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On Evaluating the Linthoven Triangle


The authors have attempted to treat a controversial subject in a different way by introducing a
known potential into the cavity of the living human heart and determining the magnitude of this
potential at the extremities. While the data may be subject to various interpretations it is suggested
that this technic may be a valuable tool for further analysis of the spread of potentials in the body.

T HE VALIDITY of the Einthoven tri- Although these experiments indicated that

angle theory has aroused considerable the electrical center of the triangle formed by
controversy among students of electro- the three standard leads approximated the posi-
cardiography for a generation. A variety of tion of the heart, we were unable to exclude the
methods have been used in an effort to prove possibility that the current was traveling over
or disprove the assertion that the triangle some special pathway through the skin or sub-
formed by the three standard leads of the cutaneous tissues and that our findings local-
electrocardiogram conforms to Einthoven's ized the isoelectric point of these tissues rather
postulates. The work of Wilson and his co- than to that of the heart. The logical solution to
workers' in studying the spread of currents this difficulty appeared to be the introduction
from electrodes placed in the cardiac area in of suitable electrical impulses within the heart
the human cadaver stimulated us to perform itself. For this purpose we had made a special
experiments of a somewhat similar nature with solid cardiac catheter* containing two insulated
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electrodes situated on the surface of the body electrodes at its distal end. One electrode was
between which potentials could be impressed. situated at the tip of the catheter but was
These experiments were performed with single buried slightly so that it would not actually
make and break shocks. Similar experiments contact any cardiac structure. The second
performed with 25 cycle alternating current electrode was similarly buried at the side of
have recently been reported by Wilson.2 Our the catheter 2.5 cm. proximal to the tip. The
studies revealed that there were certain points catheter was tested by placing it within the
on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the right ventricle of animals and introducing po-
thorax between which make and break shocks tentials up to 4.5 volts between the electrodes.
produced no resultant deflections in any of No untoward events occurred, such as the
the standard leads of the electrocardiogram. production of arrhythmias, so it was considered
(The electrocardiograph patterns in each lead safe to proceed with human subjects.
were disregarded.) When, however, the elec- The first experiment was performed on Oc-
trodes were moved even slightly away from tober 28, 1948. The special catheter was in-
these points, deflections resulted in the stand- serted into the left antecubital vein and
ard leads. These isoelectric points varied threaded forward into the right auricle under
slightly in position from one individual to fluoroscopic control. The continuity of the
another, but in general, the anterior position electrodes was tested by taking endocardial
was slightly above the xyphoid process in the electrocardiograms. Unfortunately, one lead
midline and the posterior position was almost had been damaged during sterilization and was
exactly opposite on the back. not usable. The experiment was continued by
attaching the intact electrode to one side of
From the Division of Cardiology, Department of the circuit and the other side of the circuit
Medicine. New York University Post-Graduate Medi- was attached to a lead to (1) the left leg and
cal School, New York University-Bellevue Medical
Center, New York, N. Y. *U. S. Catheter Corporation
923 Circulation, Volume III, June, 1951

(2) the right arm. The resistance between the exact anatomic axis could not be accurately
endocardial electrode and the extremities was. measured as it would have been difficult to
constant. An initial reference impulse of 0.05' know which point on the right shoulder to use
volt was used. Deflections were recorded in the for reference.)
standard leads and augmented extremity leads The second experiment was performed on
by a Cambridge Simplitrol Electrocardiograph June 22, 1949. The double endocardial electrode
but were of such small magnitude that quanti-
tative measurement was difficult. (The pat- TABLE 2.
terns from the heart were disregarded.) For Recorded Corrected
this reason the reference current was increased ization Deflections Deflections
to 0.10 volt. Table 1 lists the recorded and cm. mv.
corrected values of these deflections. I 1.4 Make +3.2 +2.3
With a known direction of current from the Break -3.3 -2.3
II 1.35 Make +3.45 +2.6
heart to the leg or in the reverse direction (90 Break over 2.3
or 270 degrees from the horizontal plane) one III 1.5 Make +0.25 +0. 17
Break -0.25 -0.17
TABLE 1. aVR 0.9 Make -2.5 -2.8
Break +2.5 +2 8
Deflections aVL 0.9 Make +1.1 +1.2
Break -1.2 -1.3
cm. I mV. aVF 0.9 Make +1.3 +1.4
I 1.4 Make +0 0 Break -1.3 -1.4
Break 0 0
II 1.4 Make -1.1 -0.79 Voltage = 0.10
Break +1 .1 +0.79
III 1.5 Make -1.3 -0.87 TABLE 3.
Break +1.2 +0.80 Standard- Recorded
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aVR 0 .90 Make +0.35 +0.39 Lead ization Deflections

