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Definition of money; something generally accepted as a meduim of

exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment. (Merriam
Webster). We all want it but just do not know how to get it on a
consistent basis. This ebook will help you create streams of income and
show you how to plan for profits daily.
Know your numbers
Lets break down the $5k. Weekly its $1250 and daily its $167. You need
to know how you are goin to make $167 every day. Some days you
make more while others you make less but it all should add up to $1250
at end of week. Be sure to write down all your monthly bills then
double that number to know how much money you really need each
Get to the money
Many of you are spa/beauty professionals which means you have to
physically work/leave your house to make money. We all must have
multiple streams of income. Lets take one skill and monetize from it 5
ways to make $5k in the next 30 days.
Massage therapy, Lash tech, Skin Care, Nail tech, and etc
1.What services do you offer? You need more than one reason for
people to call your phone. If you only offer one service learn some new
techniques so you can attract new clients.

2.What products do you sale? Your product does not have to be related
to what you do. If possible sale more thsm one item.

3.What events are you working or hosting? You must get people in
groups. Events are so important. You can meet alot of people at one
time and crowd marketing profits bring in bank. You must get outside
your spa.

4.Who are you collaborating with? You can not be the only person
talking about your business. You need to be working with others so cash
is always flowing.

5.Marketing is King!!!!!!!!! This is how you will make your $5k every
month. Each day you must wake up with a number ($187). You must
have a plan each day of how you are going to make that money.
For example
Today I knew people would call about this class at the last minute. Once
they called not only did I get them to sign up for class but I moved them
to the next level in my program which is $300. You must have a system
of how to move each client to premium prices.

You must know how to close the sale. Once you have the client in your
spa its your job to get them to return which will ensure your $5k.

Your books should be full the week before. Each month you should be
able to see your $5k from all your hard work from the previous month.

Each hour of the day should be accounted to you making profit and
being productive. You should plan each day and know what you will be
selling. The hard part is getting the clients. You must have a plan of
action each day to get people's eyes on your business.
1. blog feature
2.word of mouth
4.brand ambassador
5.networking events
These are only a few but check out the marketing ebook it has 100 ways
to market your business.

Write down all your skills and monetize off each one. You could do
ebooks, art of massage class for date night, skin care classes (teach
people how to take care their skin), if you do lashes learn how to do
brows too, if you have a product or offer classes its no reason you can
not easily make $5k per month.
Notes from Jorden (an 8 year old with common sense)
work hard everyday
pass out your cards to many people as possible
do your own periscopes
do not be scared to talk to people
give alot of details about your amazing business
make sense when you talk to people
follow us on periscope, instagram and facebook
six figure spa chick
spa awards December 16 tickets go on sale June 1 only $150 this will
sell out be sure to rsvp (location Atlanta)
Im coming to a city near you class $300 payment plans available

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