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Peer Evaluation Form

Write the name of each of your group members below. Rate how well they performed in the given
assessment activity.

Peer eval: ____
Peer eval average = (Peer eval total) x 10 / Number of group members
Total FA3 grade = (Group grade x .50) + (Pe
er eval average x .50)

Group Member (Name) Collaboration Productivity Computed

Anna Manansala 4 3 8
Rey Angelo Reyes 5 4 12
Gerlene Tongo 4 3 10
Angelica Victoria Tiongson 5 5 13

Refer to the rubric below for your scoring:

Excellent- 5 Great- 4 Good- 3 Fair- 2 Poor- 1

Initiates healthy Respectfully Respectfully Responses are Never reached

conversations replies to all replies to other late with out to the
and questions to members in less members in no generic excuses group
further improve than a day with more than a day. and did not
everyone’s useful help in
outputs. information. Aware of their reaching out to
part and tasks to other members.
Always replies Aware of be done.
immediately with everyone’s tasks Does not
useful and all the tasks respect other
information. to be done. members.

Always listens to Listens to others’

everyone’s feedback

Productivity Excellent- 5 Great- 4 Good- 3 Fair- 2 Poor- 1

Accomplished Accomplished Accomplished Produced on Did not

their assigned their assigned their assigned time but with produce
tasks tasks with tasks completely minimum anything useful
impressively and impressive without the need effort for their before the
helped others effort. for revisions or assigned task. deadline.
improve their reminders.
work. Assigned task
was Assigned task
Assigned task accomplished was completed
was early. on time.

Helped the group

stay motivated.

Feedback on group dynamics:

1. How effectively did your group work?

- group work together to complete a task in agreed time, with each member contributing to the
team accordingly to our skills, experience and personality.

2. Were the behaviors of any of your group members particularly valuable or detrimental to the team?

- The team members behavior particularly valuable to the team members were their willingness to
cooperate and share our learning and knowledge. Prioritizing our own interests over team goals
and lack of commitment to the goals. Team conflicts and bias of opinions are also detrimental to
team work.

3. What did you learn about working in a group from this project that you will carry into your next
group experience?
- Importance of initiatives and communication with our team members to build understanding.
Sharing information, listening to the problems of the group members, cooperating for effective
solutions are some of the learnings from the project. The efforts of the team members for
contribution to the goals is essential for team motivation and morale.

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