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Preface . The importance of Electromagnetic Field Theory is well known in vorious engineering fields. Overwhelming response to our books on various subjects inspired us to write this book. The book is structured fo cover the key aspects of the subject Electromagnetic Field Theory. The book uses plain, lucid language to explain fundamentals of this subject. The book provides logical method of explaining various complicated concepts and stepwise methods to explain the important topics. Each chapter is well supported with necessary illustrations, practical examples and solved problems. All chapters in this book are arranged in a proper sequence that permits each topic to build upon earlier studies. All care has been token to moke students comfortable in understanding the basic concepts of the subject. The book not only covers the entire scope of the subject but explains the philosophy of the subject. This makes the understanding of this subject more clear and makes it more interesting. The book will be very useful not only fo the students but also fo the subject teachers. The students have to omit nothing and possibly have to cover nothing more. We wish fo express our profound thanks to all those who helped in making this book a reality. Much needed moral support and encouragement is provided on numerous occasions by our whole family. We wish to thank the Publisher and the entire team of fomily Technical Publications who. have token immense pain to get this book in time with quolity printing. Any suggestion for the improvement of the book will be acknowledged and well oppreciated. Dedicated to Arjun, Apuroa, Gururaj and Pradnya Co-ordinate Systems and Transformation : Cartesion co- ordinates, Circular cylindrical co-ordinates, Spherical co-ordinates. Vector Calculus : Differential length, Area and volume, Line surfoce ond volume integrals, Del operator, Gradient of a scalar, Divergence of a vector and divergence theorem, Curl of a vector and Stoke's theorem, Laplacian of a scolar. Electrostatics : Electrostatic fields, Coulombs low and field intensity, Electric field due to charge distribution, Electric flux density, Gouss's law - Maxwell's equotion, Electric dipole and flux lines, Energy density in electrostatic fields. Electric Field in Material Space : Properties of materials, Convection and conduction currents, Conductors, Polarization in dielectrics, Dielectric constants, Continuity equation ond reloxation time, Boundary condition. Electrostatic Boundary Value Problems : Poisson's and Laplace's equations,-General procedures for solving Poisson's or Laplace's equations, Resistance and capacitance, Method of images. Unit-I1T_ (Chapters - 7, 8) ‘Magnetostatics : Magnetostotic fields, Biot-Savor's low, Ampere's circuit low, Maxwell's equation, Application of ampere's low, Magnetic flux density - Moxwell's equation, Maxwell's equation for static fields, magnetic scalar and vector potential. ‘Magnetic Forces, Materials and Devices : Forces due to magnetic field, Magnetic torque ond moment, A magnetic dipole, Mognetizotion in materials, Magnetic boundary conditions, Inductors ‘and inductances, Magnetic energy. Unit-TV (Chapters - 9, 10) Waves and Applications : Maxwell's equation, Foraday's low, Transformer and motional electromotive forces, Displacement current, Maxwell's equation in final form. Electromagnetic Wave Propagation : Wave propagation in lossy dielectrics, Plane waves in lossless dielectrics, Plane wave in free space, Plane waves in good conductors, Power and the Poynting vector, Reflection of a plane wave in a normal incidence. Unit-V (Chapter - 11) Transmission Lines : Transmission line parameters, Transmission line