li fe- To qualify ro become a mortal hunter, a character must ful-
drinker uses its invigorate ability, it gains a +1 enl1ancement fill all the following criteria.
bonus co Strength for each lifewell point spent. rf multiple Type: Any oursider.
lifewell points are spent at the same time, the bonus is cor- Alignment: Any evil.
respondingly larger. A lifedrinker that spends 10 lifewel l Base Attack Bonus: +5.
points all at once on invigorate gains 10d6 temporary h it Skills: Move Silenrly 3 ranks, Speak Language
points and a +10 enhancement bonus to Strength. But if the (Common), Wilderness Lore 5 ranks.
lifedrinker spends s lifewell points in one round and 5 more Feats: Alerrness, Morralbane, Track.
points in the next, it has 10d6 temporary hit points but only
a +5 enhancement bonus ro Strength. The bonus to Strength CLASS SKILLS
lases for 24 hours. The morral hunter's class skills (and the key ability for each
Blood Revel (Ex): Once a 10th-level lifedrinker drains skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Dis-
any blood from a victim, it can choose to enter a stare called guise (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intuit Di.recrion (Wis), Jump (Srr),
Knowledge (arcana) (Inr), Knowledge (religion) (Inr), 8th level, any mortal form can be adopted. If the flesh used is
Knowledge (rhe planes) (Inr), Listen (Wis), Move Silenrly from the exact individual being imitated, the duration is per-
(Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), and manent. If the flesh is from a being of the same rype as the
Wilderness Lore (Wis). See Chapter 4 of the Player's Hand- form adopted, rhe duration is 1 hour. l f the flesh is n o r rhe
booh for skill descriptions. same type as rhe form adopted, rhe duration is lO minutes. In
all cases, the mortal h unter can dismiss rbe ability as a stan-
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + I ni modifier. dard acrion. Otherwise, this ability works as rhe polymorp'1 self
spell, and the mortal hunter can call upon ir once per day.
CLASS FEATURES Detect Mortals (Su ): A 2nd-level mortal hunrer can use
All the following are class features of the mortal hunter pres- detect mortals at will. This ability duplicates rhe effect of
tige class. detect irndend cast by a I 5th-level caster, except that mortals
Weapon and Armor Proficien cy: Mortal hunters are are detected.
proficient with no weapons, armor, or shields. Boost Spell-Like Ability: At 2nd level, a mortal hunte r
Spells: A mortal hunrer gains the ability to cast a small gains this feat as a bonus fear.
number of arcane spells. To cast a spell, the mortal hunrer Smite Mortals (Su ): Once per day, a mortal hunter of
must have a Charisma score of at least 10 + the spell's level, 4th level or higher may attempt to smite mortals with one
so a mortal hunter wirh a Charisma of IO or lower can nor normal melee arrack. It adds its Wisdom modifier (if posi-
cast these spells. Morral hunrcr bonus spells are based on tive) to its attack roll and deals 2 extra points of damage per
Charisma, and saving throws against these spells have a DC class level; for example, an 8th-level mortal hunter armed
of 1 O + spell Level + Cha modifier. When Table 5-10 shows O with a longsword would deal td8+16 points of damage,
spells of a given level, such as O 1st-level spells at 1st level, pl us 3 points of damage for its mortal bunting ability, plus
rhe morral hunter gers only bonus spells. A mortal hunrer any additional bonuses for high Strength or magical
without a bonus spell for that level cannor yet cast a spell of effects. If the mortal hunter accidentally smites a creature
char Level. The mortal hunter's spell list appears below; it has that is nor a mortal, the smite has no effect bur is still used
access ro any spell on the Ust and need nor prepare those up for chat day.
spells ahead of time, just as a sorcerer. A mortal hunter casts Spurn Mortal Magic (Su ): A 5th-level mortal hunter
spells just as a sorcerer does. applies its Wisdom modifier (if positive) as an additional
Mortal Hunting (Ex): A mortal hunter gains a bonus bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like abil-
against mortals due ro its extensive study of them and train- ities used by morrals. Will saving throws rbus add double
ing in the proper combat techniques. The mortal hunter the normal Wisdom modifier.
gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against mortals Claws of the Overfiend (Ex): At 7th level, the damage
and the same bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, dealt by all of the mortal hunter's narural attacks increases
and Wilderness Lore checks when using these skills against by one step. Use the table in the Size Increases section in the
mortals. The damage bonus applies to ranged weapons only introduction of the Monster Manual to determine the proper
against targets within 30 feet (rhe mortal bunter cannot die increase. For example, a bite that deals td6+2 points of
strike with deadly accuracy beyond that range). The bonus damage now deals 1d8+2 points of damage.
does not apply to damage against creatures that are immune Mortalbane Shout (Su): An 8th-level mortal bunter can,
to critical hirs. Ar 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the mortal hunter's once per day, give a shout that stuns for 1 round all mortals
bonus associated with mortals goes up by +1. This bonus within 50 feet who fail a fortitude save (DC 10 + Charisma
stacks wirh a ranger's favored enemy bonus. bonus+ class levels).
Mortal Skin (Su): By magically grafong bits of mortal Slay Mortal (Su): A 10th-level mortal hunter can attempt
flesh to its own body, a morral hunter gains the ability at tsr to slay a mortal with its roucb once per day. Jf rhe mortal
level to transform (as the polymorp'1 self spell) into any hunter succeeds at a melee touch arrack, the mortal must
humanoid mortal form. Ar Srh level, a mortal hunter can make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + class level+ mortal
polymorph into any mortal form except that of a dragon. Ar hunter's Cha modifier) or die instanrly.


Class Base Fort Ref Will Spells per Day
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st +l +2 +0 +0 Mortal hunting+ 1, mortal skin (any humanoid) 0
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Detect mortals, Boost Spell-Like Ability
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Mortal hunting +2 0
4th +4 +4 +l +1 Smite mortals
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Spurn mortal magic, mortal skin (any nondragon) 1 0
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Mortal hunting +3 1
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 Claws of the overfiend 2 0
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Mortalbane shout 2 1
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 Mortal hunting +4 2 2
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Slay mortal, mortal skin (any) 2 2 2
Mortal Hunter Spell List undergoes a forbidden, profane ritual lhar allows it to
Morral hunters choose their spells from tbe following list. become a soul eater.
1st Level: cause fear, charm perso1·1, detect good, hearlache, pro-
tection from good, sleep, 11nnerving gaze. TABLE 5- 11: THE SOUL EATER
2nd Level: detect thoughts, evil eye, hold person, magic circle Base
against good, see invisibility, iveb, wither limb. Class Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
3rd Level: flesh ripper, mirror sending, 11011detectio11, sr.ryi11g,
1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Energy drain 1
suggestion, vile lance, wmck. 2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Soul strength
4th Level: nrcane eye, en// dretch horde, locate crent11re, 111oml- 3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Soul blast
ity 1111done, phantasmal hiller, resonating resistance. 4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Soul enhancement
5th +5 +4 +4 +4 Soul endurance
6th +6 +5 +S +S Soul radiance
7th +7 +5 +S +S Energy drain 2
8th +8 +6 +6 +6 Soul agility
Bane of all Living creatures, the soul eater is a monstrous
9th +9 +6 +6 +6 Soul slave
being that feeds on the very essence of Life force. Twisted 10th +10 +7 +7 +7 Soul power
and evil-even by the standards of
creatures such as beholders, la-
mias, and mind flayers- the soul CLASS SKILLS
eater is feared by all creatures that The soul eater's class skills (and the
live. Soul eaters are often confused key ability for each skill) are Climb
witb vampires or other undead, (Str), Concentration (Con ), Hide
but they are decidedly alive, (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
making their actions all the more Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex),
heinous. Profession (any) (Wis), Search ( lnr),
Evil creatures such as the afore- Spellcrafr (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim
mentioned beholders, lamias, (Str), and Use Rope (Dex). See Chap-
and mind flayers become sou 1 ter 4 of the Player's Handbook for skill
eaters, as do destrachans, yuan-ti, descriptions.
trolls, harpies, and medusas.
The occasional gianr or dragon Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Inc
finds the path of the soul eater modifier.
roo tempting to resist. It is even
possible for good-aligned crea- CLASS FEATURES
tures such as lammasus and uni- A11 the following are class features of
corns to turn evil and beco me the soul eater prestige class.
soul eaters. Weapon and Armor Proficien cy:
Soul eaters always work alone, Soul eaters are proficient with no
although they may have enthralled weapons, armor, or shields.
or enslaved servants. Energy Drain (Su }: A soul eater
Hit Die: ds. gains the ability to drain energy, be-
stowing negative levels upon irs vic-
REQUIREMENTS tims. Beginning at 1st level, rhe
To qualify co become a soul eater, a touch of a soul eater bestows one
character must fulfill all the fol- negative level on irs target. At 7th
lowing criteria. level, the soul eater bestows
Typ e: Any living nonhu- two negative levels
manoid (monstrous human- with a touch.
oid is acceptable). S ou l
Alig nment : Any evil. ~O'I. Stren gth (Su ):
Base Attack Bonus: +5. When a 2nd-level soul eater uses its energy drain ability, it
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 2 ranks. gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength for 24 hours.
Feats : Alertness, Weapon Focus (claw or other natural Soul Blast (Su ): When a 3rd-level soul eater uses its energy
weapon). drain ability, it may project a 100-foot ray of force that deals ld6
Special: Soul eaters are usually created against their will. points of damage per soul eater level against one carge1. The
Sometimes, the emissary of an evil god or a powerful fiend target is allowed a Reflex saving throw to avoid the damage (DC
approaches a monster on the verge of dearh. In exchange for 10 + soul eater's class level + soul eater's Cha bonus). This super-
continued life, the creature must feed on souls thereafter. natural ability can be used once per day, ru1d only on a day when
More rarely, a creature desiring the ability to feed on souls the soul eater has drained levels.
Soul Enhancem ent (Su ): When a 4th-level soul eater good-aligned characters and creatures-actually, thralls of
uses its energy drain ability, it gains a +2 enhancement Demogorgon despise everyone.
bonus on all saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks Hit Die: ds.
for 24 hours. This bonus sracks with any enhancemem
bonuses gained to ability scores that apply to saves or REQU IREME NTS
checks. To qualify to become a rh raU of Demogorgon, a character
Soul Endurance (Su): When a 5th-level soul eater uses must fulfill all the following criteria.
its energy drain ability, it gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Alignment: Chaotic evil.
Constitution for 24 hours. Base Attack Bonus: +4.
Soul Radiance (Su): If a 6th-level soul eater completely Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 2 ranks, Knowledge (religion)
drains a creature of energy, it may adopt the creature's soul 2 ranks, Knowledge (any other) 2 ranks.
radiance, raking the victim's form, appearance, and abilities Feats: Willing Deformity, Thrall to Demon.
(as the shapeclrnnge spell) for 24 hours. Special: Must be able to cast lsr-level spells or make
Soul Agility (Su): When an 8th-level soul eater uses its sneak attacks.
energy drain ability, it gains a +4 enhancement bonus ro Sp ecial: A thrall of Demogorgon is initiated in a horrific
Dexterity for 24 hours. rite that involves the sacrifice of an intelligent being dedi-
Soul Slave (Su): If a 9th-level soul eater completely cated ro Demogorgon. This ceremony must rake place on
drains a creature of energy, the victim becomes a wight unhallowed ground, ar night, in the presence of a demon.
under the command of the soul eater.
Soul Power (Su): After a 10th-level soul eater has drained CLASS SKILLS
energy, all spell-like and supernatural abilities gaiJ1 a +2 pro- The thrall of Demogorgon's class skills (and rhe key ability
fane bonus co their saving throw DC for 24 hours. Further, for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration
any and all spell-like or supernatural abilities the soul eater (Con), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), I ntuit Direction (Wis),
possesses may be used twice as often as normal during that Jump (Srr), Knowledge (any) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Pro-
24-hour period. For example, if an abolerh soul eater drains fession (any) (Wis), Search (Im), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot
energy, ir may use its enslave power six times per day rather (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex). See Chapter 4 of the
than three times per day. Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

"The dual-lived, dual-willed prince of the Abyss, master of the mys- CLASS FEATURES
terious and liing of the deviants, Demogorgo11, you are my lord!" All rhe following are class features of rhe thrall of Demogor-
-Qill gon prestige class.
Weapo n and Armo r Proficien cy: A thrall of Demogor-
The thrall ofDemogorgon is a perversion of his race-and a gon is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with
madman. He seeks our the morbid and the bizarre, and he all rypes of armor, and with shields.
thrives on rhe chaotic nature of mutation and deformity. In Bonus Feat or Sp ells: When a thrall of Demogorgon
rhe service of his terrible master, he attempts to spread dis- attains 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th level, rhe character gains new
senr, madness, and conllict. He works to topple that which spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever
provides order and pervert that which is true. spellcasting class he belonged ro before he added the pres-
Multiclass characters make the best thralls of Demo- tige class, or else he gains a bonus fear of h is choice. If the
gorgon, because he appreciates their versatility. A thrall of thrall chooses +1 spellcasring level, he does nor gain any
Demogorgon usually works alone, and his greatest enemies other benefit a character of that class would have gained
are often other thralls of Demogorgon, al though he hares all (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, meta-
other demon prince rhralls as well. Other enemies include magic or item creation feats, hir points beyond rhose


Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day/Spells Known
1st +l +2 +0 +0 Scaly flesh +l, hypnosis Bonus feat or +l level of existing class
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Touch offear
3rd +3 +3 +1 +l Reaching touch
4th +4 +4 +1 +l Dt1al actions, scaly flesh +2 Bonus feat or+1 level of existing class
5th +S +4 +1 +1 Summon minor demon
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Rotting touch
7th +7 +S +2 +2 Scaly flesh +3 Bonus feat or +1 level of existing class
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Two personas, death touch
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 Summon major demon
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Demogorgon's will, scaly flesh +4 Bonus feat or+ l level of existing class
received from the presrige class, and so on), except for an
increased effective level of spellcasting. This essentially THRAI I OF GRAZ'ZI
means that he adds the new level ro the level of whatever "The dnl'l1 111a11, lhe shndow hing, the ebo11y skinned mnslcr of nil
other spellcasring class the character has, then determines lhings lfrnt revel in the nigh I, oh master Grnz'zl, spare me your
spells per day, spells known, and caster level accordingly. wrntli nnd grnrit me your favor!"
Ifa character had more than one spellcasting class before he - Besmal
became a thrall ofDemogorgon, he must decide ro which class
he adds the level for purposes of determining spells per day. The thrall of Graz'zt is a sinister, conniving, and thoroughly
A thrall ofDemogorgon is free to choose che bonus fear ac evil master of arcane lore and dark secrets. She uses her
one opportunity and the spellcasting level the next rime the charm and gui le ro learn things that sh e sh o uld never
decision arises, or vice versa. Characters who are nor spell- know-a sort of seductive loremaster who depends on sub-
casters must choose the bonus fear. terfuge, nor srudy. A loremaster spends her days in a library
Scaly Flesh (Ex): A lsr-level thrall of Demogorgon gains lea rning secrets, bur a thrall of Graz'zr STeals, seduces, or
dark scaly flesh, which provides a+ 1 narural armor bonus. At tricks rhem from others.
every three levels beyond 1st ( 4th, 7th, and l0rh), this bonus Wizards, sorcerers, clerics, an d bards make excellent
increases by +1. The bonus from scaly flesh sracks with char thralls of Graz'zr, although sorcerers are clearly rhe best of
of natural a1mor derived from creature type (if the thrall of chem all. Graz'zr is the dark man that some sorcerers learn
Demogorgon is a lizardfolk or troglodyte, for example), bur their initial spells from without even knowing it.
nor from magical sources such as an n1111.1lel of 11nl1m1I nrmor. Thralls of Graz'zt often work in cabals. These sinister,
Hypnosis (Sp): Once per day, a thrall of Demogorgon can secretive organizations sometimes work alongside rogues or
produce an effect identical to that of the hypnotism spell, assassins to manage the criminal underworld of an entire
except char it functions as a gaze a track with a range of 30 community or even an entire kingdom. The lust for power
feet. The Will save DC ro resist the effect is 10 + thrall's class of a thrall of Graz'zt knows no bounds.
level+ thrall's Cha modifier. Hit Die: d6.
Touch of Fear (Sp): Three rimes per day, a thrall of Demo-
gorgon of 2nd level or higher ca11 use an effect identical ro REQUfREMENTS
that of the cause fenr spell. The Will save DC to negate the To qualify to become a thrall of Graz'zt, a character must ful-
fear is 10 + class level + Cha modifier. fill all rhe following criteria.
Re.aching Touch (Su): Three times per day, a 3rd-level thrall Alignment: Any evil
ofDemogorgon can cause his arms to stretch wmarurnlly like Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Bluff 2 ranks, Diplo-
tentacles, providing him an extra 5 feet of reach for 1 round. macy 2 ranks.
Dual Actions (Su ): Twice per day, a 4th-level thrall of Feats: Thrall to Demon, Violate Spell.
Demogorgon can take rwo full rounds' worth of actions in Special: Must be able to cast 3rd-level spells with the evil
the same round. descriptor.
Summon Demon (Sp): A 5th-I.eve! thrall of Demogorgon Special: Graz'zr's followers initiate new thralls in a hor-
can summon a demon of 5 HD or less once per day. This rific rite that involves the sacrifice of an intelligent being.
functions as a s1rnn11011 monster spell cast by a 15rh-level This rite must be performed within an area of magical dark-
caster. Once per day, a 9th-level thrall of Demogorgon can ness under the influence of a desecrate or unhallow spell.
summon a demon of 10 HD or less.
Rotting Touch (Sp): Three times per day, a rhrall of Demo- CLASS SKfLLS
gorgon can deal 1d6 poinrs of Constitution damage as a The thrall of Graz'zr's class skills (a11d the key ability for each
rouch arrack. skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentrarion (Con), Decipher Sc1ipr
Two Personas (Ex): An 8th-level rhrall of Demogorgon (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide
goes a lirtle imane, ifhe is not already mad. The rhrall devel- (Dex), Innuendo (Wis), Knowledge (any) (Int), Listen (Wis),
ops a multiple personaliry disorder that has the side effect of Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Pick
allowing the character to multiclass freely wirh no experi- Pocket (Dex), Scry (Inr), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis),
ence point penalries. Spellcrafc (lnr), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Death Touch (Sp): Ar 8th level, a thrall of Demogorgon can See Chapter 4 of the Player's Handbooh for skill descriptions.
use an effect identical to that of a slny liv111g spell once per
day. The Fortitude save DC to avoid death is 10 + class level + Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + lnr modifier.
Cha modifier.
Demogorgon's Will (Sp): A 10th-level thrall ofDemogorgon CLASS FEATURES
can call upon the power of his master and be granted a lim- AH the following are class features of the thrall of Graz'zt
ited wish spell once per day. The use of this ability requires 3 prestige class.
full rounds devoted ro enrrearies and prayers to Demogor- Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Thralls of Graz'zr are
gon before the limited wisl1 is granted. The thrall musr pay proficienr with no weapons, armor, or shields.
the experience point cost and provide any needed material Spells: When a thrall of Graz'zt gains 1st level, and every
components. two levels after that (plus 10th level), the character gains
new spells per day as if she had also gained a level i.n what- amount of damage dealt. A 2nd-level thrall, for example,
ever spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the adds +1 d6 points of damage to a spell cast against flat-
prestige class. She does not, however, gai11 any other benefit footed targets. Graz'zt grants rhis abiliry in the hope that
a character of tha1 class would have gained (improved the thrall will convince her enemies that she is their
chance of controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic or friend, then betray them with a surprise magical attack.
item creation fears, hit points The damage increase goes up by +td6
beyond those received from rhe for every two levels beyond 2nd, to
prestige class, and so on), except +5d6 at 10th level.
for an increased effective level Dark Ch arisma (Ex):
of spellcasring. This essentially At 3rd level, a thrall of
means rhat she adds the new Graz'zt can add an
level of thrall of Graz'zt to the enhancemenr bonus
level of whatever other spell- on cenain Charisma-
casting class the character has, based skill checks.
then determines spells per day, The bonus is +1 ar
spells known, and caster level 3rd level, +2 at 5th
accordingly. For example, if level, and +3 at 7th
Kalleyis, an 8th-level wizard, level. The bom.ts im-
gains a level in thrall of Graz'zt, proves Animal Em-
she gains new spells as if she parhy, Diplomacy, Bluff,
had risen ro 9th level in wizard, Garber Information, Han dle
bur uses the orher thrall of Anima l, and Perform checks when
Graz'zt aspects of level progres- deali1,g with evil crearures.
sion such as base arrack bonus Summon Demon (Sp}: A 4th-level
and save bonus. If she next thrall of Graz'zt can summon a demon
gains a level of wizard, making of 5 HD or less once per day. This hmc-
her a 9th-level wizard/ 1st-level tions as a s1m1mo11 monster spell cast by
thrall of Graz'zr, she gains spells a 15th-level caster. A 9th-level thrall of
as if she had risen ro 10th-level Graz'zr can summon a demon of
wizard. LO HD or less once per day.
If a character bad more than Spellstrik e (Su ): If a thrall
one spellcasting class before of Graz'zt casts a dam aging
she became a thrall of Graz'zt, spell upon a target or targets
she must decide ro which class threarened in melee
she adds rhe level of rb rail of (and thus distract-
Graz'zt. ed}, the thrall can
Cha r m (Sp ): A thrall of add ha If of the
Graz'zt can produce an effect spe ll betraya 1
identical ro rhar of a ch11rm person bonus (ro und
spell cast by a caster of the thrall down) to the damage dealt.
of Graz'zt's class level. Will! Thus, a 6th-level or 7th-level thrall of
Spell Betrayal (Su): When casting a damage-dealing Graz'zt deals an additional +td6 points of damage wirh a
spell at a target or targets denied their Dexterity bonus, a spell against rhreatened targets. Ar sch level and higher, this
thrall of Graz'zr of 2nd level or higher can increase 1he bonus damage increases to +2d6 points.


Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day/ Spells Known
1st +0 +O +O +2 Charm +1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +O +O +3 Spell betrayal +1d6
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Dark Charisma +1 +1 level of existing class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Spell betrayal +2d6, svmmon minor demon
5th +2 +1 +l +4 Dark Charisma +2 +1 level of existing class
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Spell betrayal +3d6, spellstrike + 1d6
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Dark Charisma +3 +1 level of existing class
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Spell betrayal +4d6, spellstrike +2d6
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Summon major demon +1 level of existing class
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Spell betrayal +5d6 +1 level of existing class
THRALL OF It JJRLEX All the following are class feanires of the thrall of Juiblex
"All lrni! the dark, whispered master, patro11 of pestilence, a11d father prestige class.
of slime, Juiblex the unspeakable!" Weapon and Arm or Proficiency: A thrall ofJuiblex is
-Duvamil proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all
types of armor, and with shields.
The thrall ofJuiblex is as disgusting an individual as one may Sick ening Slime (Ex): A thrall of Juiblex can secrete a
ever encounter. Oozing a horrible slime and stirrounded by a smelly slime that coats its body in a thin layer. Anyone
nausea ring stench, these thralls have no place in normal within 5 feet must make a Fortinide saving throw (DC 10
society, although the more powerful ones can disguise their + the thrall's class level + Consti tution bonus) or rake a -1
form to slip among civilized people. circumstance penalty on attack rolls and skill checks, due
Fighters and barbarians sometimes become thralls of ro the outrageous odor of the slime layer.
Jttiblex, and clerics who favor the demon prince also rake Cor rosive Touch (Ex): Three times per day, a thrall of
the prestige class. Juiblex of 2nd level or higher can secrete a caustic slime
A thrall of Juiblex usually operates alone, for no one can on its hand that deals 2d6 points of damage. Once iris
stand to be near it except for undead, oozes, and possibly secreted, the thrall ca11 make an attack to get the corrosive
cancer mages. slime ro damage a foe, dealing normal unarmed damage as
Hit Die: dto. we ll as the damage from the slime. Beca1.1se of the corro-
sive slime, this attack is not considered unarmed and does
REQUIREMENTS not provoke attacks of opportunity.
To qualify to become a thrall ofJuiblex, a character must ful- Summon Ooze (Sp): At 3rd level, a thrall of
fill all the following criteria. Juiblex can summon a patch of green
Alignment: Any evil. slime, a gray ooze, an ochre jelly, or a
Base Save Bonus: Fort +6. gelatinous cube as the summo11 monster
Skills: Escape Artist 5 ranks. spell with his thrall level as the
Feats: Thrall to Demon, Willing Deformity. caster level.
Special: Must have been polymorphed or experienced Contagion (Su): Once per day, a thrall of Juiblex can
some sort of shapechanging experience. spread a disease, as the contngion spell (caster level 10th).
Special: The rhrall ofJuiblex is initiated in a horrific rite Alter Self (Su ): At 4th level, a thrall of Juiblex's form
that involves the sacrifice of an intelligent being. At least becomes somewhat transirory and amorphous. Ir can
three oozes, slimes, or puddings musr be present for rhe change its appearance and form at will, as the alter selfspell
ritual. The victi.rn of the sacrificial ritual must be dissolved cast by a 4th-level caster.
in acid. Summon Demon (Sp): A 5th-level thrall of Juiblex can
summon a demon of 5 HD or less once per day. This func-
TABLE 5- 14: TH E THRALL OF jUIBLEX tions as a summon monsl-er spell cast by a 15th-level caster.
Base A 9th-level thrall of Juiblex can s ummon a demo n of 10
Class Attack Fort Ref Will HD or less once per day.
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
Corrosive Spew (Ex): At 6th level, a thrall of Juiblex
1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Sickening slime
2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Corrosive touch can spit a gout of caustic goo in a line 5 feet wide and 30
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Summon ooze feet long once per day. The corrosive spew deals 8d6
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Contagion, alter self points of acid damage to anyone in its path, with a Reflex
5th +5 +4 +4 +4 Summon minor demon saving throw (DC 10 + thrall's class level + thrall's Con
6th +6 +5 +5 +5 Corrosive spew bonus) for half damage.
71h +7 +5 +5 +5 Summon pudding Summon Pudding (Sp): Ar 7th level, a thrall of Juiblex
8th +8 +6 +6 +6 Polymorph self
9th can summon a black pudding as if ir had cast a summon
+9 +6 +6 +6 Summon major demon
10th +10 +7 +7 +7 No discernible anatomy monster spell with its thrall level as the caster level.
Polym o rph Self (Su ): An 8th-level thrall of Juiblex's
form is more amorphous cha n ever. It can change its
CLASS SKILLS appearance and form at will, as the polymorph self spell cast
The thrall ofJuiblex's class skills (and the key ability for each by an 8th-level caster.
skill) are Climb (Str), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), No Discernible Anatomy (Ex): Ar 10th level, a thrall
Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (religion) (Int), of Juiblex's form is so amorphous that it no longer need
Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), and Spot (Wis). See Chap- worry about being affected by critical hi ts, sneak attacks,
ter 4 of the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions. damage from poison, paralysis, or stunning. However,
potions no longer affect the thrall either.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
THRAI I OF ORCtJS The th raU of Orcus's class skills (and the key ability for each
"Blonted gon! prince of undenlh, mnslcr of vmnpires nnd lord of skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con ), Crafr (Int),
specters, Orcus, grn1·1t me your crushing might and the dend ly Hide (Dex), Intimida te (Cha), Kn owledge (any) (Int), Move
power of your shull-hended wnnd!" Silentl y (Dex), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), and Spot (Wis).
- Q uah-Nomag the SkuU-King See Chapter 4 of the Plnyer's Hmrdbooh for skill descriptions.

The thrall of Orcus has devoted herself to rbe demon Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + lnt modifier.
prince of undeath. In his service, she becomes a rool of
misery, murder, and reve nge. She revels in the com- CLASS FEATURES
pany of the undead, preferring their decaying All the following are class features of che th rail of
rouch to that of living flesh. Orcus prestige class.
Clerics, wizards, and sorcerers make the best Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A th rall
th ralls of O rcus, although bards, blackguards, of Orcus is proficient with all simple an d mar-
and various multiclass c haracters also join tial weapons, with all types of armor, and
bis demonic ranks occasion ally. with shields.
Thralls of Orcus often work in small Bonus Feat or Spells : When a thrall of
groups. These cabals of necromancers and Orcus attains 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th level, the
necrophiliacs consort with undead crea- character gains new spells per day as i.f she
tures and demons to fo rm small cells of had also gai.ned a level in whatever spellcasr-
depraved evil hidden amid bustling cities ing class she belonged to before she added the
and quiet villages. Th ralls of Orcus hate prestige class, or else she gains a bonus feat of
and war against the thralls of Demogorgon her choice. If the thrall chooses +1 spellcasting
and Graz'zt. level, she does nor gain any other benefir a ch ar-
Hit Die: ds. acter of that class would have gained (improved
chance of controlling or rebuking undead, meta-
REQUIREMENTS magic or item creatio n feats, hit points beyond
To qualify to become a thraU those received from the prestige class, and so
of Orcus, a character must ful- on), except for an increased effective
fill all the follow ing criteria. level of spellcasring. This essentially
Alignment: Any evil. means char she adds rhe new level to
Base Attack Bonus : the level of whatever other spellcasting
+4. class che character has, then deter-
Skills: Knowledge mines speUs per day, spells known,
(arcana) 2 ranks, Knowl- and caster level accordingly.
edge (religion) 2 ranks. If a character had more than one
Fe ats : Lichloved, spellcasting class before she be-
Thrall to Demon. came a thrall of Orcus, she musr decide
Special: Must be able to cast a spell of to which class she adds the level for pur-
rhe Necromancy school. poses of determining spells per day.
Special: The sacrifice of an intelligent being is the center- A th rall of Orcus is free co choose the bonus feat at one
piece of th e horrific rite char initiates a new thrall of Orcus. opportunity and the spellcasring level rhe nexr time the
This ritual takes p lace in complete darkness atop an altar decision arises, or vice versa. Characters who are not spell-
made of at least rhirry skulls. casters must choose rhe bonus feat.


Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day/Spells Known
1st +1 +2 +O +2 Carrion stench Bonus feat or+1 level of existing class
2nd +2 +3 +O +3 Touch offear
3rd +3 +3 +l +3 Demon wings
4th +4 +4 +l +4 Massive girth/skeletal visage Bonus feat or+1 level of existing class
5th +S +4 +l +4 Summon minor undead
6th +6 +S +2 +5 Pallor of death
7th +7 +5 +2 +5 Demon wings (at will) Bonus feat or+1 level of existing class
8th +8 +6 +2 +6 Death touch
9th +9 +6 +3 +6 Summon major undead
10th +1 0 +7 +3 +7 Summon nightwing Bonus feat or+1 level of existing class
Carrion Stench (Ex): A thrall of Orcus, when desired, priest commaJ1ds the level of power of the most powerful
emits a terrible smell in a 10-foot radius. Living creatures in cleric, although she does not have the cleric's variety of
the radius (excluding the thrall) must succeed at a Fortitude spellcasting options.
save (DC 10 + thrall's class level + thrall's Con modifier) or A member of any class can become an ur-priesr, even-
rake a - 2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and in facr, especially- an ex-cleric.
saving throws, skill checks, and abiliry checks for 1 round Ur-priests frequently work alone, although rhey occasion-
per class level of rhe thrall of Orcus. Furthermore, mindless ally find partnerships with members of other classes useful.
undead creatures within the radius of the stench believe the They do not congregate into anything resembling temples,
thrall of Orel.IS to be undead. for rhey fear thar roo many of them in one place might draw
Touch of Fear (Sp):Three times per day, a 2nd-level thrall of unwanted divine attention. And of course rhey rarely associ-
Orcus can produce an effect identical to rha r of the c1111se fe111· ate with clerics or any other divine spellcasters, whom they
spell cast by a 10th-level caster. see as lackeys and who view them as abomi nations.
Demon Wings (Su): Once per day, a 3rd-level thrall of Hit Die: ds.
Orcus can bring forth massive black wings from his back.
These wings allow rhe thrall to fly at his normal land speed REQUIREMENTS
with average maneuverability. The demon wings last for up To qualify co become an ur-priest, a character must fulfill ail
to 1 hour and are dismissible with a standard action. At 7th the following criteria.
level, the thrall can use his demon wings ar will, and rhey Alignment: Any evil.
last as long as needed. Base Save Bonus: Fort +3, Will +3.
Massive Girth/ Skele tal Vis age (Su ): At 4th level, a Skills: Bluff 6 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Knowl-
rhraU of Orcus must choose co become obese like her dread edge ( religio n) 8 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 5 ranks,
master or gaunt like an undead creature. Depending on rhe Spellcraf1 8 ranks.
choice, the thrall gains the Deformity (obese) or Deformity Feats : Iron Will, Malign Spell Focus.
(gaunt) feat as a bonus fear. Special: The character must have no abiliry ro cast divine
Summon Undead (Sp): Once per day, a 5th-level thrall of spells. If that abiliry was previously possessed (as with an ex-
Orcus can summon ld4 ghouls, 1d3 shadows, l wight, or 1 cleric), the abiliry must be forever forsaken.
wraith as the summon monster spell cast by a caster of her Sp ecial: The c h aracter must be trained by another
class level. Ar 9th level, rhe thrall can summon 1d3 mum- u r-priesr.
mies, 1 spectre, 1 mohrg, 1 vampire, or 1 ghost instead. If she
chooses a vampire or a ghost, its character level is one less CLASS SKILLS
than the thrall's class level. The ur-priest'.5 class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
Pallo r of D eath (Su ): A 6th-level thrall of Orcus can are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowl-
adopt the appearance of a humanoid undead creature of her edge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Tnr), Knowledge
choosing as if she had cast rhe 11ller self spell. While in rhis (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Inr), and Spell-
form, the thrall has an aura of fear (as the fear spelJ cast by a craft (Int). See Chapter 4 of the Pl11yei-'s Handbook for skill
6th-level caster) that affects only Living nonoutsiders within descriptions.
25 feet. Pallor of death lasts for 1 minute per class level and
can be used once per day. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Im modifier.
Death Touch (Sp): An 8th-level thrall of Orcus can force a
living creature hit with a touch attack to attempt a Fortin1de CLASS FEATURES
save (DC LO+ thrall's class level + rhrall's Cha bonus). lf the All the following are class features of rhe ur-priest prestige
target fails its save, it dies. class.
Summon Nightwing (Sp): A :I 01h-level thrall of Orcus can Weapon and Armor Proficien cy: An ur-priest is profi-
summon 1 nighrwing once per week, as the srnnmo,1 monster cient with simple weapons, bur nor with armor or shields.
spell cast by a 15th-level caster. Spells: An ur-priesr gains rhe ability to cast a number of
divine spells. To cast a spell, the ur-priest must have a
Wisdom score of at least 10 + the spell's level, so an ur-priest
\JR-PRIEST wirh a Wisdom of LO or lower cannot cast these spells. Ur-
Ur-priests despise gods. However, a small number of them priest bonus spells are based on Wisdom, and saving throws
have learned to rap into divine power and use it for their against chese spells have a DC of IO + spell level + Wisdom
own needs without praying ro or worshiping a god. Instead, modifier. When Table 5-16 indicates 0 spells of a given
each day they go into a trance and mentally steal the power level, such as O 2nd-level spells at 2nd level, rhe ur-priest
that gods normally channel to devout clerics. Ur-priests are gets only bonus spells. An ur-priest without a bonus spell for
canny and cunning, never stealing too much power from rha1 level cannot yet cast a spell of rhat Ieve I.
any one god, but instead metaphysically slipping in, draw- The ur-priest's spell list is identical to che cleric's spell list.
ing our the power they need for their spells, and slipping out An ur-priest has access to any spell on the lisc and prepares
again. They learn ro be resilient roward divine power and those spells as a cleric, except that she does 1101 pray for
creative with the energies that they steal. The grea test ur- speUs, she just takes them. An ur-priest casts spells as a cleric
Class Base Fort Ref Will Spells per Day
level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +O +O +O +2 4 2
2nd +l +O +O +3 Rebuke undead s 3 0
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 s 3 0
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Divine SR 15 6 3 2 1 0
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 6 3 3 2 0
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Siphon spell power 6 3 3 3 2 0
7th +5 +2 +2 +S 6 4 3 3 2 l 0
8th +6 +2 +2 +6 Divine SR 20 6 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 0
9th +6 +3 +3 +6 6 s 4 4 4 4 3 2 0
10th +7 +3 +3 +7 Steal spell-like ability 6 5 s 4 4 4 4 3 2

does, except that unlike a cleric, she does not have the abil- For example, if an ur-priest is near a noble salamander,
iry to spontaneously cast infiicl or wre spells, nor does she she can steal fireball and use it three rimes that day or steal
have domain spells or associated domain granted powers. dispel magic and use it o nce that day. If she is near a pit
She does not have restrictions on spells with alignments. To fiend, she could steal teleporl without error (self plus 50
determine the caster level ofan ur-priest, add the character's pounds of objects on ly) and use it three Limes per day,
ur-priest levels to one-half of her levels in other spellcasting because the pie fiend can do it at will. She could even steal
classes. (Any levels gained in the cleric class by an ex-cleric the pit fiend's wish abiliry, but because a pit fiend can only
don't count.) use wish once per year, the ur-priest would be similarly
Rebuke Undead: Like an evil cleric, an ur-priest of 2nd limited. She cou ld nor stea l that power again from any
level or higher can rebuke undead. She uses her ur-priest creature for one year.
level as the cleric level for determining success and damage
(see Turn and Rebuke Undead in Chapter 8 of the Playel' S
Handbook). VERMIN lORD
Divine Spell Resistance (Su): At 4th level, an ur-priest The skittering of multiple legs across the floor, the droning
gains spell resistance 15, but only against divine spells and of wings- these phenomena mark the passing of a vermin
the spell-like abilities of outsiders. At 8th level, the ur- lord. This unthinkable entiry prefers the caress of the crawl-
priest's spell resistance increases to 20. ing legs of an insect or the fluttering wings of a fly more
Siphon Spell Power (Ex): Because they steal whatever than rhe touch of another person. The vermin lord offers
power they can, ur-priests learn to manipulate their energy itself as a host for all manner of parasitic organisms and
in ways that confound other casters. A 6th-level ur-priest insects that feed on it body. It not only allows the infesta-
can temporarily sacrifice two (or more) lower-level spell tion, it revels in it.
slots and use those slots to prepare a higher-level spell. The Clerics and druids comprise the majoriry of the vermin
hnigher-level spell must be of a level the ur-priest can cast. lord ranks; some cleric/ rogues are present as well. Many
Only one exchange of this sort can be made each day. The monstrous vermin lords, such as drider clerics, exist.
levels of the lower-level slots are totaled, then reduced to Humanoid vermin lords work with monsters such as
three-quarters (rou11d down) ro determine the level of the driders, phase spiders, and orher creatures associated wirh
extra higher-level spell slot. For example, an ur-priest who vermin. Otherwise, rhey opera te alone, for most other
sacrifices a 3rd-level spell and a 5th-level spell can use that humanoids will have nothing to do with them.
spell slot to prepare an additional 6th-level spell (3 + 5 = 8, Hit Die: d6.
and 8 x 3/ 4 = 6).
Steal Spell-Like Ability (Su): The most powerful ur- REQUIREMENTS
priests can use the same techniques that siphon off the gods' To qualify ro become a vermin lord, a character must ftJ.flll
spell power to steal the spell-like abilities of another crea- all the following criteria.
ture. Once each day, when a creature with spell-like abilities Alignment: Any evil.
is within 50 feet of a 10th-level ur-priest, the ur-priest can Skills: Hide 3 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 2 ranks, Move
choose one of the spell-like abilities of the crearure to steal Silencly 3 ranks.
for herself. The ur-priest can use the spell-like abiliry as Feats: Venninfriend.
often as the creature can, or three times per day, whichever Special: Must be able to cast the giant vel'min spell.
is less. The ur-priest uses the abiliry as the crearure does wi th Special: The vermin lord must be ordained by an intelli-
regard to caster level and save DCs. This ability only lasts 24 gent evil creature with a physical resemblance to vermin-
hours. The creature with the spell-like abiliry does not lose a drider, chasme, gelugon, aranea, bebilith, phase spider, evil
the ability when the ur-p1-iest steals it. If the ur-priest tries to fonnian, or similar cream re. The ordaining cream re must be
steal a spell-like ability that the creature doesn't have, or tries intelligent enough to communicate with the vermin lord-
to steal an ability that is supernatural rather than spell-like, to-be. Of course, such a creature will demand service or pay-
the attempt automatically fails. ment in ren,m.
CLASS SKILLS If a character bad more than one spellcasting class before
The vermin lord's class skills (and the key ability for each he became a vermin lord, he muse decide to which class he
skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), adds the level of vermin lord.
Hide (Dex), Knowledge (natme) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Chiti n (.Ex): A vermin lord gains a +1 natural armor
Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Pick Pocket (Dex), Search bonus to Armor Class from the chitinous plates that begu1
(Int), SpelJcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis). See Chapter 4 of the ro grow on his flesh. Every three levels beyond 1st, this
Player's Ha11rlbook for skill descriptions. bonus i11creases by +1.
~ Vermin Servant: A vermin lord
Sk ill Points at E ach Level : 4 + Intl gains a servant in the form of a
modifier. vermin of up to 1 HD. This ser-
vant is treated as a familiar; its
LASS FEATURES . . intelligence increases, and it is
All the following are class features of considered a magical beast (see
the vermin lord prestige class. the Familiars section in Chapter
Weapon and Armo r Profi- 3 of the Player's Handbook). The
ciency: A vermin lord is profi- vermin servant is in addition to
cienr with no weapons, armor, or any familiar che character may
shields. already have.
Spells: When a vermin lord at- A vermin lord gains additional
rains 1st level and every two levels vermin servants at higher levels.
after that (plus 10th level), rhe char- At 5th level, the vennin servant
acter gains new spells per day as ifhe gained can be of up to 4 HD. At
had also gained a level in whatever 9th level, rhe vermin servant
spellcasting class he belonged to may be of up to 16 HD.
before he added the prestige class. Blood D r ai n (Su ): A 2nd-
He does not, however, gain any other level vermi11 lord can grow i11sec-
benefit a character of that class mid mandibles at will. He can use
would have gained (improved chance of these mandibles to make a bite
controlling or rebuking undead, meta- attack that deals L point of damage.
magic or item creation fears , hit points Furthermore, the vermin lord can
beyond those received from the prestige attempt to start a grapple, provoking
class, and so on), except for an increased effec- no attack of opportunity. If successful,
rive level of spellcasting. This essentially rhe mandibles aucomacically deal 2d6
means that he adds the new level of vermin ' poinrs of damage each round as they
lord ro the level of whatever other spellcasr- ~~ ~ 1~• suck blood from the victim. The blood
ing class the character has, chen determines .:::-.:~ 1
.::~ e;
:· , ~.: ,.,:_, drain ability only works on living creatures.
spells per day, spells known, and caster level '.;~,. · •,it···. ' ·'-;--., ·~
fl' <, ...
Spider Hand (Sp): Once per day, a 3rd-level
accordingly. For example, if Silican, an 8th-level . · . vermin lord can produce an effect identical ro
wizard, gains a level in vermin lord, he gains new spells as i.f char of a spicier hand spell cast at his effective caster level.
he had risen to 9th level in wizard, bur uses che other Swarm Armor (Su ): Each day, a 4th-level vermin lord
vermin lord aspects of level progression such as attack automatically summons a swarm of insects, spi.ders, or scor-
bonus and save bonus. If he next gains a level of wizard, pions that cover his flesh when he regains his spells. These
making him a 9th-level wizard/ 1st-level vermin lord, he insects absorb up to 10 points ofdamage from any damaging
gains spells as if he had risen to 10th-level wizard. arrack (weapons or spells). The insects cl ie off when rhey


Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day/ Spells Known
1st +0 +0 +O +2 Chitin+1, vermin servant l HD +l level of existing class
2nd +l +O +O +3 Blood drain
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Spider hand +1 level of existing class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Chitin +2, swarm armor
5th +2 +1 tl +4 Wings of the vermin, vermin servant 4 HD +1 level of existing class
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Spider legs
7th +3 +2 +2 +S Chitin +3, spew vermin +1 level of existing class
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Poison, pincer claws
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Vermin servant 16 HD +1 level of existing class
10th +S +3 +3 +7 Chitin +4, hivemind +1 level of existing class
absorb such attacks, and a total of up to 5 points per vermin
lord level can be absorbed per day. Thus, a 7th-level vermin WARRIOR OF DARKNESS
lord's swarm armor can absorb up to 35 points of damage, The warrior of darkness, somerimes called the dark knight,
although no more than 10 points from any one attack is a pracririoner of black magic. He studies the dark arts and
If a vermin lord is already wearing learns the rerrible secrets involved wirh evil rituals and
armor, the swarm armor has no spells. However, he does nor cast spells himself Instead, he
effecr. uses his arcane knowledge to make himself a more formi-
Wings of the Vermin (Su ): dable combatant.
J A vermin lord of 5th level or
1· igher can sprout massive,
Evil fighters, often ch ose wi th a
few levels of wizard or sorcerer,
buzzing insectoid wings from sometimes become warriors of
his back once per day. Wirh darkness. l ess frequently, war-
these wings, he can fly at his riors of darkness come from
normal land speed with aver- the ranks of single-
age maneuverability for '1 classed wizards
hour. The vermin lord can or sorcerers, or
carry his norma l carrying bards, rangers,
capacity, and greater burdens and even clerics.
affect his speed as rhey would Warriors of
affect his land speed. Ir is darkness often
impossible to move silently keep to them-
with these wings. selves, alth ough
Spider Legs (Sp ): O n ce per they sometimes
day, a 6th-level vermin lord ally themselves wirh
can produce an effect identical evil sorcerers or
to that of a spider legs spell cast wizards.
at his effective caster level. Orher t imes,
Spew Vermin (Sp): Once per 1 they employ small
day, a 7th-level vermin lord is groups of evi l hu-
able to spray out a swarm of vermin manoids such as ores,
from his mouth, as a breath weapon gnolls, and bugbears to
in a 30-foot cone. AJ1yone in this aid them and gua rd rheir
area rakes 1d6 points of damage dark sanctums. They dream
per vermin lord level, with a of power and conquest
successful Reflex save reduc- through viol ence
ing rhe damage by half (DC • ~I.oz, and blood shed.
10 + vermin lord's class level A warrior of
+ vermin lord's Con bonus). The vermin then darkness is noc
remain as if a summo11 swarm spell had been cast at the usually s ubtle,
vermin lord's class level. The vermin are under the com· nor is he barbaric. Insread, he is a chilling comprom ise of
mand of rhe vermin lord. physical might and intelligent sophistication.
Poison (Ex): In a vermiJ1 lord of 8th level or higher, the Hit Die: d10.
mandibles gained from the blood drain ability now carry a
narural venom that deals 1 point of Strength damage with REQUIREMENTS
each successful bite attack and 1 poinr of Strength damage 1 To qualify to become a warrior of darkness, a character must
minute later. The Fortitude save DC to resisr the poison is 10 fulfill all the following criteria.
+ vermin lord's class level+ vermin lord's Con modifier. Alignment: AJ1y evil.
Hivemind (Su): A 10th-level vermin lord can form the Base Attack Bonus: +5.
impetus ro create a hivemind (see H ivemind in Chapter 2). Skills: Alchemy 3 ranks, Knowledge (arcan a) 3 ranks,
The hivemind must include the vermin lord, although he Spea.k Language (Abyssal) or Speak Language (Infernal),
counrs as only a single individual and his Intelligence and Spellcraft 1 rank.
Charisma scores are unaffected. However, he controls the Feats: Iron Will.
hivemind, gains rhe insight bonuses, and can take advantage Special : The character must endure a week of painful
of rhe spellcasring abilities of rhe hivemind if enough indi- and scarring black magic rituals performed in solitude,
viduals are present. The vermin lord's vermin servant can rhe secrets of which take monrhs to srudy and research
also join the hivemind if the vennin lord wishes. successfully.
TABLE 5- 18: THE WARRIOR OF DARKN ESS ifier (rhe highest-numbered choice possible, or any lower
Base one). A warrior of darkness cannot ch oose an ability more
Class Attack Fort Ref Will than once.
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
Darkling Weapon (Su): With 3 rounds of preparation
1St +1 +2 +0 +2 Black magic oil
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Darkling weapon (involving riruals and alchemical subsran ces rhar cosr 50
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Black magic elixir gp), a warrior of darkness can imbue any weapon with a +1
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Black magic oil enhancement bonus on attack and damage ro.lls. If the
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Scarred flesh weapon already has an enhancemenr bonus, rhe warrior of
6th +6 +5 +2 +5 Black magic elixir darkness can instead imbue rhe weapon with any magical
7th +7 +S +2 +S Black magic oil special quality chat is rhe equivalenr of a +1 bonus (se.!
8th +8 +6 +2 +6 Repellent flesh
Chapter 8 of rhe DuNCEON MASTER'S Guide for a lis• A
9th +9 +6 +3 +6 Black magic elixir
10th +10 +7 +3 +7 Black magic oil weapon qualiries). The bon us or special quality only func-
tions when rhe weapon is in the hands of the warrior of
darkness, and ir lasrs l hour per warrior of darkness level.
The warrior can imbue only one special quality in a weapon
The warrior of darkness's class skills (and rhe key ability for at a time.
each skill) are Alchemy (Int}, Bluff (Cha), Climb (Srr), Con- Black Magic Elixir (Su): Ar 3rd level, a warrior of dark-
cenrra rion (Con), Hide (Dex), Jump (Srr), Knowledge ness can use his knowledge of black magic and alchemy ro
(arcana) (Inr), Knowledge (rhe planes) (lnr), Move Silently create a magical elixir rhar he rhen imbibes. An individual
(Dex), Ride (Dex), Scry (, and Spellcraft (Int). See Chap- warrior of darkness makes elixir rhar works only on him,
ter 4 of rhe Plnyer's Handbook for skill descriptions. and he can only make one dose of rhe elixir each this
class feantre is gained (ar 3rd, 6th, and 9th level).
Skill Points at Each Level : 4 + Int modifier. When he creares an elixir, rhe warrior of darkness
chooses from rhe following Usr of supernatural abilities ro
CLASS FEATURES imbue wirhin himself permanenrly, picking a choice avail-
All rhe following are class features of the warrior ofdarkness able to him based on his class level and Charisma modifier.
prestige class. No ability o ther than violent knowledge may be chosen
Weapon and Armor Proficien cy: A warrior of darkness more than once.
is proficient wirh all simple and martial weapons, wirh all
types of armor, and with shields. Class Level +
Black Magic Oil (Su ): A warrior of darkness can use his Cha Modifier Ability/Effect
3 or lower Violent knowledge; character gains bonus feat from
forbidden arcane arrs to creare a magic oil rhar he anoints
list below.
himself wirh. An individual warrior of darkness makes oil 4-6 Aura of evil; character gains+ l deflection bonus to
char works only on him, and he can only make one dose of Armor Class.
rhe oil each rime rhis class feanire is gained (ar lsr, 4rh, 7rh, 7-8 Inner hellpower; character gains +l inherent bonus
and 10rh level). to Int, Wis, or Cha.
9 Dark senses; character gains the tremorsense ability
Class level + (can sense location of anything within 60 feet that is
Cha Modifier Ability/Effect incontact with the ground).
2 or lower Dweller in darkness; character gains the Blind-Fight 10 or higher Demonic wings; character can use the spell demon
feat wings 1/day cast at the character's warrior of dark-
3-4 Demonic celerity; character gains the Combat ness level
Reflexes feat. Violent Knowledge Feat List: Ambidexterity, Bull Rush, Cleave, Deflect
5-6 Ensorcelled flesh; character's natural armor bonus Arrows, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Expertise, Far Shot, Great
improves by +1. Cleave, Improved Critical*, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative,
7-8 Hell power; character gains+ 1 inherent bonus to Sir, Improved Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmed
Con, or Dex. Strike, Mobility, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Point Blank Shot,
9 Rapid step; character gains Inherent +10 ft. bonus to Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot, Ride-By Attack,
speed. Shot on the Run, Spirited Charge, Spring Attack, Stunning Fist,
10 Unholy strike; character gains the ability to dea l +2d6 Sunder, Trample, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse*, Weapon
damage against good creatures 3/day Focus*, Weapon Specialization*, Wh irlwind Attack.
11 or higher Malign fury; character can take a full attack action in A character can select feats marked with an asterisk (*) more than
conjunction with a move or move-equivalent action, once, but it must be for a different weapon each rime. Characters
usable 3 rounds per day. must still meet all prerequisites for a feat, including ability scores and
base attack bonus (see Chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook for descrip-
tions of feats and their prerequisites).
When he arrains an appropriate level, rhe warrior of dark-
ness creares a new black magic oil and anoinrs himself wirh Scarred Flesh (Su): Thro ugh ritual scarification, a 5th-
ir. He then chooses from the above Usr of supernantral abili- level warrior of darkness gains damage reduction 5/+3.
ties ro imbue wirhin himself permanently, picking a choice Repellent Flesh (Su ): Through rirual, obscene tattooing,
available to him based on his class level and Charisma mod- an 8th-level warrior of darkness gains spell resistance 20.
•~: I"'"'"'""""'·'
,, : ' ' / l'\ .
lack magic, evil sorcery, spells channeled fr9m dark The judg-6ient ctrnnbt b~ bas..e d solely on effect.•
gods- evil magic is pi;evalent and dangeroU$. Your campaign eo1.1ld, for example, have a spell
called vitali(y,~c'h tnar ~alls upon a demon rhar
drains Strengl/h points from a target for a short
EVIL SPELi S time. The spell's effect is only slightly different
Only a few spells in the Player's Handbook have the evil from ra)' of enfeeblement, but the approach and exe-
descriptor, but almost atl the spells in chis book have the cution are very differen~. Vitality leech is an evil
evil descriptor. Spells have the evil descriptor because they spell, while ray of enfeeblc,nent is not,,Although the
do one or more of the following things. ultimate game effect is the same, rite character in
• They cause undue suffering or negative emotions. the game world faced with the rwo spe lls
• They call upon evil gods or energies. undoubtedly regards them differently. Tapping
• They create, stunmon, or improve undead or other evil inro evil power is an evil act in and of itself, no
monsters. matter what the effects or the reason for using
• They harm souls. rhe power might be.
• They involve unsavory practices such as cannibaUsm or By this definition, as a variant rule, the fol-
drug use. lowing spells from che Player's Hnndbook should
be considered evil and have the evil descriptor:
WHAT'S EVIL? contagion, deatl,wa.tch, desecrate, doom, and trap
Some would point our that a fireball spell is likely ro cause the soul.
undue suffering, and it could be used to kill a group of
orphans. Does that make frri·ball an evil spell? CORRUPT MAGIC
Fireball, by itself, simply creates a blast offire. Fire can be Those who delve into black magic have
used for evil purposes, but it is not inherently evil. Con- learned of exceedingly evil spells cha 1, in
trasted wirh a spell such as)hrivcling, whose only purpose exchange for foul power, take a terrible coll on the
and only possible use is to wither the flesh of another caster. These spells are known as corrupt spells.
living creature in a painful and debilitating fashion, it Theit numbers are few, bur they are rnily hor-
becomes easier to see why shriveling is an evil spell. rible applications of magic...
Spelicasters prepare corrupt spells just as they do regular 4th-Level Corrupt Spe lls
speJls, but corrupt spells are available only to spe llcasters Necro Absorb Strength. Caster gains 1/ 4 of a creature's Str
who prepare spells. Wizards and clerics, for example, can use and Con when he ears it.
corrupt magic, bur sorcerers and bards cannot. A sorcerer or
bard could, however, cast a corrupt spell from a scroll. 5th-Level Corrupt Spells
A corrupt spell has no material components. Instead, it Ench Forbidden Sp eech. Subject cannot speak about a
draws power away from the mental or physical well-being of certain topic.
rhe caster in the form of ability damage or ability drain. The Necro Power Leech. Caster drains subject's ability score 1
ability d amage or drain occurs when the spell's duration point/ round and gains +1 bonus per poinr.
expires. (There are no corrupt spells with a permanent Trans Claws of the Bebilith. Castter gains claws based on
duration.) her size.
If a corrupt spell is made into a potion, scroll, wand, or
some ocher magic item, tl1e user of the item takes rhe ability 6th-Level Co rrupt Spells
damage or ability drain, nor the creator. This "corruption Necro Consume Likeness. Caster steals the appearance of
cost," mentioned in the spell's descriptive text, is paid each a dead person, adding +10 on Disguise checks.
time the item is used.
Corrupt spells are specific ro no character class. Furrher- 7th-Level Corrupt Spells
more, rhey aren't inherently divine or arcane spells; a divine Conj Death by Thorns. Up to three creatures die in 1d4
caster casting a corrupt spell casts it as a divine spell, and an rounds or are incapacitated, raking 4d6 damage.
arcane caster casts it as an arcane spell. Trans Rapture of Rupture. Subject takes 6d6 damage and
is snmned, rhen takes td6 da mage per roun d
SPEl l l ISI S
This section begins with a list of corrupt spells, which are 8th- Level Corrupt Spells
available to any class char prepares spells, rather than casting Conj Evil Weather. Caster conjures one rype of evil
chem spontan eously. Following rhe corrupt spells are lists of weather.
new spells for the assassin, bard, blackguard, cleric, druid, Ench Plague of Nightmares. Subject takes 1d4 Con
sorcerer, and wizard classes. Each spell's effect is summa- damage and does not heal.
rized here, with all rhe details provided in the spell descrip-
tions that follow. 9th-Level Corrupt Spells
Conj Apocalypse from the Sky. All in a 10-mile
CORRUPT SPELLS radius/level take t0d6 damage.
1st -Level Corrupt Spells
Trans Seething Eyebane. Subject is blinded and all within ASSASS IN SPELLS
5 ft. rake 1d6 damage. 1st-l evel Assassin Spells
Addiction. Subject becomes addicted to a drug.
2nd- Level Corrupt Spells Angry Ache. Subject rakes - 2 penalty on attack rolls.
Trans Devil's Tongue. Tongue grapples wirh reach 15 ft. Black Bag. Create extradimensional bag of torture tools.
Fangs of the Vampire King. Caster gains bire arrack Death Grimace. Caster leaves magical "calling card" on a
with +10 bonus rbat deals id6 damage and l Con corpse.
damage. Stupor. One helpless subject is put in a scare that allows him
Lahm's Finger Darts. Caster's fingers become to be moved but rake no other actions.
projectiles that deal 1d4 Dex damage.
2nd- Level Assassin Spells
3rd-Level Corrupt Spells Darklight. Crea res 5-fc.-radius area where all can see with-
Div Absorb Mind. Caster gains 25% chance of knowing out lighr.
information in a brain eaten. Sacrificial Skill. Caster gains +5 bonus on Knowledge (reli-
Evoc Love's Pain. Deals 1d6 damage/ 2 levels to subject's gion) checks made during sacrifice.
dearest loved one.
Necro Red Fester. Subject takes 1d6 Srr damage and 1d4 3rd- Level Assassin Spells
Cha damage. Masochism. For every 10 hp damage caster rakes, he gains
Trans Rotting Curse of Urfestra. Subject rakes td6 Con +1 on attacks, saves, and checks.
damage per hour. Sadism. For every 10 hp damage caster deals, he gain s +1 on
Serpents of Theggeron. Caster's arms become attacks, saves, and checks.
serpents wirh 10 ft. reach, +10 attack, and 1ds
damage plus poison. 4th-Level Assassin Spells
Touch of Juiblex. Subject h1rns to green slime in 4 Flesh Armor. Caster gains DR 10/+1.
rounds. Stop Heart. Subject drops to - 8 hp immediately.
BARD SPELLS 4th-Level Blackguard Spells
1st-Level Bard Spells Claws of the Savage. Subject gains claws rhar deal damage
Ch eat. Caster rerolls when determining rhe success of a based on size.
game of chance. Vile Lance. Crea res +2 sliortspear rhat deals vile damage.
Corrupt Weapon . Weapon confirms critical hirs against
good foes. CLERIC SPELLS
Extract Drug. Creates drug from inanimate object. O-Level Cleric Spells
No Light. Prevents normal Light from illuminating. No Light. Prevents normal light from illuminating.
Sorrow. Subject rakes - 3 pe11alry on attacks, saves, and Preserve Organ. Prorects one detached organ from decay
checks. for 24 hours.
Slash Tongue. Subject rakes -1 penalty on attacks, saves
2nd-Level Bard Spells and checks for 1 round.
Addiction. Subject becomes addicted to a drug.
Dance of Ruin. Nondemons rake 2d20 damage. 1st-Level Cleric Spells
Song of Festerin g Death. Subject rakes 2d6 damage per Angry Ach e. Subject rakes - 2 penalty on attack rolls.
round while caster concentrates. Drug Resistance. Subject is irnmune to addiction.
Wave of Grief. All within cone take - 3 penalty on arracks, Extract Drug. Crea res drug from inanimate object.
saves, and checks. Heartach e. Subject helpless for 1 round.
Sacrificial Sk ill. Caster gains +5 bonus on Knowledge
3rd-Level Bard Spells (religion) checks made during sacrifice.
Curse of the Putrid Husk. Subject is unconscious for 1d10 Slow Consumption. Caster absorbs health and susten ance
minutes. from helpless subject.
Sadism. For every LO hp damage caster deals, he gains+1 on Sorro w. Subject takes - 3 penalty on attacks, saves, and
attacks, saves, and checks. checks.
Stunning Screech. All within 30 fr. are stunned for 1 Spider Hand. Caster's hand bef ornes a Small monstrous
round. spider.
Snipor. One helpless subject is pur in a state rhat allows him
5th-Level Bard Spells to be moved bur rake no other actions.
Morality Undone. Subject becomes evil. Su sp end Disease. Keeps djsease from harming creanu·e for
Soul Shackles. Imprisons soul of dead creanire in talisman, 24 hours.
from which caster can question it. Ton gu e of Baalzebul. Caster gains +2 bonus on Bluff,
Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks.
6th-Level Bard Spells
Bes tow Great er Curse. Subject rakes - 6 penalry to rwo 2nd-Level Cleric Spells
abilities; -8 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks; or 75% Addictio n. Subject becomes addicted ro a drug.
chance of taking no action. Boneblast. 1d3 Con damage ro subject.
Wave of Pain. Stuns al! withi11 cone for 1 round/ 2 levels. Dance o f Ruin. Nondemons rake 2d20 point s of
BLACKGUARD SPELLS Darkbolt. Deals 1d8 darnage/ 2 levels and stuns 1 round.
1st-Level Blackguard S pells Sap Strength. Subject becomes exhausted.
Boneblast. 1d3 Con damage to subject. Spider Legs. Caster grows long spider legs char have a speed
Death Grimace. Caster leaves magical "caUing card" on a of 30 fr. and move on vertical surfaces.
corpse. Spores of the Vrock. All within 5 ft. rake 1ds damage and
Demonflesh. Caster gains +1 natural arrnor/5 casrer levels. 1d2 damage each round rhereafrer for 10 rounds.
Wave of Grief. All within cone rake -3 penalty on attacks,
2nd- Level Blackguard Spells saves, and checks.
Boneblade. Turns a bone into a magic weapon. W ither Limb. Caster reduces subject's speed ro 5 fr. or
Demoncall. Caster gains +10 on one Knowledge (the planes), makes it impossible for subject rouse objects or cast
Knowledge (arcana), or Knowledge (religion) check. somatic spells.
Devil's Eye. Caster can see in even magical darkness, up ro
30 fr. 3rd-Level Cleric Spe lls
Boneblade. Tums a bone into a magic weapon.
3rd- Level Blackguard Spells Circle of Nausea. Foes are de nied all actions or rake - 2
Abyssal Might . Caster gains +2 ro Str, Con, Dex, and SR. penalty on attacks, saving throws, and skill checks.
Demon Wings. Caster flies at his land speed. Clutch of Orcus. Deals 1d3 points of damage each round
Hell's Power. Caster gains +2 AC and +1 to existing DR. and paralyzes foe while caster concenrrates.
Masochism . For every 10 hp damage caster takes, he gains Devil's Eye. Caster can see in even magical darkness, up to
+1 011 attacks, saves, and checks. 30 ft.
Eyes of the Zombie. Caster sees through a zombie's eyes. 8th- Level Cleric Spells
Flesh Ripper. Black claw deals 1ds damage/ level and criti- Befoul. Large amount of water becomes poisonous.
cal hits deal bleeding wounds. Bodak Birth. Transforms a willing subject into a bodak.
Masochism. For every to hp damage caster takes, he gains Pestilence. Subject gains a disease, as do all who touch him.
+1 on attacks, saves, and checks.
Sadism. For every 10 hp damage caster deals, he gains +1 on 9th- Level Cleric Spells
attacks, saves, and checks. Despoil. Kills plants, damages objecrs in 100-ft.
Shriveling. Subject takes 1d4 damage per level. radius/level.
Unliving We apon. Undead subject explodes for 1d6 Spread of Savagery. Crcarures wirhiJ1 10 fr/ level become
damage/ 2 levels when struck or at a specific rime. hostile and savage.
Vile Lance. Creates +2 shortspear that deals vile damage. Were-Doom. Ld4 crearures are infected with lycanthropy.
Wrack. Blinds subject and renders it belpless for 1
round/ level, then - 2 on arracks, saves, and checks for CLERIC DOMAINS
3d10 minutes. The new domains described here use some of the new spells
in chis book as well as many of the spells in the Pla yer's
4th- Leve l Cleric Spells Handbool,.
Abyssal Might. Caster gains +2 to Srr, Con, Dex, and SR. The deiries mentioned include several demon lords and
Claws of the Savage. Subject gains claws that deal damage archdevils. Ordinarily, such a figure does not grant spells,
based on size. bur one may acr as a patron for a clerics with che given
Damning Darkness. Darkness deals either 2d6 or ld6 domain, whether or nor rhar cleric worships a specific deity.
damage per rotmd.
Hell's Power. Caster gains +2 AC and +1 to existing DR. Bestial Domain
Identify Transgressor. Caster learns the identiry of one Deities: Karaan, Yeenoghu.
person. Granted Power: Character gains the scent extraordinary
Psychic Poison. Poisons those casting divination or mind- ability.
affecting spells at object, creature, or area.
Stop Heart. Subject drops ro - 8 hp immediately. Bestial Domain Spells
1 Magic Fang. One natural weapon of subject creature gets
5th-Level Cleric Spells +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.
Ch axnel Fire. Consumes one corpse or undead creature. 2 Bull's Strength. Subject gains 1d4+1 Srr for L hr/ level.
False Sen ding. As sending, except caster imitates someone 3 Greater Magic Fang. One natural weapon of subjecr
else. creanire gers +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls per 3
Heartclutch. Subject dies in 1d3 rounds or rakes 3d6 casrer levels (max +5).
damage +1/level. 4 Claws of the Savage. Subject gains claws rhat deal
Morality Undone. Subject becomes evil damage based on size.
Resonating Resistance. Foes must check spell resistance 5 Charm Monster. Makes monsrer believe it is your char-
twice against caster. acter's ally.
6 Hold Monster. As hold person, but any crean1re.
6th-Level Cleric Spells 7 Whirlwind ofTeeth. Crea res moving 5-fr./level cylinder
Cloud of the Achaierai. Cloud deals 2d6 damage plus con- rhar deals 1d8 damage/ 2 levels each round.
fusion. 8 Spread of Savagery. Creatures within 10 ft./ level
Fiendish Quickening. Caster's ability ro releport without become hosriJe and savage.
error is quickened. 9 Were-Doom. 1d4 creatures infected with lycanrhropy.
Snare Astral Traveler. Captures one astral creature and
bolds it motionless. Corruption Domain
Thousand Needles. Subject rakes 2d6 damage and -4 Deities: Demogorgon, The Patient One.
penalty on arracks, saves, and checks. Granted Power: Once per day, character can attack an
object and ignore its hardness raring.
7th-Level Cleric Spells
Bestow Greater Curse. Subject rakes - 6 penalty ro rwo Corruption Domain Spells
abilities; -8 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks; or 75% 1 Doom. One subjecr rakes -2 penalty on attacks, damage,
chance of raking no action. saves, and checks.
Fiendish Clarity. Caster sees in even magical darkness, 2 Blindness/Deafness. Makes subject blind or deaf
sees invisible up ro 60 feet, and can detect good. 3 Contagion . Infects subject with chosen disease.
Imprison Soul. Traps soul in a small object, and vic tim 4 Morality Undone. Subject becomes evil.
rakes td4 Con damage per day. 5 Feeblemind. Subject's lnr drops to 1.
Wretched Bligh t. Deals 1d8 damage/ level in 20-ft. radius 6 Pox. One creature/level rakes 1d4 Con drain.
and stuns foes for 1d4 rounds. 7 Insanity. Subject suffers continuous confusion.
8 Befoul. Large amount of water becomes poisonous. 3 Devil's Ego. Caster gai ns td4+1 Cha and become an
9 Despoil. Kills plants, damages objects in 100-fr. outsider.
radius/ level. 4 H ellfire. Explosion of brimstone deals 3d6 damage in
5-fr. radius.
Darkness Domain 5 Lesser Planar Binding. Traps outsider Lmtil it performs
Deities: Graz'zr, The Xammux. a task.
Granted Power: Ch aracter gains the Blind-Fighr fear. 6 Planar Binding. As lesser pln nnr binding, bur up to 16 HD.
7 Hellfire Storm. Explosion of brimstone deals 5d6
Darkness Doma in Spells damage i.11 20-fr. radius.
1 Darkvision. See 60 ft. in rota! darkness. 8 Demand. As sending, plus caster can send suggestion.
2 Darkbolt. Deals 1d8 damage/ 2 levels and srw1s I round. 9 Gate. Connects two planes for travel or summoning.
3 Deeper Darkness. Object sheds absolute darkness in
60-fr. radius. Greed Domain
4 Damning Darkness. Darkness deals either 2d6 or Ld6 Deities: Mammon.
damage per round. Granted Power: Character gains a +2 competence bonus on
5 Evard's Black Tentacles. 1d4 +1/ level tentacles grapple Appraise, Open Lock, and Pick Pocket checks.
randomly within 15 ft.
6 Wall of Force. Wall manifests as opaque black wall, is Greed Domai n Spells
immune ro damage. 1 Cheat. Casrer rerolls when determining the success of a
7 Shadow Walk. Step inro shadow ro travel rapid ly. game of chance.
8 Utterdark. 100-fr./level radius of darkness that evil crea- 2 Entice Gift. Creanire gives caster what it's holdi.J1g.
tures can see through. 3 Knock. Opens locked or magically sealed door.
9 Screen. Illusion hides area from vision, scrying. 4 Emotion. Arouses strong emotion in subject.
5 Fabricate. Transfonns raw materials into finished items.
Demonic Domain 6 Guards and Wards. Array of magical effects protects
Deities: Demogorgon, Graz'zt, Yeenoghu. area.
Granted Power: Character gains +1 divine bonus on arrack 7 Vanish. As teleporl, but affects a touched object.
and damage rolls for unarmed strikes and attacks with 8 Phantasmal Thief. Creates an unseen force that steals
natural weapons. from others.
9 Sympathy. Object or location attracts certain creatures.
Demonic Domain Spells
1 Demonflesh. Caster gains +1 natural armor/ 5 casrer Pain Domain
levels. Deities: Rallaster, Scahrossar.
2 Demoncall. Casrer gains +10 on one Knowledge (the Gra11ted Power: Character converts damage that he deals in
planes), Knowledge (arcana), o r Knowledge (religion) one blow per day inro healing for himself, up to 1 point
check. of damage per level
3 Demon Wings. Caster flies at his land speed.
4 Dimensional Anchor. Bars excradirnensional movemenr. Pain Domain Spells
5 Lesser Planar Binding. Traps outsider until ir performs I Angry Ach e. Subject takes - 2 penalty on attack rolls.
a task. 2 Sadism. For every 10 hp damage caster deals, he gains +1
6 Planar Binding. As lesser planar bfridmg, bur up co 16 HD. on attacks, saves, and checks.
7 Fiendish Clarity. Casrer sees in even magical darkness, 3 Wrack. Blinds subject and renders it h elpless for 1
sees invisible up ro 60 feer, and can detect good. round/ level, then -2 on atracks, saves, and checks for
8 Utterdark. 100-ft,/level radius of darkness rhar evil crea- 3d10 minutes.
tures can see through. 4 Liquid Pain. Exrracrs one dose of liquid pain from tor-
9 Gate. Connects two planes for travel or summoning. tured victim.
5 Thousand Needles. Piercing needles deal 2d6 damage,
Diabolic Domain and target rakes -4 penalty on attacks, saves, and ch ecks.
Deities: Asmodeus, Baalzebul, Mammon, Mephistopheles. 6 Pox. One creature/level cakes ld4 Con drain.
Granted Power: O nce per day, character can add her class 7 Wave of Pain. Sttms all within cone for 1 round/ 2 levels.
level as a bonus on a Bluff, Diplomacy, lnrimidare, or 8 Sym_bol (pain only). Triggered rune causes pain.
Sense Motive check. 9 Eternity of Torture. Target is rendered helpless, ageless,
and has all ability scores except for Con drop to O.
Diabolic Domain Spells
1 Devil's Tail. Cas ter gains a spiked rail rhar deals l d4 DRUID SPELLS
damage. 0-Level Druid Spells
2 Devil's Eye. Caster can see in even magical darkness, up Preserve Organ. Protects one detached organ from decay
to 30 fr. for 24 hours.
1st-Level Druid Spells Tongue Tendrils. Caster spits our tendrils char
Extract Drug. Creates drug from inanimate object. grapple.
Spider Hand. Caster's hand becomes a Small monstrous
spider. 2nd-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Suspend Disease. Keeps disease from harming creature for Abjur Unheavened. Subject gains +4 save bonus against
24 hours. powers of good outsiders.
Encl, Addiction. Subject becomes addicted to a drug.
2nd-Level Druid Spe lls Entice Gift. Creature gives caster whar it's holding.
Circle of Nausea. Foes are denied all actions or take - 2 Masochism. For every 10 hp damage caster rakes, he
penalty on attacks, saving throws, and skill checks. gains +1 on attacks, saves, and checks.
Sadism. For every 10 hp damage caster deals, he
4th-Level Druid Spe lls gains +1 on attacks, saves, and checks.
Claws of the Savage. Subject gains claws thar deal damage Sap Strength. Subject becomes exhausted.
based on size. Evoc Darkbolt. Deals 1d8 damage/ 2 levels and smns 1
6t h- Level Druid Spells Necro Dance of Ruin. Nondernons rake 2d20 points of
Pox. One creature/ level rakes 1d4 Con drain. damage.
Shriveling. Subject takes 1d4 damage per level.
7th- Level Druid Spells Slow Consumption. Caster absorbs health and
Pestilence. Subject gains a disease, as do all who rouch him. susrenance from helpless subject.
W ither Limb. Caster reduces subject's speed ro 5 fr
9t h-Level Druid Spe lls or makes ir impossible for subject to use objects
Were-Doorn. 1d4 creatures infected wirh lycanrhropy. or cast somatic spells.
Trans Graz'zt's Long Grasp. Caster's hand flies from her
SORCERER AND WIZARD SPELLS arm ro make grapple attacks.
0 - Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spe lls
Necro Preserve Organ. Protects o ne detached organ from 3rd-Level So rcerer and Wizard Spells
decay for 24 hours. Div Devil's Eye. Casrer can see in even magical darkness,
Illus Unnerving Gaze. Subjecr takes - 1 penalty o n up ro 30 ft.
attacks for 1d3 rounds. Eyes of the Zombie. Casrer sees through a zombie's
Trans No Light. Prevents normal light from illuminating. eyes.
Slash Tongue. Subject takes -1 penalty on attacks, Glimpse ofTruth. Caster gets an answer ro a yes-or-
saves, and checks for 1 ro und. 110 question.
Conj Drown. Subject begins to drown or rakes 2d6
Ist-Level Sorcerer a nd Wizard Spells damage.
Abjur Suspend Disease. Keeps disease from harming crea- Wall of Chains. Crea res barrier of woven chains rhat
ture for 24 hours. h as 20 hp/ 4 casrer levels.
Conj Black Bag. Creates extndimensional bag of rorrure Ench Evil Eye. Subject rakes -4 penalty on arracks, saves,
tools. and checks.
Extract Drug. Creates drug from inanimate object. Evoc Dread Word. 1d3 Cha drain on one rarger.
Nether Trail. Creates a trail compelling evil Vile Lance. Creates +2 shortspear thar deals vile
ou rsiders to follow. damage.
Ench Drug Resistance. Subject is immune co addiction. Illus Cruel Disappointment. Fools subject for 1 round,
Sacrificial Skill. Caster gains +5 bonus on Knowledge then -4 penalry on arracks, saves, and checks.
(religion) checks made during sacrifice. Curse of the Putrid Husk. Subject is unconscious
Stupor. One helpless subject is put in a state that for 1d10 minures.
allows him to be moved but take no orher Reality Blind. Subject can rake n o actions and after-
actions. ward does no r heal narurally.
Evoc Darklight. Creates 5-ft.-radi us area where all can see Trans Tongue Serpents. Casrer spits out o ne Tiny viper/ 4
wirhour light. levels.
Necro Death Grimace. Caster leaves a magical "calling
card" on corpse. 4th-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Tra11s Aberrate. Subject becomes an aberration. Abjur Psychic Poison. Poisons chose casting divinarion-
Bestow Wound. Caster rrnnsfers 1 hp/ level of spells or mind-affec ting spells ar objecr, c rea-
wounds to another. ture, or area.
Cheat. Caster rerolls when determining the success Conj Abyssal Might. Caster gains +2 ro Srr, Con, Dex, and
of a game of chance. SR.
H ell's Power. Casrer gains +2 AC and +1 to existing Evoc Whirlwind of Teeth. Creates moving 5-ft./level
DR. cylinder that deals 1ds damage/2 levels each
Wall of Deadly Chains. Creates barrier of woven round.
chains that has 20 hp/ 4 caster levels and deals Trans Eye of the Beh older. Caster's eye gains ra ndom
3d6 damage ro all within 5 ft. beholder ray.
Evoc Damning Darkness. Darkness deals either 2d6 or
1d6 damage per round 8th-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Mirror Sen ding. Caster sends her image to a mirror Conj Phantasmal Thief. Creates an unseen force that-
and can see and speak through it. sreals from orhers.
Necro Grim Revenge. Tears hand from target, dealing 6d6 Necro Gutwren ch. Kills subjecr and gives caster 4d6
damage, then hand attacks rarger. temporary hir points and +4 Strength.
Liquid Pain. Extracts one dose of liquid pain from Steal Life. Caster drains 1 ability score point per
rortured victim. round and becomes younger.
Wrack. Blinds subject and renders it helpless for l Trans Bestow Greater Curse. Subject takes - 6 penalty to
round/ level, then -2 on attacks, saves, and rwo abilities; - 8 penalty on attacks, saves, and
checks for 3d10 minutes. checks; or 75% chan ce of taking no action.
Trans Corrupt Summons. Creates area where only evil Soul's Treasure Lost. Disintegrates subject's most
creatures can be summoned. valuable object.
Dancing Ch ains. Animates one chain per level.
9th-Level So rce rer a nd Wizard Spells
5th-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells Conj Utterdark. 100-ft./level radius of darkness thar evil
Abjur Imprison Possessor. Subject thar can possess crea- creatures ca11 see through.
rures is trapped in current body. Ench Mindrap e. Caster learns everything subject knows
Conj Call Dretch Horde. Summons 2d4 dretches. and can airer its memory or knowledge.
Call Lemure Horde. Summons 2d4 lemures. Evoc Crushing Fist of Spite. Fisr deals 1d6 damage/level
Call Nightmare. Summons a nighrmare. each round.
Wall of Ooze. Creates barrier rhat has 50 hp/ 4 levels
that paralyzes and deals 2d6 damage ro all rhat
Necro Soul Sh acldes. Imprison soul of dead creature m Beginning on the nexr page a1·e descriptions of new evil
talisman from which casrer can quesrion it. spells, many of which can be used by a11y spellcasring class.
Stop Heart. Subject drops ro - 8 hp immediately. Each is an evil spell, a corrupt spell, or a spell rhar deals
Trans Resonating Resi stan ce. Foes must check spell directly with a topic in rhis book The spells are presented in
resisrance twice against casrer. alphabetical order by name.
Components: In addition to the standard components
6th-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells defined in the Plnyer's Hnndbook, some of the spells here have
Abjur Impotent Possessor. Subject thar can possess crea- the following special componenrs.
rures is rendered powerless. Corrupt: The caster pays the physical o r mental price
Sn are Astral Traveler. Captures on e astral creature noted (in ability score damage) for casting a corrupt spell.
and holds it motion less. Demon: The caster musr be an evil outsider from rhe Abyss
Conj Alert Bebilith. Summons bebili rh to deal with a to cast this spell.
demon. Devil: The caster musr be a11 evil oursider from the Nine
Illus False Sending. As sending, except caster imitates Hells ro cast this spell.
someone else. Disense: The caster mus t be infected with the disease
Necro Ectoplasmic Enhancem ent. Incorporeal undead named in the spell description co cast rhis spell.
gain +1 AC, +1d8 hp, +1 on artacks, +2 rum resist- Drug: The caster musr be under rhe influence of rhe drug
ance for every 3 levels. named in the spell description to cast this spell.
Trans Fiendish Qu ickening. Caster's ability ro teleporr Fiend: The caster must be an outsider from rhe Lower
without error is quickened. Planes to cast this spell.
Locntion: The caster must be standing in a particular
7th-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spe lls place- usually a site dedicated to evil- to cast this spell.
Conj Wall of Eyes. Creates barrier thar caster can see Soul: The caster must have someone's soul, specifically
through and that paralyzes and consumes chose prepared and srored i11 a proper receptacle (see Souls as
rhat rouch ir. Power in Chapter 2), to casr this spell.
Div Fiendish Clarity. Caster sees in even magical dark- Undend: The caster must be undead to cast rhis spell.
ness, sees invisible up to 60 feet, and can derecr
Absorb Strength caster of less than 5th level can force
Transmutation [Evil] Necromancy (Evil] rhe subject to become addicted to any
Level : Sor/Wiz 1 Level: Corrupt 4 drug with a low addiction rating. A
Components: V, S, Fiend Components: V, S, F, Corrupt 6th- ro 10th-level caster can force
CastingTim e: l action Casting Time: 1 action addiction to any drug with a medium
R ange: Touch Range: Personal addiction rating, and ant 1th- co tSth-
Target: One living creature Target: Caster level caster can force addiction to a
Duration : 10 minutes/ level Duration: 10 minutes/ level drug with a high addiction raring.
SavingTh row: Fortitude negares Casters of 16th level or higher can
Spell Resistan ce: Yes The caster eats at least a portion of rl1e give the subject an addiction ro a
flesh or another creature's corpse, drug with an extreme addiction
The caster transforms one creature thereby gaining one-quarter of the rating.
into an aberration. The subject's form creature's Strength score as an Drng Compone11t: The chosen drug
twists and mutates into a hideous enhancement bonus to che caster's for the addiction.
mockery of itself. The subject's type Strength score, and one-quarter of rhe
changes to aberration, and it gains a creature's Constitution score as an Alert Beb ilith
+1 natural armor bonus to AC (due to enhancement bonus to Lhe caster's Conjuration (Calling) [Evil]
the toughening and twisting of the Constitution. Level: Sor/ Wiz 6
flesh) for every four levels the caster Forns: A fresh or preserved (sti II Components: V, S, M
has, up to a maxi.mum of +5. bloody) 1-ounce portion of another CastingTime: 1 action
creanire's flesh. Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./ 2 levels)
Absorb M ind Corr11ptio11 Cost: 2d6 points of Effect: One bebilith
Divination [Evil] Wisdom damage. Duration: Instantaneous
Level: Corrupt 3 SavingThrow: None
Components : V, S, F, Corrupt Abyssal Might Spell Resistan ce: No
Casting Tim e: 1 action Conjuration (Summoning) [Evil)
Range: Personal Level: Blk 3, Cir 4, Demonologisr 3, Check
Target: Caster Sor/ Wiz 4 Result Outcome
9 or lower Bebilith and demon both
Duration : l minute/ level Components: V, S, M, Demon
attack caster.
Casting Time: 1 action 10-12 Bebilith ignores demon and
The caster ears at least a portion of the Range: Personal attempts to grab another
brain of another creature's corpse. By Target : Caster random creature (possibly
doing so, she gains the creature's Duration: 10 minures/ level caster) within l 00 feet of
memories and knowledge to some where it appeared. It tries to
The caster summons evil energy from grab the creature, then retreat
degree, so chat she has a 25% cha11ce
to the Abyss to feed, never
of recalling any important face the Abyss and imbues himself with irs
known to the creature-family his- might. The caster gains a +2 enhance- 13- 18 Bebilith flees without taking
tory, recent events, the general layout ment bonus to Strength, Constitu- action.
of the creature's stomping grounds, tion, and Dexterity. The caster's exist- 19- 21 Demon flees, and bebilith
details about the creature's death, ing speU resistance improves by +2. attempts to grab another
important plans, passwords, magic Material Compo11e11t: The heart of a random creature (possibly
caster) within 100 feet of
item command words, and simi lar dwarf child.
where it appeared. It tries to
tidbits. Skills, fears, spells, and ocher grab the creature, then retreat
such knowledge cannot be obtained Addiction to the Abyss to feed, never
in this fashion. Enchannnenr returning.*
Once the caster rolls to determine Level : Asn L, Brd 2, Cir 2, Sor/Wiz 2 22- 30 Demon flees, and 1 round
whether she recalls a fact, she can11oc Componen ts: V. S, Drug later the bebilith starts hunt-
attempt to recall that face again. After Casting Time: 1 action ing for it.
31 or higher Bebilith grabs demon, and the
the duration expires, the caster no Range: Touch
two disappear!' The demon is
longer has the ability to recall new Target: One living creature never seen aga in.
facrs. Duration: Instantaneous *Bebilith attempts to start a grapple with its
Fows: A fresh or preserved (still SavingThrow: Fortinide negates target. On a successful grapple check,
bloody) 1-oimce portion of another Spell Resistan ce: Yes bebilith and its victim are both affected by
creature's brain. the bebilith's plane shift ability (this ability
Corrnplion Cosl: 2d6 points of The caster gives the subject an addic- allows the bebilith to take a creature with it,
which it can't otherwise do).
Wisdom damage. tion to a drug (see the Drugs section
of Chapter 3 for descriptions of drugs When in the presence of a demon, the
and information on addiction). A caster conjures a bebilith- a demon
that hunts orher demons-to kill or Material Component: An artifact, Components: V, S
chase off the original demon. This usually one of good perverted to this Casting Time: 1 action
spell is a risky proposition, however. corrupt use. Range: Touch
To determine the effect of the spell, Corm pt ion Cost: 3d6 points of Consti- Target: Creature touched
subtract rhe Hir Dice of the demon tution damage and 4d6 points of Duration: Permanent
from 12 (rhe HD of the bebilich), add Wisdom drain. Just preparing this spell Saving Throw: Will negates
the result to a caster level check, and deals 1d3 points of Wisdom damage, Spell Resistance: Yes
consult the above table. with another 1d3 points of Wisdom
lf this spell is cast while nor in rhe damage for each day it remains among The caster places a curse on the crea-
presence of a demon, the bebilitb the caster's prepared spells. rnre touched, choosing one of r.he fol-
acts as if the caster level check result lowing three effects:
was a 10. Befoul • One ability score is reduced to 1, or
Materrnl Component: A bit of de- Transmutarion fEvilJ two ability scores rake - 6 penalcies
mon's flesh and a lump of iron. Level: Clr 8, Corruption 8 (ro a minimum score of 1).
Components: V, S, M • - 8 penalty on attack rolls, saving
Angry Ache Casting Tirne: L minute throws, ability checks, and skill
Necromancy Range: Touch checks.
Level: Asn 1, Cir 1, Pain 1 Area: Water in a volume of 100 • Each rum, the subject has a 25%
Components: V, S fr./ level by 100 fr./level by 10 chance to act normally; otherwise,
Casting Time: 1 action fr./ level (S) be takes no action.
Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 ft./2 levels) Durat ion: Permanenr (see text)
Target : One living creature Saving Throw: None (see cexr) A player may invent a new curse, but
Duration: 1 minute/ level Spell Resista11ce: No it should be no more powerful than
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates chose listed above, and the Dungeon
Spell Resistance: Yes The caster makes water (or ocher Master (DM) has final say o n the
liquid) foul and mildly poisonous. All curse's effect.
The c.1ster temporarily strains rhe sub- creatures with 1 HD or less chat are in A gmilcr cum cannot be dispelled,
ject's muscles in a very specific way. the water at the time of casting die nor can it can be removed with a break
The subject feels a sharp pain when- immediately. Anyone drinking this encliantment, limited wish, or remove
ever she makes an attack. All her water must succeed at a Fortitude curse spell. A m1rncle or wisl, spell
arrack rolls have a - 2 circu mstance saving throw or rake 1d4 points of removes the grenter wrse, and any par-
penalty for every four caster levels Constitution damage. Any creature ticular greater curse can be removed if
(maximum penalty - lo). immersed in chis water muse make a the subject performs some deed that
saving throw as if drinking it. the caster designates. The deed must
Apocalypse from the Sky If the caster affects only part of a be something that the subject can
Conjuration (Creation) [Evil] larger body of water, the befouled water accomplish within one year (assum-
Level: Corrupt 9 mixes with rhe pure water. If the entire ing he undertakes ir immediately).
Components: V, S, M, Corrupt body of water is no more than four For example, the deed might be "Slay
CastingTime: 1 day times the size of the affected area, all the dragon under Castle Bluecrafc," or
Range: Personal rhe water in the body of water is "Climb the rallesc mountain in the
Area: 10-mile radius/ level, centered befouled 24 hours later, but the damage world." The cursed victim can have
on caster from drinking or swimming in the help accomplishing rhe cask, and in
Duration: Instantaneous water is only 1d2 points ofConstimtion some cases another character e.1n Lift
Saving Throw: None damage. If the body of water is more the curse (see the Curses sect ion of
Spell Resistance: Yes than four rimes the affected area but Chapter 2 for guidelines).
less than rwenry rimes the affected area,
The caster calls upon the darkest after 24 hours all of the water castes Bestow Wound
forces in all existence to rain de- foul. If the entire body is larger than Transmutation
struction down upon the land. AU twenty times rhe affected area, rhe Level: Sor/ Wiz 1
cream res and objects in the speU's area fouled water mixes with the clean Components: V, S, M
rake 10d6 points of fire, acid, or sonic water and loses all effect after 24 hours. Casting Time: 1 action
damage (caster's choice). This damage Material Componmt: A dead fish and Range: Touch
typically levels forests, sends moun- a drop of poison. Target: Living crearure couched
tains tumbling, and wipes out entire Duration: Instantaneous
populations of living creatures. The Bestow Greater Curse Saving Throw: Forrirude negates
caster is subject ro the damage as well Transmutation Spell Resistance: Yes
as the corruption cost. Level: Brd 6, Clr 7, Demonologist 3,
Sor/Wiz 8
If the caster is wounded, she can cast The caster transforms one willing Target: One creature that has a skele-
this spell and touch a living crearure. subject (which can be the caster) into ton
The creature takes the caster's wounds a bodak. Ignore all of the subject's old Duration: Instantaneous
as damage, either .I point of damage characteris tics, u sing the bodak Saving Throw: Forritude half or
per caster level or the amount needed description i n the Mon ster Mnnual Fortitude negates (see text)
to bring the caster up to her maxi- instead. Spell Resistance: Yes
mum hit points, whichever is less. The Before casting the spell, the caster
caster heals rhat much damage, as if a must make a miniatu re figurine that The caster causes some bone within a
wre spell had been cast on her. represents the subject, then bathe it in touched creature to break or crack.
Material Component: A s mall eye the blood of at least three Small or The caster cannot specify which bone.
agate worth at least 10 gp. larger animals. Once the spell is cast, Because the damage is general rather
anyone that holds the figurine can than specific, the target takes 1 d3
Black Bag atte mpt to mentally communicate points of Constitution damage. A For-
Conjuration (Creation) [Evil] and control tbe bodak, but the crea- rirude save reduces th e Constitution
Level: Asn 1, Sor/ Wiz 1 ture resists such control with a suc- damage by half, or negates it if the full
Components: V, S, M cessfu l Will saving throw. If the bodak damage would h ave been 1 point of
Casting Time: 1 action fails, i t must obey the holder of the Constirution damage.
Range: Touch figuri n e, but it ga ins a n ew saving Material Component: The bone of a
Effect: A black leather bag throw every day to break tbe control. small child that sriU lives.
Duration: 24 hours If the figurine is destroyed, the bodak
Saving Throw: None disintegrates. Call Dretch Horde
Spell Resistance: No Focus: Figurine of subject, bathed in Conjuration (Calling) [Evil]
animal blood. Level: Demonologisc 3, Morral
This spell creates a bag full of knives, Dl'Ug Coniponent: Agony. Hunter 4, Sor/ Wi2 5
scalpels, and other sm all torture imple- Components: V, S, Soul
ments. If the implements are removed Bone blade CastingTime: 1 minute
from the bag by anyone other than the Necromancy [Evil] Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./ 2 levels)
caster, or if they leave the caster's pos- Level: Blk 2, Ctr 3 Effect: 2d4 dretches
session after h e removes rbem, they Components: v; S, F, Undead Duration: One year
disintegrate after 1 round. Casting Time: 1 action SavingThrow: None
T he bag and its magically created Range: Touch Spell Resistance: No
contents weigh only 1 pound. Evil Effect: One bone that becomes a
magic items, including items that deal blade The casrer calls 2d4 dretches from the
unholy damage, and items with an Duration: 10 min utes/ level Abyss to where she is, offering them
evil spell as a prerequisite for t heir the soul that she has prepared . In
creation can be placed in the bag as if The caster changes a bone at least 6 exchange, they will serve the caster
it had 10 cubic feet of space. These inches long inro a longsword, short for one year as guards, slaves, or what-
additional items add no weight to the sword, or greatsword (caster's choice). ever else she needs rbem for. They are
bag. Nonevil items added to the black This weapon has a +1 enhancement profound ly s rupid , so the caster
bag fall through as if the bag had n o bonus on attacks and damage for cannot give rhem more complicated
bottom, so they cannot be s tored in every five caster levels (at least +1, tasks rhan can be described in about
the bag. maximum +4). Furthermore, t h is ten words.
Material Component: A strip of black blade d eals an extra + I d 6 points of No matter how many times the
leather soaked in rhe blood of a will- damage to living targets and an addi- caster casts this spell, she can control
ing masochisr. tional +1d6 points of damage to good- no more than 2 HD worrh of fiends
align ed targets. per caster level. If she exceeds this
Bodak Birth This spell confers no proficiency number, all the newly called crearures
Transmutation [Evil] with the blade, but the caster doesn't fall under the caster's control, and any
Level: Clr 8 need to be the one wielding the blade excess from previous castings become
Components: V, S, F, Drug for it to be effective. uncontrolled. The caster chooses
CastingTime: 1 minute Focus: A 6-inch-long bone. which creatures to release.
Range: Touch
Target: Caster or one crearure Bone blast Call Lernu re Horde
touched Necromancy [Evil] Conjuration (Calling) (Evil)
Duration : Instantaneous Level: Blk 1, Cir 2 Level: Mortal Rumer 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Saving Throw: No ne (see text) Comp onents: V, S, M, Undead Components: V, S, Soul
Spell Resistance: No Casting Time: 1 action CastingTime: 1 minute
Range: Touch Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./2 levels)
Effect: 3d4 lemures Casting Time: 1 minute Saving Throw: None (Will negates
Duration: One year Range: Medium (100 fr. + 10 ft./ for m1dead)
Saving Throw: None level) Spell Resistance: No (Yes for
Spell Resistance: No Effect: One nightmare undead)
Duration: One week
The caster calls 3d4 lemures from the Saving Throw: None With sinister flame and brimstone,
Nine Hells to where he is, offering Spell Resistance: No the caster completely consumes one
them the soul that he has prepared. In dead body so rhat absolutely nothing
exchange, they will serve the caster for The caster calls a nightmare from the remains. A creature whose body is
one year as guards, slaves, or whatever Lower Planes to where she is, offering destroyed by a drnrncl fire spell can
else he needs them for. T hey are non- it the soul that she has prepared. In only be brought back to life through a
inrelligenr, so rhe caster cannot give exchange, the nightmare serves the true resume/ion spell. I£ chis spell is cast
rhern more complicated tasks than can caster for one week as a moun t or upon a corporeal undead, the creature
be described in about five words. guard, alth ough if the nigh tmare gets a Will saving throw, and the caster
No matter how many times rhe moves more than 150 feet away from must overcome its spell resistance (if
caster casts this spell, he can control her, it immediately returns whence it any). I£ the undead creatu re fails its
no more than 2 HD worrh of fiends came. Multiple castings of this spell save, it is destroyed forever.
per caster level. If he exceeds th is replace the previous nightmare wirh a
number, all the newly called creatures new one. Cheat
fall under the caster's control, and any Transmutation [Evil]
excess from previous castings become Charnel Fire Level: Brd 1, Wiz/ Sor 1
uncontrolled. The caster chooses Necromancy [Evil] Components: V, S, f
which creatures to release. Level: Cir 5 Casting Time: 1 action
Components: \', S Range: Personal
Call Nightmare Casting Time: 1 minute Target : Caster
Conjuration (Calling) [Evil] Range: Touch Duration: 1 minute/ level or unrU
Level: Dernonologist 4, Sor/ Wiz 5 Effect: One corpse used
Components: V, S, Soul Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
Sp ell Resist an ce: No
Ar one point during the duration of Creating this circle takes 1 hour, but The casrer grants one creature rwo
this spell, the caster can alrer rhe prob- once created ic may be reused any long claws that replace its hands, ten-
ability of a game of chance. This spell number of times. tacle rips, or whatever else is appropri-
can only affect nonmagical games, [f anyone attempts ro cross the ate. The claws deal damage based on
such as rbose using cards or dice. Ir circle during the spell's duration, she the crea rure's size.
cannot affect a game involving magic, must succeed ar a Forti tude saving
nor a magic item involved in a game throw or be nauseated until rhe spell Creature Size Claw Damage
Fine l
of chance (such as a deck of many ends, unab le to take actions other
Diminutive l d2
things). Whenever a roll is made ro than a single move or move-equiva- Tiny ld3
determine the ourcome of the game, lent action. Nauseated characters Small 1d4
rhe casrer may force a reroll of rhe out- canno t cross the circle. If someone Medium-size 1d6
come and rake rhe betrer of the rwo breaches the circle without becoming Large l d8
rolls. nauseated, the speUends. Huge 2d6
For example, Darkon is playing a Gargantuan 2d8
Colossal 4d6
game called dragonscales, which he Cla ws of the 8ebilith
has a 1 in 4 chance of winning. The Transmmation [Evil) The creature can make attacks with
DM secretly rolls 1d4 and tells rhe Level: Corrupt 5 borh claws as if it were proficient with
player that Darkon losr. Darkon, Components: V, S, Corrupt them. Just as with a creature char has
under the effect of a cheat spell, can Casting Time: 1 action natural weapons, the subject rakes no
have the OM reroll. The spell alters Range: Personal penalty for making two claw attacks.
probabiUry, so there is no subterfuge Target: Caster The subject is treated as armed. Fur-
tha r another character could notice Duration: 10 minu tes/ level thermore, these claws gain a +2
(except for the casting of the spell enhancemenr bonus on attack and
itself). To even an asrute observer, ir The casrcr gains claws that deal damage damage rolls.
appears that the caster is just lucky. based on her size (see below) and can If the creature already has claws,
Focus: A pair of dice made from catch and tear an opponent's armor and those claws gain a +2 enhancement
human bones. shield. If the opponent has both armor bonus on arrack and damage rolls, and
and a shield, roll !d6: A result of 1-4 rhe claws' dam age increases as if rhe
Circle of Na usea indicates the armor is affected, and a creature were two size categories
Evocation [Evil] result of 5- 6 affects the shield. larger.
Level: Clr 3, Drd 2 The caster makes a grapple check
Components: V, S, F whenever she hits with a claw arrack, Cloud of the Achaierai
CastingTime: 1 action adding ro rhe opponenr's roll any Conjuration (Creation) [Evil]
Range: Personal enhancement bonus from magic pos- Level: Clr 6, Demonologist 4
Area: An emanation extending in a sessed by the opponent's armor or Components: V, S, Disease
20-fr.-radius around a 2-fr.-radius shield. If the caster wins, the armor or CastingTime: 1 action
circle on the ground with rhe shield is torn away and ruined. Range: Personal
casrer in the center Area: 10-fr.-radius spread
Duration: 1 minute/level Caster Size Claw Damage Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Saving Throw: Forti rude partial
Diminutive l
Spell Resistance: Yes Tiny ld2 Spell Resistance: Yes
Small ld3
Evil energy bursts in all directions Medium-size ld4 The caster conjures a choking, toxic
from rhe spell's origin, filling rhe area Large l d6 cloud of inky blackness. Those other
with pain. Everyone in rhe spell's area Huge 1d8 than the caster within the cloud take
must succeed at a Fortitude saving Gargantuan 2d2 2d6 points of damage. They must also
Colossal 2d8
ch row or take a - 2 penalty on all succeed at a Fortitude save or be sub-
attack rolls, saving throws, and skill Corm pt ion Cost: td6 poinrs of Dex- ject to a co11f11sio11 effect for the dura-
checks. Those who succeed at the terity damage. tion of the spell.
saving throw musr make a new saving Disease Component: Soul rot.
throw each round if they remain in Cla ws of t he Savage
the area. The pain lasts as long as the Transmutation [Evil] Clutch of O rcus
spell does. Level: Bestial 4, Elk 4, Cir 4, Drd 4 Necromancy [Evil]
The caster stands in the circle, Components: V, S Level: Clr 3
which must be prepared ahead of rime Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
by inscribing a circle on the ground Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 action
and purring a stone on the circle at Target: One creature Range: Medium (100 ft.+ 10
each of the four cardi nal directions. Duration: 1.0 minutes/ level fr./level)
Target : One httmanoid damage or dies, he automatically ing down with incredible power. All
Dur ation : Concentrarion (see texr) reverts to his normal form. The caster creatures and objects within the area
Saving Throw: Will negates (see can also rake a standard action to vol- take Ld6 points of damage per caster
text) untarily assume his normal form. level (maximum 20d6). A successful
Spell Resistan ce: No If the caster uses this spell to create Reflex saving throw reduces damage
a disguise, he gets a +10 bonus on his by half. Each round, as a free action,
The caster creates a magical force that Disguise check. the casrercan direct the fist co another
grips rhe subject's heart (or similar Forns: A fresh or preserved (still area within range, where it smashes
viral organ) and begins crushing it. bloody) 1-ounce portion of another downward again. It continues to
The victim is paralyzed (as if having a creature's flesh. attack the same area unless otherwise
heart attack) and takes td3 points of Cornrptron Casi': 2d6 points of directed.
damage per round. Wisdom drain. The fist does nor need to sttike the
Each round, the caster must con- ground. Ir can attack airborne targets
centrate to maintain the spell. In addi- Cruel Disappointment as well. Airborne targets that succeed
tion, a conscious victim gains a new Illusion (Phanrasm) [Fear, Mind- at a Reflex save rake no damage and
saving throw each round to stop the Affecring, Evil] are forcib ly ejected from the spell's
spell. If the victim dies as a result of Level: Sor/ Wiz 3 area.
this spell, his chesr ruptures and Components: V, S Material Component: A severed hand
bursts, and his smoking heart appears Casting Tune: 1 action from a good-aligned humanoid deric.
in the caster's hand. Range: Medium (100 &. + 10 Disease Component: Festering anger.
ft/ level)
Consume Likeness Target : One living creature Curse of the Putrid Husk
Necromancy [Evil] Duration : Instantaneous Illusion (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-
Level: Corrupt 6 Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if Affecting, Evil]
Com ponents: V. S, F, Corrupt interacted with) and Will negates Level: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Tune: 1 action (see text) Compon ents: V. S, M
Range: Personal Sp ell Resistance: Yes Casting Time: 1 action
Target: Caster Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./2 levels)
Duration: Permanent The next rime the subject of this spell Target: One crearure
attempts an action that requires a die Duration: 1 round+ 1d10 minutes
The caster can take on the appearance roll to determine success, the action Saving Throw: Will negates
and form- including clothing and fails. However, the spell creates the Spell Resistance: Yes
equipment- of a corporeal human- phantasmal image in the subject's
oid that is freshly dead. The caster mind that the action succeeded. The This illusion forces the subject to
assumes the form of the creature as it subject behaves accordingly for 1 believe his flesh is rotting and falling
looked when it lived. The caster must round. During the next round, the off his body, and rhat his internal
eat rhe flesh of the corpse whose form phantasm fades and the subject now organs are spilling out. If the target
is to be assumed as he casts the spell. realizes that he was fooled. lf the sub- fails his saving throw, he is dazed (and
Once the spell is complete, the ject fails a second Will save, he then horrified) for 1 round. On the follow-
caster can assume the new likeness at rakes a -4 morale penalry on attack ing round, he falls unconscious for
will. By changing to this new form, rolls, saves, and checks for ld6+1 1d10 minmes, during wh ich time be
the caster's body can undergo a lim- rounds afcenvard. cannot be roused normally.
ited physical transmutation, includ-
ing adding or subtracting one or two Crushing Fist of Spite Damning Darkness
limbs, and his weight can be changed Evocation rEvil, Force] Evocation [Darkness, Evil]
up to one-half. lf the form selected Level: Sor/Wiz 9 Level: Clr 4, Darkness 4, Sor/Wiz 4
has wings, the caster can fly at a speed Components: V, S, M, Disease Components: V, M/ DF
of 30 feet with poor maneuverability. CastingTime: 1 action Casting Tune: 1 action
If the form bas gills, he can breathe Range: Medium (100 fr.+ 10 Range: Touch
underwater. The caster cannot assume ft/ level) Target: Object couched
the likeness of something that is a dif- Area: 5-fr.-radius cylinder, 30 ft. high Duration : 10 minutes/level (D)
ferent size than he is. Duration : 1 round/ level Saving Throw: None
The caster's arrack bonuses, natural Saving Throw: Reflex half or Reflex Spell Resistance: No
armor bonus, and saves do not negates (see text)
change. The spell does not confer spe- Sp ell Resistance: Yes This spell is similar to darlrness, except
cial abilities, arrack forms, defenses, that those within the area of darkness
abiliry scores, or mannerisms of the A fist of darkness appears 30 feet also rake unholy damage. Creatures of
chosen form. If the caster rakes above the ground and begins smash- good alignment take 2d6 poinrs of
damage per round in the darkness, a:nd creatures nei-
rher good nor evil take td6 points of damage. As with
the dnrbi ess spell, the area of darkness is a 20-foo t
radius, and rhe object that serves as the spell's target can
be shrouded to block rbe darkness (and thus rhe dam-
aging effect).
Dnm11i11g darkness counters or dispels any light spell
of equal or lower level.
Arcane Mnterinl Component: A dollop of pirch wirh a
ti ny n eedle hidden inside ir.

Dance of Ruin
Necromancy (Evil)
Level: Brd 2, Cir 2, Demonologist 2, Sor/ Wiz 2
Components: V, S
CastingTime: 1 full round
Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./ 2 levels)
Area: Spread centered on caster
Duration: lnscamaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes

To cast rhis spell, the caster dances wildly and chanrs.

After she finishes her dance, a wave of crackling energy
flashes ornward up to the extent of rhe range. All non-
demon creatures within rhe area rake 2d20 points of

Dancing Chai ns
Level: Demonologist 3, Sor/ Wiz 4
Components: V, S
CastingTime: 1 actio n
Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./ 2 levels)
Targets: One chain per level within range
Duration: t minute/ level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The casrer can conrrol one cl1ain per level as a standard

action, making the chains dance or move as s he wishes.
In addition, the caster can inc rease the c hains' length
by up co 15 feet an d cause rhern to sprout razor-edged
barbs. These chains attack as spiked cliains that use the
caster's normal ranged arrack bonus on arrack rolls or
grapple checks (n·eat each chain as Medium-size when
The caster can climb a chain she conrrols at normal
speed wirhour making a Climb check.

Evocation [Darkness, Evil]
Level: Clr 2, Darkness 2, Sor/ Wiz 2
Components: V, S
CastingTime: 1 action
Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./2 levels)
Target: One creatu re
Duration: Insta11taneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Death by Thorns Corruption Cost: -id3 points of
Spell Resistance: Yes Conjuration (Creation) [Evil, Death] Wisdom di-ain.
Level: Co1Tupr 7
The caster makes a ranged touch Com pon ents: V, S, Corrupt Death Grimace
arrack againsr a foe, launching a bole Casting Time: 1 action Necromancy [Evil]
of cold darkness from his left hand. Range: Touch Level: Asn 1, Blk 1, Sor/ Wiz 1
The bole deals LdS points of damage Targets: Up to three creatures, no Components: S
per two caster levels (maxi.mum sds). two of which can be more than Casting Tim e: 1 action
Half the damage is cold, and the other 15 fr. apart Range: Touch
has no specific rype. When struck, the Duration: Instantaneous Target: One corpse
foe must also succeed at a Fortitude Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Duration: Permanent
save or be stunned for l round, over- Spell Resistance: Yes Saving Throw: None
whelmed by the evil charge o f the Spell Resistance: No
' The caster marks a corpse
Darklight wirh a partic ular magical
Evocation [Darkness] "signature," thus identifying
Level: Asn 2, Sor/ Wiz 1 hi.mself ( or falsely)
Components: V, S as the murderer. Some assas-
Casting Time: 1 action sins use this signature as a
Range: Touch sort of calling card, while
Target : One creamre or others use it as a way ro prove
object rouched that rhey earned their pay.
Duration : 1 minute/ level The signature can take many
SavingThrow: None forms: a specific expression
Spell Resistance: No on the face of rhe corpse
(hence rhe name of the
The caster makes one crea- spell), an actual rune, a word
ture or object radiate spe- wrinen on the corpse's flesh,
cial darkness called dark- a discoloration of one eye,
light in a s-foot-radius and so on.
sphere. This spell is most
useful in a large, naturally Demon Wings
dark area. Within che dark- Transmutation [Evil]
light sphere, creatures that Level: Blk 3, Demonic 3,
can normally see in the Demonologist 3
light can see, even though Com ponents: V, S
there is no light. Only crea- Castin g Time: 1 action
tures and objects in the Range: Personal
sphere can be seen, and Target: Caster
only creatures in rhe Duration: 10 minutes/
sphere can see within the level
sphere, unless other ob-
servers can naturally see in Massive, batlike wings grow
the dark. Thus, while two from the caster's back. With
crearures in rhe sphere can see each The caster causes thorns to sprout these wings, the caster can fly at his
ocher, a crearure standing outside from the insides of the subject crea- normal land speed, with average
che sphere can neither see rhe crea- tures, which writhe in agony for 1 d4 maneuverability. The caster can carry
tures in rhe sphere (assuming it rounds, incapacirared, before dying. A his norma l carrying capacity, and
doesn't have darkvision), nor can ir be wisi, or miracle spell casr on a subject grearer burdens affect his fly speed as
seen by rhem. A creature with dark- during chis rime can eliminate the they would affect his land speed .
vision standing outside rhe sphere thorns and s:ive that creature. Crea-
could see those within the sphere, but rures rhat succeed ar rheir Fortitude Demoncall
those inside could nor discern rhe saving throws are still incapacitated Divination (Evil]
crearure. for -id4 rounds in horrible agony, Level: Blk 2, Demonic 2,
The darklight spell's sphere is invisi- raking td6 points of damage per Demonologist 2
ble in nonnal light and does not func- row1d. Ar the end of the agony, how- Components: V, S, M
tion in magical darkness. ever, the thorns disappear. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal Only d1e effects of multiple wish or Devil's Tongue
Target: Casrer miracle spells can undo the lasting Transmutation [Evil]
Duration : lnsranraneous effecrs of this spell. Level: Corrupt 2
Material Compo11e11t: Corpse of a Components: S, Corrupt
The caster taps inro the forbidden fre shly dead or preserved (still CastingTime: 1 action
knowledge of demons, giving her bloody) living crearure. Range: Personal
a +-io profane bonus on any one Target: Caster
check (made immediately) involving Devil's Ego Duration: 1 minute/level
Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (rhe Transmurarion fEvil]
planes), or Knowledge (religion). Level: Diabolic 3 The caster's rongue length ens and
Compon ents: V, S st re ngthe ns, allowing her ro make
Demonflesh Casting Tim e: 1 action grapple or disarm attacks with a reach
Transmurarion [Evil] Ran ge: Personal of 15 feet. Attempts to grapple or
Level: Blk 1, Demonic 1, Target: Casrer disarm with h er to n gue do nor pro-
Oemonologisr t Duration : 1 minute/level voke arracks of opportunity. O ther-
Components: V, S wise, they are handled normally.
CastingTime: 1 acrion The caster gains an enhancement bonus Co rn1ptio11 Cost: 1d6 points of
Range: Personal to Charisma of 1d4+1 points. Further- Wisdom damage.
Target: Casrer more, che caster is treated as an outsider
Duration: 1 minute/ level wirh regard to what spells and magical Distort Summons
effects can affect her (rendering a hu- Transmutarion [Evil]
The caster grows rhe thick, leathery manoid caster immune to charm person Level: Demonologist 3, Sor/ Wiz 4
flesh of a demon, gaining a +1 narural and hold pcrso11, for example). Components: V, S
a1mor bonus to Armor Class for every Casting Time: l action
five caster levels (ar leasr +1 , maxi- Devil's Eye Range: Medium (100 fr. + 10
mum +4). This spell has no effect if Divination [Evil] fr/ level)
rhe casrer is an evil oursider. Level: Blk 2, Cir 3, Diabolic 2, Area: 50-fr.-radius spread
Sor/Wiz 3 Duration: 1 hour/ level
Despoil Compon ents: V, S
Transmuration [Evil] Casting Time: 1 action The caster creates an area in which
Level: Clr 9 R ange: Personal only evil creatures can be magically
Components: V, S, M Target: Caster summoned. No matter what a later
Casting Time: 1 minute Duration: 1 minute/level caster attempts to summon, he actu-
Range: Touch ally summons an evil version (a
Area: 100-fr./level radius The caster gains rhe visual acuity of a fiendish beast rather than a celestial
Duration: lnsranraneous devil. He can see not only in darkness, one, for example) or an evil equivalent
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial bur also in magical darkness, with a (a devil rather than a forrnian).
(planrs) or Fortirude negates range of 30 feet. If rhe summoner was arrempting to
(other living crearures) summon a good or neutral creature,
Spell Resistance: Yes Devil's Tail the evil creanrre rhar appears does not
Transmutation fEvil] obey the commands of tbe summoner
The caster blights and corrupts a vast Level: Diabolic 1 or attack his enemies. Instead, it
area of land. Planrs with 1 HD or less Components: V, S attacks the summoner, and the spell
shrivel and die, and the ground Casting Time: 1 action that summoned the evil creature
cannot support such plant life ever Ran ge: Personal cannot be dismissed. A distort sum-
again. Plants witb more than 1 HD Target : Caster mons spell can be dispelled normally,
must succeed at a Fortitude saving Duration: 1 minute/ level however.
throw or die. Even those successful on
their saves rake 5d6 points of damage. The caster grows a 3-foot-long rail. Distort Weapon
All living creatures in the area other The tail is rhin, black or red, and it Transmutation [Evil]
than plants (a11d the caster) must suc- ends in a spike. The caster can use this Level: Blk 1
ceed at a Fortitude saving throw or tail to make melee attacks using his Components: V, S
rake 1d4 points of Strength damage. attack bonus, dealing a base 1d4 CastiugTime: 1 action
Unattended objects, including poims of damage, plus one-half his Range: Touch
structural fea tures such as walls and Strength bonus. Jf the caster rakes a Target: Weapon rouched
doors, grow britrle and lose 1 point of fulJ arrack action, he can use both the Duration: 1 minute/ level
hardness (ro a minimum of 0), then tail and his normal melee attacks, but Saving Throw : None
rake td6 poi 11ts of damage. aU attacks have a -2 penalty. Spell Resistance: No
This spell makes a weapon strike true T he subject's lungs fill with water if creases by +1 for every three caster
against good foes. Any threat of a crit- the subject fails a Fortitude saving levels. So a 12th-level caster grants a
ical hit against a good foe is automati- throw. To avoid drowning, the subject +5 deflection bonus to AC, an extra
cally confirmed, without a roll. The can hold his breath (see The Drown- ld8+4 te mporary hit points, a +5
weapon can also harm good creatures ing Rule in Chapter 3 of the D u NCEON enhancement bonus on attack rolls,
chat have damage reduction, as if rhe MA~TcR's Guide). The subject gains a and a +6 bon us to turn resistance.
weapon had a +1 enhancement bonus. new save (ro expel the water) every 2
Individual arrows or bolts can be rounds after the first. While holding Entice Gift
altered, bur altered projectile weapons his breath with water-filled lungs, a Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]
(such as bows) don't confer the benefit character cannot talk or cast spells Level: Greed 2, Sor/Wiz 2
ro rhe projectiles rbey shoot. with verbal components, and he rakes Component s: V, S
This spell has no effect on any a - 2 circumstance penalty on attack Casting Time: 1 action
magic weapon that already has a spe- rol ls, saving throws, ability checks, R ange: Close (25 ft. + 5 fr./ 2 levels)
cial ability related to critical hits, such and skill checks. Target: One creature
as a keen or vorpal weapon. D uration : 1 round
Drug Resistance SavingThrow : Will negates
Dread Word Enchantment Spell Resistance: Yes
Evocation [Evil] Level : Cir 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Level: Demonologisr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Components: V, M The caster enchants a creature so that
Compon ents: V CastingTime: 1 acrion it feels sudden ly compelled co give
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch her what iris holding when she casts
Ran ge: Close (25 ft. + 5 fr./2 levels) Tar get : One living creature the spell. On the creature's next
Target: One crearure of good align- Duration: 1 hour/ level action, it moves as close co the caster
ment Saving Throw: Fortitude negates as it can get in a single round and
Duration: l11sranta11eous (harmless) offers h e r the object as a standard
SavingThrow: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) action. This spell allows the caster to
Spell Resistance: Yes act out of turn and accept the "gift" if
The creature touched is immune ro the creature reaches her to hand the
The caster speaks a single unique the possibility of addiction to drugs. caster the object (assuming she has a
word of pure malevolence- a pow- He still experiences the negative and free hand and can carry rhe object).
erful urrerance from the Dark positive effects of drugs during the The subject defends itself normally
Speech (see Chapter 2). The word is spell's duration. This spell does nor and acts however it wishes on subse-
so foul rhat it harms the very soul of free the target from the effects of an quent rounds, including attempting
one char hears ir. The urrerance of a addiction already incurred. If the co gee the object back if desired. If the
dread word causes one subject within spell ends before the effects of a drug subject is prevented from doing as the
range ro rake 1 d3 points of Charisma wear off, the normal chance for addic- spell compels, the spell is wasted. For
drain. The power of chis spell pro- tion applies. example, if the subject is pa ralyzed
tects the caster from the damaging Material Co111ponent: Three drops of and cannot move or drop the item,
effects of both hearing and knowing pure water. nothing happens.
the word.
To arrempt to speak this unique Ectoplasmic Enhancement Eternity of Torture
word without using this spell means Necromancy fEviJJ Necromancy [Evil]
insranr death (and no effect, because Level: Sor/ Wiz 6 Level: Pain 9
the caster dies before she gets the Components: V, S Compon ents: V, S, Df
entire word our). CastingTime: 1 full round Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 ft./ 2 levels) Ran ge: Close (25 ft. + 5 fr./2 levels)
Drown Target: One incorporeal Target : One crea ture
Conjuration (Creation) [Evil] w1dead/ level Duration: Permanenr
Level : Sor/ Wiz 3 Duration: 24 hours Saving Throw: Fortin1de partial
Components: V Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes
Castin gTime: 1 action Spell Resis tance: No
Range: Medium ( 100 ft. + 10 The subject's body is twisted and
fr./ level) The undead affected by this spell gaiJ1 warped, wracked forever with excru-
Target: One humanoid a +1 deflecrion bonus ro Armor Class, ciating pain. The subject is rendered
Duration: lnsranraneous +tds temporary hit points, a +t helpless, bur-as long as the spell con-
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates enhancement bonus on arrack rolls, tinues- it is sustained a11d has no
Spell Resistance: Yes and a +2 bonus to rurn resistance. need for food, drink, or air. The subject
Each of these enhancemenrs in- does nor age- all the better to ensure
a true eternity of unimaginable tor- area and duration are as given for this like that of a beholder. Due to the
ture. The subject takes 1 point of drain spell. To conjure violet rain, the caster mobility of the eye, the caster gains a
to each ability score each day until all must sacrifice 10,000 gp worth of +2 circumstance bonus on Spot
scores are reduced to O(except Consti- amethysts and spend 200 XP. Ocher ch ecks. More imponanr, the eye has
tution, which stays at 1). The subject forms of evil weather have no material o ne of the beholder's eye powers,
cannot heal or regenerate. Lastly, the component or experience poinr cost. determined randomly. The caster can
subject is completely unaware of its Com1pt1011 Cost: 3d6 poinrs of Con- use t his power as a srandard acrion
surroundings, insensate to anything stitution damage. during rhe spell's durarion.
but the excruciating pain. Each type of eye produces an effect
A single Fortitude saving throw is Extract Drug identica l to rhar of a spell cast by a
all that stands between a target and Conjuration (Creation) 13th-level caster, but it follows the
this horrible spell. However, even if Level: Brd 'I, Cir t , Drd 'I, Sor/ Wiz l rules for a ray (see Aiming a Spell in
the saving throw is successful, the Components: V, S, F Chapter 10 of the Plnyer's Handbook.).
rarget still feels terrible (bur tempo- CastingTime: l minute All of rhese effects have a range of 150
rary) pain. The target rakes 5d6 points Range: Touch feer and a save DC of 18.
of damage immediately and rakes a -4 Effect: One dose of a drug Roll 1d10 to see which eye the
circumstance penalty on attack rolls, Duration: Permanent casrer gains.
saving throws, skill checks, and ability
checks for 1 round per level of the The caster infuses a substance with l dl 0 Eye Effect
caster. energy and creates a magical version of l Charm Person: Target must make a
Will save or be affected as though by
a drug. The magical version manifests
the spell.
Evil Eye as greenish fumes that rise from the 2 Charm Monster: Target must make a
Enchanrment (Evil] chosen focus. The fumes must then be Will save or be affected as though by
Level: Mortal H un ter 2, Sor/Wiz 3 inhaled as a standard action within 1 the spell.
Components: S round to get the drug's effects. 3 Sleep: As the spell, except that It
Casting Time: 1 action The type of drug extracted depends affects one creature with any number
Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./2 levels) on the substance used. of Hit Dice. Target must make a Will
save to resist.
Target: One creature
4 Flesh to Stone: Target must make a
Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Drug Effect
Fortitude save or be affected as
Saving Throw: Will negates Material Extracted on Focus
though by the spell.
Metal Bacca ran Metal's hardness
Spell Resistance: Yes 5 Disintegrate: Target must make a
drops by 1.
Fortitude save or be affected as
Stone Vodare Stone's hardness
The caster focuses malevolent wishes though by the spell.
drops by 1.
through her gaze and curses someone 6 Fear: As the spell, except that it
Water Sannish Water becomes
targets one creature. Target must
with bad luck. T he s ubject takes a - 4 brackish and foul.
make a Will save or be affected as
luck penalty on all attack rolls, saves, Air Mordayn Foul odor fills the
though by the spell.
and checks. The spell ends at the next vapor area (up to 50-ft.
7 Slow: As the spell, except that it
radius) for 1 hour.
sunrise, when dismissed, when a affects one creature. Target must
Wood Mushroom Wood takes on
remove curse is cast on the subject, or make a Will save to resist.
powder a permanent foul
when the caster takes at least 1 point 8 Inflict Moderate Wounds: As the spell,
dealing 2d8+10 points of damage
of damage from the subject.
(Will half).
There may be other drugs that can be 9 Finger of Death: Target must make a
Evil Weather extracted with rarer substances, at the Fortitude save or be slain as though
Conjuration (Creation) [Evil] DM's discretion. by the spell. The target takes 3d6+13
Level: Corrupt 8 Focus: 15 lb. or 1 cubic foot of the points of damage if his save
Components: V, S, M, XP, Corrupt material in quesrio n. succeeds.
(see below) 10 Telekinesis: The eye can move objects
or creatures that weigh up to 325
Casting Time: 1 hour Eye of t he Beholder
pounds, as though with a telekinesis
Range: Personal Transmutation [Evil] spell. Creatures can resist the effect
Area: 1-mile/ level radius, centered Level: Sor/ Wiz 7 with a successful Will save.
on caster Components: V, S
Duration: 3d6 minutes Casting 1 action Eyes of the Zombie
Saving Throw: None Range: Personal Divination [Evil]
Spell Resistance: No Target: Caster Level: Cir 2, Sor/ Wiz 3
Duration: 1 round/ level Components: V, S, F
The caster conjures a type of evil Casting Time: 30 minutes
weather. It functions as described in One of the caster's eyes grows out of Range: Personal
Chapter 2 of this book, except that her head on an eyesralk, becoming Effect: Caster and one zombie
Duration: 1 hour/level (D) low as t can understand the sending, The caster grows vampirelike fangs
Saving Throw: None though a subject's ability to react is that allow him to make bite attacks
Spell Resistance: Yes limi ted normally by its Intelligence. with an attack bonus of +10 plus the
Even if rhe se nding is received, the caster's Strength modifier. The caster's
The caster replaces his eyes with rhe subject creature is not obligared to act bite attack deals ld6 points of damage
eyes of a zombie, allowing him to see upon it in any manner. and l point of Constitution damage.
through the zombie's eye sockets and lf the creatt1re in question is not on Corrnphon Cost: 1.d6 points of
control its actions directly. The the same p lane of existence as the Sti:engtb damage.
zombie must be one that the caster
animated. The magic of this spell Fiendish Clarity
allows the caster to remove his eyes Oivi.nation [Evil]
(dealing 1d6 points of damage to Level: Cir 7, Demonic 7,
him from the pain, but no per- Sor/ Wiz 7
manent damage to his eyes) Components: V, S
and rake a zombie's eyes CastingTime: 1
that he has removed and action
soaked in a special barh Range: Personal
of brackish water. The Target: Caster
caster's eyes are pre- Duration: 10
served by rhe spell minutes/
while he controls level
the zombie and
perceives the The caster
world through it. develops rhe
The caster's body senses of a pow-
remains motion- erful fiend. He has
less and is subject darkvision to a range of
to harm normally. 60 feet. The caster can see
When the spell in magical darkness as if
ends, the caster's it were normal darkness.
eyes automatically He can see invisible
return to him. creatures and objects as
Focus: Zombie eyes if h e had a see invisibil-
and a pint of brackish ity spell cast on him.
water. The caster can detect
good at will.
False Sending
Illusion (Glamer) Fiend ish Quickeni ng
Level: Cir 5, Sor/ Wiz 6 Transmurarion
Components: V, S, M/ DF Level: Cir 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Casting Time: 10 minutes Components: V, S, Fiend
Range: See text CastingTime: 1 full round
Target: One creature caster, there is a 5% chance that rhe Range: Personal
Duration: 1 rotmd (see text) sending does not arrive. (Local condi- Target: Caster
SavingThrow: Will negates tions on other planes may worsen this Duration: 1 round/ level
Spell Resistance: Yes chance considerably, at the option of
the DM.) For the duration of this spell , the
The caster contacts a particular crea- Arcnne Mnterral Component: A shorr caster's teleport or teleporl untho11t error
ru re with whom she is familiar and piece of corroded copper wire. spell-like ability is quickened. This
sends a short message of twenty-five means that the caster can teleport as a
words or less ro the subject. The sub- Fangs of the Vampire King free action and still have time during
jeer is convinced thar the sender of Transmutation [Evil] rhe round to attack and/ or move. The
the message is someone other than Level: Corrupt 2 caster can use his quickened teleport
rhe caster, as specified by the caster. Components: S, Corrupt or teleport without error once per
The caster must be also familiar with CastingTime: 1 acrion round. This spell does nor affect
the fa lse sender. The subject can Range: Personal teleport spells in any way, only the
answer in like manner immediarely. Target: Caster spell-Like ability of fiends to releport
Creatures with lntelligence·scores as Duration: 1 minute/ level themselves.
flesh Armor Target: 1 living crearure the answer is a simple yes or no. The
Abjurarion [Evil] Duration : Permanent answer given is correct 75% of rhe
Level: Asn 4 Saving Throw: Will negates rime. Answers the OM deems roo
Compon ents: V, S, M, F Spell Resistan ce: Yes obscure are never revealed. The spell,
Casting Time: l action ar best, provides information to aid
Range: Personal The caster makes ir impossible for a charncter decisions. In cases where a
Target: Caster single creature ro speak abour a single one-word answer would be mislead-
Duration: 10 minutes/level or unti-1 topic. The topic should be as narrow ing, rhe OM can give a short answer
discharged as possible for rhe spell ro work prop- instead (five words or less).
erly. An appropriate topic migh r be Drug Compo11ent: Mordayn vapor.
Prior to casting flesh nrmor, the caster events char occurred while the crea-
flays rhe skin from a crearure of his ture was in captivity, the whereabouts Graz'zt's Long Grasp
size and lays it upon his own flesh, and names of tormentors, the secret Transmuration [Evil)
wearing it l ike clothing or armor. location of a hidden treasure, the pass- Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Once the caster cases fles/1 11rn1or, his word into a guarded compound, rhe Components: V, S
skin develops resistance ro b lows, command word of a magic item, or Casting Time: 1 action
curs, stabs, and slashes. The caster the explanation behind some major Range: Personal
gains damage reduction 1 0/+ J. Once occurrence. Invalid topics include Target: Caster
the spe 11 has preven red a rota l of 5 verbal components of spells, a crea- Duration: 10 minutes/ level
points of damage per caster level ture's whole life history, or anyrhing
( maximum 50 points), ir is dis- coo broad for a reasonable definition The casrer causes one of her hands to
charged, and the skin slowly rots, of a single ropic. Wherher a topic is detach from her arm. She can control
shedding i_n patches like the skin of a too broad is up the DM, who can rhe hand by thought alone as a free
molting snake. double rhe corruption cosr and have action. Ir can fly at a speed of 20 feet
Material Component: A bit of flesh the spell auromarically fai l if rhe (perfect maneuverability).
torn from the caster's body during the casrer persisrs in attempting an On casting rhe spell, t he caster takes
casting (dealing 1 point of damage). invaUd topic. Thus, chis can be a dan- 2d4 points of damage, bur she is healed
Focus: The entire freshly harvested gerous spell ro attempt. by the same amoun c when the hand
skin of another creawre of the caster's The affected crearure cannor com- returns ro her arm (unless it is
size. municare regarding the topic in any destroyed or otherwise prevented from
way. Speech becomes gibberish, writ- reaching her arm before the end of the
Flesh Ripper ing is reduced to an indecipherable spell). The damage heals normally. As
Evocation [Evil] scrawl, gesrures are impossible, and long as the spell lasts, the floating hand
Level: Cir 3, Morral Hunter 3 even telepathy ( including detect can deliver any spell with a range of
Compon e nts: V, S, Undead, Fiend tl10ughts) is scrambled. The creature rouch chat the caster can cast. The spell
Casting Time: .t action has not forgorren the information, gives rhe caster a +2 bonus on he r
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) however, and it can be a maddening melee touch attack with the disembod-
Target: One livit1g creat\.lre occurrence for the creature to be ied hand, which functions as if ir were
Durat ion: Instantaneous unable ro communicate informarion attached to her. The hand can flank tar-
Saving Throw: None that might be of life-and-dearh impor- gets as a creature can.
Spell Resis tance: Yes tance ro friends and allies. The hand can punch opponents (as
Corrnpl,011 Cost: 1 d6 points of a normal unarmed attack with a +2
The caster evokes pure evil power in Strength damage. arrack bonus), or it can grasp things
the form of a black claw that flies ar and move them (with cbe caster's
the target. If a ranged rouch attack roll Glimpse of Truth normal Strength). The hand can make
succeeds, the claw deals 1ds poinrs of Divination [Evil] grapple arracks, bu t it is considered
damage per caster level (maximum Level: Sor/ Wiz 3 Tiny.
tods). On a critical hit, i_n addition to Components: V, S, Drug If the hand goes beyond the spell's
dealing double damage, the wound Casting Time: 1 action range, if the caster can no longer see
bleeds for I point of damage per Range: Personal it, or if she is nor directing it, the hand
round unti l it is magically healed. Target: Casrer attempts ro rerurn to her on its own,
Duration: 1 hour reattaching to rhe end of the wrist.
Forbidden Speech The hand has improved evasion
Enchantment [Evil, Mind-AffecringJ The casrer sees rhrough rhe veil of (half damage on a failed Reflex save
level: Corrupt 5 reality ro pose a single question to and no damage on a successful save),
Components: V, S, Corrupt nameless malevolent entities chat the caster's save bonuses, and AC 22.
Casting Time: 1 minute exisr beyond normal consciousness. The caster's Lntelligence modifier
Range: Touch The question must be posed such that applies to the hand's AC as if it were
the hand's Dexterity. The h and has Components: V, S, DF being reduced by protection from ele-
2d4 hit points, the same number that Casting Time: :L action ments (fire), fire shield (chill shield), or
the caster lost in creating it. Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./ 2 levels) similar magic.
Target : One creatt1re
Grim Revenge Duration : I round Hellfire Storm
Necromancy [Evil] SavingThrow: Will negates Evocarion [Evil]
Level : Sor/ Wiz 4 Spell Resistance: Yes Level: Diabolic 7
Components: V, S, Undead Range: Medium (100 ft.+ 10
Casting Time: 1 action The caster fills the subject with heart- &./ level)
Range: Medium (100 ft.+ 10 wrenching sorrow that re nders it Area: 20-fr.-radius spread
ft./ level) incapacitated for 1 round. The subject
Target: One living humanoid cannot move or rake actions and is As hellfire, except in area and range
Duration: Instantaneous helpless for that round. and chat the spell deals 5d6 points of
Saving Throw : Fortitude negates special diabolic fire damage.
Sp ell Resistan ce: Yes Heartclutch
Transmutation [Evil] Hell's Power
The hand of rhe subject tears itself Level: Cir 5 Conjuration (Creation) [Evil]
away from one of his arms, leaving a Comp onents: V, S, Disease Level: Blk 3, Cir 4, Sor/ Wiz 4
bloody srump. This trauma deals 6d6 CastingTime: 1 action Components: V, S, M, Devil
points of damage. Then the hand, ani- Range: Close (25 &. + 5 ft./2 levels) Casting Time: 1 action
mated and floating in the air, begins Target : The heart of one creature Range: Personal
to arrack the subject. The band attacks Duration : lnstanraneous Target: Caster
as if it were a wight (see the Monster Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Duration : 10 minutes/ level
Manual) in terms of its statistics, spe- Sp ell Resistance: Yes
cial attacks, and special quali ties, The caster summons evil energy from
except that it is considered Tiny and The caster holds forth his empty the Nine Hells and bathes himself in
gains a +4 bonus to AC and a +4 bonus hand, and the still-bearing heart of the its power. The caster gains a +2 deflec-
on arrack rolls. The hand can be subject appears within ir. Tbe subject tion bonus to Annor Class, as well as
turned or rebuked as a wight. If the dies in 1d3 rounds, and only a heal, an upgrade of his existing damage
band is defeated, only a regenerate spell regenemtc, mirncle, or wish spell will reduction by / +1 (DR 10/+1 becomes
can restore the victim tO nom1al. save it during rhis rime. The target is DR 10/ +2, for example).
entitled ro a Forrirude saving throw ro .Material Compone11t: The heart of an
Gutwrench survive the attack. If the target suc- elf ch il.d.
Necromancy [Evil, Death] ceeds ar the save, it instead takes 3d6
Level: Sor/ \Y/iz 8 points of damage +t point per caster Ident ify Transg ressor
Components: V, S, Undead level from general damage to the Divination [Evil]
Casting Time: 1 action chest and internal organs. (The target Level : Cir 4
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 fr./ 2 levels) might die from damage even if it suc- Components: V, S, Drug, Location
Target: One living creature ceeds at the saving throw.) Casting Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Instantaneous A creature with no di scernible Ran ge: Personal
Saving Throw: Fortitude parrial anatomy is unaffected by this spell. Target: Caster
Spell Resistance: Yes Disease Con1ponent: Soul rot. Duration: Instantaneous

