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• Lesson Topic: ¿Quién Soy? – describing one’s self

• Length of Lesson: 90 minutes

• VA Standards of Learning:

o SI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in Spanish.

 2. Express likes and dislikes, requests, descriptions, and directions.

 3. Ask questions and provide responses about self and other familiar

topics, such as family members, personal belongings, school and leisure

activities, time, and weather.

o SI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in Spanish, using a

variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns.

 2. Describe basic information about such topics as self, family members

and others, events, interests, school, recreational activities, and personal

belongings with emphasis on control of the present tense.

 3. Demonstrate increasing attention to accurate intonation and

pronunciation, especially when presenting prepared material orally.

Cognitive Objectives

• The students will recall and demonstrate prior knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical

constructions (taught earlier in the unit) in the present tense related to describing one’s

self, family, likes, and dislikes.

• The students will listen to and interpret audio clips in Spanish to practice auditory

• The students will create (draft, edit, and record) their own versions of a ¿Quién Soy?

audio recording, utilizing basic present tense grammatical constructions and relevant


• The students will evaluate each other’s drafts and provide feedback regarding grammar

and readability.

Materials and Advanced Preparation

• Each student should have an English-Spanish Dictionary

• 4 Sample ¿Quién Soy? Audio Clips

• Marker board and Markers

Teaching and Learning Sequence

• Introduction/Anticipatory Set: (20 minutes)

o Teacher will play 4 sample ¿Quién Soy? Audio Clips for students and encourage

students to practice auditory comprehension and guess who is being described in

each clip.

o Teacher will explain to students that they will be creating their own ¿Quién Soy?

audio clips.

• Lesson Development:

o Teacher will ask students to reflect on the clips they just heard and come up with

a list of relevant vocabulary and “sentence starters” that are helpful to describing

one’s self, family, and interests. During this brainstorming activity, the teacher

will review common vocabulary for describing age, likes/dislikes, family

members, etc. Teacher will guide the discussion so that students end up with a

thorough list to refer to as they draft their own ¿Quién Soy? descriptions. Teacher
will conduct Guided Practice in forming descriptive sentences with students. (20


o Students will work independently to come up with a draft of a ¿Quién Soy? that

describes themselves. They can refer to their English-Spanish dictionaries,

textbooks, and notes for assistance. Teacher will walk around and assist students

when they have questions. (20 minutes)

o Students will pair up with a partner (assigned by the teacher) to peer-edit each

other’s ¿Quién Soy? drafts. Students should evaluate the vocabulary and

grammatical constructions for correctness and fluidity and provide feedback.

Teacher will walk around and listen to student conversations and feedback to

make sure everyone is on the right track. Students who finish peer editing early

can practice reading their ¿Quién Soy? paragraphs out loud to each other. (20


• Closure: (10 minutes)

o Teacher will review the terms for describing one’s self, family, and likes/dislikes

in a brief question and answer session to solidify student learning.

o Teacher will collect students’ drafts in order to review them overnight and

provide corrections and feedback.


• Formative:

o Teacher can gauge level of prior knowledge and auditory comprehension skills

based on how well students demonstrate understanding of the sample ¿Quién

Soy? audio clips.

o Teacher can also gauge prior knowledge when students help brainstorm common

“sentence starters” and relevant vocabulary for personal descriptions.

o Students will have guided practice for forming descriptive sentences using

relevant vocabulary and correct grammatical constructions in the present tense.

o Teacher can assess student knowledge and motivation while students draft and

peer edit their own descriptions. Teacher will be available during this time to

check in with struggling students and provide extra assistance if needed.

o Teacher will be able to do formative assessment when she collects students’ drafts

to review overnight.

• Summative

o Teacher will grade each student’s final product of their ¿Quién Soy? audio

recording for correct grammar, varied vocabulary, proper pronunciation, and

fluidity of speech.

o Students will also be tested on this material at a later date when given a

Chapter/Unit Test.


Appended Materials

• Content Organizer

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