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Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) 1440e1445

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Analysis of the sustainability of reusing industrial wastes as energy source in the

industrial sector of Taiwan
Wen-Tien Tsai*
Graduate Institute of Bioresources, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung 912, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this paper was to provide a preliminary analysis of energy utilization from industrial
Received 26 January 2010 waste in Taiwan, a densely populated island country with high dependence on imported energy. The
Received in revised form discussion thus focused on the status of industrial waste generation and its management since the year
3 April 2010
2002. This paper also presented the updated information about the new/revised regulations concerning
Accepted 4 May 2010
the governmental regulations and policies for promoting industrial waste as energy source as well as
Available online 12 May 2010
controlling the emissions of hazardous air pollutants from industrial waste-to-energy facilities. It showed
that the main types of combustible waste in the industrial sector of Taiwan include pulp sludge, scrap
Industrial waste management
wood, sugarcane bagasse, textile sludge and scrap plastics, which were being reused as auxiliary fuel in
Reuse the utilities (e.g., boiler and incinerator). Based on their reported quantities, the energy potential and the
Waste-to-energy environmental benefit of mitigating CO2 emissions were also analyzed in the study.
Energy policy Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Benefit analysis

1. Introduction million kiloliters of oil equivalent (KLOE) in 2008, in contrast to

58.7 KLOE in 1990. As listed in Table 1, a considerable portion
Taiwan, located in the Far East (Asia), is a small island country (over 50%) of the energy consumption was used in the indus-
with limited natural resources. Its land area is only about trial sector for the purpose of heating and manufacturing.
36,000 km2, but a population of over 23 millions. In the past  Increase in the total of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions: The CO2
decades, the rapid industrialization and economic development emission in 2008 was 2.57  108 t (1 t ¼ 1000 kg) in compar-
have caused heavy environmental loading, posing many environ- ison with 1.11 108 t in 1990. On average, annual growth rate
mental problems. Among them, industrial waste with great was 4.80% from 1990 to 2008, which could be separated into
complexity was probably the most important issue because of its two significant stages: 6.85% from 1990 to 2001, and 2.30%
serious hazard to the living environment, illegal disposal and from 2001 to 2008.
insufficient capacity of treatment/disposal facilities in the 1990s
(Tsai and Chou, 2004). Consequently, the Environmental Protection To be in accordance with the concept of “Sustainable Develop-
Administration (EPA), the primary central government-level ment” revealed by the World Commission on Environment and
agency responsible for environmental issues, has begun to track the Development (WCSD) in 1987, and to be in response to the mandate
industrial waste flow according to the “Industrial Waste Control taken by the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Develop-
Plan” program since 2001. With source management, the EPA ment (UNCSD) and to Chapter 40 of Agenda 21, the Executive Yuan
assisted in the establishment of industrial waste management of Taiwan established the National Council for Sustainable Devel-
facilities to reduce and recycle industrial wastes. opment (NCSD) has taken great efforts to set up an effective means
On the other hand, Taiwan confronts the energy issues in recent of recognizing the social, economic and environmental situations of
years, summarized below (BOE, 2009): Taiwan and measuring progress on sustainable development at the
national level. Based on the feasibility and stability of statistic data
 High dependence on energy import: the dependence on collection, the significance of correlation with public policy, the
imported energy is on the increasing trend from 95.84% in 1990 possibility of international collaboration, and other considerations,
to 99.34% in 2008. Meanwhile, the energy supply totaled 142.5 the NCSD finally selected a set of 40 meaningful and representative
indicators for assessing sustainable development and creating the
* Tel.: þ886 8 7703202; fax: þ886 8 7740134. system of sustainable development indicators (SDIs) for Taiwan in
E-mail address: 2003. Basically, the system was developed with reference to the

0959-6526/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.-T. Tsai / Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) 1440e1445 1441