The i11nards of the rarget crearure roil. Hellfire The caster is able to divine the answer
If the target fails its saving throw, its Evocation [Evil] to a single question, as long as the
intestines burst forth, killing it. The Level: Diabolic 4 answer is a single person's name.
intestines fly toward the caster and Components: V, S Thus, the question must be a "who?"
are absorbed into her form, granting Casting Tim e: 1 action type question. For example, "Who
her 4d6 temporary hit points and a +4 Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./2 levels) broke into the temple last night and
enhancemenr bonus to Strength. If Area: 5-ft.-radius spread stole the 111a11d of inflict moderate
rhe target's save is successful, it rakes Duration: Instantaneous wo1mds?" Questions thar cannot be
10d6 points of damage instead. Saving Throw: None answered with a single name are not
A creature with no d iscernible Sp ell Resistance: Yes answered at all.
anatomy is unaffected by th is spell. Tbe base chance for a correct
The caster creares a small explosion of answer is 70% + 1% per caster level.
Heartache brimstone and fire that deals 3d6 The DM adjusts the chance if unusual
Enchantment [Evil, Mind-Affecting] points of special diabolic fire damage. circumstances require it (precautions
Level: Clr 1, Mortal Hunter 1 The diabolic .flames are not subject to against divination spells have been
taken, for example). The caster knows and a caster currently using a magic jar magic items or enhance spells (see
ifhe didn't get a correct answer, unless spell. The possessing creature cannot Pain as Power in Chapter 2). It can
specific magic yielding false informa- leave the body it is currently in, also be used as a potent drug.
tion is at work. whether or not it is its own, by any Focus: A jar, vial, or other container
As with augury or divination, multi- means. for the liquid pam.
ple identify tmnsgressor spells about tbe
same question by the same caster use Imprison Sou l Lah m's Finger Darts
the same die roll resu l t as the first Necromancy [Evil] Transmutation [Evil]
spell and yield the same answer each Level: Clr 7 Level: Corrnpt 2
time. Componen ts : V, S, M, F Components: V, S, Corrupt
Drug Component: Vodare. Cas ting Time: 1 action (see text) Casting Time: 1 acti_on
Location Component: An area under Range: Medium (100 fr. + lO Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10
the effect of a desecrnte or unhallow ft/ level) fr./ level)
spell. Tar get : One crearure Targets: Up to five crearures, no rwo
Duration: Instantaneous of which can be more than 15 ft.
Impotent Possessor Saving Throw : Will negates apart
Abjurnrion Spell Resistan ce: No Duration: Instantaneous
Level: Oemonologist 4, Sor/Wiz 6 Saving Throw: None
Components: V, S By cas ting imprison soul, the caster Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 action places the subject's soul in a recepta-
Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./2 levels) cle, such as a gem, ring, or some other The caster's finger becomes a danger-
Target: One possessing creature minuscule object, leaving the sub- ous projectile that flies from her hand
Duratio n : Permanenr (D) ject's body lifeless. While trapped, the and unerringly strLkes its target. The
Saving Throw: Will negates subject takes td4 points of Constitu- dart deals 1d4 points of Dexterity
Sp ell Resis tance: Yes tion damage per day until dead or damage. Creatures without fingers
freed. The rituals to prepare the recep- cannot cast this spell.
The caster renders one creature that tacle require three days. Desn·oying or The dart strikes unerri.ngly, even i_f
can possess or inhabit ocher creatures, opening the receptacle ends the spell, the target is in melee or has partial
or a creature chat can move its mind releasing the soul. cover or con cealment. Inanimate
out of its body, powerless withi_n the To cast the spell, the receptacle objects (locks, doors, and so forrh )
host it currently inhabits. Potential must be within spell range and the cannot be damaged by the spell.
targets include possessing demons, caster must know where it is. The For every three caster levels beyond
malevolent ghosts, and a caster cur- caster must also know rhe name of the 1st, the caster gains an additional dart
renrly using a magic jar spell. The only target. by losing an additional finger: two at
action the subject can take is to leave Material Component: A portion of 4th level, three at 7th level, four at
the body it currently inhabits. This the target's body (a fmgernail, a strand 10th level, and the maximum of five
spell, in conjunction with imprison of hair, or some other small part). darts at 13th level or higher. Cf the
possessor, is one of the best ways to deal Focus: A Tmy or smaller object to be caster shoots multiple darts, she can
with a possessing fie nd. the receptacle for the subject's soul. have t hem stri_ke a single creature or
several creatures. A single dart can
Imprison Possessor Liquid Pain strike only o ne crea rure. The caster
Abjuration Necromancy must designate targets before check-
l evel: Demonologist 4, Sor/Wi_z 5 Level: Pain 4, Sor/ Wiz 4 ing for spell resista nee or damage.
Components: V, S Components: V, S, F Fmgers lost ro this spell grow back
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 day when the corruption cost is healed, at
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range: Touch the rate of one finger per point of
Target: One possessmg crearure and Target: One living crearure Strength damage·healed.
its host Duration: Permanent Corruption Cost: 1 point of Strength
Duration: Permanent (D) Saving Throw: Forcirude negates damage per dart, plus the loss of one
Saving Throw : Will negates Spell Resistan ce: Yes finger per dart. A hand with one or no
Spell Resistance: Yes fingers is useless.
Over the course of one day, the caster
The caster traps one creature char can rakes a subject already in great pain- Love's Pain
possess or inhabit other crearnres, or wracked wirh disease, the victim of Evocation [Evil, Mind-Affecting]
one that can move its mind out of its torture, or dying of a wound , for Level: Corrupt 3
body, within the creature it currently example-and captures its pain in Components: V, S, Corrupt
inhabits. Potential targets include pos- liquid form. This physical manifesta- Casting Time: 1 action
sessing demons, malevolent ghosts, tion of agony can be used to create
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 Casting Time: 1 action greatly unnerved by this spell.
ft./level) Range: Medium (:LOO fr. + 10 Focus: A mirror of finely wrought
Target: One living crearure ft./level) and highly polished silver costing nor
Duration: Instantaneous Target: One crearure less than 1,000 gp. The mirror must be
Saving Throw: None Duration: Instantaneous at least 2 feet by 4 feet.
Spell Resistance: Yes Savin g Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes Moralit y Undo ne
The caster blasts a lancelike projectile Enchantment [Evil, Mind-Affecting]
of greenish-black energy from his The casrer enters the mind of a crea- Level: Brd 5, Cir 5, Corruption 4,
hand, striking a single foe as a ranged ture, learning everything that crea- Mortal Hunter 4
touch attack. The energy does not ture knows. The caster can erase or Components: V. S, M/ DF
baim the subject. Instead, the subject's add memories as she sees fit and alter CastingTime: 1 action
closest friend or dearest loved one is emotions, opinions, and even align- Range: Close (25 ft.+ 5 ft./ 2 levels)
wracked with pain and rakes 1d6 ment. When the caster is done, she Target: One nonevil crearure
points of damage for every two caster can leave the creature insane (as Duration: 10 minutes/ level
levels (maximum 1od6). There is no described in the insanily spell) or Saving Throw: Will negates
limit to the distance between the caster seemingly unaffected, without any Spell Resistance: Yes
and rhe loved one, and the loved one memory of the intrusion.
gets no saving throw or spell resist- Severe changes to personality and The caster turns one creature evil. The
ance. If the loved one is within an changes to alignmen r can be cor- chaotic/ neutral/lawful component of
antimagic field, the spell has no effect. rected by a break endrnn/men/ spell the subject's alignment is unchanged.
It may rake DMs and players a (although an atonement spell might be The subject retains whatever outlook,
moment ro determine who the sub- needed as well, depending on circum- allegiances, and outlooks it bad
ject's dearest loved one is. The DM stances). Alterations to memories and before, so long as rhey do not conflict
determines this for nonplayer charac- subtler rhoughrs can be resrored only wirh the new alignment. Otherwise, it
ters (NPCs). It is rare (bur possible) througb use of a mimcle or wis/.i. acts with its new selfish, bloodthirsty,
that no individual qualifies. In that cruel outlook on all things.
case, the subject rakes the damage. Mirro r Sending For example, a wizard might nor
Com1ption Cost: 1d6 points of Intel- Evocation immediately rum on her fighter com-
ligence damage. Level: Morral Hunter 3, Sor/Wiz 4 panion for no apparent reason, parric-
Components: V. S, F u la rl y in the middle of a combat
Masochism Casting Time: See text when they're fighting on the same
Enchantment [Evil] Range: See rexr side. Bur she might try to steal the
Level: Asn 3, Blk 3, Clr 3, Sor/ Wiz 2 Target: One living creature fighter 's bag of gems, even using
Components: V. S, M Duration: Instantaneous applicable spells (charm person, sugges-
Casting Time: 1 action Saving Throw: None tion, and invisibility, for instance)
Range: Personal Spell Resistance: Yes against her friend. She might even
Target: Caster eventually decide to betray or arrack
Duration: 1 round/level The caster sends her image rhrough a her friend if there is some potential
mirror into another mirror or mir- gain involved.
For every 10 points of damage the rored surface that the chosen target Using this spell in conjunction
caster rakes in a given round, he gains looks into. The caster casts the spell, with a spell such as domi1111te person or
a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving then stares into her mirror until the suggestion is particularly useful,
throws, and skill checks made in the target sees his reflection in another because ir c hanges what acts are
following round. The more damage mirror, or until rhe caster tires and against a subject's nature.
the caster rakes, the greater the luck gives up. The caster can see rhe sub- Arcane Material Component: A pow-
bonus. It's possible to get a luck bonus ject and his surroundings in her dered holy symbol.
in multiple rounds if the caster takes mirror whenever rhe subject looks at
damage in more than one round bis mirror. From the subject's perspec- Nether Trail
during the spell's duration. tive, the caster appears to be staring Conjuration (Creation)
Material Component: A leather strap our of the mirror, replacing the sub- Level: Sor/Wiz 1
that has been soaked in the caster's ject's own reflection or appearing Components: S, M
blood. right behind him (caster's choice). Casting Time: 1 action
The caster can have her image say up Range: Touch
Mindra pe ro one word per caster level before it Effect: A trail 20 ft. long/level
Enchantment (Evil, Mind-Affecting] disappears, if she chooses. The image Duration: 10 minutes/level
Level: Sor/Wiz 9 remains for only 1 round. Subjects not Saving Throw: Will negates
Components: V. S expecting a mirror sending can be Spell Resistance: No
The caster creates a handful of invisi- Pestilence ture possesses but is n or carryi ng or
ble, nigh-intangible powder rhat Necromancy [Evil) wearing. Even objects in a bag of hold-
attracts creatures from the Lower Level: Cir 8, Drd 7 ing can be stolen. Ir can only steal
Planes. The caster can sprinkle this Components: V, S, Disease objects, bring objects to the caster, or
powder in a rrail on the ground. Evil I action put them back where they came from.
outsiders who come within 10 feet of Range: Touch lt can rake no other actions. A plrnntas-
any ponion of this trail and fail their Target : Living crearure touched mnl Lhief takes 1 round ro steal an
saving throws follow the trail as if Duration: Instantaneous object and another round to bring it
affected by a compulsion effect. Saving Throw: Forrirude negates to the caster.
Compelled fiends will follow a Spell Resistance: Yes A phantasmal th ref can only hold
nether trail even into danger. For one object at a rime; rhe object
example, the trail could lead ro a trap, The subject contracts a particularly becomes invisible in rhe grasp of the
a holy spell effect, or even a prison terrible and contagious disease, which pl11111tasmal lhref.
cell. If rhe danger is obvious, such as a strikes immediately with no incuba- The phantasmal tl11cf cannot take an
blade barrier, rhe compelled creatures tion period. The caster infects the sub- item if che chief is detected by the
get an other saving throw ro resist. ject wirh a sickness that deals ld4 creature it's trying to steal from (usu-
A compelled creature only follows points of Constitution drain eacl1 day ally by a Listen or Spot check). How-
the trail ro its end. So, if the trail leads unril the subject dies. The subject may ever, the chief, however, can repeat
ro che edge of a cliff, the fiend goes ro arrempr a new saving throw each day, the attempt next round. Ir cannot be
the edge of the cliff and no farther. bur she must succeed at rwo saves in a harmed in any way, although it can be
If a creature encounters the trail in row to rid herself of the disease (as dispelled.
the middle, it instinctively senses wirh most diseases). A plrnntnsmnl thief can also steal an
which direction is forward and which However, the disease, once un- object from a creamre's hand. It does
is backward. When the evil outsider leashed, continues to spread. For the chis as if it had the Improved Disarm
reaches the end of the trail, the com- first day of the sickness, anyone feat and a +20 Strength bonus. If a
pulsion effect ends, and che creature touching rhe subject must succeed at phantasmal thief is used in this way, ic
cannot be affected by this particular a Fortitude saving throw or fall victim disappears after it brings the stolen
nether trail again. to the same malady. Thar victim in object to the caster.
The trail can be obscured and turn becomes contagious on the first Materral Component: A spool of
destroyed by an yone who can see day of her own affliction. green thread.
invisible objects. Ir rakes a standard Disense Component: Any disease.
action ro destroy 10 feet of trail, but an Plague of Night mares
evil outsider must make its saving Phantasmal Thief Enchantment [Evil, Mind-Affecting)
throw first. Conjuration (Creation) Level: Corrupt 8
Material Component: A urine-soaked Level: Greed 8, Wiz/ Sor 8 Components: V, S, F, Corrupt
holy symbol, which crumbles into the Components: V, S, M CastingTime: 1 action
powder that creates the nether /rad. Casting 1 action Range: Touch
Ran ge: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./ 2 levels) Target: One living crearure
No Light Effect: One object Duration: Inscanraneous
Transmutation Duration: 1 round/ level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Level: Brd t, Ciro, Sor/ Wiz o Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: V, S Spell Resistance: No
Casting Time: 1 action The caster can give the subject
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 fr./2 levels) An invisible force, not un like an demon-haunted dreams so vivid and
Area: 20-fr.-radius spread unseen servant, comes into being frightening that sleep provides no rest
Duration: 'l minute/level where rhe caster wishes. On the and the subject eventually turns to
Saving Throw: None caster's rum, chis force steals objects suicide. The caster must have a chunk
Spell Resis tance: No from ochers as she inaudibly directs it of flesh from the target and succeed at
to (a free action). A phantasmnl thief a touch arrack when she casts plnguc of
The caster creates an area of darkness. can only steal from creatures. Ir nightmnres. If the target fails che Forti-
Normal light sources cannot illumi- cannor break into locked chests or tude save, the spell begins to rake
nate the area, bur darkvision allows a steal unattended objects. A effect. Thereafter, the caster must
creature to see within the area. Light ma.l thief bas a Hide bonus of +20 chant for 12 hours per week and pay
counters no light (and vice versa), leav- (useful against those who can see rhe corruption cosc each week ro
ing whacever light conditions nor- invisible creatures) and a Move maintain the spell.
mally prevail in the overlapping areas Silently bonus of +20. The subject begins ro feel the effect
of rhe spells. Higher-level ligh r spells If a pha11lasmal thief goes unde- of this spell the next time he sleeps, as
counter and dispel no light. tected, it can steal any object a crea- nightmares of evil gods and demons
plague him. These nightmares con- Pox psychic poison for which he meets
tinue each night, and each night the Necromancy [Evil] the minimum level requirement.
subject rakes 1d4 points of Charisma Level: Co1Tuption 6, Ord 6, Pain 6 Arcane Mnterinl Compo11ent: A bit of
damage and gains no natural healing Components: V, S, DF humanoid brain tissue.
for that day. When the subject reaches CastingTime: I action
O Charisma, he enters a trance in Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 ft./2 levels) Rapture of Rupture
which he menrally offers his soul to a Targets: Up to one living Transmutation [Evil]
demon to be devoured. Thar night rhe creature/level, no rwo of which Level: Corrupt 7
subject dies and is beyond even a trne can be more rhan 10 fr. apart Components: V, S, Corrupt
rem rrection spell. Duration: instantaneous Casting Time: 1 action
The subject gets a new saving throw Saving Throw: forrirude negates Range: Touch
each day to resist the spell, and one Spell Resistance: Yes Target : One Living creature touched
success is enough to end rhe night- per level
mares. If rhe spell ultimately suc- Subjects rake ld4 points of Constitu- Duration: Instantaneous
ceeds, the focus disappears, alerting tion drain. Their sk in breaks out in SavingThrow: Fortitude half
rhe caster tha t the subject is dead. lesions and takes on a pale yellow Spell Resistance: Yes
Focus: A fresh or preserved (still pallor.
bloody) 1- ounce portion of anothe r Wit h this spell, the caster's touch
crea rure's flesh. Preserve Organ deals grievous wotmds to multiple tar-
Corrnptio,i Cost: 1d6 points of Necromancy gets. After mpturc of rupture is cast, the
Strength damage, taken all at once at Level: Clr 0, Drd O, Sor/ Wiz O caster can touch one target per round
the end of each week. Components: V, S, DF until she has couched a number of tar-
Casting Time: 10 minutes gets equal to her caster level. The same
Power Leech Range: Touch creature cannot be affected twice by
Necromancy [Evil] Effect: One organ the same rnpture of rupture. A creature
Level: Corrupt 5 Duration: 24 hours with no discernible anatomy is unaf-
Components: V, S, Corrupt SavingThrow: Fortitude negates fected by this spell.
Casting Time: 1 action (harmless) When the caster touches a subject,
Range: Medium (100 fc. + to Spell Resistance: Yes bis flesh bursts open suddenly in
ft./level) multiple places. Each subject takes
Target: One living creature The caster preserves a single severed 6d6 points of damage and is srwrned
Duration: 1 round/ level organ from a living crearure so that it for 1 round; a successful Fortitude
Saving Throw: Will negates does nor decay or rot. Evil casters use save reduces damage by half and
Spell Resistance: Yes preserved organs as material spell negares the stun effect. Subjects who
components. There are rirual uses for fai l their Fortitude save continue ro
The caster creates a conduit of evil body pans as welJ. rake td6 points of damage per round
energy between himself and another The organ is kept in rhe exact stare until rhey receive magical healing,
crearure. Through the conduit, the it was in when the spell was casr. If a succeed ar a Heal check (DC 20), or
caster can leech off ability score hearr is still beating and bloody, for die. If a subject takes 6 points of
points at the rare of 1 point per round. example, then it remains rhar way. damage from rnpture of rupture in a
The other creature rakes '1 point of single round, he is stunned in the fol-
drain from an abil ity score of the Psychic Poison l.owing round.
caster's choosing, and the caster gains Abjuration [Evil] Corruplio11 Cos!: 1 point of Strength
a +1 enhancement bonus to the same Level: Cir 4, Sor/Wiz 4 damage per target touched.
ability score per drained during Compon ents: V, S, M/ DF
the casting of rhis spell. In other Casting Time: 10 minutes Reality Blind
words, all points drained during this Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./2 levels) lllusion (Phantasm) [Evil, Mind-
spell srack with each other to deter- Area: 50-fr.-radius spread, or one Affecting]
mine the enhancement bonus, bur single object or crearure rhat can Level: Sor/ Wiz 3
they don't stack with orher castings of fir in that area Components: V, S, M
power leech or with other enhance- Duration: L hour/ level Casting Time: 1 acri.on
menr bonuses. Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./2 levels)
The enhancement bonus lasts for The caster taints an area, crearure, or Target: One creature
LO minures per caster level. object so rhat anyone casting a mind- Duration: Concentration (see
Corruption Cost: 1 poim of Wisdom affec ting or divination spell at the below)
drain. creature or object or within the area is Saving Throw: Will negates
subject ro a psychic poison (see Table Spell Resistance: Yes
3-6). The caster may choose any
This spell overwhelms rhe target with Range: Touch The caster improves his spell resist-
hallucinations, causing him to be Target: Creamre couched ance. Each time a foe attempts to
blinded and stunned if he fails the Duration: Instanraneous bypass the caster's spell resistance, ir
save. The subject can attempt a new Sav ingThrow: Fortitude negates must make a spell resistance check
saving throw each round to end rhe Spell Resistance: Yes twice. If either check fails, the foe fails
spell. to bypass the spell resistance.
Even afrer the subject succeeds at The subject's skin rurns red and blis- The caster must have spell resist-
the save or the caster stops concentrat- ters. The b listers quickly turn into ance as an extraordinary abiliry for res-
ing, the subject is plagued with night- oozing wounds. furthermore, the 011nting resistance to function. SpelJ
mares every night. The nightmares subject's sense of self becomes resistance granted by a magic item or
prevent the subject from benefiting st rangely clouded, diminishing her the spell resistance spell does not
from natural healing. These night- self-esteem. The subject rakes 1d6 improve.
mares continue u11til the caster dies or points of Strength damage and 1d4
the subject succeeds at a Will saving points of Charisma damage. Rotting Curse of Urfestra
throw, attempted once per night. This Corruplion Cosl: 1d6 points of Transmutation (Evil]
nightmare effect is treated as a curse Strength damage. Level: Corrupt 3
and thus cannot be dispelled. It is sub- Compon ents: V, S, Corrupt
ject to remove curse, however. Resonating Resistance CastingTime: 1 action
Materinl Component: A 2-inch-diam- Transmutation Range: Touch
eter multicolored disk of paper or Level: Cir 5, Mortal Hunter 4, Target: Living creature couched
ribbon. Sor/Wiz 5 Duration: Instantaneous
Com ponents: V, Fiend SavingThrow: Fortitude negates
Red Fest er CastingTime: l action Spell Resistance: Yes
Necromancy [Evil] Ran ge: Personal
Level : Corrupt 3 Target: Caster The subject's flesh a11d bones begin to
Components: V, S, Corrupt Duration : 1 minute/level rot. The subject rakes 1d6 points of
CastingTime: l action Constitution damage immediately,
and a further td6 points of Constitu- Saving Throw: Fortitude negates 1d6 poinrs of Strength damage itnme-
tion damage every hour until. the sub- Spell Resist ance: Yes dia tel y and another 1d6 points of
ject dies or the curse is removed with Strength damage 1 minute later. Each
a wish, miracle, or remove curse spell. The caster drains rhe personal. well- instance of damage can be negated by
Corruption Cost: ld6 points of being from the subject, who becomes a successful Fortitude save (DC 16).
Strength damage. exhausted. After 1 hour of complete As a full attack action, the caster can
rest, characters become fatigued strike with borh serpents at her full
Sacrifi cial Skill rather than exhausted. A fatigued attack bonus.
Enchanrmenr [Evil] character becomes exhausted again if Com1ption Cost: 1d6 points of Intel-
Level: Asn 2, Cir 1, Sor/ Wiz 1 she does something else rhat would ligence damage.
Compon ents: V, S, M normally cause fatigue. After 8 hours
Casting Time: 1 action of complete rest, fatigued characters Shriveling
Range: Personal are no longer fatigued. Necromancy [Evil]
Target: Caster Mnterinl Component: A long needle Level : Clr 3, Sor/ Wiz 2
Duration: l minute/ level and a tiny glass bottle. Com ponen ts : V, S, Disease
Cas ting Time: 1 action
The casrer gains a +5 bonus on all Seething Eyebane Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./2 levels)
Knowledge (religion) checks that Transmutation fEvil, Acid] Target: One livi11g creature
have ro do with sacrifices made ro Level: Corrupt 1 Duration: lnsranraneous
evLI gods. See Sacrifices in Chapter 2 Components: V, S, Corrupt Saving Throw: Reflex half
for the K110wledge (religion) check Casti ng Time: 1 action Spell Resistance: Yes
DCs required to gain boons from evil Range:Touch
gods. Target: Creature rouched The caster channels dark energy that
Mnteri11I Co,nponcnt: A lock of hair Duration: Insranraneous biases and blackens the subject's flesh.
taken from an tmwilling humanoid. Saving Throw: Fortirnde negates The subject takes 1d4 points of
(see rexc) damage per caster level (maximum
Sadism Spell Resistance: Yes t0d4).
Enchanrmenr [Evil] Disease Component: Soul rot.
Level: Asn 3, Blk 3, Cir 3, Pain 2, The subject's eyes burst, spraying acid
Sor/ Wiz 2 upon everyone within 5 feet. The sub- Slash Tongue
Components: V, S, M ject is blinded and rakes Ld6 points of Transmutation [Evil]
Castin gTime: 1 action acid damage. Those sprayed rake l d6 Level: Ciro, Sor/Wiz 0
Range: Personal points of acid damage (Reflex save for Components: V, S
Target: Caster half). Crearures without eyes can't be Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 round/ level blinded, bur they migh t take acid Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
damage if someone nearby is the sub- Target: One living crean1re with a
For every 10 points of damage the ject of seething eyeb1111e. tongue
caster deals in a given round while Corrnption Cost: 1d6 points of Con- Duration: 1 round
under rbe effect of rhis spell, she gains stirntion damage. SavingThrow: Fortitude negates
a +1 luck bonus on arrack rolls, saving Spell Resistance: Yes
throws, and skill checks in the next Serpents ofTheggeron
round. The more damage rhe caster Transmutation [Evil] The subject's tongue gets a thin cur.
deals, rhe greater the luck bonus. It's Level: Cornipr 3 The subject takes 1 point of damage
possible co get a luck bonus for multi- Components: S, Corrupt and rakes a - l penalty on attack rolls,
ple rounds if sh e deals damage in CastingTime: 1 action saving throws, skill checks, and abiliry
more than one round during the Range: Personal checks on the following round due ro
spell's duration. Target : Caster rhe annoying pain.
Mnterinl Component: A leather strap Duration: 1 minute/level
char has been soaked in human blood. Slow Consumption
The caster's arms turn into serpents Necromancy [Evil]
Sap Stre ngth rhat can be used as natural weapons. Level : Clr 1, Sor/ Wiz 2
Enchantment [Evil] The serpents provide the caster with Compon ents: V, S, Location
Level: Clr 2, Sor/ Wiz 2 LO-foot reach. They have an arrack Casting Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S, M bonus of +10 (plus caster's Srrengtb Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 action modifier) and they deal 1d8 points of Target : One living creature
Range: Touch damage (plus her Strength modifier). Duration: Permanent (see below)
Target: One living creature lf the caster hits with a serpent, she Saving Thr ow: Fortitude negates
Duration: Instantaneous has poisoned her foe. The poison deals Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster absorb s the life force an d Components: V round/level each day, asking one
physical form fro m a living subject Casting Time: 1 action question per round. The soul looks as
and uses it for himself. T he victim Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./ 2 levels) ir did in life, including the clothing
must be rendered helpless to cast this Target: One living creature and equipment it had with it on the
spell upon her. For rhat day, the caster Duration: Concentrarion day it died. Answers are clear, com-
heals at twice the normal narural rare Saving Throw: Fortirude negares plete, and precise.
and does not need to eat. The subject, Spell Resistance: Yes If the subject is hostile, or if the
on the other hand, does not heal natu- answer to the question was an impor-
rally that day and rakes 1 point of The caster si ngs a waili ng ululation, tant secret ro it in life, the subject
Constitution damage. As long as the req uiring a successful Perform gain s a Will saving throw. A success-
caster touches the subject on ce per (singing) check (DC 20). If the Per- ful saving throw indicates that the
day, he gains the benefits and the sub- form check succeeds and the target spell ends and the soul departs to the
ject cakes the Constitution damage. If fails a Fortirude saving rhrow, the sub- afterlife.
the caster does not touch the subject ject's flesh bubbles and festers inro Focus: The talisman that will be the
within 24 hours of the last time he pestilent blobs, dealing the s ubject receptacle for the soul.
touched her, the spell ends. 2d6 points of damage each round. If .Lornt1011 Component: An area under
Villains often use this spell on pris- the subject dies, she bursts with a the effect of a desecrate or unlrnl.low
oners, who are sometimes sustained sickening pop as steamy gore spills spell.
by lesser restoration spells so they can onto the ground.
serve for years as evil sustenance. Soul's Treasu re Lost
Loco/ion Componerit: An area under Sorrow Tran smutation
the effect of a desecrate or 1.111/111/loav Enchantment rEvil, Mind-Affecting] Level: Sor/ Wiz 8
spell. Level: Brd 1, Cir 1 Components: V, S, M
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action
Snare Astral Traveler CastingTime: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 fr./2 levels)
Abjuration Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creanare
Level: Cir 6, Sor/ Wiz 6 Target: One living creature Duration: Instanra11eous
Components: V, S Du.ration: 1 round/ level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Casting Time: 1 action Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes
Target: One astral creature Grief and sad11ess overcome the sub- With a h arsh word of power and a
Duration: 1 round/level ject. She takes a - 3 morale penalty on shake of her fist, the caster targets a
Saving Throw: Will negates all attack rolls, saviJ1g throws, ability single creatu re. The spell ascertai_ns
Spell Resistance: Yes checks, and skiU cbecks. the most valuable object currently in
Material Component: A tear. the subject's possession and disinte-
This spell allows the caster to attract grates it. This spell will nor affect an
and capture an astra l creature, as Soul Shackles artifact, bur destroys the next most
someone using the astral projection Necromancy [Evil] valuable object instead.
spell. lf such a creature is within Level: Brd 5, Sor/ Wiz 5 Material Compo11ent: A crushed ruby
range at the time of casting and fails Components: V, S, F, Location worth at least 500 gp.
its saving th row, it is brought Casting Time: 1 action
instantly before the caster and held Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 ft./2 levels) Spider Hand
motionless and visible for the spell's Target: One living creature Transmutation
duration. Spellcasters generally Duration: Instantaneous Level: Cir 1, Ord 1
follow snare astral traveler with a more Saving Throw: None (see text) Components: V, S
lasting restraint, such as frap the soul. Spell Resistance: Yes Casting Time: 1 action
If more than one astral creature is Range: Personal
within range, the closest creature is The caster draws out the soul of a dead Target: Caster's hand
affected. lf that creature makes its creamre and imprisons it within a Duration: Concenrrarion (up ro 1
saving throw, the next closest creature specially made talisman. The subject minute/ level)
must make a save. This continues must have had the talisman in bis pos-
until one creature fails its save or all session wben he died, or the spell The caster detaches his hand, which
have succeeded. cannot fu nction. transforms into a Small monstrous
Henceforth, if the talisman is i.n the spider (see rhe Monster Mar111nl) that he
Song of Festering Death caster's possession, she can calJ forth comrols. The caster can see through its
Evocation (Evil] the soul of rhe subject and question it eyes, and it can travel up to 20 feet per
Level: Brd 2 about what it knew in life for up to 1 level away from him. If the spider is
killed or prevented from returning ro spores' growth for its duration. Bless, All living creatures within the area
the caster, his hand is restored when neulrnlize poiso11, or remove diseme kills become hostile to anyone not af-
the spell ends, but he takes Jd6 points the spores, as does sprinkling the fected by the spell, whether in or o ut
of damage. If the caster directs the victim wi th a vial of holy water. of the area, and regardless of align·
spider to return to his arm (a move- Arcane M11leri11I Compo11e11!: The menr or fom1er association. They are
equivalent action), then lets the spell feathers of an avian creature with an likely to arrack such
end, he rakes no damage. Intelligence score of at least 3 (a creatures, al-
harpy, achaierai, or similar creacure). though they
Spider Legs retain their
Transmurarion Spread of Savagery intellect and
Level: Clr 2 Enchantment [Evil]
Components: V, S, F Level: Bestial 8, Cir 9
Casting Time: I action Components: V, S, M/ DF
Range: Personal CastingTime: I hour
Target: Caster Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Duration: 1 minure/ level Area: lO-ft./level radius spread
Duration: l hour/ level
The caster grows four long spider legs Saving Throw: Will negates
from the sides of her torso. She can use Spell Resistance: Yes
these legs to move at a speed of 30 feet,
no matter what the caster's normal
speed is, as long as she carries less than
her maximum load. The caster can also
use the exn·a legs ro climb on verti-
cal surfaces or even traverse ceilings as
well as a spider does, with her hands
completely free. The caster has a climb
speed of 15 feet.
A creature with a Strength score of
at lease 20 + I per caster level can pull
the caster off a wall or ceiling.

Spores of the Vrock

Conjuration (Creation) fEvil]
Level: Clr 2, Demonologist 1
Components: V, S, M/ DF
CastingTime: 1 full round
Area: 5-&.-radius, centered on
Duration: Instanta neous
SavingThrow: Fortitude
Sp ell Resistance: Yes

The caster summons a

mass of spores that fill
the area around him.
The spores deal 1d8 poi11ts
of damage to all creatures
within 5 feet other than
the caster. Then they
penetrate the skin and
grow, dealing an ad-
ditional 1d2 points of
damage each round for 10
rounds. Ar the end of this time, a
tangle of vi ny growrhs covers each
subject. A delay poison spell stops the
tbus retreat or avoid opponents The subject withers and shrivels as Stupor
obviously too powerful for them to the caster drains its ability scores. Enchantment [Mi11d-Affecting)
overcome. When the subject's Constirurion Level: Asn 1, Cir 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Affected creatures are likely to con- score reaches O, the subject becomes a Compon ents: S, M
tinue with their normal activities horrid, dry husk and cannot be fur- Casting Time: 1 minute
until presented wirh someone not ther drained. If rhe caster dies while Range: Touch
affected by the spell. Subjects of spYead concentrating on this spell, all the Area: One helpless creature
of savagery can identify unaffected subject's lost ability score points are Duration: 1 hour/ level
creatures by sight through an instinc- immediately regained. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
tive, supernatural sense granted by Locntion Component: An area under Spell Resistance: Yes
the spell. the effect of a de~ecrnle or unlrnllow
Arcane Material Compo11ent: Three spell. The caster places one creature already
drops of brain fluid from a beast. helpless in a clouded, confused state
Stop Heart that does nor allow the subject to think
Steal Life Necromancy [Evil] clearly or take actions. The effect is sim-
Necromancy [Evil) Level: Asn 4, Cir 4, Sor/Wiz 5 ilar to bei11g drugged. The subject can
Level: Sor/Wiz 8 Com ponents: S, Drug be moved and even forced to walk on
Components: V, S, location Casting Time: 1 action her own if dragged along, bur she is
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch um ware ofwhat is going on around her.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area: One living humanoid or Material Component: A puffball
Target : One living humanoid animal musluoom.
Duration: Concentration Duration: Instantaneous
SavingThrow: Fortitude negates Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Suspend Disease
Spell Resistance: Yes Sp ell Resistance: Yes Abjuration
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
The caster taps into the life force of a Channeling hatred and spire, the Components: V, S, M
subject and drains it away, adding it to caster calls upon dark power to give Casting Time: 1 action
her own. Each round the caster con- the subject a massive heart attack. The Range: Touch
cenrrates, she deals 1 point of ability subject suddenly drops ro - 8 hit Target: One creature
score drain to the subject. Although points, then -9 hit points at rhe end of Duration : 24 hours
the caster can choose which ability this round. If someone immediately Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
score to drain, she must choose a dif- makes a successful Heal check (DC (harmless)
ferent ability score to drain in each 15) or somehow gives the subject Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
round and cannot choose a score more hit points, she stabilizes. Other-
already drained until she has drained wise, at the end of the next round, the This spell keeps a disease already in-
all the others equally, at which point subject reaches -10 hit points and fecting rhe subject from harming him
the process starts over. Thus, i.f the dies. for that day. The disease is in no way
caster drains 1 point of Strength, she Drug Component: Baccaran. cured, and the subject cannot make a
must choose anorher ability in the save to throw off the disease.
next round and cannot choose St unning Screech Casters who intend to cast spells
Strength again until she bas drained 1 Evocation [Evil, Sonic) with a disease component find this
point each of Constitution, Dexterity, Level: Brd 3, Demonologist 2 spell particularly useful.
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Compon ents : V, S, M, Drug Material Co111po11ent: A drop of bile.
Then, the caster can drain a second CastingTime: 1 action
point of Strength (or any other abil- Range: 30 ft. Thousand Need les
ity), but not a third until she has Targets: All creanu·es within range Conjuration (Creation) [Evil]
drained a second point from all the Duration : 1 round Level: Pain 5. Cir 6
other ability scores. Saving Throw: Forrirude negates Components: V, S, M
If the caster casts this spell on the Sp ell Resistance: Yes Casting Time: 1 action
night of a full moon, she becomes R ange: Medium (100 ft.+ 10
effectively one week younger for The caster emits a piercing screech &./levels)
every point she drains. (Her age is like chat of a vrock demon. Every crea- Target: One living creature
reduced, but memories and abilities ture within the area is stunned for 1 Duration : 1 mimtte/level
acqu ired during that week are not round. Savin g Th row: Forrin1de partial
lost.) Otherwise, the subject cakes the Material Compo1·1e1·1I: Feather of a Spell Resist an ce: Yes
ability score drain, but the caster gains large bird or a vrock.
nothing. DrngComponeut: Mushroom powder. A thousand needles surround rhe sub-
ject and pierce his flesh, worming
through armor or any type of protec- damage as a Tiny viper (see the Mon- damage but starting a grapple as a
tion, although crearures with damage ster Mnnunl ). The caster may create Small creature with a Strength score
reduction are immune ro this spell. one such serpent for every four casrer of 20. If rhe tendril wins rhe grapple
The subject rakes 2d6 points of levels, spitting each one as a srandard check, it wraps around a limb or
damage immediately and takes a -4 action. whatever is appropriate for the foe,
circumstance penalty on attac k At the end of the spell's duration, lashing it ro any nearby object. Each
roUs, saving throws, skill checks, and the serpents become bloody bits of tendril has AC 14, 10 hit points, and
ability checks for the resr of rhe organic matter. a break DC of 24. The caster may
spell's duration. A successful Forti- Materin! Component: A serpent's create up to one such tendril for
nide save reduces damage to half and tongue. every four caster levels, spitting each
negates che circu m- one as a standard action.
stance penalty. Ar rhe end of t he
Material Compot1e11t: spell's duration, the ten-
A handful of needles, drils become bloody bits
all of which of organic matter.
drawn blood. Material Component: A
serpent's tongue.
Tongue of Baa lzebul
Transmutation [Evil] Touch of Juiblex
Level: Clr 1 Transmutation [Evil]
Components: V, S, Level: Corrupt 3
M, Drug Components: V, S,
Casting Time: l full Corrupt
round CastingTime : 1 action
Range: Personal Range: Touch
Target : Caster Target: Creature
Dura tio n : 1 touched
hour/ level
The caster gains the Saving Throw:
ability to lie, seduce, Fortitude negates
and beguile with a Spell Resistance:
devil's skill. He Yes
gains a +2 compe-
tence bonus on Bluff, The subject rums
Diplomacy, and Gather into green slime over
Information checks. the course of 4 rounds.
Material Component: If a remove curse, poly-
A tongue from any crea- morpf1 other, heal, greater
rure capable of speech. restorntion, limited wish,
Drug Component: mirncle, or wish spell is cast
Mushroom powder. Tongue Tend rils during rhe 4 rounds of transforma-
Transmurarion lEvil) tion, the subject is restored to normal
Tongue Serpents Level: Sor/Wiz 1 but still cakes 3d6 points of damage.
Transmutation [Evil] Compon ents: V, S, M Corruption Cost: 1d6 points of
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 CastingTime: 1 action Strengtl1 damage.
Compon ents : V, S, M Range: Personal
Casting Time: 1 action Target : Caster Unheavened
Range: Personal Duration: l hour/level or unril Abjuration [Evil]
Target: Caster discharged Level: Sor/ Wiz 2
Duration : L hour/level or until Components : V, S, Drug
discharged The caster's tongue becomes a pow- Cas tingTime: 1 action
erful tendril that she may spit up ro Ran ge: Touch
The caster's tongue becomes a little 30 feet away. This tendril wraps Target : One creature
bur powerful serpent that he may spit around a target, lashing it to some- Duration: 10 minutes/level
up to 30 feet away. This serpent then thing if possible. The tendril makes a Saving Throw: Will negates (harm-
makes a bite arrack using the caster's grapple arrack using the caster's less)
melee attack bonus and dealing melee attack bonus, dealing no Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The caster grants one creature a +4 rakes a -1 morale penalry on arrack Effect: A wall whose area is up ro
profane bonus on saving throws made rolls for the duration of rhe spell. one 5-ft. square/ level (S) (see rext)
against any spell or spell-like effect Duration: 1 minute/ level
from a good oursider. This protection Utterdark Saving Throw: None
manifests as a black and red nimbus of Conjuration (Creation) [Evilj Spell Resistance: No
energy visible aroLLnd the subject. All Level : Darkness 8, Demonic 8,
celestial beings can identify an 11n- Sor/ Wiz 9 The caster causes a flar, vertical wall of
heave11ed nimbus on sight. Components: V, S, M/ DF woven, spiked chains ro spring inro
Drng Compo11e11t: Vodare. Casting Time: 1 hour being. This wall can be used ro seal off
Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 ft./ 2 levels) a passage or close a breach, for the
Unliving Weapo n Area: 100-fr./level radius spread, wall inserts itself inro any surround-
Necromancy [Evil] centered on casrer ing nonliving mare rial if irs area is suf-
Level: Cir 3 Duration: 1 hour/ level ficient ro do so. The wall cannot be
Components: V, S, M Saving Throw: None conjured so char ir occupies the same
Casting Time: 1 full round Spell Resista11ce: No space as a crearure or another object.
Range: Touch Ir musr always be a flat plane, though
Tar gets: One undead creature Ulterda rk spreads from the casrer, cre- the caster can shape irs edges ro fit rhe
Duration: 1 hour/ level ating an area of cold, cloying magical available space.
Saving Throw: Will negares darkness. This darkness is similar to A iv111./ of chni11s is L inch rhick per
Spell Resistance: Yes rhar created by the deeper darkness four caster levels. The caster can
spell, bur no magical light counters double the wall's area by halving its
Th is spell causes an undead crearure or dispels ir. Furthermore, evil- thickness. Each 5-foor square of rhe
to explode in a burst of powerful aligned creatures can see in this dark- wall has 20 hir points per inch of
energy when struck for at leasr 1 point ness as if it were simply a dimly thickness and hardness 10.
of damage, or at a ser rime no longer lighted area. A section of wall brought ro O hir
rhan rhe duration of t he spell, Arca11e Mnterinl Component: A black points is breached. If a creature cries
whichever comes first. The explosion stick, 6 inches long, with humanoid ro break through the wall, rhe DC for
is a 10-foot-radius burst that deals 1d6 blood smeared upon ir. the Strength check is 20 +2 per inch
poinrs of damage for every rwo caster of thickness. Creatures who use a
levels (maximum 10d6). Vile Lance Strength check to breach the wall
While this spell can be an effective Evocation [Evil] rake 1d6 points of damage from rhe
form of attack against an undead crea- Level: Blk 4, Clr 3, Mortal Hunter 3, spikes and barbs covering rhe
ture, necromancers often use 11111.iving Sor/ Wiz 3 chains.
weapon ro create undead capable of Compon ents : V, S, M/ DF Mnteri11/ Compo11ent: A single link
suicide attacks (if such a term can be Casting Time: 1 action from an iron chain.
applied ro something rhar i.s already Range: Touch
dead). Skelerons or zombies with this Effect: One shorrspear Wall of Deadly Chains
spell cast upon them can be very dan- Duration: LO minutes/ level Conjuration (Creation)
gerous to foes rhat would normally Level: Sor/Wiz 4
disregard them. Vile lntice creates a weapon of black- Saving Throw: Reflex half
Mnlerinl Compo1m·II: A drop of bile ness thar rhe caster (and only the
and a bit of sulfur. caster) can w ield with proficiency. As wnll of chai11s, except as noted
The caster can rhrow ir, but if he does, above, and the wall sporrs loose
Unnervi ng Gaze the spell ends after the ranged arrack lengths of spiked chain rhar strike
Illusion (Phantasm) is resolved. anyone within 5 feer of rhe wall.
Level: Demonologist 1, Morral The vile l.ance is rreared in all ways Those within rhat area rake 3d6 points
Hunter 1, Sor/Wiz O like a +2 shorlspe11r, except that the of damage each round.
Compon ents: V, S damage dealr is vile damage.
Casting Time: I action Arc1111e Materi11I Componenl: A bone Wall of Eyes
Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./2 levels) fragment of a good-aligned crearure. Conjuration (Creation) lEvil]
Target: One humanoid creature Level: Sor/ Wiz 7
Duration: 1 round/level Wal l of Chains Components: V, S, M
Saving Throw: Will negates Conjuration (Creation) Casting Time: 1 action
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: Sor/ W iz 3 Range: Medium (100 fr.+ 10 fr./
Components: V, S, M level)
The caster makes his face resemble Casting Time: 1 action Effect: A wall whose area is up to
one of the opponent's departed loved Range: Medium (100 fr.+ 10 one 5-fr. square/ level (S) (see text)
ones or bitter enemies. The subject ft./level) Du.ration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (see The caster causes a flat, vertical wall of on all attack rolls, saving throws, abil-
rext) festering, stinking organic ooze to ity checks, and skill checks.
Spell Resistance: No bubble into being. This wall can be Material Component: Three tears.
used to sea I off a passage or close a
The caster causes a flat, vertical wall of breach, for the wall inserts itself into Wave of Pain
living, glistening eyes of all different any surrounding nonliving material if Necromancy [Evil]
sizes and types to spring into being. its area is sufficient ro do so. The wall Level: Brd 6, Pain 7
This wall can be used to seal off a pas- cannot be conjured so rhat it occupies Compon ents: S, M
sage or close a breach, for the wall rhe same space as a creature or CastingTime: t action
inserts itself into any surrounding another objecr. Tr must always be a flat Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./ 2 levels)
nonliving material if its area is suffi- plane, though tbe caster can shape irs Area: Cone
cient to do so. The wall cam1or be con- edges co fir rhe available space. D uration : 1 round/ 2 levels
ju red so tbar it occupies the same A wed/ of ooze is 1 inch thick per four SavingThrow: Fortitude negates
space as a creature or another object. caster levels. The caster can double Spell Resistance: Yes
Lt must always be a Oat plane, though the wall's area by halving its thickness.
the caster can shape its edges to fit the Each 5-foot square of the waU All living creatures within the cone
available space. bas 50 hit points per inch of are overcome with pain and suffering.
A wall of eyes is 1 inch thick thickness and hardness 0. They are stunned for the duration of
per four caster levels. The caster A section of wall brought to rhe spell. A creature with no dis-
can double rhe wall's area by O hit poinrs is breached. lf cernible anatomy is unaffected by rhis
halving its thickness. Each 5- a creature tries to break spell.
foot square of the wall bas 10 through the wall, the DC MaleYial Component: A needle.
hit points per inch of thickness for rhe Strength check is
and hardness 5. 15 +2 per inch of thickness. Were-Doom
A section of wall brought to 0 Any creamre rouching the Evocation [Evil, Chaos]
hit points is breached. If a crea- wall rakes 2d6 points of acid Level: Bestial 9, Cir 9, Drd 9
ture tries to break th rough rhe ' damage per round from the Compon ents: V, S, M
wall, the DC for the Strength corrosive, burning nature CastingTime: 1 minute
check is 15 +2 per inch of thickness. of the ooze. Only the sur- Range: Long (400 ft.+ 40 fr/ level)
Any crearure touching the wall rounding material that rhe Area: 50-ft./ level i:adius
must succeed at a Will saving throw wall initially is conjured ro Durat ion: 24 hours
or be held motionless as if affected by touch- such as rhe floor Saving Throw: fortin1de negates
a hold monster spell. The waU magically or an adjoining wa ll- is im- Sp ell Resistan ce: Yes
consumes held creatures after LO mune to this damage. Further-
rounds, disintegrating- chem and more, a crearure that touches the wall This spell must be cast at night. Lycan-
adding more eyes to its mass. must succeed ar a Fortitude saving thropy infects ld4 humanoid crea-
At any time, from any distance throw or be paralyzed by the ooze. The tures in rhe area, designated ran-
(even across planes), the caster can wall rhen consumes rhe creature in domly. These creatures immediately
take a standard action to look through 1d6 rounds, digesting it and adding change into their animal or hybrid
the wall of eyes, seeing in all directions rbe creature's full normal hir point forms (their choice) and begin sav-
from the wall as if she were actually tota I to its own. agely attacking alJ around tbem.
sranding there. Menne Malena/ Compo11e11t: A bit of To determine the type of lycan-
Material Compo11 e11t: A single hu- an ochre jelly or gray ooze. th ropy that afllicts a subject, roll on
manoid eye. the foUowing table.
Wave of Grief
Wall of Ooze Enchantment [Evil, Mind-Affecting] d% Lycanthrope Type
Conjuration (Creation) Level: Brd 2, Cir 2 01- 25 Wererat
26-60 Werewolf
Level: Cir 5, Sor/Wiz 5 Component s: S, M 61- 80 Wereboar
Com pon en t s: V, S, M/ DF Casting Time: L action 81-00 Weretiger
CastingTime: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./ 2 levels)
Range: Medium (100 fr.+ IO ft/ level) Area: Cone See the lycanthrope template in the
Effect : A wall whose area is up to Du ration : 1 round/ level Monster Mnnual for more information
one 5-ft. square/ level (S) (sec text) Saving Th.row: Will negates on lycanthropy, including bow to
Duration : Concentration + 1 Spell Resistance: Yes cure it.
round/level Material Compone11t: A bit of a lycan-
Saving Throw: Forrimde partial (see All within rhe cone when rhe spell is thrope's fur or skin.
text) cast are overcome wirh sorrow and
Spell Resistance: No grief. They rake a - 3 morale penalty
to move more than 5 feet per rou nd. fl uid, an d h is eyes cloud with b lood,
Evocation [Evil] Withered arms make it impossible for rendering him blind. For the duration
Level: .Bestial 7, Sor/ Wiz 7 a character to use objects or cast spells of the spell the subject is considered
Components : V, S, M/ DF with soma tic components, and the helpless and cannot rake actions. The
Casting Time: 1 action subject must drop anything she was subject's sight rerurns when the spell's
Range: Medium (100 fr. + 10 fc./ holding. At the end of the spell's dura- duration expires.
level) tion, the limbs rerurn to normal. Even after rhe spell ends, rhe sub-
Area: 5-ft./level radius cylinder ject is still visibly shaken and takes
10 ft./ level high , a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saves,
Duration: 1 round/level and checks for 3d10 minutes.
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes Wretched Blight
Evocation [Evil]
The caster creates an Level: Cir 7
opaque area of Components: V, S
swirling energy in Casting Time: 1 action
the form of roar- Range: Medium ( 100 ft. +
10 fr/level)
Area: 20-fr.-radius spread
teeth. Anyone
within the Instantaneous
area takes td8 Saving Throw:
points of dam- Forrin1de
age for every partial (see
rwo caster levels re.Kt)
(maximum 1ods) Spell
from t h e magi- Resistance: Yes
cally crea red bit-
ing mouths and The caster calls up
rearing teeth. The unholy power to smite
whirlwind moves as his enemies. The power
the caster mentally cakes the form of a soul-
directs (as a free chilling mass of clawing
action), with a speed darkness. Only good and neutral
of 40feet. (nor evil) creatures are harmed by
Arc1111e M11teri11I Com- the spell.
ponent: A handful of The spell deals td8 pts. of damage
bloody teeth. per caster level (maKimum 15d8) ro
good creatures and renders them
Wither Limb stunned for 1d4 rounds. A successful
Necromancy fEvil] Forrirude save reduces damage ro half
Level: Cir 2, Mortal Hunter 2, Wrack and negates the stunning effect.
Sor/Wiz 2 Necromancy fEvil] The spell deals only half damage
Components: V, S Level: Cir 3, Mortal Hunrer 3, Pain 3, ro creatures that are neither evil nor
Casting Time: 1 action Sor/ Wiz 4 good, and they are nor stunned.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Components: V, S Such creatures can reduce the
Target: One humanoid creature with Casting Time: 1 action damage in half again (down to one-
limbs Range: Close (25 fr. + 5 fr./2 levels) quarrer of the roll) with a successful
Duration: 1 round/level Arca: One humanoid crearure Reflex save.
Saving Throw: Forcin,de negates Duration: 1 round/ level
Spell Resistance: Yes Saving Throw: Forrirude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster chooses ro wither eicher
che arms or the legs of the subject. The subject is wracked wich such pain
Withered legs force a character to fall char he doubles over and collapses.
prone and make it impossible for her His face and hands blister and drip
Fleshshifter Armor: Made from the skins of human-
EVIL MAGIC ITEMS oids, this +1 leathn armor allows the wearer co produce an
The forces of darkness are almost always well armed and effect identical ro that of the alter self spell at will.
fiendishly equipped. The following sections detail magic Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
items of all varieties, with only their innate malevolence to Armor, alter self; Market Price: 13,160 gp.
tie them together into a cohesive whole. Grim Defender: Once per day, the wearer of this +1
breostplate can transfer the damage dealt to him from a melee
ARMOR SPECIAL ABlUTIES attack to another creature, other than rhe attacker, within
These armor special abilities are available in addition to the 100 feet. If the other creature succeeds at a Fortitude save
special abilities given in the D UNGEON MASTER'S Guide and (DC 16), the creature rakes no damage and the wearer of the
other sources. grim defender armor rakes double damage.
Darksoul Protection: This wearer of this armor, if of evil Caster Level: 7th; Premq11isites: Craft Magic Arms and
alignment, takes only half damage from spells or effects that Armor, slneld other; Market Price: 11,350 gp.
cause greater damage to evil creatures, such as a holy smite Razor Armor: Made of layers and layers of razor-sharp
spell, the smite evil ability of a paladin, or the extra damage scales, this +2 swle ormor deals 2d6 points ofslashing damage
dealt by a holy weapon. with a successful grapple check and when the wearer is
CC1ster Leve!: 7th; Prereqtmites: Craft Magic Arms and grappling. The wearer is considered proficient with the
Armor, protection from good; Morket Prrce: +1 bonus. razors. Once per day, the wearer can spend a standard action
Demonmight Ward: This armor increases the wearer's ro launch up ro six of the razor scales, which fly our from the
enhancement bonus ro Armor Class by +1 against attacks armor like +1 shurike11.
from creatures of good alignment, or by +2 against attacks Coster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
from good outsiders. Furthermore, it provides a +1 bonus on Armor, magic weopon; Morket Price: 5,600 gp.
all saving throws against spells and spell-like effects from
good creatures, and a +2 bonus 011 saving throws against WEAPON SPECIAL ABILITIES
spells with the good descriptor. These weapon special abilities are available in addition to
CC1ster Leve!: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and the special abilities given in the DUNGEON MASTER's Guide and
Armor, dispel good, unheavened; Morket Price: +2 bonus. other sources.
Poison Spike: This special ability is identical to mundane Bloodfeeding: Every time chis weapon deals damage ro a
armor spikes except that the spikes retract into hidden com- creature with blood, it gains 1 blood point. When the
partments in the armor. When they come our in response co weapon has 5 blood points, ir can deal an additional 1 point
a command word, they deal 1d6 points of piercing damage of damage at the user's behest (spending the blood points).
Gust as normal armor spikes), and the spikes are coated with The weapon can store up to 50 blood points, allowing an
a dose of a poison char deals ld3 points of Strength damage additional 10 points of damage, usable all ar once or divided
as borh initial and secondary damage (Fore DC L6). up over a number of attacks.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Coster Level: 7th; Prereq11isites: Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, poison; Market Price: +1 bonus. Anuor, vampiric touch; Market Price: +1 bonus.
Cursespewing: Every time this weapon deals damage,
SPECIFlC ARMORS the target must succeed ar a Will saving rluow (DC 15) or be
The following specific armors and shields are usually pre- affected by a curse that confers a - 4 morale penalty on
consrructed with exactly the qualities described here. attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
Armor of the Dread Emperor: This suit of +1 /11!1 plate Casler Level: 5th; Craft Magic Arms and
has four 5-foot chains connected co it at the waist. Each Armor, bestow curse; Marl1et Price: +1 bonus.
chain has a ring manacle sized to fit around a humanoid Fleshgrinding: When this piercing or slashing melee
neck. If people are placed in these manades by either the weapon deals damage to a living creature, the wielder may
armor's wearer or his minions, the armor is ready ro display command 1he weapon to "grind" as a free action.Ar that rime,
its true power. Whenever the wearer rakes damage, the cap- the wielder lers go of the weapon and ir continues, magically
tives held by the chains rake half rhe damage themselves. If animated, to grind itself into the foe's flesh. Each round, it
the chains hold more than one person, divide the half deals damage as if the character who had been wielding it
damage among all of chem. Operating in this armor with had dealt a successful hit with it. The wielder need not con-
chains attached ro other people is djfficult. The wearer rakes centrare or devote any time or attention to the weapon. The
an addirional-5 armor check penalty unless the victims are original wielder can grab it ar any time as a standard action.
somehow magically subdued or conrrolled, such as by stupor The foe (or someone else) can attempt ro rid herself of rhe
or dominate person. If the captives are children, rhe additional gLinding weapon by making a Strength check (DC 20). If the
armor check penalty is only -2. If the captives are subdued foe succeeds at the Strength check and has a free hand, she is
or controlled children, rhere is no additional armor check now holding rhe fleshgrinding weapon. In any event, the
penalry. fleshgrinding weapon stops grinding after 5 rounds.
Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Caster Leve!: 11 rh; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, shield other; Market Price: 14,650 gp. Armor, animate objects; Mm·ket Price: +2 bonus.
Marrowcru sh - damage, rhe target must succeed
ing: Every time this at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or
weapon deals damage, ir become exhausted.
also deals 1 poinc of Constiru;-:_..,.._ _ _ _.. Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft
tion damage. Magic Arms and Armor, sap ,trcnglh; Mar/mt
Caster Level: Srh; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Pnce: +2 bonus.
Armor, boneblast; Market Price: +3 bonus. Vile: Every rime this weapon deals damage, ir deals an
Masterslaying: This rnelee weapon comes with a scab- additional l point of vile damage. If the weapon scores a crit-
bard, belt hook, or other holder that is keyed to it in a special ica l hit, it deals 2 additional points of vile damage.
way. Ar the command of the character wearing the scabbard, Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
the weapon attacks its current wielder with rhe scabbard Armor, vile lance; Market Pme: +1 bonus.
wearer's artack bonus, and rhe wielder is considered flat-
footed ( no sneak attack is possible, even if the scabbard SPECIFIC WEAPONS
wearer is a rogue). If it hits, the masterslaying weapon deals The following specific weapons are usually preconsrructed
critical hit damage. This weapon is useful against rogues, with exactly rhe qualiries described here.
foes rhat enjoy disarming and grabbing weapons, and in Angelkiller: This +3 unholy greatsword forces any celestial
conjunction with the £leshgrinding abiliry. it damages to succeed ar a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and destroyed
Armor, animate objects; Market Price: +J bonus. Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
Souldrinking: This me lee weapon bestows one negative Armor, unholy blrght, creator must be evil; Market Price:
level each rime it deals damage normally. When the wielder LL0,350 gp; Weight: 15 lb.
scores a critical hir with rhe weapon, it bestows rwo negative Blackguard's Blade: Made of black iron and covered in
levels, and rhe wielder gains +ld8 temporary bir points and evil symbols engraved in the blade, this +2 longsword adds
a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength. The temporary hit +10 damage to rhe wielder's smite good abiliry.
points and enhancement bonus fade after l hour. Caster Leve!: 131h; Prercq111sites: Craft Magic Arms and
Caster Level: 17th; Prereq111s1tes: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, unholy blight, creator must be evil; Markel Price: 9,515
Armor, energy drain; Mar/wt Price: +4 bonus. gp; Weigh!: 4 lb.
Strength Sapping: Every time this weapon deals of Barrier s: This item is a +1 spiked chain. When
commanded with the proper word, however, it expands to Caster Level: 7th; Pre,·equisites: Forge Ring, sh1·, send-
become a wall of chains. With a second command word, the ing; Market Price: 40,600 gp (does nor include slave rings;
ch,rn1 of barriers reverts to weapon form. see below).
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Ring of Weeping: This dull gray ring allows the wearer
Armor, wall of d111111s; Market Price: 29,325 gp; Weight: 15 lb. to bestow weeping, crippling sadness by rouch. A humanoid
Charnel Reaver: This +3 dwarven 111amxe, usually created touched by the wearer of a ring of weeping must succeed at a
by duergar smiths, urterly consumes the physical form of Will save (DC 11) or be incapacitated for 1 round, then rake
any Living creature it slays, requiring a true rernrrect ,on spell a - 3 morale penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability
ro bring the creature back ro life (raise dead and rcsumctio11 checks, and skill checks for 5 rounds. Each time the ring is
will not work). used to affect a creature, its wearer takes a -1 morale penalty
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and ski ll
Armor, d111rnel fire; Market Price: 108,330 gp; Weight: 15 lb. checks for 5 rounds.
Harrowheart: This +2 rapier deals X3 damage when ir Cnster Level: 5th; P1uequ1srles: Forge Ring, sorrow; Market
scores a critical hit on a crearure of good alignment, rather Price: 3,000 gp.
than the nom1al X2 damage. Sl ave Ring: This iron ring, once put on, cannot be
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and removed except by the wearer of the nrnster ring (see above)
Armor, unholy blight; Market Pnce: 15,320 gp; Weight: 3 lb. keyed to it. The wearer is subject ro horrible, flesh-disrupt-
Hell's Heart Arrow: This +1 arrow, once fii-ed, passes ing damage by the wearer of the nrnste1• ring, and she can also
through creatures of evil alignment. Such creatures offer exchange messages w_ith him.
no cover bonus, nor do they cou'nt whe~ 1 Caster Level: 7d~; Prerequisites: Forge Ring; Marliet P1·ice:
determining whether the archd firing' 500 gp.
into a melee must rake the -4 penalty. Vile Weapon Ring: This is a black metal band with a
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft small ruby. When worn, each melee arrack made by the
Magic Arms and Armor, deteq ev,I; Market · wearer deals 1 extra point of vile damage.
Price: 60 gp. Caster Level: 5 th; Prereqriisites: Forge Ring, vile lance;
Sacrificial Knife: This +1 dagger Mnrlwt Pme: 20,000 gp. ·
adds a +3 competence bonus o n Knowl- · Vile Spell Ring:'If this ring is worn by a spell-
edge (religion) checks required when a . caster, 1 point of damage per spell level from each
sacrifice is made with the knife. · 1 of the caster's damaging spells is vile damage. If
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft multiple creatures take damage (such as with a fil-e-
Magic Arms and Armor, bless; Mark~t, ball spell), each creature rakes the vile damage.
Price: 3,305 gp; Weight: 1 lb. . C~ ler Level: 5th; Prcreqliisites: Forge Ring, vile
Spectral Arrow: This arl·ow looks ._,; lance;.Market Price: 15,000 gp.
like a +1 arrow, bur it is an i nvisible ~ , ~
briJlianr energy projectile that besrowi: RODS
rwo negative levels rather th1/1; de'aling A5jil,,Ong the greatest evil curiosities are
norm a Idam age.
' - ~ ,'.• .• · r'ods, many of whom exhibit their crafters'
Caster Level: 17th; Prereqriisites: Craft ~ gic • fiendish creativity.
Arms and Armor, e11ergy drain, gaseor1s fo.rm,· G&lestial Bane Rod: Deep blood red
invisibility; Marhel Price: 2,560 gp. in.~o1or, this metal rod is about 2 feet long
Warpsword: This +2 gretitsword infec~ - • • . and topped with a curved spike. Ail celes-
anyone i1 strikes with warp touch (see Dis- · f tials ~ thin 60 feet of the rod rake a -4
eases in Chapter 2) if the target fails J, Forti- profane penalty on attack and damage
tude save (DC 14). , rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Magjc The~e· is no saving throw against this
Arms and Armor, contagion, cloak of chaos;. Market effect, nor does spell resistance
Price: 78,350 gp; Weigh!: .LO Jb. apply.'
. • Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites:
RINGS . . ' - Cr;ift Rod, bestow curse, li1111ted
Many powerful evil spellcasrers manufacture sinister rings , wish, creator must be an evil
for themselves or their dreaa mit}it>ns. outsider; Marl~et Price: 56,000 gp;
Master Ring: The wearer qf.rl1is iron ring, emblazone'd Wei~ht: 3 lb.
with rhe symbol of a brooding,falcon, can' deal 3d6 poinrs 0°f H ~rrow"Rod: This black, slightly twisted metal rod
damage per round as a free acrion to anyone wearing a slave sprays a cone of acid up to 30 feet. Anyone in the area takes
ring keyed to ir. Furthermore, the wearer can excha11ge mes· 9d6 points· of acid damage (Reflex DC 1.7 half). The h111To1v
sages with anyone wearing a slave ring (as if using a sendi11g rod can be used three times per day.
spell) three rimes per day. Typically, a master ring has ten Casler Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Rod, co1·1e of cold, Melf's
slave rings keyed to it. acid arrow; Market Price: 54,000 gp; Weigh!.: 3 lb.
Rod of Possession: This rod allows a willing user to draw • Contagion (1 charge, DC 16)
a fiend or malevolent ghost into himself for possession. • Tmect plague (1 charge, DC 17)
When the rod is activated, the wielder is automatically pos- • Pox (2 charges, DC 19)
sessed by the nearest appropriate possessing creanire, even Caster Level: 11th; PrerequlSltes: Craft Staff, contagion, insect
if the creature is unwilling. The identity and attinide of the plngue, pox; Market· Price: 70,000 gp; Weight: 5 lb.
nearest spirit are often at rhe DM's discretion. This rod is fre-
quently used in unspeakable rinials of black magic. WONDROUS ITEMS
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisiles: Craft Rod, rm prison soul, 1mpo- Powerful evildoers have access to the following items, in
te11I possessor, Markel Price: 20,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb. addition to the ones described in the D U NGEON MASTER's
Flesh eat er: This brown scepter is ropped wirh a device Guide and other sources.
rhar looks like a tooth-filled mouth. Once per day, rhe Belt of the Dread Emperor: If a willing (or dominated or
wielder can summon horrible little creatures of greenish helpless) humanoid creature is artached to the wearer of this
energy rhat look like minuscule imps or quasits. These crea- belt by a chain and a manacle (see armor of t!1e Dread
rures tear at the flesh of one targer, eating it as rhey swarm Empemr), the wearer can draw energy from that creature to
around. The flesheaters are not acrual crearures, bur instead power spells. The belt of the Dread Emperor functions for all
magical effects. T hey can be dispelled, bm nor attacked; spellcasters who prepare spells (including clerics, druids,
attacks directed against them hit the rod's target instead. The rangers, paladins, and wizards). The belt enables rhe wearer
target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18) to resist rhe to recall a prepared spell, even if the spell has already been
fleshearers. lf this save is failed, rhe target takes 3d6 points cast, as long as the spell was among those he most recently
of damage per round for 1d6+1 rounds. prepared. For each spell recalled, the chained crearure takes
Caster Level: 5th; Premj111S1tes: Craft Rod, mmmon monster damage equal to the square of rhe spell's level: A recalled 1st-
Ill; Market Price: 18,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb. level spell deals l point of damage, a 2nd-level spell deals 4
points, a 3rd-level spell deals 9 points, and so on, up ro a 9th-
STAFFS level spell that deals 81 points of damage. If rhe chained
Staffs are receptacles for powerful evil magic, including creature does not have enough hit points lefr ro power a
many of the spells described earlier in this chapter. desired spell, rhe spell fails and the creature dies.
Staff of Corruption: This near-artifact level staff is Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Crafr Wondrous !rem, cre-
made of a thin, withered shaft of wood, sickly gray in ator must be able to cast 9th-level spells; Market Price:
color. Worms appear to squirm about its surface, but that 120,000 gp; Weight: t 16.
is just an illusion. The staff allows the use of the following Collar of Ven om: A crearnre wearing this heavy iron
spells. collar gives all of its natural anacks an additional poison
• Befoul (2 charges) arrack (Forr DC 14) rhat deals 1d10 points of Constitution
• Despoil (2 charges) damage as irs initial and secondary damage.
• Morality undone (1 charge, DC 16) Caster Level: 5th; .Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, poison;
• Shriveling (heightened to 6th level, 10d4 damage, DC ! 9) Market Pl'ice: so,ooo gp; Weight.: 3 lb.
(t charge) Collar of Virulent Ven om: As a collnr of venom (see
• Wither limb (heightened to 6th level, 10d8 damage, DC 19) above), except that rhis collar's poison is harder to resist
(1 charge) (Fort DC 20).
Casler Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Scaff, befoul, despoil, Cnsler Level: 18th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item,
shriveling, morality undone, wither limb; Market Price: 192,000 Heighten Spell, poison; Market Price: 138,000 gp; Weight: 3 lb.
gp; Weigh!: 516. Dark Altar Stone: Th is piece of black gran ire, if used as
Staff of Darkness: It is said that this staff was first cre- an altar or part of an alrar, can be commanded to absorb the
ated by a drow sorcerer deep in some forsaken Underdark soul of a victim sacrificed upon that alrar. The soul is stored
sancrurn. A smooth shaft of surprisingly lightweight black as if in a gem as a pan of a trnp the so11I spell. It can be called
metal. this rather short staff allows the use of the following forth and used in the various ways described in the Souls as
spells. Power section of Chapter 2. A dark altar sto11e can store only
• Damning darlrness (2 charges, DC 16) one soul at a time.
• Darkbolt (3d8 damage, DC 13) (1 charge) Cnster Level: l7th; Prereqwsites: Crafr Wondrous !rem, trap
• Darkness (1 charge) the s011/; Markel Price: 150,000 gp; Weight: 100 lb.
• Deeper dark11css (2 charges) Elixir of the Dark Speech: This allows the imbiber to
Caster Level: 7th; Prcl'equisites: Craft Scaff, d,rnrn ing da,•kness, speak and understand the Dark Speech as if he possessed the
darkbolt, darkness, deeper dnrkness; Market Price: 24,000 gp; feat of the same name. This elixir deals 1 point of Strength
Weight: s lb. damage when used. The speech effect lases for 10 minutes.
Staff of Pestilence: This wooden staff is covered in dis- Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, dread
eased sores rhar ooze yellow pus. It gives off a horrible word; Market Price: 750 gp; Weight: t lb.
odor of rotten flesh, bur allows rhe use of the following Fanatic's Collar: When worn by a wi!Hng crearnre, this
spells. spiked iron collar allows the wearer to choose another crea-
ture to dominate it, as the spell dominate mo11Ster.
Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, dom- demons. Two of the spheres summon 2d4 dretches, two
111ate monster; Market Price: 30,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb. summon 1 quasit each, one summons 1 succubus, two
Flesh Ring of Scorn: When tbis ring is pierced into the summon 1 vrock each, and one summons 1 hezrou.
flesh of an evil outsider, it allows the outsider to automati- Casler Level: 17th; Prerequisrles: Craft Wondrous Item,
cally score a critical hit against a nonoutsider whenever the rnmmon monster IX; Market Przce: 28,500 gp; Weight: t 16.
threat of a critical hit is indicated. N ipple Clamp of Exquisite Pain: The wearer of this
Caster Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous ltem, corrupt ring is immune to debilitating pain effects such as the circle
weapon; Market Pnce: 8,000 gp. of nausea spell. He is also immu11e to the wrack spell. He is
Gem of Psychic Poison: This gem, when in the posses- not immune to actual damage described as pain, such as that
sion of a creature, poisons that creature so that anyone cast- found in eyes of the wmbie, however. The damp converts all
ing a mind-affecting or divination spell at the creature is pain into a pleasurable sensation. This item does not cha11ge
affected with a psychic poison (see Chapter 3) rhar deals 1d6 how or whether the character takes damage, but it does
points of Intelligence damage as both initial and secondary change how he might react to it.
damage. Caster Level: 5th; Prcreqursites: Craft Wondrous Item,
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wo11drous Item, poison masochism; Market Prrce: 8,000 gp.
area; Market Price: 28,000 gp. OiJ of the Lamia: Said ro have been created by an evil
Heaven's Thom: Despite irs sharp point, this dark green, lamia wizard, this concoction makes magic items more pow-
dagger-sized thorn makes a poor weapon because it is too erful When applied to a magic item that produces an effect
brircle and fragile. However, when it breaks against the flesh requiring a foe to make a saving throw, the oil increases the
of a good-aligned outsider ( requiring a much arrack), ir DC of the saving throw by +2 if the foe is of good alignment.
releases terrible energy that snms the target for td4 rounds The oil lasts for 1 hour. The oil is held in a small flask and
(no save, but spell resistance applies). will coat one item, no matter the size.
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, power Casler Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, dispel
word stun, creator must be evil; Market Pl'ICe: 4,550 gp; Weight: evil; Markel Price: 2,000 gp; Weigh!: 1 lb.
1 lb. Pain Extractor: This s trange device consists of a flat
Hook of Dissolution: This wicked metal hook is about 9 metal plate about 6 inches square lined with barbed books.
inches long. lf thrust into a helpless opponent, that oppo- A thin, flexible tube extends from the plare to an adjustable
nent slowly disintegrates over a period of3 rounds (Fort DC nozzle that could attach to a variety of flasks, bottles, or
22 negates). This ability works on organic inanimate objects other containers. Over the course of one day, this device can
as well as creatures. It can be used three times per day. extract pain in liquid form from a crearure being rorrured or
Caster Level: 15th; Prcreqwsites: Craft Wondrous Item, wall otherwise suffering terrible physical torment. This physical
of chains; Marhet Pr,ce: 14,400 gp; Weight: 2 lb. manifestation of pain can be used to power magical items or
Iron Maiden of Preservation: This coffinlike rorrnre enhance spells (see Pain as Power in Chapter 2). It can also
device is filled wirh spikes that pierce the flesh of anyone be used as a porenr drug.
placed inside. It deals 1d6 points of damage per round ro the Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, liquid
prisoner within. It also heals 1d6 points of damage per pain; Market Prrce: 64,000 gp; Weigh/: 3 lb.
round, however, bur only if that damage was dealt by its own Pipe of Grief: This long smoking pipe, when filled with
spikes. Thus, the prisoner inside is not likely to die soon, tobacco and lighted, can create a single 5-foot-radius cloud
despite the constant pain and terrible wounds co11tinually that remains for 3d8 minutes, once per day. The cloud! stays
being inflicred and then healed. in place for the durarion unless acred on by a magical force
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous !rem, heal; such as a gust of wind. Anyone within the cloud except the
Market Price: 7,000 gp; Weig11t: 550 lb. user must succeed at a Will save (DC 17) or rake a -4 morale
Maggot Harvester: This 6-inch Vasharan orb appears to penalty on artack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and abil-
be made from reerh and bones. When held above a rorring, iry checks for 10 rounds.
maggot-infested corpse for 1 round, it draws the maggots Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, wave of
into itself. The maggots can then be used to allow rhe grief; Market Price: 3,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
wielder to speak and understand the Dark Speech (see Piercing Needles of Pain: These three needles must be
Chapter 2) for 1 minute. used together to gain any effect. If aU three pierce the flesh
Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, of a creature (each dealing 1 point of damage that can't be
tongues, creator must be evil; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weigh I: healed until it is removed), the pained c rearure can give feel-
5 lb. ings of intense pain to others by touch. The painful touch
Necklace of Demons: This necklace has eight small produces the effect of a wrack spell (Fort DC 15 negates).
black spheres attached to it that can be easily removed (a Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, wrn&;
move-equivalent action). When removed from the necklace Markel Piice: 35,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
and rossed upon the ground (or any hard surface), the Psychic Poison Oil: Each rype of psychic poison comes
sphere sharrers, summoning a demon that remains for 10 in the form of an oil that can be sprinkled upon the creature,
rounds. Different spheres summon different kinds of object, or 25-foot-radius area to be poisoned.
Initial Secondary Caster Market
Cnsler Level: 1st; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, cause
Poison Type Damage Damage level Price fenr; Mnrket Pnce: 3,000 gp; Weight: 275 lb.
Darin-tasith Creature ld6 Int 1d6 Int 7th 1,400 gp Skull of Fear: This ebony skull is fashioned so ir can be
Karadrach Creature ld6 Wis 1d6 Wis 7th 1,400 gp mounred on armor, a weapon hafc, or a staff or pole. It gives
Estadrach Creature ld8 Wis 2d8 Wis 9th 1,800 gp the wearer or wielder an aura of fear, so that anyone coming
Stradda Creature 1d6 Cha ld6 Cha 8th 1,600 gp within 10 feet is affecred as if by a fear spell (Will DC 16
or object
negares). The wearer or wielder can raise or lower the aura
Nishita Object ld6 Int ld6 Int 7th 1,400 gp
Vashita Object 1d6Wis ld6 Wis 7th 1,400 gp with a command word.
lanshita Object 2d6 Cha 2d6 Cha 11th 2,200 gp Cnster Level: 7th; Prercqu1s1tes; Craft Wondrous Item, fenr;
Blue un lyn Area 1d6 Int 1d6 Int 8th 1,600 gp Mnrlwt Price: 70,000 gp; Weight: 2 lb.
Red unlyn Area 1d6Wis ld6 Wis 8th 1,600 gp Slime Pot: This small black pot has a removable lid and
Amber unlyn Area 1d6 Cha 1d6 Cha 8th 1,600 gp an iron handle. If the por is filled with water and some
Violet u nlyn Area 1d6 Int 2d6 Int 10th 2,000 gp decaying organic matrer (a dead rat, a severed hand, or
Black unlyn Area 1d6 Int, 1d6 Int, 13th 2,600 gp
something of similar size) within 24 hours a parch of green
ld6 Wis, ld6 Wis,
ld6 Cha ld6 Cha slime grows there. By carefully dumping out the contents of
rhe pot (a srandard action), rhe slime por's owner can place
rhe parch of slime where she wants ir. She has no special
Cnster Level: See above; Prerequisites: Crafr Wondrous lrem, conrrol over or immunity ro rhe slime, however.
creator must be al' least 13th level; Market Pnce: See above. Cnster Level: 7rh; Prereq111s1tes: Craft Wondrous I rem,
Weight: 2 lb. sum111011 monster 1V; Market Price: 11,200 gp; Weigh!: s lb.
Quiver of Lies: This 3-inch-long quiver holds no atTows Spiralburst Bottle: This is a sort of magic weapon con·
or bolts. It fits around the wrisr, like a bracelet. if rhe wearer rained within a glass borrle until iris used. Opening or shat·
holds a bow or crossbow and speaks a lie, an arrow or bolt rering rhe bottle (often by throwing ir like a fl.ask of acid or
(whichever is appropriate) appears in the wearer's hand, alchemisr's fire) unleashes the spiralbul'St. The spiralbursc is
ready for use. The arrow or bolt only lasts for 1 O rounds. a portal to the Ethereal Plane rhat is only about l/ 2 inch
Cnster Level: 7th; Prerequ,silcs: Craft Wondrous Item, 111111or wide. This portal has an almost limitless amounr of pull ,
crention; Mnrket P,•ice: 12,000 gp. We1gl1I:-. sucking a single creature or object through the gate unless it
Rack of Irresistible Torture: This torture device, when succeeds at a fortitude save (DC 30). If the bottle bursts
used on a victim, provides a +10 bonus on rhe lntimidare against something, the object ir shatters against is the target.
check made by the torturer. If the bottle is opened, the opener is the target. The spiral-
burst only pulls up to lO cubic feet through, so if the object worm up to 30 feer away, hittiJ1g a target with a successful
or creature is larger rhan rhat, only a portion of it is pulled ranged touch arrack. If a worm hits a living creature, it bur-
through. rows into the creature's body and inro irs viral organs. The
The weapon gees its name because rhe target drawn target muse succeed at a Fonitude save (DC 18) or die td4
through the portal is sucked through in a spiral patrern. For rounds after the worm srri.kes. Even a target thar succeeds at
most living creatures, this is a blood-red spiral as their body its saving throw take 2d6 points of damage each round for
is liquefied into a spiral-shaped stream, rhen drawn through 1d4 rounds, after which the worm dies. A remove disease or
the very small portal in a single round. Objects, unless they heal spell kills the burrowing worm, stopping the damage
are eX1raordinarily malleable, are destroyed. Creatures die and rhe risk of death.
instantly unless rhey are amorphous (such as oozes). Even A creature with no discernible anatomy is immune ro rhe
objects and creatures that survive are lost o n rhe Ethereal worms and cannot be the host of a Vasharn11 worm pod.
Plane. The spiralbursr disappears after a single use. Casler Level: 9th; PrereqHisites: Crafr Wondrous lrem, slay
Caster Level: 20th; Prereq1m1tes: Craft Wondrous Item, sym- living.fabricate, a11i111al gi-owlh; Mar/wt Price; 35,000 gp. Weight:
pathy, gate; Marlie/ Price; 19,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb. 5 lb.
Symbol of Demog orgon: This unholy symbol, dedi-
cated ro the Prince of Demons, is worn as an amulet. It pro-
vides a +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and allows the ARTIFACTS
owner ro casr rolling curse of Urfestrn wirh no corruption cosr. The following evil arrifacrs-minor and major, as well as the
The caster must still prepare the spell nom,ally; if he does special diabolic engines and demonic devices-can add a
nor prepare spells, this aspect of the symbol cannot be used. definite evil flair ro a high-level campaign.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, rotting
curse of Urfeslrn; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight:-. MI NOR ARTIFACTS
Tongue Studs of H ell Breath : These golden studs, Though nor the most powerful type of artifact, a minor arti-
pierced through the tongue, turn normal breath passing fact nevertheless far outstrips an ordinary wondrous item.
over them into a 50-foor line of hellfire rhree times per day. Angel Blood: This fluid comes in a flask. It is not actually
This hellfire deals 3d6 points of unholy (not fire) damage. a magic item (in that no one created it). It is really the blood
There is 110 saving throw. of a celestial, gathered and stored during a special ritt1al. The
Casler Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous lrem, hellfire; liquid deals 5d6 points of acid damage when thrown as a
Market Price: 35,000 gp; Weight;-. grenadelike weapon, but only against noncelestial creatures.
Vasharan Offal Bag: This big burlap sack is filled with Caster Level: 20th; We1g/1t: 1 lb. (including rhe flask).
dung thar always remains fresh and odiferous. If someone Angel Tears: Hardened i_nro tiny crystals, rhese rears, like
empties rhe bag, ir loses all irs power. Otherwise, a nonflying angel blood, were created by no spellcaster. Instead, they are
gianr cockroach (see Chapter 8) can be called our of rhe bag gathered from places where angels have folt sorrow or pain,
once per day to serve rhe bag holder. The gianr cockroach using some long-lost dark process. Evil creatures have
remains for 1 hour or until killed. Ir obeys all verbal com- learned to make angel tears into hurled weapons such as
mands of the bag owner, although ir will nor roam farrher stones (they work well in slings, too). So cursed are such
rhan 100 feet from rhe bag. If iris forcibly moved farther, it things that they deal 3d6 points of damage ro any creature
responds to no commands, although ir will still disappear rhey break against, the target is automatically considered
after its hour is up. Unlike other vennin, a gianr cockroach exhausted, and rhe target must succeed at a Fortitude saving
brought forth from this bag tmderstands Common and has throw (DC LB) or take 1 dB points of Strength drain.
an Inrelligence score of 3. Caster Level: 20th. Weight; 1/2 lb.
Casler Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Crafr Wondrous Item, Demon Blood: When rhis dark blood, gathered using a
summon monster rJ; Markel Price: 3,000 gp. Weight: 10 lb. special process and an unholy ritual, is sprinkled over a 100-
Vash aran Worm Pod : This item is a 6-inch-long gray foot-radi us area, char area is treated as though affected by an
seed pod. To get the Vasharnn worm pod to function, it must u11hallow spell. Furthermore, nothing natural can grow in
be forcibly inserted into a helpless character's stomach (a the area ever agaiJ1.
standard action), dealing 3d6 poillts of damage to rhe char- Caster Level: 20th. Weight: 1 Jb. (including rhe flask).
acter. For 2d10 days rhereafrer, gray-white worms grow Demonstone: This 2-inch-diamerer dark rock is natu-
within the pod, feeding on rhe character's flesh, dealing td4 rally in the shape of a demonic creature wirh bar wings
points of damage each day and creating specialized body folded around its body. It is semi translucent wirh a dark
parts wirhi_n rhe stomach lining. Once the worms are fully center thar sometimes seems ro move. Occasionally it seems
grown, rhe character can mentally command the worms (a to whisper. If one listens closely, rhe whisper can be under-
full-round action) to snake a long, fleshy tube out of his stood, but it is a foul and evil enrreary ro do some horrible
stomach and up into his nose. Thereafter, until the host of acr. The owner immediately gains a +1 luck bonus on
the worm pod retracts the tube (a standard action), he can attacks, damage, skill checks, and saving throws.
command a worm ro travel up the tube, into the nose, After one day of close proximity ro rhe srone (within 5
through the nasal passage, and into his mouth. As a standard feet), a character musr succeed ar a Will saving rhrow (DC 15)
action, up to three times per day, the character can spir a or do as the srone compels and become chaotic evil in align-
ment. If the saving throw succeeds, further saves must be as those brought on by a symbol of pnm, although she still
made each day, with the DC i_ncreasing by + I each time. feels rhe pain.
A character nirned chaotic evil by a demo11slo11c is parricu- Caster Level: l6th; Weight: - .
larly despicable in his sadistic and horrible actions. Once Ring of t he Dread Emperor: This black ring is made
the character becomes chaoric evil (or if he was evil in the from a single piece of obsidian and bears a gold inlay
first place), rhe stone need not remain in his possession for design of chains. If a humanoid of at least 10th level is
him to gain the luck bonus. The bonus lasts until the brittle killed on a given day by the wearer of this ring, the wearer
stone is destroyed (hardness 4, 10 hp, break DC 24) or until takes no penalries for wearing armor ( no armor check
someone else succumbs to its temptation, failing the Will penalty, no maximum Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, no
save while in close proximity. spell fai lure chance, and no reduced movement). The
When a character who wearer of the ring gains the
was turned evil by a effect of a free action spell for
demo11sto11e loses her con- the next 24 hours.
nection with it ( if it is Casler Level: 16th.
destroyed or gains a new Weigl1t: - .
owner), the awareness of Staff o f M ali ce: This
her evil deeds comes 6-foot shafr of hardened black
back ro her, and she is wood gives off a dull red glow
usually rhrown into deep the color of an ol.d scab thar shows
despair. itself only in the light. Each tip of
Caster Level: 20th. the staff ends in a metal spear
Weight: 1/ 2 lb. point, and rhe staff of malice can be
Devi l Blood: When used either as a +3 unholy quarterstaff
used ro coat a blade, this or a +3 unholy sl10rtspear i.n combat.
black ichor acts as a poison Like al l staffs, it has 50 charges,
rhe next rhirreen times the which can be used to power rhe follow-
weapon strikes. The poison ing spells.
(Fon DC 20) deals td6 poinrs • Bestow greater curse ( I charge,
of Strength damage as initial DC 2t)
damage and 2d6 points of • Boneblast (1 charge, DC 16)
Strength damage as secondary • Destruction (1 charge, DC 21)
damage. • Pestile11ce (2 charges, DC 22)
Caster Level: 20th. We,ght: 1 lb. • Stop heart (1 charge, DC 18)
(including the flask). • Wrack (1 charge, DC 17)
Kython Armor: This armor looks • Wretcl1ed blight (15d8 damage,
like a dead adult kyrhon (see Chapter 8) DC 23) (2 charges)
with only two arms. If a wearer crawls into When the charges are
it, the armor fuses to him, although it can be all gone, the staff disap·
removed later. The armor is +3 full plnte and pears, only to reappear fully
allows the wearer to use kyrhon weapons as if he were a charged somewhere else in the
kython. Furrhermore, the armor allows the wearer to use its multi verse.
claws (which deal 1d8 points ofdamage) as if they were nat· Cnster Level: 20th; Weight: 5 lb.
ural weapons, and it adds a +10 bonus on any arrempt to dis· Vasharan Crossbow :This +4 henvy crossbow can be loaded
guise the wearer as an actual adult kyrhon. and fired as quickly as a light crossbow can. Any bolt that it
Caster Level: 16th; Weigl1t: 50 lb. fires is automatically treated as a bolt of dayrng humans (as an
Midnight Blad e: This +5 bastard sword is unholy, flesh- arrow of slaying)
grinding and marrowcrushing, but only at night. During the Cnster Level: 17th; Weight: 4 lb.
day it merely has a +5 enhancement bonus. Furthermore,
rhe M1d111ght Blade must be used to draw blood from at least DIABOLIC ENGINES AND DEMONIC
one creanire of Medium-size or larger each night, or it loses DEVICES
all abilities and becomes a - 4 cursed bastard sword. Its abilities This special caregory of minor artifacts includes any of a
can be recovered, bur only if it is used to slay a Medium-size number of machines created on the lower Planes (see Chap-
or larger creature, at night, with the -4 penalty. ter 7). Pain, souls, or both power these devices (see Souls as
Caster Level: 15th; Weight: 10 lb. Power and Pain as Power in Chapter 2).
Rhaps ody of Pain: These oddly named earrings allow Cauldron of Zombie Spewing:The devils that created this
the wearer to function as if continually under the effects of device wanted to mass-produce undead. This artifact is a mass
both a sadmn and a masod1is111 spell. Furthermore, the of strange nibes, bubbling glass conrainers, and liquid-filled
wearer is immune to the debilitating effects of pain, such n·oughs all focused around a gigantic black cauldron 13 feet in
diameter. When ft.fry Medium-size
corpses are thrown into the device
and mixed with strange chemi-
cals and a single dose of liquid
pain, the contents of the caul-
dron stew and boil for 24 hours.
Then, great horizontally pivot-
ing levers spew forth onto the
ground 4d 12 Medium-size
zombies. Not every corpse be-
comes a zombie because some
are .liquefied and mulched as a
parr of the process. The zombies
obey the commands of any devil
present within the first 3 rounds of
their creation.
The cauldron has hardness 10, 250
hp, and a break DC of 35. However, the glass por-
tions and tubing can be destroyed much more
easily (hard11ess t , 20 hp, break DC 12).
C11ster Level: l6th; We1gltl: 5,000 lb.
Demonic Graft Machine: This machine is a
mass of metal rubes, gears, arms, and wheels
thac rum and move silently. At rhe front of this
machine, a wide iron plate fashioned into the
form of a hideous face grins with a wide, open
mourh. Through the mouth, the innards of the
device are visible. The device is part machine
and part demon, infused with fiendish
essence and powered by evil magic. It is used
to graft demonic addirions onro the bodies of
willing or unwilling victims.
Anyone that comes within 5 feet of the
open mouth must succeed at a Reflex save
(DC L5) or be grabbed by a tonguelike
appendage and dragged into the
Within che bowels of the machine,.
che victim's body is sliced,
burned, punctured, and
torn. These operations
deal 6d6 points of
damage to the victim
in t round. In rhe
next round (if the
character is still ·
alive), demonic flesh
and essence is added to
the victim's body,
restoring 5d6
points of damage.
On the third round,
the character is spit
out with a new
demonic addi-
tion in place
(roll on rhe fo l-
lowing table).
d% Demonic Addition
01-25 Left arm. The arm is long and flexible like a tendri l, with a rims. Two ladders lead up co the rim of the cauldron, and a 1-
crude, three-fingered claw at the end. It functions as a natu- foot-wide walkway surrounds the perimeter at the top. A
ral weapon dealing ld4 points of damage plus the charac- single dose of pain must be poured into the pit at the begin-
ter's Strength bonus. Weapons used in the hand take a -2 ning of a day co get the leeches started.
penalty on attacks. Once per day, the arm can produce The cylinder itself has hardness 10, 300 hp, and a break
magic missile as the spell from a 5th-level caster. DC of 35. The storage vat can be destroyed more easily
26-55 Right arm. The arm is muscular and sinewy, with a clawed
hand. The arm confers a +2 inherent bonus to Strength. As
(hardness 1, 30 hp, break DC 15).
a natural weapon, the arm deals ld6 points of damage plus Caster Level: 20th; Weight: 8,000 lb.
the character's Strength bonus.
56-70 Thick and muscular legs. The character gains a +2 bonus to MAJOR ARTIFACTS
his Constitution score. These are the most powerful items of evil anywhere in the
71-85 Slim and agile legs. This addition increases the character's cosmos.
speed by 10 feet when not wearing heavy armor or carrying a
Angelwing Razor:This long, chin blade is nor made from
heavy load. The character gains a +5 competence bonus on
Climb and Jump checks.
angels' wings; rather, it was honed on them-on the wings
86-100 Familiar. Grafted onto the shoulder, back, stomach or hand, of dead and captive celestials. This hideous process, con-
a demonic familiar is a small face with an evil expression. ducted by the elf warlord Urgaril before going into battle
This face has Intelligence 12, Wisdom 9, and Charisma 6. If against the gold dragon armies, sharpened rhe blade roan
the character is a wizard, the face can teach him one new impossibly fine edge. Ange/wing Razor is a +5 vorpal longsword
spell for every spell level he knows. If the character is a spell• char ignores damage reduction and hardJ1ess of any kind. 1c
caster, the familiar povides a +2 inherent bonus to the ability
can even cur through a 111ril/ of force or similar effect.
score that determines his bonus spells.
Death Rock: This object is said to be the heart of an evil
Good-aligned characters with a demonic addition must suc- demon lord or evil demigod, cut from his chest in a tetTible
ceed ac a Will save (DC 15) every day or cake 1d3 points of battle with a woman invested with celestial powers who
Wisdom damage as the experience slowly drives them mad. sought vengeance for rhe wrongs of rhe evil being and its
Characters of a nonevil alignment must succeed at a Will cult. The Deat.h Rock is a crude black stone the size of a fist
save (DC 15) each day or succumb to temptation and per· that pulses like a beating heart.
form an evil act chosen by the OM. This may eventually Anyone possessing the Derith Rock gains rhe spellcasting
result in an alignment change. abilities of a sorcerer of a level equal to his own. The charac-
When characters with demonic additions deal with ter knows only spells of the Necromancy school. If the char·
nonevil NPCs, they rake a -6 circumstance penalty on all acrer is already a sorcerer, the new spells known aJ1d extra
Charisma-based checks, such as Diplomacy and Bluff. spells per day are in addition to his own.
The machine does nor rake a character more than once. The Death Rock has a drawback. Once per week, the clos-
Removing a demonic addition requires severing rhe limb est companion or dearest loved one of rhe Derith Rock's
and taking 6d6 points of damage. To regrow rhe original owner is auromarically slain and turned into a zombie rhal
limb requires a rege11erate spell. serves rhe owner. The owner may forsake rhe Death Rock to
The Demonic Graft M11du11e has hardness 10, 200 hp, and a prevent this (or he might nm out of companions or loved
break DC of 35. A victim inside rhe machine can make an ones), but then the Death Rock immediately fades away.
anack with a light weapon, or he can cast spells if he suc- D espoiler of Flesh : This short staff is made of human
ceeds at a Concenrrarion check based on the damage he has tongues sewn together end to end. These rongues are slightly
taken. The machine can rake two victims at a rime, bur only animated, so the staff occasionally bends and curls ofirs own
victims of Large or smaller size. Each demonic addition volition. Despoiler of Flesh has been in the possession of a par-
requires a soul fed into the machine. ticularly twisted and powerful nalfeshnee named Tapheon
Caster Level: 18th; Weight: 2,500 lb. that lives in a place called the Forrress of Indifference. Ir has
Pain Pit: A metal cauldron 10 feet across and 20 feet deep also been in the hands of a mortal despot named Multheasan,
containing several giant leeches, this device is one ofbiolog· a human in love with his two daughters. Rather than force
ical engineering. A crearion of rhe neutral evil fiends known himself upon chem, he used the Despoiler of Flesh ro reshape
as yugolorhs, the Pa111 Pit efficiently extracts liquid pain captives and slaves into the likenesses of his daughters so
from its victims. The pit can hold up to five Medium-size or that be might have bis way with them instead.
smaller creatures. The artifact allows the wielder to reshape rhe flesh of any
The yugolorhs throw victims into the pit, where foot-long creature, as with a polymorph other spell except rhar any
leeches (rreat as Tiny monstrous centipedes) attach ro chem, shape that the wielder can imagine can be bestowed,
inflicting great pain and draining pain from rhem in liquid whether a creature actually exists in that form or not. If a
form. A rhin umbilical cord connects each leech co a storage form is bestowed that is unwieldy or untenable, or that was
vat along the side of the cylinder. Each leech e>..'tracts one created without careful forethought, the creature simply
dose of liquid pain from a victim over the course of a day, dies. For example, rhe wielder could change the form of a
rhen sends it along the tube ro rhe storage vat, which has a wolf into that of a human known to him. He could then
capacity of one hundred doses. Once the liquid pain has (using the Despoiler of Flesh again) give char human purplish
been extracted and delivered, the leeches consume the vie- black skin and tentacles for arms. 1f he attempted to also
give rbe victim six spider legs and barlike wings large Iron Fl.ask holds up to one hundred demons. Whenever a
enough to carry him aloft, the form would simply collapse new demon is imprisoned, the flask must be unsroppered,
under its own weight into a pile of fleshy goo. and I d4 other demons attempt to escape from the flask. To
Victims may resist the effecr of rhe arrifacr wi th a Forti- thwart each anempred escape, rhe flask's owner must suc-
rude save (DC 25). The wielder can make one change per ceed ac a Will saving throw (DC 20 +1 per demon in the
round, wirh a victim gerting a save to resist each change. f:lask). If a demon escapes, [t turns on rhe flask's owner and
Turning a creacure into an existing kind of creature (as arremprs co slay him.
described in the polymorph other spell) counts as one Each rime a demon is called from the flask, the owner
change. Systematically adding or removing body parrs must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 20 +l per previous
counrs as one change per addition or removal, unless multi- save against rhe flask +1 per demon in the flask) or become
ple identical changes are made (such as removing both of chaotic evil. Furthermore, each time he must also succeed at
an ogre's hands or turning all of a dragon's teeth inro short, a caster level check using the flask's caster level of 30th
srubby roes). (DC 10 +1 per previ.ous save
Iron Flask ofTuerny the Merciless: Tuemy the Mer- again st rh e flask +1
ciless was a powerfu l spellcascer who killed rhe royal per demon in rhe
family of an ancient land to gain control of flask ), or rhe de-
the kingdom. He enslaved the consider- mon ca I led is freed
able army of rhe land, then went ro war and turns upon the
with neighboring lands. Tuerny owner of the flask.
began co summon demons, bur he If rhe demons from rhe
lacked rhe ability to control chem. flask ever slay the owner,
The fiends ravaged rhe country- they immediately steal his
side and threatened his king- soul and rake it ro rhe Abyss
dom, so Tuerny fashioned ro become a larva.
a device that would The Ruby Rod of Asm o-
imprison and con- d eu s: This scepter glistens
trol them. His
plan worked,
r w irh an unimaginable, unearthly
luster. Some claim that in just gem value
and with the
device Tuer-
ny's might grew
-----=-:- alone, the rod is worth more than one million
gold pieces. It is, however, also a formidable
weapon of evil. If used in melee, it is a +6 unholy
even greater, until m grentclub char bestows an inflict criticnl wounds spell
one day the demons (cast ar 20th level) upon anyone it touches (Will DC 19
within the flask broke free and claimed his soul. half). Anyone char couches rhe rod against Asrnodeus's will
The lron Flnsk is very small and plain, although the stop- feels the effect of rhe 111flict critiwl wounds spell as well.
per is engraved and embossed wirh runes of power. It holds Weapons with a +6 enhancement bonus are beyond the ken
1 d4 demons within it when first found. Roll on rhe follow- of most item creators, bur they otherwise follow all the rules
ing table co determine the kind of demon: for magic weapons.
The Rt~by Rod also has a number of supemarural abilities,
d% Demons which function as the spells cast by a 20th-level caster. The
01--40 Gtabrezu following abilities are usable at will by Asmodeus, a-11d once
41-80 Nalfeshnees
per day by anyone else.
81-95 Mariliths
96-100 Balors
• Line of Ligl1tni11g: 150 feet long, 10 feet wide, deals 20d6
points of electricity damage (Reflex DC 23 half).
• L111e of Acid: 300 feet long, 5 feet wide, deals 20d6 points of
When the fron Flnsk is unstoppered, the owner can com- acid damage (Reflex DC 23 half).
mand one of the demons to come our for up to 8 hours or • Cone of Cold: 75 feet long, deals 20d6 points of cold
unril slain (ar which point the demon goes back inro rhe damage (Reflex DC 23 half).
flask). During its rime of freedom, the owner of the flask • Aurn of Might: Anyone attempting to make a melee arrack
controls all actions of the demon. No demon can be called against rhe wielder must succeed at a Will save (DC 20) or
forth more thru1 once per week. instead bow down, helpless for 1 round.
More demons can be added to the flask. The rarger • Reverie of Nessus: When this ability is activated, the wielder
demon muse be within 30 feet, and the owner of the flask is instantly encased in a 5-foor-radius spherical wall of
must speak a command word (a standard action) ro attempt force, and the area 50 fee t around the sphere (but nor
to imprison it. To overcome rh e spell resistance of the within it) becomes an nnt imngic field. This effect lasts for 3
demon (if any), rhe owner can make a check using the rounds. ln the first rnund, the wielder is automatically
caster level of rhe flask (30th). Then the demon must suc- purged of any unwa nted enchan tments. In the second
ceed at a Will save (DC 20) or be sucked into the fl.ask The rotmd, the wielder is p urged of any diseases, poisons, or
physical maladies (including lost body parts). In the cl1ird together ro outfit a ch ampion to pit against the gods of lighc
round, the wielder is healed to full hit points and feels as and the lords of balance. Since this time, ch ampions of evil
mough he just rested a full day, regaining spells and spell- have used rhe Regn/in of Evil whenever a dispute needed to
like abilities accordingly (but even Asmodeus can only be settled agains t a similarly equipped champion of good or
gain the benefit of this magical resr once per day). neutrality (each faction having ics own regalia).
The Wand of Orcus: This black obsidian and iron rod is Ir may be rhac today these contests of champions 110
topped wirh the skull of a human hero slain by O rcus. If longer occur, and the individual items of rhe regalia have
wielded in melee, it is a +6 unholy chnotic hcnvy mnce. If the faUen into mortal hands. Still, rhe gods of evil occasionally
wand touches any nonoursider, or an outsider wim less than check on the devices char they created so long ago. It has
15 HD, the target must succeed ar a Fortitude save (DC 25) been millennia since all three items of the Regn/in of Evil
or die immediately. Anyone rhar touches the wand against were used by a single being.
Orcus's w ill must save or die as well. Weapons with a +6 The Crown of Evil: This iron crown is crude and rough,
enhancement bonus are beyond the ken of most item cre- fash ioned to look like black flames wreathing rhe head of
ators, but they o therwise follow all the rules for magic rhe wearer. When an evil crearure puts on the crown, irs
weapons. head is surrounded by reddish-black fire. These flames con-
The wa nd also confers a +5 deflection bonus to rhe Armor ceal the wearer's face. The wearer gains fire immunity, a +4
Class of rhe wielder at all rimes. FinaUy, the wielder can call enhancement bonus to Strength, a +4 deflection bonus to
upon each of the followin g powers once per day, as rhe Armor Class, and spell resistance 20. lr can use 1111nervi11g
spells cast by a 20th-level caster: nbyssnl might, boda/1 birth, cnll gaze at will as a spell-like ability, and it can use the following
11ighlmnre, cluld1 of Orcus (DC 18), summo11 monster VII, wmc/1 speU-Hke abilities three times per day: crenle u11dend1 hellfire,
(DC 18), and ivretched blight (15d8 damage, DC 23). and wnll of fire. All spell-like abilities are at 20th caster level.
The wearer can speak only lies while wearing the crown, so
The Re galia of Evil usually cl1e wearer of the crown doesn't speak
These three separare artifacts possess great power-and The Scep ter of Evil: This rod is made of iron and draped
even greater power when used together. In eons long past, in chains. A cl.ark red flame is always lir at one end, but it
before humanity was born and perhaps before the world gives off no heat. While in a character's possession, the
was forged, rhe gods of darkness and corruption worked scepter confers a +4 enhancement bonus ro Charisma. The
wie lder can use each of rhe following spell-like abilities
three rimes pe:r day: fenr (DC 19), corrupt firebnll (DC 18), red
fester (DC 18), and power leech (DC 20). All spell-Like abilities
are at 20th caster level. The owner of this device slowly
becomes more and more egotistical.
The Orb of Evil: This 6-inch-diameter orb is made of
pitted and scarred iron. Red sparks fly from the orb at the
slightest touch. The wielder can rebuke and command
undead as a 15th-level cleric can. While in a character's pos-
session, the orb confers a +4 enhancement bonus to
Wisdom. Furthermore, the orb can absorb spells as a rod of
nbsorptio11 can. The owner slowly grows greedier over rime.
The Regn/in of Evil has greater powers, called resonating
effects, if the same creature owns more than one of the
Two ltems: When a single creature possesses two items of
the Rega/in of Evil, it gains the effects of the Lich loved, Dark
Speech, Evil Brand, and Verminfriend fea ts. Save DCs 011 all
evil spells and spell-Like abilities of the creature (including
rhose from the Regal in) are increased by +2.
Three Items: When a single creature possesses all three
items of che Regn/in of Evil., it gains a +4 enhancement bonus
to Constitution, Dexterity, and Intelligence. All weapon
damage dealr by the wielder is vile damage.
A nonevil character attempting to use any of the items
that comprise the Regalin of Evil immediately takes 5d6
points of damage. Furthermore, a good-aligned character
attempting to use one of these items must succeed at a Will
saving rhrow (DC 18) or lose 2,000 XP.
he demons and devils of rhe evil-aligned Ourer
Planes are ruled by singular beings of grear power. ARCHFIENDS AND Cl ERJCS
Although similarities exisL among the demon lords and The demon lords and archdevils described in this
archdevils that rule the Abyss and the Nine Hells chapter cannot grant spells to clerics. Instead, they
respectively, there are also many differences. The arch- act as patrons for clerics who devote themselves to
fiends vary greatly in power, although each Js terrifyingly abstract sources of divine power, and they assist the
mighty by mortal standards. Some are worshiped as gods clerics of evil gods. They have worshipers who per-
by mortal cults, while others wait in tb.e shadows for an form sacrifices in their name, but {:}Jey don't run
opportune time to strike, increasing rheir own power. organized religions the way gods do.
Each of these incredibly evil beings is presented along If you want the demon lords and archdevils to
with sample followers and allies that you can use in your have organized faiths and grant spells, it's easy to
own adventures. This chapter also includes an overview do so. Chapter 6 identifies which domains each
of what the archfiends' temples and mortal servants are archfiend would be associated with (see rhe Cleric
like. Now you can pit your characters against such Domains section in the spell lists). If you have the
dreaded foes as the priests of Demogorgon or the culrists Deities and Demigods book, you can give each
of Baalzebul. Each archfiend's most powerful or unusual • demon lord and archdevil divine rank 1 and
servants are described as well If pfayer characters even- adjust their statistics accordingly. This divine
tually challenge these powerful fiends, the DM knows tank will give them maximum hit points for
what sort of beings each archdevil or demon lord sur- each Hit Die; more spell-like abilities; some
rounds itself with. Encounters with these servants can extra immunities and sensory abilities; a +1
give characters a taste of the power and corruption that bonus to Armor Class, attacks, saving throws,
rhe demon lords and archdevils wield, rather than forc- skill checks, and ability checks; and a scatter-
ing the player characters into what may be a very brief ing ofother divine abilities. In practical terms,
fight with an archfiend. Conversely, if your high-level the demon lords and archdevils are powerful
characters are itching to rake on Orcus, they'll find him a enough already that giving them a divine rank
formidable foe indeed. doesn't make a huge differ~nce.
the night hags peddle rheir wares-the larval souls of rhe
THE l OWER Pl ANES damned-co imerested natives of the Lower Planes.
The Lower Planes, also known as the evil-aligned Outer Gehenna is a fiery plane rhar is now the home of rhe
Planes or the Nether Planes, are rhe extradimensional yugoloths, alrbough many yugoloths can srill be found in
realms of evil. This is where the fiends-chaotic evil rheir original home of Hades. There are no level surfaces
demons, lawful evil devils, neutral evil yugolorhs, and here, since rhe plane is really a series of volcanoes.
other horrors-all originate. This is where the souls of rhe The Nine Hells, also called Baator by some, is home to
damned are raken ro face rormenr. These planes are where rhe devils. Ostensibly run by rhe archdevils, it is also the
rhe gods of evil dwell. abode of evil gods. The plane's nine layers are all danger-
Fie nd Types: ''Demon" is a general term for anything ous, each deeper one more deadly rban the lasr. Hell
narive to the Abyss, while "tanar'ri" is the name of a specific hounds, fiendish fire giants, undead, kyrons, and other
grouping of demons, including succubi, vrocks, hezrous, horrors roam here in well-organized bur oppressive cities
glabrezu, nalfeshnees, mariliths, balors, and others. Simi- of iron and chains. This is where the baarezu rule.
larly, "baatezu" refers ro a specific group of devils, includ- Acheron is a srrange plane of cubelike masses rhat crash
ing lemures, osyluths, barbazu, erinyes, hamatulas, cornu- rogerher. It is a place of constam war, inhabited by hordes of
gons, gelugons, and rhe massively powerful pir fiends. goblinoids as well as devils, achaierais, rakshasas, and worse.
"Devil" is a more general term used for any inhabitanr of
the Nine Hells. Finally, many neutral evil fiends call them-
selves yugoloths.
In the D&D cosmology, the Lower Planes consist of
Pandemonium, rhe Abyss, Carceri, Hades, Gehenna, the
Nine Hells, and Acheron. The River Styx joins all of these
dismal planes, as do many magic portals. The inhabirams
frequently travel from one plane ro another.
Pandemonium is more chaotic rhan evil, bordering
Limbo (rhe plane of ultimate chaos) and rhe Abyss. Howl- THE BLOOD WAR
ing winds blow forever through a maze of caverns, render- The demons and the devils have long engaged in a war for
ing virtually everyone on this plane completely mad. control of the Lower Planes. This is a battle of law versus
Howlers, rorrured spirits, and demons can all be found on chaos, and it serves as a distraction for the unaging fiends
this plane. thar live in the Lower Planes. The demons of the Abyss
The infinitely deep Abyss is the realm of both chaos and marshal armies of almost infinite size and th row them-
evil-the primary demesne of demons. Each of its infinite selves against rhe well-organized (but smaller) ranks of
layers holds a different son of inhospitable environ- the devils. Yugoloths and other crearures serve on either
ment-swamps offire, mountains of ice, crushing caverns, side as mercenaries.
and empty voids. Many demon lords control an entire The Blood War is fought on and near the river Sryx,
layer or even multiple layers. Evil gods also control their across the Field of Nettles in Hades, and even into the
own layers. Aside from the omnipresent canar'ri, bodaks, heart of the Abyss and the deepest pits of rhe Nine Hells.
bebilirhs, nightmares, undead, and the occasional night Occasionally, the conflict even spills onro the Material
hag make their homes here. Plane, endangering mortals and threatening destruction
Carceri is a plane of imprisonment. Thus, most of its on a scale virrually unknown on peaceful worlds.
inhabitants are not natives, bur crearures thar have been As vast as the scope of rhis cosmic war is, most fiends
banished to the plane. still devote most of their attention to capturing the hearts
Neither lawful nor chaotic, the Gray Waste of Hades is a and souls of mortal creatures and sowing depravity, destruc-
dismal place of apathy and despair. The plane itself drai11s tion, and all the unspeakable things rhat enrer into the mind
hope from those thar visir it. Night hags and yugoloths are of a fiend . Will the fiends ever annihilate each other? Morral
common here, bur so are demons and devils. This is where creatures will never be so lucky.


