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Edi Pujo Basuki, Nailul Authar

Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Abstract: Animal Farm has been called George Orwell’s most ferocious
propaganda (Voorhees, 1961 quoted in Jasim, M. H. and Aziz, Fatimah H). This
novel is a satire referring to a communist regime persistently utilizing the kind of
hypocritical propaganda merely for the purpose of keeping its totalitarian regime in
power.. Animal Farm demonstrates more of such manipulative discourse, and this
will be the focus of the study. The contribution of this study is that understanding
manipulative discourse and its strategies gives a view of manipulative mechanism
and thereby help people recognizing any hegemony form by those in power. The
framework of the study applied Cognitive Pragmatics for Manipulative Discourse
and Relevance Theory. The result of the study describes the characters that represent
manipulative discourse as well as the types of the employed strategies (both global
and local, both linguistic and non-linguistic ones). Manipulative discourses
employed in the novel are produced or reproduced for two main general purposes.
Firstly, the political discourses produced by Old Major is to convince all the animals
of the necessity to fight against the human being for the freedom of the animals. The
ideology exercised by the animals is anti-human ideology. Secondly, the
manipulative discourses produced and reproduced by the pigs are to exercise their
domination over the rest of the animals. The ideology of the pigs’ racism is exercised
to gain more power, more privilege, and more access to the farm resources.

Keywords: Orwel Animal Farm, manipulative discourse, Critical Discourse


1. PREFACE manipulative in nature (Pratkanis and

Narration has important role in Aronson, 1991) and illegitimate social
political discourse, particularly for a practice or discourse practice (van Dijk),
ruling party, to maintain domination and then understanding manipulative
excerse their power over those dominated discourse is of a necessity to uncover the
or less dominant. For sustained unfairness of the dominant group. For
domination, narration or political this, Critical Discourse Analysis is
discourse is puposefully framed to required. And the focus of this study is
influence the target audience to think and manipulative discourse employed in
act as intended by the ruler, as Fiske Orwel’ Animal Farm.
(1994) said, “words are never nuetral”. A
ruling party is the dominant party, and it 2. RESEARCH METHODS
tends to use propaganda (through The research approach of this study
narration). Since propaganda is was descriptive qualitative research. It

Education and Human Development Journal Volume 4. Nomor 1. April 2019

relied on textual data analyzed primarily 3. RESEARCH RESULTS AND

by non-statistical methods. The DISCUSSION
researcher made interpretation of the Manipulative discourses employed in
data. This included developing the novel are produced or reproduced for
description, analyzing data for theme or two main general purposes. Firstly, the
categories, and finally made political discourses produced by Old
interpretation or drawing conclusions Major is to convince all the animals of the
about its meanings (Cresswell,2003: 208- necessity to fight against the human being
209;). for the freedom of the animals. The
Speciffically the framework of this ideology exercised by the animals is anti-
research was Critical Discourse Analysis human ideology. Secondly, the
in general and Manipulative Discourse manipulative discourses produced and
Analysis in particular “integarting (a) reproduced by the pigs are to exercise
analysis of text, (b) analysis of processes their domination over the rest of the
of text production, consumption, and animals. The ideology of the pigs’ racism
distribution, and (c) socio-cultural is exercised to gain more power, more
analysis of discursive event (in this case, privilege, and more access to the farm
a political speech)” (Fairclough, 1995: resources.
23). Specifically, the answers to the first
From the discourse structures and the research question are grouped
employed in the speech and by applying under two main themes: (1) human
the principles of the ideological strategy domination and (2) the pigs’ domination
operation (manipulation concept), the deployed into sub-themes:(a) the pigs’
ideological content or mission could be hegemony, (b) history manipulation
investigated and identified. The structure covering (b-1) war history manipulation,
of ideology of mission are be investigated (b-2) political system manipulation
and identified, and each discourse
Period of Human Domination
structure is linked with the ideology
Under the domination of Man, the
structure or mission. After identified, the
manipulative discourses produced by Old
link is discussed in details so as to show
Major are intended for framing (1) the
the cognitive process or the strategies or
very suffering of the animals, (2) the
discurse structure construction
greed and the cruelty of Man toward the
controlled by the ideology mission. in
animals, (3) in-group ideology of the
effort to win the consent of the animal.
animals(4) the generaton-to-generation’s
The results are displayed in categories,
dream of the golden future time.
each showing how the manipulative
The strategies employed for the
discourse structures employed are
framing (1) utilize (i) narrative to touch
affected by the identified ideological
them how miserable the whole life they
structure, mission or intention. Finally,
lead with (ii) high level of details
conclusions are drawn to answer all the
regarding their shortened life-span and
research questions.
the terrifying way their life shall end and
(iii) lexicalization with diction such

Edi Pujo Basuki, Nailul Authar - Manipulative Discourse In George Orwel’s Animal Farm