Table 1
Taiwan energy consumption (by sector) since 2002.a

Sector 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Industrial 49,663 (48.78%) b 50,976 (48.33%) 54,775 (49.78%) 54,920 (48.77%) 57,091 (49.47%) 63,003 (51.98%) 61,878 (52.58%)
Transportation 14,989 (14.72%) 14,964 (14.19%) 15,748 (14.31%) 16,185 (14.37%) 16,023 (14.04%) 15,780 (13.02%) 15,053 (12.79%)
Agricultural 1487 (1.46%) 1634 (1.55%) 1713 (1.56%) 1585 (1.41%) 1266 (1.10%) 1068 (0.88%) 1170 (0.99%)
Commercial (Services) 11,564 (11.36%) 12,808 (12.14%) 12,586 (11.44%) 13,253 (11.77%) 13,761 (11.92%) 13,684 (11.29%) 13,782 (11.71%)
Residential 12,098 (11.88%) 12,477 (11.83%) 12,629 (11.48%) 13,436 (11.93%) 13,468 (11.67%) 13,603 (11.22%) 13,569 (11.53%)
Non-energy use 2617 (2.57%) 2945 (2.79%) 2603 (2.37%) 2856 (2.54%) 2913 (2.52%) 3514 (2.92%) 2697 (2.29%)
Energy sector own use 9384 (9.22%) 9681 (9.18%) 9975 (9.07%) 10,380 (9.22%) 10,697 (9.27%) 10,534 (8.69%) 9537 (8.10%)
Total 101,802 (100.00%) 105,484 (100.00%) 110,028 (100.00%) 112,614 (100.00%) 115,399 (100.00%) 121,212 (100.00%) 117,686 (100.00%)
Data source (BOE, 2009); unit: 103 KLOE.
Number in parentheses denotes the percentage ratio of energy consumption by that sector to total energy consumption.

UN’s Pressure-State-Response (PSR) framework as well as Taiwan’s et al., 2007; Kuo et al., 2008; Luoranen and Horttanainen, 2008;
current development status. Regarding the energy and environ- Ragossnig et al., 2008; Horio et al., 2009; Papageorgiou et al.,
mental analysis (NCSD, 2009), the composite index scores for 2009). However, there was less literature on the waste-to-energy
environmental quality (or environmental pollution) took using industrial waste. In the previous paper (Tsai and Chou, 2004),
a sustainable turn since 2004, exhibiting a positive change in it only presented a comprehensive description about the regulatory
overall environmental quality from the year 2004e2007. Looking at system and implementation promotion on industrial waste reuse
trends of each indicator, continual promotion of national garbage and pollution prevention in Taiwan. The objectives of this paper
resource recycling has resulted in steadily improving the values for were to give the current status of industrial waste generation and
the waste resource recycling rate indicator since 1998. On the other its management, and the updated information about governmental
hand, the CO2 emissions indicator has steadily declined during the regulations and policies for promoting industrial waste as energy
period. However, the score of this indicator in 2008 will be larger source. Environmental regulations on the emissions of hazardous
than that in 2007. air pollutants as well as benefit analysis from industrial waste-to-
The energy utilization from municipal solid waste (MSW) and energy (IWTE) in Taiwan were further discussed.
various other types of agricultural and industrial waste, also called
waste-to-energy (WTE), has received much attention during the 2. Industrial waste generation and management in Taiwan
1990s mainly due to the advances in WTE technologies, energy
crisis and global warming issues (Stehlik, 2009; Psomopoulos et al., 2.1. Industrial waste generation in Taiwan
2009). The energy from domestic waste resources is especially
noted in that it not only enhances fuel diversification, but also According to the waste management regulation in Taiwan (Tsai
advantages the environmental benefits in terms of greenhouse gas and Chou, 2004), the waste is classified into general waste
