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Doc. Ref No.

: CA-TQ-03


Midterm Examination Revision No.:
SY 2020-2021 Page No.: 1/4

Mid Term Examination

Name: Ammiel L. Diwayan Date: March 25, 2021
Subject: Philippine Indigenous Community
Direction: Please read carefully the sentences and encircle the correct letter that
corresponds to the answer, that will make the question correct.
Part 1.
Multiple Choice:

1. This refer to all areas generally belonging to the Indigenous people.

a. Ancestral Domain b. Ancestral land c. Cert. of Ancestral Domain d. none of the

2. The land occupied, and possessed utilized by individuals, families and clans who are members
of the ICC’s.

a. Cert. of Ancestral Domain b. Ancestral Land c. Ancestral Domain d. Land Title

3. It is the title formally recognizing the rights of possession and ownership of ICC’s.

a. Ancestral Domain b. Cert. of Ancestral domain c. Ancestral Land d. Land Title

4. This refer to the title formally recognizing the right of the Indigenous people.

a. Cert. of Ancestral Land Title b. Cert. of Ancestral Domain c. Ancestral land

5. What do you call the body of written and unwritten rules and practices of the IP’s?

a. Communal Claim b. Customary Laws b. Informed Consent d. None of the

6. This refer to the consensus of the IP’s determined in their customary laws.

a. Informed consent b. communal claim b. Customary laws d. Land Title

7. What do you call the group of people having a homogenous society?

a. Minority Group b. Majority group b. Indigenous people d. none of the above

8. It refers to the cultural and organizational leadership system of the Indigenous people.

a. Bodong System b. Pagta Law c. IP’s Political structure d. Customary laws

9. This refers to claims on land and rights which have been devolved to individuals, families and
a. Communal claims b. Individual claims c. Informed Consent d. none of the above
10. This refer to the office created under R.A 8371.

a. Registrar’s office b. NCIP office c. Deans office d. Indigenous office

11. What do you call the pre-conquest right to lands and domain of the ICC’s.?

a. Native Title b. Land title c. Property rights d. Communal claims

12. What do you call to the Non- profit organization, which objectives is to deliver various services
to the ICC’s?
a. NGO’s b. PO’s c. Governmental Organizations d. None of the above
13. The law that protects and promotes the right of the indigenous people.

a. R.A 8271 b. R.A. 1425 c. R.A 7381 d. R.A 83 71

14. This refer to the non-profit and voluntary organization s of members of the ICC’s accepted as
their representative.
a. Peoples Organization b. Non-Gov’t Organizations Governmental organizations
15. It is the right of the ICC’s to sustainable use manage conserve and protect their territory.

a. Sustainable Traditional rights b. Sustainable Political rights c. Indigenous Pol.

16. This claim pertains to land resources and rights thereon which belong to ICC’s w/ their defined
a. Customary laws b. Communal Claim c. Ancestral Domain d. none of the above
17. It refers to a period of time when as far back as memory can go, which the IP’s claim ownership

b. Since Immemorial b. Long time ago c. Time Immemorial d. none of the above
18. It is the right to claim ownership over lands, bodies of water traditionally and actually occupied
by the ICC’s.
a. Right to Ancestral land b. Right of ownership c. Right to develop Lands
19. It is the right of the ICC’s which occurs as a result of natural catastrophes.

a. Right in case of Displacement b. Right to develop resources c. Right of

20. This pertain to right of ICC’s not to be removed without their free and prior consent.

a. The right to Stay b. Right in case of displacement c. Right to develop

Part II. Alternate Response Test. Write T if the statement is correct and F. if the statement is falls. Write
your answer to the space provided before the number of the question.
F 1. The indigenous people is heterogeneous.
T 2. Customs and tradition is a source of law.
T 3. The right of Native title was based from the pre- colonial conquest.
F 4. The right to stay in the territories of the indigenous people is absolute.
T 5. The Indigenous Cultural Communities is a group of people having homogenous society.
F 6. Indigenous people or ICC’s belongs to the Majority Group.
F 7. Customs and traditions of the ICC’s is unconstitutional.
T 8. The ICC’s has the right to regulate the entry of migrant settlers into their domains.
T 9. The IP’s has the sole power to resolve conflicts of land.
T 10. The indigenous people have the right to transfer their land and property.
T 11. The indigenous people belongs to the Minority group.
T 12. The state shall recognize the vital role of the IP’s in the society.
T 13. The ICC’s have the right to resolve conflicts within their territory.
T 14. The indigenous people has the right to manage their natural resources.
T 15. The NCIP is the primary government agency responsible for the formulation and
implementation of policies of ICC’s.
T 16. The Indigenous women is observed in decision-making.
F 17. The constitution prohibits the exercise of indigenous cultural right.
T 18. Ignorance of the law excuses no one.
T 19. The power of Eminent Domain is the power of the state to take Private Property.
T 20. The NCIP Office is under the office of the President.

Part III. Enumeration: performed what is asked in the following numbers. Misspelled answers
are wrong. No erasures.

1. 3 examples of Indigenous Political Structure

A Council Holders
B Bodong Holders
C Council Timuays
2. Enumerate at least 7 tribal groups of Indigenous people here in Kalinga.
2. Lubuagan
3. Pasil
4. Tanudan
5. Tinglayan
6. Rizal
7. Balbalan
3. Enumerate at least Six (6) Sub-Tribes of the Kalinga Indigenous people.
1. Nanong
2. Tanglag
3. Basao
4. Balatoc
5. Dacalan
6. Lubuagan
IV. Essay: Discuss and Explain what is asked below. Write in the class comment your
1. Explain and discuss the essence of the Custom and Traditions of the Indigenous
people. (15 pts)
The customs and traditions of us indigenous people trully is important and significant.
Nowadays, most people does not give any importance on the customs, tradition and
culture of the tribes and Indigenous cultural communities we belonged to, because
most of the young ones today are greatly influenced by the lowland and western
cultures, but after learning about the culture, customs and traditions of where we
belonged to, I find it interesting, exciting, significant and most of all very important.
The customs and traditions of people serves as their identity. It represents their rich culture,
their way of life, and their history. By knowing, understanding and learining about ones
culture, we can have an insight about them. Thus, making the idigenous people's customs,
belief abd tradition very significant, not only to them, but to other people as well. Moreover,
many traditions and customs are still being practiced today which are proven to be very
effective an has served as pillars to maintain the peace and stability of the community as we
continue to develop. An example is the "Bodong" or Pagta Law, wherein the "Bodong" is the
peace pact treaty used by the tribes of the yKalinga people to maintain the peace between
its tribes. Peace Pact holders, commonly elders of every tribe are being appointed by the
"Pangat'. They hold written Laws called the Pagta and also serve as mediators when
problems between tribes occur. They do this in order to maintain the hardbuilt peace within
the province and avoid possibilities of tribal wars to occur.
2. Now a day’s foreign system of Government, Practices and Influences are dominant in
our society.
Question: As student, what is your role in the society in order to preserve and protect
the extinction of our Customs and Tradition that have been long time kept and
preserved by our ancestors. (15 pts)
As a student and a member of the communtiy, I can help preserve and protect the extinction
of our society by being someone who will inherit our existing cultures and tradition. By
learning about it in our schools, from our parents, local citizens and the the elderly, applying
it in our lives, and being proud about it, I could say that our customs, traditions and culture
continue to persevere and will later be passed on to the next generation.
As a great man once said, "Ang Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan", we being the
"Kabataan" of today"s generation holds the role or obligation to pass down what we
have gained from our ancestors to the preceeding generations.

Prepared by: Approved by:

Instructor Chairman Social Science Department

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