equations, Input impedance, Standing wave ratio and power, The Smith chart, Some applications of transmission lines. Table of Contents: = .. Chapter-1 Vector Analysis (1 - 1) to (1-74) Chapter-2 Electric Field Intensity (2-1) to 2-54) Chapter-3 Electric Flux Density and Gauss's Law B-1)to 3-64) Chapter-4 Energy and Potential (4-1) to (4-58) Chapter-5 Conductors, Dielectrics and Capacitance (5 - 1) to (5 - 64) Chapter-6 Poisson's and Laplace's Equation (6-1) to (6-28) Chapter-7 _ Magnetostatics (2-1) to (7-72) Chapter-8 Magnetic Forces, Materials and Inductance (8-1) 10 (8-78) Chapter-9 Time Varying Fields and Maxwells Equati (9-1) to (9-56) Chapler-10 _ Uniform Plane Waves (10-4) to (10-110) Chapler-11 Transmission Lines (11-1) to (11-158) (3) ‘Features of Book 1# Use of informative, self explanatory diagrams, plots and graphs. ‘g Excellent theory well supported with the practical examples and illustrations. '® Important concepts are highlighted using Key Points throughout the book. ‘. Large number of solved examples. {# Approach of the book resembles classroom teaching. i Book provides detailed insight into the subject. * Stepwise explanation to mathematical derivations for easier understanding. Best of Technical Publications As per Revised Syllabus of UPTECH University - 2008 Course Semester - III (ECE) Fundamental of Electronics Devices Bakshi, Godse ‘| S ‘© Digital Electronics Godse + ‘@ Electromagnetic Field Theory Bakshi : He Fundamentals of Network Analysis and Synthesis Bakshi { 4 @ rs) Electromagnetic Field Theory ISBN 9788184316803 Al ights reserved with Technicol Publications. No port of this book should be reproduced in any form, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopy or any information storage ond retrieval system without prior permission in writing, from Technical Publications, Pune. Published by : ‘Technical Publications Pune” #1, Aaa Residency, 412, Shariwar Peth, Pune - 411 030, India. Printer = Alert DTPhioters, Seno, 10/3; Bine- 411 O44 Road, Table of Contents Chapter 4... Vector Analysis \ oes e-nsscazsoverssvvernornnre (he 1) to (1274) 1.1_ Introduction .... 1.2 Scalars and Vectors... 1.2.2 Vector .. 1.2.3 Scalar Field 1.2.4 Vector Field 1.3 Representation of a Vector .. 1.3.1 Unit Vector. 1.4 Vector Algebra .. 1.4.1. Scaling of Vector... 1.4.2 Addition of Vectors 1.4.3 Subtraction of Vectors 143.1 Identical Vectors... . 1.5 The Co-ordinate Systems 1.6 Cartesian Co-ordinate System 1.6.1 Representing a Point in Rectangular Co-ordinate System. 1.6.2 Base Vectors . 1.6.3 Position and Distance Vectors. 1.6.4 Differential Elements in Cartesian Co-ordinate System 1.7 Cylindrical Co-ordinate System. 1.7.1 Base Vectors... . 1.7.2 Differential Elements in Cylindrical Co-ordinate System mesh Bape S abst Dense cages em ES tee 1.7.3 Relationship between Cartesian and Cylindrical Systems 1.8 Spherical Co-ordinate System 1.8.1. Base Vectors sees 1.8.2 Differential Elements in Spherical Co-ordinate System 1.8.3 Relationship between Cartesian and Spherical Systems. 1.9 Vector Multiplication. ‘ we . 1.10.1 Properties of Dot Product. 1.10.2 Applications of Dot Product. 1,11 Vector or Cross Product of Vectors .. 1.11.4. Properties of Cross Product 1.11.2 Applications of Cross Product. 1.12 Products of Three Vectors .. 1.12.1 Scalar Triple Product Characteristics of Scalar Triple Product... 1.12.2 Vector Triple Product. 1.42.21 Characteristics of Vector Triple Product... 1-37 1.13 Transformation of Vectors.....sssssssssssssscccsssssecsssssssssssscsssssssssssssssase = 38 1.13.1 Transformation of Vectors from Cartesian to Cylindrical 1.13.2 Transformation of Vectors from Cylindrical to Cartesian 1.13.3 Transformation of Vectors from Cartesian to Spherical. 