“miserable”, “laborous”, “short life” and represent them as strong creatures, and
(iv) paraphrasing to intensify the level of (iii) metaphor “golden future time” to
their miserable life and further emphasize motivate them to struggle harder for their
with (v) language style of paradox so as freedom and future.
to make the animals unhappy. Finally, of the manipulative
The strategies employed for the discourses produced under human
framing (2) utilize (i) argumentation domination, the global coherence was
genre to identify the cause of their misery constructed that the animals’ ironic
or who to blame by employing (ii) suffering- for the fact that their soil is
negative lexicalization for Man to fertile and capable of providing
emphasize the evil of Man and (iii) abundance of food for them-was due to,
contrast to show the wide gap between the firstly, the greed of Man who only takes
biggest contribution of the animals to and never givesand, secondly, his very
Man and the zero contribution of Man to cruel treatment in the way he takes their
the animals. Injustice or unfairness of lives. The implicature conveyed is then
Man’s consduct is emphasized. “Remove Man” meaning rebellion is the
The strategies employed for the only solution. Besides freedom,
framing (3) utilize (i) a negative motivation to have a bonus of “golden
presupposition to frame negative future time is the very reason for their
presentation of an out-group called Man independence.
with a negative predicator “evil”, in term
Period of Pigs’ Domination
of ideology, called “enemy” or
Under the domination of the pigs, the
“antagonist”, (ii) contrast to promote anti-
manipulative discourses produced by the
human norms and values or not to adopt
pigs are intended for (1) hegemony over
human habits, (iii) lexicalization such as
the animals and (2) history manipulation
maxim “Four legs good, two legs bad”
covering (b-1) war history manipulation,
and egalitarian addresses like “brothers”,
(b-2) political system manipulation
“friends”, and “comrades”, and all these
are intended to unite all the animals into Pigs’ hegemony
one strong group with an in-group’ Hegemony by the pigs is no longer to
system of beliefs commonly called group unite the animals to fight for freedom but
ideology. But the main goal of such to gain more power for the pigs’
framing is to overthrow Man. In short, for domination and to gain more privilege
rebellion. which both lead to moreaccess to the
The strategies employed for the resources of the Animal Farm.
framing (4) utilize (i) narrative in the The strategies employed for (1)
form of song to describe the animals’ hegemony utilize (i) lexicalization by
dream from generation to generation as labelling “brainworkers” to themselves,
vision and missions of the in-group’s (ii) presupposition (by claiming) “We the
struggle for their future victory, (ii) pigs are brainworkers” or “[we] are the
lexicalization to encourge the animals to brain of the farm” to convey implicature
fight with the choice of word “ beasts” to that the pigs deserve better position and

Education and Human Development Journal Volume 4. Nomor 1. April 2019

higher privilege, (iii) passive sentence to main goal is to avoid debate and voting to
detopicalize the in-group actor of selfish zero the animals’ chance of interfering
action verb to downgrade the negative the pigs’ interest and finally to gain more
things of the pigs, and (iv) disclaimer not power. The global coherence regarding
to be considered as selfish pigs although the policy making was constructed that
consuming the nice food resource, “the the fact is “the disagreement in a meeting
whole milk and apples” using (v) caused conflict”, “the fact is the dogs
argumentation with scientific reason. attacked Snowball”, Napoleon stated his
Regarding the food resources, the conclusion “they were unnessary and
hegemony is intended to build global wasted of time”. The corrective action
coherence that their role is vital for the then is “no more Sunday meeting”. The
good of the Animal Farm which means all subtitute of it is “a speacial commttee of
the animals, that is, having enough food pigs” presided by Napoleon. Sunday
and preventing external threat referring to meeting becomes the day of receiving
the come-back of Jones. order from the pigs. And, the implication
is this new system gives chance of
Political system gaining absolute power to Napoleon.
At the beginning the policy making
procedure was already established as Windmill project
stated in the novel that “ it had come to be Originally the windmill project was
accepted that the pigs, who were the idea of Snowball, but finally the idea
manifestly cleverer than the other of windmill project was realized by
animals, should decide all questions of Napoleon. Manipulative discourse was
farm policy, though their decisions had to produced to maintain the positive
be ratified by a majority vote”. They had representation of Napoleon. Squaeler
democracy in decision making. created manipulative past narrative to
But due to the conflict resulted from deceive the animals that the idea of
the rivalry between Napoleon and building a windmill was actually the idea
Snowball, which led to dogs’ attack at of Napoleon not Snowball. The goal of
Snowball, Napoleon made use of the such manipulative past narrative is to
situation to stop the democracy and to frame Napoleon as a super competent pig
start a totalitarian system. Sunday to trust and rely, and ,on the contrary, to
meeting is no longer for a meeting but frame Snowball as a “dangerous
receiving instruction to work. The character” or “a thief” to blame. The final
strategies employed for (2) political goal is to control the resources, the
system manipulation utilize (i) discourse productive windmill. The strategies
form of argumentation to convince the employed for (3) the windmill project
animals by using (ii) presupposition that history manipulation utilize (i)
impirically “discussion and voting is presupposition consisting of negative
ineffective and inefficient” The fact, the predicator “stolen” an negative actor,
meeting caused conflict and chaos (the Snowball, and the stolen important object
dog’s attack) and “wasted time”, The “the plan of the wind mill” belongs to