Break -0.35 -0.39 mV.
aVL, 0.95 Make +0.35 +0.37 I 1.0 Make -0.07
Break -0.35 -0.37
aVF 0.95 Make -0.70 -0.74 Break +0.07
Break +0.70 +0.74 II 1.0 Make -0.45
Break +0.45
Voltage = 0.10 volt III 1.0 Make -0.40
Break +0.40
aVR 1.0 Make +0.25
would expect Lead I to pick up little or no Break -0.25
potential change and leads II and III to be aVL 1.0 Make +0.15
equal. The recorded deflections confirm this. Break -0.15
Similarly aVR and aVL should be approximately aVF 1.0 Make -0.40
Break +0.40
equal and aVF should be double the value of
either of the others. The recorded deflections Voltage = 1.35 volts
are in accord and the sum of the extremity
potentials approximates zero. was inserted into the midportion of the right
Table 2 lists the deflections recorded when auricle by way of the antecubital vein. The
0.1 volt was used in a circuit between the resistance between the two electrodes was
endocardial electrode and the right arm 25,000 ohms. Beginning with 0.08 volt and
electrode. increasing, suitable deflections were produced
Calculation of the direction of the vector of on the Cambridge Simpli-scribe electrocardio-
this current reveals it to be 36 (or 216) degrees graph using 1.35 volts. The axis of the catheter
which corresponds well with the observed was recorded by a spot x-ray film. A reference
anatomic axis from the point of the catheter opaque wire was placed in a vertical axis to the
in the right auricle to the right shoulder. (An right and parallel to the sternum. Table 3 lists

the recorded values of these deflections. Inas- that the results do not warrant detailed analy-
much as the standardization was 1.0 cm. sis. We do not feel that they offer, at present,
throughout, no corrected values are necessary. a definite solution of whether or not the body
Calculation of the vector indicates it to be acts as a homogeneous volume conductor and
approximately 88 degrees which corresponded obeys all of Einthoven's postulates. On the
within the limits of error to the anatomic other hand, the potentials introduced within
axis of the electrodes as observed by x-ray. the heart seem to spread to the surface of the
(It is extremely difficult to determine an exact body in such a way that the resultant deflee-
anatomic axis from a spot film because of such tions correspond within the limits of error to
variable factors as the position of the central the predictions based upon Einthoven's theory.
beam in relation to the plane of the catheter SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
and the plane of the reference vertical line.)
By means of a special double electrode car-
DiscUSSION diac catheter make and break shocks of low
We have recently become acquainted with voltage were introduced within the human
the work of Hafkenschiel and associates3 in heart. The deflections resulting at the surface
which they introduced 25 cycle alternating of the body were recorded by a Cambridge
current into the right ventricular cavity of string galvanometer or Simpli-scribe in the
dogs. Ventricular fibrillation resulted in the standard leads and the augmented extremity
animals with input currents between 1 and potentials. Calculation of the vectors of these
2 milliamperes. Certain differences exist be- currents indicated close conformity with the
tween these experiments and those reported anatomic axis of the electrodes.
in this paper. First, we have used make and It is felt that these experiments, while of a
break shocks at irregular intervals but not preliminary nature, seem to conform within the
oftener than about once per second. Secondly, limits of error to Einthoven's theory. A more
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we used a special catheter in which both elec- detailed study of many cases will be necessary
trodes were so located that neither one could to definitely establish such relationships. rThe
come into contact with the endocardium. In method, though still subject to improvement
the experiments of Hafkenschiel and co-workers and further investigation, should be a useful
the electrodes were silver bands around the tool in investigating the theory of unipolar
circumference of the distal end of the catheter electrocardiography and spatial vectors.
and it would seem that one or both electrodes REFERENCES
touched some part of the endocardium. We 'XIL5ON, F. N., JOHNSTON, F. D., ROSENBAUM, F.
feel that these differences might very well F., AND BARKER, P. S.: On Einthoven's triangle,
account for the fact that we never observed the theory of unipolar electrocardiographic leads,
any arrhythmias in either animal or human and the interpretation of the precordial electro-
cases. While we have had no difficulties in our cardiogram. Am. Heart J. 32: 277, 1946.
limited experience, we would emphasize that F. D.: On the possibility of constructing aIn
it is probably very important that the elec- einthoven triangle for a given sub)ject. Aim.
trodes be prevented from coming into actual Heart J. 37: 493, 1949.
contact with any cardiac structure. The differ- 3 HAFKENSCHIEL, J. H., NEUMANN, A. J., KAY, C.
ence between the use of make and break shocks F., FOLTZ, E. L., TALLEY. I). 1)., AND ZINSSER,
H. F.: A method of studying the attenuation of
and alternating current of various cycle fre- alternating sinusoidal currents introduced into
quencies remains to be studied. the heart in life and death. Am. J. -M. Sc. 219:
These experiments are of such limited scope 583. 1950.

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