1.13.4 Transformation of Vectors from Spherical to Cartesian. 1.13.5 Distances in all Co-ordinate Systems 1.13.6 Transformation of Vectors from Spherical to Cylindrical 1.13.7 Transformation of Vectors from Cylindrical to Spherical 1.14 Types of Integral Related to Electromagnetic Theory. 1.14.1 Line Integral. 1.14.2 Surface Integral 1.14.3 Volume Integral vader fo) > 1.15 Divergence... 1.16 Divergence Theorem... 1.17 Gradient of a Scalar...... 1.17.1 Properties of Gradient of a Scalar 1.18 Curl of a Vector... 1.19 Stoke's Theorem. 1.20 Laplacian of a Scalar... Examples with Solutions... Review Questions... 1-73 2 21) to 2 -54y University Questions... Chapter-2 "Electric Field Intensity: 2.1 Introduction .... 2.2 Coulomb's Law.. .2.1 Statement of Coulomb's Law. Constant of Proportional (K) 2.2.2 Vector Form of Coulomb's Law... 2.2.3 Principle of Superposition 2.24 Steps to Solve Problems on Coulomb's Law. 2.3 Electric Field Intensity... 2.3.4 Units of E. 2.3.2 Method of Obtaining E in Cartesian System... 2.3.3 Electric Field due to Discrete Charges 2.3.4 Important Observations. 2.4 Types of Charge Distributions... 2.4.1 Point Charge 24.2 Line Charge... 24.24 Method ofFindingQfomp,...................... 2.4.3 Surface Charge Petiesgaicierad eM isetes Method of Finding Q from p. 2.4.4 Volume Charge... 2444 Method ofFinding Qfromp,.................... 2.5 Electric Field Intensity due to Various Charge Distributions .. 2.5.1 E due to Line Charge. 2.5.2 E due to Surface Charge ......-..ssssssssesseeesssrsteserssseeeeetesees 25.3 E due to Volume Charge. ..........-sssseeeceececcsssveeseceseeeeeeees 2.6 Electric Field due to Infinite Line Charge ... 2.7 Electric Field due to Charged Circular Ring.. 2.8 Electric Field due to Infinite Sheet of Charge..... Examples with Solutions... Review Questions... University Questions... Chapter ~3\”” Electric Fiux'Density and Gauss'sLaw “i. | (3-1) to (364) 3.1 Introduction ... 3.2 Electric Flux .. 3.2.1 Properties of Flux Lines . 3.3 Electric Flux Density () 3.3.1_Vector Form of Electric Flux Density 3.4_D due to a Point Charge Q. 3.5 Relationship between D and E.... 3.6 Electric Flux Density for Various Charge Distributions ... wie 3-4 364 Line Charge........s.sssscsevsesevssssesessesssessssseesssesesesesies 3-6 3.6.2 Surface Charge .......sscsscsevsesevsessessseceevsceseeeeecsessssecits 3-6 3.6.3 Volume Charge .........csscccccssssesvseesessecesecseecsecssceseeseess 3-7 3.7 Gauss's Law... 3.7.1 Mathematical Representation of Gauss's Law . 3.7.2 Special Gaussian Surfaces 3.8 Applications of Gauss's Law... 3.8.1. Point Charge Uso of Gauss's Law to Obtain D and E. 3.8.2 Infinite Line Charge 3.8.3 Coaxial Cable 3.8.4 Infinite Sheet of Charge. 3.8.5 Spherical Shell of Charge 3.85.1 Variation of E against. 3.8.6 Uniformly Charged Sphere... 38.6.1 Variation of€ againstr. 3.9 Gauss's Law Applied to Differential Volume Element... 3.10 Divergence... 3.10.1. Physical Meaning of Divergence 3.10.2 The Vector Operator V 3.10.3 Divergence in Different Co-ordinate Systems... 3.10.4 Properties of Divergence of Vector Field. 3.11. Maxwell's First Equation .... 3.12 Divergence Theorem Examples with Solutions Review Questions... 3-61 University Questions ... 3-63 Chapter ; 4-.. Energy and Potential Lael os {= 1) to (47°58) 4.1 Introduction... 4-1 4.2 Work Done..... 4-1 4.3 The Line Integral... 4.3.1. Important Comments about Work Done .... 4.4 Potential Difference... Chapter -5 © 4.5 Potential due to Point Charge... 4.5.1 Concept of Absolute Potential . 45.2 Potential due to Point Charge not at Origi 4.5.3 Potential due to Several Point Charges. .........+..+..ssssssssesseseeseeees 4.5.4 Potential Calculation When Reference is other than Infinity..................... 