Edi Pujo Basuki, Nailul Authar - Manipulative Discourse In George Orwel’s Animal Farm

Napoleon to frame the negative brain of the farm” has implication that the
Snowball, but to frame the positive pigs deserve higher privilege, moreover
Napoleon and (ii) lexicalization for the pig Napoleon is “Leader”. An
negative labelling to Snowball and exception for the pigs is necessary for the
positive labelling to Napoleon. The dignity of “Leader”. For the resolutions
coherence constructed shows that the against “a bed”, “killing other animal”,
relation between the proposition and “alcohol”, the pigs used redefinition
“Snowball made the plan of the windmill presupposition strategy so that the
project” and the proposition “The plan of meanings change by secretly adding two
the windmill which Snowball drew on the words to each resolution for the benefits
floor had been stolen from among of the pigs. The resolution “No animal
Napoleon’s papers” is contrast. shall sleep in a bed” is added with “with
sheet”, then it reads “No animal shall
Animalism principles manipulation sleep in a bed with sheet. The original is
The original principles of Animalism against “a bed”, then it is against “sheets”.
are those as presented by Old Major So, what is forbidden is shifted from
before his death (see Quote 5). But after “bed” to the newly added “sheet”. The
the rebellion the principles of Animalism, resolution “No animal shall kill other
one by one, were manipulated by the pigs. animal” is added with “without a cause”,
Finally, all of the principles, after then it reads “No animal shall kill other
manipulated, were erased and subtitute animal without a cause. So, the pigs can
with a singel maxim. Nine stages of kill other animal by stating cause like
manipulation were done by the pigs. The “traitor”. The resolution “No animal shall
manipulated principles changed into the drink alcohol” is added with “to excess”,
opposite in meaning, that is then it reads “No animal shall drink
cronologically, (a) resolution against alcohol to excess. So, it is ok for the pigs
trades and money becomes legal, (b) to drink. This strategy is effective because
resolution against living in a house, (c) most of the animal cannot read and never
resolution against a bed. (d) resolution pay attention any writing. For the first
against killing other animals, (e) commandment, the second
resolution against alcohol, (f) anything commandment, the fifth commandment
goes on two legs is an enemy (g) anything and the seventh commandment, the pigs
goes on four legs or with wings is a used hegemony and propaganda.”.
friend, (h) resoultion against clothes, (i) Finally, when the shocked animals
all animals are equal.The main goal of all checked the Seven Commandment. They
the principles manipulation is to gain found all were gone, subtituted with a
absolute power. The strategies employed single maxim: All Animals Are Equal But
for all manipulation made to the Some Animals Are More Equal Than
principles of Animalism mostly utilize Others
presupposition. By erasing the Seven
For the resolution against a house, Commandments and subtituting it with
the pigs used presupposition “the pigs the maxim “All animals are equal, but some

Education and Human Development Journal Volume 4. Nomor 1. April 2019

animals are more equal than the others”, negative labeling for the human being,
the pigs were trying to confuse the high level of details of the animals’
animals, then they would rely on and suffering description to emotionally drive
obey the pigs. The hidden intention of them to do rebellion against the human
changing the Seven Commandments into being, and contrast to show the wide gap
one maxim is to leave zero chance for the between the human’s well-being and the
animals to question or think of the animals. The linguistic strategies
manipulated principles of Animalism and employed covered lexicalization,
with their presuposition “the pigs are implication building, level-of-details
more equal or above the non-pig animals building, contrast, disclaimer,
to constantly exercise the pig’s propositional structure exploitation,
domination over the rest of the animals. narrative, argumentation, language style
No more Animalism for Animal Farm but of paradox and syntax exploitation, all to
racism, the ideology of the racist pigs. convince the animals in order that they
The global coherence built during the trust and follow the pigs. Presupposition
pigs domination is to frame the pigs strategies, particularly definition and
positively with presupposition “we the redefinition presuppositions, were
pigs are the brain of the farm” and employed for the Animalism’s principle
lexicalization “brainworkers”. The manipulation. The constructs of both
political system was changed into global and local coherence were made to
totalitarian by making use of conflict benefit the pigs by framing the positive
situation they created. Finally all the representation of the pigs and
principles were erased when the pigs consequently they shall cognitively
reached the to position to control the deserve better status with better privilege
animals and resources of the farm. and finally with better access to
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