Of course, you could develop your own cosmology. You could each of them has a dark, bottomless pit in its lower reaches
take outthe "in between" planes and just have the Nine Hells, where the fiends live-devils in the plane of law and demons
the Abyss, and Hades. Or perhaps there is only one Lower in the plane of chaos.
Plane. Just called Hell, this dismal plane is home to demons Another possibility is that there are an infinite number of
and devils and all manner of fiends. In such a setup, there Hells, each more horrible than the last. Each is perhaps home
might not even be a distinction between demons and devils, so to its own archduke or prince, some leaning towa rd law and
that the words are merely synonyms. the other chaos. Or perhaps law and chaos do not even matter
Or perhaps there is a plane of law and a plane of chaos, and to creatures of such unsurpassed evil.
Sp ecial Qualities: DR 20/ +7, dual actions, fast healing Jo,
THE DEMON LORDS item master, mage armor, ousider traits, see invisibility,
Individual demons have, over rhe course of millennia, risen SR 42, summon ta1111r'ri, ranar'ri traits
from the hordes of their brethren. They gained great power Saves: Forr +31, Ref +29, Will +32
and authority, then establ.ished themselves as demon lords. Abilities: Str 28, Dex 27, Con 31, lm 31, Wis 29, Cha 30
Each has an appearance and a set of abilities unique ro him Skills: Alchemy +49, Bluff +49, Concentration +49, Craft
or her. A few demon lords have even risen above the other (stoneworking) +29, Craft (meralworking) +29,
demon lords, calling themselves demon princes. Diplomacy +57, intimidate +53, Jump +291 Knowledge
These are all self-proclaimed titles. There are no actual (arcana) +49, Knowledge (history) +49, Knowledge
qualifications; the Abyss is far roo chaotic ro develop rigid (narure) +49, Knowledge (the planes) +49, Listen +50,
standards. lt is this chaos and lack of organization and hier- Move Silently +47, Scry +49, Search +49, Sense Motive
archy chat separates the demon lords from the archdevils, +48, Spellcrafr +49, Spot +50, Swin1 +29
who have a rigid pecking order, each paying fealty ro those Feats: Alerrness, Combat ReOexes, Dark Speech, Dodge,
in more powerful positions. Experrise, Improved Disarm, Improved initiative, ll'on
Almost every demon lord controls at least one layer of the Will, Multiarrack, Power Attack
Abyss. The lords command palaces and fortresses fu ll of
lesser demons and monsters, often decorated with rortured Climate/rerrain: Any land and underground
prisoners or tormented, damned souls. Organization: Solitary, or Demogorgon plus 1- 12 mari-
The demon lords relish pain and suffering as much as liths
they lust for power. They savor corruption and destruction, Challenge Rating: 30
waging eternal wars with each other to gain dominance. for Treasure: Quadruple standard
many years, Demogorgon bas been the most powerful Alignment: Chaotic evil
demon lord, calling himself Prince of Demons. Both Orcus Advan cem ent: -
and Graz'zt contest this title, however.
Many demon lords, and all demon princes, have a scatter- The 88th layer of rhe Abyss, called rhe Brine Flats by some
ing of mortal worshipers gathered in secret cults. These and Gaping Maw by orhers, is home ro rhe dual entity
demon cultists may one day, through their sacrifices and known as Oemogorgon. Ir is a realm of salt water and rocky
devotion, elevate the lords to true godhood, a title that many prominences used as rookeries by flying demons. A swirling
of the lords have claimed at one time or another. whirlpool drains warer from the river Styx inro this Abyssal
Countless other demon lords exist beyond those described layer, making it a place ofborh deep and dark seas as well as
here, including Fraz Urblu, Kostchtchie, Baphomet, Alzrius, fetid swamps. Aboleths, krakens, and other sea monsters
Eldanoth, Lissa'aera, Lupercio, Lynkhab, Verin, and Vucarik. war in the depths, bur all bow before Demogorgon's might.
Here, Demogorgon has his terrible palace, called Abysm,
DEMOGORGON, PRINCE OF DEMONS which rises our of the inky depths. He also a maintains a
Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) fortress called Ungorrh Reddik in rhe layer's grotesque bogs.
Hit Dice: 39d8+390 (565 hp) From either of these places of dark power, Demogorgon,
Initiative: +12 lord of all that Swims in Darkness, holds the title Prince of
Sp eed : 50 ft. Demons through sheer might alone. In both physical and
AC: 47 (-2 size, +8 Dex, +9 insight, +18 natural, +4 mage magical terms, there are few on any plane that could chal-
armor), rouch 25, flat-footed 39 lenge Demogorgon and win.
Attacks: 2 tentacles +46 melee and 2 bires +44 melee and But that does not mean his tide is uncontested. Demo-
rail slap +44 melee gorgon continually wars with both Orcus and Graz'zr, the
Damage: Tentacle td6+9 plus rot, bite 1d8+4, tail slap other two mightiest of the demon princes. Their armies of
1d6+4 plus energy drain undead and demons war with Demogorgon's forces, made
Face/Reach: 5 fr. by 10 ft./ 15 fr., 20 ft. wirh tentacles up mosrly of hezrous, aboleths, scrags, skum, and various
Special Attacks: Energy drain, gaze attacks, rot, spelJ-like ichythoid beasts.
abilities The portion of the palace of Abysm rhar lies above water
rakes the form of two serpentine rowers, each crowned by
skull-shaped minarets. There, Oemogorgon labors with
arcane skill, attempting to procure secrets ancient even by
Many of the demon lords and archdevils have damage reduc-
his eternal reckoning. The bulk of rhis palace extends deep
tion of 15/+6 or 20/+7. Nonartifact weapons cannot overcome
underwater, in chill and darkened caverns that have never
this damage reduction, but high-level characters wielding +5
seen a flicker of light. In Ungorrh Reddik, Demogorgon
greatswords can certainly deal more than 15 or 20 points of
damage. keeps his armies and lieutenants, as well as his fiendish cre-
Because they have such high damage reduction, archfiends' ations. The fortress is filled wirh retrievers, golems, and evil
natural weapons can overcome the damage reduction of lesser constructs not seen elsewhere on the planes.
beings and the stoneskin spell with ease. Demogorgon is 18 feet call and biza1Te in appearance even
by demonic standards. He has two heads, each like thar of a
hyena. His body is long and serpenrine, covered in dark, Hetliradiah's Imanity Gaze: The insanity gaze attack of
blue-green scales. His necks are long and snaky. Rarher rban Hethradiah, Demogorgon's right head, is equivalent to an
arms, Demogorgon has two long, sinuous tendrils not 1nsa111ty spell (Will DC 39 negates) with a range of30 feet. lf
unlike the rentacles of an ocropus. His legs are lean and the demon prince chooses not to use his hypnosis gaze abil-
muscular, and his long rail is forked. ity, he may use this and his beguiling gaze attack at the same
Demogorgon's symbol is a serpentine forked tail, usually time, or this gaze attack and a spell-like ability. Either way,
wrapped around something such as a sword or a skull. Demogorgon can use gaze attacks and make physical attacks
as part of a single action.
Hypnom Gaze: IfDemogorgon locks the gazes ofborh
Demogorgon disdains direct confrontation. He heads upon a single target within 100 feet, that crearure
would rarher employ servants or lieurenants, is affected as though by a hypnotism spell. Only a
of which he has many. Powerful balors and target wirh 15 Hit Dice or more is allowed a
hezrous twice the size seen elsewhere serve Will saving throw (DC 39) to resist the effect.
the Prince of Demons as impor- Demogorgon can make physical attacks while
tant enforcers, bodyguards, using this gaze attack, ~ t he cannot activare spell-
and assassins. If Demo- like abilities.
gorgon muse fighr, he Rot (Su ): Any Jiving creature couched4by Demogor-
leads wirh his srrengrh, gon's tentacles must succeed at a fortitude save
using two gaze arracks in (DC 39), or its fl~sh and bones begin ro rot.
conjunction with his terrible The creature rakes 1d6 points of
rotting tentacles (saving the hypno- Constitution damage immedi-
sis gaze for when he fights large numbers of ately and 1. point of Constitution
weak foes). He ofren goes into combat with damage every hour rhereafrer
these abilities active: fly, tongues, unholy aura (+4 until i t dies or a remove disease
additional bonus to AC, +4 bonus on spell is casr. The spell scops furrber
saves), and dettct. thoughts. damage, but lost points return