4-15 4.6 Potential due to a Line Charge ... 4.7 Potential due to Surface Charge..... 4.8 Potential due to Volume Charge..... 4.9 Potential Difference due to Infinite Line Charge .... 4.10 Equipotential Surfaces... 4.12 Potential Gradient... 4.12.2 The Vector Operator V (Del)........0.ceeceeeeneretee reenter e tense een en 4.12.3 Properties of Gradient of a Scalar... . 4.13 Energy Density in the Electrostatic Fields. 4.13.1 Energy Stored Interms of D and E . 4.14 An Electric Dipole.. 4.14.1. Expression of E due to an Electric Dipole. 414.2 Dipole Moment ......- 0-0. ce cece ee ee tee ee nent eee ee enone ene eeeneneeee Examples with Solutions Review Questions... University Questions... ductors, Dielectri 5.1 Introduction... 5.2 Current and Current Density... 5.2.1. Relation between Iand J 5.2.2 Relation between Jandp, .... 5.3 Continuity Equation 5.3.1 Steady Current 5.4 Conductors... 5.4.1 Point Form of Ohm's Law 5.4.2 Resistance of a Conductor . 5.4.3 Properties of Conductor. 5.5 Relaxation Time... 5.6 Dielectric Material 5.6.1 Polarization . §.6.2 Mathematical Expression for Polarization . 5.6.3 Properties of Dielectric Materials. 5.6.4 Dielectric Strength 5.7 Boundary Conditions. 5.8 Boundary Conditions between Conductor and Free Space. §.8.1. E at the Boundary. 5.8.2 D,, at the Boundary. 5.8.3 Boundary Conditions between Conductor and Dielectric 5.9 Boundary Conditions between Two Perfect Dielectrics ..... §.9.1 Refraction of D at the Boundary 5.10 Concept of Capacitance... 5.11 Capacitors in Series... 5.12 Capacitors in Parallel .. 5.13 Parallel Plate Capacitor .... 5.14 Capacitance of a Co-axial Cable ..... 5.15 Spherical Capacitor 5.15.1. Capacitance of Single Isolated Sphere . 5.15.2 Isolated Sphere Coated with Dielectric be aif Foye setene eden en obs Sakessesd ae reper ecdong yaya? [tesa egmeee aden 5.16 Composite Parallel Plate Capacitor ... 5.16.1 Dielectric Boundary Normal to the Plates 5.17 Energy Stored in a Capacitor... SATA Energy Density ......sesssseecseeeesseecesteseesseeseneeeeseesseetens 5.18 Method of Images....... 5.18.1. The Image Theory. 5.18.2 Method of Images for Point Charges . Examples with Solutions Review Question: University Questions 6.2 Poisson's and Laplace's Equations... 6.2.1 V? Operation in Different Co-ordinate Systemms..........+.ssssssesseesseereeee 6-2 6.3 Uniqueness Theorem... 6.4 Procedure for Solving Laplace's Equation... 6.5 Calculating Capacitance using Laplace's Equation ..... Examples with Solutions..... Review Questions...... University Questions Chapter «7 ‘Magnetostatics 7.1 Introduction... 7.2 Magnetic Field and its Properties. 7.2.1 Magnetic Field due to Current Carrying Conductor 7.2.2 Magnetic Field Intensity 7.2.3 Magnetic Flux Density ..............seseeeeeeseeeeeeneneeeseseseeeeeeeees 7-4 7.2.4 Relation between Band H........2.2........0, n 7-4 7.3 Biot-Savart Law. 7.4 Hidue to Infinitely Long Straight Conductor..... 7.5 H due to Straight Conductor of Finite Length..... 7.5.4 Sign Convention foro. and ot » 7.6 Hat the Centre of a Circular Conductor... 7.7 Hon the Axis of a Circular Loop . 7.8 Ampere's Circuital Law 7.8.1 Proof of Ampere's Circuital Law 7.8.2 Steps to Apply Ampere's Circuital Law. 7.9 Applications of Ampere's Circuital Law. 7.9.1 Fidve to Infinitely Long Straight Conductor 7.9.2 H due toa Co-axial Cable 7.9.3 Hdue to Infinite Sheet of Current 7.10 Curi..... 7.40.1_Cur in Various Co-ordinate Systems 7.10.2 Properties of Curl... 7.10.3 Physical Significance of a Curl. 7.11 Stoke's Theorem... 7.11.1 Proof of Stoke's Theorem. 7.12_Magnetic Flux and Flux Density... 7.12.1 Maxwell's Equations for Static Electromagnetic Fields. 7.42.2 Application of Flux Density and Flux to Co-axial Cable 7.13 Magnetic Scalar and Vector Potentials... 