(GHG) emissions, land use and cost savings as compared with land- (municipal waste) and industrial waste. Further, the industrial
filling (Stehlik, 2009). For these reasons, there is an increasing waste includes the following types
interest in co-firing non-hazardous industrial waste with MSW in
large-scale mass-burn MSW incineration plants, which have been  Hazardous industrial waste
designed with the best available control technology for hazardous
or toxic air pollutants emitted from flue stack (Tsai and Chou, Industrial enterprises generate hazardous industrial waste,
2006). which contains toxic or dangerous substances in a sufficient
Based on the national statistics surveyed by the Taiwan’s EPA concentration or quantity to endanger human beings or pollute the
(EPA, 2009), the reported quantity of industrial waste approxi- environment. In brief, an industrial waste can be considered
mated 1.7  107 t in 2008. These industrial waste and residues hazardous if its extract concentration exceeds maximum concen-
generated from the manufacturing processes were usually treated tration of contaminants according to the Toxicity Characteristic
by using end-of-pipe methods, or directed considered for final Leaching Procedure (TCLP).
disposal of, if no apparent values could be found for these
resources. To resolve the problem of industrial waste treatment  General industrial waste
caused by lack of appropriate incineration/landfill facilities in
Taiwan, the EPA, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Industrial enterprises generate general industrial waste, which
Affairs (MOEA), has newly mandated the regulatory system and includes waste other than hazardous industrial waste. The main
promotion programs for industrial waste reuse since 2002 (Tsai and examples of this type of waste include food processing waste, scrap
Chou, 2004). According to the regulatory definition in Taiwan, the plastics, waste rubber (including tire), construction/building debris,
industrial waste reuse refers to utilize it for auxiliary fuels (alter- waste paper, organic/inorganic sludges, steel furnace slag, coal ash,
native energy), raw materials, engineering fillers, soil modifiers, or incinerator bottom ash, scrap wood, sugar milling waste, and so on.
for other approved purposes. In 2000, the Taiwan’s EPA formulated the “National Industrial
It is well known that industrial waste may contain high contents Waste Disposal and Management Program” and established the
of lignocelluloses or combustible elements (i.e., carbon and “Industrial Waste Control Center” as well as an online reporting
hydrogen), posing high heating value on a dry weight basis system that tracks the complete life cycle of industrial waste from
(Tchobanoglous et al., 1993). Therefore, there have been a number generation to disposal. Industrial waste is generated from a variety
of studies on MSW as a fuel in a properly designed incinerator of industries. Using the reported data from a variety of designated
based on multiple benefits of energy recovery, waste management industries, about 1.7  107 t of industrial waste were generated in
and GHG reduction (NCSD, 2009; Stehlik, 2009; Murphy and 2008 in contrast to about 1.1 107 t in 2002, shown in Table 2 (EPA,
McKeogh, 2004; Lo Mastro and Mistretta, 2004; Consonni et al., 2009). Based on the data of Table 2, several observations can be
2005; Morselli et al., 2005; Murphy and McKeogh, 2006; Cheng made.
1442 W.-T. Tsai / Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) 1440e1445

