Piazza Novonna

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It is built on the site of the Stadium of Domitian

Based on a historical review, the main aspects

influencing the character of the squares are grouped
into three categories: form, use and relation to the

formed within the outline of an old stadium, similar to

the Circus Maximus ie long shape with semicircular
ends for chariot racing and other sports
Piazza Navona a highly significant example of
Baroque Roman architecture and art during the
pontificate of Innocent X, who reigned from 1644
until 1655, and whose family palace, the Palazzo
Pamphili, faced the piazza.

In the center stands Fountain of the Four Rivers (1651),

topped by the Obelisk of Domitian, brought in pieces
from the Circus of Maxentius; the church of Sant'Agnese
in Agone by Francesco Borromini, Girolamo Rainaldi,
Bernini, responsible for the Carlo Rainaldi and others; and the aforementioned
design of the fountains, and Pamphili palace, also by Girolamo Rainaldi, that
Borromini, the author of S. accommodates the long gallery designed by Borromini
Agnese's new facade, and frescoed by Pietro da Cortona.
transformed the square in a
synthesis of the Barroque
style. The last meaningful
modification in the built
configuration of Piazza
Navona was the
reconstruction of Palazzo
Orsini, then Palazzo Braschi. At the southern end is the Fontana del
At the northern end is the Moro with a basin and four Tritons
Fountain of Neptune (1574) the sculpted by Giacomo della Porta (1575)
statue of Neptune, was added to which, in 1673, Bernini added a
in 1878 to create a balance statue of a Moor, wrestling with a
with La Fontana del Moro. dolphin.
During its history, the piazza has hosted theatrical
events and other ephemeral activities. From 1652
The pavement level was raised in the 19th until 1866, when the festival was suppressed, it
century, and in 1869 the market was moved was flooded on every Saturday and Sunday in
to the nearby Campo de' Fiori. A Christmas August in elaborate celebrations of the Pamphili
market is held in the piazza square family.
During the Roman Empire the stadium was a contained
form. Its internal space was the center of the activities and,
as such, it was oriented towards itself

During the Middle Ages the surrounding roads concentrated the main
uses: a connection between Rome and the Vatican, a route for religious
and official parades, and a popular racecourse among the Romans. The
activity was then directed to the outside.

By the Renaissance its original use was recovered. The interior space, as a
marketplace, became more important than the encircling roads.
Since the Middle Ages when the ring
of edification was completed, its form
and scale have remained the same,
no matter what activities were
performed. Facades have been
remodeled, according to different
architectural styles, usually
simultaneously to the introduction of
new activities or status. Nevertheless,
its basic physical configuration and
proportions have been conserved.

The original site of Piazza Navona has

always had a very public character. This
zoning can still be observed nowadays:
palaces and administrative buildings are
located on the south and west edges,
whereas commercial activities related to
entertainment and tourism spread along
the other sides. This social coexistence is
expressed not only in the zoning, but also
in the way each social group creates and
participates in the activities developed
within the square.
Nowadays, however, during only one night of the year, the commemoration of the Feast of the
Epiphany, Piazza Navona revives the colors, light, movement, and noise of the old times.
Nevertheless, it still preserves the traditional warmth and dynamics, which are expressed through
activities more adequate to the modern way of life. Its various cafes and restaurants are a favorite
place for evening social meetings, whereas its perimeter suggests a good track for the weekend
Martin V was the first pope to take up residence in Rome
again. The great importance of Martin V lies in his creation
of the ‘magistri viarum’, an institution staffed by a group of
specialists including architects and engineers who were
granted broad powers. They were tasked with
straightening the street pattern and building new ones
when necessary.
The opening up of Rome in the 16th century
through a pattern of straight streets and Sixtus V’s
New ideas introduced to the street pattern, such
as the trident, perfectly straight streets, and a
grid of wide main streets.

North of the mediaeval city centre was the

practically empty Campus Martius. A street
there was later extended and converted into
the Corso. Sixtus V had made a start with
building up the area. He had a district
constructed on the edge of the city.
The Piazza del Popolo gained in
importance as a result of the good
connections. It acts as a
dominanted square

Sixtus IV also had a monastery built next to the

Santa Maria del Popolo. The street plan of this new The entrance of the Tridente from Piazza
district to this day is determined by the del Popolo, defined by the "twin" churches
famous ‘trident’, the first in history. The Corso was of Santa Maria in Montesanto and Santa
already there. There was one more straight street Maria dei Miracoli The Via del Corso exits
running next to it, later followed by a third between the two churches.

Three important streets part from the

The layout of the piazza today was designed square: to the left, Via del Babuino; to the
in neoclassical style between 1811 and 1822 right, Via di Ripetta and to the centre
by the architect Giuseppe Valadier the Via del Corso, one of the main high
streets of Rome.
2 Restoring a road from antiquity
that had fallen into disuse, for
example the Via della Lungara

1 Straightening existing streets such as

the Via dei Pettinari

The new streets ignored the slopes. They sometimes rise

and drop 12 meters, and sometimes as much as 20 meters.
that made it compulsory to demarcate the public space. The restoration of the Ponte
Houses that did not range with the new streets were Sisto to create a better
compelled to build a high wall along the building line, connection between
Trastevere and the other side
of the Tiber.

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