7.13.1 Scalar Magnetic Potential. . . 7.13.2 Laplace's Equation for Scalar Magnetic Potential . 7.13.3 Vector Magnetic Potential. 7.13.4 Poisson's Equation for Magnetic Field . 7.13.5 A Due to Differential Current Element ..........--02..022s00seseeeeeeeeees 7-52 Examples with Solutions... Review Questions... University Questions 8.1. Introduction ... 8.2 Force on a Moving Point Charge...... 8.3 Force on a Differential Current Element 8.4 Force between Differential Current Elements. 8.5 Magnetic Torque and Magnetic Dipole Moment 8.5.1 Magnetic Moment of a Planar Coil 8.5.2 Magnetic Dipole Moment ..............ccseeeeeeesecesseecessssteteeeeeee 8.6 Nature of Magnetic Materials... 8.6.1 Origin of Magnetic Dipole Moment in the Material ................ccecseeeeeeee 8.6.2 Classification of Magnetic Materials............2.....ssssese see seee este ee 8.7 Magnetization and Permeability. 8.8 Magnetic Boundary Conditions..... 8.8.1 Boundary Conditions for Normal Component. . . 8.8.2 Boundary Conditions for Tangential Component B.9 Magnetic Circuits..... 8.10 Inductance and Mutual Inductance... 8.10.1 Inductance of a Solenoid 8.11 Magnetic Energy..... 8.12 Forces on Magnetic Materials. SER IR 5 RUN ARH ens URD OPER we re Examples with Solutions... Review Questions.... University Questions... 8 - 76 Chapter -9 _.. Timé Varyirig Fields and: Maxwell's Equations - ... 9» 1) to (9-56) 9.1 Introduction .....sseccsscsses 29-1 9.2 Faraday's Law... 9.3 Concept of Displacement Current. 9.4 General Field Relations for Time Varying Electric and Magnetic Fields.... 9.5 Maxwell's Equations... 9.5.1 Maxwell's Equations for Free Space . . 9.5.2 Maxwell's Equations for Good Conductor 9.5.3 Maxwell's Equations for Harmonically Varying Fields 9.6 Boundary Conditions for Time Varying Fields... 9.7 Retarded Potentials ..... 9.8 Phasor Representation of a Vector.. Examples with Solutions. mee ee University Questions Chapter -10. ‘Uniform’Plane'Waves: 10.2 General Wave Equations... 10.3 Uniform Plane Waves in Free Space... 10.3.1 Phase Velocity .... 10.3.2 Relationship between E and Hin Free Space . 10.3.3 Propagation Constant (y) . 10.3.4 Wavelength (1). Phe 2 weQep eee ggde cede 10.9 Oblique Incidence .. 10.4 Uniform Plane Wave in Perfect (or Lossless) Dielectric .. 10.5 Uniform Plane Wave in Lossy Dieletric.. 10.5.1 Uniform Plane Wave in Practical Dielectric 10.6 Uniform Plane Waves in Good Conductor... 10.7 Poynting Vector and Poynting Theorem... 10.7.1 Average Power Density (Pa)... 40.7.2 Integral and Point Forms of Poynting Theorem. . 10.8 Reflection of Uniform Plane Waves ...... 10.8.1 Normal Incidence at Plane Dielectric Boundary. . 10.8.2 Normal Incidence at Plane Conducting Boundary 10.8.21 Standing WaveRafio(SWR).. 10.9.1 Direction Cosines 10.9.2 Oblique Incidence at a Plane Conducting Boundary. Horizontal Polarization Vertical Polarization . . . . wae 10.9.3 Oblique Incidence at a Plane Dielectric Boundary TotalReflecton. 2... ee ee ee eee 10.10 Polarization of Uniform Plane Waves ..... 10.10.1 Linear Polarization 10.10.2 Elliptical Polarization. 10.10.3 Circular Polarization . . . Examples with Solutions ... Review Questions... University Questions... ante olin men tela ibaa Bae 8 ut Chapter - 11°” Transmission Lines” ont (424) to (14 158) 11.1 Introduction .. ww A1-1 11.2 Types of Transmission Lines... 11.3 Transmission Line Parameters ........... 11.4 The Infinite Line ..... 11.4.1. Important Properties of the Infinite Line 11.5 Short Line.. 11.5.1 Determination of Z, for Finite Line Terminated in Z, 11.6 Currents and Voltages Along an Infinite Line... 11.6.1 Attenuation and Phase Constant 41.7 Propagation Constant Interms of Zo. and Zs». 