Table 2
Reported quantities of industrial waste generated since 2002.a

Waste type 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

General industrial wasteb 10,456,345 11,499,188 12,179,343 13,203,693 14,048,468 15,586,840 15,771,438
Hazardous industrial waste 694,220 1,013,039 1,209,843 1,303,173 1,229,578 1,237,724 1,173,009

Sum 11,150,565 12,512,227 13,389,186 14,506,866 15,278,046 16,824,564 16,944,447

Data source (EPA, 2009); unit: metric ton.
Including the non-recycled and recycled portions.

 On average, annual growth rate of industrial waste generation noted that the exported volume of industrial waste management
was 7.2% from 2002 to 2008. It should be noted that the maintained a stable situation at about 7.0  104 t during the years of
reported volume slightly increased from 1.68  107 t in 2007 to 2003e2007 (EPA, 2009).
1.69  107 t in 2008. The abrupt change was mainly caused by
the financial crisis which resulted in the stagnant increase in 3. Governmental regulations and policies for promoting
the industrial waste generation. industrial wastes as energy source
 The percentage ratio of hazardous industrial waste to industrial
waste ranges from 6% to 9%. Of the hazardous industrial waste, In Taiwan, the law governing the reuse/recycling of industrial
the major types are hazardous liquids (e.g., corrosive liquids waste is the Waste Management Act (or called Waste Disposal
and spent organic solvents) followed by hazardous sludge (e.g., Act), which was originally promulgated and became effective in
sludges from metal finishing and chemical manufacturing July 1974 and was thereafter revised many times. Under the
industries). authorization of the Article 39 of the Act, the Responsible Agency
at the central government level (i.e., Ministry of Economics Affairs)
2.2. Industrial waste management in Taiwan after consultation with the EPA has promulgated the “Regulations
Governing the Permitting of Industrial Waste Reuse” relating to
The rapid economic development in recent years has resulted in industrial waste reuse in Jan. 2002. At present, 57 items of
greater complexity in handling industrial waste management. industrial waste were legally designated to be reused as materials,
Before the year 2000, the industrial businesses either had to stuffs, auxiliary fuels, or other approved purposes. This directive
manage their waste and residues on their own or commission also encourages the generator to reuse its industrial waste that is
government departments. At that time, industrial waste was often not the previous announced subject for reuse. The generator may
abandoned illegally because of incompetent government admin- submit a reuse plan to the EPA for reviewing and approval. There
istration, insufficient capacity of waste management facilities (i.e., were 765 reuse applications approved during the years of
incinerator and landfill), and high cost of waste management. From 2003e2008.
the beginning of 2001, the Taiwan’s EPA formed the legal frame- To resolve the problem of industrial waste treatment caused by
work for industrial waste management (e.g., online waste control lack of appropriate incineration facilities in Taiwan, some types of
system), developed waste management methods (i.e., intermediate general industrial waste with high combustible portion, including
treatment, final disposal and reuse), and established regulatory pulp sludge, scrap wood, scrap plastics, textile sludge and sugar-
frameworks for issuing penalties. cane bagasse, have been announced to be encouragingly reused as
According to the regulatory definition, industrial waste auxiliary fuels in the industrial utilities such as boiler, heater and
management methods include the intermediate treatment (e.g., cement kiln. Obviously, it was anticipated that the reuse of
incineration and solidification), final disposal (e.g., sanitary landfill hazardous industrial waste would be very scarce owing to the
and secure landfill) and reuse. In Taiwan, the reported volume of regulatory and technological requirements. Starting from 2001,
industrial waste managed by generators during the years of these types of general industrial waste have been co-combusted
2002e2008 was listed in Table 3 (EPA, 2009). On average, the together with coal or heavy oil with permits from local county and
percentage ratio of industrial waste management by reuse city environmental protection bureaus. Table 4 listed the reported
approach is about 75%, showing that the industrial generators have amounts of general industrial waste can be reused as auxiliary fuels
adopted waste reuse and pollution prevention as a strategy of top in the utilities (Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration,
priority for their industrial waste management because this 2010a). It showed that they increased from 2.33  105 t in 2002 to
method can not only reduce the industrial waste generation, but 6.36  105 t in 2007. As described above, the reported reuse amount
can also cost down waste management expenditure. As a result, the of general industrial waste decreased from 6.36  105 t in 2007 to
reported volume of industrial waste reuse exhibited an increasing 4.53  105 t in 2008, which was mainly caused by the financial crisis
trend, from 8.1 106 t in 2002 to 13.0  106 t in 2008. It should be at this period.

Table 3
Reported quantities of industrial waste managed since 2002.a

Management type 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Treatment 2,935,685 2,943,944 3,023,367 3,336,734 3,767,345 3,804,607 3,492,374
Commissioned or joint 1,599,300 1,808,783 2,100,264 2,148,505 2,562,364 2,591,542 2,450,042
Self 1,274,550 1,060,973 851,786 1,122,148 1,131,284 1,143,200 994,119
Exported 61,835 74,188 71,317 66,081 73,697 69,865 48,213
Reuse 8,102,932 9,457,712 10,266,188 10,840,634 11,709,150 12,737,730 13,048,964

Sum 11,038,617 12,401,656 13,289,556 14,177,368 15,476,495 16,542,337 16,541,338

Data source (EPA, 2009); unit: metric ton.
W.-T. Tsai / Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) 1440e1445 1443

Table 4
Reported quantities of major general industrial waste probably reused as auxiliary fuel in the industrial utilities since 2002.a

Waste type 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Pulp sludge 102,164 184,521 293,694 352,075 417,529 432,432 311,529
Scrap wood 9167 15,586 22,785 23,198 36,756 106,527 45,796
Sugarcane bagasse 70,836 107,053 54,487 23,815 20,443 36,183 37,705
Textile sludge 36,957 33,617 38,581 46,141 41,189 35,957 34,970
Scrap plastics 14,158 14,264 15,000 b 18,437 17,732 25,299 22,595

Sum 233,282 355,041 424,547 463,666 533,649 636,398 452,595

Data source (Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, 2010b); unit: metric ton.