Energy Drain (Su ): Any only with natural healing and
living creature hit by Demo- cannot be restored
gorgon's tail slap artack gains wirh magic.
1d4 negative levels. F~r each Sp e ll -Li k e
negative level bestowed, Abilities: Ar will-
Demogorgon heals 5 ppints
of damage. If the amount of
healing is more than the contagion,
damage he has taken. he gains 1/:_ deeper dark-
any excess as .temporary hit -~ · ·· i1ess, desecrate, detect
points. If the negadve level has nor ' . good, detect law, detect
been removed (wirh a spell ·t/10ugl1 ts, fear, fly,greater dis-
such as restoration) hefote . pej/ing, pox, i•ead magic, sug-
24 hours have passed, the gestion, telekinesis, 1eleport ~litho·ut erroi·,.tongues (self
afflicted opponent only), unlrnllow, unholy aum," 11nholy blight, U(ail of ice, wither
musr succeed l,mb, and water breathing; 1/ day-befoul, symbol (any), mi11d-
at a Forrirude - ''- '-_. rape1slrnpechange. Caster level 20th; save DC 20 + spell level.
save (DC 39) Dual Action s (Ex): Demogorgon, havlng two heads with
ro remove ir. distinct intelligences and personalities, can take rwo rounds'
Failure means the opponent's level (or Hit Dice) is reduced worth of actions in any given round, as if he were two crea-
by one. tures. Thus, he can use a full attack action and a double
Gaze Attacks (Su): Each of Demogorgon's heads has its move; two fuJJ attack actions and rwo 5-foot steps; a full
own gaze arrack, and rhe demon can use a third gaze attack attack action, a move action and a spell-like ability; two
involving both heads ar rbe same time. spell-like abilities and two move actions; and so on.
Aameul's Begu1lfr1g Gaze: The beguiling gaze attack of Fast Healing (Ex): Demogorgon regains lose hit points
Aameul, Demogorgon's left head, is the equivalent of a at the rate of t O per round. Fasr healing does not restore hit
charm monster spell (Will DC 39 negates) with a range of 60 points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it
feet. If the demon prince chooses not to use bis hypnosis does nor allow Demogorgon to regrow or reattach lost
gaze, he may use this attack and bis insanity gaze attack ar body parrs.
the same time, or this gaze attack and a spell-like ability. Item Mas ter (Ex): Although not an actual spellcaster,
Either way, Demogorgon can use gaze attacks and make Demogorgon can use any magic item, even spell completion
physical attacks as part of a single action. items such as wands and scrolls. He can also create any item
or consrrucr as though he had the necessary feats and pre- ignorant of his existence. A slim few have heard his name in
requisite spells or other requirements. whispers and nothing more. Only scholars, arcanists, and
Mage Armor (Su): Demogorgon is constantly sur- those with a particular interest in demonkind know who
rounded by an aura of force that provides armor protection, and what he is.
identical to a mage armor spell that cannot be dispelled. Demogorgon craves blood and souls. His cultists offer up
Outsider Traits: Demogorgon has darkvision (60-foot sacrifices in his name on black aJrars before double-headed
range). He cannot be raised or resurrected. idols. His followers often control the societies they live in,
See Invisibility (Su): Invisible creatures and objects are evil theocracies that rule by terror and violence.
always visible co Demogorgon, as if he always had the see The priests of the Prince of Demons are thus often rulers
invisibility spell active. as well. The clerics allied with Demogorgon are madmen,
Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day Demogorgon can masochists, and psychopaths- completely unfit for lead-
automatically summon 1ds vrocks, 1.d6 h ezrous, td4 ersbip, but often in charge nonetheless. However, Demo-
glabrezu, 1d3 nalfeshnees, 1 marilirh, or 1 balor. gorgon's fell priests are not as interested in political power
Tanar'ri Traits: Demogorgon can communicate telepath- and conquest as they are in using their resources ro serve
ically with any creature within 100 feet char has a language. their master.
He is immune to electricity and poison, and he has acid Demogorgon's high priests wear writhing, snaky head-
resistance 20, cold resistance 20, and fire resistance 20. dresses and black robes with hoods. Clerics affiliated with
Demogorgon have access to the Evil, Demonic, and Corrup-
The Goals of Demogorgon tion domains.
Inside the Prince of Demons rages a secret war for control of Cultists: Offered here as examples are three cultists.
himself. Demogorgon has rwo heads and therefore two Erath is a typical priest of Demogorgon who leads a small
minds, and each one seeks domination of the other. Even cult of worshipers in a human town, harboring a secret
chose creatures familiar with the demon prince are unaware library of forbidden secrets and stolen books. Erarh's main
of Demogorgon's eternal, internal conflict. goal is to increase the size of this library, amassing forbidden
Aameul, one of Demogorgon's personas, seeks to pan knowledge in Demogorgon's name.
with his sibling person a, called Hechradiah. Aameul and S'ruurr leads a large community of eviJ lizardfolk who all
Hethradiah are each unable to control the other, because pay fealty to Demogorgon, Prince of Demons. Those that
each is in truth an aspect of the other. Nor could one slay the challenge her end up as sacrifices on Demogorgon's altar of
other withottC also perishing. Still, Aameul seeks a way to be skulls and scales.
free of- and eventually usurp-his ocher half, for selfish- Qill is a psychopath, a rapist, and a necrophiliac who
ness and jealousy in a demon know no bounds. Hcchradiah roams the streets of civilized communities, finding lone vic-
is coo concerned with chc effect such a separation would tims for his attacks. Occasionally, he attempts to subdue his
have on all his dread accomplishments co seriously consider victims so that they can be sacrificed ro Demogorgon. Other
the notion of living alone. times, he uses his superb archery prowess ro kill from a dis-
Dcmogorgon has kept his rwo heads together so far. He tance and then flees, laughing maniacally, before anyone
does nor want ro jeopardize rhe position and power char can tell where the fatal arrows came from. His two methods
he- char they-have accained. By most definitions, this of killing derive from the rwo different personalities that
internal conflict would be described as insanity, but rhat arose from his insanity.
would be applying inappropriate mortal standards ro one to
whom such standards can never apply. ~ Erath: Female tiefling Clr 8; CR 8; Medium-size outsider;
Demogorgon's war with Orcus and Graz'zc has been HD 8d8+8; hp 50; Inic +2; Spd 30 fr.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-
epic in scope. Vast armies clash in the Abyss- resources footed 16; Ark +11/+6 melee (1d4+4/ 19-20, masterwork
thar could have been spent in the Blood War are instead dagger), or +9/ +4 ranged (td4+4/ 19-20, masterwork dagger);
wasted in a conflict rhar has no victor. However, Orcus SA rebuke undead 5/ day; SQ cold resistance 5, darkness,
disappeared for a time, apparencly slain. During that e lectriciry resistance 5, fire .resistance 5, outsider rrairs; AL
rime, Demogorgon's power and influence grew in the CE; SV Forr +9, Ref +6, Will +12; Str 18, Dex 14, Con 13, Int
vacuum left behind, while Graz'zc, who also disappeared 14, Wis 19, Cha 14.
for a rime (summoned and captured by the archmage Skills and Feats: Bluff +4, Concentration +9, Craft (wood-
Zagyg), suffered. working) +11, Disguise +3, Hide +3, Scry +1 l , Spellcraft +10;
Demogorgon is a creative and innovative creature. He Endurance, Scribe Scroll, Thrall ro Demon.
invented such foul things as the first retrievers, and he has Darkness (Sp): Erath can use darkness once per day. Caster
countless mtlque creanires ac his beck and call. level 8th.
Outsider Traits: Erath has darkvision (60-foot range).
The Cult of Demogorgon She cannot be raised or resurrected.
The worshipers of Demogorgon are more likely ro be scaly Spells Prepared (6/ 6/ 5/ 5/ 4; save DC 14 + spell level): 0-
things that hide from the light than humans or members of detect mngic, gwdnnce, no light, preserve organ, read magic, resist-
other civilized races. Despite Demogorgon's stature in the ance; 1st-cause fear, command, demonflesli\ divine favo1; doom,
Abyss, che vast majority of the Material Plane is blissfully shield of fnith; 2nd- bull's strength, darkbolt, demoncall",
endurance, silence; 3rd-animate dead, Circle of 11a11sea, conta- half-elf traits, reaching touch, scaly flesh +4, summon
gion", deeper darkness, dispel magic; 4th-cure critical wounds, demon, traps, two personas, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to
divine powe1·, moml1ty undone", poison. AC); AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +9; Str t2, Dex 15,
"Domain spell. Doma111s: Corruption (ignore hardness Con 10, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 5.
1/day), Demonic (+1 on arrack and damage when unarmed). Skills and Feats: Balance +9, .Bluff +7, Climb +9, Concen-
Possessions: +1 cl1e1111 shirt, nng of protecl1011 +1, cloak of remt- tration+ 12, Craft (bow making)+ 12, Diplomacy +9, Disable
ance +2, six masterwork daggers, scroll of vile lance, 2 pot1om Device + 11 , Disguise +4, Escape Artist +9, forgery + 11 ,
of cure nroderate wounds, 2 potions of levitate, 2 potions of protec- Intimidate +18, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (his-
tion from elements (fire), evil spell components (demon heart tory) +5, Know ledge (religion ) +15, Listen +6, Move
and elf finger). Silently +3, Search +4, Sense Motive +12, Spot +20, Swim
+19; Deformiry (face), Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shor,
-, s•ruurr: Female lizard folk C lr 5/ Ftr 1/Thrall of Demo- Precise Shor, Rapid Shor, Shor On The Run, Thrall to
gorgon 3; CR 10; Medium-size humanoid (aquatic, reptil- Demon, Weapon Focus (longbow), Willing Deformity.
ian); HD 2d8-2 plus 5d8-5 plus 1d10- 1 plus 3d8- 3; hp 36; Death Touch (Sp}: Qill can produce an effect identical co
Init +3; Spd 30 fr.; AC 28, rouch 9, flat-footed 28; Ark +J I thar of a slay living spell (Fort DC 17 negates) once per day.
melee (1d4+3, 2 claws) and +6 melee (1d4+2, bite), or +12/ +7 Hypnosis (Sp ): Once per day, Qill can use hypnotism as a
melee (td6+3/ X3, +1 halfspenr) and +6 melee (1d4+2, bite), or gaze arrack with a range of 30 feer (Will DC 17 negates).
+9/+4 ranged (td6+3/ X3, +1 hnlfspear); SA hypnom, rebuke Rotting Tou,~ (Sp}: Three rimes per day, Qill can deal td6
undead 5/ day, touch of fear; SQ reaching couch, scaly flesh points of Constitution damage as a touch arrack.
+1; AL CE; SV Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +8; Str 15, Dex 8, Con 9, Touch of Fear (Sp}: Three times per day, Qill can use cause
Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 15. fear (Will DC '.17 negates).
Skills and feats: Balance - 3, Concentration +5 , Escape Demogorgon's Will (Sp): Qill can call upon rhe power of
Artist -5, Heal +5, Intimidate +61 Jump +3, Knowledge his master and be granted a limited wish effect once per day.
(arcana) +2, Knowledge (local) +2, Knowledge (religion) The use of 1hjs ability requires 3 full rounds devoted to
+7, Spot +4, Swim +10; Deformity (gaunt), Improved initia- enrrearies and prayers to Demogorgon before the limited
tive, Thrall to Demon, Weapon Focus (halfspear), Willing wish is granted.
Deformiry. Dual Actions (Su): Twice per day, Qill can take two full
Hypnosis (Sp): Once per day, S'ruurr can use hypnotism rounds' worth of actions in the same round.
as a gaze attack wirh a range of 30 feet (WiU DC LS negates). Evasion (Ex); If exposed ro any effect that normally
Touch of Fear (Sp): Three times per day, S'ruurr can use allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half
cnme fear (Will DC 15 negates). damage, Qill rakes no damage with a successful saving
Reaching Touch (Su): Three times per day, S'ruurr can throw.
cause her arms to stretch unnaturally, like tentacles, giving Half-ElfTraits: Qill is immune to magic sleep spells and
her a reach of 10 feet for 1 round. effects, and he has a +2 racial bonus on saves against
Scaly Flesh (Ex): S'ruurr has dark scaly flesh, which Enchanrmenr speJls or effects. He has low-light vision (can
confers a +1 natural armor bonus (already figured into the see twice as far as a human in low-light conditions}. Qill
statistics above). also has a +'L racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search
Spells Prepared (5/ 5/ 5/ 4; save DC 13 + spell level): 0- checks (already figured into the statistics given above).
crente water, detect magic, no light, preserve organ, rend mngrc; Reaching Tou ch (Su ): Three times per day, Qill can
1 sc-bless, connnand, d1v1ne favor, protection from good", shield cause his arms to stretch unnaturally, like tentacles, giving
of faith; 2nd-bull's stre11gth, dnrkbolt, demoncnll", endura11ce, him a reach of 10 feet for L round.
inflict modernte wo1111ds; 3rd- bestow curse, demon wings'", Scaly Flesh (Ex): QiU has dark scaly flesh, which gives
inflict serious wounds, magic vestment. him a +4 natural armor bonus.
"Domain spell. Domains: Demonic (+1 on attack and dam- Summon Demon (Sp): QjU can summon a demon of 5 HD
age with natural attacks and unarmed strikes), Evil (+1 caster or less once per day, and a demon of 10 HD or less, also
level for evil spells). once per day. This ability functions as a mmmon nro11ster
Possessions: +2 full plate, +1 hnlfspenr, +J large steel shield, spell (caster level 15th).
potion of invisibility, scroll of neutralize poiso11 and commune, Two Personas (Ex): Qill has a multiple personality dis-
evil spell components ( preserved human heart and rwo order that allows him to multiclass with no experience
human brains). point penalties.
Spells Prepared (3/ 3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0-detect
~ Qill; Male half-elf Rog 5/ Clr !/Thrall of Demogorgon magrc, no light, preserve organ; lsr-cure light 1vo1111ds, d1v111e
10; CR 16; Medium-size humanoid; HD 5d6 plus Ld8 plus favor, protectio,-1from le1111" .
10d8; hp 69; Inir +2; Spd 30 fr.; AC 22, touch 12, flar-foored "Domain spell. Dome1i11s: Chaos (+1 caster level for chaos
22; Ark +15/+10/ +5 melee (td8+2/ 19-20, +1 lo11gsword)1 or spells), Demonic (+1 on attack and damage wi.rh natural
+20/+15/ +10 ranged (1d8+4/ X3, +2 lo11gbow with +2 arrows); attacks and unarmed strikes).
SA death touc/1, hyp11osis, rotting touch, sneak arrack +3d6, Possessions: +4 lcather armor, +l longsword, +2 /011gbow, 20 +2
touch of fear; SQ Demogorgon's wrll, dual actions, evasion, arrows.
The Servants of Demagargan See Invisibility (Su): Severik continuously produces a
Severik is a balor fighter that commands a cad re of rwelve see invisibility effect (casrer level 20th ), as the spell.
marilith blackguards in Demogorgon's name. Each of these Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day, Severik can auto-
demons is granted a retriever co use as a moun t or compan- matically summon 4d10 d retches, td4 hezrous, l nalfesh-
ion. The mariliths are infamous for their use of the nee, 1 gla brezu, 1 marilirh, or 1 balor.
Quicken Spell-Like Ability feat applied to rheir tclepod Tanar'ri Traits: Severik can communicare telepathically
without error ability. with any creature within 100 feet that has a language. He is
immune to electricity and poison, and he has acid resist-
-, s everik: Male balor ftr 10; CR 28; Large outsider ance 20, cold resistance 20, and fire resistance 20.
(chaotic, evil); HD 13d8+65 plus l0d I 0+50; hp 196; !nit +6; Skills: Severik receives a +8 racia l bonus on Listen and
Spd 40 fr. , fly 90 fr. (good); AC 42, touch 10, flat-footed 41; Spot checks.
Ark +28/+23/+t8/+13 melee (2d6+10/ 19-20, +1 unholy var- Possessions: + I 1111holy vorpal gre11tst11ord , +4 ghost touch full
pal gre11 tsword) and +27 melee (td4+5, whip), or +28 melee plate nnnor, whip.
( td6+7, 2 slams); Face/Reach 5 ft. by 5 ft./ 10 fr.; SA entan-
gle, fear, spell-like abilities; SQ body flames, death throes, -,Mari lith Blackguards (1 2): Marilith Blk 10; CR 27;
detect magic, DR 30/+3, outsider traits, see invisibility, Large outsider (chaotic, evil); HD 9d8+45 plus t0d 10+50; hp
SR 30, rnmmon tanar'n, ranar'ri traits; AL CE; SV fort +19, 190; Inir +2; Spd 40; AC 35, couch 11 , flat-footed 33; Ark
Ref +13, Will +16; Str 25, Dex LS, Con 2J, lnt 20, Wis 20, +25/+20/+15/+10 melee (1d8+7 / 19-20, +2 unholy stmigth
Cha 18. s11ppi11g longsword) and +25 melee (1d8+4/ 19-20, 2 +2 unholy
Skill sand Fen ts: Appraise +10, Bluff +17, Concenrration + 18, sfrength s11pping lo11gs1vords) and +25 melee (1d8+4/X3, 3 +2
Craft (weaponsmirhing) +15, Diplomacy +17, Hide +16, 11nholy bloodfccding b11ttlcaxes) and +21 melee (4d6+2, rail
Intimidate +6, Knowledge (the planes) +18, Listen +31 , slam); face/Reach 5 fr. by 5 fr./10 ft.; SA command undead
Move Silently +11, Scry +2 1, Search +25, Sense Motive +25, 7/day, constrict 4d6+7, improved grab, poison use, sm ite
Spellcrafr +2 l , Spot +32; Ambidexterity, Boost Spell Resis- good 1/ day, sneak arrack +3d6, spell-like abilities; SQaura of
tance, Boost Spell-Like Ability, C leave, Dodge, Exotic despair, dark blessing, DR 20/+2, enhanced mulriweapon
Weapon Proficiency (whip), Expertise, lmproved lnitia- fighting, outsider traits, SR 25, summon tanar'ri, ranar'ri
rive, Power Arrack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon focus traits; AL CE; SV Fort +22, Ref +15, Will +17; Str 21, Dex 15,
(greatsword), Weapon Focus (whip), Weapon Specializa- Con 21, lnt 18, Wis 18, Cha 18.
tion (greatsword), Weapon Specialization (whip). Skills 1111d Feats: Bluff +19, Concenrration +15, Diplomacy +8,
Entangle (Ex): Severik's whip entangles foes much like Hide +14, Intimidate +6, .Knowledge (religion) +6, Listen +24,
an arrack with a net. The whip has a maximum range of 40 Move Silently +11, Scry +14, Search +19, Sense Motive +19,
feet, a range increment of 10 feet, and 20 hit points. If the Spellcraft +19, Spot +25, Cleave, Expertise, Mulriattack,
whip hits, Severik must immediately make an opposed Multidexterity, Mulriweapon Fighting, Power Attack,
Strength check against the target. If Severik wins, he drags Quicken Spell-like Ability, Sunder.
the target against his flaming body (see Body Flames, Command Undead (Su ): Each of these marilirh black-
below). The target remains anchored against Severik's body guards can command or rebuke undead as an 8th-level
until it escapes rhe whip. cleric.
Fear (Su): A creature hit by Severik's slam attack must Constrict (Ex): With a successful grapple check, a mar-
succeed at a Will save (DC 20) or fle e in terror for 1d6 ilith can crush a grabbed opponent, dealing 4d6+7 poin ts
rounds. of bludgeoning damage. The constricted creature must
Spell-Like Abilities: Ar will-blasphemy, deeper d11rk11ess, succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18) or lose consciousness
desecrn tc, detcc1 good, defect low, fenr, gre11ter dispelling, pyrotech- for at long as it remains in the marilith's coils and for 2d4
nics, read magic, rnggeslion, symbol (any), telekinesis, telcport rounds thereafter.
ivithout enor (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), tongues Improved Grab (Ex): If a marilirh hits a Medium-size
(self only), unhallow, unholy 11urn, m1holy bligl1t, wall of fi re; or smaller opponent with a rail slam attack, it deals normal
1/ day-fire st.orm, i111plosion. Caster level 20th; save DC 14 + damage and attempts ro s tart a grapple as a free action
spell level, or 16 + spell level for a boosted spell-like ability. without provoking an arrack of opportun ity (grapple
Body Flames (Su): Severik can wreathe h is body in bonus +28). If it hits with the rail slam, it can also constrict
roaring flames as a free action. He suffers no harm, but in the same round. The marilith has the option to conduct
anyone grappling with him rakes 4d6 points offire damage the grapple normally, or simply use its rail to hold rhe
per round. opponent (-20 penalty on grapple check, bur the marilirh
Death Throes (Ex): When killed, Severik explodes in a is not considered grappled). In either case, each successful
blinding flash of light rhat deals 50 points of damage to grapple check it makes during successive rounds automat-
everything within LOO feet (Reflex DC 20 half). ically deals tail slam and constrict damage.
D e tect M agic (Su ): Severik continuously produces a Poison Use: A marilirh b lackguard never risks acciden-
detect magic effect (caster level 20th) as rhe spell. tally poisoning itself whe n applying poison to a blade.
Outsider Traits : Severik has darkvision (60-foot range). Smite Good (Su): Once per day, each of these mariliths
He can not be raised or resurrected. may attempt ro smite a good creature with one normal
melee attack, adding +4 co the attack roll and +10 to damage Abilities: Str 26, Dex 30, Con 28, Int 35, Wis 22, Cha 39
if the attack succeeds. Skills: Balance +49, Bluff +50, Climb +25, Concentration
Spe ll-Like Abilities: Ar will-animnle dcnd, bestow +45, Diplomacy +58, Disguise +50, Forgery +48, Gather
curse, chaos hammer, clo11dfaill, comprehend languages, dnrhness, Information +50, Hide +41, Intimidate +54, Jump +11,
desecrate, detect good, detect !nw, detect magic, 111flicl serious Knowledge (arcam) +48, Knowledge (history) +30,
wounds, magic circle against good (self only), rrragrc weapon, Knowledge (religion) +30, Knowledge (the planes) +48,
project image, po!ymorpl, self, pyrotechnics, see i11v1sibillfy, slrnl- Listen +42, Move Silently +45, Scry +48, Search +48,
ter, telehines'is, teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of Sense Motive +42, SpeUcrafr +30, Spor +42, Tumble +45
objects only), unholy aura, uni10!y bligl,t. Caster level 13th; Feats: Cleave, Dark Speech, Dodge, Empower Spell-Like
save DC 14 + spell level. Ability, Expertise, Improved Critical (grearsword),
Aura of Despair (Su ): Each enemy within 10 feet of a lmproved Initiative, Power Attack, Vile Martial Srrike
marilith blackguard rakes a -2 morale penalry on all saving (grearsword), Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Dark Blessing : A marilirh b lackguard applies its Climate/Terrain: A11y land and underground
Charisma bonus to all saving throws. (This modifier is Organization: Graz'zt plus 6 lamias, succubi, or marilirhs
already figured into rhe statistics given above.) Challenge Rating: 24
Enhan ced Multiw eapon Fighting (Ex): This ability Treasure: Quadruple standard
lessens the penalty for off-hand weapon use by 2 for both Alignment: Chaotic evil
primary and off hands. Combined with the Multidexteriry Advancem ent: -
and Multiweapon Fighting feats, this ability effectively
negates all attack penalites for using one or more light off- One of the most powerful demons in all rhe Abyss, Graz'zt is
hand weapons. lord of three layers of rhar p lane. He is a rail, darkly hand-
Outs ider Traits: A marilith blackguard has darkvision some demon with shiny black skin a11d green, glowing eyes.
(60-foot range). Ir cannot be raised or resurrected. Graz'zr dresses in regal finery, bur his slighrly pointed ears
Sum mon Tanar'ri (Sp ): Once per day a marilith black- a11d yellow fangs mark him for rhe demon he is. Most strik-
guard can attempt to summon 4d10 dretches, Ld4 hezrous, ing of all are his digits: He has six ebony fingers on each
or 1 nalfeshnee with a 50% chance of success, or 1 glabrezu hand and six roes on each foot.
or another marilith with a 20% chance of success. Tales are cold among common folk rhat a dark-skinned
Tanar'ri Traits: A marilith blackguard can commu11i- fiend sometimes visits witches and sorcerers, granting
care telepathically with any creature within 100 feet rhat rhem both sexual favors and magical powers. Craz'zt is the
has a Language. It is immune co electricity and poison, and truth of that legend. A deeply sexual, erotic being, the Dark
it has acid resistance 20, cold resistance 20, and fire resist- Prince never goes anywhere without a retinue of female
ance 20. monsters- usually lamias, succubi, or marilichs. He is dan-
Skills: A marilith blackguard receives a +8 racial bonus gerously charming and seductive, and he speaks with such
on Listen and Spot checks. eloquence and grandeur that one might rhi.nk him a devil,
Spells Prepared (3/3/3/2; save DC 14 + spell level): lsr- not a demon.
cure light wounds, doom (2); 2nd-bull's strength, wre moderate Graz'zt has long been in a scare of war with both Demo-
wormds (2); 3rd-abyssal m1gl1t, dernon wfr1gs, masochmn; gorgon ru1d Orcus. At one point he had the upper hand in
4th-freedom of movement, vile lance. this conflict, but he was suddenly summoned to rhe Marer-
Possessions: +1 breastplate, 3 +2 unholy strength sappmg long- iaJ Plane by Zagyg, rhe mad archmage. There, he was impris-
swords, 3 +2 unholy bloodfeeding batt!ea,Yes. oned and subjugated unriJ he was able ro win his freedom at
the cost of being imprisoned on his own plane for a time. No
GRAZ'ZT, THE DARK PRINCE one knows ifhe is srill under the restriction or nor-and he
Large Outsider (Ch aotic, Evil) is certainly nor telling.
Hit Dice: 36d8+324 (486 hp) Graz'zt's symbol is a black, six-fingered hand.
Initiative: +l4
Speed: 40ft. Combat
AC: 43 (-1 size, +'LO Dex, +6 insight, +13 natural, +5 shield), Graz'zt has a vase repertoire of spell-like abilities-so vase
couch 25, flat-footed 33 thar many assume thar he is in fact a sorcerer or a wizard.
Attacks: +5 acidic burst greatsword +48/+43/+38/+33 melee He does nor hesitate to use his spell-like abilities, and he
Damage: +5 nc1dic burst greatsword 2d6+13/17-20 plus 2d6 consorts with many evil wizards. However, he is just as
acid plus 1 vile deadly in melee with his acidic sword and rhus does not
Face/ Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft/to ft. shrink from close combat, either. He often goes into
Special Attacks: Fear, spell-like abilities combat wirh these abilities active: l'ongues, unholy aura (+4
Special Qualities: DR 15/+6, fast healing 5, item master, additional bon us ro AC, +4 bonus on saves), and detect
outsider rrairs, see invisibility, SR 38, summon tannr'ri, thoughts.
tanar'ri traits Fear (Su): With a sneer and a word (free action), Graz'zt
Saves: Fort +29, Ref +30, Will +26 can invoke a fear effect (Will DC 42 negates) at wilL
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-blasphemy, chann monster, The Dark Prince pays a great deal of attention (through
danrning darkness, darkboll, deeper darkness, demand, desecrate, spies, mostly) to what goes on in the mortal realm. He is
detect good, detect l11w, detect thoughts, discern location, eyebite, fond of trading favors wirh mortals, giving aid or informa-
rnsnnity, Gmz'zt's long grasp, greater dispelling, 11111g1c missile, tion now for services to be demanded later.
mass charm, n11rror image, suggest1011, telel1111esis, teleport with-
out error, tongues (self only), unhallow, unholy 1111m, 1mholy The Cult of Graz'zt
blight, wall of rron, w11ter bre11thing, wret.ched blight; 2/day- The cu It of Craz'zt is small, except among certain monstrous
dominate person, volymo1·ph other, polymorvh 11ny object; races such as lamias, where his cultists are widespread and
1/day-disintegrnte, trap the soul, shapechange, veil. Caster powerful. Most priests of Graz'zr, also known as the Chosen,
level 20th; save DC 24 + spell level. are female, and the highesr-ran.king cleric in a temple is
Fast Healing (Ex): Graz'zt regains always female.
lost hit points at the rate of 3 per Craz'zt enjoys blood sacrifices made in his name, and
round. Fast healing does 1101 restore sexual tites are important in services dedicated to him as
hir points lost from starvation, we ll. His temples are dark, secluded places
thirst, or suffocation, and it does not where orgies are common. Some section of the
allow Graz'zr to regrow or reattach temple is ofren shrouded i11 magical darkness.
lost body parts. From there, clerics use create tmdead on sacrifi-
Item Master (Ex): Although not an cial victims to bring forth shadows chat
actual speLlcaster, Graz'zt can use any guard the temple.
magic item, even spell completion > Clerics affiliated with Graz'zt
items such as wands and scrolls. generally have access to the
Unlike Demogorgon, he does not Demonic, Evi l, and Dark-
create items. ness domains. They tend co
Out sider Traits: Graz'zt has dark- wear black clothing and
vision (60-foot range). He cannot be favor si lver jewelry. Most
raised or resurrected. carry a wavy blade of some sort.
See Invisibility (Su ): Invisible crea- Cultist s: Anastasia runs a secret
tures and objects are always visible to sect ofclerics and wizards that operates
Graz'zt, as if he were constantly under a in the cellar of a tavern owned by one
see 1nv1s1bility effect. of the wizards. The townsfolk believe
Summon Tanar'ri {Sp ): Once per day the re is a coven of witches in the
Graz'zt can automatically summon area, but they do not know any
1d2+1 glabrezu or 1d2 balors. more than that. lsha-Denarthun,
Tan ar'ri Traits: Graz'zt can commu- on the other hand, is the head of
nicate telepathically with any creanire a large temple in the desert
within 100 feet that has a language. He flanked by huge statues of
is immune to electricity and poison, and Graz'zr. More than sixty lamias
he has acid resistance 20, cold resistance serve Graz'zt there, guarding and
20, and fire resistance 20. tending the building, as well as par-
Possessions: Graz'zt wields a wavy- ticipating in the evil rites char occur
bladed +5 ac,dic b11rst greatsword and a +3 there. In the temple, called the
demonmight warded large steel shield. Home of Darkness, Isha-Denar-
rhun oversees numerous living
The Goals of Graz'zt sacrifices, in which the
Graz'zt is bent on the victims are killed in a
conquest of the Abyss. huge vat of acid in an
despises char Demogorgon is called the area of permanent dark-
Prince of Demons-he covets that title more ness. Besmal serves as a go-
than anything else. Graz'zt controls Azzagrat, a realm that berween for Anastasia's coven and
extends over three layers of the Abyss. Spanning all three the Home of Darkness. Isha-Denarthun is wiUing to work
layers is rhe city of Zelatar. Within the city Iies the Argent with humanoids that serve her dark lord, and she is even
Palace, Graz'zt's personal home composed of sixty-six ivory willing to send them some magical aid (in the form of items
towers. From his palace, Graz'zt schemes, developing intri- created in the temple by the lamias) in exchange for sacrifi-
cate plots to defeat his enemies and gain more power. cial victims.
Graz'zr loves seduction and guile. Although he is not
afraid of war, he would rarher crick and charm his oppo- ~ Anastasia, Ch osen: Female human Cir 7; CR 7; Medium-
nents than bear them in battle. He enjoys rhe notion chat he size humanoid; HD 7d8+14; hp 44; Init +2; Spd 20 fr.; AC 17,
is the most intelligent, cunning creature in the Abyss. touch 12, flat-footed 15; Atk +7 melee (1ds+1, masterwork
heavy mace); SA rebuke undead 7/day; Al CE; SV Fort +7, +11, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +11, Spot +8; Brew Potion,
Ref +61 Will +8; Ser 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 17, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration, Thrall to
Cha 11. Demon, Violate Spell.
Skills n11d Feats: Craft (painting) +7, Heal +9, Knowledge Charm (Sp): Besmal can use drnm1 perso11 once per day
(religion) +7, Spellcraft +t0; Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, (Will DC 16 negates).
Extra Turning, Lighmi ng Reflexes, Thrall to Demon. Dark Charisma (Su): Besmal can add +2 to her Charisma
Spells Prepared (6/6/5/4/2; save DC 13 + speU level): 0- modifier as an enhancement bonus. However, the bonus
ueate wnler, detect mng1c (2), guidance, rend magic, resistance; gained on Animal Empathy, Diplomacy, Bluff, Gather
1st-bless, rnre Iighl wo1111ds1 darlw1s1011", denll11vnlch , mng1c Information, Handle Animal, and Perform checks is
weapon, sa11ctunry; 2nd-dnrkbolt", dnrkness, e11durn11cc1 hold applicable only when dealing with evil creatures.
peno111 spmt11nl weapon; 3rd-bestoiv wrse, deepe1· darkness" Sp ell Betray al (Su ): When casting a damage-dealing
(2), magic vestme11t; 4th-damning dnrlrncss, 1111holy bl1ghf". spell at any numbe r of targets that are denied their Dexter-
" Domain spell. D011rn111s: Darkness ( Blind-Fight as a ity bonuses, Besmal can increase the amount of damage
bonus fear), Evil (+1 caster level for evil spells). dealt by +3d6 points.
Possessions: masterwork breastplate, masterwork heavy Sp ells trike (Su): If Besmal casts a damaging spell upon
mace, perrnpt of wisdom +2, scroll of b/111dness, dnmning dnrlt- one or more targets threatened in melee (and thus dis-
11ess and rleepe1· darkness. tracted), she can add +1d6 points of damage to the spell.
Summon Demon {Sp ): Besmal can summon a demon of 5
~ Isha-Denarthun, Ch osen: Female larnia Clr 6; CR 12; HD or less, once per day. This functions as a summon mon-
Mediun.1-size magical beast; HD 9d 10+9 plus 6d8+6; hp 90; ster spell (caster level 15th).
lnir +2; Spd 60 fr.; AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15; Atk +13 Spells K11ow11 (6/8/7/7/6/4; save DC 15 + spell level): 0-
melee touch (Wisdom drain, touch), or +16/+11/+6 melee dnnc111g lights, dnze, detect mngic, ghost so1111d, /ig/1!, mnge hnnd,
(td4+1/ 19-20, +1 dagger); SA rebuke undead 5/day, spell- 111e11ding, prestidigitation, rend magic; 1st-chill to11d1 1 mage
like abilities, Wisdom drain; SQdarkvision 60 fr., low-light armor, magic 111 issile, sile11t imnge, sleep; 2nd-b/i11d11ess/denf-
vision; Al CE; SV Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +1.3; Ser 10, 11ess, c11d11rn11ce, rnmmon monster Il, iveb; 3rd-haste, light11i11g
Dex 15, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14. bolt, mngic circle ngn111st good; 4th-/1q11id parn, iva!I of rleadly
Skills and Feats: Bluff+14, Concentration +1 1, Diplomacy chnins; 5th-tefeporl.
+4, Hide +14, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (religion) +7, Possess1011s: ring of protection +2, deck of illusions, scroll of
Move Silently +8; Blind-Fight, Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, haste and lightn ir1g bolt, potion of endurnnce, dagger.
Thrall to Demon, Violate Spell, Weapon Fi nesse (dagger).
Spell-Like Abilities: t/ day-chnnn person, mnjor image, The Servants of G raz'zt
m.irror image, suggestion. Caster level 9th; save DC 12 + spell Graz'zr is always attended by six lamias with maximum hit
level. points. Furthermore, Unharh and Reluhanris, two mari-
Wisdom Drain (Su): With a successful me lee touch liths, are never far from the demon prince when he is
attack, Isha-Denarthun drains I point of Wisdom. She tries within his dark palace. When he is gone, rhey run the
to use this power early in an encounter to make foes more place with an iron hand, cruelly and chaotically. When
susceptible to charm person and suggestion. Graz'zr returned from his time on the Material Plane, he
Spells Prepnred (5/5/5/4; save DC 13 + spell level): 0- had much to do to get his realm back in order. Yattara is in
detccl magic (2), guida11ce, rend mngic, resislc111ce; 1st- bane, charge of a small squad of succubi that excel at infiltration
bless, darkvmo11", divrne favor, random action; 2nd-bull's and espionage.
strength, dnrkbolt*, hold perso11 (2), shatter; 3rd-
blindness/ deafness, cure serious wounds, drspel magic, mngic ~ Un hath and Relu hantis (2): Female marilirh Sor 6;
circle agarnst good". CR 23; .Large outsider (chaotic, evil); HD 9d8+45 plus
"Domain spell. Domnrns: Darkness (Blind-Fight as a 6d4+30; hp 105; Init +3; Spd 40 ft.; AC 30, touch 12, Oar-
bonus feat), Evil (+ I casrer level for evil spells). footed 27; Ark +16/+11/+6 melee (1d8+5/ J 9-20 plus td6
Possemons: + I dngger, scroll of cure moderate wounds and acid, +1 acidic b11rst lo11gsworrl) and +16 melee (1d8+3/19-20
restoral,011. plus 1d6 acid, 2 +1 nndic burst 1011gsivords) and +16 melee
(1d8+3/ 19-20, 3 +1 unholy lo11gsivords) and +13 melee
~ Besmal: Female human Sor 7/Thrall of Graz'zt 6; CR 13; (4d6+2, tail slam); Face/ Reach 5 ft. by 5 ft./ 10 fr.; SA con-
Medium-size humanoid; HD 7d4+28 plus 6d6+24; hp 90; strict (4d6+6), improved grab, spell-like abilities; SQ DR
I nit +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 12; Atk 20/+2, enhanced mulciweapon fighting, outsider traits,
+5/+0 melee (1d4- 1/ t9-20, dagger), or +7/+2 ranged SR 25, summon tn.11n,,.n, ranar'ri traits; Al CE; SV Fort +13,
(1d4-1/19-20, dagger); SA drnrm; SQ dark Charisma +2, Ref +11, Will +15; Srr 19, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 19, Wis 18,
spell betrayal +3d6, spellstrike +1d6, summon dernon; Cha 20.
Al CE; SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +L4; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 18, Skills a11d Fcnts: Bluff +JS, Con centration +15, Diplo-
Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 20. macy +9, Hide + 15, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) +6,
Skills nnd Feats: Bluff +17, Diplomacy +16, Intimidate +7, Listen +24, Move Silently +16, Scry +14, Search +17, Sense
Knowledge (arcana) +7, .Listen +8, Move Silently +9, Scry Motive +17, Spelkrafr +20, Spot +24; Expertise, Multiattack,
Multidexteriry, Multiweapon Fighting, Power Arrack, Init +4; Spd 30 fr., fly 50 ft. (average); AC 25, touch 16, flat-
Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Violate Spell-Like Ability. footed 25; Ark +11 melee (1d3+1, 2 claws), or +15/+10
Con strict (Ex): With a successful grapple check, Un- melee (ld6+2/19-2O, + I short sword of subtlety) and +6 melee
harh or Reluhantis can crush a grabbed opponent, dealing ( I d3, claw); SA e nergy drain, sneak a track +3d6, spell-like
4d6+6 points of bludgeoning damage. The conslricted abilities; SQ alternate form, DR 20/+2, evasion, o utsider
creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or lose traits, SR 12, s111n111011 lcrnar'ri, ranar'ri traits, tongues, traps,
consciousness for at long as it remains in the marilith's uncanny dodge ( Dex bonus to AC; can't be flanked);
coils and for 2d4 rounds thereafter. Al CE; SV Fort +8, Ref +14, Will +9; Ser 12, Dex 18, Con 13,
Improved Grab (Ex): If Unhath or Reluhanris hits a Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 21.
Medium-size or smaller opponent with a rail slam attack, Shills a11d Feats: Balance +6, Bluff +17, Concentration +10,
she deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as Diplomacy +7, Disguise.,, +17, Escape Artist +16, Hide +16,
a free action without provoking an arrack of opponuniry intimidate +7, Jump +3, Knowledge (arcana) +9, listen +22,
(grapple bonus +20). If she hits with rhe rail slam, she can Move Silently +16, Ride (horse) +10, Search +15, Spot +22,
also constrict in the same row1d. Unharh or Reluhantis has Tumble +10, Use Magic Device +11; Dodge, Mobility,
the oprion to conduct rhe grapple normally, or simply use Spring Arrack, Weapon Finesse (short sword).
her rail to hold the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple Energy Drain (Su ): Yattara drains energy from a mortal.
check, but rhe marilirh is not conside red grappled). In it lures into some acr of passion, or by simply planting a
either case, each successful grapple check she makes kiss on the victim. If the target is not willing to be kissed,
during successive rounds automatically deals tail slam and rhe succubus must start a grapple (grapple bonus +11),
constrict damage. which provokes an arrack of opporruniry. Her kiss or
Spell-Like Abilities: At will- animate dead, bestow curse, embrace bestows one negative level; the victim must suc-
chnos hammer, clo11dkill, comprehend languages, darlrness, dese- ceed at a Wisdom check (DC 15) to even notice. For each
crate, detect good, detect lniv, detect nrng1c, inflict serious wounds, negative level bestowed, Yatrara heals 5 points of damage.
mag,c circle against good (self only), magic wenpo11, project If rhe amount of healing is more than the damage she has
imnge, polymorph self, pyrotechnics, see invisibility, shatter, taken, she gains any excess as temporary hir points. If the
teleliincsis, telcpo,·t without error (self plus 50 pounds of negative level has not been removed (with a spell such as
objects only), unholy aura, unholy blight. Caster level 13th; restorntio11) before 24 hours have passed, the afflicted oppo-
save DC 15 + spell level. nent musr succeed at a Fortirude save (DC 18) to remove it.
Enhanced Multiweapon Fighting (Ex): This ability Failure means the opponent's level (or Hit Dice) is reduced
lessens the penalty for off-hand weapon use by 2 for both by one.
primary and off hands. Combined with the Multidexteriry Spell-Like Abilities: At will-drnm, mo11ste1; clmraudi-
and Mulriweapon Fighting feats, this ability effectively ence/clairvoynnce, darkness, desecrate, detea good, detect
negates all arrack penalires for using one or more light off- thougl,ts, doom, et/meal jaunt (self plus 50 pounds of objects
hand weapons. only), suggestion, and teleport without erro,· (self plus 50
Outsider Traits: Unharh and Reluhantis have darkvision pounds of objects only); 1/day- 11nholy blight. Caster level
(6O-foor range). They cannot be raised or resurrected. 12th; save DC 15 + spell level.
Summon Tanar'ri (Sp ): Once per day a marilirh can Alternate Form (Su): Yattara can assume any humanoid
attempt to summon 4d 10 dretches, 1d4 hezrous, or 1 nal- form of Small to Large size as a standard action. This ability
feshnee with a 50% chance of success, or 1 glabrezu or is si milar ro the polymorph self spell but allows onl y
another marilith wirh a 20% chance of success. humanoid forms.
Tanar'ri Traits: Unharh and Reluhantis can communi- Evasion (Ex): If exposed to any effect chat normally
cate releparhicaUy with any creature within 100 feet that allows Yattara to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half
has a language. They are in1mune to electricity and poison, damage (such as a fireball), she rakes no damage with a suc-
and they have acid resistance 20, cold resistance 20, and cessful saving rhrow.
fire resistance 20. Outsider Traits: Yartara has darkvision (6O-foor range).
Skills: A marilith receives a +8 racial bonus on Listen She can nor be raised or resurrected.
and Spot checks. Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day Yarrara can attempt
Spells Known (6/8/ 6/ 4; save DC 15 + spell level): 0- dn11c- to s ummon 1 balor with a 10% chance of success.
i11g lights, detect magic, flare, ghost s01111d, mage lrnnd, my offrost, Tanar'ri Traits: Yarrara can communicate telepathically
rend magic; 1sr-chnm1 perso11, cl1ill touc/1, mnge mwor, shield; wirh any creature within 100 feet rhat has a language. She
2nd-bttll's strength, darkbolt; 3rd-lightni11g bolt. is immune to elecn-iciry and poison, and she has acid resis-
Possessions: 3 +1 unholy longswords, 3 +1 acidic burst long- tance 20, cold resistance 20, and fire resistance 20.
swords, wand of lightning bolt (25 charges), evil spell compo- Tongues (Su): Yattara bas a permanent tongues ability
nents ( preserved human heart, human brain, and devil's as the spell (caster level l2rh).
heart). Skills: "While using alrernare form, Yattara gains a +10
circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.
-,Yattara: Female s uccubus Rog 6; CR 15; Medium-size Possessio11s: +J short sword of subtlety, ring of protection +2,
outsider (chaotic, evil); HD 6d8+6 plus 6d6+6; hp 60; potio11 of cat's grace, potio11 of endura11ce, potion of bull's slrengf/1.
JUIBLEX, THE FACELESS LORD Juiblex often appears as a 9-foor-talJ cone of jelly and
Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) slime srriated with black, green, and a disgusting mixn1re of
H it Dice: 26d8+468 (585 hp) brown, yellow, and gray. At other rimes, Juiblex is nothing
Initiative: +3 but a seething pool of animate ooze. In any form, pulsating
Sp eed: 30 ft., climb 30 fr. red eyes tbac look in aU directions cover Juiblex completely:
AC: 37 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +10 insight, +15 natural), touch 22, Juiblex's symbol, hardly ever used, is that of a pseudopod
flat-footed 34 dripping slime.
Attacks: Slam +39 melee
Damage: Slam 3d8+21 and 2d6 acid Combat
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Juiblex's favorite tactic is to engulf a number of foes at once,
Special Attacks: Acid, circle of cold, constrict 3d8+21 plus invisibly, arcacki ng rhe first witb a contagion spell in addirion
2d6 acid, create slime, drown, engulf, improved grab, to all other attacks.
spell-like abiliries Acid (Ex): Juiblex secretes acid that dissolves organic
Special Quahties: Amorphous, blindsight 120 marerial and metal quickly. Any melee hit
ft., circle of darkness, DR 30/+5, immu- deals acid damage. Juiblex's acidic
nities, outsider rraits, SR 30, summon touch deals 50 points of damage
oozes, summon tnnnr'ri, tanar'ri traits per round to wood or metal ob-
Saves: Fort +33, Ref +18, Will +24 jects. The opponent's armor
Abilities: Str 39, Dex 16, Con 47, and dothing dissolve and be-
Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 20 come useless immediately
Skills: Alchemy +20, Bluff +31, un less they su cceed at a
Climb +22, Concentration Reflex save (DC 41 ). The
+44, Diplomacy +26, Hide acid can dissolve srone,
+25, Intimidate +35, Intuit dealing 20 poinrs of dam-
Direction +33, Knowledge age per round of contact.
(arcana) +33, Knowledge A metal or wooden weap-
(religion) +20, Knowledge on that strikes Juiblex dis-
(the planes) +20, Listen +33, solves immediately unless
Move Silently +29, Search it succeeds at a Reflex save
+33, Sense Motive +33, (DC 41).
Spellcra& +33, Spot +33, Improved Grab (Ex): If
Swim +40 Juiblex bits a Medium-size
Feats: .Boost Spell-Like Ability, or smaller opponent with a
Combat Reflexes, Dark slam attack, he deals nor-
Speech, Iron Will, Power mal damage and attempts
Arrack, Quicken Spell-Like to stan a grapple as a free
Ability, Verrninfriend action without provoking
an attack of opportunity
Chmat e/rerrain: Any land (grapple bonus +44). If he
and underground bits with rhe s lam, be can
Organization : Solitary also co nstric t in the sam e
Challen ge Rating: 20 round. Juiblex has the option
Treasure: Quadruple standard to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use his pseudo-
Alignment: Chaotic evil pod to hold the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple ch eck,
Advancem ent: - but Juiblex is not considered grappled). In either case, each
su ccessfu l grapple check he makes during successive
Juiblex, known as the Faceless Lord, is a loathsome demon rounds automatically deals slam and acid damage.
of slime and ooze. Even most demons sh un him, and the Circle of Cold (Sp): IfJuiblex wishes it, he exudes frigid cold
demon princes are said to refer to him contemptuously as so that all within l O feet of him cake 6d6 points of cold
the "lord of nothing." He is among the weakest demon lords damage each round (Fore DC 41 half). This area ofcold moves
but is a terrifying foe nonetheless. He embodies many of the with him. He can raise or lower this effect as a free acrion.
horrible abilities of various slimes, oozes, and puddings, and Constrict (Ex): Witb a successful grapple check, Juiblex
he commands impressive magical powers as well. can crush a grabbed opponent, dea ling 3d8+21 points of
The domain of Juiblex is his by right of power- he bas damage plus 2d6 points of acid damage. The opponent's
driven everything from the Slime Pits except che various slimes clothing and armor take a - 4 penalty on Reflex saves against
and oozes that teem there. Nevertheless, a few demons - the acid.
hezrous, mainly-pay him enough fealty that they bring vic- Create Slime (Sp ): Once every other round, Juiblex can
tims for Juiblex and his slimy brood to hunt and feed on. spew forth a patch of green slime anywhere within 20 feet
of himself (including at a target, making a ranged touch The Goals of J uiblex
arrack with a bonus of +28) as a free action. Juiblex does not plot and scheme. Juiblex is content to
Drown (Ex): A character who needs air to breathe and simply exist, desrroying and killing and corroding anything
becomes engulfed within Juiblex's horrible, acidic, semiliquid he can get his tendrils on. He hares everything and revels
form must make a Constitution check (DC lO) every round in only in destruction.
order to hold his or her breath. Each round, the DC i.ncreases
by 1. Upon failing a check, the character faUs unconscious (0 The Cult of J uiblex
hp). The next round, he or she drops to - 1 hp and is dying.The Although a few demented souls (and the occasional abolerh)
round after that, the character drowns and dies. revere rhe Faceless Lord, rhere is no organ ized cu lr of
Engulf (Ex): Juiblex can simply bowl over a large or Juiblex. For example, Duvamil is a native of the Material
smaller creature as a standard action. This attack affects as Plane. She reveres Juiblex, but he is unaware of her. Never-
many opponents as his body can cover. Each target ca11 make theless, her devotion to rhe Faceless Lord grants her disgust-
either an arrack ofoppommity against Juiblex or a Reflex save ing powers with which she terrorizes the land, causing
(DC 37) ro avoid being engulfed. A successful saving throw chaos and woe for its own sake, in rhe name of the demon
indicates that the target has been pushed back or aside she reveres.
(target's choice) as Juiblex moves fo1ward. An engulfed crea-
nire is subject to Juiblex's acid and drown attacks and is con- -,ouvamil: Female gnome Rog 5/ Ftr 4/rhrall ofJuiblex 6;
sidered to be grappled and trapped within his body. Juiblex CR 15; Small humanoid; HD 5d6+15 plus 4dt0+'12 plus
cannot make a slam arrack during a round in which he 6d10+18; hp 1.49; Init +7; Spd 20 ft.; AC 20, couch ·t 4, flat-
attempts to engulf, but each engulfed crearure rakes auto- footed 20; Atk +'14/+9/+4 melee (1d2+2, clawed hand) and
matic slam damage in rhat round and every round thereafter +14 melee (1d2+1, clawed hand), or +20/ +15/+10 ranged
that it remains trapped. (1d6+4/ X3, +2 mighty composite short bow [+1 Srr bonus] with
+ l al'rows); SA contagion, corrosive spew, corrosive touch,
sickening slime, sneak arrack +3d6; SQ alter self, evasion,
gnome traits, mmmo11 demon, summon ooie, traps, uncanny
dodge (Dex bonus to AC) ; AL CE; SV Fore +13, Ref +13,
Will +9; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 17, Im 12, Wis 14, Cha 7.
Skills and Feats: Appraise +7, Balance +5, Climb +13, Dis-
able Device +9, Disguise +8, Escape Artisr +12, Hide +15,
Intimidate +10, Jump +8, Listen +4, Move Silendy +6, Open
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-blasphemy, contagion, deeper Lock +11 , Ride (horse) +6, Search +8, Spot +4, Swim +6,
darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect thoug/1ts, fear, Tumble +10; Ambidexterity, Deformity (clawed bands),
greater dispelling, hold monster, invisibility, phase door, read magic, Dodge, Improved Iniriarive, Point Blank Shor, Thrall ro
telekinem, teleport witho11t error, tongues (self only), touch of Demon, Two-Weapon Fighring, Verminfriend, Willing
Juiblex (no corruption cnst), true seeing, 1mlrnllow, unholy a11m, Deformity.
1rnholy blight, 11Umiark; !/ day-befoul, blasphemy, desporl, Contagion (Su): Once per day, Duvamil can spread a dis-
1111holy aurn. Caster level 20th; save DC 15 + speU level. ease as if castu1g rhe spell contagion (caster level l0rh).
Amorphous (Ex): Blunt weapons and impact damage Corrosive Spew {Ex): Once per day, Duvamil can spic a
deal no damage to Juiblex. He is able to slip rbrough spaces gout ofcaustic goo in a line 5 feer wide and 30 feet long. The
that othe1wise could accommodate a creature no larger than corrosive goo deals 6d6 poinrs ofacid damage (Reflex DC 19
Tiny because of his jellylike substance. half).
Circle of Darkness (Sp): Juiblex can create an area around Corrosive Touch (Ex): Three rimes per day, Duvamil can
himself with a 10-foot radius of complete darkness rhat no secrete a causric slime on her hand rhat deals 2d6 points of
being can see within. This special magical darkness can be damage. Once it is secreted, the thrall of Juiblex can make
dispelled (as a spell from a 20th-level caster), bur no light an arrack roger the corrosive slime to damage a foe, dealing
spell can counter it. This area moves wirh Juiblex. normal unarmed damage as well as the damage from the
Immunities (Ex): Juiblex is immune ro paralysis, stun- slin1e.
ning, polymorphing, and critical hits because he has no dis- Sickening Slime (Ex): Duva mil secretes a smelly slime
cernible anatomy. that coats her body. Anyone within 5 feet must make a For-
Summon Oozes (Sp): Once per day, Juiblex can automati- ti rude saving rhrow (DC 19) or take a - 1 circumstance
cally summon 1 d6 gray oozes, 1d4 ochre jellies, or 1d2 black penalty on arrack rolls and skill checks.
puddings. Alter Self (Su ): Duvamil can change her appearance and
Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day Juiblex can automati- form, as though using the spell alter self (caster level 4th), at
cally summon 3d10 drerches or 1 hezrou. will.
Tanar'ri Traits: Juiblex can communicate telepathically Evasion (Ex): If exposed to any effect char normally
with any creature within 100 feet chat has a language. He is allows Duvamil to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half
immune to electricity and poison, and he has acid resistance damage (such as a fireball), she takes no damage with a suc-
20, cold resista11ce 20, and fire resistance 20. cessful saving throw.
Gnome Traits: Duva mil has low-light vision chat lets her deals normal damage and attempts ro start a grapple as a free
see twice as far as a human in low-light conditions. She also action wirhout provoking an arrack of opporruniry (grapple
has a +2 racial bonus on saves against illusions, a +1 racial bonus +4J ). If it hits with rhe slam, ir can also constrict in
bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids, and a rhe same round. Thereafter, Darkness Given Hunger has rhe
+4 dodge bonus against gianrs. option ro conduct rhe grapple normally, or simply use its
Summon Demon (Sp): Duvamil can summon a demon of 5 pseudopod ro hold the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple
HD or less once per day. This ability functions in all other check, bur it is nor considered grappled). In eirher case, eac.h
ways as a s1111rn1011 t11011ster speU (caster level '15th). successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds
Summon Oou (Sp): Duvamil can summon a parch of green automarically deals slam, acid, and constrict damage.
slime, a gray ooze, an ochre jelly, or a gelatinous cube as if Spell-Like Abilities: At will-nnimnte object, blasphemy,
she had cast a m1m11011 monster spell (caster level 6th). bli11k, ch,ws hammer, deeper dnrhness, desecmte, detect good, detect
Possessions: +3 stHdded leather armor, +2 111ig~1ty composite mngic, dispel good, magic circle agninst, good, produce flam e,
sl10rtbow (+1 Str bonus), 20 +1 arrows. mmmon swarm, teleport rvitho11t error (self plus 50 pounds of
objects only), 11111'10/y blight; 3/ day-gaseous form. Caster level
e Servants of Juiblex 13th; save DC 10 + spell level.
Juiblex has many slime, pudding, ooze, and jelly "servants," Stench (Ex): Darkness Given Hunger produces a foul-
although none are intelligent enough to serve the demon smelling, toxic slime when it fights. Any creature except a
lord willingly-except for one. ranar'ri wirh lOfeet must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 32)
Darkness Given Hunger is rhe largest black pudding or be overwhelmed by nausea. Ir is rendered helpless from
known. It was possessed by a hezrou demon at Juiblex's gagging and vomiting as long as it remains in the affected
command, and then an impmon possessor spell was cast upon area and for td4 rounds afterward. A creature that success-
the fusion, making it permanent. For centuries, rhe demon fully saves takes a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls bur can-
has dwelled within the pudding, and rhe two have truly not be affected by Darkness Given Hunger's stench again
become one in the foul depths of the Abyss. Now, Darkness for 24 hours. A delny poison or 11e11tralize poiso11 spell removes
Given Hunger is Juiblex's main servanr, helping patrol the the effect.
Abyssal layer upon which rhey borh dwell, looking for food. Blindsight (Ex): Darkness Given Hunger is blind, bm its
enrire body is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain
-,Darkness Gi ven Hunger : Unique advanced black pud- prey by scent and vibration. This ability enables it to discern
ding/ demon fusion; CR 18; Gargantuan aberration; HD objects and creatures within 60 feet. Darkness Given
3od1O+21O; hp 540; lair -3; Spd 20 fr., climb 20 fr.; AC 3, Hunger us ually does not need to make Spot or Listen
touch 3, flar-foored 3; Ark +25 melee (2d6+1O/19-2O, slam); checks ro notice creatures within range of its blindsighr.
Face/Reach 5 ft. by 20 ft./ 10 ft.; SA acid, constrict 2ds+10 plus Immunities: Darkness Given Hunger is immune to
2d6 acid, improved grab, spell-like abilities, stench; SQ blind- poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing, and it
sight 60 ft., DR 20/+3, immunities, SR 27; AL CE; SVForr +17, is nor subject ro critical hits.
Ref +9, WiU + L4; Str 25, Dex 4, Con 24, lnr 12, Wis 14, Cha 11. "Skills and Feats: Darkness Given Hunger gains skills
Skills and Feats*: Climb +25, Concentration +40, Hide +18, and feats as irs demonic componenr.
Intimidate +10, Listen +43, Move Silently +30, Search +34,
Spellcraft +34, Spot +42; Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Bull ORCUS, DEMON PRINCE OF THE UN DEAD
Rush, Improved Critical (slam), lron Will, Lightning Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
Reflexes, Power Attack, Thrall co Demon. Hit Dice: 37d8+592 (758 hp)
Acid (Ex): Darkness Given Hunger secretes a digestive Initiative: +7
acid that dissolves organic material and metal quickly. Any Speed: 20 fr., fly 40 ft. (average)
melee hit deals acid damage. The pudding's acidic rouch AC: 47 (-1 size, +7 Dex, +6 insight, +20 natural, +5
deals 50 points of damage per round to wood or metal rion), touch 27, £lat-footed 40
objects. An opponent's armor and clothing dissolve and Attacks: Wn11d of Orcus (+6 chaotic 1111'10/y greatclub)
become useless immediately unless rhey succeed at a Reflex +57/+52/+47/+42 melee and claw +45 melee and horns
save (DC 32). The acid can dissolve stone, dealing 20 points +45 melee and s ting +45 rnelee
of damage per round of contact. Damage: Wnnd of Orcus (+6 chaotic 1111holy grentclub)
A metal or wooden weapon char strikes Darkness Given I d1O+27/ 19-20, claw 1d6+7, horns 2d6+7, sting 1d3+7
Hunger dissolves immediately unless it succeeds ar a Reflex plus poison
save (DC 32). Face/ Reach: 5 fr. by 5 fr./1 O ft.
Con strict (Ex): With a successful grapple check, Dark- Special Attacks: Poison, spell-like abilities, spells
ness Given Hunger can crush a grabbed opponent, dealing Special Qualities: DR 20/+7, outsider traits, see invisibil-
2d8+1 O points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6 points of iry, SR 41, s11111111011 lanar'ri, m111mon 1111dead1 ranar'ri rrairs
acid damage. The opponent's clorhing and armor take a -4 Saves: Fort +36, Ref +27, Will +26
penalty on Reflex saves againsr rhe acid. Abilities: Sa 39, Dex 25, Con 43, Int 29, Wis 22, Cha 21
Improved Grab (Ex): If Darkness Given Hunger hits a Skills: Alchemy +46, Bluff +42, Concentration +53, Diplo-
Medium-size or smaller opponent wirh a slam attack, it macy +40, Escape Artist +26, Forgery +27, Hide +24,
lnrimidate +46, Knowledge (arcana) +41, Knowledge the archetypal demon. In fact, when commoners think of
(religion) +4l, Knowledge (the planes) +45, Knowledge demons, rhey most likely think of some terrible picrure of
(undead) +46, Listen +43, Move Silently +44, Scry +46, Orcus that they once saw somewhere.
Search +46, Sense Morive +43, Spellcrafc +46, Spot +43 Orcus is best known iJ1 some circles for his wand, an arti-
Feats: Ambidexterity, Cleave, Craft Rod, Dark Speech, fact of malefic might. This wand-more accurately described
Improved Critical (greatclub), Power Arrack, Quicken as a rod-is made of black iron and obsidian and topped with
Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell focus (Necromancy), Weapon a skull. It has terrible powers (see the Artifacts section of
Focus (greatclub) Chapter 6) and is a hor-
rific weapon in its own
Climate/ferrain: Any right. The black, skull-
land and underground copped rod also serves as
Organization: Orcus rhe prince's symbol.
plus ld6 vampires or
liches Combat
Challenge Rating: 28 Orcus relies heavily on
Treasure: Quadruple his wand in combat,
standard much preferring ro en-
Alignment: Chaotic evil gage in melee and kill
Advancem ent: - foes with the arcifacr. He
often goes into combat
Orcus is a massive, bloat- with u11ho/y aarrn (grant-
ed demon prince- bloat- ing a +4 bonus on saves)
ed on spite, bile, a11d con- active on himself as well
rem pt. After becoming as any servants he migh t
complacent with his wars have with him.
against Demogorgon and Po i son (E x): Orcus
Graz'zt waning, Orcus delivers his poison (Fore
was murdered and de- DC 44) with each suc-
posed. Bur then, Orcus cessful sting attack. The
rose from the dead-a n initial damage is 1d6
undead demon - a nd points of Strength dam-
took rhe name Tenebrous age; the secondary dam-
for a time, hiding in rhe age is 2d6 points of
shadows and waiting to Strengrh damage.
take his revenge. Now he Spell-Like Abilities:
has reinsrared himself to At will-ani,nate dead,
his former position and blaspliemy, charm perso11,
taken up residence in cl11tch of Orcus, create
Naratyr, his terrible fortress-city in the Abyss on Thanaros, 1111dead, cren.te greater 11ndcnd, deepel' dnrkness, desecrnte, detect
the layer he rules. Once again Orcus finds himself in a strug- good, detect lnw, detect tho11gl·1ts,fea1',feeblemind, greater dispelling,
gle for dominance with many of rhe other demon lords. lightning bolt, read mngic, rngge,lion, stop l1enrt, tell'ld11esis, tele-
Orcus is no longer content to grow old and fat feeding on port 1Vithout error, tongues (self only), 1111hnllow, u11holy narm,
larvae in his casrle. He focuses his anger and hare on the 1111holy blight, wall of fire; 1/day-symbol (any), shnpccfaange,
absolute destruction of h is enemies and the spread of woe time stop. Caster level 20th; save DC 15 + spell level.
and havoc among mortals. Truly a demon reborn, Orcus is Spells: Orcus casts spells as a 13th-level wizard specializ-
more terrible and more dangerous than ever. ing in the Necromancy school. He can also cast spells usu-
Orcus hates borh Demogorgon and Graz'zt. He resents ally limited to undead. Naratyr has hundreds of spellbooks,
them for their power, and he covets their realms. Orcus so Orcus has access to any wizard spell he wishes to prepare,
commands a host of undead as well as armies of demons that except chose from his prohibited school (Divi.nation).
ravage the fields of the Abyss that they cross. Spells Prepared (5/8/7/7/7/6/4/3; save DC 19 + spell level,
Probably because he has an identifiable, if loathsome, or 21 + spell level for Necromancy spells): 0-daze, detect
"portfolio," Orcus is worshiped as a god more often than mngic, disrnpt 1111dend, ghost sound, mage hand; 1st-cause fear,
most of the other demon princes are. Although Demogor- chrwge self, cl1ill lo11ch, ,nagc armor, magic missile, my of e11feeble-
gon might actually be more powerful, Orcus may be closer 111e11t, shield, shocldng grasp; 2nd-bl11r, b11ll's stm1gt/1, darfl11ess,
to ascending to true godhood. g/1011I lo11cli, invisibility, scnre, spectrnl h1111d; 3rd-displncement,
Standing 15 feet tall, Orcus is a massive demon. His head fil'ebn/1, lrnll undcnd, linste (2), ,nngic circle ngni11st good, 11nmpirir
bears a striking resemblance co thar of a ram, and his legs touch; 4th- besto111 rnrse, co1a/agio11, emotion, enervation, grim
end in cloven hooves. Barlike wings complete the picture of revenge, p/11111/amrnf killer, uirack; 5th-do11dkill, dominnte
person, hold monsler, mngic jnr, nightmare, wall of iron; 6th- Orcus, as do a large number of corrupt and despicable
circle of dealh, disintegrate, ectoplasm ic enhn11ceme11t, greater dis- humans. His temples are usually hidden, and his worshipers
pelling; 7rh-finger of death,forcecnge, limited wish. form secret societies living in otherwise normal communi-
Outsider Traits: Orcus has darkvision (60-foor range). ties. Other of his temples are terrible strongholds foll of
He cannot be raised or resurrected. undead, where wicked lords commit atrocities and wage
See Invisibility (Su): Invisible crearures and objects are wars in the demon prince's name. Sometimes an entire ore
always visible to Orcus, as ifhe constantly had a see invisibil- rribe devotes itself ro the Prince of the Undead, but such
ity spell (caster level 20th) active. individuals are shunned even by ocher ores.
Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day Orcus can auromati- Orcus demands living sacrifice as a part of his rituals.
cally summon td6 vrocks, 1d4 bezrous, or 1 glabrezu, or he Blood and skulls are an important part of the imagery used
has an 80% chance ro summon 1 nalfeshnee, 1 marilirh, or in his worship. Idols and altars are often surrolllided by or
1 balor. built upon tall piles of skulls. Intelligent undead never will-
Summon Undead (Sp): Once per day Orcus can auromari- ingly serve Orcus (they are more likely ro venera te the
cally summon 4d10 wights, 1d8 spectres, or td3 vampires or deities Vecna or Erythnul). However, many vampires, liches,
mohrgs. and other undead creatures are forced into his service by
Tanar'ri Traits: Orcus can communicate telepathically dark pacrs or compelling magic.
wirh any crearure wichin 100 feet rhat has a language. He is Priests and particularly influential followers of Orcus are
immune to electricity and poison, and he has acid resistance called Skulls, while high priesrs are called Skull Lords.
20, cold resistance 20, and fire resistance 20. Often, a single Skull Lord gains so much power and influ-
Possessions: The Wand of Orcus is an artifact chat acts as a +6 ence among rhe followers of Ore us that he adoprs rhe
chaotic unholy greatclub char adds a +5 deflection bonus to the mantle of SkulI King or Skull Queen.
wielder's Armor Class and forces any living crearure It is common for followers of Orcus to carry black, skull-
touched by it to make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or die topped scepters around, not in order to foo l anyone into
instantly. It has other powers as well (see its description in thinking char they wield the acrual Wnnd of Orws, but ro rep-
Chapter 6). resent and remind others of rheir lord's dread might. They
also often wear skull masks and black robes wirh hoods or
The Goals of Orcus goat-horned headdresses and stlver robes.
Orcus is in many ways a contradictory figure. He does not Clerics affiliated with Orcus typically have access ro the
delight in his charges, the undead, and has nor taken up the Chaos, Evil, and Death domains.
self-proclaimed mantle "Prince of the Undead" our of devo- Cultists: Perhaps one of rhe most powerful and infa-
tion or allegiance. If anything, rhe demon lord despises mous priests of Orcus alive today is an unusual human
undead. He has little but contempt for chem and uses them named Quah-Nomag. Because his ancestry includes an
wichour chought or consideration. Of course, Orcus despises ogre, he is Large and has ability scores different from those
the living as well. He hares all things, a1,d seethes with utter of a normal human. He also has a +3 natural armor bonus.
revulsion and loathiPg at all rimes. He craves only personal Not only is Quah-Nomag a despicable creature in virtu-
power and the spread of misery and destruction for all others. ally every way, but he was instrumental in restoring Orcus
Occasionally, Orcus allows his wand robe found by a back to rhe living. The evil cleric used an obscene ritual on
mortal in order to wreak greater chaos and evil among rhose the Astral Plane thar restored Orcus. For his reward, Quah-
inhabiting the MatetiaJ Plane. This sorr of dalliance lasts only Nomag has been given many blessings from Orcus,
for a short rime- perhaps a year or two ar mosr-before the although rhe Prince of the Undead already tires of Quah-
bloated prince grows bored and reclaims his artifact, usually Nomag's self-importance and arrogance since the successful
along with the soul of whoever currently wields it. rirual. While he retains his power and title, Quah-Nomag
Orcus is in a constant state of war wirh his rivals Demo- may not be able to counr on Orcus's gratit1.1de forever.
gorgon and Graz'zt. More often than nor, acrual warfare
occurs between his armies of undead and demons and -, Quah-Nomag the Skull-King: Male unique human
Graz'zr's hordes ofmonsrers and demons. Strife wirh Demo- (ogre-blooded) Clr 14/ Thrall of Orcus 3; CR 17; Large
gorgon often takes a more subrle guise, that of assassination humanoid; HD 14d8+70 plus 3d8+15; hp 197; lnir +0;
and saborage. This is usually because borh his and Demogor- Spd 20 ft.; AC 30, touch 9, flat-footed 30; Ark +25/+20/+15
gon's fuJI armies are simultaneously warring against rhe melee (tdl0+13/ l9-20, +4 spell slonng vile heavy J1ail);
forces of Graz'zt. However, sometimes rhe legions of Orcus Face/Reach 5 fr. by 5 fr./ 10 fr.; SA carrion stench, rebuke
and Demogorgon meet in the course of their struggle undead 9/day, touch of fear; SQ demon wings, disease;
against Graz'zt, and then they arrack each other as viciously AL NE; SV Fort +17, Ref +5, Will +16; Str 29, Dex 10, Con
as chey fighr rhe legions of rhe Dark Prince. 20, Int 9, Wis 18, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Climb +8, Concentration +17, Hide -10,
The Cult of Orcus Knowledge (arcana)+ I , Knowledge (religion) +7, Listen
The cult of Orcus is widespread, with a more significant fol- +5, Spellcrafr +3, Spot +6; Corrupt Spell, Evil Brand, Exrra
lowing among humanoids tha1, most demon princes can Turning, Lichloved, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Thrall to
boast. In particular, ores, half-ores, ogres, and giants revere Demon, Violate Spell.
Carrion Stench (Ex): When desired, Quah-Nomag can Sl1ills and Feats: Bluff +13, Cli.n1b +21, Hide +8, Intimidate
emit a terrible smell in a 10-foor radius. Living cream res in the +22, Jump +20, Listen +18, Move Silently +12, Search +9,
radius (excluding Quah-Nomag) must succeed at a Fortitude Sense Motive +11, Spot +13, Wilderness Lore +18; Alertness,
save (DC LS) or rake a - 2 penalty on all arrack rolls, weapon Cleave, Combar Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative,
damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Arrack, Sunder, Thrall
for 3 rounds. Furrhennore, mindless undead creatures within to Demon, Weapon Focus (greataxe).
the radius of rbe stench believe Qual1-Nomag to be undead. Blood Drain (Ex): Kauvra can suck blood from a living
Touch of Fear (Sp): Three rimes per day, Quah-Nomag can victim with her fangs by making a successful grapple check
use cause fear. Caster level 10th; save DC 13. (grapple bonus +24). If s he pins rhe foe, Kauvra drains
Demon Wings: Once per day, Quah-Nomag can bring blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution drain each round
forth massive demon wings that sprout from his back. These the pin is maintained.
wings allow Quah-Nomag to fly at a speed of 20 feet with Domination (Su): Kauvra can crush an opponent's will
average maneuverability. The wings lasr for up ro 1. hour. just by looking into his or her eyes. This ability is similar to
Disease: Quah-Nomag is currently infected wirb soul rot. a gaze attack, except that Kauvra must take a standard action
Spells Prepared (6/7/7/7/6/5/4/3/2; save DC 14 + spell to use it, and those merely looking at her are nor affected.
level, or 16 + spell level for Necromancy spells): 0-crcate Anyone Kauvra targets must succeed at a Will save (DC 23)
water, detect magic, no light, read magic, resistar1ce (2); tsr-ba11e, or fall instantly under her influence as though by a dominate
command, divine favor, i11visibility t·o undead, protection from person spe1l cast by a 12th-level sorcerer. The ability has a
good~·, shield of faith, suspend disease; 2nd-darkbolt, death range of30 feer.
knell", desecrate, endumnce, hold person, shatter, silence; 3rd- Energy Drain (Su }: A.11y living creanire hit by Kauvra's
at1imate dead", circle of 11a11sea, clutch of Orcus, deeper darkness, slam attack gains rwo negative levels. For each negative level
dispel magic, prayer, protection from elements; 4th--daws of the bestowed, Kauvra heals 5 points of damage. If the amount of
savage, cure critical wounds, damning darkness, death ward, stop healing is more than the damage she has taken, she gains
heart, unholy bligiit"; 5th-circle of doom,jlame stYi~u, spell resist- any excess as temporary hit points. If the negative level has
ance, slay livit1g", true seeing; 6th- blade barrier, cloud of the nor been removed (with a spell such as restora.tion) before 24
adiaierai, create 1mdead", heal; 7th-blasphemy, destruction", hours have passed, the afflicted opponent must succeed at a
wretched blight; 8th- violated wretrhed blight, unholy aura". Fortitude save (DC 23) to remove it. Failure means the oppo-
"Domain spell. Domains: Death (death touch kills creature nenr's level (or Hit Dice) is reduced by one.
with less than 14d6 hp; 1/ day), Evil (+ I caster level for evil Alternate Form (Su): Kauvra can assume the shape of a
spells). bar, dire bar, wolf, or dire wolf as a standard action. This abil-
Possessions: +4 spell stori11g vile heavy flail ( rnflict serious ity is similar to a polymorph self spell cast by a 12th-level sor-
wo1mds), +3 full plate armor, +5 large steel shield, gauntlets of ogre cerer, except rhar she can assume only one of the forms
power +2, scroll of cure critical wounds, scroll of crente greater listed here per use of the ability. Kauvra can remaiJ1 in that
1mdead, 3 doses ofbaccaran. form unril she assumes anorher or until the next sunrise.
Children of the Night (Su ): Once per day Kauvra can
The Servants of Orcus call forrh a pack of 4d8 dire rats, a swarm of 10d'l0 bats, or a
Orcus bas many servants, and most of them are undead, pack of 3d6 wolves as a standard action. These creatures
alrbough a number ofdemons serve him as well. Most of his anive in 2d6 rounds and serve Kauvra for up to 1 hour.
servants do nor lasr long enough to gain positions of power. Create Spawn (Su }: A humanoid or monstrous human-
Kauvra is a vampire who serves as an enforcer for Orcus oid slain by Kauvra's energy drain attack rises as a vampire
on Thanatos. Her rages are infamous, as is the long list of spawn (see Vampire Spawn in the Monster Manual ) 1.d4 days
creatures that she has slain single-handedly. Harrhoon's after burial.
arcane power makes him a perfect vizier for the Prince of IfKauvra instead brings the victim's Constitution to O or
the Undead, and he currently serves in that capacity at lower by means of her blood drain, the victim returns as a
Orcus's right hand. spawn if it had 4 or fewer HD and as a vampire if it had 5 or
more HD. In either case, rhe new vampire or spawn is
-, Kauvra: Female half-ore vampire Bbn 16; CR 18; under Kauvra's command and remains enslaved until
Medium-size undead; HD 16d12; hp 93; lnir +7; Spd 30 fr.; Kauvra's death.
AC 31, couch 17, flat-footed 31; Atk +24 melee (1d6+12, Gaseous Form (Su ): As a standard action, Kauvra can
slam), or +27/+22/+17/+12 me lee (tdt2+ L4/X3, +2 unholy assume gaseous form at will, as the spell cast by a 5th-level
grealaxe); SA blood drain, domination, energy drain; SQ sorcerer, bur she can remain gaseous indefinitely and has
alternate form, children of rhe nighr, cold resistance 20, a fly speed of20 feet with perfect maneuverability.
create spawn, DR 15/+1, DR 2/-, electricity resistance 20, Greater Rage (Ex): The following changes are in effect as
fast healing 5, fast movement, gaseous form, greater rage long as Kauvra rages: AC 29, touch 15, flat-footed 29;
5/day, spider climb, nirn resistance +4, uncanny dodge (Dex Ark +27 melee (1d6+15, slam), or +30/+25/+20/+15 melee
bonus to AC, can't be flanked ), undead traits; AL CE; SV (1d12+18/X3, +2 unholy greataxe); SV Will +11.; Str 32;
Fon +10, Ref +10, Will +8; Str 26, Dex 1.6, Con-, Int 13, Climb +24, Jump +23. Her rage lasts for 3 rounds, and (as an
Wis 17, Cha 20. undead) she is not fatigued afterward.
Fast Healing (Ex): Kauvra heals 5 points of damage each Undead Traits: H arthoon is immune to m ind-affecting
round so long as she has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death
hit points or lower, Kauvra automatically assumes gaseous effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that requires a
form and arrempts to escape. She muse reach her coffin Fortitude save u nless i.t also works on objects. He is nor
home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (Kauvra can subject ro critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage,
travel up to nine miles in 2 hours.) Once at rest in her coffin, ability drain, energy drain, or death from massive damage.
Kauvra rises to 1 hit point after 1 hour, then resumes healing Hardmon cannot be raised, and resurrection works only if
at the rate of 5 hit points per round. he is willi ng. Harthoon has darkvision (60-fooc range).
Spider Climb (Ex): Kauvra can climb sheer surfaces as Spells K11ow11 (6/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/6/4; save DC 17 + spell
though using a spider climb spell. level, or 19 + spell level for Necromancy spells): o- danci11g
Turn Resistance (Ex): Kauvra is trea ted as an undead lights, delect magic, disrupt undead, ghost sound, light, mnge
with 20 Hit Dice for the purpose of turn, rebuke, command, hand, preserve orgn11, rny of frost, rend magic; 1st-mage armor,
and bolster attempts. magic missile, shield, sleep, s,1111111011 mo11sler l; 2nd-blur, i11vis-
Undead Trai ts: Kauvra is im mune to mind-affecting ibility, levitate, see mv1sibilily, Tasha's hideous laughter; 3rd-
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunn ing, disease, deach dispel magic, hold person, magic circle agni11st good, 1rnlivi11g
effects, necromantic effects, and any effect tha t requires a weapon; 4th-bestow curse, charm monster, grim revenge,
Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. She is nm sub- improved inv1sibil1ty; 5th- en/I nightmare, cone of cold, teleport,
ject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability ivnll of iron; 6th-cont111ge11cy, eyebite, mass haste; 7th-delayed
drain, energy drain, or death from massive damage. Kauvra blast f1rebnll, fi11ger of, mass i11visibility; 8th-gutwrench,
cannot be raised, and resurrection works only if she is will- horrid wilti11g, steal life; 9th-power word kill, slrnpechnnge.
ing. Kauvra has darkvision (60-foot range). Possessions: clonk of Charisma +6, staff of pestilence (45
Skills : Kauvra gains a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, charges), vile spell ring, ring of protection +5, wand of stonesliin
Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. (48 charges), scroll of pnsmaUc spray, scroll of flesh to stone.
Possessions: +2 u11/1oly greataxe, +3 breastplnt.e, r111g of protec-
Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
~Harthoon: Male human lich Sor19; CR 2.1; Medium-size Hit Dice: 33d8+363 (511 hp)
undead; HD 19d L2; hp 139; [ni t +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21 1 touch Initiative: +13
16, flat-footed 20; Atk +9 melee touch (1d8+5, touch, Will Speed: 40 fr.
save DC 25 half); SA fear aura, paralyzing touch; SQ DR AC: 42 (-t size, +9 Dex, +6 i11Sight, +18 natural), rouch 24,
15/+1, immunities, mm resistance +4, undead traits; AL CE; fla r-footed 33
SV Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +15; Str 11, Dex 13, Con - , Int 15, Attacks: Huge +5 triple flnil +51/+46/+41/+36 melee
Wis 15, Cha 25. Damage: Huge +5 triple flail 1d12+24/19-20 (for each of td3
S~ills and Feats: Alchemy +18, Concenrration +22, Hide +10, heads)
Knowledge (arcana) +23, Knowledge (the planes) +3, Face/Reach: 5 fr. by 5 fr./ 10 ft.
Listen +10, Move Silently +10, Profession (embalmer) +19, Special Attacks: Spell-like abiliries
Search +10, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +15, Spot +10; Special Qualities : DR 15/+6, fast healing 5, outsider traits,
Craft Wondrous ltem, Forge Ring, Iron Will, Lightning scent, see invisibility, SR 32, summo,1 ghouls, su,nmon
Reflexes, Maximize Spell, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (Necro- gnolls, summon tnnar'ri, ranar'ri traits
mancy), Thrall to Demon. Saves: Fort +29, Ref +27, Will +25
Fear Aura (Su): Harthoon is shrouded in a dreadful aura Abilities: Ser 37, Dex 28, Con 32, Int 26, Wis 25, Cha 25
of death and evil. Any creature with fewer than 5 HD within Skills: Animal Empathy +24, Balance +46, Climb +36,
a 60-foot radius that looks at him must succeed at a Will save Concentration +44, Diplomacy +11, Escape Artist +42,
(DC 26) or be affecred as though by a fear spell (caster level H andle Animal +28, Hide +38, Intimidate +40, lnn,ic
t9rh). Direcrion +40, Jump +50, Knowledge (narure) +41,
Paralyzing Touch (Su): Any living creature Harrhoon Listen +40, Move Silently +42, Ride (dire horse) +11,
touches must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 26) or be Search +27, Sense Motive +40, Spot +40, Tumble +46,
permanently paralyzed. Remove pnrnlysrs or any spell that Wilderness Lore +26
can remove a curse can free the victim (see the bestow wrse Feats: Cleave, Dark Speech, Dodge, Great Cleave,
spell). The effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Sunder, Track,
by Harrhoon seems dead; only a successful Spot check Weapon Focus (rripJe flail)
(DC 20) or Heal check (DC 15) reveals that the victim is
still alive. Climate/Ierrain: Any land and undergrou nd
Immunities (Ex): Harthoon is immune to cold, electric- Organization: Solitary
ity, polymorphing, and mind-affecting effects. Challenge Rating: 22
Turn Resistance (Ex): Harthoon is treated as an undead Treasure: Quadruple standard
with 23 Hit Dice for the purpose of turn, rebuke, command, Alignment: Chaotic evil
and bolster attempts. Advancem ent: -
It may be that Yeenoghu was once a morral gnoll. Or it may greater dispelling, greatel' magic fang, suggestion, teleki,mis, tele-
be that, as a bestial and savage demon, he simply saw a kin- port witho1d erl'Or, tongues (self only), unhallow, unholy aurn,
ship with the gnolls. ln any event, this demon prince con- 1111holy blight; 1/ day-sl1apeclrn11ge, spread of sn.vagery. Caster
siders himself rhe patron of gnolls, and indeed many gnolls level 20th; save DC 17 + spell level.
do pay him homage. Fast Healing (Ex): Yeenoghu regains lost hit points at
Yeenoghu is very powerful, but not in the same league as the rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore hit
Demogorgon or Orcus in terms of personal power or in influ- points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and irdoes
ence and armies. Yeenoghu does conn·ol a layer of the Abyss, nor allow Yeenoghu to regrow or rearrach lost body parts.
which he creatively calls Yeenoghu's Realm. There, he hunts Outsider Traits: Yeenoghu has darkvision (60-foot
lesser demons and other creatures while he plots his next range). He cannot be raised or resurrected.
arracks against layers with weak rulers in hopes of conquest. Scent (Ex): Yeenoghu can detect approaching enemies,
One success that Yeenogbu achieved long ago was his sub- sniff our hidden foes, and rrack by sense of smell.
jugation of the demonic entity that calls himself the King of See Invisibility (Su): Invisible creatures and objects are
the Ghouls. Once a vassal of Orcus, the King of the Ghouls always visible co Yeenoghu, as ifhe constantly had a see invis-
conrrolled his own minor layer of the Abyss. Yeenoghu's gnoU ibility spell (caster level 20th) active.
horde invaded and conquered that layer a11d its ruler. The King Summon Ghouls (Sp): Once per day, Yeenoghu can auro-
of the Ghouls swore fealty to Yeenoghu and pays homage to matically summon td6+6 ghouls. These special ghouls have
him even to this day. The Abyssal layer, however, was lost to maximum hit points and a +5 profane bonus on their rum
Yeenoghu because he did not command an anny vast enough resistance, AC, and attack and damage rolls.
to defend both ir and the layer he already occupied. The King Summon Gnolls (Sp): Once per day, Yeenoghu can automat-
of the Ghouls rules there again, but he is a vassal ofYeenoghu ically summon 11d6 gnolls or 3d4 5th-level gnoll
now rather than a minion of Orcus. So far, Orcus's anenrion fighters.
has been elsewhere, and he has not acted against Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per
the Prince ofGnolls. day Yeenoghu can auromari-
Yeenoghu appears as a massive, gaunt gnoll 12 cally summon 1d2+1
feet in height. Yellow fur appears in mangy patches vrocks.
on his body, with pale gray flesh showu1g where
rhe fur is absent. amber-colored eyes are large
and protruding.
Yeenoghu's symbol is a rriple-headed flail.

Bestial and straightforward, Yeenoghu is likely to charge
into melee growling and screaming epithets before doing
anything more
subtle. He usu-
ally prepares
for battle with
a bull's slrrngl/1
spell as well as
1111'10/)' a urn.

