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The stolen kid of Huancavelica.

It happens that when the men were in constant quarrel, some bad men came to this town
of Huancavelica to carry out a kidnapping and kill the son of the Incas of the
Tahuantinsuyo. The mother, the beautiful Puyhuan Huayra, did not know of the deception
of these men, because the little eldest infant of her brothers had to reign the Qosqo one
day, and they called him Cusi Huallpa.

In order to carry out the atrocious work, these bad men pretended to be very friendly with
the boy, even visiting his mother's relatives, who lived far away in order to steal and kill
the boy.

The Inka, aware of the invitation of these men, was grateful and accepted that his son, the
infant Cusi Huallpa, go to visit the relatives accompanied by twenty warriors, in charge
of guarding the life of the future king, and it was that at night he entered Puyhuan Huayra
dreams, he hears a voice that tells him: You will save yourself, your little one too, but
they will all perish. That said, the dawn came and the storm fell, the sky darkened and the
hills rumbled, the mamapacha opened, there would be cliffs, they all fell and perished, it
was a miracle of the god Huanca Willca who had saved them by being in these lands.

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