4. Environmental regulations on the emissions of hazardous 4.1. Air pollutants emission standards for stationary pollution
air pollutants from IWTE sources

It was well understood that all high temperature utilities or There are many industrial processes closely related to stationary
processes, including industrial heater, boiler, power generator, pollution sources, especially of heating, combustion, baking,
incinerator, kiln and furnace, were the major sources of air calcining, drying, and firing processes. Inevitably, these high
pollutants emissions to the atmosphere. In particular, those were temperature processes have the potential of emitting a diverse type
the major sources of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), such as acidic of hazardous or toxic substances to the environment. These
gases (including HCl, Cl2, HF, NOx, and SOx), heavy metals (including potential emissions may arise from compounds present in the
Pb, Cd, and Hg), polycyclic organic compounds (including poly- waste stream, are formed as a part of the normal combustion
chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans, process, or are derived from incomplete combustion. Under the
and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; also abbreviated to PCDDs, Article 20 of the APCA, the Taiwan EPA implemented the Air
PCDFs, and PAHs, respectively), other incomplete combustion Pollutants Emission Standards for Stationary Pollution Sources,
products (including CO, vinyl chloride). To minimize the impacts of which was first promulgated in April 1992 and newly revised in
HAPs on the environmental quality and the public health, the October 2007. In the Provision 9 of the regulation, the exhaust vent
concept of the maximum available control technology (MACT) was gas from the designated stationary pollution sources shall comply
adopted in the air pollution control systems for WTE facilities and with the standards for particulate, sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen
other allied processes under the regulatory authorization oxides (NOx), and other hazardous/toxic air pollutants, which were
(Psomopoulos et al., 2009). Generally, MACT includes cyclone, dry listed in Table 5.
scrubber, fabric filter baghouse, activated carbon injection, selective
non-catalytic reduction of NOx, and other operational measures. 4.2. Air pollutants emission standards for power utilities
In Taiwan, the basic law governing and promoting air pollution
control and prevention is the Air Pollution Control Act (APCA), According to the Article 20 of the APCA, the Taiwan EPA in
which was initially passed in May 1975, recently amended in May consultation with the relevant agencies shall promulgate the more
2006. The goal of this act is set to prevent and control air pollution, stringent individual emissions standards for specially designated
safeguard public health and the living environment. Under the industry categories, facilities, or pollutant items. Under the autho-
authorization of the APCA, there are four relevant regulations rization of the Act, there is a related regulation (“Air Pollutants
concerning emission standards for IWTE facilities, which are briefly Emission Standards for Power Utilities”) concerning emission
described as follows. standards of air pollutants from the cogeneration (combined heat &

Table 5
Stack emission standards of air pollutants for industrial utilities in Taiwan.a
Air pollutant Standard Comment
Particulate matter Standard by effluent rate is nearly calculated as follows:
C ¼ 1860.3 Q0.386
C: effluent limit (mg/Nm3)
Q: effluent rate (Nm3/min)

Sulfur oxides (as sulfur dioxide) Solid fuel: 300 ppm

Nitrogen oxides (as nitrogen dioxide) Solid fuel: 350 ppm
Solid fuel: 250 ppm Cogeneration facility (Q > 2500 Nm3/min).
Solid fuel: 280 ppm Cogeneration facility (Q 500e2500 Nm3/min).
Solid fuel: 300 ppm Cogeneration facility (Q < 500 Nm3/min).
Carbon monoxide 2000 ppm
Fluorides 10 mg/Nm3 Hazardous air pollutant c

Hydrogen chloride 80 ppm or 1.8 kg/h Hazardous air pollutant

Chlorine 30 ppm Hazardous air pollutant
Lead and its compounds 10 mg/Nm3 Hazardous air pollutant
Cadmium and its compounds 1 mg/Nm3 Hazardous air pollutant
Vinyl chloride 10 ppm Hazardous air pollutant
PCDDs/PCDFs 0.5 ng-TEQ/Nm3 (new facility set up after Jan. 2, 2006) Hazardous air pollutant
1.0 ng-TEQ/Nm3 (existing facility set up before Jan. 1, 2006)
Utilities include boiler, heater, kiln, and various types of industrial processes.
Concentration calculation of air pollutant in the stack gas must be based on 273 K, 1 atm and dry volume of undiluted effluent. Also, 6% O2 (oxygen content) is referred as
correction baseline.
The Clean Air Act amendments of 1990 list of hazardous air pollutants.
1444 W.-T. Tsai / Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) 1440e1445