Thus, his Strength is usually even higher

than that given above (and thus his attack
and damage bonuses are also higher),
and his AC and saving throws all have
a +4 bonus against good characters.
Spell-Like Abilities: Ar will-
bl asp'1 em y, bull's strengt'1,
deeper darkness, desecrate, detect
good, detect law, detect tl10ughts,
Tanar'ri Traits: Yeenoghu can commun.i.cate telepatbi· Skills and Feats: Concentration +3, Listen +6, Spot +5,
cally with any creature within 100 feet that has a language. Tumble +0, Use Rope +3; Martial Weapon Proficiency (light
He is immune to electricity and poison, and he has acid flail), Power Attack, Silent Spell, T hrall to Demon, Weapon
resistance 20, cold resistance 20, and fire resistance 20. Focus (light flail).
Possessions: Yeenoghu wields a Huge +5 triple flail. This is a Spells Prepared (5/5/5/4; save DC 13 + spell level): a-detect
unique exotic weapon. Each time a hit is scored, roU td3 ro magic, create wnter, cure minor wounds, guidance, resistance;
see how many of the heads hit the target. Each head deals lst-ba11e, divine favor, magic fang", magic weapon, random
td12+24 points of damage. If more than one bead hirs rbe action; 2nd- bull's sfrength'\ darkness, e11durnnce, hold person,
same target, the victim must make a Fortitude save (DC 17) or slrnller; 3rd- cure serious wounds, silent hold person, greater
be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. If all three hit, the target must magic fang", prayer.
also make a Will save (DC 17) or be confmed for 10 rounds. "Domain spell. Domains; Bestial (scent ability), War (Mar·
rial Weapon Proficiency [light flai l] and Weapon Focus
e Goals ofYeenoghu [light flail] as bonus feats).
Yeenogbu knows rhat he does not have the power of Demo-- Scent (Ex): Rezwal can detect approaching enemies, sniff
gorgon or Orcus. Thus, for now he is content with rhe sub- out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
jugation of lesser demons and entities. Possemons; + l breastplate, +1 light flail, masterwork cross-
Yeenoghu would like ro see his favored people, the gnolls, bow, 20 masterwork bolts, scroll of deathwatch, scroll of cure
prosper. When he can, Yeenoghu acts on their behalf, but his serious wounds.
attention is nor steadfast. More generally, Yeenoghu favors
the spread of savagery and barbarism over the spread of civ· The Se rvants ofYeenoghu
ilization. When he sends his gnoll host to attack and con· Yeenoghu always has sixty-six gnolls with maximum hit
quer foes in the Abyss, it is bis intention to always strike at points in his retinue, bur rhis honor guard is mostly for
cities first and cast them down in burning ruin. Even ifYee- show. His Claw of Fury is a group of thirteen gnoll fighters,
noghu were ro subjugate another entire layer, he would nor each of them 10tl1 level.
rebuild the cities.
-, Gnoll Fighters (13): Male and female gnoll Frr 10;
The Cult ofYeenoghu CR 11; Medium-size humanoid; HD 2d8+6 plus 10d10+30;
The cult of Yeenogbu is common among gnolls, bur hp 106; !nit +t; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 11, flar-foored 16;
extremely rare among other races. Atk +20/+15/+ I0 melee (1d10+13/X3, +2 halberd), or
Yeenoghu demands that his servants make living sacri• +L4/+9/+4 ranged (td6+2/X3, +1 shortbow with +1 arrows);
fices and dedicate them to him in beastly rites. His temples SQ darkvision 60 fr.; AL LE; SV Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +4;
are always located far from any civilized area, usually in Str 22, Dex 12, Con 16, lnt 9, Wis 12, Cha 9.
some rocky, craggy wilderness area- preferably a cave or Ski!Ls and Feats: Hide +2, Jump +14, Listen +4, Sense
underground cavern. The altar is a crude slab of stone, Motive +2, Spot +4; Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved
stained with blood and gristle. Rimals devoted to Yeenoghu Bull Rush, Improved Unarmed Strike, Point Blank Shot,
include guttural chanting and (on the rare occasion when Power Attack, Skill Focus (Jump), Track, Weapon Focus (hal-
they are held outside) howling at the moon. They always berd), Weapon Specialization (halberd).
take place at night. Possemons: +2 studded leather armor, +2 hnlberd, +1 shortbow,
His priests wear dark brown robes, usually accented with a 20 +1 CIITOWS.
mangy yellow color. If the priests are not gnolls, these robes
are often fur-lined. Priests ofYeenoghu never wash their -,rhe King of Ghouls: Male unique fiendish ghoul; CR 10;
robes, so rhe amount of spattered blood (from sacrifices as Large undead; HD t8d12; hp 117; Jnit +4; Spd 30 fr.; AC 15,
well as battle) on the robes is a sign of ex.-perience, worn like touch 13, flat-footed 11; Ark +12 melee (1d8+5 plus paralysis,
an honorific. Clerics affiliated with Yeenoghu usually have bite) and +1 l melee (1d6+2 pl us paralysis, 2 claws);
access to the Chaos, Demonic, and Bestial domains. Face/Reach 5 fr. by 5 ft,/10 ft.; SA paralysis, smite good 1/day;
Rezwal is a rypical gnoll cleric who regards Yeenoghu as SQ cold resistance 20, create spawn, DR 10/+3, fire resistance
his patron. He leads a small cult devoted to Yeenoghu and 20, SR 25, cum resistance +6, undead rcaits; AL CE; SV Fort +6,
serves as a constant companion to the tribe's leader. He Ref +10, Will +15; Str 21, Dex 18, Con-, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 18.
wears rhe skulls of his latest victims around his waist and Skills and Feats; Climb +t o, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist
dangling from his flail on leather cords. +9, Hide +8, Intimidate +9, Inruir Direction +5, Jump +10,
Knowledge (the planes) +9, Listen +14, Move Silently +14,
-,Rezwal: Male gnoll Clr 6; CR 7; Medium-size humanoid; Search +13, Sense Morive +9, Spot +9; Combat Reflexes,
HD 2d8+2 plus 6d8+6; hp 47; l nit +2; Spd 20 fr.; AC 19, Dodge, Expertise, Improved Disarm, Mobility, Multiattack,
touch 12, flar-footed 17; Ark +8 melee (1d8+2/X3, +J lighl Power Attack, Sp1ing Attack, Weapon Finesse (bite).
flail), or +9 ranged (1d8, masterwork crossbow with master· Paralysis (Ex): Anyone bir by rhe bire or claw attack of
work bolts); SA rebuke undead 2/day; SQ darkvision 60 &., the King of Ghouls must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 23)
scent; AL CE; SV Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +8; Str 13, Dex 14, or be paralyzed for td6+2 minutes. Elves are immune ro this
Con 12, Int 7, Wis 16, Cha 9. paralysis.
Smite Good (Su): Once per day, the King of Ghouls can again. One rhing is for sure: There is more hostility, and
make a normal attack to deal +18 points of add itional more fear, toward Asmodeus tha11 ever before.
damage against a good foe. With rhe exception of Bel, the archdevils do not concern
Create Spawn (Su ): In most cases, the King of Ghouls themselves roo much with the Blood War. Hell's generals are
devours his victims. From time to time, however, the bodies a council of pit fiends called rhe Dark Eight, mighty warriors
of his humanoid victims lie where they feU, to rise as ghouls that helped Asmodeus win the day during the Reckoni ng.
in 1d4 days. Casting protection from evil on a body before the
end of that rime averts rhe tra11sformation. BEL, LORD OF TH E FIRST
Turn Resistance (Ex): The King of Ghouls is treated as Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful)
an undead with 24 Hit Dice for the purpose of turn, rebuke, Hit Dice: 26d8+286 (403 hp)
command, and bolster attempts. Initiative: +7
Undead Traits: The King of Ghouls is in1mune to mi.nd- Speed: 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stu1rning, disease, AC: 42 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 deflection, +15 insight, +20
death effects, necwmantic effects, and any effect that requires naniral), touch 22, flat-footed 39
a Fortitude save unless ir also works on objects. He is nor sub- Attacks: Huge +3 flnming greatsword +44/+39/+34/+29
ject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability melee and 2 wings +35 melee and bite +35 melee and
drain, energy drain, or death from massive damage. The King tail slap +35 melee
ofGhouls cannot be raised, and resurrection works only if he Damage: Huge +3 flaming grentsword 2d8+25/t9-20 plus
is willing. The King of Ghouls has darkvision (60-foot range). Ld6 fire p lus 1 vile, wing td4+7, bite 2d6+7 plus poison
Possessions: +2 breastplate, r111g of i,wisibil,ty. plus disease, rail slap 2d4+7
Face/Reach : 5 ft. by 5 fi./10 fr.
Special Attacks: Constrict 2d4+22, disease, fear aura,
ARCHDEVII S improved grab, poison, spell-like abilities
Like rhe demon princes, the archdevils are the greatest of Special Qualities: Baatezu traits, DR 30/+5, outsider traits,
their kind ai1d wholly unique. Unlike their demonic coun- regeneration 7, SR 30, summo11 baatezu
terparts, however, the archdevils are organized in a strict Saves: Fort +26, Ref +18, Will +23
hierarchy. The archdevils rarely make open war against each Abilities: Str 40, Dex 16, Con 32, Int 27, Wis 27, Cha 25
other. Ins read, they plot and scheme in intricate webs of pol- Skills: Bluff +33, Climb +41, Concentration +37, Craft
itics, duplicity, and betrayal. (weaponsmirhing) +2t , Diplomacy +15, Disguise +33,
The archdevils are also called rhe Lords of Hell, the Hide +25, Intimidate +37, .lnruir Direction +21, Jump +41,
Dukes (or Archdukes) of Hell, and rhe Lords of the Nine. Knowledge (arcana) +34, Knowledge (nobility and
Togerher, they rule all rhe layers of the Nine Hells. Each royalty) +21, Knowledge (the planes) +21, Listen +34,
archdevil has his or her own dark palace, legions of devils Move Silently +29, Search +34, Sense Motive +34,
and monsters, and schemes to gain more power. The vari- Spellcraft +34, Spot +34
ous archdevils continually make and break alliances with Feats: Cleave, Dark Speech, Grear Cleave, Improved
each other and other planar powers in their quest for Initiative, Power Arrack, Vile Martial Strike (great-
greater might and control. sword), Weapon Focus (greatsword)
The greatest of all archdevils is Asmodeus, who rules over
all of them &om the bottom of the Pit itself. He has con- Climate/Ierrain: Any land and underground
trolled the Hells for as long as histories have been recorded, Organization: Solitary
alrhough there are rumors of even older lords of the Pit, Challenge Rating: 20
with names such as Satan and Lucifer. These beings, how- Treasure: Quadruple standard
ever, are long gone now. Alignment : Lawful evil
Not terribly long ago (as things are measured in hell, Advancement: -
anyway), Asmodeus masterminded the Reckoning, when
rhe face of hell changed fairly dramatically. The archdevils Bel is one of the newer lords of the Nine, currently the
Baalzebul and Mephistopheles warred with each other for ruler of Avernus, t:he first layer. He is the only archdevil who
the rulership of hell. With the help ofa lord named Geryon, spends more of his time worrying about the Blood War than
Asmodeus convinced the armies of each side to turn against hell's own policies. Although he rose through the ra11ks based
their masters. All of the other archdevils fell before the on his own skill and power (and victories over the demons),
onslaught of rheir own troops. Asmodeus reinstated most of the former pit fiend enjoys the support of none of the other
them- with rhe exception of Moloch, who was replaced by lords of hell. Bel is, however, held in high favor among the
rhe Hag Countess, and Geryon, whose position was taken by Dark Eight, and that is not a bit of influence to be overlooked.
Levisnis. (Leave it ro rhe master of al.I hell to betray the only It is thought rhar Zariel, the former ruler of Avernus, is
archdevil rhat remained loyal ro him.) still kept within Bel's Bronze Citadel, where Bel draws off
Currently Bel, Mammon, Levisrus, and the Hag Coumess her power to einend his own.
have no real allegiances. But thar could change. Politics in Bel resembles a pit fiend with vast bat wings. His fangs drip
hell being what they are, most likely tl1e devils will polarize with green liquid, and red scales cover his hulking body. His
sword blade has a jagged edge and glows with hear. The symbol self, pyrotechnics, suggestion, tel.eport without error, unholy m1m,
of Bel is a fanged mourh biting down on a sword's blade. unhallow, wall of fit'e; 1/ day- meteor swarm, symhol (any}, wisli.
Casrer level 19th; save DC 17 + spell level.
Combat Baatezu Traits: Bel can communicate telepathically with
Bel is an expert tactician and does not fight a bacrle that is any creature wirhin 100 feer chat has a
not on his terms. He loves ambushes and double-crosses, language. In addition, he can see per-
feints and counrerfeints. In personal combat, he fectly in darkness of any kind, even that
relies on his Huge oddly curved greatsword. created by a deeper darlrness spell. Bel is
Constrict (Ex): With a s uccessful grapple immune to fire and poison, and he has
check, Bel can crush a grabbed op- acid resistance 20 and cold resist-
ponent, dealing 2d4+22 points of
bludgeoning damage. Outsider Traits: Bel cannot
Disease (Ex}: Even if a be raised or resurrected.
crearure Bel has bitten saves Regeneration (.Ex): Bel
against his poison, it must takes normal damage from
succeed at a Forritude save holy and blessed weap-
( DC 34) or contract devil chills. ons of at least +3 enhance-
The incubation period is J d4 ment.
days, and the disease deals 1 d6 Summon Baatezu (Sp):
points of Strength damage. The Twice per day Bel can
victim must make three successful automatically summon
Forricude saving throws in a row 3 lemures, osylurhs, or
co recover (see Disease in barbazu, or 2 erinyes,
Chapter 3 of the DuNGWN cornugons, or gelugons.
MASTER'S Guide). Possessions: Bel uses a
Fear Aura (Su }: As a Huge +3 flaming great-
free acrion, Bel can create sword chat gains a +5
an aura of fear in a 20-foot enhancement bonus on
radius. It is otherwise iden- arrack and damage rolls
tical with rbe fear spell when used against de-
(caster level 15th; Will DC mons. This is a Blood War
30). If the save is successful, legacy, and he has killed
that creature can not be literally thousands of
affected again by Bel's fear aura demons with it. He is also
for 24 hours. Ocher baarezu are never without a ri,.1g of pro-
immune to the aura. teclio,1 +5.
Improved Grab (Ex}: If Bel
hits a Medium-size or smaller
opponent with a tail slap attack, l Among the archdevils
he deals normal damage and of hell, Bel is often
attempts to stare a grapple as a called rhe Pretender. Ir is
free action without pro- thought char Asmodeus
voking an arrack of op- allowed his coup onl y
portunity (grapple bo- because it meant one
nus +45). If he hies with less scheming lord.
rhe rail slap, he can also constrict in the same round. Bel has Bel would be so busy fighting rhe demons, the rumor says,
the option to conduce the grapple normally, or simply use char he cou ld not scheme against his betters, and mosr
his rail to hold the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple check, important, his patron.
but Bel is nor considered grappled). In either case, each suc- Bel simply wants co secure his position. He has made
cessful grapple check he makes during successive rounds overtures to ally himself with Baalzebul and Mephis-
automatically deals tail slap damage. topheles, bur they have rebuffed him. His acts of treachery
Poison (Ex}: Bel delivers his poison (Fort save DC 34)wirh against the o ld lord of Avernus, Zariel, are coo fresh in
each successful bite attack The initial damage is 1d6 points of rheir minds.
Constitution damage; rhe secondary damage is death.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-animate dend, blasphemy, The Cult of Bel
charm person, create undead, desecmt.e, detect good, detect magic, There are no worshipers of Bel. A few scattered cul rs of
dispel magic, fireball, hellfire, hold person, improved invisibility, Zari el once existed, bur they did nor transfer their devotion
magic circle againsl good, majo1• image, produce flame, polymorph to her usurper.
The Servants of 8el Reg enerati on (Ex): Yeddikadir and Nalebranc rake
Bel, a military commander, is always surrounded by other normal damage from acid, and from holy and blessed
powerful and warlike devils. In parricular, be has two cor- weapons of at least +2 enhancement.
nugon fighters, Yeddikadir and Nalebranc, who snike fear Summon Baatezu (Sp ): Once per day, a cornugon can
even in devils that are supposedly more powerful. Yed- attempt to summon 2d IO lemures or I d6 barbazu with a 50%
dikadir is secretly also in the service of BeUal, bur only ro chance of success, td6 hamanilas with a 35% chance of suc-
keep an eye on Bel, nor to berray bim ... at least not yet. cess, or 1 cornugon with a 20% chance of success.
Possessions: +2 1vl1ip, +3 largc steel shield, ring of protection +2, 2
-, Yeddikadir and Nale branc (2): Male cornugon Ftr 8; pol1011s of bull's strength.
CR t8; Large oursider (evil, lawful); HD 11d8+44 plus
8d10+32; hp 175; Init +2; Spd 20 fr., fly 50 fr. (average); AC 33, DrSPATER, LORD OF THE SECOND
touch 13, flat-footed 31; Ark +24 melee (1d4+6, 2 claws) and Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful)
+23 melee ( ld4+3, bite) and +23 melee (1d3+3 plus wound- Hit Dice: 34d8+442 (595 hp)
ing, tail), or +27/+22/ +17/+12 melee ( ld6+10 plus I vile plus Initiative: +7
stun, +2 wl11p) and +23 melee ( ld4+3, bite) and +23 melee Speed: 30 fr.
(1d3+3 plus wounding, rail); Face/ Reach 10 fr. by 10 fr./15 fr.; AC: 45 (+3 Dex, +7 shield, +25 natural), rouch 13, flat-
SA fear aura, spell-like abilities, srun, wound; SQ baarezu footed 42
qualities, DR 20/+2, outsider traits, regeneration 5, SR 24, Attacks: +6 lieavy mace +55/+50/ +45/+40 melee
summon bnatezu; AL LE; SV Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +11; Damage: +6 henvy mnce ld8+20 plus t vile
Str 22, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15. Face/Reach: 5 fr. by 5 fr./ 5 ft.
Skills n11d Fenls: Bluff +16, Climb +21, Concentration +16, Special Attack s: Fear aura, flesh ro iron, rust·, spell-like
Diplomacy+6, Hide +11, Intimidate +4,Jump +10, Lisren +14, abilities
Move Silently +17, Search +16, Sense Motive +16, Spor +16; Special Qualities: Baatezu traits, DR 20/+7, outsider traits,
Cleave, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (whip), Multi- regeneration 8, SR 38, summon bnnlew
anack, Power Anack, Sunder, Vile Martial Srrike (whip), Vio- Saves: Fort +32, Ref +22, WilJ +26
late SpeU-Like Ability, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Focus Abilities: Str 39, Dex 16, Con 37, lnr 31, Wis 24, Cha 31
(rail), Weapon Focus (whip), Weapon Specialization (whip). Skills: Alchemy +44, Appraise +44, Bluff +44, Climb +48,
Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, each of these comugons Concentration +47, Craft (armorsmithing) +44, Craft
can create an aura of fear in a 5-foor radius. This effect is (weaponsmitbing) +44, Diplomacy +44, Disable Device
otherwise identical wi th a fear spell (caster level 12th; save +44, intimidate +50, Knowledge (arcana) +44, Knowl-
DC 17). lf tbe save is successful, that creature cannot be edge (architecture and engineering) +44, Listen +41,
affected again by that cornugon's fear aura for 24 hours. Move Silently +37, Open Lock +37, Scry +44, Search
Other baatezu are immune to the aura. +44, Spellcrafr +44
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-/111imnte dend, chnrm perso11, Feats: Cleave, Dark Speech, Great Cleave, Improved
desecrnte, detect good, detect magic, detect thougl,ts, d,spel chnos, Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability
dispel good, mngic circle ngninsl good, major imnge, produce pnme, (X2), Weapon Focus (heavy mace), Vile Martial Srrike
pyrotechnics, mggeslion, tcleport wilho1~I error (self plus 50 (heavy mace)
pounds of objects only); 3/ day-firebnll, lightr1ing boll;
t / day- wnll offfre. Caster level 12th; save DC 12 + spell level. Climate/Terrain: AJ1y land and underground
Stun (Su): Whenever Yeddikadiror Nalebranc hits with a Organization: Solitary
whip attack, the opponent inust succeed at a Fortitude save Challenge Rating: 26
(DC 17) or be snmned for td4 rounds. Treasure: Quadruple standard
Wounding (Ex): A wound resulting from Yeddikadir's or Alignm ent: Lawful evil
Nalebranc's tail attack bleeds for an addirional 2 poinrs of Advancement: -
damage per round thereafter. Multiple wounds from such
attacks result in cumulative bleeding loss (two wounds for 4 Dispater is the Iron Duke-the lord of the l ron City of Dis.
points of damage per round, and so on). The bleeding can be His home is the Iron Tower, an impregnable fortress made
stopped only by a successful Heal check ( DC LO) or the ro protect a paranoid archdevil.
application of a cure spell or some orher healing spell (heal, Dispater is the picture of caution and careful thought.
hecili11g circle, or the like). He never acts rashly, never leaves his rower ( unless com-
Baatezu Traits: Yeddikadir and Nalebranc can commll11i- manded to do so by Asmodeus), and always has at least
cate telepathically with any creature within 100 fee t that has nine different backup plans and escape routes at any
a language. In addition, they can see perfectly in darkness of given moment. No marter the situation, however, Dispa-
any kind, even that created by a deeper dnrlmess spell. Yed- ter keeps a veneer of calm, gentlemanly manners. He
dikadir and Nalebranc are immune to fire and poison, a11d never shows anger or contempt, making him all the
they have acid resistance 20 and cold resistance 20. more charming-and dangerous.
Outsider Traits : Yeddikadir and Nalebranc cannot be Dispater stands approximately 7 feet caU. He has dark hair
raised or resurrected. and small horns. His skin is cold to the touch and feels like
metal; it resists blows like metal as well. Dispater is always fire and poison, and he has acid resistance 20 and cold resist-
dressed in regal finery and carries his rod as a badge ofoffice ance 20.
as well as a terrible, macelike weapon. He ofren sports a Regeneration (Ex): Dispater takes normal damage from
magic iron shield as well. holy and blessed weapons of at least +5 enhancement.
Dispater's symbol is a black iron cower on a red field. Outsider Traits: Dispater cannot be raised or resur-
Combat Summon Baatezu (Sp): Twice per day Dispater ca n auto-
Dispater is extremely conservative and careful. He always matically summon 5 osyluths or barbazu, 3 erinyes, comu-
thinks defensively in battle. He keeps foes at bay using wnll gons, or gelugons, or 1 pit fiend.
of iron or wnll of dendly chains while he summons assistance. Possessions: Dispater's rod is a minor artifact, a +6 heavy
Fear Aura (Su ): As a free action, Dispater can create an mnce rhat acts as a rod of rulership and can smite good three
aura offear in a 20-foor radius. le otherwise functions as rhe rimes per day (dealing an additional +20 damage to a good
fenr spell (caster level 15th, save DC 37). If the save is being). Dispater often carries a +5 large iron shield.
successful, rhat creature cannot be affected
again by cbe aura for 24 hours. The Goals of Oispater
Other baatezu are immune to the Dispater is ancient even by archdevil stan-
aura. dards and has learned much over his mil-
Flesh to Iron (Su): Jf Dispater lennia of rulership and control. He is
makes a successful rouch arrack cautious and slow to act. Throughout
with his hand rather than bis much of his time as a Lord of the Nine,
mace, he can cause flesh co turn he has allied himself with Mephis-
to iron. The subject touched can topheles. Like his ally, Dispater despises
attempt a Forti.rude saving throw Baalzebul and works against him at
(DC 40) co resist rhe effect. This is every rurn.
in every way like petrification, Disparer's main objective for now
except chat the victim becomes and the foreseeable future is the
iron, nor scone. downfall of his enemy, Baalzebul.
Rus t (Su ): If Dispater makes a All his schemes and actions
successful couch attack with his hand center around th at goal. Like-
rather than his mace, he can cause any wise, Baalzebul works against
metal he touches to corrode, falling Dispater, so the Iron Duke fre-
co pieces and becoming useless quently devotes his time and
immediately. The size of the object is attention to defenses against
immaterial-a full suit of armor rusts his foe's machinations.
away as quickly as a sword. Non-
magical metal objects (including The Cult of Oispater
creatures nirned to iron by Many beings venerate Dispater,
cer's flesh ro iron ability) ger no particularly hobgoblins, goblins, and
saving throw against chis effect. other warlike humanoids. They revere
Magic armor, a magic weapon, or any his unassailable and indestructible
other magic item made of metal nature.
muse succeed at a Reflex save Temples of Dispater are fortresses
(DC 40) or be dissolved. unto themselves. They are easily
A metal weapon char deals damage defended (and o&en hidden), with multiple
co Dispacer also corrodes immediately. Wooden, stone, and secret escape routes to allow the defendi11g priests backup
ocher nonmetallic weapons are unaffected. options. The doctrines of Dispater all involve contingencies
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-nnimnte dend, blasphemy, and options. While followers of Dispater are defensive-
call nigl1t,, chnr,n monster, crente u11dend, desecrate, detect minded to the point of cloistering themselves, they never
good, detect mngic, greater dispelling, locnte crenture, locate obje(t, allow themselves to be backed into a corner.
magic ci1·cle agn.inst good, major image, polymorph self, pyrotec'1- Clerics affiliated with Dispater's goals wear gray clothing
nics, stop henrt, suggestio11, teleport without e,•ror, trne seeing, and iron masks. They wield maces of iron and are usually
unholy a11rn, imhnllow, wall of deadly c'1arns, wnll of rron, wnve of heavily armored. They usually have access to the Diabolic,
grief, wmck; 1/ day-imprisonm e11t, iron body, symbol (any), Evil, and War domains.
wis'1. Caster level 20th; save DC 20 + spell level. Cultists: The half-elfThorolf stands tall and powerful,
Baatezu Traits: Dispacer can comn1Lmicate telepathically with a rega l bearing befitting his position as high priest
with any creature within 100 feet that has a language. In ofDispater in a temple located outside a small town. Next
addition, he can see perfectly i11 darkness of any kind, even to the temple is a mausoleum used by the locals to store
that created by a deeper darkness spell. Dispater is immune to their dead. This place of the dead is controlled by a cult of
Dispater, but no one seems to object because necromancers melee (1d8+9 plus td6 electriciry/15-20, +4 shockil'lg burst
and others who might animate the dead consider the place longnvord), or +l 8 ranged (entangle, rope); SA charm person,
off limits. rope entangle, rusting gimp, spell-like abilities; SQ baatezu
No one realizes rhar Thorolf is a necrophiliac. He sneaks traits, device lore, DR 10/ +1, greater iron hews, iro11 body, iron
away from his domineering role in the church to enter rhe hews, iron power +2, ironskin, outsider traits, SR 12, rnmmot1
mausoleum from time co time for sex. Even the other wor- baatem, summon erinyes, tongues; AL LE; SV Fore+ 15, Ref +13,
shipers of Dispacer do not know, and he would be quick to Will +14; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 20.
slay anyone char might find our. Skills and Feats: Concentration +12, Disguise +21, Escape
Artist +17, Hide +19, Intimidate +7, Listen +20, Move
-,Thorolf: Male half-elf Cir 6/hr 6; CR l2; Medium-size Silently +14, Search +13, Spot +15; Cleave, Disciple of Dark-
hwnanoid; HD 6d8 plus 6dl0; hp 74; lnit +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC ness, Expertise, Power Arrack, Weapon Focus (longsword),
20, couch 11, flat-footed 19; Ark +15/+10 melee (td8+6/ t9-20, Willing Deformity.
+2 heavy mace); SA rebuke undead 5/day; SQ half-elf trairs; AL Charm Person (Su ): Usryhrin-ja can chann a humanoid
LE; SV Fort +1O, Ref+5, Will +9; Srr t5, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 11, creature wirb a look. This is not a gaze attack. and the target
Wis 15, Cha 15. need 1101 meet her eye. The ability has a range of 60 feet; an
Skills and Feats: Craft (metalworking) +9, Jump +6, Listen +3, affected opponent must succeed at a Will save (DC 18} or
Scry +6, Search +4, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +3; Blind-Fight, become utterly loyal co Usryhrin-ja. Tbe victim will do any-
Combat Reflexes, Disciple of Darkness, Improved Critical thing ro protect Usryhri11-ja, even if rhat means slaying his
(heavy mace), Improved Initiative, Power Anack, Scribe or her companions or facing certain death. The ability is oth-
Scroll, Violate Spell, Weapon Focus (heavy mace), Weapon erwise similar co a charm person spell (casrer level 8th).
Specialization (heavy mace). Rope Entangle (Ex): Ustyhrin-ja carries a scour rope 50
Half-Elf Traits: Thorolf is immune ro magic sleep speUs feet long char entangles opponents of any size as an animate
and effects. He can see twice as far as a human in low-lighr rope spell (caster level t6th). Usryhrin-ja can hurl rhe rope
conditions. Tborolf also has a +1 racial bonus on Listen, 30 feet with no range penalty.
Search, and Spot checks (already figured into the statistics Rusting Grasp (Sp): Once per day, Usrybrin-ja can produce
above.) an effect identical to rhar of a rusting grasp spell (caster level
Spells Prepared (5/ 5/5/3; save DC 12 + spell level): 0-create 15th).
water, detect magic, ligf,t, read magic, resistance; 1st-bless, cure Spell-Like Abilities: Ar will-animate dead, char111 mon-
light wounds, devil's tail'\ divi11e favor, heartache; 2nd- bull's, desecrate, invisibility (self only}, magic circle against good
strength, ho!a person, silence, sou11d burst, spiritual weapon*; 3rd- (self only), major image, polymorp~1 self, produce flame, see invis-
magic vestment#, prayer, searing light. ibility, suggestion, 111'1holy blight. Caster level 8th; save DC 15 +
*Domain spell. Doma111s: Diabolic (+6 bonus on Bluff, spell level.
Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive check, t / day), War Usryhrin-ja can also use teleport without error (self plus 50
(Weapon Focus [heavy mace]). pounds of objects only) at will. Caster level 12th.
Possessions: +2 heavy mace, +2 light fortificalio11 large steel Baatezu Traits: Ustyhrin-ja ca11 communicate telepathi-
sl11eld, elven chain, scro;J of spider legs, scroll of wall of ooze, cally wirh any creature withi11 100 feet that has a language.
potion of cat's grace. ln addition, she ca11 see perfectly in darkness of any kLnd,
even that created by a deeper darkness spell. Ustyhrin-ja is
The Servants of Dispater immune to fire and poison, and she has acid resistance 20
Within rhe Iron Tower, Dispacer gains a +20 divine bonus to and cold resistance 20.
Armor Class, spell resistance, and all saving throws, making Device Lore (Ex): Ustyhrin-ja can find traps made
him all but invulnerable. Thus, he hardly ever leaves the mostly of metal as a rogue can. Further, she gains a +2 com-
place, relying on his servants-mostly erinyes-to carry petency bonus when making Disable Device checks for
out his bidding or speak for bun. The chief of all his erinyes devices made mostly of metal.
servants is Ustyhrin-ja, a hideously scarred disciple. She is Greater Iron H ews (Ex): Once per day, Ustyh1fo-ja may
fiercely loyal to Disparer and in recent weeks personally add a +6 divine bonus ro the damage rolls for all successful
slew three ennyes under her thar she discovered were acru- attacks sbe makes that round. This bonus does not stack
ally spies for Baalzebul. This event has made her even more with chat provided by iron bews; the abilities are separate.
parru1oid and distrusting of all except her master. Iron Body (Sp ): Once per day, Usryhrin-ja can gain the
The Iron Tower has a new guardian as well: Talas. Con- benefits of the iron body spell (caster level tSth).
trary ro what some people now say, Dispater did not create Iron Hews (Ex): Once per day, Ustyhrin-ja may add a +3
Talas. The legendary iron golem is very old, and bow it cam e divine bonus to the damage rolls for all successful attacks
to serve Dispater is a bit of a mystery. she makes that round.
Iron Power (Su ): When using an iron or steel weapon,
-,ustyhrin-ja: Female erinyes Frr 1/ Disciple ofDispater 10; Ustyhrin-ja gains a +2 insight bonus on arrack a11d damage
CR 18; Medium-size outsider (evil, lawful); HD 6d8+6 plus rolls. Further, her threat range is tripled as if she were using
1d10+1 plus 1od10+10; hp 119; Init+1; Spd 30 ft., fly 50 fr. (aver- a keen weapon. These adjustments are i11cluded in the statis-
age); AC 25 (touch 12, flat-footed 24); Ark +27/+22/+17/+12 tics above.
Ironskin (Sp): Once per day, Ustyhrin-ja can use stoneski11 Special Qualities: Alternate form, baatezu traits, DR 15/+6,
(caster level 15th) upon hersel.£ outsider traits, regeneration 8, SR 37, swn1no11 baatczu
Outsider Traits: Ustybrin-ja cannot be raised or resur- Saves: Fon +31, Ref +22, Will +29
rected. Abilities: Str 36, Dex 17, Con 35, Int 30, Wis 31, Cha 27
Sum mon Baatezu (Sp ): Once per day Ustyhrin-ja can Skills: Appraise +44, Bluff +42, Concentration +46,
attempt ro summon 2dt0 lemures wirh a 50% chance of suc- Diplomacy +50, Disguise +42, Forgery +44, Hide +29,
cess, or 1d4 barbazu with a 35% chance of success. l nnuendo +48, Intim idate +46, Knowledge (arcana) +44,
Summon Erin yes (Sp ): Ustyhrin-ja can automatically Knowledge (the planes) +44, Listen +44, Move Silently
summon 1d4 erinyes once per day. This ability functions in +37, Profession (bookkeeper) +44, Search +44, Sense
all ocher ways as a summon monster spell. Motive +44, Spellcraft +44, Spot +44
To ngues (Su ): Usryhrin-ja has a permanent tongues abiLlry Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dark Speech, Grear Cleave,
(caster level 12th). Improved [nitiative, Mulriattack*, Power Arrack, Vile
Possessions: +4 shocking burst longsword, +1 ln,·ge steel sl1ield, Martial Strike (shortspear), Weapon Focus (shortspear)
ring of protection+ 1, orb of storms, rope.
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
.,Talos, the Triple Iron Golem : CR 22; Huge construct; HD Organization: Solitary
54d1 0; hp 297; Inir -2; Spd 20 &.; AC 35, rouch 6, £ Challe n ge Rating: 25
35; Ark +53 melee (4d6+15, 2 slams); Face/ Reach 10 ft. by 1 O Treasure: Quadruple standard
fr./15 ft.; SA breath weapon; SQ construc1 rraits, DR 50/+3, Alignment: Lawful evil
magic immunity, rust vulnerability; AL N; SV fort +18, Advancem ent: -
Ref +16, Will +18; Sn· 41, Dex 7, Con -, Jnr -, Wis 11, Cha 1.
Breath Weapon (Su): As a free action, Talos can breathe a Mammon, the lord of hell's third layer, has long been a
cloud of poisonous gas (Fort DC 37; initial damage 2d4 Con· power-hungry schemer. He is rhe epitome of selfishness,
srirution, secondary damage death) that fills a LO-foot cube greed, and lust.
directly in front of him and lasts 1 row,d. Once he uses his The archdevil lives in a golden, jewel-encrusted palace
breath weapon, he cannot do so agai n for 1d4+l rounds. rhac some have claimed looks more like a tomb t han a home.
Construct Traits: Talos is immune ro mind-affecting Mammon's palace is within rhe city of Minauros, forever
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, srunning, disease, death effects, sinking into an e ndless, fetid swamp.
necromanric effects, and any effect that requires a Fortin1de Mammon's natural form was once that of a bloated pir
save unless it also works on objects. He i.s not subject ro criti- fiend. Although he can srill adopt thar form, Asmodeus has
cal hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy altered him so rhar his narural form is now that of a Huge
drain, or death from massive damage. He cannot heal himself serpent wirh a muscular humanoid rorso, sporting two large
bur can be healed through repair. Talos cannot be raised or arms and a massive humanoid head. His mouth has pointed
resurrected. He has darkvision (60-foot range). recrh and rwo large snake fangs.
' Mag ic Immunity (Ex): Talos is immune to all spells, Mammon's symbol is a pair of red scaled hands open and
spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects, except as fol- looming over a diamond-shaped, black gem.
lows. An electricity effect slows him (as rhe slow spell) for 3
rounds, wi1 h no saving throw. A fire effect breaks a11y slow Combat
effecr on Talos and cures 1 point of damage for each 3 points Mammon uses his size a nd power to crush his enemies, over-
of damage it would otherwise deal. Talos rolls no saving whelming and overcoming them in a straightforward manner.
throw agaiJ,st fire effects. He enjoys charming foes into thinking he is their ally and
Rust Vulnerability (Ex): Talos is affected normally by rus1 then betraying them with a devastating surprise attack.
artacks, such as that ofDispater or a rusti11g gr11sp spell. Constrict (Ex): With a successful grapple check, Mam·
mon can crush a grabbed opponent, dealing 2d6+19 points
MAMMON, LORD OF THE THIRD of bludgeoning damage.
Huge Outsid er (Evil, Lawful) Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, Mammon can create an
Hit Dice: 34d8+408 (561 hp) aura offear in a 20-foot radius. Ir is otherwise identical with a
Initiative: +7 fenr spell (caster level 15th; Will DC 35 negates). If rhe save is
Speed: 40 fr. successful, rhar crearure cannot be affected again by bis fear
AC: 44 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +11 insight, +22 narural), rouch 22, aura for 24 hours. Other baatezu are immune to the aura.
flat-footed 41 Improved Grab (Ex): If Mammon hies a Medium-size or
Attacks: Garganrnan +4 shortspcar +50/+45/+40/+35 melee smaller opponenr wirh a tail slap attack, he deals normal
and bite +40 melee and tail slap +40 melee damage and attempts to starr a grapple as a free action with-
Damage: Gargantuan +4 slwrtspenr 2d8+23 plus 1 vile/x3, our provoking an a track of opportunity (grapple bonus
bite 2d8+6 plus poison, tail slap 2d6+6 +55). Ifhe hits wirh the rail slap, he can also constrict in the
Face/Reach : 20 fr. by 5 &./15 fr. same roUJ1d. Mammon has the option ro conduct the grap-
Special Attacks: Constrict 2d6+19, fear aura, improved ple normally, or simply use his rail to hold t he opponent
grab, poison, spell-like abilities, rouch of greed (-20 penalty on grapple check, bur Mammon is not consid-
ered grappled). In either case, each successful grapple To hang onto his currenr position, iris said that Mammon
check he makes during successive rounds automatically had ro embarrassingly throw himself at Asmodeus's feer.
deals tail slap damage. Asmodeus changed Mammon's form, either co punish him
Poison (Ex): Mammon delivers his poison (Forcirude save or as a sign rhac Mammon had changed his ways and woLLld
DC 39) with each successful bi1e arrack. The inirial and sec- not betray Asmodeus again.
ondary damage is the same ( I d6 poi111s of Consrirurion drain). Currently, Mammon seeks support in d1e form of cultists,
Spell-Like Abilities: A1 will-blllsphemy, d11lrn1 mon- servants, and allies. Al1hough mosc of the major players in
ster, desecrate, detect good, detect mllgic, discern localio11, dispel rhe Nine Hells will 1101 listen ro his entreaties, some of the
mllgic, entl1mll, fireball, hellfire storm, l1old person, mngic mcle second-1ier beings of influence, such as che wirch-queen
against good, mnjor image, produce fiame, see oivisibillf)\ mggcs- Zbavrn, have entered inro Mammon's court.
11011, teleport 1111tho11t error, imholy num, u11lrnllo111, u111ll of fire;
1/day-phnntnsmnl thief, symbol (hope!csrness), 1v1sh. Cas1er The Cult of Mammon
level 20rh; save DC 18 + spell level. Cultists worshiping Mammon look upon him as
Tou ch of Greed (Su): Any crearure a patron of greed and lusc. His followers can be
rhar Mammon touches with his found among the selfish and cruel of most hu-
hands musr make a success- manoid races, as well as nonhumanoids such
ful Will save (DC 35) or be as beholders, mind flayers, and evil dragons.
overcome wirh greed. The Temples of Mammon traditionally display
crearure arracks another ran- vas1 wealth and audacious treasures-and
dom crearure wirhin 60 feet (pos- have rhe appropriare guards, wards, and
sibly Mammon) and attempts co traps co defend them. Altars co Mammon
rake its valuables as soon as pos- are normally covered in gold and jewels.
sible. This effect Iasis for ld4 When a sacrifice is killed and offered co
rounds, and iris otherwise treared Mammon, iris done wirh a golden or
as a suggest-ion. Mammon can re- jeweled blade.
frain from using this effect when Clerics affiliated with Mammon, called cov-
he desires. erors, wear red robes wich gold trim and a lot of
Alternate Form (Su): At will, gold jewelry. They usually have access ro the
Mammon can rake rhe form of a Diabolic, Evil, and Greed domains. Most of these
pi1 fiend as if using a shnpeclrnnge individuals are very wealthy, having gained
spell. This alternate form lasrs a great deal of money and power from evil
indefinirely schemes, exploitation, and coercion.
Baatezu Traits: Mammon Cultists: Dorban Smokesrone lives in a
can communicate telepachi- dwarf community and uses his family
call y with any creature fortu ne ro pay thieves and assassins to
within 100 feet chat has furiher his own position by eliminat-
a language. In addition, ing his enemies. Ruulam, on the other
he can see perfectly in dark- band, is an outcast from mind flayer
ness of any kind, even char ere- society and lives among drow,
aced by a deeperdarlmess spell Mammon is immune to fire and reaching chem che ways of Mam-
poison, and he has acid resistance 20 and cold resistance 20. mon and playing upon rheir greed.
Regeneration (Ex): Mammon rakes normal damage
from holy and blessed weapons of at least +4 enhancement. -, norban Smokes tone: Male dwarf Clr 8; CR 8;
Summon Baatezu (Sp): Three rimes per day, Mammon can Medium-size humanoid; HD 8d8+40; hp 90; lnit +1;
aucomacically summon 4 barbazu or hamarulas. Aherna- Spd 15 fi.; AC 22, couch 11, flat-footed 21; Ark +10/+5
rively, he can artempc co summon 3 cornugons, 2 gelugons, melee (td8+3, +1 /,envy mace); SA rebuke undead 4/day; SQ
or 1 pit fiend with an 80% chance of success. dwarf traits; Al LE; SV Forr +11, Ref +3, Will +1 t; Srr l4,
Feats: "'Mammon is unable rouse his Mulriartack feat in Dex 12, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 12.
his normal form because he lacks rhe reqLLisite rhree narural Sldlls n11d Fel1fs: Appraise +3, Craft (jewelry making) +14,
weapons. He can use it in his pi1 fiend form. Craft (meralworking) +3, Craf1 (sroneworking) +3, Diplo-
Possessiom: Mammon uses a Garganruan +4 shortsp1•11r. macy +12, Forgery +3, Listen +7, Spellcraft +8, Spot +7; Alert-
ness, Bli11d-Fighc, Weapon Focus (heavy mace).
The Goals of Mammon Dwarf Traits: Dorban gains a +1 bonus on arrack rolls
Mammon lusts for power-he craves a station and posirion agains1 ores and goblinoids, a +2 bonus on Will saves against
above rhe one he currently holds, for he has no affecrion for spells and spell-like abiliries, a +2 bonus on forrirude saves
Minauros, the layer he currendy rules. Once the ally ofDispa- against all poisons, a +4 dodge bonus against giams, and a +2
cer and Mephistopheles, he was quick co betray chem both ac racial bonus on Appraise, Craft, or Profession checks related
the end of rhe Reckoning, and rhus no archdevil rrusts him. to scone or metal (already figured inro the statistics above).
He bas darkvisi.on with a range of 60 feet. Dorban also has Spells Prepared (5/6/4/3; save DC 15 + spell level): 0-cure
stonecun11ing (+2 racial bonus on checks to notice unusual minor wounds, detect magic (2), guida11ce, resistnnce; 1st-bane,
stonework; can make a check for unusual stonework as chough cure light wounds, detect good, devil's tail*, doom, shield of fnith;
actively searching when within 10 feet and can use the Search 2nd-darkbolt, devil's eye", endurance, hold person; 3rd-blind-
skill m find stonework traps as a rogue can; illtuit depth). 11ess/de11fness, devil's ego*, dispel magic.
Speirs Prepnred (6/7/5/5/4; save DC 15 + spell level): 0- *Domain spell. Domai11s: Diabolic (+5 bonus on Bluff,
cure minor wounds, detect magic (2), g111d11nce, resistance (2); Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive check, 1/day),
1st-bnne, cause fear, commnnd, rnre light wo1mds, endure ele- Greed (+2 bonus on Appraise, Open Lock, and Pick Pocket
ments, obscuring mist, protection from good"; 2nd-aid, checks).
endurnnce, enHce gift'", snp strength, shntter; 3rd-bestow curse, Possessions: bmcers of 11rn1or +3, cloak of resistance +.I.
cure serious woimds, k11ock'', masochism, shriveling; 4th-claws of
tl,e savnge, cim crilirnl wounds, slop lie111'I, unholy blight". The Servants of Mammon
"'Domain spell. Domains: Evil (+1 caster level with evil This archdevil has a diabolic army, made up mostly of osy-
spells), Greed (+2 bonus on Appraise, Open Lock, and Pick luths and hamatulas, commanded by gelugons. He also com-
Pocket checks). mands a small unit of powerful mind flayers rhat serve as
Possessions: +1 henvy mnce, + I poison spike plate armor, master- information-gatherers for him. Mammon owns a nightmare
work large steel shield, 1.1111nd of cure light wo1111ds (24 charges), with maximum hir points and a pack oflarger rhan normal
brood, of shielding, 4 doses ofbaccaran. hell hounds. He takes these creatures with him when he
adopts pit fiend form and hunts within bis domain.
~ Ru ulam : Male mind flayer Cir 5; CR l3; Medium-size Zbavra began as a cleric ofHexror, and evenrually came m
aberration; HD sds+t6 plus 5d8+10; hp 92; Init +5; Spd 30 the Nine Hells to serve Hexror directly. However, she got
ft.; AC 17, much 11, flat-footed 16; Ark +11 melee (ld4+2, 4 caught up in the politics of hell and soon found that her lust
tentacles); SA extract, improved grab, mi11d blast, psionics, for power a11d in(luence got her far in che hierarchy. In fact,
rebuke undead 12/day; SQ darkvision 60 fr., SR 25, telepa- she soon found herself one of che most influential mortals in
thy; AL LE; SV Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +16; Str 15, Dex 13, all of hell. Now she bas thrown in with Mammon, hoping
Con 14, Int 18, Wis 21, Cha 20. that an allegiance wirh an archdevil will get her even farther.
Skills and Fents: Appraise +6, Bluff +'LO, Concentration +18, She lives in Minauros and attends Mammon's court regularly.
Craft (goldsmithing) +7, Diplomacy +11, Heal +12, Hide +7,
Intimidate+ 12, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (local) ~ Mammo n's Hell Hounds (13): Advanced hell hound;
+9, Knowledge (religion) +8, Listen +12, Move Silently +6, CR 6; Large outsider (evil, fire, lawful); HD 12d8+36; hp 90;
Spellcrafr +10, Spot +12; Alertness, Combat Casting, Init +4; Spd 40 fr.; AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed L6; Ark +16
Dodge, Extra Turning, Improved Initiative, Weapon melee (2d6+7 plus 1 vile, bite); Face/ Reach 5 fr. by 5 ft./10
Finesse ( tentacle), Weapon Focus (tentacle). fr.; SA breath weapon; SQfire subtype, outsider traits, scent;
, Extract (Ex): A mind flayer that begins its nirn wirh all AL LE; SV Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +8; Str 21, Dex 11, Con 17,
four tentacles artache-:1 and successfully maintains its hold Jnr 6, Wis 10, Cha 6.
automatically extracts the opponent's brain, insranrly killing Skills and Feats: Hide +16, Listen +13, Move SiJenrly +20,
rha t creature. Search +5, Spot +15*, WiJderness Lore +O; Improved Initia-
I mpr oved Grab (Ex): If Ruulam hits a Small ro Large tive, Power Attack, Track, Vile Narural Arrack.
opponent with a tentacle attack, he deals normal damage Breath Weapon (Su): Every 2d4 rounds, a hell hound can
and attaches that tentacle to rhe opponenr's head without breathe a 30-foot cone offire for 1d6+1 points offire damage
provoking an arrack of opportunity (grapple bonus +7). He (Reflex DC 19 half). The fiery breath also ignites any flam-
can grab a Huge or larger creature, but only ifhe can some- mable materials within the cone. Hell hounds can use their
how reach the foe's head. After a successful grab, Ruulam brearb weapons while biting.
can try to attach his remaining tentacles with a s ingle Fire Subtype (Ex}: A hell hound is immune to fire
grapple check. The opponent can escape with a single suc- damage but rakes double damage from cold unless a saving
cessful grapple check or Escape Artist check, but Ruulam throw for half damage is allowed. In that case, the crearure
gets a +2 circumstance bonus for every tentacle that was rakes half damage on a success and double damage on a
attached at the beginning of the opponent's turn. failure.
Mind Blast (Sp): This arrack is a 60-foot cone. Anyone Scent (Ex}: Hell hounds can detect approaching enemies,
caught in this cone must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) or sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
be st1.111ned for 3d4 rounds. Mind flayers often hunt using Skills: A hell hound receives a +5 racial bonus on Hide
this power and then drag off one or rwo of their stunned vic- and Move Silently checks. "It also receives a +8 racial bonus
tims to feed upon. on Spot checks and Wilderness Lore checks when tracking
Psionics (Sp ): Ar will-11sfr111 projection, charm monster, by scent, due to its keen sense of smell.
detect thoughts, levitate, plane shift, suggestio11. Caster (or mani-
fester) level 8th; save DC 15 + spell (or power) level. ~ Zbavra the Witch-Queen : Female human Clr 5/Sor
Telepathy (Su}: Ruulam can communicate telepathkally 9/Disciple of Mammon 5; CR 19; Mediwn-size humanoid;
with any creature within 100 feer that has a language. HD 5d8+5 plus 9d4+9 plus 5d6+5; hp 92; Init +3; Spd 30 fr.;
AC 22, rouch 16, flat-footed 19; Ark +12/+7/+2 melee Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with ranseur)
(1d4+1/19-20, dagger); SA rebuke undead 8/day; SQ cheat, Sp ecial Attacks: Fear aura, spell-like abilities
divert arrack, lie, SR 21, steal, summon osyluth; AL LE; SV Fort Sp ecial Qualities: Baatezu traits, DR 15/+6, outsider traits,
+9, Ref +11, Will +18; Srr 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 19, regeneration 7, SR 36, summor, b(l(1tezu
Cha 20. Saves: Fort +28, Ref +29, Will +29
Skills 1111d Feats: Appraise +7, Bluff +9, Concentration +11, Abilities: Str 29, Dex 25, Con 27, lnt 28, Wis 28, Cha 39
Diplomacy +7, Forgery +9, Gather Information +6, Heal +12, Skills: Appraise +27, Balance +13, Bluff +50, Concentration
Innuendo +14, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (arca na) +9, +44, Diplomacy +58, Disguise +50, Escape Arrist +16,
Open Lock +11, Pick Pocket +11 , Scry +13, Search +5; Gather Information +50, Hide +25, Innuendo +50,
Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Disciple of Dark- intimidate +36, Jump+ l3, Knowledge (arcana) +27,
ness, Enlarge Spell, Quick Draw, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +45, Knowledge (reli-
Skill Focus (Innuendo). gion) +27, Knowledge (the planes) +27, Listen +45,
Cheat (Sp): Zbavra can use cheat (caster level srh) five Move Silently +25, Scry +27, Search +45, Sense Motive
rimes per day. +45, Spellcraft +45, Spot +45, Tumble +29
Divert Attack (Ex): Three rimes per day, Zbavra can Feats (Belial): Combat Reflexes, Dark Speech, Dodge,
maneuver events so that an opponent's melee arrack meant Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Lnitiative,
for her is actually directed at another within the attacker's Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Vile
reach. The new rarger must also be a foe of the attacker. If no Martial Strike (ranseur), Weapon Focus (ranseur)
such foe is within reach, the maneuver fails. Feats (Fiem a): Dark Speech, Dodge, Expertise, Improved
Lie (Su): Zbavra gains a +4 competence bonus on Bluff Critical (scimitar), Improved Initiative, Lightning
checks and SR l6 against spells rhat reveal falsehood, such Reflexes, Mortalbane, Quicken Spel.1-Like Ability,
as zone of truth and discern lies, even when spell resistance is Violate Spell-fake Ability, Weapon Focus (scimitar)
normally nor allowed.
Steal (Sp): Zbavra gains a +4 competence bonus on Pick Climate/rerrain: Any land and underground
Pocket and Open Locks checks. Furthermore, once per day Organization: Solitary
she can call a single unanended object weighing no more Challenge Rating: 24
than 5 pounds to her as if using telekinesis (caster level 5th). Treasure: Quadruple standard
Summon Osyluth (Sp ): Zbavra can summon 1 osyluth Alignment: Lawful evil
once per day. This ability functions as a summon monster spell Advan cement: -
(caster level 15th).
Cleric Spells Prepared (5/5/4/3; save DC 14 + spell level): Technically, the Lady Fierna rules the fourrh layer of rhe Pir,
0-cure minor ivounds, detect n111gic, mending, resistance, virtue; known as Phlegethos. Most devils know, however, that
1sr-bless, cure light wounds, lm1rtache, protection from good*, Belial, her farher and rhe former ruler of rhe layer, acmally
shield of fait/1; 2nd-endurance, hold person, slrnt.ter*, silent runs things from behind the scenes. Fierna has gained a rep-
sorrotv; 3rd-contagion\ Aispel magic, sadism. utation as an insatiable consumer of males with little care or
*Domain spell. Domains: Destruction (smite for +4 arrack discrimination. Her father is really no better, quenching his
and +5 damage, 1/ day), Evil (+1 caster level for evil spells). dark needs often with captives, slaves, or other devils. Some
Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/7/7/5; save DC LS+ spell level): say that Fierna and .Belial's relationship has been consum-
O-dancing lights, detect magic, g~10st sound, light, mage h11nd, mated in incesruous ways.
open/close, prestidigit11tio1·1, my of frost; lst-cl111nge self, mnge Fierna dwells in a flaming palace of rough rock, deep cav-
11rmor, shield, sleep, tongue tendrils; 2nd-blur, d11rl,bolt1 /mod; lev- erns, and pools of magma. Ar its heart lie elegant halls of
it11te; 3rd-fly, haste, lightning bolt; 4th-improved invisibility, marble and a bejeweled decor. No one except Fierna and
polymorp/1 self. her closest companions are aUowed here, for this is where
lbssessions: 1i11g ofprotection +3, bmcers of11n11or +S, 111r1ulet of 111111.,- her father spends all his time.
m! amwr +1, 1111111tle ofspell resist11nce, w11nd of stor1eskin (40 charges), Both Fierna and her father are tall, dark humanoids with
ivand of m11gic vestment (19 charges), dagger, evil spell compo- small horns on their forehead. Both are quite handsome and
nents (preserved elfheart, y1.1goloth brain, and red dragon heart). sexual, with smoldering red eyes. They dress in regal finery.
Belia! always carries his ranseur, but Fierna n ever wields a
BELIAUFIERNA, LORD OF THE FOURTH weapon, relying on her fl111r,e blade arrack.
Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) The symbol chat both often use is a pair of red glowing
Hit Dice: 36d8+288 (450 hp) eyes over a horizontally positioned ranseur, with the whole
Initiative: +11 thing circled by a red tail ending in a wicked barb.
Speed: 30 ft., £ly 60 ft. (perfect)
AC: 40 (+7 Dex, +6 insight, +17 natural), touch 23, flat-footed 33 Combat
Attacks: +4 mnseur +S0/+45/+40/+35 melee (Belia[); flame The statistics and ability descriptions are for both Belia! and
blade +46/+41/+36/+31 melee touch (Fierna) Fierna, except where noted. Fierna typically enters battle
Damage: +4 ranse11r 2d4+13 plus 1 vile/X3 (Belial), flame with fire slneld and magic circle ag11i11st good active. Belia I
blade 2d8+20 fire/15-20 (Fierna) favors his ranseur and goes into a fight with see invisibility,
magic circle against good, and 11nlioly a11m active. she is nor at all resentful rhar her father actually does all the
Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, Belia! and Fierna can "work" and she simply says what he wants her to.
create an aura of fear in a 20-foot radius. IL is otherwise Belia! was rhe e nemy of Geryon and Moloch, both of
i.denrical with fear cast by a 15th-level caster (save DC 42). If whom were deposed in rhe Reckoning. He also hares
rhe save is successful, thar creature cannot be affected again Mammon. However, he currently has his sights set on rhe
by this fear aura for 24 hours. Other baatezu are immu1,e to (ifth and sixth layers of hell. He feels that ifhe can overcome
the aura. Levisnis, rhe Hag Countess will be easily defeated soon after.
Spell-Like Abilities (Belial): At wi 11- blaspli emy, Belia! has been an ally ofBaalzebul over the centuries and
cliarm monster, deeper d11rl111ess, dese- crnle, tletecl gootl, even through the Reckoning. They keep rheir relationship
detect ,nagic, gens/ quest, greater dis- pelling, greale,· res- more of a secret nowadays, but Belial would come to Baalze-
tornUon, hellfire storm, locate creature, locale objecl, magic bu l's side i.fhe needed him. Should rhis ever happen, how-
circle against good, major image, pl'O- I duce p11111e, raise ever, Mephistopheles would probably attempt to use Fierna
dead, see invisibility, suggestion, teleport ivil'1011t error, against her father-either as an ally or, if that is impossible,
unholy a11ra, unl1allow, wall of fire; a hostage.
1/ day- donrinate 111011sler, symbol
(pai11), wis11. Caster level 20th; The Cu lt of Bel ial/Fie rna
save DC 24 + spell level. No one worships Fierna, bur a few morrals pay
Spell-Like Abilities (Fierna): homage to Belia!. They see him as patron of domina-
Ar will-clesecrnte, detect good, tion, secrets, trickery, and seduc-
detect magic, dispel magic, fireball, fire tion. His symbols are a two-
sl11eld,flame blade (double damage), pronged ranseur and a hand-
11ellfire storm, magic mcle against good, some male face with dark
produce fla1ne 1 suggestion, leleporl 1vi1'1011l features and small horns.
error, wall of fire; t / day- fire storm, Clerics affiliated with
meteor sw11m1, wish. Caster level 20th; Belia! usually have access
save DC 24 + spell level. to rhe Trickery, Knowledge,
Baatezu Traits: Belial and Fierna and Evil domains, and rhey some-
can communicate telepathically times use his favored weapon, rhe
wirh any creature within 100 feet ranseur. They dress in red and
that has a language. l n addition, black. Ma le clerics, which pre-
they can see perfectly in darkness dominate, favor thin beards.
of any kind, even that created by a Temples to BeliaI are usually in
deeper darkness spell. Belia! and elegant rowers or marble halls,
Fierna are immune to fire and poison, where the appearance of deco-
and rhey each have acid resisrance rum and elegance can be main-
20 and cold resistance 20. tained. Belia l's bloodstained
Regene ratio n (Ex): Belial and alrars are circular and sur-
Fierna rake normal damage from rounded by black and red
holy and blessed weapons of at least candles.
+4 enhancement. Cultists: Dinbar is a maso-
Summon B aatezu (Sp): Three t imes chist who enjoys kidnapping fe-
per day, either Belia ] or fierna ca1, male gnomes and rhen forcing
automatically summon 5 barbazu or them to inflict pain upon him in
hamamlas. A lternative ly, Belia! (but devi.anr sexual scenarios. Then he
not Fierna) can summon I pit fiend. murders and dismembers them. He
Possessiom: Belial's +4 ra11se11r is a is a loner and otherwise keeps to
minor artifact chat causes those himself.
ir strikes ro feel wracking pains
rhar drain 2 points of Dexterity. A successful hie I
also imposes a -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and -,D inbar: Male gnome Cir 16; CR L6; Small humanoid; HD
ability checks (Fore DC 24 negates). The latter effecr must be t6d8 +32; hp t 16; lnit +t; Spd 15 fr.; AC 24, touch 12, flat·
removed by a hr11! or break endrn11lmer1l spell. foored 23; Ark + L7/ +12/+7 melee (ld6+3, masterwork light
mace), or +15 ranged (Jd8/ L9- 20, masterwork Lighr cross-
The Goals of Bel ial/Fierna bow); SA rebuke undead 7/ day, spell-like abilities; SQ dis-
Fierna has no inreresr in ruling, gaining power, or taking ease, gnome traits; AL LE; SV fort +12, Ref +6, Will+ 16; Str
part in rhe complicated politics of hell. Instead, she is much 17, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 18.
more interested in taking advantage of her position and Skills a11cl Feats: Concentration +21, Heal +21, Hide +5,
wealth to live an existence of comfort and pleasure. Thus, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, listen +8,
Profession (scribe) +9, Spor +9; Crafr Magic Arms and Jump +36, Knowledge (arcana) +34, Lis ten +34, Move
Armor, Crafr Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, Evil Brand, Silently +29, Search +34, Spellcrafr +34, Spot +34; Cleave,
Forge Ring, Quicken Spell. Corrupt Spell-Like AbiUry, Great Cleave, Improved Initia-
Disease: Din bar is cunently infected with soul ror. tive, Power Arrack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Vile N at-
Gnome Traits: Dinbar has low-Ught vision rhar lers him ural Arrack (claw).
see twice as far as a human in low-light conditions. He also Constrict (.Ex): With a successful grapple check, Gazra
has a +2 racial bonus on saves agai nst illusions, a +l racial can crush a grabbed opponent, dealing 2d6+16 points of
bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids, and a bludgeoning damage.
+4 dodge bonus against giants. Disease (Ex): Even if an affected crearure saves aga inst
Spell-lilu Abilities: L/ day-dn11ci11g lights, ghost sound, pres- Gazra's poison, it must s ucceed at a Fortitude save (DC 30)
tidigitation. Casrer level tsr; save DC t 5. or contract devil chills. The incubation period is td4 days,
Spells Prepnrerl (6/8/8/7/6/6/5/4/3; save DC 16 + spell and rhe disease deals J d6 points of Strength damage. The
level): 0-rnre minor wounds (2), detect ,nng,c, me11ding, no victim must m ake rhree successfu l Forrirude saving
light, virt11e; lsr-ba11e, cl11111ge self", clivinc favor, doom, c11durc rhrows in a row to recover (see Disease in Chapter 3 of rhe
elements, sh ield of fnitli, sorrow, suspe11d rlisense; 2nd-b11ll's DuNCEON }vfas-rER's Guide).
strength, cure ,nodernte wou11ds, eud11rnnce, /.10/d perso11, i11visibil- Fear Au ra (Su }: As a free action, Gazra can create an aura
ity", shatter, silence, l\lnvc of grief; 3rd-bestow mrse, clnirvoy- of fear in a 20-foor radius. fr is otherwise identical with a
n11ce/clnira11rlience*, dispel magic, locnte object, lllnsochism, pro- fear spell (caster level 15th; Will DC 26 negates). If the save
tectio11 from elements, sln·iveli11g; 4th-co11f11sior1", cure critical is successful, rhar creature cannot be affected aga in by
wo11nds, dismissal, freedom of movemen t, greater mngic wenpo11, Gazra's fea r au ra for 24 hours. Other baatezu are immune ro
rn11i111011 monster IV; 5th-break e11clinntment, fln111e slril1e, rhe aura.
lienrtclutcli, slay living, spell resista11ce, true seei11g'·'; 6th-blade Improved Grab (Ex): lf Gazra hits a Medium-size or
barrier, harm (2), heal, mis/end\ 7th-control l\lenther, empow- smaller opponent wirh a tail slap attack, he deals normal
ered flame strike, ,mpnso11 soul, srree11*; 8rh-n11ti111agic fie/ii, damage and attempts ro start a gra pple as a free acrio n
quickened flame strike, polymorph any object". wirhour provoking an attack of opportunity (grapp le
" Domain spell. Do111ni11s: Knowledge (Knowledge is a bo nus +45). [f he hirs wirh rhe rail slap, he ca n also con-
class skill and Divination spells are + l casrer level), Trickery stricr. Gazra has rhe option ro conduct the grapple nor-
(Bluff, Disguise, and Hide are class skills). mally, or simply use his rai l ro hold the opponent (-20
Possessions: +3 breastplate, +2 large steel sl11eld, riMg of X-my penalty o n grapple ch eck, bur Gazra is nor considered
visio11, helm of telepathy, dnrllskull, pearl of power (4th level), grappled). ln either case, each s uccessful grapple check he
masterwork light mace, masrerwork light crossbow, 10 makes during successive ro unds auto matically deals tail
crossbow bolrs. slap damage.
Poison (Ex}: Gazra delivers his poison (Fortitude save
The Servants of Belial/Fierna DC 30) with each s uccessful bite arrack.The initial damage
Gazra is Fierna's constant companion and consort. While is td6 poinrs of Con stitution damage; the secondar y
she luxuriares ln magma-filled pools, he goes aboLi t many damage is dearh.
of the mundane affairs of srare that she ignores. Levisrus- Spell-Like Abilities: At will-animate dend, blasphemy,
rhrough his servants-has atte mpted to convert Gazra ro clrnrni person, crente imdead, desecrate, detect good, detect magic,
his ca mp o n many occasions. Eventually, rhe pir fiend dispel mngic, firebnll, hold person, imprnved i11visibility, magic
mighr indeed succumb ro che temptations offered by Lev- circle ngninst good, major image, prod11ce flame, polymorph self,
isrus. For now, he is loyal ro Fierna. Should she ever rum pyroteclrnirs, suggestion, teleport wit hout error (self p lus 50
her affections from him, however, things could change. pounds of objects onl y), u11holy a111'<1, 11nhalloi.v, wnll of fire;
Gazra is jealou s and hateful roward Belial, bur he keeps 1/day-meleor swarm, symbol (any). Caster level 17th; save
rhose feeUngs hidden. DC 13 + spell level.
O nce per year Gazra can use ivish. Caster leve l 20th.
-, Gazra: Male advanced pir fiend; CR 18; H.uge outsider Baatezu Traits: Gazra can communicate celeparhically
(evil, lawful); HD 26d8+182; hp 299; Jnit +4; Spd 40 fr., fly with any creature within 100 feet that has a language. In
60 ft. (average); AC 35, touch 8, 35; Atk +35 addition, he can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even
melee (2d4+11, 2 claws) and +30 melee (2d6+5, 2 wLngs) rhar created by a deeper darkness spell. Gazra is immune to
and +30 melee (2d6+5 plus poison plus disease, bire) a11d fire and poison, and he has acid resistance 20 and cold
+30 melee (2d6+5, tail slap); Face/Reach 5 fr. by 10 fr./15 resistance 20.
fr.; SA constrict 2d6+16, disease, fear aura, improved grab, Outsid er Traits: Gazra cannot be raised or resurrected.
poison, spell-like abilities; SQ baarezu traits, DR 25/+2, Regeneration (Ex): Gazra rakes normal damage from
outsider traits, regeneration 5, SR 30, s1m,n1011 baatezu; AL boly and blessed weapons of at least +3 enhancement.
LE; SV Fort +22, Ref +15, Will +20; Str 33, Dex J 1, Con 25, Summon Baatezu (Sp): Twice per day, Gazra can automat-
Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 16. ically summon 2 lemures, osyluths, or barbazu, or 1
Skills mid Feats: Bluff +32, Climb +36, Concenrrarion +34, erinyes, cornugon, or gelugon.
Diplomacy +12, Disguise +3 l, Hide+ 12, lnrimidare +7, Possessions: Brncers of armor +4, ring of evnsion.
LEVlSTUS, LORD OF THE FIFTH Though it was di.fferent on ce, today Levisn1s's symbol is a
Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) thi11 sword thrust into a block of ice.
Hit Dice: 33d8+330 (478 hp)
Initiative: +12 Combat
Speed: 40 fr. (currently Oft.) To fight Levisrus, at least in the standard way, foes must
AC: 40 (+8 Dex, +7 insighr, +15 narural), touch 25, flar- somehow get to him. Presumably, this would mean freeing
footed 32 him from his imprisonment. While he is trapped in rhe ice,
Attacks: +4 rapier +46/ +4 t/ +36/ +31 me lee the only abilities that Levisrus can use are summon baotezu,
Damage: +4 rapier 1d6+16 plus 2d6 precise strike/ 15-20 clairvoya11ce/clnimudience, demand, major image, scryi11g, u11holy
Face/ Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 fr. aura, and wish. He cannot move or make physical attacks of
Special Attacks: Amnesia much, spell-like abilities any kind while trapped in rhe ice. He effectively has no
Special Qualities: Acrobatic a track, baarezu rrairs, DR Strength or Dexterity score while rrapped.
15/ +6, elaborate parry, evasion, outsider traits, precise Amnesia Tou ch (Su): If Levisrus makes a successfu I
strike, regeneration 5, spell parry, SR 37, rnmmon baatew touch a track against a foe, the foe must make a Will save (DC
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +26, Will +30 35) or forget all details of her past (skills are not lost, just
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 26, Con 31, Int 27, Wis 34, Cha 29 memories). Furthermore, the target is stunned for 1d4+1
Skills: Balance +45, Bluff +42, Concentration +43, rounds. If rbe save succeeds, only the last year's worth of
Diplomacy +46, Disguise +42, Hide +41, Innuendo +45, memories are erased and the target is stunned for 1 round. A
Intimidate +46, Jump +45, Knowledge (arcana) +41, greater restoratio11 spell will restore memories lost in this way.
Knowledge (the planes) +41, Lisren +45, Move Silenrly Spell-Like Abi.lities: At will- blasphemy, charm nronster,
+41, Perform +42, Spellcrafr +41, Tumble +45 clairvoyance/ clnirn11die11ce, demand, desecrate, detect good, detect
Feats: Dark Speech, Dodge, Eirpertise, Improved Critical n1agic, dispel magic, enthrall, ice storm, hold person, locate creature,
(rapier), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, locate object, magic circle against good, major image, scrying, see
Mobility, Spring Arrack, Weapon Focus (rapier) 'invisibility, suggestion, teleport without· error, unholy aura, 1111/ial-
low, wall of ice; 1/ day- symbol (pain), wish. Caster level 20th;
Climate/rerrain: Any land and underground save DC 19 + spell level.
Organization: Solitary Acrobatic Attack (Ex): If Levisrus attacks by at
Challenge Rating: 25 leasr 5 feet iJito his opponent, jurnps down at least 5 feet onro
Treasure: Quadruple standard his opponent, or swi11gs on a rope or similar object inro his
Alignment: Lawful evil opponent, he gains a +2 bonus on arrack and damage rolls.
Advancement: - Baatezu Traits: Levisrus can communicate telepathically
with any creature within 100 feet ch ar has a language. In
Prince Levistus (as he calls himself) is an ancient being. He addition, he can see perfectly in darkness of any hnd, even
ruled the fifth layer of hell, Stygia, for eons. He was known that created by a deeper darkness spell. Levistus is immune to
throughout many pla•1es as a swordsman of great prowess. and poison, and he has acid resistance 20 and cold resist-
He ended many con.fliers wirh a personal duel, always result- ance 20.
ing in the death of his opponent. Levisrus was a schemer and Elaborate Parry (Ex): lf Levisnts chooses to fighr defen-
betrayer as well- the rogue archdevil, as he was sometimes sively or rake a fuU defense action in combat, he gains a +8
called, had no allies. Yer still his power was grear. dodge bonus to his Armor Class beyond the bonuses
In the dim recesses of the past, Levistus attempted to turn granted by those actions.
the consort of Asrnodeus, a devil named Bensozia, against Evasio n (Ex): If exposed ro any effecr that normally
her lover. When she refused, Levistus slew her. allows Levistus to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half
Not surprisingly, when Asmodeus discovered what Levis- damage (such as a fireball), he rakes no damage with a suc-
tus had done, he was enraged. He imprisoned Levisnis in cessful saving rhrow.
the ice of Srygia. Mosr rhoughr that they would never see Precise Strike (Ex): Levi.srus has the ability to strike pre-
the prince again. A devil named Geryon took his place in cisely with a light, one-banded piercing weapon, adding +2d6
Srygia and ruled there for cenruties. to his normal damage roll. When making a strike, Lev-
Eventually, Geryon was deposed during the Reckoning istus cannot arrack with a weapon in his orher hand.
and Asmodeus put Levistus back in control of Stygia. He did Regen eration (Ex): Levisrus takes normal damage from
not, however, free Levistus from bis icy prison. Now Levis- holy and blessed weapons of ar least +4 enhancement.
rus rules from within the ice, held motionless, an i.ronic end Spell Parry (Su):This ability functions as the spell turning
for one who prided himself on his dexterity and grace. spell (caster level L0rh). Levisrus can use this ability once
Though he is not visible beneath the massive glacier rhat per day.
imprisons him, Levisrus appears as a 6-foot-tall humanoid Summon Baatezu (Sp):Twice per day Levisnis can automati-
with extremely pale skin, dark hair, and a goatee. He could cally summon 2 gelugons, or he can attempt t0 summon 1 pit
almost pass for a human except for his all-black eyes and fiend with an 85% chance of success. Levisrus can force the
pointed teeth. Back in his day, Levistus wore loose, silky summoned devils to appear anywhere he can see,
finery and carried a glistening rapier. places he sees through scrying or clairvoya11ce.
Possessio11s: Levistus had a +4 mpie1• when he was imprisoned. +3d6; SQevasion, halfling rraits, rraps, uncanny dodge (Dex
Ifhe escapes, he'll undoubtedly seek a more porenr blade. bonus to AC); AL LE; SV Fort +10, Ref +11 1 Will +12; Srr 10,
Dex 17, Con 14, Im 15, Wis 19, Cha 11.
The Goals of Levistus Skills and Feats: Bluff +7, Climb +10, Craft (sculpture) +10,
Levistus wants more than anything else ro be .free of his Diplomacy +2, Disable Device +10, Forgery +10, Gather
frozen prison. The mountain of ice that he is trapped within Information +5, Heal +13, Hide +7, Innuendo +12, Intimi-
is aLnost a half-mile across. From the outside, he is simply a date +2, Jump +11, Listen +6, Move Silently +5, Search +8,
black spot within the ice. The ice trapping Levisrus cannor Spellcrafr +5, Spot +13, Use Magic Device +8, Use Rope +9;
be affected by a wish or miracle. Levistus cannot tel.eporr or Quick Draw, Still Spell, Weapon Finesse (dagger), Weapon
be summoned out of the ice in any way. The ice must be focus (light crossbow).
destroyed, either by physically Spells Prepared (5 / 5/
chipping and smashing at it 5/ 4; save DC 14 + spell
or by melting it with fire level): 0-creatc water,
( including magical fire ). rnre minor ivo11nds,
Levisrus hares all the detect magic, 110 light,
other lords of hell, and they resistance; 1st- bane,
hate him. Were be ever ro divine favor, doom, pro-
gain his freedom, Levistus tection from good*,
would most likely work shield of faith ; 2nd-
toward some scheme tha r cure moderale woimds,
would be detrimental to devil's eye'', end11mnce,
all- particularly Asmodeus. silence, wave of grief;
Levistus is not particularly 3rd - bli11d11ess/ denf-
grateful ro Asmodeus for 1ms, dispel magic, devil's
giving him back control of ego*, wrack.
Stygia. He cannot see beyond *Domain spell.
his need for revenge over Domains: Diabolic (+6
being imprisoned in the first bonus on Bluff, Diplo-
place. macy, Intimidate, or
Sense Motive c heck,
The Cult of Levistus 1/ day), Evi l (+1 caster
Le vistus's cult of chugs and level for evil spells).
rogues has always been fairly Traits: Ro-
small. He is a patron of ve n- sette has a +2 morale
geance and betrayal. llis fol- bonus on saving throws
lowers rarely gather together, against fear, a +1 racial
and thus there are few temples. bonus on all saving
Most clerics actually carry mare- throws, and a +1 racial
rials with them to serve as a attack bonus with a
portable shrine. These materials thrown weapon. She
always include a small iron cauldron also has a +2 racial bo-
in which they boil water and drop nus on Climb, Jump,
chunks of ice as part of the ceremony. Listen, and Move Silently checks (already figured inro the
Clerics who favor Levistus, also called blade ravers, rarely statistics given above).
look like priests. They wear flamboyant, silky garb and carry Possessions: +1 leather armor, +1 light crossbow, 12 bolrs, 2
the archdevil's favored weapon, a rapier. They look more like doses of life bane poison, wand of summon monster IV (38
swashbucklers than religious zealots. The Evil, Diabolic, and charges), cloak of resistance +1, scroll of hellfire, evil spell com-
Trickery domains are common among clerics who have Lev- ponents (2 dwarf fingers).
istus as their patron.
Cultists : Rosette has spent years on the road, traveling The Servants of Levistus
from one group of cultists to another. She cries ro ble nd in Enidon Al aka is a gelugon sorcerer. He and Zanth, a half-fiend
with halfling caravans whenever possible. rogue, along with a hellcat named Trinity, serve as Levistus's
hands and voice beyond the solid ice he is trapped within.
.,-Rosette t h e Blad er aver: Fe male halfling Rog 5/ Clr 6; Through an arcane tirual, Erridon and Levisrus are linked tele-
CR 11; Small humanoid; HD 5d6+10 plus 6d8+12; hp 74; pathically at all rimes. Erridon tells Zanth what Levistus
Init +3; Spd 20 ft.; AC 17, roucb 14, flat-footed 17; Ark +11/ wants, and they interact with others on the archdevil's behalf
+6 melee (1d4/ 19- 20, dagger), or +13 ranged (1d8+1/ 19- 20, Zanrh eats only the flesh of good-aligned children, a rare
+1 light crossbow); SA rebuke undead 3/ day, sneak attack commodity in hell. Thus, his one weakness is the minor
devils thar capture and kill children for him to eat-they masterwork short sword), or +16/+11 ranged (1d6+4 plus 1d6
work for Mephistopheles and frequently influence his electriciry plus 2d6 unholy/X3, +1 shock mighty composite short-
actions ro subrly serve their master. boiv [+2 Str bonus] with +1 cursespewing unholy arrows); SA
sneak arrack +7d6, spell-like abiliries; SQ acid resistance 20,
.,Errido n Alaka: Male gelugon Sor 7; CR 20; Large out- cold resistance 20, darkvision 60 fr., elecnicity resistance 20,
sider (evi l, lawful); HD 12d8+60 plus 7d4+35; hp 180; evasion, fire resistance 20, outsider traits, poison immuniry,
lnit +1; Spd 40 ft.; AC 31, touch 13, flat-footed 30; Ark +20 slippery mind, traps, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus ro AC, can't
melee (1d8+6, 2 claws) and +15 me lee (2d4+3, bite) and +15 be Oanked, +1 against traps); AL LE; SV Fort +7, Ref +13,
melee (3d4+3 plus cold, rail); Face/Re:ici1 LO fr. by LO fr./ 15 Will +6; Str 14, Dex 20, Con L7, Im l l , Wis 15, Cha 14.
ft.; SA cold, fear aura, spell-like abiliries; SQ baarezu rraits, Skills a11d Feats: Bl uff +16, Climb +17, Decipher Script +8,
DR 20/+2, outsider traits, regeneration 5, SR 25, summon Diplomacy +6, Disguise +J 5, Gather Information +16, Heal
baatez11; AL LE; SV Fon +15, Ref +11, Will +19; Str 23, +9, Hide +12, Intimidate +4, Jump +4, Listen +16, Move
Dex 13, Con 21, Int 22, Wis 22, Cha 21. Silently +19, Search +12, Sense Motive +16, Tumble +8;
Skills a11d Feats: Bluff +22, Climb +20, Concenrration +27, Com bar Reflexes, Disciple of Darkness, Dodge, Improved
Diplomacy +9, Disguise +19, Hide - 3, Inti mi.dare +7, Jump initiative, Poinr Blank Shor, Precise Shot, Rapid Shor.
+19, Knowledge (arcana) +27, Listen +22, Move Silently +20, Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-dark11ess, poison, wilroly aura;
Scry +13, Search +23, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +27, Spot 1/day-blasphemy, contagion, desecrate, unlrnllow, unholy bliglil.
+2 1; Cleave, Corrupr Spell, Corrupt Spell-Like Ability, Caster level 13th; save DC 12 + spell level.
Dodge, Power Arrack, Scribe Scroll. Evas ion (Ex): If exposed ro any effect that normally
Cold (Su ): A hir from Erridon's rail induces numbing allows Zanth ro attempt a Reflex saving throw for half
cold. The opponent musr succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 21) damage (such as a fireball), he takes no damage with a suc-
or be affected as rhough by a slow spell for Id6 rounds. cessful saving throw.
Fear Aura (Su ): As a free action, Erridon can create an aura Outsider Traits: Zan th cannot be raised or resurrected.
of fear in a 10-foot radius. It is otherwise identical with a fear Slippery Mind (Ex): lf Zan th is affected by an enchanr-
spell (caster level 13th; Will DC 21 negates). If rhe save is suc- menr and fails his saving throw, 1 round later he can
cessful, that creature cannot be affected again by Erridon's fear attempt his saving throw again. He gers only this one extra
aura for 24 hours. Other baarezu are immune to the aura. chance to succeed at his saving throw.
Spell-Like Abilities: Ar will- animate dead, chanti mon- Possessions: +2 studded leather arnror, + L shod~ rnig'1ty co111pos-
ster, cone of cold, desecrate, detecl good, detect magrc, fiy, niagic circle ite shortbow (+2 Str bonus), 25 +J wrsespct11i11g unholy arrows,
against good, major irnage, polymorph self, suggestioi·1, teleport c/011/1 of amchnida, potio11 of cat's grace, potion of levitate, potion of
wit/10111 error (self plus 50 pounds of objects onl y), unholy see invisibility, masterwork short sword.
aura, wall of ice. Caster level 13th; save DC 15 + spell level.
,Baatezu Traits: Erridon can communicate teleparhically THE HAG COUNTESS, LORD OF THE SIXTH
with any creature within LOO feet that has a laJ1guage. ln addi- Medium-Size Outsider (Evil)
tion, he can see perfecrly in darkness of any kind, even rhat Hit Dice: 33d8+231 (379 hp)
created by a deeper darkness spell Erridon is immune ro fire and Initiat ive: +8
poison, and he has acid resistance 20 and cold resistance 20. Sp eed : 20 fr., fly 60 ft. (average)
Outsider Traits: Erridon cannot be raised or resurrected. AC: 42 (+8 Dex, +6 insigh c, +18 narnral), touch 24, flat-
Regeneration (Ex): Erridon rakes normal damage from footed 34
holy and blessed weapons of ar least +2 enhancement. Attacks: +5 bloodfcedi11g fin11ii11g greatsword +49/+44/+39/+34
Summon Baatezu (Sp): Once per day Erridon can arcempr melee and bite +41 melee
ro summon 2d LO lemures or Ld6 barbazu with a 50% chance Dam age: +5 bloodfcedmgfiaming greatsivord 2d6+20 plus 1d6
of success, 2d4 osyluths or td6 hamarulas with a 35% chance fire/19-20, bite 2d6+5 plus disease
of success, or 1 gelugon wirh a 20% chance of success. Face/Reach : 5 fr. by 5 fc./5 fr.
Spells K11oivn (6/8/7/5; save DC LS + spell level): 0-daze, Special Attacks: Disease, spell-like abilities
mnge har1d, rne11di11g, no ligl1t, read rnngic, resista11ce, i1t1nervi11g Special Qualities: DR 15/+6, immuniries, outsider traits,
gaze; 1st-bestow wound, mnge armor, magic missile, shield, true SR 35, sun1111on baatezu
strif1e; 2nd-bull's strength, invisibrlit.y, sadism; 3rd-displace- Saves: Fort +25, Ref +26, Will +28
me11t, vile lance. Abilities: Srr 31, Dex 26, Con 24, lnt 28, Wis 31, Cha 28
Possessions: Staff of frost (35 charges), ring of X-ray vision, ring Skills: Appraise +42, Bluff +42, Concenrration +40, Craft
of protection +3, scroll of invisibility, scroll of beslot11 ivou11d, (weaving) +25, Diplomacy +50, Forgery +25, Gather
scroll of sl1ield, evil spell components (preserved human Information +42, Innuendo +43, Intimidate +46, Inruit
heart, human brain, demon heart). Direction +43, Knowledge ( rhe planes) +42, Listen +45,
Ride (nigh tmare) +41, Search +42, Sense Mocive +43,
-,zanth: Male half-fiend half-human Rog 13; CR 14; Spellcraft +42, Spot +45, Swim +15, Wilderness Lore +43
Medium-size outsider; HD 13d6+39; hp 84; Init +9; Spd 30 fr.; Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dark
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 21; Atk +11 melee (ld6+2, bite) Speech, Mounted Combat, Power Arrack, Sunder,
and +6 melee (1d4+1, 2 claws), or+t2/+7 melee (1d6+2/19-20, Violate Spell-Like Abiliry, Weapon Focus (grearsword)
Climate/Ierrain: Any la11d and undergrmmd sleep, teleporl witl10ut. error, unholy aurn, 1.rnJ111How; 1/day-
Organization: Solitary or mounted on nightmare symbol (any). Caster level 20rh; save DC 19 + spell level.
Challenge Rating: 22 Immunities (Ex): The Hag Counress is immune to fire
Treasure: Standard and cold, and ro charm, sleep, and fear effects.
Alignment: Lawful evil Outsider Traits: The Hag Countess has darkvision (60-
Advancement: - foor range). She cannot be raised or resurrected.
Summon Baatew (Sp): Once per day the Hag Countess
The Hag Countess is different from every orher archdevil in can automatically summon 3d4 lemures, 1d2 erinyes or
ar least rwo ways. First, she is not a baatezu bur a night hag. hamarulas, or 1 cornugon, gelugon, or pit fiend.
Second, she is aloof and unpredictable, less lawful than the Possessions:The Hag Countess uses a +5 bloodfeedingjlnming
other archdevils bur just as evil. grealsword with great skill.
The Hag Countess was rhe lover of the previous
ruler of the sixth layer, Moloch. When he was The Goals of the Hag Countess
cast down by Asmodeus, she took his place. The Hag Countess may be rhe physically
Mosr believe that the Hag Countess set weakest of rhe archdevils. Many of the
Moloch up, and it is possible that he wilJ other archdevils worked their way up
rernrn for revenge someday. through the ranks. Unlike them, rhe
Like the lesser nighr hags she considers Hag Countess did nor achieve her posi-
sisters, rhe Hag Countess rides a nighnnare. tion through strength , bur purely
The Hag Countess's citadel is known as through guile. Her power is signif-
one of rhe surest (and mosr expensive) icant, but it does not approach
places to get a large amount of souls ~ that of her peers.
in all the Nine Hells. i"J She does, however, possess a
The Hag Countess looks like a significant amount of military
hideously ugly female human might. Moloch left the Hag
with flesh the color of a deep Countess in command of a vast
bruise, covered with warts, blis- \. army of devils and hell
ters, and open sores. Uni ike ~' hounds that never ceases
normal night hags, she has ratty, moving about the sixth layer.
tattered, black-feathered wings Right now, her major goal is
on her back, making her look solid ifyi ng h er own power
like some terrible reverse-image base.
of an angel. Her eyes shine with a
helli~h red ligbr, and her fetid The Cult of the
breath stinks of rotten meat. Hag Countess
Her symbol is a pair of black- , There is no cult of the Hag
feathered wings on a white Countess. No one reveres her
background. as a god, seeks patronage from
her, or makes sacrifices in her
In bartle, rhe Hag Countess relies
heavily on her grearsword. She does nor '. The Serva nts of the Hag Countess
have rhe abiliry to haunt the dreams of mortals as The Hag Countess lives i11 a stronghold within a
normal night hags do, but she does have a far grearej- range gigantic boulder that rolls down the endless slopes
of spell-like abilities, gained from dark lore learned while of her layer of hell. She keeps a coven of three night hags, all
inhabiting rhe Hells for so long. Unlike other night hags, with maximum hit points, in her strange palace ar all times,
rhe Hag Countess does nor have a hearrstone. as well as a number of annises, green hags, and medusas.
Disease (Ex): Any creature hit by rhe Hag Countess's bire She has a stable full of nightmares. Her favorite, Blood-
arrack must succeed at a Forrinide save (DC 33) or conrracr curdle, is one of great might and power.
demon fever. The incubation period is 1 day, and the disease
deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage. Each day thereafter, .,Bloodcurdle: Male advanced nightmare; CR 8; Huge
on a failed save, the creature must immediately succeed ar outsider (evil); HD 18d8+90; hp 180; Jnit +5; Spd 40 ft., fly
another Fortitude save or rake l point of Constiturion drain 90 ft. (good); AC 25, touch 9, flat-footed 24; Atk +24 melee
(see Disease in Chapter 3 of the D UNGEON MASTER's G11ide). (2d6+8 plus ld4 fire, 2 hooves) and +19 me lee (2d6+4, bite);
Spell-Like Abilities: Ar will-nnimate dead, blasphemy, des- Face/ Reach 1.0 fr. by 20 ft./1 oft.; SA flaming hooves, smoke;
ecrate, detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, detecl magic, SQ astral projection, etherealness, outsider traits; AL NE;
devil's ego, evil eye, fireball, greater dispelling, insn11 ily, magic nmsile, SV Fort +LS, Ref +14, Will +t4; Str 26, Dex 13, Con 20,
meteor swarm, polymorpl1 self, rny of enfeeblement, see invisibility, Int ·1.3, Wis 13, Cha 12.
Shills and Feats: Bala nce +7, Diplom acy +3, Hide -7, Intuit recently, the Slug Archduke. Originally an arch on named
Direction +22, Jump +14, Knowledge ( the planes) +7, Triel who dwelt in the good-aligned planes, Baalzebul suc-
Listen +24, Move Silently +22, Search +22, Sense Motive cumbed ro temptation, craving more power and authority
+22, Spot +24; Alertness, Grear Forrirude, Improved Initia- than Heaven would grant him. His quest for perfection took
tive, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes. him too far, and he was blinded by ambition. Soon he found
Fl amin g Hooves (Su): A blow from Bloodcurdle's himself in hell in a new form: a tall, powerful, dark-skinned
hooves sets combustible materials alight. humanoid with the compound eyes of a fly.
Smoke (Su): During che excitement ofbanle, Bloodcur- Baalzebul, as be started to call himself, quickly gathered a
dle often snorts and neighs with rage. This ace fills a 15-fooc great deal of support and power, as well as the blessing of
cone with a hot, sulfurous smoke that chokes and blinds Asmodeus. He set himself up as an archdevil and ruled Mal-
opponents. Anyone in the cone must succeed at a Fortitude adomini, the seventh layer. He quickly became a rival of
save (DC 24) or take a -2 morale penalty on all arrack and Mephistopheles, and thus Dispater as well. He also gained
damage rolls until 1d6 minutes after leaving rhe cone. some allies, norably Belial.
.Bloodcurdle gains one-half concealment against creatures 5 After the Reckoning, Baalzebul fell from Asmodeus's
feet away and rocal concealment against crearures LO feet favor and was cursed with a different form- that of a giant
away. The smoke does nor obscw-e Bloodcurdle's vision at all. slug with tiny, malformed arn1s, £lies buzzing and crawling
The creature can suppress the smoke as a free action. around him continuously. The stench around Baalzebul is
As tral Projection and Etherealness (Su ): These abilities infamous; rhe curse causes stinking piles of rotting garbage
function like the spells of the same names. Caster level 20th. and feces to accumulate wherever he spends rime. So now
Outsi der Traits: Bloodcurdle has darkvision (60-foor the Slug Archduke lives in his Palace of Filch under the
range). He cannot be raised or resurrected. blue-black skies of Maladomini, plorring revenge.
Baalzebul has many symbols, including a fly's head, a web
BAALZEBUL, LORD OF THE SEVENTH with flies caught in it, and a black slug sitting atop a throne.
Huge Outsider (Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 38d8+494 (665 hp) Combat
Initiative: +6 Baalzebul's arms are inadequate for grasping objects, let
Speed: 20 fr., climb 20 ft., burrow 20 fr. alone wie lding weapons. He must have servants feed
AC: 47 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +12 insight, +25 natural), rouch 22, him and carry out tasks such as turning the pages of
flat-footed 45 books and opening doors. In combat he uses his gnarled
Attacks: 2 slams +52 melee Limbs and his supernatural abilities (withering touch, insect
Damage: Slam 1d10+15 plus l vile pl us withering/l9- 20 gorge, and hi.s gaze arrack) before resorting to spells.
Face/ Reach: 10 ft. by 20 fc./ 10 ft. Fear and Weakness Gaze (Su): Baalzebul may use a gaze
Special Attacks: Fear and weakness gaze, insect gorge, arrack with a range of50 feet. Anyone subject co the gaze muse
spell-like abilities, withering touch make two Will saving ch rows ( DC 42). The first is ro resist
Special Qualities : Baatezu traits, DR 20/ +7, outsider traits, the fear effect, and the other is ro resist a ray of enfeeble-
regeneration 10, SR 41, summon baatezu ment effect (both as the spells; caster level 20th). Baalzebul's
Saves: Fort +34, Ref +23, Will +30 gaze arrack cannot function in the cloud of insects created
Abilities: Str 41, Dex 15, Con 36, Int 30, Wis 29, Cha 27 by his insect gorge ability.
Skills: Alchemy +48, Appraise +48, Bluff +61, Climb +23, Insec t Gorge (Su): Once every 1d6 rounds, Baalzebul can
Concencrarion +51, Diplomacy +69, Gather Information disgorge a cloud of biting flies as a breach weapon. These
+51, Innuendo +51, Intimidate +55, Knowledge (arcana) insects cover a 60-foot cone and deal 20d6 points of damage
+48, Knowledge (religion) +48, Knowledge (the planes) (Reflex DC 42 half). After 1 round, the insects disperse
+48, Listen +47, Scry +48, Search +48, Sense Motive +57, unless Baalzebu l wishes otherwise. In such a case, the
Spellcrafr +48, Spot +47, Swim +53 insects form a cloud in a 25-foot radius around Baalzebul for
Feats: Cleave, Dark Speech, Great Cleave, Improved Bull up to lO rounds. Concealment within the cloud is total, and
Rush, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, any living creanire (other than Baalzebul) rakes 10d6 points
Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Vile Natural of damage in each round spent in the cloud (no save).
Arrack, Weapon Focus (slam) Spell-Like Abilities: At will-animate dead, blaspl1e111y,
drnrm momfer, create greater rmdead, desecrate, detect good, detect
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground magic, devil's ego, firebn/1, fiendish quickening, geas/ quest, greater
Organization: Solitary, greater scrying, hold monste1; insect plague, magic circle
Challenge Rating: 29 ngninst good, major image, restoration, resurrection, rnggesfion,
Treasure: Quadruple standard summon swarm, teleport without error, tongue of Baalzebul, true
Alignment: Lawful evil seeing, rrn/10/y blight, unhallow, unholy aura, wall of eyes;
Advancement: - 1/ day- crnshing fisl of spite, symbol (pain or i,rsa1·1ity), wish.
Caster level 20th; save DC 23 + spell level.
One of the mightiest of rhe archdevils, Baalzebul is known as Withering Touch (Su): Baalzebul's touch forces a target
the Lord of the Flies, Lord of Lies, the Fallen One, and, more to succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 42) or be affected
as ifby a wither limb spell from a 20th-level caster. Baalzebul Temples of Baalzebul are dark shrines filled with statu-
chooses which limb to wirher. ary. Lintels, altars, and tapestries display an insect motif,
Baatezu Traits: Baalzebul can communicate telepathi- and braziers burn foul-smelling incense (or sometimes
cally with any creature within LOO feet that has a language. just offal) to represent his new form. Like most archdevils,
1n addition, he can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, Baalzebul demands living sacrifices from his cultists in
even that created by a deeper darkness spell. Baalzebul is bloody ceremonies thar must take place at night in dim
immune to fire and poison, and he bas acid resistance 20 and candlelight.
cold resisca11ee 20. Clerics affiliated with Baalzebul wear blue and black and
Outsider Traits: Baalzebul cannot be raised or resur- favor gold jewelry and body piercings. They often shave
rected. their beads, except for bugbear adherents to the faith, who
Regeneration (Ex): Baalzebul cakes normal damage from grow their hair particularly long. Such clerics typically have
holy and blessed weapons of at least +4 enhancement. access co rhe Diabolic, Trickery, and War domains. Baalze-
Summon Baatezu (Sp): Twice per day Baalzebul can auto- bul's favored weapon is rhe morningstar.
matically summon td6+2 cornugons, td4+ Lgelugons, or Cultists: Agni-nyahl is a typical bugbear clei-ic, operating
td3 pit fiends. out ofa crude cave that serves his bloodthirsty, evil tribe. He
Skills: As Lord of Lies, Baalzebul (even with his disgust- attempts co leave curious signs around the cave entrance to
ing appearance) gains a +10 inherent bonus on Bluff, Diplo- lure potential sacrifices inside: a few coins, a torn bit of
macy, and Sense Motive checks. bloody cloth, or something else that piques curiosity.
lsrakahn, a fema le riefling, is a con artist, gambler, and
chie(Sh;hasno temple or flock, bur she serves Baalzebul on
' her ow11'by killing men that she seduces with
promises of passion. She never
calls herself"rbe Liar," obvi-
"'I ously, but in places where
she spends rime, she gains
the reputation of being able to
convince a dragon it can't fly.
The Goals Sammael, a male human, leads
of Baalzebul a cult of Baalzebu1 rhat controls an
Baalzebul has - entire city. This dark place of ziggurat temples
many desires. and charnel pits teems with drugs, debauchery,
He opposes Meph- and bloody murder. He has a reputation as a rapist
istopheles in aU things who cares nor whether his victims are living or
and would love to see him dead and an abuser of children and animals.
fall. With the Lord of rhe Eighth out A terrible sadist and drug abuser, he is
of the way, Baalzebul would be the addicted ro mushroom powder.
greatest of rhe dukes of hell, second only to Asmodeus
himself. Belia I still calls himself an ally of Baalzebul, '1Ang i -n yahl: Male bugbear Cir 6; CR 8; Medium-size
and- although char archdevil has concerns and schemes humanoid (goblinoid); HD 3d8+3 p lus 6d8+6; hp 47; Init
of his own- Baalzebul could call upon Belia! should he +7; Spd 30 fr.; AC 23, touch 13, Bar-footed 20; Atk +ll/ +6
ever be in need. If the reverse is rrue, then Baalzebul melee (1d8+3, masterwork morningstar) ; SA rebuke
would be sure ro help Belia!, assuming rhat Baalzebul undead 2/ day; SQ dark vision 60 fr.; AL LE; SV Fort +7,
could figme our some way to make rhe situation work to Ref +8, Will +9; Str 16, Dex 16, Con l2, Int 8, Wis l6, Cha 8.
his advantage. Shills and Feats: Climb +3, Diplomacy +1., Hide +5, Intimi-
Baalzebul would like to rerurn ro his normal form. Bue date +O, Knowledge (religion) +1, Listen +6, Move Silently
more than char, he would like ro avenge himself against +7, Spot +6; Alertness, Brew Potion, Improved Initiative,
Asmodeus himself for his defeat and humiliation during Weapon Focus (morningstar).
the Reckoning. Currently, he attempts to place more and Spells Prepnl'ed (5/ 5/ 5/ 4; save DC 13 + spell level): 0- cure
more of his spies and servants into the court of the Lord of minor wounds (2), detect magic, no light, read magic; 1st- bless,
rhe Ninth. wre light wounds, divine favor, magic weapon*, shield of faith;
2nd-bull's strength, wre moderate wounds, endurance, invisibil-
The Cult of Baalzebul ity", sp11·itual wcapo11; 3rd-circle of 11ausea, cure serious wounds,
BaalzebuJ has a more sizable following rha1-1 most other arch- dispel magic, 111agic vestme11t1>.
devils. Mortals are attracted to his docrrine of lies and charm "'Domain spell. Domains: Trickery (Bluff, Disguise, and
backed up wirb deadly force. The most numerous of the Hide are class skills), War (Weapon Focus [morningstar]).
races represented among his cult are bugbears, who appreci- Possessions: +1 studded leather armo1; +! large steel shield, mas-
ate the dual nature of Baalzebul as someone who represents terwork morningsrar, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of
both guile and violence. lesser restoration, potio11 of wisdom, psychic poison oil
(karadrach), scroll of wre serio1H wounds, scroll of fn ngs of the 9, flat-footed 21; Ark +14/+9 melee (1d8+4, +1 morningstnr),
vampire king, evil spell components (preserved human or +9 ranged {td8+1 / t9-20, +1 l1ght crossbo1v)i SA disease,
heart, human brain). rebuke UJ1dead 4/ dayi AL LE; SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will + l 4i
Str L7, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 22, Cha l2.
~Israkahn the Liar: female riefling Cir 5/Rog 5/Disciple Skills and Feats: Bluff +14, Diplomacy +13, Cacher Infor-
ofBaalzebul 5i CR 1-Si Medium-size oursiderj HD 5d8-5 plus mation +7, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (religion) +13i Cor-
5d6-5 plus 5d6-5i hp 57i Jnit +3i Spd 30 ft.j AC 17, touch L3, rupt Spell, Crafr Magic Arms and Armor, Evil Brand,
flat-foored 17i Ark +12/+7 melee (1d8+1, masterwork mom- Improved Initiative, Lead ership, Ligbrning Reflexes,
ingstar), or +14 ranged (1d8/ L9-20, masterwork light cross- Weapon focus (morningstar).
bow with masterwork bolrs)i SA rebuke UJ1dead 6/day, sneak Disease: Sammael is infected with soul rot.
attack +5d6, mggestion; SQcold resisrance 5, darlrness, electric- Spells Prepared (6/8/8/6/6/5/4/2; save DC 16 + spell
ity resistance 5, evasion, fire resistance 5, outsider rrairs, level): 0-create water, wre 111111or wounds, detect magic, g111d-
summon osyluth, tongue of rhe devil, traps, uncanny dodge a11ce, preserve organ, read 111ag1c; lsc-wre light wounds, divine
(Dex bonus to AC); AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref + 12, Will +Lt ; favor, heartache, magic ivenpo1·1"', protection from good, shield of
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 9, I nr 15, Wis 15, Cha 16. faitl1 1 mspe11d disease, to11g1ie of Bnnlzebul; 2nd-hull's stre11gth,
Skills nnd Feats: Bluff +27, Diplomacy +16, Disable Device darlibolt, desecrate, endHrnnce, hold person, i11v1sibility", silence,
+15, Gather Information +14, Hide +27, Jnrimidare +7, spiritunl wenpo11; 3rd-circle of nnusea, cure serious wo1mds,
Knowledge (arcana) +1o, Knowledge (religion) +10, Listen i11visib,lity purge, 111ngic vestment", protection from eleme11ts,
+14, Move Silently +8, Open Lock +8, Pick Pocket +9, Spot shnveli11g; 4th-co11f11sio11", corrnpred searing light, discern
+12, Swim +9i Dark Speech, Disciple of Darkness, Silenr lies, psyclm poison, S11mnion monster IV, tongues; 5rh-c,rclc of
Spell, Skill Focus (Bluff), Spell Penetration, Track, Weapon doom, flnme strike", grenter command, hear/clutch, true seeing;
Focus (morningsrar). 6th-blade hnrrier", clonli of ti1e nchaierai, etherealness, heal;
Suggestion (Sp ): Israkahn can use sHggestion once per day 7th-power word stun*", S11mmo11 111onster VII.
(DC 15). " Domain spell. Domnins: Trickery ( Bluff, Disguise, and
Evasion (Ex): lf exposed ro any effect rhat normally Hide are class skills), War (Weapon Focus [morningsrar]).
allows Israkahn ro arrempt a Reflex saving throw for half Possessions: perinpt of Wisdom +4, +J full plate,+ l lnrge steel
damage (such as a fireball), she rakes no damage with a sue- shield, +1 mornmgstnr, +1 light crossbow, quiver of lies, evil spell
• cessful saving throw. components (6 human child fingers), 5 doses of mushroom
Darkness (Sp ): lsrakahn can use da1·lrness o nce per day powder.
(caster level 15th).
Outsider Traits: Israkahn has darkvision (60-fooc range). The Servants of Baalzebul
She cannot be raised or resurrected. Baalzebul has a number of otyughs wandering about his
Summon Osyluth (Sp): lsrakahn can summon 1 osylurh palace chat he tolera tes because they ear the feces that other-
once per day: This ability functions as a su111111on 1nomter spell wise threatens ro consume the place due to Asmodeus·s
{caster level 15th). curse. A large number of ghargatulas (see Chapl'er 8) roam
Tongue of the Devil (Ex): Israkahn can speak with elo- the premises as well, acting as personal guards to the Lord of
quence and believability, even when telling bold-faced lies, by the Flies. Baalzebul also has three pit fiend bodyguards-
using her cunning as well as her cham1. When making Bluff Teurn, Wysni rak, and Yaghoq-all of whom have maximum
checks, Israkah.n adds her Intelligence modifier as well as her hir points and wear rings of protection +4.
Charisma modifier to deretmine her coral skill modifier. The Nyashk is the heart of Baalzebul's a1my. lt consists of
Skills: Israkahn receives a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and sixteen female fiendish bugbear sorcerers, each wielding a
Hide checks. harrow rod. Each of the Nyashk wears a special helmer
Spells Prepared (5/5/4/2; save DC 12 + spell level): 0-wre designed to look like the head of a giant fly. These warriors
minor wounds, detect magic, 110 light, read mngic, resistance; move as a wedge of unbelievable mighr on the battlefield,
1st- bless, rnre light wounds, devil's tail", doom, sn11ct1rnry; spewing acid from their rods and casting devastating spells
2nd-aid, endurance, invisibility", silwce; 3rd-blindness/deaf- such as cone of cold and disintegrate.
ness, nondetecNon'". Vashaak Raroth Bruu is rhe offspring of one of the Hag
" Domain spell. Domaim: Diabolic (+5 bonus on Bluff, Countess's most powerful medusa servants. She presented
Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive check, 1/day), Baalzebul with Vashaak as a gift in an attempt to forge an
Trickery (Bluff, Disgi1ise, and Hide are class skills). alliance. The alliance is not yet formed, bur Baalzebul has
Possessions: hracers of armor +4, clonk of elven kind, circlet of per- become somewhat enchanted with the male medusa.
suasion, gauntlets of Dexterity +2, nipple clamp of exquisite pnin, Vashaak is now the chief handservant of rhe archdevil, serv-
umnd of wave of misery (47 charges), masterwork mornings tar, ing as his hands in all sorts of tasks, many of them u11Savory
masterwork light crossbow, 20 masterwork bolts, dagger, 2 even by Vashaak's standards. Vashaak wears an iron mask to
weeping stones, 1 flask ofacid. hide his pen·ifying gaze and keeps his snakes wrapped in a
single iron chain atop his head. The mask and the chains can
~ Sammael: Male human Cir Bi CR 13i Medium-size be shed very quickly (as a free action) if Vashaak needs to
bumanoidi HD 13d8i hp 67i lnit +3; Spd 30 fr.i AC 21, touch enter battle.
~ Nyashk Warriors (16): Female fiendish bugbear Sor 12; s truck must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 17) or be
CR 16; Medium-size humanoid (goblinoid); HD 3d8+9 plus stunned for 1 round in addition ro raking normal damage
t2d4 +36; hp t00; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, rouch 14, flat- from the attack. Creatures immune to critical hits cannot be
footed 13; Ark +12/+7 melee ( 1d4+3/19- 20, masterwork stunned with chis arrack
dagger), or +13 ranged (1d8/ 19-20, masterwork ligh r cross- Improved Evasion (Ex): Lf exposed to any effect that nor-
bow); SA smite good 1/ day; SQ cold resistance 20, dark- mally allows Vashaak to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half
vision 60 ft., DR to/+3, fire resistance 20, SR 25; Al LE; damage (such as a fi1°eba/1), he takes no damage wirb a success-
SV Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +13; Srr 17, Dex 18, Con 16, lnr 13, ful saving throw and only half damage on a failed save.
Wis 14, Cha 17. Leap of the Clouds: Vash aak's jumping d istance is nor
Skills and Feats: Alchemy +5, Climb +4, Concenm1rion +10, limited by his he ighr (see Chapter 4 of rhe Player's Handbook.)
Craft (metalworking) +8, Hide +7, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Purity of Body: Vashaak is immune ro all diseases except
Listen +5, Move Silently +11, Spellcraft +1 0, Spot +5; Alertness, for magical ones such as mummy rot and lycanthropy.
Craft Rod, Disciple of Darkness, Iron Will, Maximize Spell. Slow Fall: When falling, within arm's reach of a wall,
Smite Good (Su): Once per day, any of the Nyashk can Vashaak cakes falling damage as if che fall were 20 feet
make a normal attack ro deal an additional +15 points of shorter than it actually is.
damage ro a good foe. Still Mind: Vashaak gains a +2 bonus on saving throws
Spells Known (6/7/7/7/6/5/ 3; save DC 13 + spell level): against enchantments.
0-dancing lighls, detect magic, ghosl sound, l1ghl, mngc hand, Wholeness of Body (Su): Vashaak can cure bin1self up to
mending, prestidigitalion, rny of fros1, read magic; 1s1- b11rni11g 20 hir points per day and can spread chis healing o ut among
hands, chill touch, mage armor, magic 111iss,le, shocki1·1g gmsp; several uses.
2nd-blir1dnrn/deaf,ms, ir1visibil1ly, Me/f's acid arrow, mirror Possessio11s: bmcers of armor +3, pierci11g need!es of pain.
image, web; 3rd- clairaudie11ce/ cle1irvoyarice, dispel mngic,fire-
ball,fly; 4th-charm monster, da11111i11g darlrness, summon 111011- MEPHISTOPHELES,
ster IV; 5rh-co1w of cold, don1111ate pmon; 6th-disir1tegrnle. LORD OF THE EIGHTH
Possessions: /,arrow rod, fly head-shaped helmer, master- Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful)
work lighr crossbow, 12 boles, 6 masterwork daggers. Hit Dice: 38d8+342 (513 hp)
Initiative: +13
~Vashaak Ratoth Bruu: Male medusa Mnk 10; CR 17; Speed: 40 ft., fly 100 fi. (average)
Medium-size monstrous humanoid; HD 6d8+24 plus AC: 47 (-1 size, +9 Dex, +9 insight, +20 natural), couch 27,
1od8+40; hp 131; Init +6; Spd 60 ft.; AC 30, couch 24, fla r- flat-footed 38
foored 24; Atk +t6/+11/+6 melee ( ld10+3, unanned strike) Attacks: Huge +5 n111se11r +50/+45/+40/+35 melee
and +11 melee (td4+1, snakes); SA flurry of blows, petrify- Damage: Huge +5 ranseur 2d6+17 plus td6 fire or 1d6
ing gaze, ki strike +1, poison, snmning artack (10/ day); SQ cold/x3
darkvision 60 ft., evasion, fast movement, improved evasion, Face/ Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft., 15 ft. wi rh ranseur
leap of the clouds, purity of body, slow fall (50 fr.), still mind, Special Attacks: Spell-like abiJities, spells
wholeness of body 20; Al LE; SV Fort +13, Ref +18, Will +18; Special Qualities: Baarezu traits, DR 20/+7, flames of
Str 16, Dex 22, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 22, Cha 16. hel.l, outsider traits, regeneration 10, SR 43, s111n111011
Skills and Feats: Bluff + 12, Crafr (sculpture) +12, Diplo- baatcw
macy +10, Disguise +12, Escape Artist +15, Hide +15, Intim- Saves: Fort +30, Ref +30, Will +32
idate +5, Jump +12, Move Silently +13, Perform +14, Spor Abilities: Srr 27, Dex 29, Con 28, Int 29, Wis 33, Cha 30
+15, Swim +12; Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Skills: Alchemy +28, Balance +30, Bluff +48, Concenrrn-
Arrows, Dodge, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Lion +47, Diplomacy +56, Forgery +28, Gather Infor-
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shor, $running Fist. mation +29, Hide +43, Innuendo +34, .Lntimidate +52,
Flurry of Blows: Vashaak may make one extra arrack i11 a Jump +29, Knowledge (arcana) +47, Knowledge (his-
round at his highest base attack bonus, bur this artack and tory) +28, Knowledge (the planes) +47, Lisren +49, Move
each other arrack made thar round cakes a - 2 penalry o n rhe Silently +47, Scry +47, Search +47, Sense Motive +49,
a track roll. Spellcrafr +47, Tumble +30
Ki Strike (Su): Vashaak's unarmed attacks can deal dam- Feats: Craft Wondrous Item, Dark Speech, Empower Spell,
age ro a foe wirh damage reduction as if they had a +1 en- Improved lnitiarive, Malign Spell Focus, Power Attack,
hancemenr bonus. Scribe Scrol.l, Spell Focus (Evocarion), Spell Penerrntion,
Petrifying Gaze (Su): Vashaak's gaze can rum an opponent Violate Spell
within 30 feet to stone permanently (Fon DC 16 negates).
Poison (Ex): Vashaak delivers his poison (Fortitude save Climate/ferrain: Any land and underground
DC 17) with each successful snakes attack. The initial Organization: Solitary
damage is 1d6 points of Strength; rhe secondary damage is Challenge Rating: 29
2d6 points of Srrength. Treasure: Q uadruple standard
Stunning Attack (Su): Ten rimes per day, Vashaak can Alignment: Lawful evil
stun a crean,re damaged by his unarmed attacks. The foe so Advancement: -
Mephistopheles is an archdevil who has long held a great charm 111ot1ster, create greater u11dend, desecrate, detect good, detect
deal of power in hell. He is allied with Dispater and a bitter magic, devil's ego, fireball, fiendish q11idie11i11g, gens/quest, greater
rival of Baalzebul. Mephistopheles rules over the frozen 1l1spell1ng, hellfire, liellfire storm, magic circle against good, locate
wastes of Cania, rhe eighth layer of hell. As such, he has rrenture, focate object, n,ajor image, restomtio11, resurrection, scrymg,
become immune ro cold by ruthlessly expos- suggestion, t.eleport without error, true seeing, unholy nurn, unholy
ing himself to rhe most frigid remperarures blight, 1111hallo1v, wall of fire, 111afl of ice; 1/day-meteor swarm,
on Ca11ia. symbol (any), 1visl1. Caster level 20th; save DC 20 + spell level.
Mephistopheles displays a facade of charm, Spells: Mephistopheles casts spells as a 15th-level wizard
civility, and understated wit. Secretly, he has a specialized in rhe Evocation school. His laboratories in
terrible temper and flies into fre- Mephistar have spellbooks wirh every arcane
quent rages while in his palace in spell in rhem, so he can prepare whatever
Cania-a citadel called Mephistar, speils he likes, except those from his prohib-
buil r on a massive glacier on rhe ited schools (Illusion and Enchanunenr).
frigid layer. From rhere Mephis- Spells Prepared (5/8/7/7/7/7/5/4/3; save
rophe les commands legions of DC 19 + spell level, or 21 + spell level
gelugons, including rhe vast army for Evocation spells and evil spells, or
chat does norhing bur guard the / 23 + spell level for evil Evocation spells):
entrance co Nessus, the bottom of 0--nrcane mark, mnge ha11d (2), 1-io light, slash
the pit where Asmodeus dwells. tongue; 1sc-blnck bng, mage nrmor(2), magic
Of late, Mephistar has become a missile (3), s/11eld (2); 2nd-bull's strength,
place of scorching flame at the hearr cat's grace, endumnce, 1.ml1eavened (2), web (2);
of me icy plain, however, and me gelu- 3rd-violated darlibolt (2), haste (2),
gons have slowly relocated elsewhere, empowered magic mimle (2), slow; 4th-
replaced by pir fiends, cornugons, and nrcn11e eye, dnmn111g darkness, detect scry,ng,
barbazu. Mephisropheles has developed empowered violated mngic missile,
an extremely hot, corrupt type of energy empowered Melf's ncid arrow, Otilufie's
k11own as hellfire, rapped from rhe sub- res1lm1t spl1ere, psychic poiso11; Sm-cone
stance of rhe plane itself. Its use has of cold, mil nightmare, violated fire
spread through many of rhe archdevils shield, violated ice storm, empowered
and meir servants. None are as adept wim ligl1t11i11g bolt, sending, wall of force;
hellilre as Mepbisropheles, however. To 6th- violated cone of cold, clrn111
further bis mastery of fire, he has lightning, disintegrnte, eyeb1tr,
taken up the study of wizardry, empowered violated lightn111g
specifically evocation. Mephistoph- bolt; 7th-empowered cone of
eles is quickly gaining a reputation as cold, forcecage, gutwrenrh, whirl-
an arcbdevil of contra~ictions. wind of teeth; Sch-violated
Nine feet rail, with beil-red skin, delayed blast fireball, horrid 111ilt-
bar wings, whire eyes, horns jut- i11g, prismatic wnll.
ting from his forehead, and Baatezu Traits: Meph-
straight, black hair, Mephisrophe- istopheles can communicate
les plays up his appearance ro be telepathically with any crea-
as consummately diabolical as possible. He swad1es himself ture within 100 feet chat has a language. In addition, he can
in flowing black capes and wields a mree-pronged ranseur. see perfecrly in darkness of any kind, even mar created by
Mephistopheles constantly adoprs new symbols. His cur- a deeper darkness spell. Mephistopheles is immune to fire
rent one is a red hand with black fingernails shrouded in and poiso11, and he has acid resistance 20 and cold resisr-
dark flames. a11ce 20.
Ou tsider Traits: Mephistopheles cannot be raised or
Combat resurrected.
Mephistopheles prefers rouse his spells and speil-like abili- Regen eratio n (Ex): Mephistopheles cakes normal
ties ramer rhan engage i11 melee. Calling upon other devils damage from holy and blessed weapons of ar least +4
co fight for him, he usuaily rakes a position in rhe rear and enhancement.
rains fire and destruction upon his enemies. He is quick ro Summon Baatezu (Sp ): Twice per day Mephistopheles can
teleport away if faced with any real d1rear. automatically summon 1d4+1 gelugons or 1d3 pit fiends.
Flames of Hell: Mephistopheles is continually swathed Possessions: Mephistopheles wields a Huge +5 ransr.ur char
in dark flames. As such, his rouch deals 2d6 points of unholy is either a flaming burst or icy burst weapon, at his whim.
damage. furthermore, anyone wirhin 5 feet of the archdevil Furthermore, rhis weapon ailows the wielder to focus i1ellfire
cakes damage from rbe flames if Mephistopheles desires it. and 1,ellfire storm spell-like abilities so mar they deal an addi-
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-animate dead, blasphemy, tional +1d6 points of damage.
The Goals of Mephistopheles Evil Brand, Grea t Cleave, Martial Weapon Proficiency
Mephistopheles wants now what he has always wanted: to (ranseur), Power Attack.
rule the Nine Hells. Of aU the schemers in hell- and there Rock Throwing (Ex): Nhagruul receives a +1 bonus on
are many-he is che most open about his goals. Mephis- arrack rolls when throwing rocks (already included in the
topheles has said to Asmodeus's face that he will one day above statistics). She can throw rocks weighing 40 to 50
rule in his stead. Because he is more openly anragonistic pounds each (Small objects) up to five range increments
toward Baalzebul, Asmodeus has usually tolerated Mephis- (range increment 120 feet).
topheles's obvious coveting of his dark throne. Fire Subtype (Ex): Nhagruul is immune to fire damage
Mephistopheles's schemes are always extreme and dra- but cakes double damage from cold unless a saving throw for
matic, rather than subtle and sly like those of some of rhe half damage is allowed. In that case, she rakes half damage
other archdevils. For example, before the Reckoning, he cre- on a success and double damage on a failure.
ated a new persona for himself, Molikroth, then "deposed" Rock Catching (Ex): Nhagruul can catch Small, Medium-
Mephistopheles and ruled in Molikroth's name. Many specu- size, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per
lated that the reason for the deception was to ferret out trai- round, she can make a Reflex save to catch a rock or similar
tors in his midst. Those char helped "Molikroth" overthrow projectile chat would normally hit her. The DC for the save is
Mephistopheles have all been eliminated now. 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium-size rock, or 25 for a
Mephistopheles adores being worshiped as a god and ar Large rock. If the projectile has a bonus on attack rolls
che moment is striving to increase his base of cultists on the because of magic, the DC increases by that amount. Nhagruul
Material Plane. must be ready for and aware of the arrack.
Spells Prepared (6/7/6/ 5/4/ 3; save DC 15 + spell level): 0-
The Cult of Mephistopheles ci.m minor wounds, detect m11g1c, detect poison, guidance, mending,
The cult of Mephistopheles is small, probably because ma11y rend mngic; 1st- burning hands", cure light wounds, divine favor,
mortals do not realize char Asmodeus and Mephistopheles are doom, magic weapon, shzeld of f111th, summon monster I; 2nd-
different beings. Nevertheless, the archdevil has some fol- bull's strer1gth, darkness, end11rance, hold person, produce flame*,
lowers, particularly from a new religion his cultists are resist elements; 3rd- cure serious wounds, devil's ego", dispel
trying to promote-the worship of a "god of hellfire." This magic, masochism, prayer; 4th- cure critical wounds (2), hellfire",
religion anracts both disaffected devil-worshipers and those spell immunity; 5th-fire sh1eld·\ Jlame strike, slay living.
who revere fire. " Domain spell. Domains: Diabolic (+9 bonus on Bluff,
Mephistopheles's temples are filled with fire pits, usually Diplomacy, lnrimidare, or Sense Motive check, 1/day), Fire
rigged so that they flare up suddenly at appropriate times. (turn water creatures and rebuke fire creatures).
The altar is a large slab of stone, blackened because the sac- Possessions: Huge +l souldrinking mnseur, vile weapon ring,
rifices made upon it are burned alive. w1111d of he!!firc (29 charges).
Clerics affiliated with Mephistopheles, called hellfire
stewards or hellfire masters, wear black and red and wield The Servants of Mephistopheles
ranseurs. They generally do not speak, and when they musr Songs of praise always fill the throne room of Mephistophe-
speak, they shout. They generally have access to the Dia- les. The voice behind them is that of Anrilia, a darkly beauti-
bolic, Evil, and Fire domains. ful half-fiend elf bard with red bar wings and red skin like
Cultists: Nhagruul is the leader of a group of giants that her master. Antilia is Mephistopheles's daughter, but no one
revere Mephistopheles. Her temple is guarded by hell in rhe court knows that. She has led Baalzebul to believe that
hotmds and a pair of Large fire elementals brought to the she works for him as a spy i_n Mephistar, bur in fact she is
temple with the lesser planar ally spell. She plans to lead her double-crossing him and feedjng him incorrect information.
people our of the hills where they live to destroy the nearby Testaron is a new arrival at the court of Mephistopheles.
h Lunan and elf settlements. But first she has to overthrow che Bribed with vast amounts of treasure, this dragon has come
local fire giant king, who neither worships her god nor from the Material Plane to make Mephistopheles's throne
shares her vision. Until she is ready to take over, she leads room seem more forbidding. His job is to lOLmge about the
prayers for a small cabal of giant disciples of Mephistopheles. vast hall and look fearsome. So far, it's working.
Mephistopheles also commands a vast number of ex-
~ Nhagruul, Hellfire Master: Female fire giant Cir 9; CR 19; tremely powerful devils, including, of course, the 9,999 gel-
Large giant (fire); HD 15d8+135 plus 9d8+81; hp 323; lnjr +0; ugons that reportedly guard the gates to Nessus.
Spd 40 ft.; AC 17, touch 9, flat-foored 17; Ark +28/+23/ +18
melee (2d6+19/ X3, Huge +1 so11ldnnki11g mnseur), or +16 ~ Antilia: Female half-fiend half-elf Brd 20; CR 22; Medium-
ranged (2d6+12, rock); Face/ Reach 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.; SA size hurna11oid (elf); HD 20d6+83; hp 143; Inic +7; Spd 30 fr.,
rebuke undead 4/day, rock throwing; SQdarkvision 60 ft., fire fly 30 ft. (average); AC 27, touch 22, flat-footed 20; Ark +18
subtype, rock catching;ALLE; SV Forr+24, Ref +8, WiU +16; melee (1d4+3, bite) and +13 melee (1d4+1, 2 claws), or
Str 34, Dex 10, Con 28, Int 15, Wis 20, Cha 13. +26/ +21/+16 ranged (1d8+7/ X3, +2 tnle mighty composite long-
Skills and Feats: Climb +18, Concentration +21, Hide -4, bow [+3 Srr bonus] with +2 arrows), or +19/+14/+9 melee
Jump +18, Knowledge (religion) +8, Scry +11, Spellcraft +11, (1d8+5/ 19-20, +1 fleshgrinding longsword); SA spell-like abili-
Spot +14; Cleave, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wand, ties; SQ acid resistance 20, bardic knowledge +22, bardic
music (countersong, fascinate, inspire competence, inspire 5th-dream, false vision, healing circle, mirage arcana, persisten I
courage, inspire greatness, rnggcslio11) 20/day, cold resisrance image; 6tl1-eyebite, mass lrnste, mnss suggestion, permanent image.
20, darkvision 60 ft., electricity resistance 20, elf traits, fire Possessions: +2 vile mighty composite longbow (+3 Str bonus),
resistance 20, poison immuniry; AL LE; SV Fort +10, Ref +19, 20 +2 arrows, +lj1eshgnnd1ng longsword, ring of protection +5,
Will+13; Srr 'l7, Dex 24, Con 18, lnt 'l5, Wis 12, Cha 23. brncers of nrmor +4, robe of eyes, wnnd of stunning screech (21
Skills and Feals: Decipher Script +23, Diplomacy +8, charges), potio,1 of levilnle, potion of fly.
Knowledge (arcana) + I 7, Knowledge ( the planes) +25,
Listen +23, Perform +23, Pick Pocket +26, Search +22, Sense -,Testaron: Male old red dragon; CR 19; Garganruan dragon
Motive +12, Spot +21; Disciple of Darkness, Dodge, Mobil- (fire); HD 28d12+196; hp 378; Inir +6; Spd 40 ft., fly 200 fr.
ity, Quick Draw, Scribe Scroll, Spring Arrack, Toughness. (clumsy); AC 35, rouch 8, flat-foored 33; Ark +36 melee
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/ day-darlmess, poiso11, 1111ho/y a urn; (4d6+12, bite) and +31 melee (2d8+6, 2 claws) and +31 melee
1/ day- blasphcmy, contagion, desccrnte, destruction, horrid 1-11ill- (2d6+6, 2 wings) and +31 melee (2d8+ LS, tail slap); Face/ Reach
it1g, sm11mo11 monster IX, unhallow, unholy blight. Caster level 20 fr. by 40 ft./t 5 fr.; SA breach weapon, crnsh 4d6+25, fright-
20th; save DC 16 + spell level. ful presence, spell-like abilities, spells, tail sweep 2d6+25; SQ
Bardic Knowledge: Antilia may make a bardic knowl- blindsighr 240 f1., DR 10/ +1, fire subtype, immunities, keen
edge check to see wherher she knows some relevant infor- senses; SR 24; AL CE; SV Fore +23, Ref +18, Will +20; Srr 35,
mation about noteworthy people, items, or places. Dex 14, Con 25, Int 22, Wis 18, Cha 22.
Bardic Musi c: Twenty rimes per day, Antilia can use Skills and Feats: BhLff +34, Concentration +35, Diplomacy
her song or poetics ro produce magical effects. +40, Escape Artist +30, Hide - 10, Intimidate +10, Jump +40,
Co1rntersong (Su): Anrilia can counter magical effects chat Knowledge (arcana) +34, Knowledge (geography) +34,
depend on sound. Any creature within 30 feet of her may Knowledge (history) +34, Listen +34, Scry +34, Search +34,
use Antilia's Perform check resul t in place of his or her Sense Motive +18, Spellcrafr +34, Spot +34; Alertness,
saving throw against such effects. Cleave, Flyby Arrack, Hover, Improved Initiative, Power
Fascinate (Sp): Antilia can cause a creature within 90 feet Artack, Snatch, Spell Focus (Evocation).
that can see and hear her to become fascinated with her Breath Weapo n (Su ): Every 1d4 rounds, Testaron can
(WiU DC equals Antilia's Perform check result). breathe a 60-fr. cone of fire chat deals 16d10 poinrs offire
Inspire Greatness (Su): Antilla can inspire greamess in up to damage (Reflex DC 31 half).
four creatures within 30 feet, granting each a +2 temporary Crush (Ex): When flying, Tesraron can land on Medium-
Hit Dice, a +2 competence bonus on attacks, and a +J com- size or smaller opponents as a standard action, using his
petence bonus on Forti rude saves. whole body to crush them. A crush artack affects as many
Inspire Competence (Su): An cilia can grant any ally within creatures as can fit under Tesraron's body. Each creature in
30 feet a +2 competence bonus on his or her skill checks the affected area must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 31) or be
with a particular skill. pinned, automatically caking 4d6+25 points of bludgeoning
Inspire Courage (Su): Antilia can grant allies who can hear damage. Thereafter, ifTesraron chooses co maintain the pin,
her a +2 morale bonus on saves against charm and fear effects treat ir as a normal grapple attack. While pinned, rhe oppo-
and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. nent rakes crush damage each round.
Suggesliot1 (Sp): Antilia can make a suggestion (as the spell) Frightful Presence (Ex): Testaron can unsettle foes with
co a creature she has already fascinated. A Will save (DC 19) his mere presence. This ability rakes effect auromatically
negates the effect. within a 240-foot radius wheneverTesraron attacks, charges,
Elf Traits: Anrilia is immune ro magic sleep spells and or flies overhead. A poremially affected crearure (one with
effects. She has a +2 racial bonus on saves against enchant- less than 28 HD) char succeeds at a Will save (DC 30)
ment spells or effects. She also has low-Light vision (can see remains immune to Tesraron's frightful presence for 24
rwice as far as a human in low-light conditions) and is entitled hours. On a failure, any creature with 4 or fewer HD
to a Search check when within 5 feet of a secret or concealed becomes panicked for 4d6 rounds, and any with more than
door as though actively looking for ir. Anrilia has Martial 5 HD becomes shaken for 4d6 rounds. Testaron is immune
Weapon Proficiency (composite longbow, composite short- to rhe frightful presence ability of other dragons.
bow, longbow, longsword, and rapier) as bonus fears, and she Spell-Like Abilities: 8/ day- locate object; 3/ day- sugges-
gains a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks tion. Caster level 11th; save DC 16 + spell level.
(already figured into the statistics given above). Tail Sweep: Tescaron can sweep with his tail as a standard
Outs ider Traits: Anrilia has darkvision (60-foor range). action. The sweep affects SmaU or smaller creatures within a
She ca1111oc be raised or resurrected. 20-foot-radius half-circle centered on his rear. Each affected
Spells Known (4/ 6/ 6/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5; save DC L6 + speU level): 0- creature that fails a Reflex save (DC 31) cakes 2d6+25 poLnts
delect magic, ftare, ghost sound, /1ghl, open/ dose, prcstidigilahon; of damage; a successful save halves the damage.
1st--ca11se fear, chann person, wre light wounds, sorrow, mm111011 Blindsight (Ex): Tesraron can ascertain creatures by non-
monster I; 211d--dance of ruin, minur image, silence, song of fester- visual means (mostly hearing and scene, bur also by noticing
ing den th, sound burst; 3rd- clrnrm monster, haste, inv1s1bility vibrations and other environmental clues) at a range of 240 feet.
sphere, sculpt sound, st1.m11i11g screech; 4th-nm cnlical wounds, Fire Subtype (Ex): Tescaron is immune 10 fire damage
liold n1ons/er, improved invisibilily, legend lore, summon monster 1 V; buc takes double damage from cold unless a saving throw for
half damage is allowed. In that case, he rakes half damage on the other hand, some reports claim that he is indeed the
a success and double damage on a failure. original, primal force of evil i11 the multiverse.
Immunities (Ex): Immune to sleep and paralysis. The actions of Asmodeus are often mysterious to outside
Keen Sen ses (Ex): Testaron can see four times as well observers, but that is due to the shorr-sighred and dim-witted
as humans in low-ligh1 conditions and twice as well in view most beings h ave. Asmodeus's manipulations are
normal light. Tescaron also has darkvision with a range of labyrinthine and insidious. They work on a grand scale,
800 feet. al though when it suits his needs he is willing to focus his
Spells Kt1own (6/ 8/ 8/ 7/ 7/ 5; save DC 16 + spell level, or 18 + attention even on the status of a lowly morral soul.
spell level for Evocation spells): O-dn,,1cing ligl1ls, detect 11111gic, During rhe Reckoning, Asmodeus showed that he could
ghost sound, light, mage linnd, open/close, preslidigit11lion1 re11d 11111gic1 take on virtually all the o rhe r archdevils in hell and arise tri-
1111nerving g11ze; 1st-bestow wound, niage armor, magic nmsile, umphant when the smoke clears. His will a lone dicrates
shield, tongue tendrils; 2nd-blur, levitate, rnn11no11 s11111mi, Tnsl111's who rules the various layers of hell. Once a year, he gathers
hideous 11111ghter, web;3rd-blmk, dispel m11g,c1 fi reba 11, haste; 4th- rhe archdevils together in his home in Nessus, a fortress
di memio11 door, dimensional 11ticl10r, unproved invisibilily; 5rh- called Malsheem. None has ever refused rhis call. Even Lev-
domin11le person, wall of stone. isrus is briefly freed from his imprisonment to arcend (and
sulk through) this gathering.
ASMO0EUS, LORD OF THE NINTH Asmodeus stands just over 13 feet call, wirh lustrous dark
Large Outsider (Evil, Lawful) skin and dark hair. He is handsome in 1he same way chat a
Hit Dice: 35d8+350 (507 hp) thunderstorm is beautiful. His red eyes shine with the power
Initiative: +10 of hell, and his head is crowned with a pair ofsmall, dark red
Speed: 40 ft., fly 120 fr. (perfect) horns. He dresses in finery of red and black; a single garment
AC: 49 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +9 insight, +25 natural), touch 24, of his might cost what an entire nation spends in a year. Of
flat-footed 43 course, he is never without his Ruby Rod, an ornate piece of
Attacks: Ruby Rod of Asmodem (+6 iml,oly gre11tcl11b) w1paralleled jeweled finery and vase magical power.
+55/ +50/ +45/ +40 melee
Damage: Ruby Rod of Asmodeus (+6 imlioly greatcl11b) Id8+28 Combat
plus 4d8+20 inflict crilirnl wounds Asmodeus relies on the awesome might of his Ruby Rod
Face/ Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. should he ever find himself engaged in combat (which would
Special Attacks: Chill gaze, demand submission, fear and be a rare event indeed). lt is more likely that he simply forces
weakness gaze, spell-like abiliries, spells his foes to submit or flee with his powers. If rhar does no1
Special Qualities: Baatezu traits, DR 20/ +7, outsider rraits, work, he relocates to allow his servru1ts ro deal with the foes.
regeneration 15, SR 45, summoii ba11tezu Chill Gaze (Su): This gaze attack (Will DC 37 negates) has
Saves: Forr +29, Ref +25, Will +31 a range of 30 feet and acts as a slow spell (caster level 20th) that
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 23, Con 30, Int 30, Wis 34, Cha 30 also imposes a - 5 penalry on all attack and damage rolls, saving
Skills: Alchemy +45, Appraise +26, Bluff +45, Concentra- throws, abLLJry d 1ecks, and skill checks for 24 hours.
tion +45, Diplomacy +53, Disguise +45, Gather Infor- Fear and Weakness Gaze (Su): This gaze arrack (Will DC
mation +45, Hide +19, Innuendo +47, Intimidate +49, 37 negates) has a range of 60 feet and acts as a fem· spell
Knowledge (arcana) +45, Knowledge (narure) +18, (caster level 20th) that also deals td4 points of Strength
Knowledge (religion) +26, Knowledge (the planes) +45, damage ro creatures that fail their save. Asmodeus can use
Listen +47, Move Silently +23, Scry +45, Search +45, this or his chill gaze iJ1 a given round (but not both).
Sense Motive +47, Spellcrafr +45, Spot +47 Demand Submission (Su): Once per row1d as a standard
Feats: Combar Reflexes, Craft Rod, Dark Speech, Expertise, acrion, Asmodeus can force any single creature who can hear
Improved Initiative, Maximize SpeU-Like Ability, Power and understand his voice to attempt a Will saving throw (DC
Arrack, Spell Penetration, Violate Spell-Eke Abiliry 37). If 1he creature fa ils, it submits to the ruler of hell for
I 0dt0 days, doing whatever Asmodeus asks as if every request
Climate/ferrain: Any la nd and underground of his was a rnggeslio11 against which t he targer cannot resist
Organization: Solitary with a saving throw. Once a creature succeeds at a saving
Challenge Rating: 32 throw against this ability, it is forever im.mw1e ro the effect.
Treasure: Quadruple standard Spell-Like Abilities: At will-c111imnle dc11d, bl11sphemy,
Alignment: Lawful evil chnr,n 111011ster, create greater 1111deacl1 desecm le, detect m11gic,
Advancement: - devil's ego, discern lorntio111 domii1nle mo11Ster,fiet1dish qHickeiiing,
ge11s/ q11est, greater dispelli11g, hellfire, hellfire storm, n111gic circle
Asmodeus the Archfiend, the overlord of all the dukes of hell, ng11insl good, major i1r111ge1 11111ss cl111nn, project mrnge, restoration,
commands all devilkind and reigns as the undisputed master 1·em rrect ion, mggesl ion, teleport without error, tnie seci ng (as a
of the Nine HeUs. Even the deiries char call that plru1e borne cleric), 11nholy 1111m, imholy bliglit, i111/111llow, w111l of ice, 111011 of
pay Asmodeus a great deal of respect. ice, wrelclied bligl1t; 1/ day-111eteor swarm, power word (any),
Asmodeus is certainly older than any devil in hell, symbol (any), ll'lfe remn-ecl1on, wish. Caster level 20th; save DC
although some say that he was nor the plane's first ruler. On 20 + spell level.
Spells: Asmodeus can cast spells as a 20th-level cleric The Goals of Asmodeus
with the Diabolic and Evil domains. He gains one extra speU First and foremost, Asmodeus is interested in preserving rhe
slot at each spell level from l ro 9 for domain spells, and he srarns quo in which he is the supreme ruler of hell. Beyond
can use the granted powers of his domains as ifhe were actu- rhat, he focuses most of his attention on the general spread of
ally a cleric. evil in the multiversc. He opposes the actions of powerful
Spells Prepared (6/9/9/9/9/8/7/7/7/6; save DC 22 + spell celestials and good-aligned deities. He also loathes and
level): 0--wre minor 1vo1111ds, guidance, 110 lig/11, resistance (2), opposes the demonic forces of the Abyss-their existence is a
slash tongue; lst-wre light wounds (2), death1vatch, detect chaos, chaUenge to his mastery ofevil.
detect good, devil's tail*, heartache, suspend disease, shield of faiti1;
2nd-boneblast, cure moderate wo1111ds (2), desecrate'', lesser The Cult of Asmodeus
restoration (2), remove paralym, sap stre11gth, Someone known as a devil-worshiper is almost always a
wither limb; 3rd-cure serious wounds, follower of Asmodeus. The ruler of heU commands a
deeper darknC5S, devil's ego~·, negalive ' far larger body of cultists than any other arch-
energy protect,011, protectio11 fTom ele- devil-probably more than all rhe ochers com-
ments (so11ic), remove w,,se, sadism, bined. Many humano ids and evil creatures
speak with dead, wrack; 4th-cure revere Asmodeus as a paragon of might and
crit'icnl wo1111ds, dimem1011al anchor, oppression. They see following him as a
discern lies, hellfire'', hell's power, means ro great and otherwise unat-
ide11 tify t ra II sgrcssor, restoration, tainable power.
sending, stop heart; Sth- brea/1 Clerics who have Asmodeus as a
endrnntment, dispel chaos, dispel patron are imperious, powerful
good", flame strilrn (2), lieart- figures with great personal mag-
cl11tch, mnrk of j11stice, netism and political influence.
morality 11ndo11e; 6ch- Asmodeus's symbol is that of a
rrnlilife shell, blnde barrier, clawed fist gripping a skull
etherealness, lwnn, heal, pla11nr or the more subtle ruby-
binding", tho11sand 11eedles; ripped rod. Sometimes a
7th-bestow greater curse, destn,c- simple inverted penca-
lion, dictum, greater saying gram suffices. His tem-
(2), hellfire storm", impriso11 ples, usually located in
soul; 8th-demm1d*, earth- secre t within or under a
qualw, fire storm (2), mass city, are full of these sym-
heal (2), sl1ield oflaw; 9rh- bols. They are always well
despoil, et1ergy drain, gate", appointed and well guard-
,mplosion, soul bind, strnn ed, because Asmodeus
of vengeance. favors his followers with
*Domain spell. Domains: financial success.
Diabolic (+10 bonus on Asmodeus's favored
Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimi- weapon is the mace. His
date, or Sense Motive clerics usually have access
check, 1 / day), Evil ( +1 ro rhe Diabolic, Evil, and
caster level for evil spells). Law domains.
Baatezu Traits: Asmodeus can communicate releparhi- Cultists: The male human Gilliard De Rosan exemplifies
caUy with any creature within 100 feer that has a language. whar all clerics in Asmodeus's cult aspire to: wealth, power,
In addition, be can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, and prestige. He controls a large cult made up o[ wealrhy
even that created by a deeper darkness spell. Asmodeus is nobles and merchanrs who serve their dread lord at night
immune to fire and poison, and he has acid resistance 20 and while pretending to be upstanding members ofsociety by day.
cold resistance 20.
OutsiderTraits: Asmodeus cannot be raised or resurrected. -,Gilliard DeRosan: Male human Ari 6/Clr 10/ Disciple of
Regeneration (Ex): Asmodeus takes normal damage Asmodeus 4; CR 20; Medium-size humanoid; HD 6d8+6
from holy and blessed weapons of at least +4 enhancement. plus L0d8+1 o plus 4d6+4; hp 105; Inir +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 30,
Summon Baatezu (Sp}: At will, Asmodeus can automati- touch 13, flat-footed 27; Ack +16/+11/+6 melee (1d8+2 plus
cally summon .I pir fiend or 2 of any other type o[ devil. ld6 tire/ 19-20, rorl of lordly ,night [flamu1g longsword func-
Possession s: Asmodeus wields the R11by Rod of Asmodeus, tion], or +19/+14/+9 melee (td8+5/X3, rod of lordly might
which acts as a +6 1111'1oly greatclub char bestows an inflict Cl'it- [battleaxe funcrion]); SA rebuke undead 10/day, spell-like
iccil wounds spell (caster level 20th) upon anyone it couches. abilities; SQ learn secret 2/week, mmnwn he/lent; AL LE; SV
See the artifacts section of Chapter 6 for a description of the Fore+ l1, Ref +9, Will +23; Str 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 13, Wis
Ruby Rod's ocher powers. 21, Cha 25.
Skills and Feats: Alchemy +5, Bluff +19, Concentration +9, ~ Spark Hunters (6): Advanced hamarula Rgr 1/Mortal
Diplomacy +21, Hide +1, Innuendo +18, Intimidate +18, Hunter 10; CR 22; Large outsider (evil, lawful}; HD 21d8+84
Knowledge (arcana)+ I 2, Knowledge (religion) +13, Listen plus td10+4 plus 1od1.0+40; hp 287; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC
+14, Read Lips +8, Sense Motive +9, Spelicrafr +12, Disciple of 31, touch 11, flat-footed 31; Atk +32 melee (2d8+7, 2 claws);
Darkness, Dodge, Evil Brand, Iron Will, Leadership, Malign Face/Reach 5 ft. by 5 fr./10 ft.; SA fear aura, impale 3d6+10,
Spell Focus, Poison Immunity (urthanyk}, Scribe Scroll. improved grab, morralbane shout, slay mortal, smite mortals
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day-drnrm perso11, comma11d. t / day, spell-like abilities; SQ baatezu traits, claws of rbe
Caster level l2th; save DC L7 + spell level. overfiend, detect mortals, DR 10/+ 1, favored enemy
Learn Secret (Ex): Twice per week, Gilliard can make a (humans+ 1), mortal hunting +4, mortal skin (any), outsider
Gather Information check with a +10 competency bonus. traits, spurn mortal magic, SR 27, surmno11 bnntew; AL LE; SV
This allows him ro learn secrets otherwise unattainable, Fort +22, Ref +18, Will +20; Str 25, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 13,
through trickery, deceit, and sometimes intimidation. Wis L4, Cha 16.
Summon Hellcat (Sp }: Gilliard can summon 1 hellcat once Sliills and Feats: Climb +23, Concenrrarion +28, Diplomacy
per day. This ability functions as a summon monster spell +7, Hide +30, Listen +38, Move Silently +24, Search +34,
(caster level l2th). Sense Motive +36, Spot +38; Alertness, Cleave, Combat Cast-
Spells Prepnred (6/8/6/6/5/5/3; save DC 15 + spell level): ing, Disciple of Darkness, Expertise, Improved Disarm, Mor-
0-cure minor 111ounds, detect rnngic, detect poison, iireserve org1111, ral bane, Power Arrack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Track.
read nrngic, resist1111ce; Lsr- bless, rnre light wounds (2), devil's Fear (Su): A crean1re hit by a spark hunter must succeed
ta,I\ divine favor, shield of faith, sorrow, tong11e of Baalzebul; at a Will save (DC 23) or be affected as rhe fear spell (caster
2nd-bull's strenglh, devil's eye", hold perso11, silence, spirit11al level 9th). Whether or not rhe save is successful, that crea-
weapon, wither limb; 3rd-cure serious wo,mds, devil's ego", rlispel ture cannot be affected again by that spark hunter's fear abil-
magic, masochism, sadism, wrack; 4th-cure critirnl wounds, hell- ity for 24 hours.
fire'", poison, poison area, spell imm,rnity; 5th-dispel good", J)amc Impale (Ex): A spark hunter deals 3d8+10 points ofdamage
strike (2), morality undone, slay livit1g1 true seei11g; 6th-create to a grabbed opponent with a successful grapple check.
1111dead''. heal, word of rernll. Improved Grab (Ex): If a spark hunter hits a Medium-
*Domain spell. Domains: Diabolic (+JO bonus on Bluff, size or smaller opponent with a claw arrack, it deals normal
Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive check, 1/ day), Evil damage and attempts ro srarr a grapple as a free action wirh-
(+1 caster level for evil spells}. our provoking an arrack of opportunity (grapple bonus +32).
Possessiotrs: rod of lordly might, cloal? of Clrnrim1a +6, +4 If it hits with the claw, it can also impale in the same round.
darksoul breastplate, +4 spell resist<111Ce large steel shield (SR 15), The spark hunter bas the option to conduct the grapple nor-
amulet of natural nrmor +2, pearl of power (5th level), cube of mally, or simply use its claw to hold the opponent (-20
force, potion of J)y, scroll of darn11i11g darkness, scroll of harm, pena lry on grapple check, but the spark hunter is nor con-
scroll of despoil, 3 doses of urthanyk poison, 2 doses of sidered grappled). In either case, each successful grapple
mushroom powder. check it makes during successive rounds au tomatically
deals claw damage.
The Servants of Asmodeus Mortalban e Shout (Su): A spark hunter can, once per
Technically, all devils are the servants of Asmodeus. Never- day, loose a shout that stuns all mortals within 50 feet for 'l
theless, he has some elire creatures rhar he utilizes. Six pow- round (Fort DC 23 negates).
erful hamatula mortal hunters called rhe Spark Hunrers Slay Mortal (Su): Once per day, by touch, a spark h unrer
serve as his elite agents on the Material Plane. can force a mortal to succeed at a Forrirnde saving throw
Glasya is the daughter of Asmodeus and Bensozia, who was (DC 23) or die instantly.
killed by levisn1s (hence his icy imprisonrnenr). for a long Sm i te Mortal s (Su): Once a day, a spark hunter may
while, Glasya spent her days as the consort of Mammon, but attempt ro smite mortals with one norn1al melee attack, adding
rhat was mostly just ro stir up trouble for various archdevils, a +2 bonus on its attack roll and deals +20 points of damage. If
including her father, when it struck her fancy. Now she serves rhe spark hunrer accidenrally smites a creature that is nor a
in her father's cou11, bur she is dissatisfied and bored with her mortal, rhe smite has no effect but it is still used up for that day.
fate. She is about 9 feet tali, appearing to be a beautiful human Sp ell-Like Abilities: At will- animnte dead, clrnrrn person,
woman with bat wings and long black hair. She has coppery- desecrate, doom, hold person, major image, produce flame, pyrotecl1-
colored skin, tiny horns on her head, and a forked rail. 11ics, suggestion, teleport without error; t/day-order's wrath or
Martinet serves as the constable of Asmodeus, managing unholy blight. Caster level 9th; save DC l3 + spell level.
many of his affairs, particularly interaction with other Baatezu Trai ts: A spark hunter can communicate tele-
devils. As such, when rwo powerful denizens of hell go ro pathically with any creature within 100 feet rhat has a lan-
war, it is up to Marriner to put a stop ro ir if hell's master does guage. In addition, ir can see perfectly in darkness of any
not wish rhe war ro continue. While Martinet is not as pow- kind, even rhat created by a deeper darkness spell. A spark
erful as most archdeviJs, the fact that he is rhe mouth, eyes, hunter is immune ro fire and poison, and it has acid resist-
and ears of Asmodeus earns him far more respect rhan he ance 20 and cold resistance 20.
would otherwise be due. The threats and tirades of ochers Cl aw s of the Overfiend (Ex): A spark hunter's claw
never impress him, and he always has a cutting retort. attack deals 2d8+7 points of damage.
Detect Mortals (Su): Ar will, a spark hunrer can use detect Spell-Like Abilities: At will-1111imate dead, blasphemy,
mortals. Tbis ability duplicates rhe effect of the spell detect clrnr111 monster, create rmdcad, desecrate, detect good, detect magic,
undead, except chat morrals are detected. c!ispel magic, hold person, improved invisibility, magic circle
Favored Enem y/Mo rtal Hunting (Ex): These spark agai11st good, ma_ior image, produce flame, polymorph self,
hunrers gain a +4 bonus on Bluff, listen, Sense Motive, Spar, pyrotechnics, suggestio11, teleport witlto1d error (self plus 50
and Wilderness lore checks when using these skills pounds of objects only), /.n,e seeing, unholy a urn, 1111l1allow,
against mortals and +5 when using them against humans wall of fire; 1/ day- fi11ger of death, limited wish, symbol (any).
specifically. Likewise, they get rhe same bonus on weapon Caster level 20th; save DC 18 + spell level.
damage rolls against creatures of rhese types. A spark Baatezu Traits: Glasya can commimicare telepathically
hunter also gets the damage bonus with ranged weapons, with any creanrre within 100 feet that has a language. In addi-
but only against rargers within 30 feet (the spark hunrer tion, she can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even thar
cannot strike wirh deadly accuracy beyond tbar range). The created by a deeperdarlrness speU. Glasya is immune to fire and
bonus doesn't apply ro damage against creatures rhar are poison, and she bas acid resistance 20 and cold resistance 20.
immune ro critical hirs. Outsider Traits: Glasya can.nm be raised or resurrected.
Mortal Skin (Su): By magically grafting birs of mortal Regen eration (Ex): Glasya rakes normal damage from
flesh to its own body, a spark hunter gains the ability co adopt holy and blessed weapons of at least +3 enhancement.
any mortal form as though using polymorph self If the flesh Summon Baatezu (Sp): Three times per day, Glasya can
used is from rhe exact individual being imitated, the duration automatically summon 1d4 erinyes, or she can attempt co
is permanent. If rhe flesh is from a being of rhe same rype as summon 1 pie fiend (75% chance of success).
the form adopted, the duration is l hour. If the flesh is nor rhe Possessio11s: +3 speed short sword coated with devil blood.
same type as the form adopted, rhe duration is LO minutes.
Otherwise, this ability works as the polymorph selfspell, and a -1Martine t: Male unique devil; CR 13; large outsider (evil,
spark hunter can call upon it once per day. A spark hunrercan lawful); HD t6d8+8o; hp 152; Init +9; Spd 40 fr., fly 60 fr.
return to its normal form with a standard action. (average); AC 29, rouch L4, flat-footed 24; Ack +25/+20/
Outs ider Traits: A spark hunter can nor be raised or res- +15/+ LO melee ( l d6+l3, +3 q11e1rlmtaff of parnlysis);
urrected. Face/ Reach 5 ft. by 5 fr./t0 ft.; SA spell-like abilities; SQ
Spurn Mortal Magic (Su): A spark hllllter gains a +2 bonus baarezu qualities, DR 30/+3, outsider trairs, regeneration 5,
on all saving throws against effects and spells used by mortals. SR 24, summon crearures; AL LE; SV Fon +15, Ref +15,
Summon Baatezu (Sp ): Once per day a spark hunter can Will + l 7; Str 24, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 19, Wis 20, Cha 23.
attempt to summon 2d10 lemures with a 50% chance of suc- Slulls and Feats: Bluff +25, Concentration +15, Diplomacy
cess or I hamarula with a 35% chance of success. +29, Cacher Information +12, Hide +1, Innuendo +26, In-
Spells K11ow11 (3/3/3/1; save DC 13 + spell level): lst- timidate +8, Knowledge (arcana)+ 12, Knowledge ( history)
cause fear, charm person, detect good, l1eartacl-1e, protectio11 from +14, Knowledge ( local) +14, Knowledge (nobility and roy-
good, sleep, u1111ervi11g gaze; 2nd-de/eel thoughts, evil eye, i,old alty) +23, Knowledge (the planes) +13, Listen + l5, Search +9,
pe!'so11, mflgic circle aga111sl good, sec invisible, iveb, withe!' limb; Sense Motive +24, Spellcrafr +19, Spot +19; Dark Speech,
3rd-flesh ripper, mirror sending, 11011dcteclion, scrying, rngges- Dodge, Expertise, Improved lnitiacive, Iron Will.
/1011, vile lance, 111rnd1; 4th-a,wne eye, cnll dretcl1 horde, !ocnle Spell-Like Abilities: Ac will- a11imate dend, blasphemy,
creature, ,nornlity 1111do11e, phc111tasnrnl Iii lier, resonat111g remtirnce. charm 111011ste1; create undencl, desecrate, detect good, detect 111agic,
Possessions: brncers of armor +6, nng of protection +2, collar of dispel magic, discern locntion, hold person, imp,vved i1rvisibilily, magic
virulent ve11om (affects claws and impaling spikes), flesh n11g circle against. good, major image, produce flame, polymorph self,
of scorn, scroll of resonating resistance. pyrotec/11ucs, suggcslio11, teleport witho11t en'01' (self plus 50 pow1ds
ofobjects only), trne seeing, 1111l·1oly a11rn, unhallow; l/day-feeble-
-1Glasya: FemaJe u11ique devil; CR 18; Large outsider (evil, mi11d, li1111ted ivish. Caster level 17th; save DC 16 + spell level.
lawful); HD L8d8+90; hp 171; lnir +14; Spd 40 ft., £ly 60 ft. Baatezu Traits : Marriner can communicate telepathi-
(average); AC 34, touch 19, 24; Ark +26/+26/+21/ cally with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.
+16/+ll melee ( ld6+9 plus devil blood poison/ 19-20, +3 ln addition, he can see perfectly in darkness of any kind,
speed shol't sword); Face/Reach 5 fr. by 5 fr./ IO ft.; SA spell- even rhat created by a deeper darkness spell. Martinet is
like abilities; SQ baatezu traits, DR 30/+3, outsider rraits, immune to fire and poison, and he has acid resistance 20 and
regeneration 5, SR 28, s1m11non baatew; AL LE; SV Fon +16, cold resistance 20.
Ref +21, Will +16; Srr 23, Dex 30, Con 21, Inr 20, Wis 20, Outside r Trai ts: Martinet cannot be raised or resurrected.
Cha 26. Regen eration (Ex): Marriner cakes normal damage from
Shills find Feats: Bluff +29, Concenrration +25, Diplomacy holy and blessed weapons of at least +3 enhancement.
+30, Disguise +28, Hide +27, Innuendo +25, intimidate +20, Summon Creatures (S p): Once per round Marriner can
Intuit Direction +15, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge automatically SLlllllllon a lawful evil fire mephit or an imp
( nobility and royalty) +15, Knowledge ( religion) +13, (which he uses for messengers). Once per day, he can
Knowledge (rhe planes) +9, listen +17, Move Silently +30, attempt ro summon 1 pit fiend (55% chance of success).
Search +15, SpeUcrafr +l 8, Spot+ 14; Alertness, Boost Spell- Posmsions: +3 q11arlerstnff of paralysis (touch confers hold
Uke Ability, Dodge, Expertise, Improved Initiative. person; Will DC 13 negates).
his chapter presents a mixture of various evil mon- of ir. Demons enjoy terrifying rhei-r v~cti ms before·
sters: Demons and devils, to be sure, but undead slaying them, and they often devour the slain. Many
and other creatures as well. They sbould be suitable demons can create darkness, so they freq\1encly blan-
for any campaign. ket 1heir enemies wirh it before joining battle.
A1 rhe end of the chapter are cbree new templates- All demons have rhe following abilities in
bone, corpse, and corrupted-chat allow you ro create spe- common.
cial evil versions ofordinary crearures. Outs ider Traits: A de01on has darkvision ( 60-
foor range). lr cannot, be raised or re~}'q:cted.
In addition, all tanar'ri have the following abili-
DEMON ties in common.
Demons are native to the Abyss, a realm of unmitigated Tanar'ri Traits: Tanar'ri can communicare rele-
chaos and evil. They are rbe most violenr, greedy, fickle, parhically wirh any creature wirhin LOO feer that
and perverse of the fiends. has a language. .Except as noted in the specific
Some demons, nor satisfied with rheir own iniquity, rake descriptions, a tanar'ri is immune ro electricity
pleasure in tempting mortals ro become as depraved as and poison, and it has acid resistance 20, cold
they are. Of those presented here, the shadow demon is , resistance 20, and fire resisrance 20.
most interested in such activities. S11mmo11 Tanar'ri (Sp ): All ranar'ri can
The largest and mos1 diverse group of demons is the summon other ranar'ri to their aid. This ability
1anar'ri, t111challenged masters of the Abyss. But demons functions like a summon monster spell of the
come in an overwhelming variety of forms, and no one has appropriate level, except that it has only a lim-
ever cataloged chem all. ited chance of success. Roll cl% and compare
Except where otherwise noted, demons speak Abyssal, the result with the creature's indicated chance
Celestial, and Draconic. of success. On a failure, no tanar'ri answer Lhe
summo11s. Summoned ranar'ri aucomarically
COMBAT retum whence they came after 1 hour. A tanar'1i
Demons are ferocity personified. They are willing co arrack that has just been summoned cannot use its
any creatures-even other demons-just for the sheer fun own summon ability fort ·hour. Most tanar'ri
Mane (Tanar'ri) Rutterkin (Tanar'ri) Bar-lgura (Tanar'ri)
Small Outsider Medium-Size Outsider Medium-Size Outsider
(Chaotic, Evil) (Chaotic, Evil) (Chaotic, Evil)
Hit Dice: 1ds (4 hp) 5d8+1 o (32 hp) 6d8+18 (45 hp)
Initiative: +0 +2 +4
Speed: 20 fr. 20 ft. 40 ft., dimb 20 ft.
AC: 14 (+1 size, +3 natural), 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural), 22 (+4 Dex, +8 natural),
couch 11, flat-footed 14 touch 12, flat-footed t6 touch 14, flat-footed 18
Attacks: 2 claws +2 melee and Double axe +5 melee 2 claws +10 melee and
bite +0 melee and double axe +5 rnelee, bite +5 melee
or 2 claws +7 melee
Damage: Claw 1d3, bite td4 Double axe 1d8+2/X3 (primary), Claw td6+4, bite 1d8+2
double axe td8+1/ X3 (offhand),
claw 1d6+2
Face/Reach : 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities Pou nee, spell-like abiliries
Special Qualities: Acidic cloud, DR 5/+1, DR 5/silver, outsider traits, SR 14, DR 10/+1, outsider traits, SR 16,
outsider traits, summon t,mnr'ri, tanar'ri traits summon tanal"ri, teleport
rauar'ri traits without error, ranar'ri traits
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will - 2 Forr +6, Ref +6, Will +5 Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +7
Abilities: Srr 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Str 18, Dex 19, Con 16,
Int 3, Wis 3, Cha 3 Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 10 Inr 13, Wis 14, Cha 12
Skills: Climb +2, ]lllnp +2 Climb +8, Intimidate +5, Balance +11, Climb +12, Disguise +4,
Jump +10, Listen +5, Move Hide +17, Intimidate +6,
Silently +6, Spot +5, Tumble +8 Jump +25, Listen +5, Move
Silently +11, Spot +7, Tumble +14
Feats: Multiattack Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Dodge, Mobility

Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Any land and tmderground Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, swarm (6-15), Solitary or gang (3-10) Solitary, pair, or pack (3-11)
or horde (10-100)
Challenge Rating: 1 3 5
Treasure: None Standard Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic evil Always chaotic evil Always chaotic evil
Advancem ent: 2-6 HD (Small) 6-10 HD (Medium-size); 7-12 HD (Medium-size);
11- 15 HD (Large) 13- 18 HD (Large)

do nor use their summon ability lightly, since it leaves them battle heedless of danger, but they are slow, stupid, and
beholden ro the summoned crearures. ln general, they use it largely ineffective combatants. As weak as they are, they can
only when necessary co save their own lives. overcome foes by their numbers.
Acidic Cloud (Ex): When a mane dies, it dissolves into a
MANE cloud of noxious vapor. Anyone within 10 feet of a slain
Formed directly from the souls of evil creatures sent ro rhe mane who foils a Reflex save (DC 20) rakes 1d6 points of
Abyss for eternity, manes are rhe lowest of the demons, even acid damage.
lower than the dretches. They have no magical abilities at all
and are almost mindless. They act more Like wild beasts than RUTTERKIN
anything else. Rough, crude, and bestial, rutrerkins understand nothing
Manes are 3-foot-tall humanoids with pale, bloated Elesh rid- but brute force. These bullying demons are mean and cruel,
dled with maggots. Their white eyes show no sign ofsentience, trapped i11 a life of never-endiJ1g pail1, unhappy unless they
but their claws and jagged teeth betray their feral nanire. are inflicting violence. They roam the Abyss in gangs, avoid-
Manes cannot speak bur can understand simple concepts ing those more powerful and those weaker (or even
spoken il1 any language (as a side effect of their limited use a solitary powerful creature if they can gang up on it). These
of tanar'ri relepathy). demons are outcasts even in the Abyss. Of all other demons,
only the chasmes treat them as allies, and that is only
Combat because they find rutterkins easy to master and dominate.
Manes are largely mindless but devoted to savagery and Rutterkin are rhe misshapen results of the foul and
fury. They obey their masters and throw themselves into chaotic energies that cottrse through the Abyss, formed in a
process nor unlike the disease known as warp touch. As Spell-Like Abilities: At will- dnrlrness, cause fear, teleki11e-
such, they are always in pain and frequently howl and gri- sis; 1/ day- desecmte. Caster level 6th; save DC 10 + spell level.
mace, writhing and contorting as their corrupted bodies Summon Ta11ar'ri (Sp): Once per day a rutterkin can attempt
mutate with no rhyme or reason. The forms rhe rurrerkins ro summon 1 rucrerkin with a 35% chance of success or l
are cursed with are not always rhe most efficie11t, and about chasme with a 10% chance ofsuccess.
J 0% of rhe rime, a rutterkin encountered is so malformed
rhar one of its arms does nor work, or its limp actually slows Rutterkin Weapons
irs speed by 10 feer. A rurrerki11's double axe has the same weapon statistics as an
Standing 5 to 7 feet rail, these twisted, malformed crea-
ore double axe. 1n addition, a rutterkin can use a snap-tong
tures usually are hunched over, walking with a stagger or or a three-armed blade.
limp. Their skuLis are pointed, their eyes small and vicious, Sn ap -To n g: Many rutterkins carry this Large exotic
and their feanires asymmetrical and deformed. Their mot- weapon rather than a double axe. A snap-tong deals 2d6
tled green and blue-violet skin is nearly hairless. No two points of piercing damage, threatens a critical hit on a 20, and
look exactly alike. deals double damage on a critical hit. A wielder char hits an
opponent ofSmaU ro Large size may attempt to start a grapple
Combat as a free action without p.ovoking an attack of opporninity. If
Rurterkins prefer the use of weapons, and a few even wear the wielder gets a hold, the snap-tong grabs tbe opponent and
armor. They mainly use double axes with crescent-shaped deals 2d6 points of damage each round the hold is main-
blades, but occasionaUy one wields a longsword with a ser- tained. All rutterkins are proficient in the use of this weapon.
rated edge (usually with a shield) or one of rhe weapons Three-Armed Blade: This exotic ranged weapon is a !-foot
described below. As demons go, rutterkins have - - -- wide, three-bladed wedge that is launched from
few spell-Like or supernatu- a slinglike device. It has a range increment
ral abilities, and they of 20 feet and deals 1d10 points of slashing
rarely think of valu- damage. It threatens a critical hit on a 20 and
able or in re resting deals double damage on a critical hit. All rut-
ways of using the terkins are proficient in its use.
abilities they
do have.
Also known as leaping demons, bar-
lguras appear like lumbering apes.
_ _ This appearance is
.---c-::::.:: ./ misleading, for aIthough
.,._,._.~~; they look and move like
orangutans, they are inrelli-
genr and use their magical
abilities crafrily.
They make excellent
scours and skirmishers.
The sight of a dozen of
these bestial mon-
sters loping forward
at high speed can
crush the morale of
the stoutest war-
rior. They prefer ro
operate in small
packs. Unlike many
demons, bar-lguras
do not want ro be
around lesser demons.
They do nor enjoy bul-
1yin g d retches and
manes the way rut-
terkins do. Instead,
they feel that
- the lesser demons
W&~.z001 justgerin theirway.
Babau (Tanar 'ri) Shadow Demon Chasme (Tanar'ri)
Medium-Size Outsider Mediwn-Size Outsider Large Outsider
(Chaotic, Evil) (Ch aotic, Evil, Incorporeal) (Chaotic, Evil)
Hit Dice: 7d8+28 (59 hp) 1od8 (45 hp) 9d8+36 (76 hp)
Initiative: +2 +ll +3
Speed: 30 ft. fly 40 ft. (perfect) 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect)
AC: 25 (+2 Dex, +14 natmal), 22 ( +7 Dex, +5 deflection), 26 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +14 narural),
rouch 11 , flat-footed 24 rouch 22, flat-footed LS touch 12, £lat-footed 23
Attacks: Greataxe +12/+7 melee and 2 claws +17 melee couch 2 claws +12 melee and bite +10
bite +7 me lee, or 2 claws +12 melee and gore +10 melee
melee and bite +7 melee
Damage: Grearaxe 1d12+7/ x3, Claw 1d6 vile Claw 1d8+4, bite 1d6+2,
bite 1d6+2, claw 1d6+5 gore 1d6+2
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. 5 fr. by 5 ft./ 10 ft.
Special Attacks: Sneak attack +2d6, spell-like Improved grab, pounce, Drone, fear aura,
abilities, weakness gaze rake, spell-like abilities spell-like abilities, wounding
Special Qualities : DR 10/+1, protective slime, Darkness enhancement, flesh- DR 20/+2, outsider traits, SR 23,
outsider traits, SR 17, ripping claws, immunities, summon lmiar'ri, tanar'ri traits
sum.mo1·1 tanar'ri, tanar'ri rraits incorporeal subtype, light
powerlessness, oursider traits
Saves: Fon +9, Ref +6, Will +6 Fon +7, Ref +16, Will +10 Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +8
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 18, Str - , Dex 24, Con 10, Str 19, Dex 16, Con 18,
Inc 14, Wis 13, Cha 16 Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 20 Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14
Skills: Climb +15, Disable Device Bluff +1.5, Concentration +10, Concentration +16, Hide +11,
+12, Disguise + 13, Escape Diplomacy +12, Hide +30'\ Intimidate +14, lnruit
Artist +6, Hide +14, Listen Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) Direction +8, Listen +14,
+14, Move Silently +14, +16, Knowledge (the planes) +11, Move Silently +15, Search +14,
Open Lock +11., Pick Listen +16, Move Silently +20, Spor +14
Pocket +6, Search +15 Search +16, Spot +J 5
Feats: Cleave, Power Attack Expertise, unproved Initiative, Flyby Attack, Multiattack,
Lightning Reflexes Power Attack

Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Any land and underground Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or gang (3- 6) Solitary Solitary, pair, gang (3-4),
or squad (6- 10)
Challenge Rating: 7 8 10
Treasure: None None Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic evil Always chaotic evil Always chaotic evil
Advancem ent: 8- 14 HD (Large); 11- 15 HD (Medium-size); 10-18 HD (Large)
15-21 HD (Huge) 16- 20 HD (Large)

Standing 5 to 6 feer rail, a bar-lgura is covered in reddish- co prisons or sealed caverns, leaving them there for as long
brown hair, although it can change color. I ts face is apelike, as they wish.
and its forelimbs are lon g and powerful while its rear limbs Pounce (Ex): If a bar-lg ura charges, it can make a full
are short- and powerful. Bar-lguras frequently walk o n aU arrack even rhough it has moved.
fours, bur they are capable of standing upright. A few wield Sp ell-Like Abilities: Ar will- darkness, cause fenr, dispel
weapons and wear humanoid clothing or armor. mngic, see invisibilil)\ telekinesis; 2/ day- chcrnge self, invisibility,
major image. Caster level 6tl1; save DC 11 + spell level.
Combat Teleport with out Error (Su ): A bar-lgura can use this
Bar-lguras enjoy setting ambushes and arracking foes with ability at wLll, as the spell, carrying up to 200 pounds with it.
surprise. They leap inro combat and thrortle opponents with Bar-lguras can even use this ability while grappling (grapple
their powerful limbs. If they outnumber their foes, some of bonus +10), but tl,e foe must be pinned first.
these demons grapple and hold the enemy while the others Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): O nce per day a bar-lgura can attempt
tear at them with powerful claws. co swnrnon another bar-lgura with a 35% chance of success.
Many of their supernatural and spell-like abilities help Skills: The skin of a bar-lgura changes color, allowing ir
them surprise their foes. Unlike that of most other demons, to blend it with surroundings like a chameleon and confer-
bar-lguras' teleport ability is not limited to just themselves, ring a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. A bar-lgura also
so bar-lguras use this ability to grab foes and teleporr chem receives a +10 racial bonus on Jump checks.
Babaus are powerful assassins that strike with a sudd en Shadow demons are denizens of the Abyss without corpo-
ferocity. They are devious and careful, forming carefu l plans real fo rms, fo rmed from the very essence of evil o n that
before going into battle-always making sure that they do plane. They skitter and flit abou t with great speed and a
nor have to engage in a fai r fight. Almost every demon lord supernatural nimbleness, often mistaken for undead shad-
has a num ber of babaus that he or she employs as spies and ows. They resemble gaunt, angular, shadowy humanoids
killers. They occasionally work with succubi. with batlike wi11gs.
Babaus are tall and gaunt, looking like elongated skele- Shadow demons, like night hags and a few other cream res
tons covered in black leathery skin. The back of their skull chat inhabit the lower Planes, trade in souls. They use their
sports a singular, curved horn. Their rough flesh is covered nrngic jor abiliry to crap souls and sell or trade chem to more
iJ1 a thick, reddish paste that they secrete from smelly pores. powerful fiends. O n the Material Plan e, shadow d emons
They have pointed ears and a mouth full of jagged teeth. som etimes work as advisors or assistants ro evil crearures of
g rea t power: a dragon, an evi l king, a powerful demonolo-
Combat gist, or a similar villai n. Shadow demons genera lly serve
Babaus are sneaky and sly. They attack the m ost powerful foe their chosen master well, especially if they are able to gain a
first, hoping to eliminate the true threats quickly and rhen great many souls while doing so. If che souls are evil, all rhe
toy with rhe rest. Although they can use thei r claws in better. Shadow demons are also interested in tempting and
com bar, babaus prefer to use weapons, usually those requir- corrupting m ortals. And if, when its masrer finally dies, the
ing two hands to wield. shadow demon is able to snatch its soul too, all the better.
Sneak Attack (Ex): A babau can make a sneak attack Like Shadow demons sometimes serve demon lords directly,
a rogue, inflicting +2d6 points of damage whenever a foe is bur they rarely interact with ranar'ri or other demons.
denied his or her Dexteriry bonus, or when the babau is
flanking. Combat
Sp ell-Like Ab ilities: Ar will-dor!mess, dcsecmle, ce1 11 sc Shadow demons employ a straightforward s trategy in
feor, dispel magic, fly, sec mvisibility, teleb11em, telcporl ivit'1011I combat:
ermr (self plus 50 pounds of gear o nl y); 1/ day-poly-
morph self, wracli. Caster level 7th; save --• --~
DC 13 + spell level
Weakness Gaze (Su ): A
babau has a gaze attack
that deals id 3 points of
Strength damage to any
creamre that fails its For-
cicude save ( DC 16).
Prot ective
Slime (Ex): Because of the slippery,
slimy jelly that coars its s kin ,
a babau cakes half damage from
slashing and piercing weapons.
Furthe r, any weapon that
s trikes ir is corroded
and ruined by a ro uch
of rhe goo. A magic
weapon must succeed
at a Reflex save (DC 17)
or be corroded and ruined.
Bare flesh exposed co the
slime ( thro ugh unarmed
attacks or grappling) auto-
matically takes 1d6 points of acid
damage per round or per srrike.
Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day a babau
can attempt to summon 1 babau with a 40% chance
of success.
Skills: Babaus receive a +8 racial bonus on Hide,
Lisren, Move Silently, and Search checks.
immerse rhe battlefield in darkness, then tear foes ro shreds such light, it takes a -4 penalty to AC, attack rolls, damage
with their inky claws. rolls, saves, and skill and ability checks.
Improved Grab {Ex): If a shadow demon hits a Medium- Skills: A shadow demons receives a +10 racial bonus on
size or smaller opponent with both claw attacks, it deals Hide checks.
normal damage and attempts ro starr a grapple as a free
action without provoking an arrack of opportunity (grapple CHASME
bonus +17). lf it hits with both claws, ir can also rake in the Chasmes are disgusting, flylike demons. Experts in punish-
same round. The shadow demon has the option ro conduct ment and torture, they sometimes gain positions of power
rhe grapple normally, or simply use its claws to hold the and influence in the Abyss. If in the service ofa demon lord,
opponent (-20 penalry on grapple check, but the shadow chasmes are the taskmasters char keep orher demons serv-
demon is nor considered grappled). In either case, each suc- ing that lord in line and doing rbe jobs assigned co them (a
cessful grapple check it makes during successive rounds feat that can only be accomplished through pain and intim-
automatically deals damage from both claws. idation). Orher times, however, chasmes carve our a little
Pounce {Ex): If a shadow demon dives or leaps upon a niche for themselves and act as very minor demon lords,
foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full ruling over a number of lesser demons such as rurterkins
arrack (including a rake attempt, see below) even though ir and dretches. Traditionally, chasmes hare succubi and kill
has moved. them when they can. They also do nor like vrocks, whom
Rake (Ex): On any round thar a shadow demon bas a hold they see as rivals. They fear and obey more powerful demons
on an opponent (see (mproved Grab, above), ir can make such as hezrous and glabrezu.
two rake attacks (+17 melee couch) with its hind legs for td6 Like giant flies with tufts of hair sprouting about their
points of damage each. The shadow demon can also attempt thick, insecroid flesh, chasmes have large buzzing wings
co rake when it pounces on an opponent. and six limbs, two of which resemble long, thin human
Spell-Like Abilities: At will: darkness; L/ day- deeper arms. Their heads are vaguely humanlike, alrhough exagger-
darkness, damning darkness; 1/ week-mngic jnr. Caster level ated and ugly, wirh a hard, hooked horn where a human's
10th; save DC 15 + spell level. nose would be.
Darkness Enhancement (Ex): Shadow demons gain
power from being with in total darkness. They gain a +4 Combat
enhancement bonus to AC, attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, C hasmes like to torment their foes before slaying them.
and skill and ability checks in such conditions. Thus, they often besiege enemies with co11 tagio11, wave of
Flesh -Ripping Cl aws (Su): When a shadow demon's grief, or insect plague before going in for the kill.
claws touch flesh, rhey become corporeal, allowing rhe Drone (Su ): As a full-round action, a cbasme can beat its
creature to claw, rake, and even grapple with opponents, wings co create a droning buzz in a 60-foot spread. Each crea-
yet still ignore their armor. The shadow demon's claw and rure in the area must make a Will save (DC 16) or fall asleep
rake attacks are thus made as rouch attacks. Fleshless crea- for 2d10 rounds. There is no Hit Dice limit for this effect.
tures, such as certain constructs, are immune to rhe attacks This ability otherwise functions like the sleep spell. Demons
of a shadow demon. Corporeal foes attempting to grapple and creatures immune to sleep effects (such as elves) are
the shadow demon can only attempt to escape; they ca n't immune co this effect.
deal damage or pin in a grapple. All damage a shadow Fear Aura (Su): As a free action, a chasme can crea te an
demon's claws deal is vile damage (see Vile Damage in aura of fear in a 5-foor radius. The effect is otherwise identi-
Chapter 2). cal with a fem-spell (caster level 10th; Will DC 16 negates). If
Immunities {Su ): A shadow demon is immune to fire, the save is successful, that crearure cannot be affected again
cold, and electricity as well as mind-affecting effects, poison, by that chasme's fear aura for 24 hours.
sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. It is not subject to Spell-Like Abilities: At will-co11tagion, dnrki,ess, dese-
critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, crate, detect good, dispel magic, fly, insect plague, ray of enfeeble-
or death from massive damage. mwt, protection from good, see invisibility, telekinesis, t'Cleport
Incorporeal Subtype: A shadow demon can be harmed without error (self plus 50 pounds of gear only), wnve of grief;
only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or berrer magic ! / day-circle of nausea, 1ml10ly n1Jrn. Caster level 10th; save
weapons, spells, spell-Like abilities, and supernatural abili- DC 12 + spell level.
ties. The creature has a 50% chance co ignore any damage Wounding (Ex): A wound resulting from a chasme's attack
from a corporeal source, except for force effects or anacks bleeds for an additional l points of damage per round there-
made with ghost couch weapons. A shadow demon can pass after. Multiple wounds from such attacks result in cumulative
rhrough solid objects, bur not force effects, at will. Its bleeding loss (two wounds for 2 points of damage per round,
attacks ignore narural armor, armor, and shields, but deflec- and so on). The bleeding can be stopped only by a successful
tion bonuses and force effects work normally aga inst them. Heal check (DC 10) or rhe application ofa cure spell or some
A shadow demon aJways moves silently and cannot be heard ocher healing spell (heal, healing circle, or the like).
with Listen checks if it doesn't wish to be. Summon Tanar'ri (Sp ): Once per day a ch asme can
Light Powerlessness (.Ex): A shadow demon is drained attempt to summon 1d4 runerkins or l chasme with a 40%
in bright light (such as sunlight) and flees from ir. Within chance of success.
monster spell of the appropriate level, except that it has only
DEVIL a limited chance of success. Roll cl% and compare the result
Devils are fiends narive to the Nine Hells. The mosr numer- with the creature's indicated chance of success. On a failure,
ous are rhe baatezu, who are infamous for their strength, evil no baatezu answer the summons. Summoned creatures
remperamenr, and rurhlessly efficienr organization. automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A
Baatezu have a rigid caste system, in which aurhoriry baatezu that has just been summoned cannot use its own
derives nor only from power bur also from station. They summon ability for 1 hour. Most baatezu do not use their
occupy rhemselves mainly with e:Ktending their influence summon ability lightly, since it leaves them beholden to the
throughout the planes by corrupting mortals. Baatezu rhar summoned creatures. In general, they use it only when nec-
further chis goal are usually rewarded with improved srations. essary ro gain victory or to save their own lives.
Baatezu Traits: Unless otherwise noted, a baatezu can
COMBAT communicate telepathically with any creature within 100
Devils enjoy bullying rhose weaker rban themselves and feet that has a language. [n addition, it can see perfectly in
often attack good creatures just ro gain a trophy or three. darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness
Mosr devils are surrounded by an aura of fear, which they spell. A baatezu is i_mmune to tire and poison, and it has acid
use ro break up powerful groups and defear oppone nts resistance 20 and cold resistance 20.
piecemeal. The baacezu also use rheir illusion abiliries ro
delude and confuse foes. A favorite trick is to creare illusory KOCRACHON
reinforcements; enemies can never be sure if a threar is only Kocrachons are diabolic torturers. When the damned are
a figment or if real summoned devils are joining the fray. senr to hell ro face torment, it is often the insectoid kocra-
All devils share the following rrairs. chons thar perform the sick and terrible duties-and they
Outsider Traits: A devil has darkvision (60-foot range). Ir relish the rask. These devils are likely to be found in terrible
cannor be raised or resurrecred. hellish citadels, working for some greater baatezu. Dispater
In addition, all baatezu have rhe following abiliries in alone employs more than a thousand kocrachons in Dis.
common unless otherwise stated. They have a dark bluish-purple carapace like an insect's,
Sum mon Baatezu (Sp ): Most baatezu can summon other with long, serrated proboscises. Their heads are small; their
baacezu to rheir aid. This ability functions like a rnmmo11 legs are long and thin, ending in claws that are qui_te adept at