11.7.1. T Section Equivalent Interms of Z, and y. 11.7.2 nSection Equivalent Interms of Zo and y. ..... 11.8 Wavelength and Velocity ... 11.9 Relationship between Primary and Secondary Constants... 11.9.1 Determination of Z, Interms of Primary Constants. 11.9.2 Determination of y Interms of Primary Constants. 11.9.3 Determination of o. and B interms of Primary Constants 11.9.4 Practical Formulae for Underground Cables .. . 11.10 General Solution of a Transmission Line.... 11.11 Physical Significance of General Solution .. 11.12 Application of General Solution to the Particular Cases .... 11.12.1 Finite Line Terminated in Z, 11.12.2 Finite Line Open Circuited at Distant End .... 11.12.3 Finite Line Short Circuited at Distant End. 11.124 Determination of c, f and Primary Constants. enh RE he RAR GE LS tee oa 11.13 Input and Transfer Impedance. 11.14 Conditions for Minimum Attenuation... 11.14.1 Variable L.... 11.14.2 Variable C.... 11.143 R and G for Minimum Attenuation 11.15 Waveform Distortion ... 11.15.1 Distortion Due to Z, Varying with Frequency... . 11.15.2 Frequency Distortion 11.15.3 Phase Distortion 11.16 Dissipationless Line ..... 11.17 Telephone Cable. 11.18 Loading of Lines. 1.18.1. Continuous Loading Advantages... . Disadvantages... 11.18.2 Lumped Loading. . . 11.18.21 Campbel'sEquaion. .. 11-47 11.18.22 Advantages... 11-49 11.18.23 Disadvantages... ee 11-43 Practical Formulae for Z, and y for Loaded Underground Cable . 11.19 Reflection on a Line not Terminated in Z, .... 11.19.1 Reflection Phenomenon... . 11.19.2 Disadvantages of Reflection, 11.19.3 Reflection Coefficient 11.194 Input Impedance Interms of Z, and K ... 11.20 Reflection Loss and Reflection Factor... 11.20.1 Retum Loss Bove haere Sg VMAs heat sent 11.21 Insertion Loss.... 11.21.1 Expression for Insertion Loss..... 11.22 The Line at Radio Frequencies. 11.23 Parameters of the Line at High Frequency . 11.23.1 Parameters of the Open Wire Line at High Frequencies 11.23.2 Parameters of the Coaxial Line at High Frequencies 11.24 Line Constants for Zero Dissipation Line (Dissipationless Line)..11 - 71 1-72 1-75 1-76 11.25 Voltages and Currents on Dissipationless Line .. 11.26 Standing Waves.. 11.27 Standing Wave Ratio (S) 11.27.1 Relation between Standing Wave Ratio (S) and Magnitude 11.28 Input Impedance of the Dissipationless Line .. 11.29 Input Impedance of Open and Short Circuited Lines... 11.29.1 Input Impedance of Short Circuited Line ........... 0-00 seeeceeeeeeeeeeeee 11.29.2 Input impedance of Open Circuited Line ..........eceeeeceeeeeeceseseeess 11.30 Reflection Losses on the Unmatched Line 11.31 The Eighth-Wave Line 11.32 The Quarter-Wave Line .... 11.33 The Half-Wave Line 11.34 Single Stub Matching on a Line ... 11.35 Smith Chart... 11.36 Applications of the Smith Chart. 11.36.1 Measurement of Input Impedance 11.36.2 Measurement of SWR 11.37 Double Stub Impedance Matching on a Line..... 11-109 Examples with Solutions... e111 : Review Questions..... 211 = 154 University Questions... 11 - 157 Vector Analysis 1.1 Introduction Electromagnetics is a branch of physics or electrical enginecring which is used to study the electric and magnetic phenomena. The electric and magnetic fields are closely related to each other. Let us sce, what is a field ? Consider a magnet. It has its own effect in a region surrounding it. The effect can be experienced by placing another magnet near the first magnet. Such an effect can be defined by a particular physical function. In the region surrounding the magnet, there exists a particular value for that physical function, at every point, describing the effect of magnet. So field can be defined as the region in which, at each point there exists a corresponding value of some physical function. ‘Thus field is a