power, or called CHP) system, which was first promulgated in May Taiwan EPA first promulgated the “Dioxin Emission Standards for
1994 and newly revised in April 2003. It should be noted that the Waste Incinerator” for MSW incinerators in August 1997. Basically,
power system from the waste incinerators was excluded from the the emission standards stipulate that the “toxicity equivalency
Standards. The standards of the exhaust vent gas from the boiler of quantity” (TEQ) dioxin level of specified-scale incinerator stack
cogeneration system were also listed in Table 5. In view of the must comply with the standard limit of 0.1 ng-TEQ/Nm3 (as shown
standards in Table 5, the emission standards of nitrogen oxides in Table 6), which may be the most stringent regulation on dioxin
(NOx) for using solid-type fuel in the cogeneration facilities will be control in the world. According to the monitoring data surveyed by
more stringent than those of stationary pollution sources from the the government, all of the dioxin emission levels are below the
former levels of 250e300 ppm to the latter levels of 350 ppm. standard limit of 0.1 ng-TEQ/Nm3, because these state-owned MSW
Clearly, the regulation aims at pursuing clean fuels and efficient incineration facilities have adopted the best available control
combustion as a way to improve ambient air quality. technologies such as operation modification and activated carbon
adsorption (Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration,
4.3. Air pollutants emission standards for waste incinerators 2010b). In comparison, the major sources of dioxin emissions
should include non-incinerator stationary sources, such as coal-
Waste incineration with heat recovery is one of the most fired power generators, burner, and boiler, as reported by other
important energy utilizations in Taiwan, especially for MSW countries like USA (Psomopoulos et al., 2009). Thereafter, the
incineration plants (Tsai and Chou, 2006). Using the air pollution Taiwan EPA further promulgated the “Dioxin Emission Standards
control devices in the operation of waste incinerators, the purified for Stationary Pollution Sources” effective from the year of 2006, as
flue gas exhausted to the atmosphere through a stack. However, the shown in Table 5.
sampling and analysis of particulate matters, CO, O2, SOx, NOx, HCl,
Hg, Cd, and Pb, in the flue gas at inlet of the stack were carried out 5. Preliminary benefit analysis of IWTE
regularly to be in compliance with the “Air Pollutants Emission
Standards for Waste Incinerators” promulgated by the Taiwan EPA According to the Taiwanese regulations, the five of the
under the authorization of the APCA. Table 6 summarizes the combustible designated waste in the industry (i.e., pulp sludge,
emission standards of the incineration system for general waste scrap wood, sugarcane bagasse, textile sludge and scrap plastics)
(MSW) and industrial waste. can be also reused as raw material, material, fuel, engineering filler,
soil modification or for other approved purposes. For example, pulp
4.4. Dioxin emission standards sludge has been designated as the following reuse approaches: soil
modification, raw material for organic fertilizer, fuel for boiler, raw
The incineration and combustion processes could be the major material for artificial aggregate, or auxiliary fuel for cement kiln. On
sources of polychlorinated organics like dioxins, which may be the other hand, all sugarcane bagasse generated from sugar refin-
formed as a result of incomplete combustion and have been found eries in Taiwan was reused to generate steam and electricity using
in the stack gas of MSW and industrial waste incinerators (Jones in-plant cogeneration system. It should be noted that the main
et al., 1993; Chen, 2004). These compounds are of concern mainly advantage of reusing industrial waste as alternative energy not only
due to their high toxicity in the laboratory animals, and endocrine- diversifies fuel but also mitigates the environmental pollution and
disrupting in the wildlife and humans (Chen, 2004). Therefore, the global warming. Besides, the combined heat and power (CHP)

Table 6
Stack emission standards of air pollutants for waste incinerators in Taiwan.