Kocrachon (Baatezu) (Baatezu)

Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) Huge Outsid er (Evil, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 6d8+6 (33 hp) 24d8+288 (396 hp)
Initiative: +8 +4
Speed: 30 fr., fly 60 ft. (average) 50 fr.
AC: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 naniral), touch 14, 20 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +9 naniral), touch 11,
flat-footed 16 flat-footed 18
Attacks: Bit'e +9 melee and 2 claws +4 melee Bite +36 melee and 2 claws +31 melee
and rail stinger +31 melee
Damage: Bite 1d6+3, claw 1d4+1 Bite 5d8+14, claw 3d6+7, tail stinger 2d6+7
plus poison
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 fr.
Sp ecial Attack s: Disease, spell-like abilities Improved grab, poison, swallow whole
Special Qualities: Baarezu traits, DR 15/+l, sadism, Baarezu rraits, DR 25/+2, regeneration 10,
SR 17, summon baalezu scent, SR 25, summon baatezu
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +7 Forr +26, Ref +16, Will +16
Abilities: Srr 16, Dex 19, Con 13, Inr 17, Wis 14, Cha 16 Str 39, Dex 14, Con 35, Int 7, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: Bluff +l2, Diplomacy +5, Heal +11, Hide +13, Cli_mb +38, Intimidate +24, Jump +38,
Intimidate +12, Jump +9, Listen +10, Listen +24, Move Silently +26, Spor +24
Move Silently +10, Search +9, Spot +8
Feats: Dodge, lmproved Initiative Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Grear Cleave,
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lighrning Reflexes,
Power Attack

Climate/rerrain: Any land and underground Any land and underground

Organization : Solitary or team (3- 6) Solitary
Challenge Rating: 6 16
Treasure: Double standard None
Alignment: Always lawful evil Always lawful evil
Advancement: 7- 9 HD (Medium-size); 10-12 HD (large) 25-36 HD (Huge)
wielding scalpels and other terrible instruments of torture. craggy, like the rerrible wastelands in hell where it lives.
Kochrachons speak Infernal, Celestial, Common, and Ghargarulas speak I nfernal.
Combat Ghargarulas do not possess the magical abilities of other
Kocrachons hare straightforward combat, bur they like ro baatczu, ocher tba11 a weak attempt ar summoning. Instead,
inflict pain on helpless victims, slowly and precisely. r£ they chey are srraigbrforward, extremely ferocious combatants
must fight, kocrachons use their spell-like abiliries as long that use their terrible narural weapons ro great effect.
as they can. Improve d Grab (Ex): If a ghargatula hits a large or
Disease (Ex): AJ.1y creature hit by the kochracon's bite smaller opponent with a bite attack, ir deals normal damage
arrack must succeed ar a Fonirnde save (DC 14) or contract and attempts ro start a grapple as a free ac tion without pro-
devil chills. The incubation period is 1d4 days, and the disease voking an arrack of opporrunity (grapple bonus +46). If it
deals 1d6 poinrs of Strength damage. Tbe victim must make successfully grabs a creature rhat it can also swallow whole
three successful Fortitude saving throws in a row to recover (see below), it can artempr co do so in rhe nexr round. The
(see Disease in Chapter 3 of tbe D UN GEON .MASTCR's Guidi'). ghargatula has the option co conduct the grapple normally,
Sp ell-Lik e Abilities: At will- nnimnle ~ or simply use its jaws ro hold rhe
dead, rnre modemte woi111ds1 desecmte, ) ( h ...., opponent (-20 penalty on
detect good, detect magic, dispel mngic, ~1 grapple check, but rhe
magic circle against goocl, liq111d -, ghargamla is not consid-
pain, major i.mnge, so1To1v, suggcs- / ered grappled). In either case,
tion, teleport w1lho11t error (se lf each successful grapple
plus 50 pounds of gear only) 0 check ir makes during suc-
wnve of grief, wither limb, wmdi; cessive rounds automati-
1/ day-blasphemy. Caster level cally deals bite damage.
12th; save DC 13 + spell level. Swallow Whole (Ex): A
Baatezu Traits: A kocrachon ghargarula can try to swal-
can communicate relepath ically low a Medium-size or smaller
with any crearure within 100 opponen t rhat is already in
feet that has a language. In its mouth by making a suc-
addition, ir can see perfectl.y i.n cessful grapple check
darkness of any kind, even that (grapple bonus +46). The
created by a deeper darkness spell. swallowed creature rakes
A kocrachon is immune to fire and 2d8+8 points of crushing
poison, and it has acid resistance 20 damage per round and 8
and cold resistance 20. points of acid damage from
Sadism: For every 10 points of rhe gha rga tu la's i nna rd s. A
damage a kochrachon deals in a ~ swallowed creature can cur
round, it gains a +1 luck bonus on ~ its way out by using claws or
attack rolls, saving throws, and ~ a Small or Tiny slashing
skill checks during the next oz. weapon to deal 25 points of

round. damage ro the innards (AC

Summon Baatezu (Sp): Twice per 20). Once rhe creature exirs,
day a kocrachon can attempt to muscular action closes rhe
summon 1 kocrachon, with a 40% hole; another swallowed
chance ofsuccess. opponent must again cut
irs own way our. The
GHARGATULA ghargatu la's innards can
These terrors, likely to be mistaken for fiendish dinosaurs, hold 2 Medium-size, 8 Small, 32 Tiny, or 128 Diminutive or
either wander about the warmer layers of hell, killing any- smaller opponents.
r hing thar rhey find (even other devils), or rhey are Poison (Ex): Each successful tail sringer arrack delivers a
employed as guardians in important palaces and cathedrals gharagarula's poison (Fort DC 34). The initial and secondary
on that dark plane. damage is the same (2d6 poinrs of Dexterity damage).
A ghargarula stands 25 feet rail and has a rail 15 feet long. It Baatezu Traits: A ghargarula can commu11icare telepath-
has terrible claws, a11d its taiJ ends in a wicked sringer black ically with any crearure within LOO feet char has a language.
wirh venom- but the ghargarula's massive mouths is irs most ln addition, it can see perfectly in darkness of any kind,
striking feature. Filled wirh many rows of teeth the size of even rha r created by a deeper darkness spell. A ghargarula is
daggers and short swords, a ghargarula's maw could engulf a immune to fire and poison, and it has acid resistance 20 and
human in a single bite. !rs flesh is jagged and dark, almost cold resistance 20.
Regeneration (Ex): A ghargatula takes normal damage red and one black. Each gem is worth 2,000 gp but has no
from holy and blessed weapons of at least +2 enhancement. magical qualities once the eye of fear and flame is desrroyed.
Scent (Ex): A ghargarula can detect approaching ene- When it is first encountered, a hood obscures the creanire's
mies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. face. When ir utilizes an eye power, it moves the hood away
Summon Baatezu (Sp }: Once per day a ghargarnla can with a bony ha11d to reveal rhe eye.
arrempt to summon L cornugon with a 25% chance ofsuccess.
An eye of fear and flame so rarely relies o n its claw attacks
EYE OF FEAR AND Fl AME that mosr people never even realize it has rhem. Instead, it
Medium-Size Undead uses irs spell-like abilities and flees if they are insuffi-
Hit Dice: 12d12 (78 hp) cient to destroy its enemies.
Initiative: +6 Eye of Fear (Sp): Once per round, as a
Speed: 30 ft. free action, an eye of fear and
AC: 22 (+2 Dex, +10 naniral), flame can produce an effect
touch 12, flat-footed 20 identical with that of a fe11r spell
Attacks: 2 claws +9 melee out of its black gem-eye. Caster
Damage: Claw 1d4+3 level 15th; Will DC 17 negates.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Eye of Flame (Sp): Once every
Special Attacks: Eye of fem; eye of three rounds, as a standard action,
flame, spell-like abilities an eye of fear and flame can pro-
Special Qualities: Immunities, duce a fireball from its red gem-
spell deflection, turn resist- eye. Casrer level 15th; Reflex DC
ance +4, undead traits 13 half. The fireb11ll deals 10d6
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +11 points of fire damage, plus half
Abilities: Sn- 17, Dex 14, Con - 1 again as much damage if empow-
Int 18, Wis '17, Cha L9 ered. If the fireb11II is corrupted,
Skills: Climb +8, Concentration one-half of the damage is unholy
+18, Hide +14, Knowledge damage that affects even those
(arcana) +1.4, Listen +t5, Move immune to fire.
Silently +14, Spot +14 Spell-Like Abilities: At
Feats: Combat Casting, Cor- will-detect good, dctecl law, detect
rupt Spell-Like Ability, " thoughts, trne seeing (divine
Dodge, Empower Spell-Like spell); 2/ day-efherea/ jaunt.
Ability, E,rperrise, Improved · Caster level :L5th; save DC 14 +
Initiative, Mob iii ty spell level.
' Immunities (Ex): An eye
Climate/rerrain: Al1y land of fear and flame is immune
and underground to cold. Because it lacks flesh
Organization: Solitary or internal organs, it takes
Challenge Rating: 8 only half damage from pierc-
Treasure: Gems (see below) ing and slashi ng weapons.
Alignment: Always chaotic evil G§ Spell Deflection (Su): If any sorr of vision-affecting
Advancement: 13-18 HD (Medium-size); 19-24 HD (Large) spell such as bl111dness or power word, blit1d is cast on an eye of
fear and flame, it is reflected back upon the caster (as the
The eye of fear and flame is an undead creature created by the spell turning spell), who musr save against rhe effect of her
gods of chaos and evil to spread destruction and darkness. own spell.
Through their malevolent divine power, they rake the dead Turn Resistance (Ex): An eye offear and flame is treated
soul of a chaotic evil madman and give him an animated skele- as an undead with '16 Hit Dice for the purpose of turn,
tal form with which to roam and do their will. Let loose among rebuke, command, and bolster attempts.
mortals, the eye of fear and flame commands all that it encotm- Undead Traits: An eye of fear and flame is immune to
ters to commit evil acts or be destroyed . .for example, an eye of mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning,
fear and £lame might appwacl1 a lone couple in the woods and disease, death effects, necromantic effects, and any effect
threaten that if the woman does nor kill the man she is wirh rhar requires a Forti rude save unless it also works on objects.
immediately, it will kill them both. Jf she does kill him, d1e eye Ir is not subject to critica l hits, subdual damage, ability
leaves her to her shock and misery. If she does nor, the eye of damage, ability drain, energy drain, or dearh from massive
fear and £lame does its best to make good on its threat. damage. An eye of fear and flame cannot be raised, and res-
Draped in a ragged, hooded cloak, an eye of fear and flame urrection works only if it is willing. The creature has dark-
is a skeletal figure with a gem set into each eye socket-one vision (60-foot range).
devices. To determine which weapon a kython has, roll on
KYTHON the following rable.
When a group of powerful fiends were trapped on rhe
Material Plane, they attempted ro create more of their kind d% Weapon
through magical means. The result was a swarm of little, 01 - 20 Acid spitter
21- 50 Bone shard crossbow
eyeless, reptilian creatures rhar displayed some insecroid
51-60 Boneblade
traits as well. As these creatures matured, they rook on 61- 70 Extra armor
varied fonns. None of chem were loyal to rhe fiends that cre- 71-80 Mouth launcher
ated them, but they were wholly evil nonetheless. Their cre- 81 - 90 Mucus pod
ators called them kyrhons. Because of their origin, rhey have 91- 100 Phase organ
been called earth-bound demons as well.
Kythons have spread throughout rhe world, breeding rap- Acid Spitter: This handheld weapon makes ranged couch
idly. Their eggs look like wet, mucus-covered scones. They attacks with a range increment of ·1O feet and a maximum
seem interested only in eating and propagating their range of 50 feet. Those struck by the glob of acid rake 3d6
species; they are enti rely without mercy, pity, or compassion points of damage. It bears a vague resemblance to a repeating
for any ocher creature. As they mature, each answers only to crossbow, although it has a bulbous green membrane attached
those more powerful than themselves, so slaughcerkings are to its top. The acid spitter cai1 be used 10 times per bour.
the highest kython authority-at least so far. Given time, B011e Shard Crossbow: This weapon resembles a repeating
the kythons may grow into new forms char are even more crossbow made of carapace and cartilage. le fires a single
specialized and powerful. bone spike with a range increment of20 feet. It deals only 1
Kythons speak a strange smattering of both Infernal a11d point of damage, bur it carries the same venom char rhe
Abyssal, bur only to each other, never to others. Brood lings do kython using it produces.
not speak, but understand the commai1ds of other kythons. Boneblade: This Medium-size slashing melee weapon is
considered masterwork (adds +1 to attack roll) and deals
COMBAT td10 points of damage. It is bone-white with thin red and
Kyrhons enjoy rearing their prey to shreds, though rhey are blue veins covering its sides.
intelligent enough ro make good use of weapons. Most Extra Armor: Extra chitinous plates are fitted to the
kythons have a chance to possess a special weapon. kyrhon's body, adding +2 co its existing natural armor bonus.
Kython Traits: All kythons are eyeless bur have blindsight Mouth Launcher: This weapon, which attaches to rhe back
to a range of60 feet. They are all immune to acid and cold and of a kython's mouth, looks like a worm with a sphincrerlike
possess fire resistance 20 and electricity resistance 20. mouth. A5 an additional arrack made at rhe kyrhon's highest
Kython Weaponry (Ex): The kyrhons grow their weapons arrack bonus, the mouth laui;ici}er can shoot out ar a foe ,
and devices from eggs similar to those that spawn their young. making an improved grab attack , •,
When a kython lays an egg, it can choose whether the egg will that deals 1d4 points
hatch into a broodling or an organic weapon. A kython using of damage (plus the
any of these weapons substitutes the weapon's arrack for one of kython's Strength bo-
its claw attacks (in the case of a ranged weapon, using the nus). If it gets a hold,
kython's Dexterity bonus rather than its Strength bonus). 1.n the foe is p ulled into
all other ways, these weapons are considered narural rhe kython's mouth for
weapons. Nonkythons cannot make these weapons funcrion. an automatically suc-
Each kyrhon with a claw arrack has a percentage chance (spe- cessful bite attack on
---..;:~ ~ ~ -- cified in the crea- that same round. The
rure's descrip- mouth launcher con-
tive text) to tinues to hold the foe,
possess one allowing automatic
or more ky- bite attacks each
chon weapons or round until the foe
Broodling Juvenile Kython Adult Kython
Small Aberration Medium-Size Aberration Medium-Size Aberration
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp) 6d8+14 (41 hp) 1od8+30 (75 hp)
Initiative: +2 +6 +6
Speed: 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft.
AC: 18 (+ l size, +2 Dex, +5 natural), 20 (+2 Dex, +8 natural), 24 (+2 Dex,+12 natural),
touch 13, flat-footed 16 touch l2, £lac-footed 18 couch l2, flar-foored 22
Attacks: Bite +3 melee and rail +2 melee Bite +6 melee and rail +4 melee Bire +10 melee and 4 claws
and 2 claws +4 melee +9 melee
Damage: Bite 2d6+1, tail Ld4 Bice 2d6+2, rail 1d4+1, claw 1d6+1 Bite 3d6+3, claw 1d8+1
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft. by 5 fr./5 fr. 5 ft. bys ft./5 ft.
Special Attack: Poison Kython weaponry, poison Kyrhon weaponry, poison
Special Qualities: Kython traits Kython traits Kyton traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 Fon +6, Ref +5, Will +9
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Srr 17, Dex l5, Con 16,
Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 9 lnr 10, Wis 13, Cha 9 lnr 10, Wis 14, Cha 11
Skills: .Escape Artist +6, Hide +9, .Escape Artist +6, Hide +10, .Escape Artist +8, Hide +13,
Listen +6, Move Silently +6 Listen +10, Move Silemly +11 Lisren +11, Move Silenrly +14
Feats: Mulriattack (B), Weapon Dodge, Improved fnitiarive (B), Dodge, Mulrianack (B), Improved
Finesse (rail) (B) Mulriattack (B) Initiative (B), Weapon Focus (claw)

Climate/Ierrain: Ai-1y land and underground Any land and underground Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or swarm (3-10) Solitary or swarm (3- 10) Solitary or pack (2---4)
Challenge Rating: 1 3 5
Treasure: None Standard Standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil Always neutral evil Always neutral evil
Advancement: 3- 5 HD (SmaU) 7-9 HD (Medium-size) "11- 15 HD (Meditun-size);
·16- 20 HD (Large)

breaks free. Add +1 ro the Challenge Raring of a kyrhon wirh with each successful sting or bite attack.The i.Ilitial and second-
this weapon. ary damage is tbe same (1d6 poi.I1ts of Constitution damage).
Mucus Pod: This gray and red membrane sac, filled wirh
yellow fluid, attaches to a kython's arm. When the kyrhon JUVENILE
makes a successful claw attack with rhar arm, rhe arrack also As kyrbons mature into juveniles, they grow larger and
sprays mucus our of a rube that rw1s from rbe sac ro rhe claw. A develop an exoskeleton. They also gain tbe use of rwo clawed
creature bit by the claw musr succeed al a Reflex rhrow arms. Cn other ways, juvenile kyrhons look like broodlings.
(DC 18) or be entangled in the mucus for 1d6+4 rounds. Alco-
hol will wash tbe substance off a victim. Otherwise, there is no Com bat
means of disentangling before the duration is up. The juvenile kyrbon is as poison-fi lled as rhe brood ling.
Phnse Organ: This small fleshy pod fits upon tbe forehead Kython Weaponry (Ex): Each juvenile has a 10% chance
of the kyrhon, grafting into place permanendy. Ir allows rbe ro possess a kyrhon weapon.
kython to become i11corporeal (or corporeal again) as a free Po ison (Ex): Sting and bire, Fort DC 15; injrial and sec-
action. Ir cannot use rhis supernatural abiliry more rhan ondary damage 1d6 Constitution.
once per round. Add +1 ro rhe Challenge Rating of a kyrhon
with this device. ADULT
Skills and Feats: All kyrhons have extra Hir Dice as When kythons mature fully, their torso grows so rha r they
though they were Small crearures. become a lirrle more like upright humanoids (although rbey
still usually hunch over). Their rail drops away as rbey pass
BROODUNG into this srage, but rhey gain another set of clawed arms. The
Newly hatched kythons, or broodlings, have no functiona l exoskeleton is now either green, dark blue, or black. Adult
arms. Instead, they look like massive, roorh-filled mouths in kyrbons' bodily fluids become less poisonous, but they
eyeless, carapace-covered heads on rwo short legs, with a develop poison sacs in rhei.I- mouth wirh a new rype of venom.
long, whiplike tail. Coloration varies wildly, from dark Adults guard the nests and carry out most of the work that
green to black ro orange-whire. needs doing for kyrhon sociery as a whole. Most kytbons
remain in this stage forever. A few mature into more spe-
Combat cia lized stages, most of these becoming impalers, a few
Both the bite and tbe rail sting of rhe brood ling are poisonous. transforming into slaymasters, and very rare individuals be-
Poison (Ex): A broodling delivers irs poison (Fort DC 12) coming slaughterkings.
Impaler Slaymaster Slaughterking
Medium-Size Aberration Large Aberration Large Ab errat ion
Hit Dice: 12d8+36 (90 hp) 15d8+60 (127 hp) 18d8+9o (171 hp)
Initiative: +9 +7 +8
Sp eed : 50 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft.
AC: 27 (+5 Dex, +12 natural), 30 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +18 33 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +20 natural),
rouch 15, flat-footed 22 natural), rouch 12, flat-footed 27 touch 13, flat-footed 29
Attacks: Bite +13 melee and 4 claws Bice +17 melee and tail slap +15 Bite +22 melee and 4 claws
+11 melee melee and 4 claws +16 melee +20 melee
Dam age: Bite 3d6+4, claw 1d8+2 Bite 4d6+7, tail slap 1d6+3, Bite 4d6+9, claw 1d8+4
claw 1d8+3
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./ 5 ft. 1o ft. by 5 fr./10 ft. 5 fr. by 5 ft/ 10 fr.
Special Attack: Charge 6d6+8, kython Constrict 2d8+10, improved Kython weaponry, poison,
weaponry, poison grab, kython weaponry, poison poison spray
Special Qualities: Kython traits Kyrhon traits Kyrhon traits
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +10 Fort +9, Ref +8, Will + t3 Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +17
Abilities: Srr 18, Dex 20, Con 17, Str 25, Dex 17, Con 18, Str 28, Dex 18, Con 20,
Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 15 Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 19 Int 20, Wis 19, Cha 21
Skills: Escape Artist +17, Hide +23, Escape Artist +10, Hide +17, Escape Artist +11, Hide +19,
listen +14, Move Silently +25 lntimidare +10, Intuit intimidate +15, Imuit Direction+14,
Direction +10, lis ten +13, Listen +13, Move Silently +23
Move Silently +21
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Improved Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Cleave, Dodge, Expertise, Great
Initiative (B), Multiattack (B), Improved Initiative (B), Mobility, Cleave, Improved Initiative (B), Iron
Power Arrack Mulriattack (B), Power Attack, Will, Multiattack (B), Power Attack,
Spring Attack, Weapon Focus Sunder, Weapon Focus (bite),
(claw) Weapon Focus (claw)
Climate/Terrain : Any land and underground Any land and underground Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or pair Solitary or nest (1 slaymasrer, Solitary or nest (1 slaughrerking,
2-4 adults, 2-4 juveniles, 4-6 adults, 3- 10 juveniles,
3-5 broodlings) 3- 10 broodlings)

Challenge Rating: 8 11 13
Treasure: Standard Double standard Triple standard
Alignm ent: Always neutral evil Always neutral evil Always neutral evil
Advancement: 13-18 HD (Medium-size); L6-24 HD (large); 19- 30 HD (large);
19-24 HD (Large) 25- 32 HD ( Huge) 31-36 HD (Huge)

Combat Combat
The adult kython still has a poison bite, although it has a dif- The impaler has a poison bite, but its favored tactic is ro
ferent effect from chat of the younger kython's venom. charge with its bone spikes extended and ready co impale.
Kython Weaponry (Ex): Each adult has a 30% chance to Charge (Ex): When an impaler cl1arges with its bone spikes
possess a kyrhon weapon. out and pointed forward, it deals 6d6+8 points of damage.
Poison (Ex): Bite, Fort DC 18; initial and secondary Kython Weaponry (Ex): Each impaler has a 50% chance
damage 1d6 Strength. to possess a kyrhon weapon.
Poison (Ex): Bite, Fort DC 19; initial and secondary
IMPALER damage 1d6 Strength.
Impalers do not look all that different fro m regular Skills: lmpalers ga in a racial bonus of +8 on Move
adults, except rhac their form is more slender and sleek. Silently and Hide checks.
ln the palm of each claw is a recractable spike made of
hardened bone. SLAYMASTER
Impalers are kython assassins. They are fast, sneaky. and Slaymasrers rake on a form quire unlike that of regular adult
cunning. Unless assigned ro eliminate a foe (one that has kyrhons. 1n some ways, they seem to regress roward brood-
penetrated a kychon nesc or been decreed an enemy by a ling form. Slaymasrers have no legs and regain the long
slaymasrer or slaughterking), these creatures are usually at stinger-ripped rail, only chis time it forms the bulk of the
rest. Impalers are n ever found as guards. crearure's body, which resembles that of a snake.
Slaymasrers were the rulers of most kython nests w1ril
rhe appearance of the slaughterkings. They are brutal and
savage, and they seem to ta ke more enjoyment in killing SLAUGHTERKING
than their relatively unemotional lessers do. Slaughrerki ngs look like adult kyrhons, but they are much
larger and more muscular, standing about 12 feet call. Their
Combat mouths can open very wide like a snake's. They have an
A slaymasrer has a virulent poison in its bite and rail, and it almosr regal- bur still feral- bearing.
also commands strange supernatural abilities. The newest kython variation, the slaughrerking rules
C ons trict (Ex): With a d::ii!P"lll~,.t\ over all lesser kyrhon. Slaughrerkings are ill-tempered crea-
successful grapple check, a rures rhar crave battle. Occasionally, a slaughrerking goes off
slaymasrer can crush a grabbed on its own ro kill nonkythons, but' usually iris found in a
opponenr, dealing 2d8+10 points nest, surrounded by guards and attendants.
of bludgeoning damage.
Improved Grab (Ex): Ifa
slayrnaster hits a Medium- The slaughterking has a
size or smaller opponent virulent poison in irs
with a rail slap attack, ir deals bire, and it also sprays
normal damage and arremprs poison and com-
co srarr a grapple as a free action mands strange su-
without provoking an attack of oppor- pernarural abilities.
tunity (grapple bonus +22). lf it hits with It prefers to fight
the rail slap, it can also constrict at range for as
in the same round. The slay- long as possible.
master has rhe option to Kython Weap-
conduct rhe grapple nor- onry (Ex) : Each
mally, or simply use irs rail slaughrerking auto-
ro hold the opponent matically possesses a
(-20 penalty on grap- kyrhon weapon. It has a
ple check, but the 40% chance to possess a
slaymasrer is not second one.
considered grappled). Pois on (Ex): Bite,
In either case, each suc- Forr DC 24; initial and
cessful grapple check it makes secondary damage 2d6
during successive rounds auto- Strength.
matically deals rail slap and Poison Spray (Ex): In lieu of biting, a
constrict damage. slaught'erking can spray a stream of its
Kython Weaponry (Ex): poison up ro 30 feer as a ranged roucb
Each slaymasrer has a 90% arrack.
chance co possess a kyrhon Disruption Field (Su): If a
weapon. If it does possess slaughterking chooses to reduce the
a weapon, ir has a 10% chance ro range of its blindsigbr to 30 feet,
possess a second one. nonkyrhons wirh-
Poison (Ex }: rhis smaller
Bite, Forr DC 21; area rake a
initial and sec- -4 mora le
ondary damage penalty on at-
2d6 Sn·ength. tacks, saves, ability
Dis ruption Field (Su): If a sl ay master chooses ro checks, and skill checks. Any spell
reduce the range of its blindsight to 30 feet, nonkyrhons cast in rhis area has a 20% chance of being disrupted and fail-
within rhis smaller area take a - 2 morale penalty on attacks, ing (check for normal arcane spell failure chance sepa-
saves, ability checks, and skill checks. Any spell cast in this rately). The disruption field can operate at the same rime as
area has a 10% chance of being disrupted and failing (check rhe defensive field, or rhe slaughterking can activate them
for normal arcane spell failure chance separately). The dis- independemly.
ruption field can operate at d1e same time as the defensive Enhanced Defense (Su): If a slaughrerking chooses to
field, or the slaymaster can activate them independently. reduce rhe range of its blindsight ro 30 feet, it gains a +4
Enhanced D efense (Su ): lf a slaymasrer chooses ro reduce deflection bonus to Armor Class and spell resistance 25.
rhe range of its blindsighr to 30 feet, ir gains a +2 deflecrion Enhanced defense can operate at the same rime as the dis-
bonus to Armor Class and spell resistance 20. Enhanced ruption field, or the slaughrerking can activate rhem inde-
defense can operate at the same time as the disruption field, pendently.
or the slaymasrer can activate them independently.
Burrow into Flesh (Ex): If the vaarh has reduced its
VAATH prey's Dexterity to O or established a hold on it, the vaarh's
Large Outsider mouth-ended tendril burrows into the crearnre's flesh. The
Hit Dice: 6d8+t2 (39 hp) tiny mouth chews its way through the victim, dealing td6
Initiative: +8 points of damage per round. After td4+1 rounds of burrow-
Sp eed : 40 ft. ing, rhe tendril reaches a vital organ. Unless rbe vaarh is
AC: 22 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +9 narural), touch 13, flat-footed 18 killed or the victim receives healing, death comes td6+4
Attacks: 2 claws +8 melee and bite +3 melee minutes later. Most victims survive long enough ro watch
Damage: Claw 1d6+3, bite Ld8+1 plus poison their own intestines and organs disappear into rhe vaath's
Face/Reach : 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. hungry maw.
Sp ecial Attacks: Burrow inro flesh, improved grab, poison, Improved Grab (Ex): [fa vaath hits a Medium-size or
telepathic sensory conduit smaller opponent with a claw attack, it deals normal damage
Special Qualities: DR 1 o/ +t, scenr, SR 16 and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without pro-
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +7 voking an attack of opportunity (grapple bonus +J 3). If it
Abilities: Srr 17, Dex 18, Con 14, Inr 16, Wis 14, Cha 13 bits with a claw, it can also burrow into flesh. The vaath has
Skills: Climb +12, Intimidate +10, Jump +12, Listen +13, rhe option to conduct the grapple nonnally, or simply use its
Move Silently +12, Search +9, Spot +13, claw ro hold the opponent (-20 penalty on grapple check,
Wilderness Lore +9 bur rhe vaarh is not considered grappled). In either case,
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative each successful grapple check it makes during successive
rounds automatically deals claw damage.
Climate/retrain: Any land and underground Poison (Ex): The bite of the vaath carries a poison (Fort
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8) DC 15) meant to incapacitate foes so that rhe vaarh can ror-
Challen ge Rating: 4 menr rhe creature before it perishes. The initial and second-
Treasure: Standard ary damage is the same (2d6 points of Dexterity damage).
Alignment: Always neutral evil Tel epathic Sen sor y Conduit (Su ): The vaarh's only
Advancement: 7- 13 HD (Large); 14-27 HD (Huge) supernatural ability comes into play when its mouth-ten-
dri l has burrowed deep wirhiJ1 its prey. W hen the vaath
Hailing from the evil plane known as Carceri, rhe vaath is a begins savoring the meat and organs of the, it tele-
creature of pure sadism that delights in borh physical and pathically transmits the sensation of taste (and its own
emotional pain. Unlike some outsiders, ir does nor feed
upon pain-it simply relishes inflicting ir. If it can, a
vaath gives its prey rime to realize rhar it is going ro
die. Menral anguish is far more grati-
fying rhan simple physical agony.
Natural hunters, vaarhs are built
for speed and are excellent trackers.
They possess sinister cunning and a .
deviously twisted sense of tac-
tics, setting ambushes a11d
traps for prey ahead of rime.
A horri ble amalgama rion
insect and reptile, the vaarh has a long body covered in dark
scales. A hard, thorny brown carapace protects its head.
Long, white teeth drip venomous saliva. Narrow, slirted eyes
peek out from its spike-covered head-shell. A long, snaky
tendril extends from a small cavity above its mouth, ending enjoyment of it) to all wi1hin 20
in a small, sphincterlike mourb of its own. feet- including the victim. All creatures are allowed a
A vaarh speaks Infernal and Abyssal. Vaaths are occa- Will saving throw (DC 14) against this mind-affecting
sionally used as entertainment in the courts of powerful effect. Creatures char fail their saves take 1 point of
fiends or even sometimes as hunting crearures. But even Wisdom drain due ro rhe horrific effect the devouring has
rhe most powerful demon or devil is wary of a vaarh pack on one's sanity. Victims char fai l the Will save rake 1d6
rurning on it. points of Wisdom drain, but char only matters if the victim
survives. Crearures that regularly feed on the type of crea-
COMBAT ture being devoured are immune ro this effect. Bur no crea-
A vaarh attempts to either grapple or paralyze a foe and then ture, nor even another vaarh, is immune to the horror of
use its burrowing mouth-tendril Killing a foe quickly .is experiencing what its own entrails taste like.
wasteful, so the vaath avoids doing so at all costs. Its desire ro Scent (Ex): Vaaths can detect approaching enemies, sniff
hunt and kill supersedes its own survival insti.ncc. out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
the area takes sds points of damage (Reflex DC 18 half).
VII EWIGHT Disease (Ex): Any creature hit by the vilewigbt's intestinal
Medi.u m-Size Undead tendrils must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 16) or contract
Hit Dice: 12d12 (78 hp) life blindness. The incubation period is ·1 days, and the disease
Initiative: +6 causes the victim to be unable to see living creanrres (see Dis-
Speed: 30 fr. ease in Chapter 3 of the DuNGWN MAsTn 's G111de).
AC: 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 16 Energy Drain (Su): Any living creature hit by any of a vile-
Attacks: 2 claws +10 melee and bite +5 melee and rendril wight's narural attacks arrack gains two negative levels. For
bites +5 melee each negative level bestowed, Lhe vilewighr heals 5 points of
Damage: Claws 1d6+4, bite 1ds+2, tendril bires Ld6+2 and damage. If tl1e a mount of heali11g is more cha n the damage it
disease has raken, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. If the
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 fr./ 5 ft. ( 10 fr. with rendril bites) negative level bas not been removed (with a spell such as
Special Attacks: Darli r/1a1111el, disease, energy drain, rcslomlion) before 24 hours have passed, the afflicted opponent
improved grab must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18) to remove it. Failure
Special Qualities: Create spawn, undead traits means the opponent's level (or Hit Dice) is reduced by one.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +9 Improved Grab (Ex): lf a vilewight hits a Medium-size
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con - , Inr 17, Wis 12, Cha 14 or smaller opponent with a claw arrack,
Skills: Climb +12, Hide +15, Knowledge (arcana) +16, it deals normal damage and
Listen +16, Move Silently +25, Spor +14 attempts to start a grapple as
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Expertise, a free acrion without provok-
Improved Tnitiarive, Mobility ing an a track of opportu-
nity (grapple bonus +10).
Climate/Ierrain: Any land and underground If it hits with a claw, it
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (3- 7), or automatically bits with
mob (3-7 plus 5- 10 wigh rs) its tendril bites in the
Challenge Rating: 8 next round. The vile-
Treasure: None wight has the option to
Alignment: Always neutral evil conduct the grapple
Advancement: By character class normally, or simply use
its claw to hold the
Vilewights are undead creatures, opponent (-20 penal-
the remains of those that delved ty on grapple check,
too far and roo long into the black bur the vilewight is
arts. They resemble wights- not considered grap-
eyes burning wirh malevolence, pled). In either case,
teeth like sharp, jagged needles, each successful grap-
and leathery, desiccated flesh. ple check i L makes during
The torso of a vilewigh r tears successive rounds automati-
open when it rises from rhe cally deals claw and tendril
dead, exposing dried, rubbery bites damage.
intestines. These gurs function Create Spawn (Su): A.J.1y
as limbs, snaking out of the humanoid slain by a vilewigbt be-
wound as multiple tendrils. comes a wight in id4 rounds. Such
Each tendril ends in a vicious wights are under the command of
mouth dripping bile. the vilewighr that created them and
These undead creatures haunt grave- remain enslaved until its destruction.
yards and necropolises, but they also can be found in ancient They do not possess any of the abilities they bad in life.
libraries and in hidden cellars beneath wizards' guilds. Undead Traits: A vilewight Is immune ro mind-affecting
Vilewights retain none of the abilities they had in life. effec1s, poison, s leep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death
effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that requires a
COMBAT Fortitude save unless it also works on objects. Ir is nor sub-
A vilewight relies on its dark channel spell-like ability, resorr- ject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability
ing ro melee only when it must. If ir kiUs a humanoid that drain, energy drain, or death from massive damage. A vile-
become a spawn, it attempts to retreat unril the spawn is fully wight cannot be raised, a11d resurrection works only if iris
formed. Then it charges back into the fray with its new ally. willing. The crearure has darkvision (60-foot range).
Dark Channel (Sp): Once every other round, a vilewight Skills: A vilewigh t receives a +8 racial bonus on Move
can channel the negative energy infusing it into a line of Silently checks.
cold, black energy 5 feet wide and 30 fee1 long. Everyone in
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Str +o,
RONE CREATlJRE Dex +4, Con - , Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0.
Sometimes creatures char rise as undead skeletons rerain Sk ills: Same as the base creature, modified by ability
their intellect and abilities. Bone fighters wie Id dead! y score adjusrmenrs.
weapons and clank about in ancient armor. Bone sorcerers Feats: Same as the base creature, plus rhe bone creature
cast dreadful spells and are often confused wirh liches. gets rhe Weapon Finesse fear wirh any one weapon for free.
Bone wyverns darken the skies and threaten with their
poisoned, skeletal tails. SAMPLE BONE CREATURE
Bone creatures cannot be the resulr of a simple nnimnte Base Creature: 5rh-level bugbear rogue.
dead spell, bur could arise from a create undead or create greater Bone Bugbear
undead spell, as undead of their equivalent Hir Dice. M edium-Size Undead
Hit Dice: sd12 (52 hp)
''Bone" is a template char can be added co any nonundead, cor- Speed : 30 ft.
poreal creature rhar has a skeleral system (referred ro hereafter AC: 2l (+5 Dex, +2 natural, +3 masterwork srudded
as rhe base crearure). The creature's rype changes to undead. It learber, + L masrerwork small sreel shield), couch 15,
retains all rype modifiers and subrypes, if applicable. flar-footed 21
The bone creature uses all the base creature's statistics and Attacks: + L shorl stvord +12 me lee, or 2 claws +9 me lee
special abilities excepr as noted here. Dam age: +1 short sword td6+4/ 19-20, claw td4+4
Hit Dice: Increase ro d12. Face/Reach : 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 fr.
Speed: Winged bone creatures retain the ability to fly. Special Attacks: Sneak attack +3d6
Now, however, the flight is magical, as rhe fly spell, bur it still Special Qu alities: Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, immuniries,
uses the creature's original fly speed. traps, uncrurny dodge (Dex bonus to AC), undead rrairs
AC: Narural armor bonus changes to a number based on Saves: Forr +4, Ref +l3, Will +3
rhe bone creature's size. Abilities: Str 19, Dex 22, Con-, Inr 15, Wis 13, Cha 10
Skills: Balance +8, Bluff +7, Climb+10, Diplomacy +2,
Size Bonus Size Bonus Hide +11, Innuendo +6, Intimidate +7, Inn1it Direcrion
Tiny or smaller +0 Huge +4
+6, Listen +9, Move Silently +12, Pick Pocket +13, Spor
Small +1 Gargantuan +6
Medium-size +2 Colossal +10 +11, Tumble +12
Large +3 Feats: Alertness, Grear Fortirnde, Weapon Finesse (short
Attacks: A bone crearure retains all the natural attacks
and weapon proficiencies of the base crearure, except for Climate/Ierrain: Any underground
attacks that can't work without flesh, such as a mind flayer's Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (3-4), or ba11d ( 11-20
tentacle attacks. A crearure wirh hands gains one claw attack plus 150% noncombatants plus 22nd-level sergeants
per hand; a bone creature can strike with all of them at irs a11d 1 leader of 2nd-5th level)
full arrack bonus. if the creature already had claw arracks Challenge Rating: 7
with irs hands, use rhe bone crearure arrack formar and Treasure: Standard
damage, if rhey're better. The base creature's base arrack Alignment: Chaotic evil
bonus does not change. Advancement: By character class
D amag e : Na rural and manufactured weapons deal
normal damage. A claw attack deals damage depending on This bone bugbear conceals its undead narure as besr as ir
the bone creature's size. can and conrinues to ambush rravelers on rhe road.

Size Damage Size Damage Combat

Diminutive or Fine l Large ld6 Using its deft reflexes, rhe bone bugbear tries to approach
Tiny ld2 Huge 2d4
Small ld3 Gargantuan 2d6 foes srealthily to make a devastating sneak attack.
Medium-size ld4 Colossal 2d8 Immunities (Ex): A bone bugbear has cold i.mmu11ity.
Because it lacks flesh or inremal organs, it takes only half
Use the base creature's claw damage if it's greater. damage from piercing and slashing weapons.
Special Qu alities: Same as the base creature. In addition, Undead Trai t s: A bone bugbear is immune to mind-
aU bone creatures gain darkvision wirh a range of 60 feer, affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, srunning, disease,
undead traits, and various immunities. death effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that
Trnmtrnilies (Ex): Bone creatures have cold immunity. requires a Fortitude save unless ir also works on objects. lt is
Because they lack fles h or internal organs, they take only nor subject to critical hirs, subdual damage, ability damage,
half damage from piercing and slashing weapons. ability drain, energy drain, or death from massive damage. A
Saves: Same as rhe base creature, modified by ability bone bugbear cannot be raised, and resurrecrion works only
score adjustments. if it is willi11g. The crean1re has darkvision (60-foot range).
Skills: A bone bugbear receives a +4 racial hon us on Move Saves: Same as the base creature, modified by ability
Silenrly checks. score adjustments.
Possessions: Masterwork studded leather armor, +1 sl1ort Abilities: Modify rhe base creanrre as follows: Str +4, Dex
sword, masterwork small steel shield, masterwork thieves' - 2, Con - , lnr +0, Wis +0, Cha +0.
tools, 2 flasks of acid. Skills: Same as the base creature, modified by ability
score adjustments.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creanrre +1.
CORPSE CREATURE Alignment: Always evil.
Nor all corpses risen as undead are shambling, slow-moving
zombies. Some retain their intellect and abilities. Sur- SAMPLE CORPSE CREATURE
rounded by the stench of death, the flesh of these creatures Base Creature: 3rd-level lmman barbarian.
hardens and becomes brittle bur retains g reat strength. Corpse Barbarian
Corpse clerics srill pay homage ro their dark gods. Corpse war- Medium-Size Undead
riors heft mighry weapons with skill. Corpse beholders still Hit Dice: 3d12 (19 hp)
spray deadly rays from shriveled eyestalks. Initiative: +1
They cannot be the result of a simple crni,nate dead spell, Speed: 40 ft.
bur could arise from a create 11ndead or create greater 1rndead AC: 15 (+l Dex, +2 nanrral, +2 leather armor), couch 11,
spell, as undead of rheir equivalem Hit Dice. flat-footed 15
Attacks:+ Lgreafaxe +10 me lee, or slam +9 melee
CREATING A CORPSE CREATURE Damage: + l great'axe 1d12+10/x3, slam 1d6+9
"Corpse'' is a template char ca11 be added to any nonundead, Face/Reach: 5 fr. by 5 fr./5 ft.
nonconstruct, nonplanr corporeal crearure (referred to here- Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., rage 1/day, undead
after as the base creature). The crearure's type changes to traits, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus co AC)
w1dead. It retains all rype modifiers and subrypes, ifapplicable. Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2
The corpse creature uses all rhe base creature's statistics Abilities: Str 22, Dex 13, Con-, Inc 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
and special abilities except as noted here. Skills: Intimidate +5, Intuit Direction +7, Jump +8, Listen
Hit Dice: Increase to dt2. +7, Spot +2, Swim +10, Wilderness Lore +6
Speed: Winged corpse crearures retain rhe ability ro fly. Feats: Cleave, Lightning Reflexes, Power Arrack
However, rheir maneuverability becomes clumsy.
AC: The corpse creature gains a natural armor bonus Climate/rerrain: Any
based on its size. Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Size Bonus Size Bonus Treasure: Standard
Tiny or smaller +O Huge +4 Alignment: Chaotic evil
Small +l Gargantuan +6
Colossal Advancement: By character class
Medium-size +2 +11
Large +3
This corpse creature wanders without purpose, destroying
The corpse crearure keeps rhe natural armor bonus of rhe anything in its way.
base creature if it's better.
Attacks : The corpse creature rerains all rhe narural Combat
attacks and weapon proficiencies of rhe base creature. A Simple and straightforward, the corpse barbarian charges
corpse crearure also gains a slam attack. The base creature's inro battle, raging immediately.
base attack bonus does not change. Rage (Ex): The following changes are in effect as long as a
Damage: Natural and manufactured weapons deal corpse barbarian rages: AC 13, coucl1 9, flat-footed 13; Ark +12
normal damage. A slam attack deals damage depending on melee (1d12+13/ X3, +1 grcataxe) or +1 l melee ( td6+12, slam);
the corpse creature's size. for purposes of Strength bonuses SV WUI +4; Str 26; Jump +10, Swim +12. His rage lasts for 3
to damage, a slam attack is considered a two-banded attack. rounds, and (as an undead) he is not fatigued afterward.
Undead Traits: A corpse barbarian is immune to mi.nd-
Size Damage Size Damage affeccing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease,
Diminutive 1 Large ld8 death effects, necromantic effects, and any effect that
Fine ld2 Huge 2d6
Tiny ld3 Gargantuan 2d8 requires a Fortitude save unless ir also works on objects. Ir
Small ld4 Colossal 4d6 is not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, abil ity
Medium-size ld6 damage, ability drain, energy drain, or death from massive
damage. A corpse barbarian ca nnot be raised, and resurrec-
Use the base creature's slam damage if it's greater. tion works only if it is willing. The creanrre has darkvision
Special Qualities: Same as the base creature. In addition, (60-foot range).
all corpse creanrres gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet, Possessions: Leather armor, +1 greataxe.
and undead traits.
healed). If the base creature already has fast healing, use the
Powerful evil, unc hecked and rampant, can horribly alter Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Str +4,
any aspecr of che physical world , and creatures are no Dex - 2, Con +4, Int +0, Wis - 2, Cha - 2.
exception. Twisted by malevolence, corrupted creatures Climat e/rerrain: Any land and tmderground.
rake on a hideous appearance and gain evil powers and Challenge Rating: Up to 3 HD, same as base creamre +1.
dire inrenr. 4 HD to 7 HD, same as the base creature +2.
Corrupred creatures have unique countena nces, each 8+ HD, same as the base creature +3.
reacting to the source of malevolence in a different way. Alignment: Always evil.
Mose have twisted, misshapen (ofren asymmetrical) forms;
mottled, discolored flesh; and reddish eyes. Although o ne SAMPLE CORRUPTED CREATURE
might be tempted to confuse a corrupted creature with a Base Creature: Wolf.
fiendish or ha lf-fie nd creature, the corrupted creanire usu- Corrupted Wolf
ally has a more mutated a nd ungainly appearance. Medium-Size Aberration
Hit Dice: 2d8+8 (17 hp)
"Corrupted" is a template rhar ca n be added to any corpo- Speed: soft.
real creature char is not an outsider (refe rred to hereafter AC: 17 ( + 1 Dex, +6 nan1ral), touch 1 .I , flat-footed 16
as the base creature). Creatures that gain this template Attacks: Bite +4 melee
c hange their 1ype ro aberration. A corrupted creacure uses Damage: BLte ld8+4 plus 1. vile
all the base crearure's statistics and special abilities except Face/Reach : 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
as noted here. Special Attacks: Trip
AC: The flesh of conupted creatures becomes tougher Special Qualities: Acid immunity, darkvision 60 ft.,
and more resilient. Add +4 to the natural armor bonus of disrup1·ive arrack, enhanced power, fast healing I, low-
the base creacure if ir is large or smalle r. If it is Huge or light vision, scent
larger, add +8. Saves: fort +7, Ref +4, Will +0
Damage: The corrupted crearnre's claws lengthen, teeth Abilities: Srr L7, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 4
multiply, and muscles harden. The damage die used when Skills: Hide +2, listen +5, Move Silently +3, Spot +3
the creature deals damage with natural attacks increases by Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite)
one die type, so that 'l d6 becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 2d6,
and so on, as if the crean1re were one size larger. Climate/rerrain: AJ.1y forest, hill, plains, and mountains
Special Attacks: A corrupted creature retains aU the spe- Organization : Solitary, pair, or pack (7-16)
cial attacks of the base crearure. Challenge Rating: 2
Sp ecial Qu alities: A corrupted crearure retains all the Treasure: None
special qualities of rhe base creature and also gains dark- Alignment: Neurral evil
vision with a range of 60 fee 1 plus acid immunity. Ir also Advancement: 3 HD (Medium-size); 4-5 HD (Large)
gains the special qualiries described below.
Damage Reduction (Ex): Corrupted creatures gain damage Combat
reducrion according to 1heir Hir Dice. A pack's favorite tactic is to send a few wolves against a
foe's front while the rest of the pack a tracks from the
Hit Dice Damage Reduction flan ks or rear.
1- 3
Disruptive Attack (Su): A corrupted wolf deals a11 addi-
4- 7 5/+1
8- 11 5/+2
tional 1 poim of vile damage when it touches uncorrupted,
12+ 10/+3 livi11g, corporeal nonoursiders.
Trip (Ex): A corrupted wolf that hits with a bire arrack
If the base creature already has damage reduction, use the can attempt ro trip the oppone nr as a free acrion wirhou1
berrer value. making a touch arrack or provoking an arrack of opporru-
Disruptive Attack (S11): The corrupt crearure deals addi- nity. If the attempt fails, the foe caru1or reac t to rrip the cor-
tional vile damage (see Chapter 2) when it touches uncor- rupted wolf.
rupted, living, corporeal nonoursiders. The amount of vile Fast Healing (Ex): A corrupted wolf regains lost hir
damage dealr is equal ro half of rhe creature's Hir Dice (max- points at the rate of 1 per round. Fast healing does 1101
imum 20 points of damage). For example, a 14-HO cor- restore hit points losr from starvation, rl1irst, or suffocation,
rupted frost worm deals an additional 7 points of vile and it does nor allow a corrupted wolf to regrow or rearrach
damage wirh its bite arrack. lost body pans.
En '1anced Power (Su): The save DCs of any and all of the Scent (Ex): A co1Tupted wolf can detect approaching ene-
corrupt creature's special attacks increase by +4. mies, sniff our hidden foes, and crack by sense of s mell.
Fast Healing (Ex): Each round, a corrupted crearure heals Skills: A corrupted wolf receives a +4 racial bonus on
damage equal to half of its Hir Dice (maximum of 10 points Wilderness lore checks when tracking by scene.
Some<un~p,ye~~;~!~~t ~~'~!p
acters. A single player might want ro take on the role of rhe
The Dnrk Lords of the Prophecy rode info towr1 on jet-black coursers.
One sat atop a hellish steed whose breath was sulfurous, and its Jwoves
evil spy or the antihero. A whole group might want a brief nnd eyes burned with dark fire. Everyone knew who they were-a.nd
change of pace or an entirely new campaign choice. A Dun- Jmew the doom tlrnt tiie ancient seers wnmed they could bring. Shut-
geon Master should not allow these choices lightly-at least ters slmnmed shut, mid shop doors locked. The dnrk lords dismounted
not without considering the implications. aml strode town rel the tavern; woe to the bnrkeep if he locked the door.

While nonstandard, it is nor u11common for a group of play-

A SINGI E EVIL PC ers to want to turn the rabies for a time and play evil charac-
ters. It does not make them bad people, nor does it make
Go into this territory with your eyes open. The potential for
player-versus-player conflict when PCs have opposed align- them childish. The OM plays evil nonplayer characters
ments becomes very high. This might not be a bad thing. (NPCs) all rhe time, and rhe DM is generally as mature as
Sometimes, in fact, it's fun to have a PC "in on it," working as the rest of the players. For most players, the choice simply
a spy or agent for the bad guys. provides a change of pace.
For example, suppose the PCs are heroes determined to
stop a blackguard who is intent on creating an evil school NONHERO CHARACTERS
for pupils in the dark arts. The blackguard assigns one of his Mose of the rime, players who want to play evil characters
students to join the heroes, pretending to be their ally, so reject tl,e traditional notion of the hero. They grow weary of
that he can spy on and eventually berray them. The OM and rhe sameness of always being the stalwart advenrurers who
player work out rhis ahead of time, and the DM tells the save rhe town, rescue the prince, and defeat the evil goblins
player that it's quire possible that the character will fail. The that threaten the merchant routes through the mountains.
other characters might find him our or succeed despite bis They see playing an evil character a way to say no to the sim-
efforts, but that that's all pan of the fun. pering mayor asking for help and do as they like instead.
Or suppose a doppelganger replaces a PC. The DM works Such a group of nonheroes can still partake in most of the
with cbe player to continue playing the character, who is advenrures that rhe DM creates. It is merely the motivation
really now a monster with an agenda of its own. The other for the adventure rhar has to change. Monetary rewards,
characters will probably catch on eventually, and perhaps revenge, and other personal goals interest nonheroes. They
they'll even locate and rescue the original character. have no imerest in altruism, find no motivation in pity, and
Conversely, a single player may wish to play an evil char- feel no sympathy for rhe less fortunate.
acter with goals similar to, rather rban opposing, rhose of
rhe rest of rhe group. Now rhe conflicts berween characters ANTIHERO CHARACTERS
are more likely to be philosophical rather than physical. The A good example of the antihero in fantasy literature is
evil PC will probably have different methods than the rest of Michael Moorcock's Elric. This tragic figure is evil, but
the characters. If rhe DM feels that the players will enjoy mostly because of the evil culture from which he comes.
this sort of conflict, rather than be distracted and annoyed Motivated by sympathy for others, and by love, bur al so by
by it, this can be a solid choice for a long-rerm campaign. terrible rage and hate, Elric is a complex character. He does
The player of the evil character may even plan for her char- good deeds, but he uses evil methods- not to mention the
acter to find redemption in rbe company of heroes, eventu- terribly evil artifact sword he wields.
ally changing her alignment. Such a tale can make for great An antihero is not terribly different from a traditional
gaming stories long remembered by all. player character. The antihero enjoys the good life and often
raiJs against injustice. But the antihero usually puts himself
before others. He freely acts on feelings of vengeance, and
DETECTING EVIL he possesses a differenr moral code from that of a traditional
A new character joins the group, and the paladin says "I detect hero-or no code at all. The amihero kills those that get in
evil." This can completely ruin a player's character concept, or his way or threaten him. He has no interest in redeeming
the DM's plans to plant a ringer in the group. There are ways wrongdoers and seeks no redemption for himself.
around the problem, however. Players arrracced to playing antihero characters want to do
Not all evil characters have an evil aura that registers with the things rhac other PCs do, but they imagi11e their charac-
the detect evil spell (or similar spell-like abilities). See the ter having a real dark side. Some enjoy the unpredictability
spell description in Chapter 11 of the Player's Handbook for of rhe antihero: Will he save the kingdom or destroy it?
more information.
Undetectable alignment is a simple 2nd-level spell that VI LLAIN CHARACTERS
throws off detect evil. Some players wanr to really see what rbe ocher side is like.
, Misdirection and nondetection are arcane spells that also They want to play rbe characters who instigate the evil plans
work. rather the heroes who react to them. There are two ways co
play real villains.
The firsr is to play rhem over the rop. The player charac- DM has the brigands attack the evil PCs themselves. Evil
ters are villains who want to conquer rhe world. They may PCs are quick ro mo bilize against an opponent that has
be evil monsters, even fiends or undead. The players have wronged them in some way.
irony-ringed fun when cheir characters battle against pal- Perhaps 1he best way ro motivate evil PCs is to have the
adins and good-aligned clerics. Perhaps they even fight players determine what their evil characters acrnally want.
NPCs similar to the good characters that they played in pre- An evil cha racrer might wanr to rake over a city, become the
vious advenrnres. Villain characters lie, cheat, and steal to mosr powerful wizard in the land, srarc an assassins' guild, or
get what they want. Rarely is morality questioned in such a eradicate every lizardfolk in che world . She might have
campaign, except for one simple rule: Everything turns shore-term goals as well: decorate her new keep with dragon
upside down. What was once considered good is now hated, sku lls, obtain a copy of the book of vile darkness, enslave a
and everything evil is embraced. powerful devil ro do her bidding. Evil characters are moti-
Player characters may cake part in acts that are awful or vated by desire. Find out what those desires are, and you can
grotesque, bur ultimately ir's not taken too seriously. Acrua.l design adventures that feed into them.
depravity or vile actions are glossed over or occur "offstage." Another difference between evil campaigns and rradi-
For example, a villain PC might have an NPC thrown into tional ones is expecrations. If you design a temple in which
the dungeons and rurned over to a torrurer, bur the actual rhe evil PCs struggle against troglodyte s lavers, do nor
torrnre acrs are not parr of the game. Often, players in such a expect the PCs to treat the troglodytes' slaves in the same
game feel oddly satisfied when the campaign comes co an way tha t good characters would. Evil characters might nor
end and the villains chey have been playing get what's give a moment's thought to the slaves, leaving them to their
coming ro them. own fate. Vi llains might rake the slaves for their own or
The second way ro manage a villainous campaign could ransom them back to their families.
be called the dark-hearted villain method.These player char- The chi rd difference is implications. Evil characcers
acters use the rules and suggestions found in chis book. Ir's commit acts that have consequences. It is far more likely
not terribly differenr from the over-che-rop method, except char a group of evil characters will incur the wrath of the
chat things are taken more seriously. The characters worship local king, the city conscabulary, or a nearby order of knigh1-
demons, destroy souls, rake slaves, and face some of che hood that will hunt them down for their crimes. Soon, the
same depraved addictions and fetishes chat a NPC villain places normaUy considered safe by PCs-namely, towns
mighr face. Many players feel uncomfortable in campaigns and cities-are anything but safe. This means that over the
like this, obviously. The DM should not use this approach if long term, evil characters muse become self-sufficient. They
not all the players want it. have to be able ro provide their own places to live oucside
normal, civilized society. They must leam to work outside
standard circles, obtain their needed supplies in a different
THE EVIL CAMPAIGN way, and gain information through new channels. Even if
So how does a OM provide interesting adventures for evil the evil PCs work hard to avoid these implication s (using
player characters? ls ru nning an evil campaign completely disguises, covering up their evil acts, and so on), the very ace
different from a normal campaign? of disguising cheir evil is still a poinr of departure from a
Not really. There's no reason why evil PCs would not go traditional campaign.
down into dungeons, explore rhe ruins of rhe evil necro-
mancer's fortress, or fighr against the mind flayers arrempt- -r-,.
/ ' ~~
ing to rake over the city. The OM can prepare many of che
..~ . . . -- I 'ffi .. ll
same kinds of adven1 ures for evil characters, bur must pay
attention to four key differences between an evil campaign
and a traditional D&D campaign.
As mentioned above, the largesc difference is motiva-
'"'~- "
tion. Clearly, evil PCs are nor going co wanr to help od,ers.
The characters do nothing out of che goodness of their
hearts, because their hearts have none. The lase major difference is inreracrions. Both wich NPCs
Greed is the primary motivator for evil PCs. A monetary and in parricular with each other, evil characters tend to
reward gets a group of evil characters going as quickly as any interact poorly in social sirnations. Players playing evil PCs
other motivator. [n fact, evil PCs are sometimes easier to sometimes overstress their characters' arrogance or brash-
motivate chan good characters because they rarely question ness. Such a1titudes can get the ch aracters killed rather
whether the patron paying chem has sinister motives of her quickly if they insult the wrong person.
own. Evil PCs simply do not care. Evil characters often need to learn when atTogance is bad.
Revenge is also a strong morivaror for evil characters. If They can benefit from genteel style and grace now and
the OM wants the evi l PCs ro fight against raiders and btig- again. An evil character does not have robe a brute. Villains
ands, he does nor show the terrible wrongs that the raids can of course be sophisticated and polite- when they need
have wrought against the local communities. Instead, the to be. Much of this has to do with rhe role-playing choices
the player makes, bur all players of evil characters should EVrL VERSUS GOOD
know rhat they have a gamut of choices ro choose from: Sometimes, it's fun ro have a character try to destroy some-
sophisticated and suave evil scoundrel, brash and boorish thing that's obviously good. Waging war against lammasus,
brute, arrogant mastermind, scheming weasel, quiet and unicorns, celestials, and paladins is an ironic turnabout.
ominous killer, and so on. Bringing ruin ro the p laces and people rhat normal ch arac-
What brings many evil campaigns to a crashing hale is evil ters defend makes for unusual adventures. The tables are
PCs interacting with the other evil PCs in rhe group. The turned when evil characters face their good counterparts.
characters often turn against one another, and rhe whole The DM runs the heroes and reacts ro rhe actions taken by
campaign ends in a big fight. That can be fun, but a short che villains (rhe PCs). The players are probably familiar
campaign mighr not be what rhe DM or the players really wirh the habitats, tactics, and outlooks of the foes they face.
had in mind. The DM should rry to set up situations that On ly now their characters can use that information to
encourage the player characters-no matter how evil rhey make sinister plans.
are-to work together. And if, at the end of the campaign, it ln this sort of situation, all that is good is bad. All rbat is
all comes down to PC against PC, weU, that might be fun. holy is discasrefu l. That which is wholesome and life-
And iris, after all, an evil campaign. affirming is dangerous-these things can threaten and kill
an evil character. The light blinds and drives characters
EVIL VERSUS EVIL away. They find their solace in darkness. The holy smite of
Just because the PCs are evil does nor mean rhar they're the paladin and the holy sword wielded by the planerar are
friends with all rhe villains in the campaign. In fac1, the a real danger to the PCs. They are vulnerable to the same
opposite is likely. Rarely is evil a monolithic force rhar things that saved the lives of the good-aligned characters in
unites all the disparate evil factions and groups. More the last campaign.
likely, evil characters find that their goals work at cross As nonevil characters gain levels, they become protectors
purposes with other evil NPCs' plans. Every time a das- of those weaker rhan they are. As evil characters, they can
tardly malefactor's plans reach fruition (and, as a result, the exploit rhe weak instead as they grow in power. When the
forces of good move ro oppose him), the evil character PCs become more powerful than anyone in rown, they can
probably had to face off against one or more other villains lord ir over the citizens, terrorizing them or conquering them
to get there. if they choose. Characters and crearures that aid the less for-
You could fill a whole campaign with battles berween vil- ttmate are fools, and their altruism is a weakness to exploit.
lainous PCs and equally dastardly foes. An evil sening- Finally, the DM can get more use our of monsters such as
such as rhe dark caverns of the drow- could make this very rreants, couarls, lillends, and rirans. He or she can take a
simple. The PCs know rhat they cannot really trust anyone, break from running necromancers and blackguards and
nor can anyone really expect better from them. The evil of instead play woodland-protecting drnids, stalwart dwarven
rhe NPCs can overshadow the evil of the PCs, which is good defenders, and of course avenging paladins. The DM can
if rhe players are interested in being antiheroes rather rhan even create unusual combinations such as the rare celestial
actual villains. medusa, a cluster of altn.1isric beholders, or a half-celestial
For some players, fighting against malevolent foes might umber hulk (all exceptions to the rules, bur nevertheless
rake some of rhe squeamishness away from playing an evil possible).
character. If the characters do terrible things to despicable
beings, ir might be more palatable ro some players. Of
course, rhe players ro whom it makes no difference aren't CON CI tJSION
bothered eirher way. Ir's been said before, but it bears repeating.
This book is nor an attempt to glorify evil, bur to define it
and quantify ir-and in so doing to open up new opporru-
nities in D&D campaigns of all sons. Whether rhe PCs pre-
pare for bartle against a demon lord or they join ranks with
EVIL PCS GETTING ALONG that demon is a decision for the p layers and DM of each
Two evil PCs do not have to come to blows just because they campaign ro make for themselves. No matter what that
are both evil. Evil characters with similar goals or common foes decision is, the material in Book of Vile Dnrkness will i.njecr
can certainly work together. And there's no reason to think that added depth and realism inro the advencures rhar spring
evil characters cannot respect something like friendship. from the decision.
Intelligent evil characters realize, just as non evil characters It's unlikely that any single campaign could make use of
do, that they can accomplish more by working together rather all the equipment, feats, prestige classes, spells, magic
than working at cross purposes. An evil cleric is better off with items, and creatures in rhis book-and rhar's okay. Choose
an evil fighter companion than alone in the dungeon. An assas- rhe parts rhat enhance and contribute ro the tone of your
sin can use the firepower and spells of an evil wizard backing campaign, while keeping in mind rhat rhe fundamental
him up. goal of any D&D campaign is the enjoyment of those who
rake part in it.
corrosive spew (th rall of Juiblex) 70, dual actions (thrall of Demogorgon)
Abyss, the 42, 54, 84, 121, 124, 125,
corrosive touch (rhrnll of Juiblex) 70,
Duvamil 135
127, 131, 136, 137, 141, l66, 169, 135 Empower Spell-Like Ability 49
170,173,174 corrupt magic 77 Enesstrere 20
Acheron124 Corrupr Spell 47 enhance value (disciple of Mammon)
adult kython 179 Corrupt Spell-Like Abiliry 48 61
alchemical items 40 corrupted crearure 186 enhanced multiweapon .fighting 130,
alcoholism 11 Corruprion domain 80 133
Anastasia 131 curses 28 Erath 127
Angi-nyahl 159 damage, vile 34 Erridon Alaka 156
Antilla 163 dark chant 32 evil authority (disciple of Asmodeus)
archfiends and clerics 123 dark Charisma (thrall of Graz'zt) 69 58
armor, evil magic 111 dark craft rewards 27 Evil Brand 49
artifacts, major 120 Dark Speech 48 evil gods, other 12
artifacts, minor 117 dark speech 32 evil plane variants 124
Asmodeus 165 darkling weapon (warrior of darkness) evil spell components 45
Azure Vale, the 21 76 evil wearlier 34
Baalzebul 158 Darkness domain 81 execution 39
babau (demon) 172, 173 Darkness Given Hunger 136 eye of fear and flame 177
bar-lgura (demon) L70, 171 Deformity (clawed hands) 48 Fierna l51
beguiling nnhm (disciple of Baalzebul) Deformity (eyes) 48 fire adept (disciple of Mephistopheles)
59 Deformiry (face) 48 62
Bel 143 Deformity (gaunt) 48 Gaude1is 19
Belial 151 Deformity (obese) 48 Gazra 153
Besmal 132 Demogorgon 125 Gehenna124
Bestial domain 80 Demogorgon's will (thrall of Demo- ghargatula (devil) 175, 176
bestiality 10 gorgon) 68, 128 Gilliard DeRosan 166
black magic elixir (warrior of darkness) demon wings (thrall of Orcus) 72 Glasya 168 ,:
76 Demonic domain 81 gnoll fighters 142
black magic oil (warrior of darkness) demonologist 54 Goblin Pirs of lo-Rach, the 22
76 . device lore (disciple of Dispater) 60 Graz'zt 130
blood revel (lifedrinker) 64 Diabolic domain 81 greater iron hews (disciple ofDispater)
blood servant (lifedrinker) 64 diabolic engines and demonic 60, 147
Blood War, the 124 devices -118 greater invigorate (lifedrinker) 64
Bloodcurdle 157 diabolism (diabolist) 18, 56 Greed domain 81
body of flame (disciple of Mephis- diabolist 56 Hades 124
topheles) 63 Dinbar 152 Hag Countess, the 156
bone creamre 184 disciple of Asmodeus 57 Harthoon 140
book ofvile clarkness, the 14 disciple of Baalzebul 58 hellfire b last (disciple of Mephis-
boorish rhug 15 Disciple of Darkness 49 topheles) 62
boost defenses (lifedrinker) 64 disciple o£Dispater 60 hellfire grasp (disciple of Mephis-
Boosr Spell-Like Abiliry 47 disciple of Mammon 60 topheles) 62
Boost Spell Resistance 47 disciple of Mephistopheles 62 hivemind (vermin Lord) 34, 75
broodling (kyrhon) 179 --.disease form (cancer mage) 54 impaler (kython) 180
Calling, rhe 32 disease host (caJ1Cer mage) 19, 53 • infected wound (cancer mage) 53
cancer mage 52 diseases 29, 30 insect armor (cancer mage) 53, :,
cancerous companion (cancer mage) Disparer 145 invigorate (lifedrinker) 63 •
19, 53 divert arrack (disciple of Mammon) iron hews (disciple of Dispare'r) 60,
cannibalism 10 61, 151 147
Carceri 124, 182 divert spell (disciple of Mammo_n) iron power (disciple of Dispater) 60,
,:. carrion stench (thrall of Orcus) 72, 61 147
139 Dorban Smokestone 149 Isha-Denarthun 132
chasme (demon) 172, 174 Dread Emperor, the 17 Jsrakahn 160
chitin (vermin lord) 20, 74 dread might (disciple of Asmodeus) Jerren t3
claws of the overfiend (mortal hunter) 58 Juiblex 134
65, 167 drug·addiction 11, 41 juvehlle kyrhon 179
corpse creamre 185 drugs 41, 43 Karaan 11
Ka1.1vra 139 Rezwal 142 summoning mastery (demonologist)
King of Ghouls, che 142 rings, evil magic 113 55
king of lies (disciple of Baalzebul) 59 rods, evil magic 1 13 swarm armor (vermin lord) 20, 74
kocrachon (devil) 175 Roserre 155 take objecr (disciple of.Mammon) 61
kyrhon 178 ror 126 Talos 148
learn secret (disciple of Asmodeus) rottmg touch (thrall of Demogorgon) tatterdemalion (cancer mage) 19, 53
58,166 68,128 Testaron 164
Levisrus 154 runerkin (demon) 170 thief (disciple of Mammon) 61
Lichloved 49 Ruulam 150 Thorolf 147
lie (disciple of Mammon) 61, 151 sacrifice 26 thrall of Demogorgon 67
lifedrinker 63 Sacrificial Mastery 50 rhraU of Graz'zt 68
lifeweU (lifedrinker) 63 sadism 10 rhrall ofJuiblex 70
Limbo 124 Sammael 160 thrall of Orcus 71
Lower Planes, rhe 124 Scahrossar 11 Tl;irall to Demon 50
Malign Spell Focus 49 scaly flesh (thrall of Demogorgon) 68, three-armed blade (rutterkin weapon)
Mammon 148 128 171
Mammon's hell hounds 150 scheming liar 16 tongue of the devil (disciple of Baal-
mane (demon) 170 self-murilation 10 zebul) 59, 160 ·
marilith blackguards 129 Severik 129 torture 37, 38
Marriner 168 shadow demon 172, 173 traps 40
masochism 10 sickening slime (thrall ofJuiblex) 70, rwo personas (thrall of Demogorgon)
Mephistopheles 161 135 68, 128
misguided fool 16 SiddaJ 19 tyrant 15
monster (villain) 17 siphon spell power (ur-priesr) 73 unexpected villain 17
morral hunrer 64 slaughrerking (kython) 180, 181 Unbath 132
morral hunting (mortal hunter) 65, slaymaster (kyrhon) 180 u.r-ptiesc 72
167 snap-tong (rurrerkin weapon) 171 Ustyhrin-ja 147
morral skin (morral hunrer) 65, 168 sophisticate 16 vaarh 182
Morralbane 49 soul agility (soul eater) 67 Vashaak Ratoth Bruu 161 :: •
mortalbane shout (mortal hunrer) 65, soul blast (soul eater) 66 Vashar 12
167 soul eater 66 vermin lord 73
Nalebranc 145 soul endurance (soul eater) 67 vermin servanrs 20, 74
necrophilia·10 soul enhancement (soul earer) 67 Verminfi.iend 50
Nhagruul 163 soul power (soul eater) 67 vile damage 34
Nine Hells, the 124, 143, 149, 150, soul radiance (soul earer) 67 vile diabolism (diabolist) 18, 57
157,163, 165,175 soul slave (soul earei:-) 67 Vile Ki Strike 50
Nyashk warriors 161 soul strength (soul eater) 66 Vile Martial Strike 50
Orcus 136 souls as power 33 Vile Narural Attack 50
Pain domain 81 Spark Hunters 167 vile races and cultures, other 13
pain as power 33. special attack boosr (empower) (life- vilewight 183
pallor of death (thrall of Orcus) 72 drinker) 64 : Violate Spell 50
Pandemonium 124 special attack boost (maximize) (life- Violare Spell-Like Abiliry 50
Patient One, the 11 drinker) 64 viral agent (cancer mage) 53
poison 44 spell berrayal (thrall ofGraz'zt) 69,132 viral ally (cancer mage) 5.4
Poison Immunity 49 spell boosc,(empower) (lifedri11ker) 63 warrior of darkness 75
possession 23 spell boosr (heighten) (lifedrinker) 63 weapons, evil magic 111, 112
psychic poisons 45 spell boosr (maximize) (lifedrinker) weather, evil 34
psychopath 16 64 Willing Deformiry 50
psychopathy 10 spell boost (quicken) (lifedrinker) 64 wings of the vermin (vermin lord) 20,
Qill 128 spell componenrs, evil 45 75
Quah-Nomag 138 spellsrrike (rhrall ·of Graz'zr) 69, 132 wondrous items, evil 114
quasi-magical items 40 spew vermin (vermin lord) 20, 75 Xammux, rhe 12
Quicken Spell-Like Ability 49 spurn mortal magic (mortal hunter) Yanara 133
Rallaster 11 65 Yearhan 12
reaching rouch (thrall ofDemogorgon) S'ruurr 128 Yeddikadir 145
68, 128 staffs, evil magic 114 Yeenogh1.1 14p
Reluhanris 132 steal (disciple' of Mammon) 61, 151 Zanth 156
rewards, sacrificial 27 steal spell-like ability (ur-priest) 73 Zbavnl 150
19 1
ind aO.venture
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