function that specifies a quantity everywhere in a region or a space. If at each point of a region or space, there is a corresponding value of some physical function then the region is called a field. If the field produced is due to magnetic effects, it is called magnetic field. There are two types of electric charges, positive and negative. Such an electric charge produces a field around it which is called an electric field. Moving charges produce a current and current carrying conductor produces a magnetic field. In such a case, electric and magnetic fields are related to each other. Such a field is called electromagnetic field. The comprehensive study of characteristics of electric, magnetic and combined fields, is nothing but the engineering electromagnetics. Such fields may be time varying or time independent. It is seen that distribution of a quantity in a space is defined by a field. Hence to quantify the ficld, three dimensional representation plays an important role. Such a three dimensional representation can be made easy by the use of vector analysis. The problems involving various mathematical operations related to the fields distributed in three dimensional space can be conveniently handled with the help of vector analysis. A complete pictorial representation and clear understanding of the fields and the laws governing such fields, is possible with the help of vector analysis. Thus a good knowledge of vecior analysis is an essential prerequisite for the understanding of engineering (1-1) Electromagnetic Field Theory 1-2 Vector Analysis electromagnetics. The vector analysis is a mathematical shorthand tool with which electromagnetic concepts can be most conveniently expressed. This chapter gives the basic vector analysis required to understand engincering electromagnetics. The notations used in this chapter are followed throughout this book, to explain the subject. 1.2 Scalars and Vectors ‘The various quantities involved in the study of engineering electromagnetics can be classified as, 1.Scalars and 2. Vectors 1.2.1 Scalar The scalar is a quantity whose value may be represented by a single real number, which may be positive or negative. The direction is not at all required in describing a scalar. Thus, A scalar is a quantity which is wholly characterized by its magnitude. The various examples of scalar quantity are temperature, mass, volume, density, speed, electric charge etc. 1.2.2 Vector A quantity which has both, a magnitude and a specific direction in space is called a vector. In electromagnetics vectors defined in two and three dimensional spaces are required but vectors may be defined in n-dimensional space. Thus, A vector is a quantity which is characterized by both, a magnitude and a direction. The various examples of vector quantity are force, velocity, displacement, electric field intensity, magnetic field intensity, acceleration ete. 1.2.3 Scalar Field A field is a region in which a particular physical function has a value at each and every point in that region. The distribution of a scalar quantity with a definite position in a space is called scalar field. For example the temperature of atmosphere. It has a definite value in the atmosphere but no need of direction to specify it hence it is a scalar field. The height of surface of earth above sea ievel is a scalar field. Few other examples of scalar field are sound intensity in an auditorium. light intensity in a room, atmospheric pressure in a given region etc. 1.2.4 Vector Field If a quantity which is specified in a region to define a field is a vector then the corresponding field is called a vector field. For example the gravitational force on a mass

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