Air pollutant Standarda

General waste (MSW) Industrial waste

Particulate matter 220 mg/Nm3 (design capacity: <2 metric ton/h) 180 mg/Nm3 (design capacity: <400 kg/h)
C ¼ 1364.2 Q0.386 80 mg/Nm3 (design capacity: >400 kg/h)
C: effluent limit (mg/Nm3)
Q: effluent rate (Nm3/min)
(Design capacity: >2 metric ton/h)
Sulfur oxides (sulfur dioxide) 300 ppm (design capacity: <2 metric ton/h) 180 ppm (design capacity less than 400 kg/h)
220 ppm (design capacity: 2e10 metric ton/h) 150 ppm (design capacity: >400 kg/h)
80 ppm (design capacity: >10 metric ton/h)
Nitrogen oxides 250 ppm (design capacity: <2 metric ton/h) 180 ppm
(nitrogen dioxide) 220 ppm (design capacity: 2e10 metric ton/h)
180 ppm (design capacity: >10 metric ton/h)
Carbon monoxide 350 ppm (design capacity: <10 metric ton/h) 220 ppm (design capacity: < 10 metric ton/h)
120 ppm (design capacity: >10 metric ton/h) 120 ppm (design capacity: >10 metric ton/h)
Hydrogen chloride 60 ppm (design capacity: <10 metric ton/h) 60 ppm (design capacity: <10 metric ton/h)
40 ppm (design capacity: >10 metric ton/h) 40 ppm (design capacity: >10 metric ton/h)
Lead and its compounds 0.5 mg/Nm3 (design capacity: <4 metric ton/h)
0.2 mg/Nm3 (design capacity: >4 metric ton/h)
Cadmium and its compounds 0.04 mg/Nm3 (design capacity: <4 metric ton/h)
0.02 mg/Nm3 (design capacity: >4 metric ton/h)
Mercury and its compounds 0.04 mg/Nm3 (set up before Jan. 1, 2007; design capacity:
<4 metric ton/h)
0.05 mg/Nm3 (other waste incinerators)
PCDDs/PCDFsb 0.5 ng-TEQ/Nm3 (design capacity: <4 metric ton/h)
0.1 ng-TEQ/Nm3 (other waste incinerators)
Concentration calculation of air pollutant in the stack gas must be based on 273 K, 1 atm and dry volume of undiluted effluent. Also, 11% O2 (oxygen content) is referred as
correction baseline.
The Clean Air Act amendments of 1990 list of hazardous air pollutants.
W.-T. Tsai / Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) 1440e1445 1445

system has been successfully applied to the generation of steam hazardous pollutants like dioxins and mercury should be in
and electricity from the industrial boilers using most of these compliance with the regulatory limits thus protecting public
combustibles as auxiliary fuels by the generators themselves or health. Furthermore, the Taiwan’s Cabinet (Executive Yuan)
sold at the market (as valuable fuels) or to the nearby plants approved the Renewable Energy Development Act in June 2009,
(considering the transportation cost). To meet with opposition suggesting that the Act will further co-fire combustible waste with
because of fears of dioxins and emissions of toxic heavy metals, the fossil fuels in the industrial utilities.
concept of the maximum available control technology (MACT) must
be adopted in the air pollution control systems for waste-to-energy
(WTE) facilities and other allied processes under the regulatory References
authorization. Bureau of Energy (BOE), 2009. Energy Statistics Handbook e 2008. BOE, Taipei,
From the reported quantities of major general industrial waste Taiwan.
probably reused as auxiliary fuel in the industrial utilities Chen, C.M., 2004. The emission inventory of PCDD/PCDF in Taiwan. Chemosphere
54, 1413e1420.
(Table 4), the two-year (2007e2008) averages for the pulp
Cheng, H., Zhang, Y., Meng, A., Li, Q., 2007. Municipal solid waste fueled power
sludge, scrap wood, sugarcane bagasse, textile sludge and scrap generation in China: a case study of waste-to-energy in Changchun city. Envi-
plastics amounted to about 372, 76, 37, 36, and 24  103 t, ronmental Science & Technology 41, 7509e7515.
Consonni, S., Giugliano, M., Grosso, M., 2005. Alternative strategies for energy
respectively. In this work, their corresponding heating values
recovery from municipal solid waste. Waste Management 25, 137e148.
have been measured are estimated to be about 5.2, 16.0, 18.6, 3.5, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), 2009. Yearbook of Environmental
and 32.8 MJ/kg, respectively (IDB, 1996; Tsai et al., 2006). The Protection Statistics. EPA, Taipei, Taiwan.
energy potential was thus estimated to be the product of the Horio, M., Shigeto, S., Shiga, M., 2009. Evaluation of energy recovery and CO2
reduction potential in Japan through integrated waste and utility management.
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