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Ammiel L.



Activity #7:

1. Perform a simulation of first aid medication in an ankle injury using the RICE method.
2. Document the given activity and compile it in a word document. Submit in google
3. The following images are common injuries during training exercises. Identify and
write the answer in the box provided.

flat foot sway back

normal arc muscle strain

high arc sprained lateral


sprain bow legs

cramps shoulder injury

Activity #8:
1. Identify at least 5 foods rich in carbohydrates?
a. pasta
b. rice
c. potato
d. bread
e. beans

2. Identify at least 5 foods rich in protein?

a. leam meat
b. poulty
c. fish
d. eggs
e. dairy products

3. Is it ok to workout hungry? Why?

Working out when you are hungry is not good to your body and will not help you
burn fats faster. According to Waenher (2021), if you skip your meal or snack, you
may not be able to work out as long or as hard if you're hungry. That means you
may end up burning fewer calories than if you'd eaten something and worked harder.
Also, inadequate fueling for your performance overall can affect performance,
muscle building, and weight loss goals. Moreover, the performance in your workout
that you give is a lot lower than when you have eaten something. In addition, it will
be much ideal if you eat 2 or 3 hours before your workout in order to give food time
to be digested. This will help your body to propell itself and work harder when you do
workouts. As it is said in a movie, "You cannot go to battle with ao.n empty
stomach". Thus, working out when hungry is a big no no.

4. Give your reflection on this statement by H. Rockford. “Your body is a finely tuned
vehicle; give it a good fuel, and it will take you places.”

As I read the statement of H. Rockford saying, " Your body is a finely tuned vehicle; give it a
good fuel, and it will take you places", I can trully say that our body is comparable to a
vehicle. Like the vehicle, who needs fuel to work, we should also eat so that we will
have energy to do work. At the same time, If you give your vehicle a different fuel, it will
not work properly, just like our body whereinnwe have to choose the right foods we
intake for us to do work properly. Thirdly, if we do not give our body any food, we.won't
have energy to do work, the same with vehicle that will not start if it doesn't have any
fuel in it. Lastly, we should always take care of ourselves like how we take care of our
vehicles. For a good fuel in the body, will trully bring you to what you want to achieve.

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